
Lets talk about JoJo peacefully, preferably Jojolion. Who is Tooru and is Araki planning a Doppio/Diavolo situation?

Attached: Its over Tooru...png (784x617, 213K)

Friendly reminder that parts 2, 4, and 7 are the plebian trinity.

>Who is Tooru
Yasuho's ex boyfriend
>is Araki planning a Doppio/Diavolo situation?

It isn't really Doppio/Diavolo from what we can tell now. They're two different beings. There may be some relation (like the head doctor could be a creation of his stand maybe) but Tooru is getting more and more suspicious. I still don't think this is the case though. Tooru's involved somehow but I think him and the doctor are two different people, both with separate stands. He didn't seem aggressive in the past couple chapters either but it's pretty likely the stand that was going to attack Josuke was his. It didn't attack though but I wonder if it used its power in some way.

Maybe its power is illusions? It immediately disappeared when Gappy attacked and Tooru keeps appearing out of nowhere. He also knew the crew was looking for Akefu without being told. I do wonder how this is all connected to Jobin and Tsugiri somehow though, because it definitely seems like it'll tie in.

Attached: Joshu Chad ACTO TWO.png (1506x1467, 785K)

You can stop avatarfagging now.

What if instead of 2 souls in 1 body, the head doctor and Tooru are 1 soul in 2 bodies?

I just really love Joshuu.

Attached: A Battle of Two Gods #001 PART 1.png (1300x991, 2.33M)

That would be kind of interesting if it was done well. But having 2 souls would make more sense for having 2 stands. I think there's two stands, and so far one person can only have one stand at a time.

What should I draw?

Trish feet

Big Buff Chad Joshuu with NKC

The head doc is Joseph Joestar

Already drawn that.

Attached: trish feet and narancia.png (508x872, 30K)

Anasui at a Publix

D4C impaling gyro and johnny with its ears

Narancia dabbing on Tiziano and Squalo

>Narancia dabbing on Tiziano and Squalo

Someone draw this but with Aerosmith landing on one of the dabbing arms.



Joshu forcing Yasuho to swallow nuts from a pill bottle.


Giorno as a limbless human doll being kept in a basement.

carne smoking a blunt


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He's actually Gyro

Can I just comment on something?

Why the fuck didn’t Heavy Weather turn people into birds?

Think about it. For one thing it’s a reference to Birdland, one of Weather Report’s greatest songs, which is on the Heavy Weather album.
For another, with the twisted fucked-up “logic” being used, it would actually make MORE sense for people to turn into birds, not snails. They’re looking up at the sky and seeing and touching rainbows in the air...but they’re turning into a grounded gastropod?
Snails are VERY weak, true, but birds can also be weak. Even with flying, they can still be frail and in danger of predators. And some DON’T fly. What would have been interesting is having people turn into DIFFERENT kinds of birds, so then they would not only clash with the environment but also clash with each other. Hawks flying around trying to kill weaker birds. Geese attacking people and turning them into birds through contact.
Maybe Pucci could’ve turned into a bird of prey and went on the offensive after this surprising stroke of luck.

Either way the snails thing was fucking stupid and using birds would’ve been so much better.

He should have turned people into rods

It just occurred to me as I was about to post this that "NKC" probably meant "Nut King Call" and not "Nut King Crimson".

Attached: nut king crimson.png (765x775, 57K)

>Geese attacking people
I almost got attacked by a pair yesterday. Scariest moment of my life.

Tissiano with big boobies

Nut King Crimson is better

>he nutted in Yasuhoe
>Gappy will have sloppy seconds if anything at all
Jesus I want this guy dead

Why does them looking up at the sky matter at all? The message is transmitted through the light. You don't even have to look up at the sky for it to affect you. Your idea of different kinds of birds (why would they be different kinds anyway?) attacking each other is stupid too. Also I don't think it was ever established if anything was physically happening either or if it was just an illusion caused by the atmospheric manipulation. For example this page makes it seem like it's an illusion.

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Why wouldn’t they be different kinds of birds?
It doesn’t matter if it’s an illusion. If you think you’re a bird, you’re a bird. And if you don’t think of the same kind of bird as everyone else, what’s going to happen? Do you expect me to believe that everyone would think of the exact same species if it was any animal other than a snail?
Admit it, Heavy Weather was retarded and having it involve ANY other animal would have made it slightly less retarded.

I really like this image because of how angry and feral Trish looks

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Gappy boasting that he's used his stand to [plunder] Joshu's bitcoins

>Just now realizing that Jojolion is mostly just about Josefumi's redemption, and although Josuke is a "mixture" of him and Kira physically, it's still just Josefumi without his memories and emotional baggage

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