Why are all gemstones female qts?
Houseki no Kuni
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This is a bad thread and you should feel bad.
How to start a thread in the worst way possible.
So you’ll be baited into watching their show.
>living in men's monastery
What is the translation status?
It's okay to like boy butts, bro.
because how else are you supposed to talk about it?
I refuse to think of them as male or genderless
I'm a retard who made the reading order left to right without thinking that the ballons reading order is right to left but I think that the point that Padparadscha is so fucking cooler than you gets across
>Phos loses most of his body mass yet still remembers everything about him, and cherishes amd memorizes his advice
>84 idolizes him, when he feels like he has to be the voice of reason he literally quotes Padparadscha
Did you keep your cool today?
All of the 11 pages that are out are more or less roughly translated IIRC
Sensei is truly a master sculptor
kys then
Kill yourself, redditor.
Do amputation fetishists love this show?
Then frankly you're too weak for this series.
A male lunarian literally married a rock. Not even them consider the gems somewhat boyish.
these arent females, though
Hell, an amputation fetishist writes it.
>broke even more off of Phos
>made a hole in Shinsha for even more mercury to pour out of
Die, heretic.
adding a penis to a rock is a sin and you should feel bad
So is this just anime steven universe?
>wear wedding dresses to bed
You need to die.
>yo Phos whats up with your arms
>haha it's fine Shinsha, dont I look cool with the new arms www
Phos is a dumbass.
It's made by a lesbian.
Tolerant homos, everyone!
well then what you think is simply wrong and youre a closeted homo.
just started watching
is the teacher a mineral himself, or ...? what is he even
TL when
is a sex machine
What I like about that interaction is that Shinsha acts as a tsundere but understands Rutile is actively trying to ship the two of them, whereas Phos not only doesn't realize but can't help but apply the same embarassment he suddenly felt when the gems made him realize his arms were weird even if Shinsha didn't consider them so
i dont see what the stakes in the anime are, since no character can really die
They can be abducted by the moon people who are completely mysterious but are said to be making jewels out of them which would be a bit like dying if they're never reformed.
Also they can lose parts of themselves and literally part of their memories and self along with those.
>he doesn’t know
which gem has the best gempussy?
oof, just imagined how unenjoyable sex with a gem would be
phos is dead inside
why not?
I don't know, but I'm sure it's 100% for plot reasons.
buttmad quack
My Rutile is dead.
how many manga chapters does the anime cover?
But they're canon genderless. It's a plot point, and the disconnect their pronouns have against what the moonies give them is part of their characterization.
About 30 I think
Why was Shinsha even there during the day
Its so sad how Phos is trying shoulder his trauma alone
Nice buttplug.
cute phossu!
For god sake post the entire chapter.
But the mangaka said they were deigned with boy upper bodies and female lower bodies so those are still girll butts
>Rutile fucking hates Phos now
That makes me sad, they used to have a nice relationship.
Dumb Phos ruins everything.
maybe they can mold their shape into the perfect opening for pressure applied in a slightly compressive smooth tight space and you can lube it or they add some of their own plant stuff
it would probably be pretty ok
>not wanting to shred you dick into a fine mush on minerals
>Gems aren't feminine brah
>Aechmea wants to fuck a gem because of how feminine they are
>Have benis
They are girls for sure.
Can I grab full chapter in nip somewhere? I need some practice...
season 2 when?
The answer is in the post you're quoting: Rutile told her becuase she used to ship them.
>Phos wakes up everyone
>Rutile tells Phos to bring Shinsha the outfit change
>single moment of forgetfulness but then feels too shy
>Rutile goes in the cave, has a little chat with him, probably performs the yearly examination, totally tells him about Phos
>Phos gets powdered, gets embarassed about the arms, asks Rutile about Shinsha
>"why don't you see for yourself :^)"
>Phos goes outside, finds Shinsha who's likely out to check on him
>Shinsha doesn't seem particularly surprised but asks anyway as a way to show she cares
>Phos is still his dumbass self at least with him so Shinsha can resume the tsundere act
Look at those two cuties being absolutely baffled at the whole situation
Also seeing as this is the second page and it's 388 and the last one is 406, it's another
>do you want more than 20 pages?
Did somebody mention genderless female gems?
Literally Sensei's A E S T H E T I C S
He sculpts them.
CG garbage.
Holy shit Rutile.
I hadn't realised this. Thanks for explaining user.
pray for it
he has good taste
yep. this is why I stopped watching (((american))) cartoons in 2005
Also they wear pretty dresses for hibernation and Barbata's first instinct is to call Phos a lady. They're genderless but look more feminine.
So yandere rock is a thing.
>Too focused playing shitty tablet game
>Forgot about piloting the ship
>Landed right in front of patrolling zoomer gems
I thought Phos couldn't be dumber but here we are.
I dunno lad, Shinsha seems surprised about the arms
looking at the mercury bubbles
Gems are born fully formed though, it can be seen with the ruby abortion that Phos and Antarc witness
What he does is giving them eyeballs and "fine-tuning their features" (what's most likely is that's partly because they shatter a bit on impact, partly because of particular formations like crazy hair, Amethysts being twins, double layers like Ghost, weird cleavage like Euclase etc)
Indeed it's true that he looks disquieted at first, although much less so than everyone else. Still, their meetings after Phos has substituted a part of himself becomes a bit of a recurring moment and that's really the only time when we see Shinsha around in the daylight after chapter 3 so it's perfectly reasonable to imply from that fact and Rutile's words that he was going to check on Phos .
I hope they all die screaming
I hope the damn flower faggot comes with his armada of ship and nukes that fucking island
I fucked them to femininity
Give me an hour and I'll post it.
Oh right it's monday already in moonland
That's a big mad right there
I LOVE user
i'm trusting in you user
Can someone post the gif of Phos with broken arms swinging them?
>Sensei is effectively broken, maybe beyond repair
I can think of a worthy substitute.
Yes please.
It breaks my heart to see Rutile like that, he's probably my favourite after Fossu
This needs an update, Shinsha is no more in necessary.
Rutile's hand inside Paprika's hole will never not be absurdly erotic holy shit
>draw phos eating pho
>drawing food
fuck off and die your translations are garbage
I'll believe it when I see Alex being able to wave her hands and turn things into lotus petals
The lotus is temporary. The ahoge is eternal.
I miss this thing. Made me nostalgic for my cat.
You obviously haven't seen Bort.
Pretty brave to say that when multiple characters have had haircuts already
Did I hear loonies fucking gems?
Incidentally, that's Red Beryl's face when she realizes that she can FINALLY make Phos a new outfit now that his moon clothes are destroyed, which she's been trying to do since the post-Antarc winter.
Gather around, good Yea Forumsnons.
even without body Lapis is smug
Is this just more leaks, or the full chapter drop?
I apologize if the size is too small.
Oh shit!
Domo arigato user-san
So the dogs were like a digital game on a display?
Melon and Hemimor continue to be best rocks
What ungrateful poisonous bitch. Doesn't even look Phos in the eyes. To the grinder she must go!
cute jail!
>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in Sensei Academy, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on the school, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top scholar on land and the moon. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with running from me on this dark cloud? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of lunarians across the six moons and your trail is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, dog. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Lunarian Science Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of this rock, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" joke was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
See, so Shinsha is effectively consuming Phos's dismembered left arm
Just imagine for how long that wood autist wanted to make a giant cage but couldn't get his project approved because there was no need for it
Looks like I came at just the right time, thank you user
All this retarded trannies triggered.
>moon control room with tech guys
I don't know if this is silly or awesome
Dumb rocks only stare.
Look the moonies
>holy shit it's fucking happening!
he's wearing gloves
Being Phos is suffering.
Earth gems are faggots
Aand that's all.
It was not unreasonable to presume ill intent from their point of view
thank you user
so all the happening was already in the leaks
better than the Karen-heavy chapters, starts to clear some doubts about Sensei, but little else really
So, what the fuck just happened?
What did Kongo say here ?
The fuck was that?
Thanks, I love you.
Houseki NO cunny, user
oh goodie
Why must phos suffer so.
That cage is tall as fuck
the master is a moonman himself, isnt he?
I couldn't decide if that was Shinsha secreting mercury or just the phosphophyllite shoulder leaking gold but the next page makes it clearer it's the second
I wonder why the moonies' description has that parenthesys in their name
>You little
>ET come in peace
>See? Nothing to kill you morons with
>So can you take me to Adamant? Me and my nigga gotta chat
>Thanks for keeping him still
>Hey ugly
>Think I should wear his arm as a hat to look cute?
>Sounds good
>So I don't wanna sound unappreciative but
>Me and Sensei really gotta chat
>Think you can help a brotha out?
>Ya'll niggas sure he can't slide out?
>This little ass has been sneaking out of tighter holes for a while, pretty sure this won't hold.
>Fuck off
>'ey bitch
So, who else is prepared for the "Phos is locked in a box until he's forgotten about" timeskip chapter?
He's exactly what he looks like.
>this might be the last time we get to see Phos deforming his arms for dumb reasons
ye he's suggesting they keep part of the alloy away so Phos cant reform/escape, explains the baby arms in the cage
What a smart child.
That's pretty good
>Sup moron, your boi is here to meet you
>Hey man
>So can you like pray for the moon niggas an shit
>All of this will fucking stop if you do your goddamn job robot
Too much word but pretty much
>We all suffering cause you stupid
>Just make everyone poof and this'll stop, maybe Euclase will stop looking retarded too
Thank you, blessed user.
Reminder that the gems have no dicks or vaginas, and that they are sexier that way.
What if Phos loss permanently his other leg?
We already know Phos is going to get a carnelian and a ruby graft at some point. Seems like shattering Phos so much is going to lead into those final replacements.
that sword panel is so iconic of the author's style
zero movment
>Obsidian in the left page.
So now phos will be kept in a jar for all future gems to look at with :"here suffers a traitor" wittren on it
The end.
If they even want to fix her
>yfw Phos literally got fucked because a mobile game
earth gems are MANLETS!
Well, at least it's confirmed they attacked him because he reached for Sensei. So there's a possibility they'll put him together again.
It's not going to be any of the Earth gems, it's potentially too much trouble even if they were feeling sorry for Phos. The lunarians aren't coming for Phos, Sensei might, the admirabillis have no way of knowing unless someone was conveniently at the island at that time
everyone threw their swords? kek brutal
The only page with some relevant text that hasn't been translated yet is the moon tech room one
Everything else is really understandable by context
I don't think so, from the beginning they took away his parts, I see no reason why they let Phos regenerate again
>The robot is beginning to activate! These energy readings are off the charts!
>Alright, maybe we can use some of that output to increase the size of these raws so I can make out this fucking kanji
>Yo! This is-
>This stupid fucking rock actually got him working for the first time ever
>Call my bottom bitch, we about to get all 3rd Impact up in this
>Ha, thought I'd actually do it? Didn't your sugar daddy on the moon say I was broken?
>Why man?
>Hurr durr, if I knew I would tell ya. This is the face you're making right now
>Listen, I ain't gonna pray for no moonies. They ain't good enough for that shit so stop asking for them
Now we wait for PAS to typeset and we're done.
I have no idea what is going on btw
don't shoot the messenger
Or they might give {hos to Rutile to shatter to dust and toss in the sea while laughing about it manically i hope
Shut up Shinsha.
>>Alright, maybe we can use some of that output to increase the size of these raws so I can make out this fucking kanji
If you count the pearl eye as a treasure that would probably be in the place of carnelian though
They still have all the pieces, only they've kept them away to make sure Phos couldn't pull any stunt. I think it's worth noting that Bort and Shinsha get a separate scene and are notably not participating in the last page's shattering, even if Bortz was the closest and had the quickest weapon.
I'm disappointed there were no scenes of Phos conversing with the earth gems.
And even with them shattering Phos, I don't really get the impression that they hate him, except Bortz and Rutile. Obviously they don't trust him though.
What did sensei mean by this.
>Wingdings is what survives humanity
The sixth impact was deserved
If they were to rebuild Phos it would probably just to kick him out
The HxH general updated the soft seinen list. We made it. Time to celebrate, bros.
This. Then Phos will go to the ocean.
Houseki on the same list as
yeah, there's no reason to celebrate.
Based Hunterchads!
Go be insecure about manga classification somewhere else
>soft seinen
hard dumbass
Demographics aren't genres, retard.
You're right. One Piece is MUCH better.
If they throw his leg into the ocean maybe the smell would call to the Admirabilis.
What could they even talk about? This was way more productive as it demonstrated what Phos's intentions were and that the whole 'sensei was made to pray for the moonies' wasn't just tsukijin propaganda
So, Earth gems are actually acting like scumbags. But now we can say Sensei did nothing wrong. Hope he`ll restore Phos in next chapter.
Fuck, you are so annoying.
Just ignore the shitposter for god sake.
>nothing happens chapter
At least Yucklase gave him a chance to speak.
>sensei was made to pray for the moonies
Do the earth gems even know about that?
Phos told Cinnabar
You know it's true. It's one of the longest running serials around that has not only maintained if not improved in quality but managed to do so while touching on and commentating on several rough subjects.
Meanwhile HnK is just an adaptation of a already existing Buddhist story. Not that it's bad but One Piece is so much better.
A moment like this was needed to be honest, the whole betrayal and the moon raid ought to have some repercussions considering how Phos aligned with the enemy, started a civil war and wanted to take away by force the center of gem society
Would you rather have them shrug the whole thing and welcome him back like it was nothing?
Can you be specific about what you'd have preferred? A lot happened this chapter, including some unexpected developments, so what was it you were looking for? I love fanfiction.
He didn't mention praying and neither he did during the night raid, but they've literally seen it now.
Would he tell everyone about that though? And sensei himself never used the H-word.
>fuck sensei, he's different from us!
How could he think that would work on Shinsha.
I would be suspicious but I would at least try to talk and understand the reason before breaking and caging him. I understand why they are angry, but acting like this can solve nothing.
Don't post my wife without my permission.
Cinnabar doesn't have any reason not to tell the Earth gems
See? Our benevolent leader is not without mercy, in fact he hears out those who rebeled against him. All hail!
We know that Cinnabar told the others even if we don't see it -it's the only way they could've come up with the anti-Phos plan and Padparadscha puts the pieces together when he tries to foresee what Euclase's plan would be. It's not rocket science.
Based OPchad
>fuck sensei, he's different from us!
he did everything wrong, he's almost literally hitler
user, your benevolent leader a shit
Hnk is literally seinen though, unlike hxh.
I'm shit at japanese
>Report to Euc
>I want to meet Sensei
>I want to
>meet Sensei
>Umm I think this is fine
>Phos could you not try to run away
>no way no way
Striborg already translated these.
He didn't. Keep going user.
He obviously said Sensei is the target, would he go into detail about the rest? It could all be lunarian bs, Shinsha is autistic and careful.
stop trolling please
Phos was talking to Cinnabar for three nights in a row
The whole week you mean.
outside some memeing they're pretty accurate
You are so annoying.
Even assuming he didn't tell the others for some unexplained reason, there's Sensei dropping some hints at that in the non-censored parts and, you know, Phos literally screaming about it when fighting against Bortz
Zircon is so cute on this panel. He looks like a sort of chevalier.
Thank you user
holy shit just stop
This needs a fourth panel with the eventual new outfit that Phos will don and Norah Jones' "wake me up when it's over"
so what happened to little morga?
He's here on Bort's side, between Ame33 and Nepti
Let's compromise
How long was it since the night raid? Rutile's still this angery?
>gets put into a guillotine for playing iPad games
>trying to touch Kongo
What did Phos expect? At least Bortz was kind enough to let Phos meet Kongo in the first place.
>How long was it since the night raid? Rutile's still this angery?
It looks like it's still winter on earth so the timeskip between chapters 72-74 and the wedding wasn't major (a few days at the shortest to two months at the longest)
fucking kongo is a piece of shit
Which one are you, user?
I honestly don't know which one I'd rather be desu
>Kongou also wanted to meet
>How long was it since the night raid? Rutile's still this angery?
Rutile spent hundreds of years obsessively trying to fix Pads, a few days, weeks or months is nothing
>At least Bortz was kind enough to let Phos meet Kongo in the first place.
Euclase is the boss who decides.
It`s still Sensei
Having a penis doesn't necessarily make you a man. Girls can have penises too.
>dat Rutile
Melon is too pure
>a few days, weeks or months is nothing
Night raid ends at dawn of day 0. Later that day or the next morning (I don't think night and day on the moon are on schedule with the time of the day though), Phos meets with Karen and then Barbata, goes back to the other gems who're watching Aechmea's date and says he wants to try again. It's still day 1 when the assistant says the next attempt should be made after the wedding, which is scheduled "soon". The day after the wedding, Phos is summoned by Aechmea and leaves for the Earth.
It's probably a couple of weeks at best, it is a bit weird that Ichikawa has autistically detailed every single days count from volume 8 but gives no indication now.
One thing I’ve seen with the manga is that there seem to be lots of small timeskips you don’t even notice, which makes sense given the gems nature.
I wouldn’t be surprised if theres been times where a week passed off-screen, and stuff like rutile carving Phos a new pair of legs would have taken a while.
That was Euclase. And that happened because sensei also wanted to meet Phos.
Well Euc obviously knew Phos was up to something during the first raid and wanted to collaborate, and remember that Kongo already reset his configurations so that he's no longer the "leader" of the earth gems, Euc is.
So, did Kongo do anything wrong?
That's why I said that the manga suddenly keeping very close track of the passage of time is something that have some meaning. We know that 116 days passed from when Phos first set foot on the moon to the night raid.
What are we to make with that when we're used to the passage of time being more or less only noticeable with the changing of seasons?
During the anime, Houseki no Kuni seemed like a shonen with an unusual setting, but man does it get dark in the manga.
He didn't stop them from smashing Phos.
He didn't have a time to react tho. It could be pure reaction out of stress. I can forgive them all if they rebuild Phos back and apologize.
They should dust her an bury every grain in a different spot of the island.
The fact that he didn't do anything shows his resolve
She will become the island and take revenge.
I wonder is Sensei will piece Phos together even if the other gems don’t want to.
He isn’t technically the leader of the gems anymore but at the same time it’s not like anyone can stop him.
I guess it depends on whether he has the resolve or if he’d rather step back and let his kids handle everything.
It makes his speech to the gems sadder
>can't pray
>can't kill self
>can't tell the gems what's going on
Maybe he didn't WANT to pray either but he was unable to do so anyway so that's moot
He never held the power to satisfy the lunarians and end the war so it's not like he had some deep motivation that was worth getting your children stolen for
Man I really want to see that chapter get animated. I'd literally die
Sphene, Euc and surprisingly Bortz were all pretty chill with Phos, I don't think they would oppose it too strongly. Especially considering that they need Phos to bring back the other moongems.
In fact, the gems all seemed to simply be extremely wary of what Phos might do to Sensei, they don't seem to actually hate him. Except for Rutile.
I think Euclase knew what Phos was trying to do. If he explained everything to the other gems I'm sure they wouldn't have a problem with keeping Phos alive.
We really need a chapter on what happened on earth while the weeding shit was going on
>we get Craig punching Phos round two, this time with Rutile literally tearing Phos apart a few times and Sensei fixing him
I trust Bortz to at least wanting to get at the end of Phos's motivations.
He's been depicted as someone who's almost always autistically rational -only talk when you need to, only fight when you need to, concentrate your movements etc
He didn't try to attack Phos when he reached out to Sensei, correctly reading his movement as inoffensive, so it's possible that he won't hold to his grudge if he thinks that they'll need Phos for something.
Bort was the first one to say fuck Phos, he's not one of us.
You're absolutely correct but Rutile definitely has a grudge against Phos
can he even hurt the other gems intentionally?
Yeah, but he also didn't attack Phos at the end like everyone else holding a weapon at the time.
Bortz principles are fundamentally different than Phos' but considering that Bortz had a conversation with Phos during the night raid while they were fighting, Bortz probably understands Phos' motivations to an extent. If Phos also gets to explain that he's trying to bring the old gems back, I think Bortz would at the very least not hate him.
I never noticed Nepti was unpowdered here, they must have searched the ocean along with Bortz, Red Beryl, Rutile, and Morga. I guess Benito's departure did upset them.
lmao fuck off retard
yes, here and also in pic related
If Phos starts talking about the old gems, he's going to have to tell the Earth gems that everyone that was kidnapped is now a pile of dust, that they might not be able to be brought back anyway (also, those under 4 hardness really are gone for good), and that's probably not going to go down well either seeing that Phos knew about that before bringing others to the moon as well
Wait, why did they attack him? Wasn't he just reaching out to hold onto Sensei's clothes?
Either way, it's not like Phos can remotely harm Sensei.
Unpowdered =/= went into the ocean though
The unpowdered gems are the ones who broke the most, with the exception of Bortz. See Red Beryl who had the coating off because of how much he was shaken
are you retarded
Red Beryl didn't deserve this
If Sensei's crack in his arm is still there, Phos might be able to get in with the gold and do something, although the others don't know about it.
That's probably Carnivore's faulty arm snapping on its own when held too firmly though
This to be honest, Phos has held too many secrets from everyone for too long and he only further isolated himself from the others. It'd be nice if he brought them to speed about something at least
Hell, the earth gems technically don't even know that the moonies are regular people who can speak normally
I don't think he has it. Aren't we shown that he fixes himself everytime but that's part of what makes him faulty and sleepy?
There are 8 swords scattered, plus Rutile's scalpels. That means 6 gems didn't attack. Euc, Jade, Cinnabar, Bortz, and who else? I'm assuming NuMorga and Red Beryl.
>NuMorga and Red Beryl.
likely, Red Beryl doesn't fight and Numorga is too pure and was friends with Phos
Fuck I didn't notice the tiny needles on the ground, I had just assumed that the eight trajectories were it.
If Rutile's scalpels aren't among those, I don't think it can be ruled out that Bortz used his whip too then.
Obsidian doesnt have a sword
I'm honestly surprised that the other gems whose partners are on the Moon don't hate Phos as much as Rutile does.
Also Rutile's current hair is fucking god-tier.
that's what he wants you to think.
God that was short, see you in a month.
nice headcanon
Flavor fail and poorly designed.
>mile wide thigh gap
>boy butts
you should see my thigh gap :)
Remember the chart?
Remember when the threads consistently produced OC that wasn't just a couple of drawfags?
see you tomorrow user
tits or gtfo
if male kill yourself
why make a curve and not a pyramid
ofc I'm male you fucking retard
user Obsidian makes the swords, why couldn't he have grabbed one to throw at Phos
>doesn't use the weapon he made for the others to defend themselves
>almost like he knows he doesn't have to defend himself or that the swords are ineffective
no i don't but i'm glad i wasn't here for it because that's garbage
because there was not enough time to run back and grab a sword to throw it?
Wasn't there an actual x-y chart with "levels of suffering" vs "how much they deserve it"?
>Phos that low
>Phos lower than fucking shitsha
>shinsha suffering more than watermelon
take the pill
yes but it needs some work/updates
>some characters maybe have one line of dialogue
>merits a chart
>the checkerboard
gems are either genderless or bois tho
>wearing schoolgirl outfits
keep dreaming fagboy
>deserving to suffer
If by boi you mean girls with boyish haircuts and boyish mannerisms and boyshorts then YES
>If by boi you mean girls with boyish haircuts and boyish mannerisms and boyshorts then YES
nah if they were human they definitely would have dicks
this is why everyone hates gays
time to have some ACTUAL discussion
>this is getting season 2
the darkest timeline
Who has the biggest gemdick?
>replies to himself
>never stops reposting
You're not getting S2 any time soon regardless since Orange is working on Beastars, and that's not out until around August this year.
why oh WHY do people post that fucking MEME BULGE on EVERYTHING worth a damn
at this point I see some shitty fandicked character and I RECOGNISE THAT BULGE
that was MEANT to be proof that your basement was full of figurines covered in cum and boxes full of yaoi doujins that some poor fuck in customs earnt 7 bucks an hour reading through to screen it on import
now that MEME BULGE is appearing in HnK threads, and I, just like EVERYBODY ELSE, FUCKING RECOGNISE THAT BULGE TOO
>he thinks it's a single lewd poster
>implying they worked on it alone
Calm down
If you're going to post some censored gem dick you better provide a source baka I want to see the original
No, but nothing is happening without Orange playing a major role, that's for sure
Cute gems
desu I kinda wish the series was mostly cute gems doing cute things together with some action, drama, and mystery thrown in
orange is a minor studio with a handful of animators
and hnk adaptations is hated
the art in the manga is unique but the CGI is garbage when compared with rival studios such as ufotable or kyoani hell even production IG did better CG
I can't see sme gems as girls (Bortz, Pad, Alex) and I can't see some gems as boys (Dia, Euc, Jade).
Idk, this is tumblr headcannon shit tier but it makes sense in my mind.
I feel like it would get boring fast, but getting omake pages as an OVA would be great
as much as gems are cute to the point you feel attracted to them, they aren't sexualized at all, so it doesn't matter
male pronouns and female VA don't really help either
where the hell is murder rutile?
>same character
>two entries
this is sad
Be patient user
God bless you, Id suck your gem dick if I could
Just don't wake Sensei up
There were once two cute boys and now there is a single other cute boy.
>you said you had caught a fat bitch
What did Sphene mean by this?
Anyone who lewds phos deserves the rope
To bait you into the gay
>one person gay
>suddenly everyone else is gay
is gay time?
Where's that user who comissioned the Red Alex lewds?
Yes, always
My dick.
Its sad how oppressed we are here
Having to censor gem dick is not a world I want to live in
Antarc and Ghost are my two gemfus, are you a wizard of the lewd?
I would give anything to be able to protect Phos and stop all this awful shit from happening to them.
Im here, what happened.
I believe they all have genders, but they don't have sex. Mainly because they were based off of humans and humans have genders/sex.
Also because Sensei "molds" them into his own image, when they are born they have no clothes/and their shape is ill defined. This could mean Sensei has a bias towards the female gender when shaping gemstones and they grow to compliment it.
When will you receive the Red Alex?
Simply put, you have a type user
No clue. Artist contacted me today to tell me he is gonna take a bit more time to complete due to work. But the Red Alex commission should be done at the same time than the blue Alex commision since its an alt version.
It will be posted once its done so not worry.
Thank you based user
Are we done gay rock posting now?
Hold on, so Sensei really is just broken and can't pray? That's kinda lame, I much prefer the idea that he can pray but chooses not to.
Don't worry user, now that Phos is officially dead Karen can now properly take over as the real protagonist
He said he's broken, but that could mean a lot of different things. I'm sticking with
>Red Diamond learned sudo and ruined everything
until the next chapter.
Why couldnt she just learn how to code properly?
>sudo rm -f ${which sudo}
>oh fuck it worked fuck shit fuck
>Errr, hey, moonies, about that salvation...
>be tortured for eternity then worn as jewellery
They are chestlet girls
>Moon NASA
>wide hips
>cute butts
>nice legs
literal perfection
>Higher than Phos
if sensei praying just a little could make the cage disappear maybe him fully praying away the moonies really would destroy the earth or something
She is gonna get another power up after this.
Bortz attacked too.
Phos will end with no phos pieces at this point.
I believe in Gold-Platinum-chan. He'll make things right.
He is still their father to me
Rereading the series, I like how the situation with Peridot and Sphene's old partners is brought up shortly after the situation with Alex and his.
I feel like him getting decimated here is going to call back to the scene on the moon where he learned his head was among the gems that couldnt be restored.
Will Lapis's head take over then? Or are Phos's inclusions just that strong?
big balls for Yellow
Big balls and small dick is hot
Looking at page 14, chapter 42, I'm really starting to believe that Phos is mostly the gold at this point.
is the figure without powder a deranged Rutile? Poor girl.
>This could mean Sensei has a bias towards the female gender when shaping gemstones and they grow to compliment it.
Wasn't his creator a woman?
welp, now we have to wait another month to see what happens
What a pathetic thread. Fitting.
PAS here with some great news. The chapter's not very text heavy so it's translated and the TLC got it back to us in a record breaking fucking 40 minutes.It's being typeset now. I'm exhausted though so release probably tomorrow morning (US time) if i'm not awake by the time the typsetter finishes. Nice change of pace from the last two months.
Good job man. Looking forward to the morning.
That's what she gets for trying to break best boy.
thanks as always!!
Based PAS
I think he said "I am unable to fulfill your request/grant your wish". "dekinai" is definitely "can not, not able".
What is rock cum made of?
Thanks PAS.
>Post bort
TL is out on mangadex before pas.moe for some reason, but it's up.
Oh boy I wonder which memories Phos will lose this time
Is this the first time sensei has disolved something that wasnt lunarian in origin? The cage turns into petals like the dog right?
>who was that again?
>Phos will forget the entire time he spent on the moon
I'll be so mad
>hnk adaptations is hated
Not by any actual metric
Should I dump here or in a new thread?
This is fake news and you don't deserve a >>(you) with any more than 89 characters in it.
new thread
A new thread would probably get deleted
jk rowling is that you?
Why are you gay?
Fuck, this manga is so tragic
Phos just wants to help everyone
I'll just go and post the whole thing
How did they build this thing so quickly, anyway?
>finish dumping in the new thread
>go here to post the other thread
>someone else is also dumping
I'm dumb. Oh well, if you want it it's here.
Well, I'm only doing it because mods get pernickety with multiple threads at once, sometimes.
poor gem
>I was surprised to hear that Karl Lagerfeld passed away. I was so sure he was going to live forever. He was a magnificent designer, and I pray for his happiness in his next life.
You did it, Phos!
That they can check his internal code processing would corroborate the idea that Adamant really was made for them to be honest
Is the Devilman full of grimdark suffering like the new anime is? I've only watched that and Devilman v Cyborg 009.
The anime didn’t prepare me for this ride
Aww, Phos playing a game is nice.
So just fuck Sphene's hard work, huh
How much more must Phos suffer?
i love Ichikagod
post Ichikawa
Who is best gem strawpoll.me
>draw a bunch of cute girls
>call them genderless
this series makes me feel strange. I can't process it. I'm scared Yea Forums
We must read through suffering to reach enlightenment
its very atmospheric and heavily existential, without being blunt about it
thats what you get for being a gamer
based god
Poor Phos, he has to suffer for all he cares for... Also, I wonder what's up with "authentication". Maybe he's human enough to start the process, but not enough to sustain it?
Fuck Bortz and fuck Shinshit
The new dynamic duo. deal with it.
>hermaphrodite gems
Is this the Lunarian end game?
Turn the poor gems into immortal hedonists that do nothing but fuck like animals all day, forever?
Adamant says that he's broken and that's why he stopped. Can't you read?
why dont the lunarians fuck off them?
Lunarians only theorized he was broken. This confirmed it for them. Like he said, this is progress.
This is the most homosexual thread in this site rn.
It's because of the hunterfag
That's just an assumption. A broken AI can't diagnose itself properly. An intentional barrier can behave like a bug if you don't exactly know how it works.
I think the progress was the starting of the praying sequence in itself. We don't know yet what they diagnosed after.
mob threads are way more gay
fosu daisuki!!!!
>watch anime
>Expect cute story about pho getting to know her purpose
>Finish watching it
>Get suffering
It gets better r-right?
is antarcticite gone for good?
I'm not spoiling, and you ought to leave this thread.
At least it can't get any worse lads
God Lagerfeld!
how is wanting to fuck uhh hugg a rock gay?
as you have the pieces, the gembutt can be put back together.
>at least it can't get any worse.
inclusions of the other half of Phossu assimilate more things, creating Dark Phossu!
That's so cliche that there's no way it would happen.
Dark Phossu is the revived Lapis!
>creating Dark Phossu
I think you mean recreating genki-phos
Thoughts on Moonies?
>all of the gold, agate, Lapis and the pearl combine forming LaPhos
>the remaining shards of phosphophyllite form a new genki Phos, but she's smoll
Phossu has to learn to care for his daughter!
Why can't my phos be happy bros? Why are they all mean to such a cute gem?
>Houseki no Kunni
moonies are literally me. i am literally a lunarian (figuratively). if you held a picture or myself and a moonie next to one another you would not be able to tell the difference.
Is that Meigo from Endro~! ???
me in front of Alex getting my balls ready
mods are asleep?
Mods are moonies
>what is it ichikawa?
>become enlightened
>being enlightened is suffering
>we'll manage guys
I want to hug Phos and tell her everything will be daijobu
Well she's a NINGEN after all.
Lunarians are fags/bi. This is not a debate/political arguement, it’s a part of the manga, they could absolutely marry a genderless person.
Euclase had probably more than one goal in talking to Phos but it's possible that they could've eventually make up more easily from then.
The preordered lunarian attack made it seem like they came to attack the gems rather than for backup, I think what happened is that the moon gems assumed Karen launched a scorched earth mission when in fact it was Aechmea and Crabporn hijacked it to make it about retrieval
lol bad translator can't translate 2 lines of text
What a long way we walked, huh ?
Why are you dumping in a thread about to die? If you're gonna storytime, do it in the ohter thread please.
Rutile was always a bit of an angry psycho, she just kept that shit in check. As far as she knows, Phos kidnapped Pads and had her brainwashed into murdering the other gems.
They don't look feminine , they are meant to lack secondary sex characteristics .
The wide shoulders in men and wide hips in females are secondary sex characteristics which is why the gems are generally small shouldered and not very hippy.
If you think a lack of secondary sex characteristics is somehow more feminine, then that's really your bias (probably on part of being a man and assuming your body type is the default and everything woman have that men don't is the deviation)
Sigh I miss this dumb, innocent cutie.