Bokuben/Study/Learn 104 It's out

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chaptstick, not lipstick, eh?

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Bitch you know that doesnt count

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Someone has to fly to Japan and teach them what a kiss is.

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It's time.

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Solves a misunderstanding in two pages.
Creates even more for the rest of the chapter.

based smug

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See you next week.

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But she has no chest to feel tight.

Headband-kun's happiness: Restored

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Literally an Uruka-tier chapter
This is the first solo chapter of the arc, too
So much for development, right
Wheres that dilemma in trying to help her friends vs falling in love now?

I thought moe Reiji was a meme!

Can you at least read the chapter before you shitpost?

Come on, like you ever kissed someone.

Thanks for the dump mang

Did too!

Totally stopped her there huh

Isn't this the same park where Nariyuki apologized for the bra incident?

Papa wants grandchildren

I think he doesn't care.

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Indirect kisses don't count.

Wow it was fucking nothing.

Welcome to Fumino chapters

Reiji and smug were cute.

>CV: Tomita Miyu
I cannot wait for this delicious-looking Gabu

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You mean post-her-arc Fumino.
It's Hinagiku all over again. Before she realized she liked Hayate she was great but it goes downhill after that.

The problem with the kiss at the festival was solved, how the hell was it nothing?

this slut...

>they tried asking in dogeza

Yes, it is. Actually, the characters appeared a lot in Kusomoto Park since chapter 1

Which one?

I thought healed Reiji no longer had the stubble

I love her so much

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>Fumino didn't get a birthday present for 10 years
No wonder why she decided to wear the bra, it's kind of sad.

Hata had no intention of turning Hayate no Gotoku full romance, or full combat, it was all weekly comedy. To the insane detriment of everyone considering the godly Minos arc he pulled when it when he took Mystery concept seriously.

What a tsundere.

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Based Reiji

Based Nariyuki is actually learning.

Fantastic chapter.

>High Tier
Sensei, Senpai

>Shit Tier
Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /sci/

>Needs more sceen time tier
Sensei Imouto, /chem/, Moeyuki Imouto

what a smooth criminal

It kinda makes sense but I'm not sure if that is intentional.

Just like fumino's chest.

Is the FOOM in the bowl yet?

I'm sure is not, this manga has never been dark.

>both boy and girl are kneeling down to apologize
Well, this is a first. Usually it's only the boy.

This is the worst lip service that I have ever seen in my fucking life.

Both are boys though.

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>my chest feels tight
A better wording would be "my heart feels warm".

Yakuzaman can't draw lips if his life depended on it.

When did our moeboy learn to apply lipsticks? Did he practice on Mizuki? Is this why Mizuki was so taken with him?

Reiji and smug deserve it.

for me it's Rizu

Fumino wants to convince herself she has a chest.

Fumino haters can't handle the fact she is more popular than their girls so they resort to shitposting.

Your post is the truth that shall light this world.

I hate when most manga artists draw lipstick, it rarely looks any good

Fumino is not even close to Sensei's popularity tho

Nice strawman fag

And both are moe.

And that's why Fuminofag always hated Sensei and shitpost in Sensei chapter


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And both look cute together.

Hey, let's talk about the chapter instead of shitfling and falseflag.

female character ranking:
Sawako > Rizu = Sensei > Asumi > Miharu > Uruka = Mizuki

male character ranking:
Reiji > Nariyuki > Fumino

official from Tsutsui-sensei

you know, even though it probably wasn't intentional back then, this little panel has become kino in a way

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I liked Asumi in this chapter.
It was a small appearance, but she helped moved the plot along and solved a misunderstanding.
Good job, Asumi.

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I feel people may have gotten discussioned out, there’s only so much to talk about. Similar to the Sekijou chapter where we got the surprising moments early and then Rizu wasn’t enough to generate anything worth talking about, or even get people to just spew trash

Loved it. It was nice how they both apologized for the misunderstanding, and I like how Fumino was playful about the kiss at the end.


Now this is what an endgame winner's chapter looks like.

that's awful
using a main girl only as a plot device
ashumi deserves better

Both have nice flat chests

Probably. Mizuki is grooming him to be a great husband.

>male character ranking:

>all that talk about her friends but was ready for the kiss
what a backstabbing flat bitch


Their friends need to stand by themselves she really wanted to help them.

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Yeah, I like it too. I'm still waiting for the day Fumino and Senpai teaming up together to tease Nariyuki.


>what a backstabbing flat bitch
Based. Fumino a shit. I wouldn't mind her kissing Nariyuki if she didn't act so concerned about Rizu and Uruka.
It's so obvious the D outranks her friends.


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>Let me help my friends but kissing Nariyuki
Does not compute.

Mizuki chapter!!

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>taking Uruka's Yandere face and Asumi's smug for her chapter
I guess she pads her personality like she pads her tits.
It's all fake in the end.

it's funny how the girls are all so conscious of each other's relationships with nariyuki when he's laying pipe with ikeda every other night

One thing is Rizu but Uruka doesn't act like a friend, Uruka has never tried to tell her that she likes Nariyuki or that she is leaving.

remember when he complimented uruka's hair so fumino copied it

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Isn't Uruka also a bitch for not telling her that she likes Nariyuki?

Aaaaaah my sugar level~

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It was her advice.

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anime and lipstick doesn't really work, shit's making 'em ugly

Uruka isn’t as emotionally intelligent as Fumino. Life isn’t some black and white thing where everything is the same for everyone. Fumino doesn’t necessarily have to feel guilt about liking Nariyuki but she does.

I can't believe this massive plot point was resolved off-handedly in a single chapter. Now that's what I call good writing.

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What a cunt. Acting so petty and slutty just trying to fish for compliments from Nariyuki.

Rizu is the best character
>has a goal
>on and off screen shows tangible progress toward the goal
>while everyone else is panicking about nariyuki not tutoring them, she just says she wants him to do what makes him happy
>has a good buddy
>autism powers give her confidence
>probably smells nice
>good at keeping secrets

that said, I want a sensei end

Would you rate this chapter as an infinity out of 10?

Then she isn't a backstabbing bitch but she think she is one.

That was a mistake. A good mistake.

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im so ready to use the OH MY NYAPOLEON KISS at the future in case

It was still her advice, she just sent it to the wrong person.

what's there to discuss? nothing really happened

I feel you.
Barring the impossibility of a sensei end (;_;) I would like Rizu to win.

Hey it's the right version finally

Love is a complicated thing, going behind a friend’s back who you know is in love and was before you is kind of a bad thing. But the story doesn’t present her as a bad person who’s doing it to be a bad person, simply just fell in love hard, which isn’t bad. It’s one of those time where “all’s fair in love and war” applies.

The Nyanpoleon kiss was solved and in a good way, I would not call it nothing.

>still thinking anyone else has a chance

What would happen if she didn't make a mistext?

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Miharu/Sekijou threesome chapter when?

i want to rape Sensei and kill myself

from a non-issue turned into a non-issue, i guess you can consider that solved?

>in a good way
Hold up, what the fuck? It could've been use as part of a final arc to wrap things up. Fumino was obviously pretty affected by it. Instead it was used on a forgettable throwaway chapter. I don't know what the fuck the new editor is doing. I thought they were pushing for longer, more concrete story arcs but it looks like they're doing worse than girl of the week with shit like this.

Sure it is, but I don't really like that people call her backstabber when to be fair Fumino doesn't owe them anything.

Compare her and the snake from gotoubun.

I'm sorry this isn't Reddit where you circlejerk about space void. So I'll break it down to you. It resolves the mtter of the kiss and it resolves into fucking nothing. Literally one page of ahah hehe totes an accident and that is it. Fumino is completely out of Nariyuki's sphere, she is literally nothing to him romantically and given that after her arc at least she should be honest about it she's still "But way!".
So much for Romantic Developments. That is it. And that said let's have the last round of votes for the week.

Nariyuki would have forced Uruka to tell her the truth, and they may be a couple at this point.

At least this series isn't at toubun level of backstabbing yet.

Fumino is flat as a boy, so she is a backstabber, get it?

she'd prob cut your dick off with her skates

yes fucking this! i want this two, to meet already

Ignore those guys. Fuminofags are delusional if they think this chapter had anything of substance.
It was pure filler.

But I am a Fuminofag.

it subverted people's expectations by making people think it was something big when it wasn't anything big at all, sasuga tsutsui

She herself thinks she's bad and a shit for it.

cute, i would still rape her and kill her and myself

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Stay mad Fuminofag. Your girl is shit and amounts to nothing no matter what you bunch of Redditors say.

What did she mean by this? It's clear that she wants it. You can see her disappointment.

>Fumino doesn't owe them anything.
But I don't get why she pretends as if she cares about Rizu and Uruka.
She is a backstabber because she pretends as if she cares about them but in reality she doesn't and is selfish and manipulative as fuck.
If she didn't care about them then I wouldn't fault her with anything.

>it's clear thay she wants it
>But I...No way...we will never be in that kind of relationship
Le winning flag Fumidditors are desperately grabbing on

>subverted people's expectations
I see 22i is trying to emulate legendary director Rian Johnson.

post lewd pls or i kill myself

Those people fear the Foom.

It was an issue because it was important for the chatacters and if it was forgotten people would call Tsutsui a hack, now the kiss it's not longer in the way
An arc for a fake kiss would be terrible, and the chapter ended in a good note, Fumino finally learned who she kissed and she was teasing him at the end.

best arc for best girl

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I'm sorry that you don't have enough IQ to even try to comprehend the greatness that is this chapter. There's so much subtlety to the writing you'd never understand it no matter how many times you tried. Maybe senpai or rizu chapters are more your level?

>she is literally nothing to him romantically and given that after her arc at least she should be honest about it she's still "But way!".
You didn't read the chapter.

Shitposting aside, which is probably impossible in these threads, Fumino's writing peaked at 39 when she was developing as Nariyuki's confidant. Ever since then, she's done very little. Mafuyu's also gotten a larger part in the """story""", but I don't like it. Nariyuki and Mafuyu's roles are heavily one-sided and awkwardly so given their actual positions of power. While I'm happy there's some direction in the story, it just seems like the story's going to endlessly stumble forward until the axe comes and Tsutsui scrams to write an ending while he baits romantic moments that never comes.

Fucking romcoms, every time.

The lipstick in season one of SnK looks good.

her arc is the best for fucking, perfect ass tits and so flexible, doggy style is the best

FEAR the foom

She wanted to help them but she can't anymore.

did you just do what i think you did

Today is the second day of AnimeJapan2019. Anything new about our anime?

Still looks as disappointing as ever

I heard it's going to be shit.

Reminder that Rizu and Fumino, as of now, have literally no difference in development with Nariyuki. Fumino's plot points have been resolved with contrasting results abd therefore her supposed priority is now nonexistent. Actually I'd even go and say thay Given that Rizu's character changed overtime while the only change Fumino underwent was being rewritten, Rizu is the actual one with romantic development and unironically has more of a chance than Fumino.

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Toubunchads win again

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Nightmare fuel. Lipstick on anime manga/anime characters mostly ruins them, the shitty coloring that looks like it belongs to ms naruto releases helps nothing.

reminder Sensei raped by her team doctor ie Senpai's dad

Swear on my mommy I'm a different user. But I did that fully knowing you'd think that since I'm not afraid of what people think.

I guess there's nothing new.

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I would never be able to live with Fumino. I would just play with her hair constantly.

Is there anyone that genuinely believes Rizu has a chance of winning?

What compels a man to make a post like this one?

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Why is she crying? and where is the headband?

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I can taste the atmosphere of dad not sure how to act with his teenage daughter.

>t-the development is there it's just subtle and only IQ 3000 fumidditors can read it
>also I cannot explain it to you but trust me
Makushimamu Dameji Controru

She has a chance but what that user wrote is bullshit.

I'd compel sensei to man my post if you know what I mean

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I do it for the other user because I don't want you to think he did that because he didn't and you thinking that would be my fault. Probably he doesn't even care because he knows he didn't but still it's good manners.

Fuminofags will try and disprove this post but it's true

I don't get her hairstyle this chapter.

Haven't been in these threads in ages but what the fuck have you all devolved into? Is it just falseflaggers trying to bait other falseflaggers?

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Dem thighs.

>why aren't people circlejerking anymore wtf???

You didn't read the chapter.

>fumino is loved by everybody must be falseflagger
Go back and never come again

>broken record
Oof, can't even write a defensive pamphlet. You know Skellyfags are on suicide watch when they don't do that.

People fear the foom.

What you didn't get?

I dunno. Is this a Japanese thing where using lipstick is forbidden until you're 21 or something?

How is it works? It can't be a ponytail since the rest of her hair is loose.

I don't really think lipstick looks good at all. I like natural lip colors. A tiny bit of gloss looks nice.

People got sick of the smug Fuminofags and started counter shitposting.
Fartmino's shitty arc didn't help matters.

>Can't disprove it
The very reasons you thought Fumino had a bigger chance are gone now.
>Daddy issues supposed to make her a deeper and relevant chapter
Resolved. In mighty deus kek and one chapter development that reverts to pre arc immediatly
>intimate moments with Nariyuki with future projection and romantic setting
Rizu got that too
>secret kiss supposed to trigger important developments
Resolved. Into nothing.
You replying with one worders and dismissing it without saying anything is further proof of coping so go ahead and do it.

>being this delusional
is that what being a rizufag does to you?

It's true. You didn't read it, the chapter didn't have the "but I can't" that you love to spew it was all about the kiss, you don't have to have high IQ to understand it but you need to read it.

How is that delusion? Or you cannot put that into words as well ESL-kun?

What a cute chapter. Honestly didn't expect to like Fumino this much when I started.

She uses a small chunk to make a tiny ponytail and let the rest of her hair loose. Her proper ponytail hairstyle looks like this.

Attached: 17.jpg (784x1145, 240K)

Now go ahead and bother about it not being word by word what I said. The concept is the same and you're a fucking speedreader even in the only chapters you read. Actually, of course you don't know about the other characters developing. You don't read their chapters.

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What words can I tell you to stop your delusion? Rizu is not and will never win. Not my fault that the story is written that way. Fumino will win because she's the more main heroine out of the two.

>>intimate moments with Nariyuki with future projection and romantic setting
>Rizu got that too
And Rizu lost them too, she lost the secret about his career choice really fast.
Rizu has the same chances as Fumino.

>She's the mainest because I say so
Don't even need to say anything more about that. Fuminofags ladies and gents.

Attached: 1542448700745.png (259x268, 83K)

>same chances
Wanna talk with this fellow Skellyfaggot?

>being as retarded as 'muh mom is a star' Fumino

>no real argument
Thought so. Nobody cares what happens in every chapter from the beginning until the final one where it's crystal clear that Fumino will win. Everything in-between is filler, and if you seriously think that anybody but Fumino will win, I seriously fear for your mental state.

>implying you even read Rizu chapters to know what I'm talking about
This isn't fair user I'm sorry for bringing the discussion on a level you cannot discuss about.

>Fumino will win because she's the more main heroine
fuminofags battle cry

Can't wait for your delicious tears when Fumino doesn't win.

Don't project you lack of argument towards me. I exposed my arguments and you called them delusion without further explanation. You're the one with no arguments.

>Fumino will win because she's the more main heroine out of the two.
Haha. Oh wait you're serious???

Can't wait for everyone spergging when nobody wins.

They think they can still get away with that. Maybe expecting some redditor brethren of theirs to type based to fit in.

>reddit this reddit that
sounds like you guys have more boogeymen than you thought, just another manifestation of your delusions?

Dear diary: inverted mini-Fumino was happy today.

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We've reached phase 2 of truth facing assblasted Fuminofag, reductio ad boogeyman. Wanna keep falling down the stairs?

Male tsundere is top tier.

So who's next?

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Haven't had one of these in a while.

I'm not even sure why I even bother coming back to these threads. I thought fumino chapter threads would be much better in quality but it's clear the shitposters have invaded even our previously safe bastion for chapter discussions. Back then everyone was discussing the chapter and nobody was shitposting. What changed?

Her arc just felt like an increasingly long chain of contrivances. Still not sure whether that's better or worse than the one fucking contrivance from fuminos arc.

His sister


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>safe bastion
Fuminofags need safespace threads
>What changed?
Fumino ruined Sensei arc threads with sumgness this is backlash

>chapter discussions
That's not how you type circlejerk


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It's the truth.

>Her arc just felt like an increasingly long chain of contrivances
Can you expound on what you mean by that? The only thing that could have felt contrived was sensei accepting the interview

You know Ninofags at least have a reason to spam their girl because she actually got important development. Fuminofags just live in the past where Fumino's arc was not a thing and they still thoughtbshe was important for so called serious plot points.

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Found these images that I haven't seen before in 2channel.

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Is that motherfucking Manyuki?

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wait did people not realize from the title that mafumino is mafuyu and fumino combined

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That's a hybrid of Manlyuki and Moeyuki.

Here's the results after 2 weeks of voting. See you next week.

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So that's how Reiji and Mafuyu's daughter would look like.

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That's invalid as this is a fumino chapter

I miss Manyuki so much.

The point is to make the poll for 8 weeks making 2 months thus everything evens out. As requested by user that said results of this poll were polluted by Sensei arc hype. Sadly I don't have the original poll.

I still like him now but I do miss him act like this.

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nariyuki will be a teacher alongside sensei but we will not get a sensei end
this was foreshadowed a long time ago
parallel lines continue together for infinity but will never move closer or cross
tsutsui confirmed 200 iq mangaka/yakuza enforcer

Attached: sensei sinking her own ship.jpg (780x694, 173K)

Sawako, Fumino, Uruka, and Rizu will be a teacher there. Senpai will be the nurse.

Bokuben 2: We Never Teach

>The Interview
>Her going viral
>Dadiyuki's highly relevant to the entire story yet entirely ignored career as a teacher
>Him being specifically her teacher
>A single again previously unmentioned student that caused her go cold
>Moeman somehow finding that student offscreen with literally no information to go on
>Shows up and solves the characters major drama hook in 2 pages again

If there is going to be a sequel, I would rather have it about Nariyuki living together with the winning girl during his college years. Something like bonnouji.

You just ruled out Uruka from the bowl with that statement.

that's a given, it has to happen to kick the plot off
>Her going viral
She's gone into a ton of competitions back in her heyday, she must have gotten fans especially being so young. It also helps that Miharu is still there to promote her, and it's casually handwaved in that it's more of the specific youtuber that was viral that shared her video, rather than her being viral in its own right
>Daddyuki and being a teacher
It was implied he was a teacher, and the arc just cements it
>Single unmentioned student
She's tutored other people before, even before Fumino and Rizu. You have to understand the context given the chapter. She betrayed her parents by following her own whim to teach. She had little to no contact with other people, if at all because she had no time to make friends. Piano-chan was likely the first friend she ever made and confided in her. Her betraying piano-chan's expectations led her to losing confidence in herself yet again, and rather than just keeping at it, she had nobody to confide in since her only emotional support were her parents, who she left on a very sad note, and Piano-chan, who left her because of a deep misunderstanding on her end
>Moeman finding Piano-chan
yearbooks exist, everybody in their little area knows each other and interacts with each other. They had over two days to work it out and it wasn't rushed. He didn't suddenly find her, he went through a lot of hoops to find her BECAUSE he had no information on her
>Shows up and solves major character drama
I mean, she is instrumental to the whole thing in the first place. Seeing her happy and being able to reconcile eased a lot of pain because being at the ice rink caused Sensei to regress to her early-teacher state where she feels that she doesn't deserve teaching nor figure skating. It's what she needed to hear at the time and allows her to face the fact that even if she's bad at it, she could still try teaching once more, and for Nariyuki this time.

Truly a match made in heaven.

Apples and oranges.

The same three Fumino haters shitposting over and over again.

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Excuses, excuses...

why's uruka's head gigantic

Doesn't look that bad desu.

Why is my post still get posted even though I clicked abort.

If you have no argument, theres no reason to post

Aren't you the one coming up with excuses just to hate? I never understood why people can only appreciate chapters with their favorite and auto hate everything else. Seems like I'll never learn.

Boring chapter. I think it's time to axe this series.

The new PV confirmed that they are going to adapt the first 12 chapters. How many episodes are there going to be?

It doesn't fit the moeboy.

It sounds stupid.

It fits Manyuki.

Is this a thing in English?

Fear the power of the main girl.

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It's not a translation. That's exactly the sound she made. What does that even mean?

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I love Rizu

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Is this a new Tsutsui clone doujin?

It's Fuminofags only. Worst thing is they keep playing the victim but times have changed.


Like clockwork.

12 obviously. When was the last time a romcom got more than that?

This is Nariyuki after he graduated from the woman's heart class.

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What do you say to those that call you delusional for thinking Rizu can win Rizubro?

You're telling me you're not one?

Not particularly, no.

>caring about fuminofags' shitposting

what a borig filler shit

Silly user, he's obviously a "senpai"fag.

So, this is moe...

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Let's add liar to the list.

That's not even close to enough quotation marks.

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I don't even read their shitposting

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Whatever helps you sleep at night my dude

Here is a better scan.

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Attached: Ttsb.png (245x397, 119K)

Why do you keep replying?

Because that's how threads work. People post, people reply.

You know what I find funny? It's the Fuminohaters that have been circlejerking since a month now.

Attached: rizu gasp.png (178x288, 21K)

Nariyuki chapter again next week?

Every chapter is a nariyuki chapter, let's see if it actually features Uruka like that jump preview page said.

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Great for bulge edit.

>can't quite talk about his career path
Didn't he just spill it out before? What the fuck now?

>Nariyuki chapter was the best ranked one in a long time

It must have been pretty hilarious for you since the circlejerk with fumino was going on longer before that
Oh wait

>his chapter then tanked hard on the next one

Don't bully the moe

I'll be honest with you guys
I'm excited to watch the anime.

Same. I will always shill Bokuben because it is a cute manga and not bad. It's the manga I await the most every week. No matter the character because I love all of them.

Attached: Senza titolo5.jpg (1590x1805, 2.06M)

My brother. Shokugeki used to be that manga for me but it went to shit.I still love Erina though.

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Am I the only one who has lost interest in any other chapter other than a sensei or senpai one? After the sensei arc, every other chapter just fails in comparison.

>having any interest in senpai chapters
They are objectively the worst.

The more this manga is going on and and on the more it seems like a Fumino end is possible. If Fumino doesn't win then there probably won't be a winner at all.

They are just fun chapters and always makes me smile

>dissing best girl Asumi and her chapters
Too bad the anime won't give her justice, I mean just look at the PVs and key art.

kill me pls

>>dissing best girl Asumi and her chapters
More like PISSING girl Asumi and her chapters. Amirite?

I immedesimate in Senpai for the incapable part because we went through the same path and I want her to be happy. That's why I will always love her and her chapters.

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You have shit taste.

I wrote the same but in SAO threads.

Too bad none of her chapters focus on that, which is the only interesting thing about her.

but i really want to die to nothingness

Same here, a Shokugeki reader during the Azami arc who migrated to BokuBen since chapter 1.

fuckoff, we dont want shounentards here

Yeah that's undoubtly a shame. Tsutsui is a hack on that part.
I'd like to hear about that but this is not the place to blog. Here are the Bokubens. Focus on the one you like if you like them at all.

Attached: The Cast.png (767x789, 821K)

Bokuben is shounen.

urusai urusai URUSAI

then i like Fumino, i want to fuck her and kill ourselves together

>then i like Fumino
>liking a violent, jealous, backstabbing tsundere
Get better taste

Shokugeki was about chicks and antics, not only battles.

Attached: 0183.jpg (760x1200, 783K)

i love her enough to embrace her darker side but i dont love myself enough to accept what a useless shitbag i am and certain not enough to motivate myself to be a better person

Do the things you like. It doesn't make the bad things go away but at least you think less about them.

Bokuben is soft-seinen.

how sweet is Sensei ass?

>violent, jealous, backstabbing tsundere
Pick one

Are you perhaps an idiot?

i pick Fumino, i want her and nothing but her

peach flavoured

to me, peach is one of the many not flavored fruit. Am i weird?

Uruka was a mistake.

you are wrong

I just realized there is an anime called "Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai" next season. Funny.

funny what

Your dad forgetting protection was a mistake

>Senpai was a mistake

>Midara na Ao-chan wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
>Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai
Both are airing next season.

I don't get it

funny how

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A mistake to make so cute and a best. Not even fair.

Attached: Baka Sexy Uruka.png (912x1150, 1.05M)

Attached: OTP.jpg (740x1488, 176K)

That doesn't mean anything.

Calm down, I didn't say that pic has any meaning. They are just my OTP.

i want to kill him and steal his girls

Man rewritten fumino is no fun. Uruka 2.0

Shh. Fuminofags are allergic to facts.
They are so deluded that actually believe that Fuminos arc was good and highly rate it.
The poor guys are mentally challenged and are a lost cause.

Oh, so now they're going to have that kind of relationship.

Attached: typical daughter.jpg (621x414, 119K)

>Work related
Odd that senpai is a prostitute in a harem but I guess it is something different.

>Truly a masterpiece, lemme tell you
So casual.
Also, Nariyuki is even more cute than usual in that page.


Attached: the kings engine roars.png (806x952, 1.61M)

She was talking about the maid job.

I like how he actually pays attention and learns about these things. The two "date" chapters where in the first one she says he should say it is like they're on a date when they're doing that stuff and then in the second time he says it is like they are on a date was great.

>before arc rewrite
>inconsistent character
>after arc rewrite
>literally the same as everyone else
What a shame

fuck marry kill rape friends

Marry Fumino and then fuck her.

Fuck Sensei
Marry Rizu
Kill Fumino
Rape Uruka
Friend Asumi

Nariyuki is too cute!

i dont work that way my friend, for example

fuck Uruka
marry Fumino
kill Senpai
rape Sensei
friends RIzu

Damn you, you got my hope up when I checked the replies before reading the chapter.

Fuck Sensei
Marry Sensei
Kill Uruka
Rape Sensei
Friends with Sawako because she doesn't have many friends

Are you Rizu? If not then I don't think she want to be your friend.

This man Is painful. I love it.

litfags are cancer

censorfag abusing censor is the real cancer

--- with everyone worried about the current chapter, no one will notice stealthy uruka ---

Attached: hidden.png (212x483, 48K)

Mine now.

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strong manwhore

Loveable autist.

>she doesn't know

w-what's nariyuki gonna do with that mannequin that's definitely not uruka!?

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is that slang for nakadashi!?

Attached: whaaaaaaaaaaaa.png (344x608, 123K)

He will use it to his heart's content.

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Stay mad

Attached: Smug Uruka.jpg (170x214, 30K)

nariyuki don't bully uruka-chan with your penis!!!!!!!

Attached: uhyaaaaa.png (376x249, 75K)

yeah, by homeless drunks though


>he doesn't know.

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guess it's time for senseless shitposting and image spamming hour

Cute Ururaka!!

slut Uruka

f o o m

>That was NOT my first kiss! It didn't count

It was... Nariyuki-kun. My... First...

So the "If it's Nariyuki then it changes everything" fag was right.

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Fartmino is a slut confirmed.

>We don't have that kind of relationship,
but let's do it anyway
What a slut, I guess the manwhore really has bad influence on this girls.

all girls are slut for manwhoreyuki

and with this Furuhashi takes the lead in the cock teasing bitches category yet again.
Rizu should hurry up and win this already.

No one is cuter then Rizu. She is perfect and the best for Nariyuki.

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I think she has the worst design, honestly. Bring back her long hair.

Fumi can communicate.

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Fumino chapter?

Imagine waiting 10 years for a gift and only getting a tiny ass chapstick

>I think she has the worst design
Senpai is basically rizu 0.5 in terms of design

Based child and his silly bag.

It's the thought that matters and Fumino is happy with that.

Yoshi, dekita

Attached: urukasnewhome.png (570x410, 136K)

trash where she belongs

How many times have that mom and child appeared now? Wasn't someone keeping track??

She's not the one with twins, right? They look similar.

with a tagline:
>Giving you lips that people want to kiss...
and creepy/autistic comments

Good joke.

Can you seethe less loudly faggot?

Attached: Uruwink.png (846x588, 641K)

This chapter was fucking dumb.

>tiny ass chapstick
As tiny as her chest. Hohoho

Nah. Fumino has the worst. So bland and boring. She's basically a walking Yamato nakadashi cliche.

At the least the others don't pretend as if they care about the rest. Flatmino pretends as if she cares about Rizu and Uruka, but it's so obvious that she craves the D while forgetting about her friends

Unlike the rest of the series!

Why did Tsutsui draw this?

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because he had to fulfill the destiny

Attached: Tsugumi won.jpg (1200x1734, 337K)

Where's the version of this with pic related?

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Why do people like Uruka 2.0 again?


she appeared 2 chapters earlier now sit down retard

Maybe he means shy maiden uruka instead of genki agressive uruka

Attached: Untitled14.png (360x525, 145K)

Because she's cute and Uruka 1.0 isn't bad either.

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He means the new Spaghetti Spiller Fumino.

She cares but she is also in love with the guy.

Doesn't sound like the behaviour of someone who's awoken.

Fumino handled well the kiss incident.
Uruka wishes she could talk about her own kisses like that.

Stop. He is just trying to be a good father.

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She was pure spaghetti the few pages before, and Uruka knows how to handle things well when she actually gets down to it

Cute dad! CUTE!!

It is if you think that she finally realized that she loves the guy even if she is trying to fight against her feelings.

This is Uruka's face after the kiss. What's your point?

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No way, Uruka can't handle a kiss, she is the girl with more kisses and she keeps lying about them.

Have you tried reading the manga? Uruka isn't 100% spaghetti all the time. She's able to speak with Nariyuki on emotional terms, even when they're alone. She confronted Nariyuki when there were rumors about him kissing some random girl.

She is not honest.

he kinda looks and feels like Fuutarou, a hardworking asshole

Fumino just kissed a plastic head tho, don't forget that.

I never mentioned she's 100% spaghetti, I said she wishes she can talk about her kisses like Fumino in this chapter.

It's real for both of them, blame Japan.

Well unlike Fumino Uruka actually likes Nariyuki so there might be some problems there

>no udon

No it's not, you fool.

>Uruka actually likes Nariyuki
Opposite is also true. And Tsutsui will avenge Onodera.

Attached: Too much.png (218x158, 57K)

dumbfuck, everyone and their mother loves Nariyuki


By how they're being cool about it seems like a pretty realistic accidental thing that they don't care about. Like when I kissed my BFF's GF. It's cool.

Moeman and Moeboy from Chiba.

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If there's anything that I learned from anime it's that parallel lines converge above the horizon.

And the readers too.

>implying their world follows euclidean geometry
mada mada...

I want to be Kashima's friend. I want to talk about Fumino all day with her.

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Regardless of which girl you're rooting for, we can all agree that Sensei is the one Nariyuki is most intimate with right?

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Can't argue with facts.

It's incredible how despise all three being hardcore Fuminofags Kashima managed to be on another level.

I love the relationship between Nariyuki and Fumino.

They are honest with each other and they quickly clarify the misunderstanding .

It was just a non-issue anyway

Why are a lot of Fuminofags retarded ESLs?

she's gonna win isn't she

I want to join Ibara club.

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Well, she is their leader.

Kinda reminds me of Shinpachi.

>Uruka also hates Nariyuki

We can only hope.


I meant that Nariyuki also likes Uruka.

He meant that nariyuki hates uruka

>They trust and confide in each other to a genuinely concerning extent from an outsider's perspective
>He actively goes way out of his way to be there for her
>He hangs at her place regularly
>He knows her so well that it's embarrassing for her
>They have seen each other naked
>He has carried her to bed and slept with her
>Her sister has a justified misunderstanding about their relationship and still supports them
>They are constantly stepping deeper and deeper into husband & wife behaviour
>She actually gave serious thought about accepting a proposal from him

Attached: 08.png (893x1300, 358K)

Will Fumino ever finds out about their existence?


They are a top tier secret group. No way.

no, just speak for yourself and the other handful Fuminotards

Most of what you wrote is about what he does for her.

then how the fuck we know about them?

Don't forget that they took care of a baby together, and he wasn't forced to meddle with her family problems, it was something he did out of his own will rather than somebody being forced out of their home for a very stupid reason.
He also spent a lot of time looking for an alumni in their neighborhood that he knows little of just for a teacher
He also looked hard for Miharu when she's in peak popularity to get her a costume and a solo rink so that they can skate together
There's also the fact that he actively wants to make her happy instead of just supporting her wishes.

What does she over him? Other than her admittedly great butt.

offer. I'm a retard. dont bully

he is a poor boy under her spell, Fumino the intelligence will save him

Can I have a word with the fag that said people liking Sensei's arc was just momentum?

Sasuga Xfag

She offers constructive criticism on his teaching and a good place to study, alongside actually giving him good lessons so that he learns while spending time with her. She also gives hi good food that he wouldn't be able to eat normally along with a look into the life of a teacher, something he wants to do

I love all the girls. But I love sensei and Foom the most.

Fumino does that too.

Yeah, giving good food
how about the three other points

you know what fumino can do that none of the other girls can? be a wall to stop things from getting to nariyuki. literally

If Uruka was honest, this would have ended long ago

Yes, and? The point is that she's the one he has the most intimate relationship with. He may slide into the otouto act with the Foom but he'd at least hesitate to lick her hand since he still feels the need to keep his guard up with her.

Good taste.

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>good food
Fumino only gives him cheap snacks. Sensei treats him to sushi.

The faggots who say they like all the girls are the worst and most rabid shitposters in reality.

I just wanna know if next chapter will be for best girl Uruka-chan

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Fumino and Nariyuki is basically Master and Student. Nariyuki and Sensei are Husband and Wife

Yes, with her being rejected or Nariyuki postponing his answer until after the exams.

>She also gives hi good food that he wouldn't be able to eat normally
>Meat bun
>Homemade burger
>Baby milk
Has she been unconsciously domesticating him this whole time? There's the whole the way to a man's heart is through his stomach thing too.

I still don't buy it, all sensei has done for him is helping him to study, she hasn't helped him in something not related to school.

We don't know. What we read back then may not be the actual preview. The end of chapter one says it's about Nariyuki's career. Probably a get together chapter.

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no, you are the real shit stirrer

In your shit headcanon maybe.

>I just wanna know if next chapter will be for best girl
It will be for best girl Narichan

Uruka > Rizu = Mafuyu > Asumi > Fumino

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Senpai is by far the ugliest girl though.
That hair style is horrendous.

Attached: 26_14.jpg (870x1269, 137K)

On the other hand, what have the others done for him aside from waste his time and resources? He doesn't even need to tutor them anymore since he yeeted the scholarship away.

You said he'd reject her if she were to confess and that's what you mainly meant because you want to stir shit.

I want a chapter without Nariyuki.

What about Nariyuki? What would he do if he knows about them?

Hit the spot faggot?

Fumino can't offer him an actual female body to please him

They are his friends, I don't think spending some time with your friends is a waste.
Fumino is also teaching him how to understand women and she also helped him when he had probkems with his old friend Uruka

And? Is sensei not his friend? Fumino's teachings are useless and only serve to make more misunderstandings. See: above.

That's shallow user, Nariyuki knows that as long as you love her breast size doesn't matter.

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You mean his crush Uruka

He's going to have a hard time pounding her bony ass, though

Kek. Nariyuki is probably into traps hence why he's ok with Fu(ta)mino

Not until they touch lips.

Calm down router restart-kun

Calm down, paranoid Fuminotard

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>2 new posters after bump limit
You don't fool me faggot

It is jump so can we change that to holding hands instead?

Nobody is trying to fool you, retard. People are just laughing at your paranoia.

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Remember that time when Fumino run like a madwoman just to tell him that Uruka doesn't like anyone and Nariyuki said what does that have to do with me?

He is a manwhore who holds any hand he can, so no.

>being this retarded
Of course it's a Fuminofag

They're so great together. They are fun and honest and really affectionate in their own Japanese way.

Blast! You saw through my cunning plan.

Attached: 17.png (927x1300, 405K)

Remember Nariyuki wanting to be counceled about him and Uruka and him being jealous of her (bra shop)? Also what is he meant to say in that occasion? He obviously plays it fake since when he talks about it with Fumino he says it's for a friend, because he's shy about it.

You can post a collage made of all your smug folder pics. You're still damage cobtrolling.

Huh? I'm just laughing at a mentally damaged Fuminofag who gets butthurt at people throwing some banter against their skeleton of a girl. You can keep crying all you want.

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And they say Fuminofags can't handle the banter.

Last for Urucute a best

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last for Mizuki never getting a solo chapter

Senpai's ass

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Rizu a best.

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