Kaguya sama

Why is this girl still here?
Just to suffer?

Attached: anime thing that is not as good as ueno or watashi ni but still good.jpg (1918x1073, 1.05M)

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Kaguya >= Ueno >>>>>>shit >>>>> Wataten
Ueno is actually good glad i watch it


She is meant to draw parallels to kaguya and show her what happens if you wait too long.


Attached: 1553355006755.png (812x1250, 278K)

eternal suffering.

She's stalker-chan for something.
But well, she is a relatively important character in the manga now, so let's say that it's to introduce her.

I hope they adapt that in the BD.

why is she so cute

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [720p]-0004.jpg (1280x720, 121K)

>that smug look on her face
that slut knows.