Are these the peak "unique premises but fucked up near the end" anime-originals in recent times?
Are these the peak "unique premises but fucked up near the end" anime-originals in recent times?
Absolutely with the whole suddenly going yandere thing
It was alright, I guess people's expectations were different though
Was kinda OK at first but then basically shat the bed, had a ton of fucking boring episodes and an absolutely shitty ending
So I'll give the unique premises but fucked up near the end award to Kado
Kado can only be described as a trainwreck
Literally one of the few cases that actually deserves to be called that
Is Kado a fun trainwreck or an 'I want my time back' trainwreck?
That's only Kado.
The show managed to be genuinely good and great written for 9 episodes before making the biggest nose dive I've ever seen in anime.
I was so mad I couldn't even make fun at fujos.
HisoMaso went from nice to ok. I don't know why people got disappointed since I watched it after its airing time.
Egao no Daika never picked to be considered interesting.
We were waiting for something entertaining to happen but it never did.
Emperia episodes were useless, Princess were one-sidedly getting kicked for the whole show and the conflict between them were resolved by pushing the button.
It was meh at the beginning and stayed meh till the end. The only somewhat interesting thing they did was killing off Joshua.
It's "wow, japs actually can into hard sci-fi anime" to "holy shit nigga what are you doing"
Definitely the latter
The latter. Kado starts as something actually unique and interesting before it reveals that it didn't understand its own appeal and went full retard.
I liked Kado but they did do some asspull shit towards the end
Hisomaso was a very good show I don't understand why people hate the ending I thought it was fine.
Egao is shit and underwhelming.
It's really sad that Madoka remains the only really successful original anime of the entire decade.
try again, bucko
That's definitely not true at all. Maybe it's the highest selling one but not the only successful one.
HisoMaso doesn't belong in this shit list.
It didn't go as bad as the others but it definitely went stupid
where is franxx?
aren't you forgetting "Master of Martial hearts"
no, that show started off shit, then became a glorious fiery multiple train pileup
It was fine. I liked the whole show.
I saw it more like a shit tornado destroying a special school.
The only thing unique about it is how literally writers took word COCKpit. I am still surprised people didn't see it as a complete tranwreck as early as episode 2.
Yuki-sama will make all of her doubters come around in Season 2: Sunflower Boogaloo.
>recent times
Franxx is literally "Trigger anime+a bunch of other cliches" to a tee
Needs more [Every anime original Okada has ever made].
This one was good all the way through.
>HisoMaso went from nice to ok. I don't know why people got disappointed since I watched it after its airing time.
Crappy hetero romantic plotlines which ended up affecting the girls' piloting skills
Now one can argue it's Mari Okada criticizing about women in the workforce especially if it involves leaving it and be a mother, and in fact you can have a career AND a mom, but the way they went about it felt so off
Women in the work force are fine.
Women in the armed forces are a disaster.
It was well animated and directed till episode 19
This is the best okada anime
This, and other wrong opinions on today's episode of Anonymous has shit taste.
>Crappy hetero romantic plotlines which ended up affecting the girls' piloting skills
Which was already there from the first episodes and the Forest plotline.
Why do the people who didn't like the latter half on the show pretend that it went in some unexpected direction, when it merely expanded on the themes that were always what the show is about?
People in armed forces, including women, generally agree with
>source: my ass
Did you mean to respond to my post?
Found the fag
Counterpoint: Neither are fine. NEETs here have no idea how much it fucking sucks to work with women
Early Kado threads were so comfy too. There were of course fujos and shipping, but most of the discussion was about what-if politics and speculation, and Kado was great for that. There were even videos of people making the wam origami in real life. Everyone was excited about a show that no-one had any prior expectations for.
Egao no Daika was a fuck up early on. It took a nosedive after the first 2 episodes.
Maybe for its non Franxx scenes. Save for 11, 15 and maybe the snake battle most of the fights were poorly directed, animated or both like the plantation battle.
>unexpected direction
With the anti-Okada poster turning up every thread I'm sure everyone should have been expecting it. I'm pretty sure he is the reason I didn't find it that bad.
For me the main problem wasn't particularly the way the plot went but more that you have to accept most of the commanders were borderline retarded.
Around the time that monster was due to return what benefit did they have in trying to make them never be able to fall in love again? Considering it was a ~70 year cycle they only really needed them to be able to pilot that year, so not the best time to start a plan that involves trying to make them fall in love. I was expecting him to be a traitor at some point with how much he seemed to be trying to ruin everything.
You gotta sit down and wonder to yourself, how the fuck do the director and writing staff allow this kind of shit to happen?
I mean if we the viewers can see things going to shit, why the hell can't the people making the show?
-Shit since the first min
For me its Psycho Pass.
The beginning and Urobuchi's name got me expecting something truly amazing such as Kougami siding with Makishima or at leas finishing his work after he killed him.
I expected the shows main cast to reject the system and turn to terrorism in order to destroy the dystopia.
But the show pussied out and the characters somehow chose to cope with the opression when they had an actual chance to end it.
Same with Shin Sekai Yori which was 90% fucking godlike, if not for the ending.
The author invented one of the most nightmarish dystopias in fiction and in the end the characters learn the truth and just chose to sweep it under the rag and keep things as they are.
Such endings light my ass on fire. I am literally angry at the writer for writing that.
Akane did nothing wrong.
i was about to post psycho pass.
it never got bad, but it never delivered in the last episodes.
she's literally a tool of the system
the worst kind of evil
>Crappy hetero romantic plotlines
I swear to god, you people need to get systematically eradicated. No questions asked, just a bullet between the eyes.
>muh fight the system
But the society was highly advanced, and most people lived a comfortable life safe from criminals. Trying to change it would've caused more misery to everyone.
Well written shows don't sell. The best selling anime of the decade is a wreckage littered with twists, teenage angst and cheap narrative tool that make it appear like it was written by a highschooler. Truly well written anime, those with thoroughly structured narratives, have never sold well. So it's more likely for you to make bank because your trainwreck ticks the right boxes. Can't blame the staff. Japanese people watch anime to be entertained, not to analyze it, to read books to understand the underlying themes or principles of the world, to engage with the artists vision.
you forgot about madoka,which is peak unique premise but fucked up near the end anime-original in recent times
She could open fire or throw a bomb at the brains, but she chose to deal with them.
But i felt like a grand finale of the series would be Kougami actually understanding and joining forces with Makishima.
>trying to make them fall in love
Hisone and Hoshino were already in love before they even tried to do anything. The only retarded decision was to trust an autist like Jimmy to figure out if there was danger of a relationship.
>entertaining entertainment sells well
Stop the fucking presses.
>most people lived a comfortable life safe from criminals
Most people had no choice in life and were assigned jobs and place in society.
And instead of criminals they were jailing or executing latent criminals most of whom literally did nothing wrong just had a wrong personality, some of people just had too much to think while others were considered criminals at birth.
The system itself is a greater crime than the petty shit it prevents by sending children and innocents to prison.
Besides as we see in the show the criminality isnt even completely eradicated by such extreme measures, the show begins with a homicidal maniac running around in a presumably crime free society while other people are jailed for thoughts.
Well written shows are entertaining as well, they just so happen to be primarily entertaining to somewhat intelligent people. Certainly not the audience for anime. I simply answered his question of why well written anime are so rare.
But the only problem with the end of HisoMaso was that it left me wanting more
Most anime fuck up near the end.
The only exception is Guilty Crown which fucks up near the beginning then actually gets interesting in the second half, except the writing was already full retard by that point so it didn't matter.
Ghost Hound, it was good till those rushed final episodes.
I don't really consider PP something that trainwrecked itself in the end, just kind of fizzled out. I didn't have a sense of "I wasted my time watching it" when I finished
Season 2 on the other hand is a shitshow
I liked Madoka the whole way through, even Rebellion
It definitely does. Someone managed to restrain Okada so it wasn't that bad.
Are you a dumbass or something?
The entire basis of 1984 and other dystopian novels is that the regime wins, or society collapses from the change.
That's the entire premise of dystopian fiction, there is no happy ending where the dashing protagonist saves the day, the system wins over in the end or it crumbles. This is the entire function of dystopian fiction which serves to highlight humanity's evil nature, or as a warning to out current society to not pursue certain ideals.
It is far more reasonable that Sibyl and Kamisu still prevail in the ends of their respective fiction. That is actually realistic, and in-line with how real life works, and a staple of the genre they're based in.
Squealer lost and you don't feel any kind of happiness that he did. Kamisu didn't learn anything. SSY's ending is perfect in that regards, it is consistent with everything that happened before.
I thought Kado went to shit because of executive meddling.
In 1984 and Brave New World or 451F for that matter the characters never had the chance to bring down the system and just tried to survive in it.
The anime I mentioned is more like the heroic adventure like Equilibrium where the characters have the have the power to destroy it.
Makishima could bring down the order but they stopped him.
Then Akane could chose to destoy Sybil but chose to keep it.
With Shin Sekai Yori they chose to defeat Squealer who was going to destroy the order.
So its not like a classic hopeless dystopian fiction, its more like an action movie where the hero says fuck it and dumps the hope in the very end when he is one step away from victory.
Unlike most of these series, Guilty Crown's premise was retarded from the start, and they managed to actually somehow coalesce things into a really interesting direction with Auditory Crystal Virus Eugenics arc and all of the subterfuge and rebel politics there were in it. When Gai cucked MC out of his singular merit and ran away, the show basically told us that they had no way of handling variable factions, nor did they understand the point of different power spheres in a story that is more than Good VS Evil. But then it literally turned into Good VS Evil, failed at whatever hopes it had to be interesting, and destroyed itself in one of the most flashy and showy manners possible. Peak Sawano though. Entire series would have been better served as an hour and a half-long anime musical movie.
I STRONGLY feel Re:Creators should be somewhere on that list.
>most people
the lives of npcs literally don't matter
You forgot Flip Flappers. Or is that too far back?
>Crappy hetero romantic plotlines
You forget about the old lady being a lesbian or something?
Oh man I really should have added that, jesus christ
Re-Creators was meant to be meta shit about anime industry and all.
I think Altair being a non character and eclipsing other characters with stories and personalities was pretty much a jab at Hatsune Miku and the otaku hype cultere when everbody cares about just one thing and just good stories are completely overshadowed by one big meme success, even if its a literal fucking meme.
And it had a shitty concept of having a useless bystander narrator while everything was done by Meteora.
I think it came out as it was meant to and the parts that were bad were bad on purpose.
Guilty Crown? Re Creators? Most of the shit posted so far was never good.
Let's post something that had a real shot of being a classic until all went tumbling down.
I mean imagine the frustration of people writing stories and crearing worlds when their shit flops just because otakus chose to dump all their money on Hatsune Miku and Super Sonico merch who are mind you literal madcots for commercial products like Mr. Clean and have just as much story and personality to them.
Or the artists whose original works are unnoticed because Puxiv is flooded by the plague of Meme-sweater or Bowsette.
This shit was brough up by several meta-anime shows.
Basically the otaku hivemind cares about only one thing at a time and hypes it to the moon forgetting everything else.
When something is popular it alone is popular and everything else flops.
Hence the isekai plague of today.
SAO is so popular the studios have no choice but to offer more of same shit hoping to get any money.
Back in the day it was Evangelion clones and Rei clones, the otaku hive is horribly single minded.
How are they even in the same category?
Kado was masterpiece until it instantly turned into utter shit near the end.
Egao never was particularly good nor particularly bad.
Egao doesn't fit, it looked like it might go somewhere for two or three episodes and then just became total nothing for most of the rest. Haven't seen Hisomaso, but I'm pretty sure Kado wins this easily with how fucking stupid the last few episodes suddenly became.
>recent times
Ghost Hound was over a decade ago. Also didn't fuck up anywhere near as much as Kado, it just ended a bit too fast.
>it just ended a bit too fast
More like it meandered pointlessly for most of its run with Konaka jacking off to random parapsychology trivia that ultimately didn't matter.
Not as dystopian as the others you mentioned, but Player Piano is one story where they actually do overthrow and defeat the system.
Then they just start to build it back up again themselves.
Having the hero successfully destroy it would undermine the whole point of it arising from necessity or human nature.
>Basically the otaku hivemind cares about only one thing at a time and hypes it to the moon forgetting everything else.
>hence the isekai plague of today.
What the hell are you even saying? You realize the big hits this season are looking to be Go-toubun, Manaria, and Kemurikusa, right? And last season it was Zombieland and Gridman. This supposed single-minded obsession with isekai over everything else doesn't exist.
I'm talking about the ending specifically. That said, I liked the parapsychology stuff, honestly, it built up a nice weird atmosphere and the characters' issue tied in enough to their development that it didn't feel like it was totally random or anything. The series was definitely slow at times, though, especially in the early stages, but I liked it overall.
I think the message of dystopian fiction is not that we are doomed to live in gulags due to our nature or necessity, but rather that the people should be wary of the government and not build dystopias.
After all the nations tgat were running large scale genocide in 20th century arent doing it now, they didn't rebuild death camps, gulags and killing fields.
The shit is going towards mads surveillance and political intolerance, but it doesn't mean the people can't stop it or break out of it.
History tends to take dips such as nightmarish Stalin's regime, but the general trend is pretty positive overall.
Ussr got a lot softer on the people by the end of its lifetime even without a revolution.
>The author invented one of the most nightmarish dystopias in fiction and in the end the characters learn the truth and just chose to sweep it under the rag and keep things as they are.
She doesn't, though.
This makes no sense, re:creator got better, not worse.
GW was always shit.
As far as I remember nothing changed with their system except they learned to appreciate it since its necessary to minimise the chaos or something like that.
Am I wrong?
egao fucked up at the very beginning
I don't think we're doomed due to our nature or necessity either, but that those are often the driving forces behind the shift towards more destructive or restrictive movements.
By illustrating that in fiction and making the reader think "Why didn't they destroy Sybil?" or something similar it can lead to a lot of introspection about where we're heading in our current situations.
And it's that introspection that gets us out of those dips I think.
Saki pretty much states she hopes for a change, but she's afraid to say it outloud because a change will only be brought with blood.