>that user who fantasizes about anime girls beating him up
That user who fantasizes about anime girls beating him up
What about him? asking for a friend
What if I fantasise about being the one beating them up?
I want Shinka to savagely assault my testicles.
I only fantasise about post beatup guilt.
>Girl beats you up
>Later realise she overreacted
>apologises and becomes submissive for a while, taking whatever you do to her
And the logical conclusion
>You do something nice for her, like going out with a friend to buy her am anniversary present
>She thinks you are cheating
>Insults you
>Beats you up and breaks a leg or something
>hates you for a week
>Eventually finds out the truth
>Cries about what she's done
>Comes back to you begging for forgiveness
>Lets you do anything you want as an apology
>Helps you bath/eat/sleep
>Basically becomes your maid/slave out of guilt
It's literally the perfect gf.
Why is this so arousing?
Does this happen once or repeatedly?
nibu can do anything she wants to me
Repeatedly based on the intensity, with a slight dropoff in time till guilt with time. But I imagine even after marriage there would be weekly events where she gets angry the morning because the girl at the supermarket smiled at me, followed by her asking to be fucked in the bathroom at lunch as an apology.