Timothy! Timothy!
Timothy! Timothy!
I miss Anne Happy.
Best insert song of all time.
Sansha Sanyou was better
Fuck you loser. No one even remembers that trash.
Why is Botan so shit? Her gimmick ruined the entire show.
Honestly, fuck people that think you need to make some false choice and can't enjoy more than one show at a time.
Tsubaki OVA when? ;_;
I am the first poster, and by that I mean this poster and not the one you responded to.
My bad then I just wanted to explicitly state that digibronymlp's opinion is bad and wrong. I'm going to back out of this thread now.
>tsubakiova poster is still alive
Where my kiwi friend at?
I'm watching it right now, nigger.
Sansha Sanyou is a cult classic fondly remembered to this day, you dumb anne shitter, while your show was forgotten before it even finished airing.
Yes, liking Unhappy is pathetic. You seem to have quoted the wrong posts though.
Make like the sun and set yourself.
>the annoying show mascot is actually an extremely cute autistic loli
Best twist.
Someone post the pic attached to that song, pretty please?
Indeed, Sansha Sanyou is like the sun while Unhappy is just a disgusting black hole.
A sun with no light, though Anne's smile shines even though the void, giving light.
Hibari's beautiful kiwi-fruit eyes speak for themselves.
This needs a new season.
Manga ended, so not happening.
Imagine not enjoying both. That would be awful.
>more gayshit
No, thanks.
This doesn't look very heterosexual.
Perfectly normal heterosexual behavior.
That's just a filthy dyke trying to ruin a perfectly fine woman.
What happens in the end? Does the girl get over her love of a sign? Does the gay girl win the childhood friend bowl?
Last good kirara show.
Objectively wrong.
Just a prank, sis.
>new game
god damnit /d/, at least spoiler that shit
Who else is excited for Machikado Mazoku and Koisuru Asteroid? Can't wait.
>holding hands while naked
what good friends they are
Wait are all the volumes translated already?
Both Sansha and Anne are absolute shit and even fucking Shonen Maid was better, and the immediate season after we get New Game S1 and Amanchu S1 which make all 3 look like garbage
You could say, precious.
Eat a brick
You joke but it's true. Anne is too transcendental of a girl to be a dyke.
8/10. Volume 09 on May 21.
By the way, what Kirara manga is this?
>not good
>talking to Yea Forums
It really does feel like all these fanbase warring faggots are Yea Forumsermin doesn't it? Maybe the Sansha Sanyou and Anne Happy fanbases consist of only those which is why they fight all the time.
Not as terrible as S2 =/= good.
They rarely let me down so I'm usually excited for anything we get from them.
I need more now I've nearly ran out of backlog Kirara.
Are you sure that's Kirara and not their lewd cousin CUNE?
Hey fuck you. This barely was a thing when they aired. After a few year one dedicated falseflagger just sort of made it happen.
The April Fool's joke still hurts Yea Forums.
Why is Itou Hachi still not in jail?
Because little girls should be loved by older women.
Found it, actually. It's Kirara yes
Kanojo ga Onii-chan ni Nattara Shitai 10 no Koto
This is not actually Itou Hachi, but looking at how adorable her art is, would love if she made a Kirara series one day.
So it's about a group of girls taking on the role of a family.
>Father: Maki (female police officer, 20 years old) Mother: Tsugumi (female elementary school student, 10 years old)
Do it Doga Kobo, I know you want to.
In other news, the main story of Kirara Fantasia will be adapted into a manga on Comic Fuz in spring:
Holy shit Kirara is going all out.
I know that feel bro
Couldn't even have the decency to give us an OVA.
Would be nice if an anime happened someday too.
Considering I probably won't ever play it that's good news. Wonder which mangaka will get to do it and whether this gives it a chance of an anime.
Woah, it's been a while since I saw anything about it, there's a lot of characters in the game now.
Tsubaki OVA in 5 minutes.
Anime when?
>tfw no Anne daughteru
This life is hell
I love Hanako so fucking much. I'm so glad Hanamori got popular as fuck with YuruCamp because now I can just pretend I'm hearing Hanako everywhere.
This show crosses my mind every time I see a banana.
For me it's bananya.
Reminder that Sansha Sanyou got multiple OVAs and animated comic strips while your worthless show is dead and forgotten. Really makes you question your life choices, doesn't it, anneshitter?
i became a yumiri fan since annehappy
what a great discovery
This show needed more flat characters. Even Hanako has too much boob.
Why isn't this show more popular?
>Great, original concept
>Fantastic OP/ED
>Everyone in the main cast was likable and entertaining
>Comedy was original and never got stale
>SoL moments were spot-on
>The animation is pretty good by Silver Link standards
Anne Happy is unironically my favorite Kirara anime outside of K-On, New Game S1, and Yuru Camp.
>Everyone in the main cast was likable and entertaining
It's true if you don't include the redhead and the girl-attractor as part of the main cast.
Why is your taste so shit? You ruined the whole thread.
>Fantastic OP/ED
It still seems to turn up at every Mogra event so that was never forgotten at least.
It was pretty popular back when it aired.
RiP chibi user
not quite as popular as sansha sanyou though
But baka redhead lesbo was one of the best parts of the show. Silver hair lesbo was kind of boring, but played off the redhead really well.
They were both pretty popular and the threads would always blow up whenever the show did absurdly stupid shit. Even with Flying Witch airing too.
>supposedly flat-chested character
>isn't actually flat
why is this allowed
Some designers just seem unwilling to make flat characters. A shame considering one page describes her chest as non-existent.
There was one flat character, it's just she barely got any screen time.
>barely got any screen time
But she was in practically all the episodes.
>So it's about a group of girls taking on the role of a family
>No scans out
Holy fuck someone give me the motherfucking raw, I'm gonna translate this, this smell like good /ll/ even if subtext.
Sansha Sanyou barely got 1 thread on episode day that took days to get to bump limit, Anne Happy got around 5 threads per episode day, stop replying to him, ignore and report.
nice historical revisionism you have there