What are your expectations/theories for the upcoming volume of Overlord?
What are your expectations/theories for the upcoming volume of Overlord?
Other urls found in this thread:
1 volume per year and filler garbage at that
considering next volume is Evileye spinoff?
Maruyama will """delay""" the Evileye spinoff and after 2 years tops change his name, move somewhere else and start his wrestling romcom after dropping the series
Garbage, but I hope Albedo gets a real lover, Ainz is too occupied
FYI: I didn't forget my promise to deliver Overlord booru. I'm just too busy(as always).
I've managed to deploy locally booru-like site and pair imageboard grabber with it, but it's far from being production ready yet.
I remember when you made that promise in a thread. Good job.
Philip will get closer to marrying Albedo
>What are your expectations
flop and filler garbage
Ohhhhh ohhhh I know, I bet Ainz overwhelms everyone with his power again.
>Phillip pins (matting press) Albedo in Ainz throne
What now?
Why don't you have VR goggles yet?
Continuing from the last couple I expect it to be complete shit
Climb breaks his Limit again and beats Ainz
Those shitty shadows almost gave me an aneurysm.
>the shadow is her true form, her 'body' is just a facade
>now you will know why men fear the night
So-Bin did it better.
These threads are dead until we get another novel or a season to reanimate them.
IMO they should have made Overlord as a movie/OVA series (Like hellsing ultimate). 1 novel per episode. I know the wait would have been a lot longer between eps, but I think the quality and budget would have been higher than what we got with TV version.
Who the fuck is Philip?
It takes so long I no longer care
Welcome to /SS/ Hiatus. Next stop is still TBA, so we will be here for a while. But enjoy the open bar.
Oh fuck my life.
I expect series to be axed because author is a little bitch afraid of bloated fan expectations.
>Shalltear flatter than Aura
Well, she always can do a surgery.
I should've installed local booru clone sooner. This is nice.
I probably should also do a simple how-to manual for fellow Yea Forumsnons.
>local booru clone
Is that thick client to view fap arts or something?
>Ains is an author self-insert, not because he's overpowered as shit but because he too has to deal with the wild expectations of those around him
No, it is as it sounds. You deploy a web-application similar to Gelbooru, but you do it on localhost. After that one only needs the browser to use it, just like any website.
The difference is that it's yours, so:
- you can install something like github.com
- it's fast since it's on your local machine/local network and you're the only user
- no dumb mod will delete your favourite lewd for some retarded reason
- you have all the features, so you can properly save and tag any image
- it's local, so you can view all your lewds on the laptop while flying 13 000 m above the Atlantic Ocean
So it's a local lewd images manager that looks like a webserver?
Ainz doing something retarded and the mouthbreathers from Nazarick trying their best at mental gymnastics and spouting SASUGA AINZ SAMA
It is a webserver, so yes.
>implying thats a bad thing
Season 4 when
wasn't there a recent Drifters chapter released?
When youjo senki gets season 3
t. Maruyama in an interview
Neia is NOT cute.
Wtf do i need to do for this quest?
Step 1. Play a shit mobage
Step 2. ???
>west makes overlord popular
>doesn’t even get a dual English release
Ikr. damn japs
I want to sleep with Neia.
Sasuga Yea Forums-sama.
I knew I could count on you.
Post Shalltear
Can you romance Albedo?
well played user
>Can you romance
Any announcements?
>One is an extreme shotacon
>The other is an extreme lolicon
>Little no no doujins about them fucking Mare and Aura
WHY SO FEW OVERLORD DOUJINS! This shit basically writes itself. I mean we have basically every kink represented as a character.
I thought the other one was just into girls? Hence hanging around with Lakyus all the time?
porn doesn't fit well in grimdark stories
Thanks for Shalltear
>porn doesn't fit well in grimdark stories
But this ain't a grimdark story. It is a comedy. And I'm pretty sure you could make a Shalltear x Solution fuckbook, that is 100% canon.
Pretty sure there is. Was a good one.
It’s a normal story but the author is too pussy to include actual threats so it looks like a comedy.
I wish he would turn the satire up to 11. It kinda has some things going for it, but he needs to lampshade more of the business aspect of Nazarick. Like Ainz is a worker drone and Nazarick is a big company that he has to manage. Half of japan is business men, so he could have had a lot more of workplace humor and jokes in here. Like this is an evil lair of villains, but he runs it like a company, doing what he did best in the previous world. Now that would have been a comedy that is relatable to japanese office drones. And I know there are elements of that in it, but it just needs more.
Would you Aura and/or Mare?
Mare, no doubt.
Parsing Pixiv yelds interesting results.
Why no love for Aura?
One is obvious. Who are the others?
Left is Ulbert, right is Touch Me.
Some of the pixiv stuff actually looks pretty nice.
Ah, so they're simply memories.
Cool idea, but there's not enough pictures
Not necessarily, the bulk of fanart with other Supreme Beings tends to be framed as them also arriving to the New World, not as flashbacks.
The despairing and horrifying death of Evileys
So mruyama could reap the maximum amount of screams and tear of EE fags who read the spinoff
2769 at the moment.
Evileye will get a cliffhanger death. We get an entire EE novel to make us care about her more, then in like 2 novels from now, we gonna see a novel end with her taking a mortal hit and we won't know if she will make it or not. Then we wait over a year for the next novel, to see what happened to her. And more novels will be bought because of this cliffhanger ending. Walking dead did the same shit and got their highest ratings yet with such a cliffhanger death.
Or she actually dies then gets revivedb ecause she's useful.
The other blue rose members will die permanently by being devoured in renner's race change box.