Jojo part 5

What do you guys think of part 5 so far?

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its shit

its shit

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Part 6 anime when


It's THE shit

It's good, like the manga.


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It's gay

Never ever

Not bad. If Metallica and Green day + Oasis fights suck then it's not going to be very good.
I want it. but DP decided to adapt Cells at work.

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Better than part 4


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I like it.

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>little feet will never shrink you down
Why even live

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is she sitting on his dick


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Shit as always.

Jojo = shit

a+ digiorno drinks piss

not that good to be honest

>tfw no cute teen daughter to sit on my dick in the bath

Shit, worst part.

Do bullets release CO2 after being shot?


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Gunpowder igniting does. And bullets probably can cause skin to burn, which would also create CO2.

So bullets fart. Nice.

Do Stands dream of spiritual sheep?

Why did Araki keep forgetting that Mista’s gun isn’t part of his stand?

Why does Mista even exist when Aerosmith can do the same but better?

A lot of combustion releases CO2.

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Could Giorno make a dinosaur?

Aren't farts some kind of combustion themselves?

Best part so far.

he can only create animals that do or have actually existed

I guess I get what Araki was going for with Scary Monsters now

>Scary Monsters
This reminds me: how the fuck Diego managed to make FUCKING DINOLAMPS?

Scary monsters
And super creeps
Keep me making
Dino lamps

I can't understand why King Crimson is so overpowered. If he has to avoid attacks, the is not invincible.

>the is not invincible.
Russians disagree


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Now that the dust has settled was this scene really necessary?

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god i'm stupid
took me 10 times to reread the post to understamd

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It is the only important scene in part 5, let's not kid ourselves.

Question, if purple haze were to join them in the final fight would he have been able to kill the boss with a touch>

Yeah, but The World can stop time and do whatever he pleases. King Crimson seems like only slow a little bitch and still has to avoid the trajectory of the enemy moves. How it is that powerful?

I was more upset at you for not recognising it as a reference to Bowie's song

>yeah, but

What is the range of the time Erasure? Seems pretty low. Besides, only attacks that were not long range and all directions were used against diabolo. Doubt he can escape a Nuke to the face.

im pretty fine with it, I do get genuinely excited when I nab a gander at an episode. The new opening is growing on me and I find it unfair that it gets shoved down lower while up against Fighting gold. Im a sucker for the ending song as well.

Also Dopio did nuffin worng.

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I still think it's the worst Jojo part but the anime has reminded me of some great stuff. I had forgoten how fun the Babyhead fight was.

>Be me Diavolo
>Fighting overrated cuck vampire jobber with timestop
>Use epitaph
>Skip the timestop
>Smash his head with my ultra mega retard strenght.
>Open a window and let the sunlight BTFO his broken body

Right. That is not how works. He clearly has to avoid any moves. He erases the time perception. The enemy moves as intended and he just observes until the 10 seconds pass and the guy be confused why nothing worked.

>I wake up feeling so horny.

It's alright. I'm not a big fan of any of the main characters except Mista.
I wish part 4 focused more on Josuke.

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Narancia is cute! CUTE!


Yes, yes it was

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Pretty shit, much like the manga. You can only polish a turd so far, and the quality of the anime can barely be considered polish.

>questioning the importance of this scene
Is it autism, bros?

Those guys on the roof somehow make Jojo even more gay then before. I mean it's pretty gay but they could fuel the world's energy requirements for 1000 years with queer fusion.

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Waiting for the hype to die down and the season to finish so i could binge watch it but i fucking hate the newer animeonly fans who spout shitty KONO DIO DA and related memes so much

>filthy bingewatcher judges other people
I bet you haven't started part 8 either.

What the fuck do you mean “so far”? It’s a finished series you dumb animeonly cuck

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I have if its hard to believe you faggot, did i hit a nerve?



Ya seethe?

Just give me back Battle Tendancy



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Steel Ball Run > Diamond is Unbreakable > Vento Aureo > JoJolion > Battle Tendency > Stone Ocean > Stardust Crusaders > Phantom Blood

JoJo gradually gets more progressive as it goes

wait until part 6 with the interracial family, black character, strong women main cast, and condemnations of the KKK/Jim Crow.

KONO DIO DA has been around since 2012 m8. That was 7 years ago. It's time to move on.

I've been reading JoJo online since early Steel Ball Run back in 2005 and anime only fags aren't so bad

I can't believe 2012 was 89 years ago

You shitting me? 89....

>black character
If you're talking about Pucci he's just a tan Italian,


Wait how long ago?

SBR, Diamond is Unbreakable, Battle Tendency

Stone Ocean, Jojolion

yare yare daze tier:
Phantom Blood, Stardust Crusaders

goodbye jojo tier:
Vento Aureo

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>tfw got into Jojo when ASB got announced
>tfw read everything before the game got released
>tfw Shitgeshi made it in but my boy Weather didn't

I'm still seething.

Why is part 5 so gay? When I was reading it, Tiziano and Squalo were a bit close, but never this touchy feely. Davidpro turned them into straight faggots.
>Sorbet and gelato
>Giorno and Mista
>Bruno and Abbacchio
Part 6 literally has Pucci lying in bed with DIO and is less gay than this.

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It will always be the most rewatchable part.

>Tiziano and Squalo were a bit close, but never this touchy feely.
Re-read it. They were particularly gay.

Absolutely nothing gay about deeply staring your homie in the eyes and touching his chest.

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89 years? But that's impossible

Good adaptation of a mediocre part.

But it's okay because all the degenerates get killed off.

I want to be her lover

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I want to be her panties

Do you think tomoko would sleep with only a black t shirt if she was feeling heat in her loins? Like no panties or pants no shorts or a bra. Just naked and a black t shirt. God I wanna smell and lick her musky pits and vulva. I hope she isn't the type to shave her bush or armpits that way it'll catch more of her natural sent. God I'd love to have her ass on top of my face while I'm snuggled underneath her covers

She is 15

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Legal in my country and hers

I want to be her father.

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Trish should've been the traitor.

Trish should have been Diavolo.

>Bruno takes Trish to the top of the elevator
>She transforms into the boss right in front of him, says "thanks" and walks away.

what song is the new ed?

it's a fucking banger

best animated part so far

Enigma - Modern Crusaders

Save me from the assassination team is a pretty solid motive as things go.

is this some gook shit?

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>Araki listening to gangsta rap while writing Jojo
>Naming stands after songs and albums
>Pops in Eazy-E CD
>Bobs heads to the beats
>Finishes writing JJL 85 and sends it off for print
>/jojo/ expecting the new stand to be named Black Hole Sun
>Translations appear online
>Stand is named Black Nigga Killa

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Does he just, like, run a finger along the CD cases and stop to get a Stand name

>black nigga killah
>not Come Clean

89? Not to sound like a retard here, but... That's just not possible!

Is he still listening to 80's music like nigga it's been almost 40 years. What was the most recent song name he's used so far? Fucking Born This Way? That came out 8 years ago. When's he gonna name some new stand name like 「CLOSING TIME」or even 「BREAKING THE HABIT」 i'm trying not to reveal my musical tastes because I actually don't listen to new music either.

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Found the part 6 opening

I think the quality the past few episodes have been kinda shit but i'm hoping they're saving the budget for fights like Metallica and Green day

Black screens, nigga.

we saw narrancia's tongue cut in half

>tongue cut in half
That's some pussy shit, nigga.

atleast its not classical, or aren't you exited for the epic showdown between minuet in G and cannon in D.

the vola vola scene was so crappy and unimpactful looking
i felt none of it

It was very awkward

Cmon David, you have a chance to actually make Spice Girl's introduction not shit
Do it, give her an awesome fucking theme or something

>Volare via.
It's like hearing Sheer Heart Attack for the first time in Part 4 anime, so much quieter than how they portrayed it in the manga and games.

Personally, I was disappointed by "daga kotowaru".
I thought Rohan would say it with more feeling, but it ended up sounding kinda flat.

the new OP gets better and better the more i listen to it

I've just started 7, what a chad

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Not gonna lie, I wouldn't mind classical music names.

Literal descriptors of form and key aside, there are some pretty great ones

>caprichio arabe vs. moonlight sonata
>leyenda vs. flight of the bumblebee

you know what, im fuckkin sold.

He should start naming stands after soundcloud rappers, like 「RITORU PAMPO」 or「REI SUREMUREDO」or「EKUSU EKUSU EKUSU TENTASHION」.


Is this from before Araki completely changed his artstyle again

Why not both?

>Für Elise vs Robot Rock
>Blue Danube vs Feel Good Inc.

More stands named after classical songs and modern songs would be great.

Been reading part 7 and I'm halfway through. It's really good

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part 7 is a really good ride, have fun user.

>danse macabre
>air on a g string
>fly me to the moon
>waltzing for dreamers

akri pls

>danse macabre

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Trish time

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Manga was brilliant. Not feeling it with the anime.

Its the exact same?

>Mista tries to shoot a stand with his gun

Are you okay reatard

>Hey guys I have a stand that can make people lie
>Can I join ELITE GUARD of the BOSS

>Lol no get the fuck out of here

Why even get excited about the next parts when none of them can beat DiU in quality and heart?

Maybe Jojolion.

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is that edited

>animation for Zucchero's skull corroding is better than the final flairless OP that has the spice of a water cookie


>suggesting that dinosaurs never existed


Rock animals

I think that's the problem for me with DP's adaptations. They stick way too close to the manga and don't take advantage of being animated. The anime ends up feeling like a preview for the manga, animation not being very fluid also effects this. Part 1 and 2's anime were great even though many panels were cut from 1, 3 wasn't very good, 4 was alright and 5 is the same as 3.

>worshiping a walking mcguffin of a character

Why won't you fall in love with Yasuho instead like a true patrician
She's the only young feminine female that feels realistic in this entire series.

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>King Crimson seems like only slow a little bitch and still has to avoid the trajectory of the enemy moves. How it is that powerful?
It is far more powerful on defense than Za Warudo, because of Epitaph. You can catch a time stop user off guard, you cant catch Diavolo off guard without insane next level trickery. Its practically impossible to beat Diavolo in a straight up fight without a hard counter. You would need weapons or stands of mass destruction to deal with him. Something like the Grateful Dead could do it. Distract Diavolo with some long ranged attacks all while he is under effect of the Grateful Dead all while he is dying from old age. The problem with such attacks is the need to track Diavolo down, Diavolo is smart enough to realize that he is weak to that kind of attack and thus hides himself as much as he can and operates in secrecy. Offensively is is far weaker than Za Warudo, which just allows its user to just kill anything within its range for free. All that King Crimson can do offensively is position himself during skipped time into a better spot.
I dont think acceptance into the Elite Guard is done based on stand power alone. I would guess that those two gay guys managed to achieve a lot with those stand abilities they had and that they refuse to work separately from one another.


Yasuho is the thinking man's waifu. I love the modern and progressive direction that Araki decided to take her character in.

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They take advantage of having sound and that's enough to make me cream.

I do wish animation quality stayed like it was in 1-3 though, especially for OPs...

Ive never watched the anime so can someone explain to me how part 3 has nine more episodes than part 4 even tho part 4 has more manga chapters. Did they add a bunch of anime only scenes?

>ywn lie unconscious under soil for Yasuho to find and rescue your naked body

Why live?

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I guess pacing is different in many, but subtle ways so you can't exactly pin down the one reason.

Part 4 has tons of cut content

>Tooru turns out to be completely irrelevant and is not a stand user
>he just wears weird clothes for no reason
Araki and his madman twists

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>the best part has laziest animation and most cut content

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what the fuck did i just read.

but tomoko is pretty fucking hot not gonna lie

>Trish was the boss all along
A bit cliche, but a nice twist it would've been.

A bit, but having Trish chimp out as Diavolo and kill Bruno for getting to close to her good half would have been fun especially if they keep fucking around with the perspective so you think that she wasn't the boss and gets killed, Giogio revives Bruno for a short while and most of the rest of the plot still happens Trish on the phone and no memory of the elevator indecent in Rome.

Post a jojo related image or video to get my friend into jojo

You know what's cool about the solo Narancia's battles? The balance of power is like the reverse of how all the stand battles have been up to this point. Like the enemy shows up, keeps the protags on the ropes for the majority of the encounter, and then they clutch the win by figuring out how to beat the enemy stand. With Narancia it's different, it's as if Aerosmith is the enemy stand in this encounter, keeping the other guys on the ropes as they narrowly avoid death. I guess it goes to show how OP Aerosmith is. Either way, it's really refreshing

Yeah. Aerosmith would be a decent stand even without the radar honestly.

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What the FUCK were they THINKING?

Although I think you're right I never thought of it like that because Narancia always eats so much shit in any of his fights he ends up taking a mauling until he can find his enemies.

>get unknowingly fingered by Tooru
>get almost raped by Joshuu
>get almost raped because of Tsurugi's Paper Moon King

what a rough life

how can a person be 89 years old?

Tooru's hair is a burger patty

Where’s my man, Polnareff?

I like Yasuho but she has to stop getting diddled by everyone
>Wu Tomoki

But that's her most appealing trait

This was the gayest episode yet.

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not enough over the top autistic feel
pls all i wanted to see were some insane ass pulls

This part has, without a doubt in my mind, the best main cast, minor antagonists and fights. Really great part and the best Jojo has to offer so far.

The longer it goes the less I am liking it

Just ignore the jojokes shit. Faggots are still afraid to watch Dragon Maid and Blend S because facebook animemes cancer from two years ago is still fresh. Six months on there'll still be crimson chin how does he dance ari ari shit everywhere.

In a Wheelchair thanks to Diavolo.

Jojo inspired me to go to the gym and lose my belly, at least I got something out of it

Bring in Jotaro to kill him off one part early. No, for real. That nigga was spared by his absence.


It sure was nice of Diavolo to tend to Polnareff's injuries and set him up with his own wheelchair.

why would someone be scared of watching fucking Blend S of all things


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Good job user.

Soul vs soulless

That would have saved the world from Maid In Heaven.

The manga is great. The show is great when they spend some of the budget on episodes and it's not quality nofaces and blurry lines everywhere.

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As an adaptation of the Manga, it's very good, I can only think of a couple of random bits of dialogue that were cut, but they compensated by expanding more on stuff like the Squadra and Fugo's backstory.
On its own, it has some of the same problems that the Manga did, such as Giorno getting somewhat undeserved wank from everyone and the expectation that we're supposed to root for a bunch of murderous gangsters solely because they won't sell drugs to kids.

S meme vines, weed mashups, the trap

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Jolyne would've grown up without a...never mind.

What were Giorno and Josuke doing while the universe was being reset, and how did they react to what was happening?

Unironically better than the manga.
Now I really feel like Fugo was a waste because the part isn't that long.

>Posts the fucking colored version

This is literally every Jojo OP

>the expectation that we're supposed to root for a bunch of murderous gangsters solely because they won't sell drugs to kids.
This is the biggest issue with Part 5.

They were both killed. Giorno got hit by a bus that was speeding out of control and Josuke had a building collapse on him due to the accelerated erosion.

Like I've said before, Araki relied on the "honorable Yakuza" archetype when making this series. It's a thing the Japanese buy into a lot for some reason, while us Westerners all agree that the Mafia fucking sucks no matter how cool they may look in movies.

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That's because all athority is pretty much considered good in Japanese society, even when it sucks ass, just look at their corporate structure.

That's why Post Part 4 JoJo is bad. It used to be good vs bad , but now it's villains vs villains.

I don't know if I would go that far. Parts 6, 7 and 8 don't have the problem that 5 did.

I thought we were supposed to root for them for being sympathetic characters? The drug thing is barely a factor.

Lots of villains can be seen as sympathetic too.

Morally grey characters are the most praised in fiction. Vento Aureo was influenced by classic gangster flicks such as The Godfather, Goodfellas and Once Upon A Time In America. Of course the main characters are not going to be good people. They are victims of circumstance. Parts 5-8 are a lot more morally ambiguous and better for it.

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The difference is the overall message and tone. The Godfather ultimately makes it quite clear that the Mafia is bad, not a force for good, Michael Corleone's arc is about starting out as a decent man only to be corrupted and become a corrupt shell of a man who alienates his family (when he isn't killing them). Compare to Giorno, who is portrayed as an absolute paragon of pureness for the entire series, who will make Italy great again with his Gangstarness.
The ending of the Godfather (all parts) is a tragedy, the ending of Part 5 is supposed to be a victory for team good guy.

Based and fedorapilled.

>They are victims of circumstance.
Except Abbacchio, his circumstances are his own damn fault.

I wonder if they'll move Rolling Stone to before the final battle to avoid how awkward is placed after the final battle.


To be fair, of the main characters in Part 6, only Anasui was a real criminal.

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I love the characters and how creative the stands and fights are in part 5 but Arhacki should have read about the mafia before writing about it

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reminder that jolyne murdered the normalfag lawyer
perfect for anasui

Yeah, it's pretty clear that Araki knows almost nothing about how the real Mafia works. The Italian Mafia place a lot of importance on blood and loyalty, there is no way they would follow a Boss whose name they don't even know, or some Japanese half-breed foreigner. They'd also never let a former cop anywhere near the organization.

I don't mind it. Part 5 is more of a Jojo story with a gangster theme rather than a gangster story told in a Jojo way.

narancia makes me feel things

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not very good
Part 4 is a lot better


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Oh look, Gay Priest is here now.

BASED elf eliminator

i want to be his mommy!

Best adaptation so far, because it has improved what was in the manga

then you'd be my mother in law

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Can you be my mommy instead please

imagine complaning because they used his late-VA appearance where he had lips and a chin instead of his initial appearance

Narancia's vagina

Bruno looks more shocked in anime

It's a good adaptation.

Yeah, they made Sorbet/Gelato and Squalo/Tiziano gayer than in the manga. but i don't care too much, they are only minor characters.

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why did DP cut the parts where Narancia tried writing what he wanted to say onto his arm or when he said completely random shit because of Talking Head?



They also cut out the part where Narancia said he was a girl.

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it would start dragging out in anime form, like the banana monologue in grateful dead.


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captain tsubasa

God Prosciutto is so fucking hot.

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That's enough, Whitesnake. Now put this poor soul out of its misery and take its soul disk.

>It turns out Diavolo had died from alcohol poisoning awhile ago
>His head capo finds his only heir in order to keep the gang in order
>He turns her evil with his stand or something
It could work

Would Doppio be his head capo in this case?

They wanted squalo in but he wouldn't stop whining until they let his boyfriend come too

Does Diavolo even drink alcohol?

Probably not if he's a schizoid. They just want to be comfy.

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I bet doppio does drugs like mad

like snorting coke off the dick of a male stripper

no doppio is pure and a virgin.

A few glasses of wine is comfy

I don't get this. Are the ants suicidal? Tomoko's used up thot vagina is TOXIC.

Can Doppio truly be considered a virgin? He has never had sex but he shares body with Diavolo so...

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Doppio is a giant slut that turns into an even bigger slut

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His penis has been in a warm, wet vagina so he's not a virgin.

I ain't a Doppiofag but his voice is hot to me.

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Reminder that Araki stole the whole Doppio / Diavolo dichotomy from Split (2018).

Araki is a hack!

I thought Diavolo had to actively use Epitaph, and so in essence has to guess that something will happen in the next 10 seconds. That's why Bruno could trick him to get away in their fight.

So you can catch him off guard, but it is extremely difficult.

Also I don't think he needs to dodge in the erased time as the other user said, he just does it for style

Reminder that this was painfully obvious to anyone with a functional brain.

Unexpectedly entertaining. A lot of time wasted with borring batles, but I still enjoy it. The only thing that bothers me is that, even though this is the only part I haven't watched or read, I'll still have to live through the stupid Dopio plot-twist and Diavolo turning out to be a mad crackhead.

That said, I want my Part 6.

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>he tried to mimic a jojo pose after reading it or seeing it in the anime

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That happened when he still didn't exist. That's why it's really confusing.

I'm really worried about Doppio's voice, doesn't sound bad but his new va is... Okay? not bad but really average. I would have preferred Ishida or even Konishi. Diavolo's va has a perfect vocal range, why didn't they choose him for Doppio?

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Part 6 will be godly when completely animated.
It'll also be nice to have an MC that isn't a 15 year old Machiavelli that fixes everything when a fight is over


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>A lot of time wasted with boring battles
youre in for a treat with part 6 then.


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6 was great, user. It's my second favorite part so far.

7>4 =6>2>3>1>5

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why nipples

he's obviously already read part 6 you fucking mongoloid
none of the fights in 6 really felt useless since each enemy was directly under Pucci's instruction to further his goal.


What a cutie

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I think it's better than the manga if I'm honest. I love how DP has handled La Squadra, they feel like a true anti-team rather than shadow mooks.

I thought Diavolo has had two personalities since he was a youngin'.


Stop being a boy, Anasui.

Attached: 2u1rcm7ag.png (500x369, 385K)

Ghiaccio fight was kino as fuck

what i meant is that the shittiest fights are the longest, so the anime will probably have them be many episodes of boredom.

Could Giorno have defeated Clash on his own or was he just letting Narancia fight it out on his own so he could grow as a stand user and strengthen their friendship?

Attached: gio gucci.png (1080x805, 1.59M)

Daily reminder that Jolyne was made for Weather Report cock

Attached: cucked.jpg (1099x472, 423K)


>Giorno could've smashed something with GE and threw it to the gang to alert them like he did at the church with Bruno
>did nothing

Daily reminder that Anasui won

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Well, when he was a the church, he didn't have a stand shark biting his neck

uh he still looks fucking retarded here
late King Crimson looks alright in the manga

Annasui needed TWO (2) universe restarts to finally get Jolyne.

He lost. He could have been in a lesbian ship.

its just the awkward angle, when he moves his face down a few seconds after it looks exactly like the manga.

That ain't Anasui though.

Because one of the reasons people say King Crimson "just works" is because Araki couldn't decide whether King Crimson needs to dodge or whether he becomes outright invincible in skipped time, and so both are portrayed.

But i'm pretty sure he could still use GE even if he is being bit in the neck. Giorno was able to use to GE after being nearly completely frozen by WA, he was also able to use it when being strangled by Black Sabbath.

He's a lucky boy
ok yurifag
HE'S. Annakiss is Anasui and Irene is Jolyne

Attached: 1552139975662.jpg (1174x1200, 101K)

>he could still use GE
Oh absolutely, I am just saying that he could be surprised by the attack or something. I dunno maybe Araki thought he had to give Narrancia one final fight to shine

>cancells time stop
>both abilities are on a cooldown
>gets murdered by a vampire
>realizes it a few seconds before it happens, thanks to epitaph

If Anakiss was Anasui he would be called Anasui not Anakiss ;)

>ok yurifag
Not even a yurifag, I just think being a ragin lesbian suits Jolyne.

Not really. Would he even be able to beat the ice guy? People with strong defenses would stomp him but anyone else is fair game.

Read the manga faggot

Fuck off with your degeneracy and go back to

Considering how paranoid they are when dealing with enemies, I can imagine them spending the fight by playing hide and seek 'til sunrise arrives and DIO has to bail.

>cancells time stop
no epitaphs predictions will always happen

Pffft, everybody knows Jolyne is pansexual

What's the functional difference between Epitaph's forecasting and KC showing the trails of future actions when time is erased?

can i skip the dyke chapters of part 7? i really hate lesbians

/pol/, who let you read manga?

Works for me too. Anasui still has to be a girl though.

>KC showing the trails of future actions when time is erased
KC only erases the time.


Jolyne but in a poly relationship with her gang

the fight was long and boring enough any more would have been worse. these were my least favorite episodes in the whole show. how the boss's strongest men have such weak ass abilities like that? especially talking head. he's shit by himself.

>i really hate lesbians
Keep reading.
>Anasui still has to be a girl though.
He used diver down to steal a man's penis in order to fuck Jolyne like god intended.

>He used diver down to steal a man's penis in order to fuck Jolyne like god intended
God ruined everything again. Sasuga, Kami-sama.

Attached: x12.jpg (780x1200, 829K)

The top panel refers to Epitaph, the bottom right refers to KC.

epitaph predicts and king crimson erases.

Jolyne x ____Emporio____ is the patrician ship

I'm not too much into hot sensual man touching each other, but I'm still watching part 5.

Attached: eat-shit-asshole-fall-off-your-horse-tell-him-yourself-3368731.png (500x511, 129K)

Epitaph works completely differently, he just sees a straight up vision of the future

That isn't different from what happens in the panel, it's just stylised.

It's still a part of his ability, just with a sub-name.


Attached: Blacked.jpg (1099x472, 433K)

glued together bones from a bunch of different animals

So why does he ever bother using Epitaph without activating KC

It could be two stands, fits nicely with his whole deal.

>love dick
>buy dildos to simulate getting fucked by dick
>claim to hate dick
>buy dildos to simulate the dicks they hate
>not buying fleshlights to simulate the vagina they claim to love

It's right on King Crimson's head ans is a part of him

>>claim to hate dick
They don't hate dick if a female is attached to it

Meant for

You are really weird. Not everything has to be a gender politics statement

you mean tranny dick

Giorno Giovanna

what is a girl going to do with a fleshlight?

I meant a female with a penis, trannies are a whole different story.


idk im not a dyke. maybe fill it with warm edible lube and eat it out?





>KC loses the face rivets already during the first fight
good job araki

This is the funniest anti-lesbian post I've ever read

He erased time so he dropped them

Would you be okay with sucking a girl's dick?

Ram it inside her vagina, from the other end?

Best adaptation in the series so far, though these threads are the worst because every single time they devolve into a partshitter playground. Can't you fucks just stick to making threads every friday for the eps and for the new chapter releases? These threads are worse than the fujo ones on /trash/, it's like we're stuck in a perpetual BTD loop of nothing but nonstop bait threads

Name one (1) thing that Stone Ocean does better than other parts.
protip: you can't

No, I am a homosexual I don't like girls.


>final flairless OP
>An OP that literally gives the full spotlight in its last 30 seconds to the climatic battle between the main hero and the main villain
Based blind anons still doing their part of shitposting

Sour cream


The JoJo and main villain are actually well developed

Stone Ocean actually has a cost to its use. Jolyne has to use her body to make it stronger or weaker. Other stands are pretty much just like an external soul creature that fights on their behalf.

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They're both cuties

Attached: zeiiyaziii_Dzz-h7pVYAAPpi0.jpg (1018x1200, 285K)

>people unironically think this is equivalent to Quality Queen
JoJofags need the noose, there are so many other series that would kill to have an adaptation of the same level of passion that part 5 has gotten. Spoiled fuckers make the people bitching in mob threads about insignifcant cut panels look like adults in comparison.

Attached: slutppio.jpg (3700x2550, 404K)

This is very inconsistent though

fuck fuck i meant stone free

Mystery and suspense.

>"bad thing happened in childhood/adolesence therefore I am evil
I agree on Jolyne.
>stone ocean

Antagonist with an agreeable motive and dumb main cast.


Is it possible that Rissoto can use his stand to masturbat you from a distance? I mean he could use the iron in your cock to make it pulsate on its own.

Clever answer


The protagonist and the main antagonist

Having a villain that actually continuously feels threatening through the whole part. Fuck partshitters for memeing part 6 to be worse than it actually is, nothing's more exciting than seeing every encounter the group has with Pucci, he's such a damn good villain.

>wants to reboot the world because mean stuff happened to him, without asking for anybody's consent
>not evil
Universal rape is ok.

why are the ones who always complain about SO such obvious speedreaders? SO has plenty of problems but Pucci is arguably one of the best-written antagonists in the series and he sure as hell feels like the perfect JoJo villain to cap off the original universe

>he can’t tell the difference between a dildo and a dick
Manoids are so dumb.

>if everyone's raped, no one is
Can't argue with that

>meet the main villain in the first few chapters versus teasing us for 20 volumes
>an actual jojo unlike giorno
>female main cast that actually feel like real people and not just turbodykes or waifubait
>gritty prison setting vs beautiful countrysides, deserts, and small towns
>a threat to the joestar lineage unlike parts 4 & 5
>stands are far more creative like Bohemian Rhapsody

Not that user but Pucci isnt evil. All Pucci wanted to do was basically move everyone to a universe where they could see their future. By basically giving everyone infinite epitaph, they would come to accept their fate and prepare for the future, Pucci only killed because the dumb Jewstars got in his way. On top of this he is a friend of Dio and isnt manipulated by him like other people, but instead inspired and learns from him.


>daddy beat me now I'm evil
>i want to conquer the sun
>mommy coddled me now I'm evil
>daddy fucked me now I'm evil
>my sister sucked my brother's cock now I'm evil
>daddy got fucked now I'm evil

Conclusion: Kars >>>>> Everyone else

Since you are unable to refute my point, I guess I am correct. How is Pucci developed in SO in any way?
He isn't evil if you exclude the fact that he wanted to erase the Joestars, so he was evil.

Will part 6 be more appreciated when it gets adapted? I was watching and it got me wondering about how the part will be received when it gets animated. Part 5 was seen as bad for ages but it's the most positively received JoJo part so far thanks to the anime, I hope SO gets the same sort of love.

based aztec god of fitness
he's literally out there conquering the universe and creating an intergalactic army to attack earth


>Conclusion: Kars >>>>> Everyone else
Why? Just because he threw a hissy fit for being 2smart4muhpeople? Jojo doesn't have villains that can be rated through their motives, since they are all crappy.

Based and sunpilled.

>the sun fucked me now I'm evil

Female cast and Pucci are probably the best things about part 6. I also think that the mystery part is the strongest in Stone Ocean.

he's frozen user

the expectations of people watching will be so low it will get great reception, worry more about sbr since expectations will be way higher.

SBR won't get animated. It wasn't shown in the first opening.

>the space fucked me now I can't be evil

Honestly I expect nothing from SBR because I've read it and it's shit. Will I like the anime more then?

He wished he'd get fucked by Sun right now.

im sure it will even if it isnt by DP

I hope it's Sunrise

>part 6 is progressive

Attached: 1544627795369.png (753x399, 708K)

The anime director has already said like twice now he wants to adapt the whole series, especially since JJL is the part he wants to adapt the most. There's a reason why they've been doing the Rohan OVA's, it's to pracice for Araki's later art style.
If you couldn't find a single thing you enjoyed in the manga then why do you think the anime will suddenly make you like it?

Didn't Kars also kill his parents simply because they were in his way?

I want it to be Shaft

>The anime director has already said like twice now he wants to adapt the whole series
I know, but it isn up to the producers, not him.

Doujin of Arabia Fats raping Kars when

Because anime so far has drastically improved on majority of the fights. I hated Little Feet and anime made it great.

im talking more about animeonlys, though people here will probably nitpick a part 7 anime way more than the previous ones.

I gurantee you that produucers won't decide to animate or not to animate part 7 based off of what's been shown in the first opening.

I can't wait to bask in the cries of animeonlys when they expect stands to appear immediately.

>Wanting anyone other than DP to adapt the series
They're the ones who truly understand what makes the series so good. I guarantee if we had any other series doing JoJo they would have never thought of ideas like integrating color palette swaps to mimic the manga volume covers and so forth.
JoJo still sells quite well in terms of merchandise and events, it's WB's safest bet for profit considering its longstanding popularity, there's no reason why DP would stop adapting the series. I'm convinced we'll live to see all of JoJo adapted, even if we're in our 40s by the time it happens.
Did you read things too quickly? SBR was fantastic in terms of most of its fights and characters. Not even an SBRfag but the part was damn good, though you've got a point, the anime has done a really good job at making fights from the manga even better in the anime. Little Feet and Soft Machine were unexpectedly amazing
people will nitpick anything and everything, JoJofags are insufferable like this fag

Part 2 literally had Joseph becomes bffs with a black kid that later becomes the mayor of NYC
Avdol is pretty much Joseph's most trusted friend in part 3
Part 4 was all nips
Part 5 was all italians
Part 6 had and not many other races. unless hermes was hispanic? idk
Part 7 has a couple brothas plus Avdol

As I thought, nobody actually gave any reasons as to why Stone Ocean is good. All the things listed were done better in Steel Ball Run.

Little Feet was good in the manga too

Why would they cry about that? If anything, SBR taking a good while to reach its Stands really helped give the new universe a fresh and interesting start.
I'll give you a (You) so no one else has to, begone.

Overall, the anime slightly improved the manga, just because of the few extra scenes we got for La Squadra.

Other than that, everything else remains true for the anime. Part 5 is t he most extreme of all JoJo Parts.

The good:
>really went wild with the team fight concepts (there are only three and a half 1v1s); the previous parts only had multiple main characters vs 1 villain, Part 5 has multiple villains involved also
>some of the best fights in the entire series
>the secondary villain and the deuteragonist as so good they outshine the main villain and the protagonist respectively
>there's a couple of great supporting characters (Bruno's squad minus Fugo; Prosciutto and Pesci; Cioccolata and Secco)
>best girl in the series (Trish)
+anime only:
>2nd best soundtrack in the series (after Part 4) so far - il vento d'oro / the Part 5 main theme is superior to the Diamond is Unbreakable main theme, nella cerniera / Bruno's theme 1st theme is weaker than Koichi's 1st theme, but Bruno's second theme (the choir version) is superior to Koichi's 2nd / 3rd theme, aero di caca / Narancia's theme is definitely better than The Hand, etc.

The bad:
>the plot is Part 3 tier
>the main villain is the 2nd worst in the series, the main character is the worst JoJo
>the more Giorno does in a fight, the worse it gets usually (his first 2 fights he had powers he would never use again, Illuso's fight went to shit the moment Giorno got involved, Babyface was the worst Squadra fight, etc.)
>Fugo, aka the Tristan Taylor of JoJo
+anime only:
>weak OPs

>Why would they cry about that?
We are talkin' about animeonlys.

When the second half of part 5 turned out to be a rehash of the first half and by extension of part 3, it became apparent to me that Jojo has become stale and that parts 1 and 2 were undeniably the best and an example of artistic creation before the author became complacent and lazy.

>boss has a compulsive need to protect his identity
>have stand that makes people lie and not be able to tell any truth
>diavolo wets himself in excitement

>the part 8 girls will look like this

Attached: KyokaOva.png (480x480, 166K)

>>Wanting anyone other than DP to adapt the series
I was being coy, I can't even fathom what Sunrise would do to the series.

This bait seems to be the work of an enemy stand

Attached: kicking.jpg (1280x720, 130K)

How pissed do you think Diavolo was after Black Sabbath's arrow was destroyed?

pic related

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Sunrise's CG isn't that bad and would probably look good for the CG horses, but them adapting Araki's style...

Attached: 1551469473488.jpg (484x476, 90K)

Animeonlys ironically enough cry far less about the series than faggots in these threads do. I was expecting a lot more hostility towards the flamoboyancy of part 5 but that seems to be completely eaten up by how much the animeonlys are enjoying this season.
Give the 2nd OVA a watch, the woman in that actually looked pretty good. Also

At least Diavolo got another arrow from Polnareff to replenish all the stand users he lost...then he died a lot.

>I was expecting a lot more hostility towards the flamoboyancy of part 5 but that seems to be completely eaten up by how much the animeonlys are enjoying this season.
This surprises me as well, I expected them to be tired of the constant stand fights, but..

Araki should start his own clothing line. Some of these pieces look dope

Attached: D2ZWuKmUkAAc4Rp.jpg (1200x1047, 189K)

asking why lesbians hate dick but use dildos is like asking why straight men like getting pegged. it's a purely physical reaction regardless of your sexual orientation and is also one of the reasons why people feel guilt for experiencing sexual arousal during their rape.

Attached: D2U5r5AVYAA0bMT.jpg (846x1200, 187K)

The series has paced itself exceptionally well I'd say, none of the fights have felt dragged out at all and every ep has had some great stuff for it, not to mention 22 eps in with only one ep of dubious quality.


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The OST helps a lot

>straight men like getting pegged
no guy who takes anything in his ass is straight

Bossu didn't deserve it

Didn't araki want jolyne to be a lesbian but SJ said no

Attached: Dzz-fN2VYAAj9e1.jpg (1200x675, 96K)

You gotta get with her friends

This. People who claim the OST for part 5 is underwhelming are fucking deaf. There are so many great tracks
Name a better banger than this. The piano part and the "GIO GIO!" make this song damn good


I like Narrancia's theme a lot meself

Fucking took long enough

I'm Italian so...

Areo de caccia is kino too

I'd honestly dress like Trish if he put the design for sale.

are there any JolySui doujins out there?

it's the same like with anasui being turn into a guy - never stated why it happened, everything about it is just speculation and rumors.

I've known plenty of men who'll take a pegging from a woman but won't take the dick from a man.
t. someone who does the pegging

I like this. I can't remember if it's been used though

Good taste, Narancia, Bruno and Mista have the best fucking themes. I hope at some point we'll get to hear the "FEEL YOUR BODY, FEEL YOUR SOUL!" part of Mista's track in the anime.

GOOD GOD does the bass player have a stand or something? Never listened to it with headphones on and it's making my ears feel happy

I want to imagine you as a short, slightly overweight but still buff guy, user. Probably, with a beard. Like a hot little dwarf. Nothing personal, it's just funnier that way.

No, it's just a speculation on why Anasui became a guy. There is no proof that Araki wanted a lesbian relationship for Jolyne.

I think that one was used in one of the flashbacks. God, the emotional tracks are pretty good for this part, I really need the one that plays when Bruno says his "Are you prepared? I am" line. They gave him the most heroic-sounding theme

>hetero doujins
wrong series

if you take -anything- in the ass, you're a fag
pegging is the first slip on the slope that leads to pozzing
fuck off roastie

Well it's possible to buy Kira's ties but I don't know about anything else.

I bet anasui loves getting pegged by jolyne

Do you know that from a personal experience? user?

>fuck off roastie
make me, faggot

seething analslut

Fingering ass is 100% heterosexual and everybody does that. You're a virgin

my ex-friend was as straight as a ruler yet wanted to be pegged and put nudes up on /soc/ in order to find himself a GF who would peg him

The only comic that matters is the one where they have a wedding at an abandoned factory and Jolyne's dress turns into doves, courtesy of Giorno

By definition being gay means being attracted to men no more no less.

I'll draw it

cute feet
sheila animated never

Attached: NaokoOva.png (720x603, 74K)

I don't know any Italian and I've been wondering, how much did they fuck up the language (in the scenes with computers etc)? Is it google translate or did they get someone who knows Italian to write the stuff?

There's several of them. They're just mostly fluff and don't get scanned.

i preordered this

Fuck off faggot, I take toilet paper in the ass daily

I'll wank to it.

For one they didn't fix Melone's "di molto" (which just means "very much") into molto bene. There were some threads on Twitter saying they did a surprisingly good job with it and there were only a few errors/odd word or phrase choices.

>best girl in the series (Trish)

I really want that Bruno hoodie

Don't listen to shitposters, the OST has been solid. We're getting the 2nd OST album this wednesday by the way. The drop in this one, unf
I'm still impressed by how much better they seemed to nail Araki's part 7/8 art style with that OVA.
>Ywn get to see Rainy Day Dream Away vs Purple Haze animated

DP, release Deadman's questions OVA and ask Araki on how to end it plskthx

>americans waking up
>burgers start getting mad when you call them gay for getting fucked in the ass
big think

Attached: araki thonk.jpg (576x596, 49K)

That's the one I ordered. I guess it only links the entire page.


Attached: D0Sg6UjW0AAjxzR.png (540x675, 803K)

Looks pretty cool without screaming its origin. Pretty expensive for a hoodie though.

>Don't listen to shitposters, the OST has been solid
I agree but the only genuine issue I have with the OST is how it's used. Giorno's theme is very overused.

Kira runs into a strange man with long pink hair who seems to keep spontaneously dropping dead but says he's learned to control it bettter

>Kira kills him

Attached: 1540425412996.jpg (86x125, 3K)

looks like Trish's spicy girl parts

I think the part in general has had a lot more decent OST usage than people give it credit for, but yeah that theme is played a lot.
Not that I'm complaining, it's a damn good track. I just hope they do what they know they should do and have it play during THAT rushdown

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Attached: GET IN THE URINAL ANON.png (539x670, 874K)

isn't this just a remixed version of whenever jotaro ora'd someone in part 3

110 is certainly expensive but it's still not hypebeast overpriced

>visual medium
>uses cool visuals
wtf this was filler and dumb and bad how could they do this

WHAT if you include shipping?

It sounds less like a remix than Josuke's theme did, I like it better than Stardust Crusaders solely for that sexy piano and GIO GIO

this but (f)unironically :)

Kira fucks his hand

Attached: hand.jpg (623x960, 84K)

Why did you have to give me a boner

I hope you deliver, I'll also wank to it

agreed, I wish the anime was just the manga panels panning around with the mouths flapping to fit the voice acting

What if DP put in Modern Crusaders when Giorno gets GER?

Attached: ABLACKKIO.jpg (553x675, 150K)

post the one where the group meets trish for the first time

Damn the pre-orders are closed, will there be any way to get this after it comes out?

I don't think people appreciate just how fitting the ED is for this part. O Fortuna in a JoJo ending is like having Holy Diver for SDC

they're gonna use the generic beatdown theme like they do for everything and you're gonna fucking like it

could bruno piss in a zipper pocket, close it, then have it open at a different place to relase it ?

Western fanart should be erased form the timeline.


When is the next OST releasing?

5 min

It has ups and downs in quality but at it's worst it's still one of the best things on the market

3 days

I'm 100% Ali has good quality replicas

they're probably gonna be up on some second-hand store soon

this, it's undeniable that JoJo sticks out even amongst its contemporaries every season due to how unique and stylish the show is.


They wouldn't be there until June though right? I think that's when the clothes release.

hopefully part 6 will be mostly ups, i have low expectation on what remains of part depening 100 % of metalica appearence

trish is not even the best anything in part 5, or any

Attached: _ALE0064.jpg (2732x4098, 1.37M)

>seething this hard

Trish is a pure sexy virgin girl.

she was fucked by mista

You know what, you're correct.
>Trish is a pure sexy virgin girl.
I was going to say Hirose Yasuho is better but this sentence reminded me she got ravaged by 3 men already

>that hourglass body
literally looks like he's used a corset too much

How do I Stay Gold lads?

like Mista's 12inch penis

What's his stand?

>best girl in the series (Trish)
She isn't even a memorable character

Only at the end of the series.

Just how many 15 year olds has this man fucked?

Attached: 1541472346610.png (1000x1339, 935K)

Can make fur grow out of any body part/object by contact with him or fur

Fur steals strength and induces letargy/coma

What the hell is with those glowing sparkling lips?

Why does every character in part 5 dress like a fuckin dicksucker

Two (2 (ii))

Homaging Araki and his DSL worship

Attached: 742c2a3eae5e14b02b4cad459403e8f0.jpg (736x1065, 190K)

To be in Passione you have to be okay with sucking dudes off. it's the part of the Polpo test they don't show on screen.

Attached: D2HhcwyU4AEgQp2.jpg (718x1024, 118K)

Do you write prescriptions or something

Disp: 2 (II) 15 year olds
Sig: Take orally BID

Because they are

No (negative (-))

Do they have to suck Polpo or some other random dude?

But they're not glowing as if a can of glowing lipstic was smeared all over his face. It's just light on his lips.

>he doesn't use chapstick

gross pleb with cracked lips right here

Polpo makes the test individual to the applicant. Narancia had to suck off a whole squad.

Polpo is fat

Wrong. I stay hydrated and avoid licking my lips like a thirsty whore.

What did Abbacchio have to do?

Suck off every gang member he put in jail as a cop


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Attached: TRISH NUDE BLACKED.GOV PART 2.png (1835x1023, 2.34M)

Based Mista being best boy

>implying it wouldn't be .GOV

And Mista?

this , in the future Blacked porn will be mendatory to Watch before going to sleep

Since he was freaking out about how he's straight and doesn't like dudes, they just had him suck off someone pretty like Tiazano so he could convince himself he's straight still


Attached: ni-.png (1308x248, 475K)

Actually Mista sucked off Bruno and since Bruno is his bro its not gay. Mista sucking Bruno was his way of repaying Bruno for getting him out of jail.

The black guy in part 7 doesn't really get depicted in a favourable light tbf

>Pocoloco won the race on pure luck
>did literally nothing but exist and everything came his way
Araki is pro black.