Infinite Dendrogram


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Only new information is the director. But still, looked better than I would expect considering it's from a relatively small company.
PV should've had more Nemesis though.

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Literally where the fuck did this come from? Was not expecting an adaptation at all. Manga translations fucking when?

Manga was licensed by J-Novel too, so no more fan translations

PV looks fine, it will be awesome to finally see Nemesis and bear bro in action.

>Wrong artist
Missed opportunity.

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I don't think a LN adaptation has ever used manga designs for its anime

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Marie look so hot

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Here's all the designs. The website looks broken to me though.
Also Cyco a cute.

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Tell me about whatever gary stu asspull advantages the MC has before I invest a single minute into this shit.

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Plot summary for secondary scum onegaishimasu

Thank the chinks. Dendrogram probably only got an anime right now because Nidoume no Jinsei got taken out by the Chinese and HJ had nothing else that was at all popular except Dendrogram to replace it with.

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His skill set is entirely based around giant-killing, absorbing tons of damage and sending it all back. Which basically just means he gets to have spotlight on boss fights as the protagonist since all of his friends have more broken abilities.

He's a tank with a 2h weapon based entirely on counter attacking. He's a masochist.

>t. Nemesis

MC is a Shirou-esque paragon of justice that isn't an annoying and preachy cunt. The A.I. are basically sentient, and some think the game world is actually an alien planet or something.
Anyways, the MC goes around on adventures, becoming the weirdest Paladin around, punching people in the face and literally eating his enemies.

Best girl is a weaponwaifu.

Tank, relies on counter damage.

Everyone has asspull powers, his brother is a in real life martial artist and real life skills transfer over into the game. He doesn't need AGI or dex so he stacks STR up the assload and fights people who are tens to hundreds of times faster then him relying on his skills alone. The entire game is about setting people up with asspull powers and the MC's are tame in comparison.

Rubbing corpse splatter all over Nemesis!

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I'm convinced that the author is incapable of writing major battles that he can win without asspulls and just patches over the problem by giving all of his asspulls stupid huge demerits which mean that he has an excuse not to asspull them for the very next fight again.

Its a fun system, most people can't write good battles. The last fight I have read that I was throughly engaged in was the plant demon from Danmachi v12 and v4 of Grimgar where they fight that monster samurai thing.

>no fang

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fixed. She's a vampire, isn't she? One fang isn't enough.

Are you a bad enough dude to get the pimp class, Yea Forums?

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I'll give you Gardranda and Monochrome, but Ray won every fight from volumes 2 to 6 with his previously stablished skills.

No, she's a sword.

>No Imai Kami
>No e-zuka

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>Gardranda and Monochrome
I hadn't thought about it, but those were asspulls. Those wins were basically handed to him by the plot. At least with Maize-Goul (was that their name?) everything tied into his usual abilities and whatever the plot gave was cross-applicable, unlike with Monochrome, where the new form Nemesis unlocked was basically tailor-made for that one situation.

It's just when Nemesis unlocks a new form. Gouz-Maise, RSK, and Franklin were all beat through the skills he had before starting the fight. The RSK fight even highlights that.

>get a harem of monster girls

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Unlocking Purifying Silverlight about 5 minutes before the fight and using it for the first time in that fight is pretty close.

There's nothing particularly surprising about a Paladin getting a smite skill as he levels up though, we only learn that's a rare one (due to the very specific way of unlocking it) in the next volume, so it was fairly normal when it happened. I wouldn't put that nowhere near close to Nemesis's perfect timing transformations.

Imagine buying a physical boxed game in the future.

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yeah, i dont recall that ever happening

Looks good

What's this, shichisei no subaru mk2 ?

New Dendro manga.

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What kind of manga is this? Doesnt dendrogram already have one

Spin-off/Sidestory stuff
MC of this manga will be Juliet (Black Raven) and Chelsea (Vagrant Golden Sea).

Ohhh juliet is the gothic loli right? I liked her a lot

So this is SAO but they aren't trapped in?

Yeah, the chuuni girl.
And it's an actual adventure instead of teen melodrama.

>Another Isekai
What gimmick does this one have to make it stand out?

Its not an isekai, it’s people playing vrmmo

The gimmick is that it's not an isekai despite being literally the same thing

Its an actual online mmo with a secret behind it. Also philosophical questions about whether sentient ai should be considered people and stuff.

That twirly bangs thing the girl second from the left has going on is the hottest fad with nip girls. It needs to transfer to anime.

The original WN has 20+ volumes of content but you still don't know if it's really an isekai or not.
That's kinda special.

and nothing of value was lost

>doesn't know what to do with his dick
i dunno man

the LN hasn't exactly been subtle with telling you that this is isekai

There are Maou jobs for every sin.
He's gonna get the one for lust and become the PG sex god.

Gardranda's summoning has been foreshadowed by Jabberwock in vol 2, and they got the third form's skill because they wanted ranged attacks and Embryo evolutions are based on what they want.
They're excessively convenient, but not quite "asspulls."

I would classify asspulls like power of friendship in fairy tail. Forehadowing and the way Ray thinks about how to fight is just normal, since almosf every fight would be considered asspulls if that was an asspull

But when will someone finally step up to ripping these?

Infinite kinogram

Probably whenever JNC finally passes the fan translations. They're only a chapter or two behind now I think.

How often do they update their translations anyway?

For manga? Think it's every two weeks plus a break between volumes. Looks like they've done 7 chapters in the last 4 months for Dendrogram.

Imagine all the black bars.

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I can't express enough how much this fucking filter, color aberration bullshit annoys me. It makes everything look washed up, blurry and cheap.

Attached: (1) TVアニメ<Infinite Dendrogram>-インフィニット・デンドログラム-第1弾PV - Y (910x511, 130K)

*washed out

I thought you're just being a little bitch, but you are absolutely right. This is like motion blurs in games all over again.


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parts 1-2 are out
masters are a blight upon existence

It feels like a shitty gimmick meant to hide bad animation or whatever, give you a sense of "motion" or a "cinematic feel". Either way, it looks fucking bad it worries me a lot since I've been noticing more and more anime adopt the past few years.

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It looks like it's only there for a moment to represent Ray's disorientation or the hyperreality of Dendro since it doesn't really appear much in later parts of the PV. It's not quite Strike the Blood tier at least.

you can hardly look at some of the stills of more recent anime because they're so bright that it obscures detail

It's weird to see my boy Ray in non-edgy clothes again.

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It's still annoying to the eyes and it's especially easy to spot when they blur stuff in the background. It also feels like it smooths out the edges like bad AA does in games and brightens the colors needlessly.

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I don't care for it, but even in a show like StB where it was way overused I got used to it eventually. That effect seemed to be used extremely sparingly here, and considering the setting and where it was used it was actually appropriate.

All things considered I'm pleased with how the trailer looks. Especially with how many shows JC Staff is getting these days, and how awful almost all of them look. No CGI monsters either. Could be a lot worse.

Not sure why they haven't announced the studio by now. Silver Link, maybe?

Hi Steiner. How're the cats?

>another fucking video game isekai

I am so sick of this genre

Assuming you're not trolling, what makes you think it's an isekai?

Looks like kyoani finally doing some 3rd party anime

Does he even have a dick in game? i imagine being younger than 18 either makes you unable to unequip underwear or just become a barbie doll

MMO series with a good mix of action, comedy and comfy. Most of the prominent players are notoriously eccentric, and the devs seem to laugh at the idea of balance. There's hints that the game is beyond the limits of human technology, and one or two characters suggest that there's a Log Horizon or Alicization scenario going on but admit they don't have any evidence.

In addition to the game having a wide variety of classes for character customization, players each get an "Embyro" - a weapon or pet with unique powers which evolves according to their playstyle. Embryo powers are almost always stupidly broken, like "Split into a dozen bodies each as strong as the original, which respawn instantly unless all of you die at once", "When you use a class ability, multiply any 10 of its variables by 10", or "Summon an assassin who cannot be detected by any means".

>Embryo powers are almost always stupidly broken
The players are just as bullshit in real life. There's champion martial artists, Indiana Jones types, the head of not-Scientology, a guy so lucky he wins the lottery wihout entering it, and a guy who was trained by both world's greatest detective and the world's greatest thief.

And a lazy mangaka in eternal hiatus to play videogames

I don't get all those MMO with no stakes animu. Who can get invested in that shit.

You definitely wouldn't have a Maiden Embryo.

>Papercraft of the anime's interpretation of the game's system
Literal black box.

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Arms-type Embryos:
>Masters with this type of Embryo tend to be courageous and unafraid to be hurt, and are reckless, foolish, emotional and hot blooded.

Guardian-type Embryos:
>Masters with this type of Embryo are cowardly, afraid to be hurt and desire someone to protect them.

Chariot-type Embryos:
>Masters with this type of Embryo are indecisive, liars and tend to follow the crowd.

Castle-type Embryos:
>Masters with this type of Embryo are introverted, gentle, careful, cooperative and have an artisan's temperament.

Territory-type Embryos:
>Masters with this type of Embryo have a lust for control, tend to hoard their stress, create rules for themselves, and are self righteous lone wolves.

Imagine becoming a Chariot-type user and by extension essentially getting told by the game that you're a piece of shit.

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It's a plot point how some characters believe the world is real while others treat is a game.
From a meta perspective it's clearly a real world though, so I'm not sure how there aren't stakes.

When is it coming out in english?

Two parts are already up on J-Novel. So the eBook will be about 10 weeks from now.

The synopsis lied to me. So when he goes into VRMMO he's actually unknowingly visiting a different world? Cool.

she looks generic

It's not known, by the characers or readers, if it really is another world or not. What is known is that the NPCs in the game have real human-like lives and intelligence. There are players who treat it as 'just a game' and will kill or torment these characters if they can get it away with it, but there are also characters like Ray who see them as real people and will fight to defend them. The stakes come from the fact that a lot of Ray's friends are these NPCs, and if they die they don't get to respawn. From their perspective the 'players' are these insane, unkillable beings of vast power from another world. So it'd be pretty scary to live as one of them.

The impression I've gotten was that it's more like a simulation where they let the control AIs build other AIs, and let them run wild for a few accelerated millenia to shape the world and it's history. If you're still watching SAO, think something like Alicization's Underworld.

But I'm not 100% sure either. I haven't read ahead on the untranslated stuff, so it's possible I'm totally wrong. It's all still pretty ambiguous on what Dendro actually is.

I've read ahead to the WN and it's still ambiguous.

Will we even get isekai animu at the level of Heroes Die?
>post-apocalyptic take on panem et circenses where "Actors" are sent from Earth to a different dimension to topple fantasy kingdoms for the entertainment of the undercastes

You guys keep forgetting the most important part. Being able to impregnate the supposed AIs.

That's 0.1% chance rare, though. Since all trace of a player vanishes when they log out, you'd need to be in-game long enough for the sperm to inseminate the egg. It only happened to that one guy because of his unique circumstances.