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I love this op. The show in general reallly
Amazingly comfy show. Everything was soft.
Kobayashi had a certain hot element to her too. I'd fuck that.
Don’t let Tooru hear you
What could possibly be as good as this for the second season op?
Kobedheadayashi was sexy as hell.
I read “beheaded” for a moment and was really confused
But Elma doesn’t want to fuck you (she told me herself)
pleases any men for food
look at dem chorogons dey wigglin'
is it just me or did the anime seem to get popular long after it finished airing? It feels like it's slipped into normalfag tier
That little peek of panty is so hot.
It was a shitty show and the only thing people liked about it was Lucoa's tits
I didn't think this show was very funny, but the OP is super catchy
as someone who generally dislikes slice of life I almost liked this anime if it hadnt been for all the shitty fanservice.
Hair down Kobayashi is best Kobayashi.
>It was a great show and the only thing people didn't like about it was Lucoa's tits
Fixed it.
>horn isn't centered.
cant there be a middle option
If she had been a better character, maybe.
So 2020 right? Man, 2020 is going to be the best year of our lives, I'm glad I didn't killed myself.
Most likely 2021 or maybe 2020 if we're unlucky but I doub't we'll get it before.
In the poophorn!
Anyone got the comic where Tohru fattens up Kobayashi into a big meat blob.
Just think.
Someone made the effort to put a fucking plastic skeltal in their chair and buy a Kanna wig/horn cosplay set to put on it, JUST for this picture and caption.
No, and fuck off.
and amepilled
âme âme âme~
Or maybe they are a doctor and already had one lying around somewhere.
Ame ame ame
I can wait another 2 years.
When is Shouta going to return Lucoa's affections? He must realise she definitely isn't a demon by now. He obviously is very attracted to her. Why don't they JUST FUCK?
Too bad it didn't flop and we're having yet another season.
Seriously each episode following Kobayashi and her dragon pals has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when COOL vetoed the idea of a studio other than KyoAni directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously moe cross-promotion for his mangas. The Maid Dragon series might be feminist in the dub (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Konosuba series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the manga was good though
The writing is dreadful; the manga was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character cleaned dust, the author wrote instead that "CHORAGONS"
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. COOL's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Maid Dragon by Shuz. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Maid Dragon at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Monster Girl Quest." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Maid Dragon" you are, in fact, trained to play Monster Girl Quest.
Because of you, every scene in season 2 is going to be Lucoa and Shouta making out.
i love this pasta
I mean, I have a plastic skeleton named Slim that sits on the couch as decoration
The most pleb normie's first anime
What about the one where Shouta casts a spell on Lucoa and she gets super fat and engulfs him in her flesh.
You think that's upsetting, don't look too closely at her mouth.
I saw fhana sing it live last year. Really great experience, plus the screen flashing "chu chu yeah" was a nice touch.
Retards like those tend to deal in absolutes.
How old is this thing?
Please no
And why do you have a skelton named slim that sits on the couch as decoration?
I think it came from a harry potter pasta.
It's still a pretty imbecile dance tho
I'm gonna miss that song in season 2.
You mean the one in the show?
>tfw read the manga a couple times already
>own the bluray and have watched it about 5 times
Season 2 needs to come faster.
Was it the drug that made Kobayashi lust after Kanna because any girl would do, or was it to her own taste?
It could easily be made make you lust after the person who gave it to you, Kanna in this case.
She is so perfect desu, how does she do it?
I might start reading the manga while I wait for S2, how is it?
the OP is shit. the ED is 10x better
The anime is better in my opinion, the manga really starts to go downhill after Iruru was introduced.
How can you be this wrong?
It's good but some people get weirded by the different art.
nice Opening
Best dragon wins.
I think it sucks but this OP is undeniably great.
I love Tohru so much.
We're halfway through the wait, better get comfy.
Why does this work?
>how does she do it?
It's her eyes.
the S2 will be full of KannaDrama heh so it will be not that comfy.
I honestly hope they don't adapt that arc and only focus on the SOL chapters which is what make sthe series enjoyable but I doubt they will which makes me sad.
What are you, gay?
good anime and good intro.
She actually does have nice eyes. She also has a good personality, Kobayashi is the kind of person to always have your back
Wouldn't mind if she gave me a head tho
She'll give you the shirt off her back, unless she's drunk, then it's the other way round.
god I want to sleep with Tooru
I'm surprised that no one is selling a Tohru's tail shaped and colored daki.
>he doesn't know
One that's just the tail, one that's shaped like the tail, one that's a stuffed Tohru tail, tell me it's for sale, user.
I've seen this one before. Guilty pleasure.
I've got good news for you.
anyone selling Tooru?
I would want to taste her tail, I bet its actually pretty good
Maybe I'd try bacon of it. Deffo not a steak though.
I think it would be really gross.
Ok, that explains it.
I dont know, Tohru claims that it tastes good and I would trust her
Sweet and creamy, honest.
It would be extremely painful.
It's a trap. Eating a bit of each others tails is how dragon weddings are made official.
>buying a figure with poop on it
>letting the horn scare you away from this.
That's a very gay looking rainbow of vomit, mate.
Shes vomiting out all the gay that your post gave her
If wanting to screw Elma makes me gay, I'll see you at the next Pride Parade, mate.
See you there faggot
Dragons also eat fireflies and weird cotton candy plants with mouths so I'm sure Tohru has no idea what she's talking about.
I'll give you the fireflies, but Kobayashi thought that the carnivorous cotton candy tasted great, until it tried to taste her back.
She's a big girl
>filled with beautiful, exotic dragon girls sporting every body type
>best girl is the flat as a board, boring, 30 something year old career woman
How does this happen?
>How does this happen?
herensuge is weaker than kanna
Then Kobayashi should eat it sooner.
reminder that kobayashi is my wife
Your wife pleases old magicians for money.
All I want is Kobayashi in her usual clothes.
She looks so happy to be lost in the woods with a big bottle of Sake.
I've been the goto guy for too many projects at once; I know just how she feels.
Reminder to go back to the kitchen, Tohru.
Kobayashi's legitimately low-test, user. Without more help from Iruru, it'll take her a while to come around.
>30 something year old career woman
She's 25
Why is she so cute?
I only made this thread for shits and giggles, why is it still alive?
Because this anime is great, and the dragon maid threads here are always so comfy
because Elma.
The power of chu chu yeah.
kanna no nichijou
>tfw no blanket
Shouta's fears of being crushed or suffocated are legit. Lucoa really should just latch on to him then roll over onto her back.
>Last chapter was 7 months ago
I miss this manga so much.
so will s2 take the 'new season, new character' route with iruru, totally write her out and avoid her, or somewhere in between?
>based Abe getting nips to bang all the christmas cakes
There’ll definitely be more of a focus on Iruru in the second season, if only because so much of the manga’s middle chapters focus on her or things directly stemming from her. Maybe Take too to sub in for the filler scenes that Lucoa and Shouta normally had.
What I’m more worried about is how Kanna’s family issues are going to be handled. I thought it was a drag myself, but Shinja really likes to close his works by carpet bombing his character settings with drama, and as much as I’d like to, I haven’t seen anything in the latter half of the manga so far that can top what he’s got.
Post dragon!kobayashi-san onegaishimasu
She's already confirmed, but I hope they focus on her verry little
What is her first name again?
Dammit Tohru!
>suffocates between her titties
I thought it was going to be lame but I love it even more than the original