Don't be blinded by nostalgia, Dragon Ball was always an awful franchise

Don't be blinded by nostalgia, Dragon Ball was always an awful franchise.

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I'm not a fan of dragonball that way.

prove it

The plot is Sonic tier garbage.

Sure is! But I still like it and there's nothing you can do about it!

I'm honestly sick of the "Dragon Ball was never good crowd"

They are either HxH fans or moeshit shills either way both are retarded

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Board jumper trash.

no, it didn't become shit until half way through buu

is this a forced meme? are you trying to force the "sonic was never good" meme onto dbz?

I just started watching a year ago, it's good shit OP. If you ever decide to stop jacking it to Kantai collection and idolmaster girls and breathe something other than the CO2 and weed that's been festering in your room for the past 5 years of your life, I recommend you give it a go

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He's right though, Dragon Ball's story is fanfiction teir trash

I disagree

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nice bait

Dragon Ball stopped being good after the Frieza saga. But everyone knows Hokuto No Ken is the superior manga and anime.

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What do you mean by "awful"?
You're being really vague.

Dragon Ball and DBZ were amazing, the latter up until the end of the Vegeta Saga.

Namek and everything else after sucked because it all just devolved into the typical shounen crap we see today.

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I liked the Dragon Ball manga, it was nice.

People exaggerate when they shit on Cell and Buu arcs. Post Raoh is the real trash.

Post Raoh > Cell, Buu, BoG, RoF, Broly & Super

you mean post-Jagi

It was never awful but it was never great either.


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a little bitch
still, i like his Gaiden

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Not all of it
More like 85%

i will rate your Gaiden as the one of tthe best HnK's spin-off, right after Sky blue
only because everything else suck dick

rent free faggot

of course.Its evident by the fact that the only people who enjoy it are niggers and spics screaming yooooo like brainless apes when fight happens

villain of the week shit

Reminder that dbchads get laid way more than any other fanbase on Yea Forums and this makes the incels like op seethe.

silent dog

>Can’t cope

keep seething in your corner

The anime was awful, just like most anime. The manga had it's integrity until the Buu arc.

It's a shame that the movie with such good style and animation had a pretty shit ending. I know it's supposed to be a really brief version of the anime but it would've been better if it ended in a cliffhanger than Raoh saying "Yes little girl, I shall not kill Kenshiro, bye"

Didn't the movie have multiple endings?

>getting triggered by mentally ill people

Thank you, user. Fuck db and all its tumors

Og dragon Ball - frieza saga, is good shonen

Saiyan saga is peak battle shonen, anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian

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