If sensui is gay and had the power of an S class demon why didn the use his unmatched strength to rape all the male...

if sensui is gay and had the power of an S class demon why didn the use his unmatched strength to rape all the male characters like Yusuke and Koenma?

Attached: sensui.jpg (178x200, 8K)


Huh, how about that.

Rape is wrong.

Because Yusuke was half human and Koenma was....god spirit whatever he was. Sensui only wanted to fuck gay demons, but only ended up being eternally raped by one in an ironic twist of poetic justice.

so is being gay

Feminist claim is about power. Sensui was never about dominating. That was Toguro's supposed shtick.

Because he is a pure gay boi and not a slut

Also Kuwabara X Kurama is better then Hiei X Kurama

*claim rape

didn't he though?

Sensui was never gay, stop making everything gay to make yourself feel normal.
Although he is being raped by a gay for all of eternity

Togashi said he was gay. What's the problem? Besides he was a shit villain compared to Younger Toguro.
Wow gay people have some psychotic moralfag as their rep, big fucking deal.

My bad, carry on

When did Togashi say this? I am not surprised he did, just wondering when.

because he was gay
and gays are BETAAA

He never said it. He only said that the gay demon was his favorite character along with Mukuro.

Yusuke x Kurama is the superior pairing.

hieixkuwabara OTP.

He is a bottom.

Itsuki was clearly gay for Sensui.

>itsuki and mukoro were his favorites
Shit taste

The funny thing that Itsuki was the only demon from Sensui group but never fought any of the good guys directly, instead got Sensui body for him.

Mukuro could have been more interesting, Raizen prefere her to ally with Yusuke against Yomi, but Yusuke wanted a tournament.

I really miss YYH, the only anime that gave me the feels.