Why does anime jerk off the katana so much? Guns are drastically better.
Why does anime jerk off the katana so much? Guns are drastically better
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nippon steal folded million times > gun
We've been over this shit more times than katana is being folded, melee is thought to be more personal than pew pew.
Found the burger.
>Guns are drastically better
Oh shit, really? You're telling me a ranged weapon that fires projectiles at 900 m/s and requires basically no training at all to use by comparison is the superior weapon choice?
Get the fuck out of here. Anime is fantasy, so of course it doesn't give a shit about actual realism. This is a medium in which an average high school boy can find himself surrounded by like 5 space alien supermodels who all want to bone him for no reason at all and THIS is your complaint.
The katana is folded a million times using the ancient techniques written in moonrunes
even in situations where guns arent present (isekai / fantasy) katana was objectively a shit weapon compared to what is usually present anyway. even compared to other swords its a fucking meme.
In the fraction of time it takes you pull out your gun you are already dead
Katanas have input delay, making it easier autists like you to understand what's happening.
because the japanese love their culture and history faggot. why dont you own black people and celebrate your own culture
>posting guaranteed_replies.gif
Melee weapons allow for more interesting fight coreography.
Guns are impartial and unfair. It's all about reaction and precision, which is highly manipulative and handicaped.
Katana has a big spot in Weebland history, allows fair fights between honorable and manly people, it's more stylish, has more techniques maneuvers
shouldnt whatever is heading toward her still slap her in the face at least twice?
Guns are boring.
>Why is the most nationalistic country in the world using it's Nation's weapon
What about both then?
>cuts your gun with a katana
fear my meme magic, frearm pleb
>using it's Nation's weapon
there are no type 95 ha go tanks in anime
Because 99% of the time some kind of magic is involved.
Shit thread BTW.
>he doesn't understand the power of japanese steel
why does the west glorify knights and midevil settings? guns are better. what the fuck was tolkens problem fo real though
Because that's the time with Dragons and Wizards and shit
He had enough of guns after fighting in WW1
The katana is one of the worst swords ever designed and is based on techniques that Europe surpassed by the 8th century BC. This is something no Jap or weeb will ever admit, but it's the truth.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
>watching old episode of Knight Scoop
>about a 20 year old girl who's great grandparents just died
>they have a room in their house that they never let anyone into for 50 years
>they bring a dude in to search through the room and appraise what they find
>they find a katana
>but it's not a katana, it's clearly great grandfather's gunto which he's saved for his entire life safe from both the American occupation and his own stupid government
>guy tells the grand daughter the sword is worthless and to turn it into the police
People like to think swords, namely the swords of their homeland, are cooler.
>mad that guy can recognize a trash weapon made of trash metal for what it is
A hand forged gunto is worth like 1200 USD, the problem is they're illegal in Japan because of their association with the dai nippon teikoku.
Even the machine cast swords are worth a couple hundred bucks.
That's BS. While this is true that european swormandship was more sophisticated, katanas were only but secondary weapons in feudal japan. The primary weapons of the samurai was the Yari (Spear) or the Longbow (Yami). Duels were, for the most part, not fought with swords but with daggers.
All media published/broadcast in a nation should only jerk off its own nation and always put down other nations.
>Implying burgers don't jerk of the katana just as much
What if you take glorious nippon steel and make a bullet out of it?
It will slice both the gun itself and every grain of gunpowder inside it.
That's not the entire pasta, fren.
That's it. I'm sick of all this "Masterwork Bastard Sword" bullshit that's going on in the d20 system right now. Katanas deserve much better than that. Much, much better than that.
I should know what I'm talking about. I myself commissioned a genuine katana in Japan for 2,400,000 Yen (that's about $20,000) and have been practicing with it for almost 2 years now. I can even cut slabs of solid steel with my katana.
Japanese smiths spend years working on a single katana and fold it up to a million times to produce the finest blades known to mankind.
Katanas are thrice as sharp as European swords and thrice as hard for that matter too. Anything a longsword can cut through, a katana can cut through better. I'm pretty sure a katana could easily bisect a knight wearing full plate with a simple vertical slash.
Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan? That's right, they were too scared to fight the disciplined Samurai and their katanas of destruction. Even in World War II, American soldiers targeted the men with the katanas first because their killing power was feared and respected.
So what am I saying? Katanas are simply the best sword that the world has ever seen, and thus, require better stats in the d20 system. Here is the stat block I propose for Katanas:
(One-Handed Exotic Weapon)
1d12 Damage
19-20 x4 Crit
+2 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
(Two-Handed Exotic Weapon)
2d10 Damage
17-20 x4 Crit
+5 to hit and damage
Counts as Masterwork
Now that seems a lot more representative of the cutting power of Katanas in real life, don't you think?
tl;dr = Katanas need to do more damage in d20, see my new stat block.
Guns are cooler than swords.
More useful and practical? Yes, indeed guns are better
Cooler and badass? Hell no.
Because guns are boring as fuck compared to melee fights.
Entertainment isn't about realism.
Stop being such an autistic faggot, OP.
The realism can make it more entertaining, and much easier to become immersed in.
Maybe to you, but it seems like most of the audience prefers cool shit over realism. Get over it, nerd.
Amazingly forged katana allows the user to project force such that the shrapnel goes wherever he wants it. Truly a magnificent blade.
>That's BS.
It isn't.
>katanas were only but secondary weapons in feudal japan.
1. Don't write so pretentiously ("only but")
2. That has nothing to do with my post
until you're outta bullets or need to cut a sandwich
It's the weapon they used to defend themselves to the government. It's a symbol.
Fiction needs suspension of belief more than realism. A fantasy that is understandable and relatable to the reader is better than a reality they don't know or want to know.
Japs aren't allowed to have fun guns
It allows you to commit seppuku
Cool shit and realism can't coexist? Horseshit. A sense of realism can give a very refreshing and clean feeling to the audience, making it easier to immerse, and minimizing the amount of disbelief that must be suspended.
>european swormandship was more sophisticated
Was it? It seems pretty similar.
>techniques that Europe surpassed by the 8th century BC
The process of how katana were made and how Europeans made their swords was actually quite similar up until the late middle ages. And even then you could find plenty of swords that were still made in a similar manner.
I'm just sick of the katana wank. It's gone way too far.
Why do people pretend European craftsmanship was good? It was trash. The only reason European amounted to anything was because they created guns by sheer coincidence while stealing shit from the Chinese.
>up until the late middle ages
No, Europeans moved past pattern welding by the 8th century.
European craftsmanship was literally the best in the world by the mid to late Medieval ages. That's why they had amazing armor, weapons and sophisticated machinery. Also, the black powder developed by Europeans was significantly different from the low quality formula utilized by the Chinese.
Why don't anime jerk off to Teppo or Hinawajuu? Its a Japanese weapon worthy of pride.
that's not how physics actually works, in reality for the katana to be cutting the blade, it implies its force stopped the momentum of the blade, meaning that once it cuts it should just flop to the ground in some manner, if the girl is right under the cut blade then yes, but if shes a bit back no problem
Suspension of disbelief puts an artificial wall in between the story and the viewer, preventing full immersion, and thus, complete and utter escape into the fiction. Fantasy and realism can coexist.
>A fantasy that is understandable and relatable to the reader is better than a reality they don't know or want to know
I don't follow. Realism in fantasy means deconstruction by default? If that's what you're saying, it's not true.
>requires basically no training at all to use by comparison
Do you think it's easier for a person who has never used a gun to get one ready to fire from empty than for a person who has never used a sword to swing it?
Stay mad shitskin
While generally true it's pretty clear most people have no idea how to use a gun, including most legal gun owners and cops from the sounds of it. A modern gun's ability for excess makes up for the lack of users' finesse though
as an american, yes, the hardest part is loading the bullets in the cartridge but they got these cool stopper thingies to make that painless
Difference is, nobody pretends a fucking longsword is an effective weapon to use against modern firearms.
The Japanese brought matchlock to its pinnacle while Europeans were using superior wheellock, flintlock and early percussion cap
It's not as if western swords weren't also usually secondary weapons after like roman times. I'm pretty sure they were always the dueling weapon of choice though
>after like roman times
During. And don't even talk about that Marion Reforms meme, you /tg/ retards don't even understand what that was about (Protip: it wasn't about making short swords the weapon of choice for soldiers).
I was more referring to how using a sharp stick is more instinctive than having all these weird buttons that do different things than what you're used to from the movies.
Using a matchlock in battle was actually a very difficult task, especially without paper cartridges, and required a lot of training especially to achieve a consistent rate of fire. But they were incredibly effective.
it's not really hard to figure out, the only thing that might get some people is there's a safety on the majority of firearms regular people come in contact with
after that it's really just can you put the clip inside and pull the cocky thing back, if you can do that you're good to go, I get what you mean though, but after like the most basic level of training a gun is easier to use than a sword
>it's not really hard to figure out
Not that guy, but you're exceedingly ignorant and it shows.
Katanas are cool, but guns aren't cool at all
Arguably if Japan keep harnessing their War fervor, they could adopt wheellock, flintlock, and copy European ship design. But of course the Joseon and Ming beat them up in the Imjin and Japan did not grow colonialistic. Imagine if Japan invaded Taiwan and Northern Phillipines however, refining their Shuinsen using advice from William Adams to actually build ships that aren't shitty.
am I though, or are you overestimating the amount of complexity it takes to fire a gun?
not well mind you, but the basic level of firing a gun is much more lethal than swinging a sword like a dumbass
Pattern welding was employed well into the early modern. While other means of making swords came up, it wasn't really abandoned. Not to mention that pattern welded swords aren't bad.
Good fantasy requires inner rules and consistency. If during Lord of the Rings Frodo shot lighting out of his hands to kill Gollum in the Mountain of Doom without having that ability established at any moment it'd be bullshit, and not just "fantasy doing what it does". Any setting, no matter how fantastic, still needs characters thinking and acting realistically.
Now this is a gunblade I can get behind.
>have to hurry and flick everything on the gun to fire
>take too long or run out if bullets and you’re dead
There’s a reason soldiers in ww2 still brought swords to the war front and knives for wars are still a thing.
>acquire mag
>acquire boolets
>load boolets into mag
>load mag into gun
>pull devil trigger
It's really, really not that hard.
t. Euro
It's far easier to EFFECTIVELY use a gun than EFFECTIVELY use a sword, yes, so long as your goal is anything other than killing a dude literally right next to you who is not moving or resisting. The main reason arquebuses and similar firearms were initially used in warfare was not because they were "better" than longbows and other ranged options (or even trained melee) but because they were, comparatively, easy as fuck to use.
>based matchlock ashigaru-fu
but i dont want to play FOTS right now damnit
The same reason American action movies feature the 1911 in many of them
guns are the weapon that wins 16th century Japanese battles.
>The katana is one of the worst swords ever designed
>"From the land of the Rising Sun comes precious swords across the eastern sea, the merchants of Yüeh fetch them. With scabbards of fragrant wood, sharkskin-covered, and bearing designs in silver and gold, trappings of brass and bronze; For a hundred pieces of gold (if you like such things) you can buy one And buckling that on your belt, defy all road side hags and devils"
>-Poet/Historian/Politician Ouyang Xiu, ca 1060AD, Song Dynasty.
>"They (Japanese Pirates) disdain life and are bloodthirsty… The blades of the Japanese sabers are sharp and make Chinese swords look inferior."
>-Riben Kao (Study of Japan), by General Li Yangong. On the subject of Japanese pirates in the 16th Century
>using measuring flask to pour in an amount of black powder into the muzzle
>place a wad of cloth on the tip of the muzzle
>place an iron ball on the cloth
>take the ramrod and stuff them into the muzzle, not too far and not too shallow or you can have a misfire
>lift the frizzen, use your secondary powder horn to pour an amount into the pan. this powder contains less saltpeter and is known as primer
>lock the frizzen, pull back the hammer
>light the wick
>level the firearm, pull the trigger
>clean the muzzle in preparation of the next shot
There you go. You've fired one projectile.
Not him, but you're wrong. Germans and Scandinavians definitely still used it well into the late Medieval period. Only western europeans like Spain had it that early and it was far from ubiquitous. Not to mention, if you're trying to group up all of Europe then you might as well group up asia, which discovered advanced metallurgy before anyone else
It's really strange Japan didn't get advanced furnaces earlier considering they were literally right next to China and I'm pretty sure they marched through China once or twice
And yet, it's still easier than training someone for years to use a longbow effectively, and it's still more effective than a sword because it can kill you from 50 meters instead of 2.
It’s also one of the worst sword designs.
>Was it? It seems pretty similar.
Katanas are brittle. European sword were made for parrying. You aren't supposed to hard parry with a katana at all.
They were brittle because they super hard, which made them great at cutting unarmed peasants in half. That's the single thing they were better at, compared to European blades. They were absolute shit at anything else.
>japanese ivs are really something else
these level of nationalism shouldn't even be possible
OPM will drop in popularity after S2
>they could adopt wheellock, flintlock, and copy European ship design
They did not have the level of metalworking, machining, infrastructure and resources required to do so.
China had shit tier weaponry.
Because of John Woo?
this was a misquote right? cause I'm talking about modern handguns plus yea nobody is gonna argue it's more brainless to swing a stick, but learning to swing the stick with a level of effectiveness that is comparable to learning to at least shoot a gun once is leagues of difference
The top one looks cool as fuck.
Manglobe did not animate that scene well. In the original, it wasn't even a sword being cut and the katana only cuts partially through and stops the axe.
China didn't really care about swords. They've had a hardon for polearms since ancient times. And for good reason.
Cause its cool
I hardly ever see anyone praising katanas nowadays.It's all people calling it a shit weapon and anyone that likes it stupid.
Never understood the fascination with swords in fiction.
They were pretty useless; pretty much every society they showed up in they weren’t even the best weapon available, and we’re normally one of the worst.
it has ease of use going for it among melee arms
‘swshhh’ ‘bfff’
Once again I have slashed away a life, why was it taking so long to fire though what wasted movements compared to the art of the blade.
That’s mainly due to the pendulum swinging that direction after the majority of the internet jacking it off.
sword duels were cool, see
it's a tragedy that sword duels died before movie cameras became a thing.
Joseon Dynasty Hwando
Swords have their niche. They were easy to carry around in civilian life (but not as easy as short swords/combat knives, maces or axes) and pretty good in extremely close quarters (but again, not as good as short swords/combat knives, maces or short handled axes)
Okay, yeah, they're pretty memey and generally outclass by other weapon types.
They look the coolest and represent the size of the man's dick
>forget or slow to pull safety
Most of the literature describes of smart and cunning men taking down strong meat heads in a battle of wits and strategy. Only Japan has a hardon for their shit sword.
They were the best weapon available for everyday carry. If there was a better alternative to hang from your belt, they would've replaced swords. In actual combat polearms were vastly superior, but nobody is going to haul one with them everywhere they go.
Swords are made for killing and killing only. So that's cool. Swordmasters? People who trained their whole lives to kill with this murderknife. Compare them to some dirty peasants with their hunting bows and pointy sticks, and you've got someone way cooler.
Ramma III swords and Summary Sword
Maybe...don't have the safety on?
Because a melee fight is much more interesting than a shootout
You said people stopped making pattern welded swords during the 8th century BC (by which you probably meant AD). Here we have the Sword of Saint Cosmas and Damien. It was likely made for Emperor Otto III in the 10th century. We can clearly see the pattern emerge in their imaging method (the sword is not polished in its current state, so it cannot be seen with the naked eye). But one can also find later weapons that were still pattern welded. During the middle ages a great variety of techniques were employed for making swords.
>They were the best weapon available for everyday carry
Knives, axes and maces were better for casual wear. Long knives and buckler were especially popular for carrying around since they were so small and light despite their very deadly application.
>gun fires and lose your leg! foot
>>"They (Japanese Pirates) disdain life and are bloodthirsty… The blades of the Japanese sabers are sharp and make Chinese swords look inferior."
>>-Riben Kao (Study of Japan), by General Li Yangong. On the subject of Japanese pirates in the 16th Century
Because the chinese literally shat metal out like endless diarrhea. They were basically what they are now, a huge manufacturing powerhouse with goods ranging from excellent to dirt shaped into a good for peasants
>You said people stopped making pattern welded swords during the 8th century
No, I didn't.
>Here we have the Sword of Saint Cosmas and Damien
That's a ceremonial blade. It has no combat potential.
>nambu jams
>katana breaks
>some retard from alabama runs through the commander with a bayonet
Tenno heika ;_;
Nobody posted Revy vs Jumbo?
>don't be a dumbass
>gun doesn't go off
>have good holster
>gun doesn't go off
>don't have gun in pocket along with five dollars in loose change
>gun doesn't go off
>have hammer pulled back
>trigger requires more forced to pull, less likely to go off
>don't use a striker fire
>hurr durr
Don't be a faggot or an idiot, user, and you'll be fine.
Axes and maces are more cumbersome, and sword has more reach than any of the alternatives. You can't underestimate reach in 1v1 situation. The one with the longer pointy stick wins 9 times out of 10, assuming similar skill level. Sure knives and bucklers were carried, but sword and buckler wins.
>fire gun
>hilariously unbalanced, causing the gun to recoil backwards and stab your buddy behind you
>try to slash someone
>gun misfires and the bullet ricochets into allies
>Do you think it's easier for a person who has never used a gun to get one ready to fire from empty than for a person who has never used a sword to swing it?
Have you never seen an action movie? Those things basically tell you how to operate a gun
Your post () clearly says:
>techniques that Europe surpassed by the 8th century BC
And here again: .
>Europeans moved past pattern welding by the 8th century.
>That's a ceremonial blade. It has no combat potential.
Is that so? The analysis by Thyssen-Krupp has shown that this is one of the finest blades of the middle ages, with a structure similar to that of a modern tool steel. If this blade was not made for combat then it should have been made for combat because it would easily surpass the majority of the weapons around at the time.
Making a blade in a pattern welded manner does NOT mean that what you get out of it is necessarily worse than employing techniques they used later, e.g. surface carburisation and oil quench in sand.
Ok, Weebs and LARPERS gather around:
Katana for cutting
Longsword for thrusting
To sum it up, the longsword is overall more versatile with the myriad of ways it can be wielded for defense and angles of attack (you can even grip it by the blade and swing the hilt like a hammer!) while the katana is specialized to deliver fast, powerful slashing and chopping attacks with the occasional thrust.
Both of these swords though were side-arms on the battlefields of their era, with polearms and missile weapons being the primary weapon wielded.
It's interesting to note that in China, straight edged swords (including ones the length of European longswords) were the norm up to the 700-1200's, after that you see curved swords (Mongol influence, as well as many imported from Japan) gain increasing popularity as battlefield weapons. Ming dynasty military manuals note that Japanese blades could be drawn very quickly from the waist, making it an excellent side-arm for a soldier who uses an arquebus or polearm as their main weapon.
Also: pre-1200-1400 longswords are of inferior quality due to bad metallurgy techniques
>Axes and maces are more cumbersome
They weren't.
>and sword has more reach than any of the alternatives.
>You can't underestimate reach in 1v1 situation.
A quarterstaff has more reach than a sword. Also it doubles as a walking stick and is effective at close range. By the way, the quarterstaff was the most popular weapon of the medieval ages.
>Sure knives and bucklers were carried, but sword and buckler wins.
That's not true. Do you have statistics for that?
You know what's even better? A sling and some stones you pick off the ground. A decent slinger could have an accurate range of like 15-20m
Saying their techniques surpassed pattern welding /= You said people stopped making pattern welded swords during the 8th century
>Is that so?
Yes. By the way, the study you are citing is inconclusive. Here is the context
>There is the possibility, and tradition so claims it, that the blade belongs to Roman times, to the IVth century, and was used at the execution of the patron saints of Essen, St. Kosmas and St. Damian, who suffered for their Christian faith in the year A.D. 303. Though within the category of truth, this tradition requires strong belief.
So obviously it is believed that the blade predates the 8th century by quite a bit. It doesn't support your argument no matter what analysis you believe.
You also need to reload the gun don't you?
>Katanas are brittle. European sword were made for parrying. You aren't supposed to hard parry with a katana at all.
I'm fairly certain this is mostly a modern myth. Various schools of Japanese swordsmanship involve quite a bit of blade contact. youtube.com
While it's true that katana have comparably brittle edges due to the quench hardening it's not like they couldn't deal with the stresses of combat. In plenty of historical depictions we see edge edges of katana having chipped. This was merely what was expected would happen during combat. You used your weapon, if it could still be fixed you'd have it fixed, otherwise you'd throw it away and have a new one made. In particular during the great battles they made lots of swords (in comparatively cheaper manner) and disposed of them after combat.
The whole idea that katana are these priced weapons that must be preserved at all costs is more of a modern thing, certainly not a thing during the Japanese civil war periods.
How is he ignorant? Guns are probably some of the easiest weapons to figure out how to properly use without any training. You just put the mag in, rack it back and take the (very visually distinct) safety off. It just sounds like you're just arguing for the sake of it
If you're walking around and a gun just randomly discharges than more likely than not its a manufacturing issue and depending on the caliber you'll most likely just need to worry about a hole in your foot and not actual amputation.
depends what you're trying to do
The longsword is better at slashing. Also, if you're using the midsection of the blade to slash, then you're a fucking idiot. You always use the tip.
>Also: pre-1200-1400 longswords are of inferior quality due to bad metallurgy techniques
That's a lie, weeb.
The Koreans never had a chance.
Katana's are said to be brittle because of the poor quality of iron that the japanese had available at the time.
>This is something no Jap or weeb will ever admit, but it's the truth.
doesn't it have something to do with how shit the iron deposits on the island were? Like I thought the whole reason the katana was held in high regard wasn't because it was a good sword but because they were even able to make a sword out of that shit
No, they were brittle because the edge was hardened more than european swords.
The ancient Chinese were producing better metal with the same shit because they had more advance furnaces with better control over temperature. A lot of the katana wank was pushed by the Japanese government in the later 1900s when they were trying to export their culture
Shit iron and they never figured out how to further refine it until yurops showed them how
>How is he ignorant?
I'm on your side of the argument but come on.
>loading the bullets in the cartridge
>pull the cocky thing back
"moved past" implies that people stopped making them. Yet they didn't. Pattern welded weapons were not uncommon in Europe throughout the middle ages.
>So obviously it is believed that the blade predates the 8th century by quite a bit.
Whoever believes this has no idea what he's talking about. The shape of the blade alone tells you that this blade is later than the Carolingian period because swords made earlier than the 8th century looked completely differently. You don't even need to test the material itself because the typology alone tells you everything you need to know. Not to mention that there are records when it was gifted to the abbey it is kept in, etc.
When it comes to the blade being used to execute a Saint, you should consider that in the middle ages they made these swords of stories up all the time. The Holy Lance is a similar example. The lance is obviously a winged lance from the early middle ages - it's not the type of weapon used in antiquity.
Drifters does this a bit
Swords are overrated sidearms.
Pattern welding is a time consuming and expensive process, not really a fit way to manufacture blades to outfit an army.
It's not odd that they might keep using the technique for specific individuals or for ceremonial purposes since it the result is beautiful.
But if better metalworking techniques existed, that's what they would have generally used for your more common weapons.
Yes, and any retard who disagrees should imagine if they would rather fight a woman holding a sword or a woman holding a gun.
The edges are brittle as a consequence of the differential quench in water. But the edges being brittle does not mean that you cannot use the weapon. Occasionally this means edge to edge blade contact. You may want to avoid it at times but this is not always possible. Not to mention that attacking someone in armour means that your edge will meet enemy iron which may cause damage.
/pol/ please
While I get what you're saying, my point was that most people don't know the proper terminology for most weaponry. Even today where guns are very, very common in almost everything, you'll still find loads of people who don't know the difference between a stripper clip/mag or know what that pipe sticking out of a rifle is called.
I love guns man, but they get stale after a while. The whole point of the firearm is to make killing someone easy as shit, which makes fight scenes involving them more predictable. Melee combat is not only more personal, but it also holds a far greater level of variance in the way the action plays out which makes for more attractive fight scenes.
Of course, guns have their own ways of switching things up, and a well choreographed gunfight is always exciting, but a lot of these techniques also ironically tend to downplay their lethality as weapons.
>The longsword is better at slashing
Ofcourse, because the edge is duller to be considered for cutting, so hack and slash is all you're left with.
>That's a lie, weeb
The introduction of Swedish steel and the following innovations in 1400AD were the actual causes of European metallurgy improving in quality, pleb
>user doesn't know about gun-kata
>"moved past" implies that people stopped making them
That's not true. The only thing it implies is that techniques advanced. Not even reading the rest of your bullshit.
>Ofcourse, because the edge is duller to be considered for cutting, so hack and slash is all you're left with.
You clearly don't know anything about this subject.
>You clearly don't know anything about this subject.
In which case i'm sure you're going to enlighten me
>Pattern welding is a time consuming and expensive process, not really a fit way to manufacture blades to outfit an army.
Outfitting armies was not really that much of a thing during the middle ages. You had people in your household who were responsible for their own weaponry and you had people who were sworn to you with their own weapons and household troops with their own weapons. If those weren't enough you hired mercenaries, who also would bring their own equipment. Outfitting army really only became a thing during the early modern.
>But if better metalworking techniques existed, that's what they would have generally used for your more common weapons.
Things are not that clear cut. While they discovered different means to achieve a similar (or even better) effect, they were not universally applied. Pattern welded swords and mono-steel blades co-existed for pretty much the entire time as people used swords.
Also, you should consider that the means to make these mono-steel weapons required access to pre-treated steel, which was available anywhere.
is the gun loaded? because I can at least confidently run from the woman with a sword
>If those weren't enough you hired mercenaries
Mercenaries were not used regularly until the 17th century.
>That's not true. The only thing it implies is that techniques advanced.
It implies that people "moved past", which means that they weren't employing the "old" techniques any more, which is simply not true. But if you're not in disagreement that people used pattern welding throughout the middle ages, then I don't know what you're still discussing.
>Not even reading the rest of your bullshit.
You should because it tells you why the weapon is most definitely a 10th century weapon and not older and if you honestly believe that if is a Carolingian weapon - let alone something even more outlandish like an antique weapon used to behead some Saint or something - then you're plain wrong.
>Mercenaries were not used regularly until the 17th century.
Mercenaries were common during the late middle ages. Look up the white company for example.
Gun-kata is that awkward spot where it looks cool as fuck until your suspension of disbelief stops working and you realize how ridiculous it is. Not that it's bad mind you, Zero-In has a special place in my heart in no small part due to having some of the most grounded gun-kata ever while also keeping the cool as fuck factor at full force. The FMC being a hot as fuck, barely sane cop chick, and the MC growing some serious cojones help too.
>It implies that
Give it up, retard.
>Mercenaries were common during the late middle ages
They were not.
>Look up the white company for example.
Naming a band of mercenaries does not mean the mercenaries were commonly employed.
>Pattern welded swords and mono-steel blades co-existed for pretty much the entire time as people used swords
Except almost all mono-steel came out of the central and eastern regions of asia up until like 700AD, it was only available because of exports not because everyone discovered it for themselves. Europe didn't even get blast furnaces capable of producing good quality crucible steel until at least like the 9th century and that was probably because of muslims bringing it in during their conquests, and didn't proliferate to the rest of europe until several centuries later, probably because they ended up developing it on their own or reverse engineering it. AFAIK the Japanese tataras couldn't even get hot enough to fully melt iron
Swords, and melee weapons in general, are usually cooler than guns. Katana or not.
Wake me up when the longsword can cut tanks
>Give it up, retard.
That's what it does. But it's amusing how you're moving goalposts to the point where you "actually meant" what I said from the beginning, which makes it a bit questionable why we were having this debate in the first place if I had been right all the time.
>Mercenaries were common during the late middle ages
>They were not.
Is that so?
What really made a difference was water power. European steel production heavily relied on the water wheel which was used both in mining for transport, grinding, etc. but also for powering the bellows and the hammers. Also, oxidisation furnaces in order to make most of blast furnaces made a huge difference. While blast furnaces were known in Asia, as far as I know they did not manage to employ them at a comparable effectiveness as Europe. This also likely had something to do with geographic conditions, e.g. the alpine regions had everything you needed to make steel as effectively and economically as possible, with lots of rivers with strong currents, forest as a source of charcoal, iron ore from early mining efforts as well as cities and universities nearby with scholars and craftsmen to build and operate the machinery.
You called?
Girls und panzers
What should be added is that the time period where we see a huge jump caused by the use of water power, we also see plate armour really become prominent, likely due to steel being available in great quantities.
I know about Gun Kata
Katana's are said to be brittle because the Katana really only ever was used to cut the shit out of peasants during the edo period. The actual combat oriented blades like the nodachi were banned from polite society by the Tokugawa and since there were never any field battles during the vast majority of the Edo period the sword style all but disappeared.
Even after the Meiji restoration when they started making swords for actual combat officers they don't pattern them on the gentlemen's katana, they pattern them on western sabers and tachi.
>he doesn't have a gun in his sheath that shoots out his katana
>But it's amusing how you're moving goalposts to the point where you "actually meant"
It never meant anything other than what it did. You're the borderline illiterate applying (((implications))) that were never there.
Does not predate the time period I stated.
>"Burgundian Wars marked the beginning of the rise of Swiss mercenaries on the battlefields of Europe"
Thanks for proving my point.
One of the earliest mercenary bands of Italy, starting in the 14th century. Again, thanks for proving my point. Mercenaries were not regularly employed until the 17th century. You seem to have extreme trouble with basic English, you drooling moron.
Shut it Sam.
For me, its the naginata
>It never meant anything other than what it did.
Again: if that was the case, what were you trying to debate? I told you that people made use of pattern welding THROUGHOUT the middle ages, for which you asked for a source () and which I provided (), which you then questioned, giving away your horrendous lack of knowledge by not immediately realising that the idea that this could be a Carolingian weapon would be an outlandish guess by the mere shape of the weapon alone.
>Does not predate the time period I stated.
You were talking about the 17th century. The golden age of the Swiss mercenaries was the 15th century. What are you even talking about?
>Thanks for proving my point.
Proving what point? That people didn't employ mercenaries until the 17th century - which this example clearly contradicts?
>One of the earliest mercenary bands of Italy, starting in the 14th century.
Your point being? Is this not "late middle ages" in your book? It is certainly quite a bit earlier than the 17th century. But what are a couple of hundred years, right?
>Mercenaries were not regularly employed until the 17th century.
Which is utter and complete nonsense. Teutonic knights heavily relied on Danish and German mercenaries in their campaigns. The King of Denmark, e.g. during the famous Battle of Visby, heavily relied on German mercenaries during the 14th century. The Hanseatic League heavily relied on mercenaries. Imperial Cities heavily relied on mercenaries next to their militias. Pretty much ANYONE employed mercenaries during the late middle ages.
While the thirty years war was certainly more famous for mercenary use, it's not like this development didn't start way earlier. The Italian Wars for example saw HEAVY use of mercenaries.
Toji no miko with guns instead of okatanas
School shooter yomi and kaoru with her M107
Guns are boring as fuck
>Again: if that was the case, what were you trying to debate?
That it was a primitive technique compared to what Europe was doing at the same time, you blithering moron. Again, not even reading the rest of your pathetic slop. You complete lack of intelligence is a blight on this thread and you should neck yourself at the next opportunity.
Because it's fun you medieval autist.
Forget about the katana, it's the Japanese ""swordsmanship"" that is shit.
>unnecessary shouting
>en garde position like a retard fishing
>wasting precious time unsheathing
>false belief that you can split your opponent in half
This is why no modern military adapted this theatrical BS. Eskrima is way more superior.
>toji no shito
>That it was a primitive technique compared to what Europe was doing at the same time, you blithering moron.
I already told you that Europe was not homogeneous and people experimented in all kinds of direction. Pattern welding never went away. Even what you get out of the blast furnace needs to be homogenised, it was just a pre-processing step left to hammersmiths who would do it in their hammerworks and then sell the pre-forged metal to sword smiths. The actual construction of the blade, i.e. putting together blades from metal of varying quality and forge welding it together, differential hardening, differential quench - all these are things that were applied in Europe as well as in Japan. And the Japanese were capable of coming up with good results with their method of construction. You can find Japanese blades which in the analysis are well comparable to the finest blades made in Europe.
While it is true that the Japanese did not employ blast furnaces at the same level of effectiveness as Europe (which arguably nobody did), and they did not master the crucible process quite like the middle east or India (which Europe didn't either until way after the middle ages), they did manage to produce fine blade with the smelting and forging processes they had available.
I'd also recommend you to look into this link and educate yourself a bit, so you won't waste everyone's time by being an uneducated moron who spouts memes rather than actual knowledge: gunbai-militaryhistory.blogspot.com
>differential hardening, differential quench
By that I meant differential temper and differential quench, as obviously the quench equals hardening.
Thanks to Sweden post 1400-AD as described here and >
Yeah nah
You need training the fire more than a couple metres semi accurately
Only because they had shit metal quality. They literally couldn't make it any better if they tried
Sword might not be the ultimate weapons when wielded by the masters who spent the whole live perfecting their craft, but it's the most optimal mass produced pre-firearm weapon. When your goal is to take a thousand of fresh recruits, arm and equip them, run them through a training that covers a small number of basic moves and attacks - just enough to justify the the cost of their training and equipment compared to their combat effectiveness - sword become the best possible option. It doesn't require a long training to cover the basics and it's acceptable (not excellent, just acceptable) in a large range of possible combat situations.
What about this weapon? Is it better than the folded a gorillian times?
>The longsword is better at slashing.
Stopped reading there.
Why can't shovels be more featured prominently than katanas or guns in anime? Shovels have great potential. You can bludgeon, set traps, potentially sharpen the shovel so it can act as a sharpened edge. Plus have greater surface area if you manage to latch it like a shield.
>it implies its force stopped the momentum of the blade
I disagree with that assessment entirely. Imagine you have a taut piece of piano wire and you throw a glob of jello at it. The jello's going to split in half and continue on its way. You didn't stop the momentum, you cut it apart. The parts both have momentum still.
Looks like a Western copy of a Shamshir.
Euroswordfags are worse than katanaboos ever were. Everyone knows katanas were shit weapons, and more importantly, anyone with common sense or any actual historical knowledge whatsoever knows that swords in general are shit weapons. Meanwhile Euroswordfags use shitting on one sensationalized status icon to unironically try to wank their own sensationalized status icon: obnoxious hipster edition.
Go play some more vidya about soldiers running into battle with a longsword and kite shield in hand or something you faggots.
>tfw peak aesthetic sword design was never again replicated after the end of the classical period in Western Asia and Europe
>now all the faggots think curved swords are the bee knees because MUH SAMURAI
What a shame.
Curved swords are the bees knees because sabers are fucking brutal.
No that's still spears.
desu like someone else said swords were overly romanticized and glorified by fiction, and that's mainly due to poets and bards and other faggots who never actually went into battle thinking because nobles used swords therefore the greatest weapon was a sword, particularly with medieval period of knights in Europe and Asia
the truth is they are sidearms at best; most mounted cavalrymen, knights, cataphracts, samurai, etc...used lances, halberds, spears, glaives, maces, morningstars as their main weapons
i think straight swords are more effective and curved swords suck unless their made from damascus steel
>Curved swords are the bees knees
No, they aren't. They're good for horseback so that you won't accidentally break your own arm, but other than that they are inferior.
They're too strong for the average person
>one cunt comes at you with a normal length curved sword (24-28 inches long) on horseback
>you ream that cunt with your big ass spear while giggling like a retard thanks to superior GIRTH and length
>medieval trench warfare
yes please
Little do you know that I have my katana attached to a chain so I can throw it and spin it around when need be. Get fucked, spearfag.
>glances off his shield
>oops you're dead
There is nothing novel or unpredictable about the ancient unga strategy of "put point toward mean man", every single weapon had documented strategies for that.
Begone thot before I bludgeon you to death with my pic-axe thrown with the accuracy of a ninja star at your face.
Nigga don't have a shield. Most steppe niggers just used bows and curved swords and didn't bother with armor or shields when on horseback. Nothing is "bouncing".
Really, though. You could just deflect the spear as he thrusts it. Which is very easy to do, as your pivot point on the spear is far back, leaving the tip of the spear easy to move.
only to fucking fatasses who like to play point and click video games. As someone trained on modern weapon systems, its nowhere as easy as people think it is to use them effectively in combat, but a fight between to people with melee weapons is more interesting because of the nuances in techniques used, even more so in hand-to-hand combat.
With firearms, with the exception of using ballistics, there aren't many ways to fire a gun unless you're dealing with shit like the wild west and gunslingers, which are fucking badass. When it comes to Modern Warfare©, technique is fairly straightforward and tactics take the front seat. Engaging, interesting and thrilling in its own right, but baring a sniper's duel, the combatants will spend little time engrossed directly in person-to-person combat and in any case, landing a single hit with a firearm is usually all it takes to end a fight or put it into a landslide victory barring one of the combatants ending up doing something superhuman worthy of the Medal of Honor (as many have done in real life).
tl;dr: get someone in your sights and fire is less interesting than the prospect of having different techniques (even without typical anime bullshit) and fights go on for longer. There's a reason why the Gun is the modern weapon: because with it anyone can kill with far less training than an melee weapon, and at a "safe' distance, and machine guns are force multipliers.
You don't 1v1 some spearnigger. You fight a formation of them.
Put a gun in one untrained guy's hand. Put a sword in another untrained guy's hand. See who gets more kills against a) other melee fighters, b) other ranged fighters, c) fleeing civilians.
1v1 is clearly the situation being presented here
Depends how grouped up the people are. And if you have limited bullets.
>watch RotK2010
>gain new appreciation for just how fucking brutal a simple spear with a hook on it is
So many horse legs hacked off. So many men hooked and dragged into a mob then stabbed/picked to death. So many guys somersaulting into a wall of spikes.
You're so fucking stupid it hurts. Maybe a relevant consideration if you have like a three round magazine. Guns are so much easier to kill with than swords it isn't even funny.
Yeah, the original situation is also stupid
>carrying a gun
>not BEING the gun
Come on man. Are swords more effective in the 1% corner case where you're fighting unarmed drunks in a 10x10 room? Sure. That's not how combat happens in real life, or even in anime. Guns will 99.9% of the time win, that's life. But guns aren't as stylish and don't engender the perception of user skill, so they don't get as much play in anime.
part of why katanas are so loved is because of the art and detail that goes into making them. there are also videos of fucking sabres failing to penetrate armor while katan's actually do, or are you going to call R.Lee Ermey a fucking liar, you Un-American piece of shit?
>your pivot point on the spear is far back, leaving the tip of the spear easy to move
You realize that works just as much if not moreso in the spearfag's favor right? One of the known strengths of swords is their weight being in the pommel, otherwise they would be maces or axes.
Polearms fuck both of them.
Fite me, fgt.
in fact since the other blade is hard and has more resistance than jello the piece of blade should've started spinning while travelling in the same direction slapping her in the face even harder
You know spears and lances are much longer then swords right?
that must be some floppy ass sword if you can fold it up lol
>One of the known strengths of swords is their weight being in the pommel
I fail to see how this is relevant at all.
But no, in that given situation, the spear wielder's pivot point, on a thrust, being far back works against them. Because they have no way to brace the tip on the spear when you swing to deflect it left or right.
>posts picture of sword nobody used because its such ornamental shit
>Why does anime jerk off the katana so much?
Because to the average Jap, they will never even be close to a firearm beyond the pistol that a police officer carries at his waist. They will, however, be often exposed to their own nation's history of samurai, Kendo clubs, and assholes who carry around things like baseball bats and pipes as standard weapons. By comparison, America was born in a time primarily dominated by firearms, has a history rich in firearms, has firearms in every single house, has schools where the teachers are covered in bulletproof vests, and has a mass shooting every two weeks. Even the most poor motherfucker in Clapistan has at least one pistol. You would have to be an actual killer within the Yakuza to have your hands on a gun in Japan, and even then, you wouldn't keep it anywhere visible.
Intimacy with melee combat aside, Japan still has a predominant fixation on its own nation and culture, and Katanas (along with Naginatas, Yari, Yumi, etc.) will naturally be presented with favor to a European longsword, halberd, lance, etc. unless they are more fitting with a niche aesthetic. But if they are going for exotic, there's rarely any reason to settle on "Normal Medieval European Weapon" unless your setting is literally based on medieval Europe, and that rule applies to any other weapon of the sort. Hence why so many anime and manga use wild-assed crystal swords with dozens of segments and an engine, rather than more subtle weaponry. There aren't many guns in Japanese households, erego there is not a prominent gun culture (short of Gun Otaku, who are just nerds who like guns), and as such, there is extremely little market for firearms. If you're going to use close-ranged weapons, you'll use something you know. And Japan knows Katanas.
But what if I can use my katana to cut bullets, just like old school honorable samurai did?
There's an LN with a shovel-wielding MC title is something like "I became a demon lord and all I got was this lousy island" 50 something chappies in and they just got to him becoming a demon lord and getting that island but anyways he uses a shovel.
Why do american/european have an inferiority complex toward japan?
because its cool
are you stupid?
>more than a couple metres
What swordsman do you know who is fighting outside of a "couple" of meters?
scythe is literally used by the grim reaper. good luck against THAT
because japan has culture
Only weebs. It is why they are weebs.
as for eurup, the only ones who have inferiority complex are the edgy racist shits, especially "gaymers".
Overall its a case of "grass is greener on the other side". Having been to Japan it is lovely but I have no idea about living there, and i've heard Germany talked about like it was the promise land for my entire life as my mother was an Army Brat and my grandfather was stationed in Germany for many years.
People want what they don't have and want to be something they're not, even if only a little. "The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely." - Carl "Freud's adopted eldest son" Jung
America has appropriated plenty of culture
You realize the absurdity of what you're proposing right. This is like "just catch the blade mid swing bro" levels of nonsensical. A spear is not an epee.
>an average high school boy can find himself surrounded by like 5 space alien supermodels who all want to bone him for no reason at all and THIS is your complaint.
I unironically want to watch this hypothetical anime.
10/10 AOTY if he's totally on board with the banging and has a consistent Space faring/Opera plot.
Is this RWBY?
Fucking hell I spilled my water.
I know it's a modern pistol and a katana but
>They don't know gunblades were a real thing
Ask me how I know you've never practiced judo or any kind of practical martial art.
Your logic is about on par with "how do batters hit the base ball, it's moving 100mph?"
or the "superior" pistol axe
wow. you're a fucking unathletic piece of shit. Guess boxers are fake and people who actually fight with or fought against polearms and deflected them are fake news? You seem liek an edgy kid who doesn't care about learning, just about trying to be right in his own mind.
Why do you have an inferiority complex toward japan?
That sounds awesome.
retarded br poster
>practical martial art
Every martial art with an actual war basis is about understanding the physics, geometry, and biomechanics involved with melee combat and trying to land a killing blow while avoiding the opponent's. One of the fundamental conclusions they universally came to is that short of being out of the enemy's range or having a big ass shield and/or suit of armor to cover yourself with, avoiding anything reliably is a massive crapshoot.
>understanding the physics, geometry, and biomechanics involved with melee combat
You mean EXACTLY what judo is? Also, why are you replying to two posts when one has nothing at all to do with judo. Are you just replying to anyone who linked your post?
>avoiding anything reliably is a massive crapshoot
So you actually do think it's impossible to hit a baseball. Damn, you're dumb.
>You mean EXACTLY what judo is
Except unarmed, which makes it inherently impractical. Human beings evolved to use tools for a reason you god damn barbarian.
>So you actually do think it's impossible to hit a baseball. Damn, you're dumb.
Nice strawman. Stay butthurt.
>Human beings evolved to use tools
>anyone who says anything i don't like is butthurt therefore i can dismiss them
Nice circular logic. Also, that's not a strawman, you just don't understand it, so it's confusing you.
Also, you can kill someone with your hands just fine. Judo also has weapons training, another thing you're just totally ignorant about.
lol some things have change in recent years
you sound like you've got a serious case of assmad
Broadly speaking, the same reason American movies and TV shows jerk off guns so much: it's central to important aspects of their history and thus culture. That aside, there is a certain something to watching melee combat as opposed to people just shooting at each other.
>salty greentext
I called something a crapshoot, you conflated crapshoot with impossibility. That is a strawman. But hey, by all means, show me a batter who can hit every good pitch with certainty. Oh wait, they don't exist, because human error is a thing, something that people who participated in wars and have studied wars know well but evidently escaped your notice.
>Also, you can kill someone with your hands just fine. Judo also has weapons training
God how petty. A literal retard can kill someone with their hands, good luck killing anyone standing 8 feet away with your hands no matter what meme peasantry activity you train in. Weapon defense is irrelevant and is taught with any actual martial weapon, the fundamental rule of range and protection still applies. Have fun getting years of expertise killed because some random conscript happened to guess right.
>Ever wonder why medieval Europe never bothered conquering Japan?
I dunno maybe because Japan was on the other side of the world?
>human error only exists when you're defending
I wonder if you're even thinking about what you're saying anymore, and aren't just replying for the sake of replying.
You're vastly shifting the original point where this started with someone on horse back, because you're trying to damage control. On horse back, there's literally only a single direction a person can strike you at with a spear, so it's very easy to see coming and deflect.
Assuming you're using just your hands and fighting someone with a spear, you're about in the same boat, because a spear can only strike a very small point, and only from a single direction. Once your past their first thrust, they're more or less unarmed, and all it takes is a single strike to their jugular to kill them.
movies use the gun the same way they use the katana. westerns were basically samurai movies with a different setting.
>Being a weaponlet
>Not showering a rain of bullets on your enemies with just a pistol before teleporting behind your opponent with your katana
It's like you want to lose
>implying the quality of the weapon means anything
you aren't fighting the weapon; you are fighting the person.
greater footwork and understanding of range would shit on even the highest quality weapons.
It's an underdog weapon while guns are too linear in their purpose. With the exception of gun-based martial arts, you resolve shit way too fast with guns. It's either flashy weapon combat throwing reality out the window, or boringly-slow showdowns with literally whoever shoots first wins.
>boringly-slow showdowns
t. didn't like the last scene of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
>human error only exists when you're defending
Oh hey another strawman. When human error happens on an attack, you pull your arms back and are at square one. When human error happens on a defense, you fucking die.
>I wonder if you're even thinking about what you're saying anymore
I think you've made it perfectly clear that you certainly aren't. If you did you might have even noticed that I already accounted for attacker error, when I used the phrase "random conscript happened to guess right." Too bad you're too angry to see your own stupidity at this point.
>You're vastly shifting the original point
Now this is what I call backpedaling. You were a practitioner of horseback judo all along huh? But hey, I'll humor you because you're wrong either way.
>On horse back, there's literally only a single direction a person can strike you at with a spear
Apparently the entire human body including legs, groin, torso, head, and arms all turn into a single amorphous mass when you're on horseback? Oh wait.
>and deflect
You keep using this word, so at this point this should probably be discussed as we're going back anyway. This. Fucking. Statement:
>they have no way to brace the tip on the spear when you swing to deflect it left or right.
>when you swing to deflect it left or right
>swing to deflect
You're commenting on weapon defense and combat when you apparently don't even know what a GUARD is. Swinging your weapon at the opponent's is completely retarded, especially when they have two hands, thus two points of leverage on said weapon. Swings are biomechanically slow as fuck, and a thrust weapon like a spear can be pivoted to your face, your feet, and back to your face in the time it takes to complete one.
>Once your past their first thrust, they're more or less unarmed
Once you've dodged a free attempt at being killed you're now both unarmed, thus literally in the same boat. You call this "about in the same boat". Holy fuck the delusion.
Winning 1v1s is a meme. Warfare is all about realizing that magic combat skills are myths and what you really need to do is get a bunch of sharp things into your opponents in the easiest way you can, with a bunch of people (or bullets) delivering them in as braindead a fashion as possible.
different fighting styles and the scale of combat need to be taken into account too.
would a Greek fighting formation really be used in an up close bar-room brawl?
Well it's more complicated than that, but wars were indeed about more than just having the nicest, shiniest, most expensive soldiers. Knights had their use just like peasant conscript meatshields did and a lot of effort went into working out the optimal use mobilization of resources for a given nation's unique capacities.
>if i call something a strawman that means it's a strawman, my word is god
Nope. In order, because I'm too lazy to quote your newfag way of mass green texting every point.
-Human error on an attack means you're dead, because you're defenseless. You clearly have no idea what a recoil is, and how that's the perfect time to attack someone in a fight.
-You never accounted for attacker error, feel free to point out otherwise.
-I'm not the one who originally took the people off hours back, that was you.
-Having multiple parts on your body in no way changes the direction someone can attack you with while using a spear.
-You can't guard a spear strike, at least not with a sword. And no, you can hit a baseball (thrust) with a bat (sword swing) just fine, as you can predict it's full range of motion. Having two points of leverage on the back of the spear does nothing to stabilize the front.
-See point one about recoil.
>-Human error on an attack means you're dead, because you're defenseless.
any good style does not use parries
see: any Sikh swordfighting style
Well, thanks for outing yourself as being a retarded Yea Forums shitter. Not that it wasn't already obvious you're just retarded either way. Parries have nothing to do with recoils.
>good style
>good style
You will eventually die to literally any random shitter with a sharp stick if you can't parry thrusts. You might get lucky, but you will be literally taking whatever training you did and shoving it up your ass to gamble your life for a chance to get near every time you fight one. I will give you this, most sword fighting styles won't even pretend you should be using it against anyone with a spear.
Go mend your ego elsewhere. Deflecting a spear is like hitting a baseball? Pitchers THROW from 60 feet away, a spearman needs to extend their arms by 2 feet to kill you and can move or pivot as they please because they have their hands on the weapon at all times. Do the thread a favor and make a single strike to your own jugular, chuuni zoomer.
Why did you reply twice?
Just keep showing everyone what a Yea Forumstard you are.
>a spearman needs to extend their arms by 2 feet
Fun fact. Anyone with a brain is not going to be purposely be standing in their striking range.
Dude, you're fucking full on retarded. Have you never watched a boxing match, or hell, any kind of martial art with full contact? Boxing dodge jabs all the time, and they're standing even closer to each other than you would be standing to spear user. How are you so ignorant about everything?
100% true. Japanese traditional steel was so shit that they had to forge it and fold it so many times to remove impurities.
And even after all that work, Japanese steel was still shit and never even approached European steel. European swords were very flexible... something that Japanese could never achieve.
Sorry fag, there's no popularity contest here. You'll come out of this a moron no matter how much you moan like a newfag about me using verboten memes to mock you, especially seeing as you make it a point to recognize every single one.
>Anyone with a brain is not going to be purposely be standing in their striking range.
Fun fact: You don't have a choice but to enter their range, because their range is longer than yours. My god you are dull.
>Dude, you're fucking full on retarded. Have you never watched a boxing match
Oh no no no he's referencing sports again. He's referencing a sport where you are literally not allowed to hit anywhere other than above the belt. He's conflating dodging a fist on occasion with being able to reliably avoid something that will kill you the first time it touches you. He things that throwing a punch with any force at all is faster than extending your joints in unison. What's it like being so utterly clueless?
90s anime jerked off guns.
Reminder that the closest thing IRL to the "folded 1000 times" meme are Mesoamerican weapons like the Macuahuitl. Obsidian edges can unironically be single molecules thick, and are thin enough to cut between cells.
Conquistadors were scared shitless of Aztec weapons
the drawback of Mayan weapons created with obsidian is the fact that they break incredibly easy, but yes, obsidian and flint based blades are extremely thin and good for slashing.
good taste
my image didn't work
>guns aren't allowed in Japan
>katana is culturally unique and significant
>it actually looks kind of cool
It's a sword, and it's from Japan, so it's in the animes because they like their swords.
Imagine being so retarded you actually use the word "memes". And of course people are going to "recognize" when you make a total retard of yourself.
I genuinely hate how fucking stupid you are, and how you need every little thing explained to you.
If you're forcing them to move and come to you, you can see in advance where they are moving to and striking to. I don't understand why you think people are blind and can't see where someone is going to attack beforehand.
>will kill you the first time it touches you
Wow, just wow you're fucking dumb. 5% of the body is an area that's a one-hit-kill. And you can sure as fuck bet anyone with a brain is going to know how to avoid those places getting directly hit.
You do realize a jab in boxing is just extending your joints, right?
And yes, people can dodge those with very high consistency.
Katanas (that means all swords) are outlawed as well and the ban dates all the way back to Edo period.
You have to get a permit, just like with guns.
It's not as fragile as people meme about. Less so then metal, certainly, even most other stones, but it won';t just shatter the moment it knocks against something: there's a video on ytoueube of a guy slicing a chicken in half with a really poorly, inaccurate made macuahuitl and it cracks/dents the surface the chicken is on and the blades are undamaged.
Spainish reports also speffically state that the blades were inserted into their weapons in such a way to make breaking them difficult, however that works, and i've seen some talk that we can't actualkly replicate making blades the same way they would have to the same uniform degreee their blades were, butthat sounds like BS to me
In any case, the fact that there's not one giant obsidian blade but many smaller ones means they were modular and if a few blades broke you could always put new ones in, and even if all broke in the middle of a battle you still have a big wooden club or spear you can hit or thrust at people with.
Is it possible to forge Obsidian blades at home?
Knight vs samurai,who would win
Who would win. 25 Special forces with AR15's with infinite bullets vs 500 Japanese Samurai's
Those were magic, though.
Nippon steel is magic
Samurai. They're several hundred years from the future and have stuff to show for it. Pistols, rifles and all sort of other shit that makes mincemeat out of armored opponents.
Might as well be asking about how would a Han infantryman stand up against a modern Mongolian army redular.
The samurai at range. SF would win up close, but only if they're actual Army Special Forces, the only part of SOC that calls themselves that.
Rangers beat all of them and SEALs are too busy having man love thursday, everyday.
As someone who has trained with both, absolutely. Try your backyard cutting with something else than milk cans who fall apart no matter how you hit them and you'll ruin the blade in a single cut if you don't know what you're doing.
You'll also get stuck halfway through the target.
Why the fuck would Samurai have an advantage at range and lose up close? Do you expect them to throw their swords or some shit?
Do you know anything about Samurai, because you would clearly know the answer for this.
Samurais didnt fight on the ground, neither with swords.
Like cavaliers they stayd on horses but used Bows.
Because swords fights are cooler than just pew pew.
>Was it?
Yes. Rapiers are pretty much the most advanced type of sword you'll find.
Kinda pointless though because at the end of the day it's still your skill with the blade that decides who wins and not the blade itself.
Imagine being so new you've never used the word "memes" in casual Yea Forums conversation and you have to imagine doing so instead. Imagine trying to fit in on a thinly veiled /k/-lite thread.
Protip: Nothing you've "explained" has been of any consequence, so that hate is probably just your ego.
>If you're forcing them to move and come to you, you can see in advance where they are moving to and striking to.
Funny how you feel the need to spin even the most irrelevant details in a way that makes it seem like the spearman is disadvantaged. Who is being forced to move and why does it matter? If the spear has the longer range, they get to attack range first. This is a literally unavoidable reality if melee combat is going to take place at all.
>I don't understand why you think people are blind and can't see where someone is going to attack beforehand.
Because in two thrusting where you can change target, even mid thrust, by adjusting the back hand by a few centimeters, it's less about having vision and more about being prescient.
>Wow, just wow you're fucking dumb. 5% of the body is an area that's a one-hit-kill. And you can sure as fuck bet anyone with a brain is going to know how to avoid those places getting directly hit.
What are bleeding wounds, what are disabling wounds, what are infected wounds. A spear in the leg is going to result in your death you no matter how great you think your training is.
>You do realize a jab in boxing is just extending your joints, right?
To a greater degree than thrusting a spear, because physically affecting the opponent with one closed fist takes a lot more force than pushing a sharp piece of metal into their flesh using both arms.
>And yes, people can dodge those with very high consistency.
In a flat open arena between 2 people, and again doing something that takes a greater action to be effective then a spear thrust.
Spear thrusts are more comparable to a knife stabbing than any kind of fist fight.
It's called to love ru
Even if they cant get the bullets in. Bludgeon>sword
>Mirai Nikki
Is it good?
Depends, do you like battle royale stuff with a crybaby protagonist and a cutie besides him? I personally really enjoyed it but other people seem to hate it, watch 3 episodes and decide for yourself.
>Depends, do you like battle royale stuff with a crybaby protagonist and a cutie besides him?
I like stuff where you can tell that one of the people involved knows a bit about swords.
Oh, Mirai Nikki really isn't about swords, only some scenes.
spear thrust can't be any faster than the arm moving it, fucking idiot. Go back to your video games and YouTube videos you fucking child.
Literally the anime that tipped the yandere market from bloated to dead.
How have you not seen it yet?
>every arm movement has to be a full arm extension
Hurr durr derp
I think what killed the Yandere shit was Yandere Simulator, not Mirai Nikki.
Spears are the guns of the medieval world.
Prove me wrong.
I can't.
You need an insane amount of arm strength to use a spear effectively, it's also one of the hardest weapons to use.
A novice longsword user would fucking destroy a novice spear user, but spears still have the highest potential
Wasn't this that anime that glorified kamikaze? I bet they didn't anime the great turkey shootout virgin zero can't beat the chad hellcat
Wtf are you on?
Spear is best weapon for a novice.
Spear partner with a shield is literally a moving fortress.
katanas don't need ammo
I think user was more talking about the strategy of equipping all your peasants with cheap spears and telling them to point them into the same direction. If you use them like that, you get an alright fighting force with minimal training.
If you want to use them more effectively you'll train for quite a while.
You have obviously never wielded a spear, it's fucking heavy as shit and making a fast enough blow that's not telegraphed as fuck requires an huge amount of arm strength
>He hasn't studied the blade.
Gloried sidearm will always look good in pop culture, just like a pistol > rifle
>of the medieval world
Way before that, and way after that.
>spears are basically the premium melee weapon for all history
>most of the entire polearms category is just spears with some extra shit attached because they had the room and resources
>spears are so good and easy at murder that humans decided to start just throwing them around (javelins)
>spears are so good at being projectiles humans decided to make a special implement for throwing spears farther (bow and arrow)
>spears are so good for being launched that they decided to make massive spear launchers for siege (ballistae)
>still used for hunting and gathering to this day (harpoons, spear fishing)
>also the most phallic weapon, so you know that its form is closely inspired by what works in nature
Calling it the AK of pre-gunpowder weaponry doesn't do it justice. The AK doesn't even deserve to be compared to the almighty pointed stick.
It's a knife on a stick.
Requires double the arm strength of a broom.
But you've probably never held one of those you filthy lay about.
It's made of mostly wood. A sword is made of steel. Which is heavier?
The problem with this isn't the fact that the smaller sword could go through the bigger sword. The problem with this is that if the smaller sword was tough enough to survive the bigger sword and /began/ to cut through the bigger one, the bigger one is still metal so instead of cutting it would almost immediately just break violently apart from the force of a smaller sword leveraging its way inside of it. You'd have an axe-type blunt force cut about 1/20th the way into the big blade and then the rest would be broken/popped off.
Why is it that newfags from Yea Forums are always so subhuman levels of retarded?
>To a greater degree than thrusting a spear, because physically affecting the opponent with one closed fist takes a lot more force
You're just so fucking dumb you can't even remember what you're talking about. This is not about how much force you can exert. This point is about how it is indeed 100% possible, and easy, for a human to react in the time it takes a person to extend their arms. e.g. dodge a job or spear thrust.
I also can't help but laugh at how you totally are trying to avoid the point where once you miss your first spear lung, and the person it closer to you than the point of the spear, and you're stuck in your recoil, you're totally fucked.
Spears are god tier for hunting but shit tier for 1v1 human combat, miss one blow and you'll be cut in half by a longsword wielder because of the recharge time
That is 100% irrelevant to point the person is trying to make. You are genuinely retarded.
I'm half expecting you to pull out the "lol i was just trolling lol!"
Maybe that's a bit off topic since it's not manga, but what I liked in Feng Shen Ji was that MC had that cannon/gun weapon that actually obliberated katana weebs and showed true power of a fucking gun.
just walked backwards
The spear doesn't go away after you miss, it's still a fucking pole that blocks swords.
Weaponlets, when will they learn?
>Long Sword
>Beating spear
Maybe a scrub spear user facing master long sword user. A decent spear man would annihilate a master long sword user
Shovels will never be a proper weapon, also Matoi is a better girl, Chiri
He is prob thinking about pyke
>just run by the point bro
I hope you can run faster than hands.
>posting anti-French propaganda
For what purpose?
Yep literally less than half a second to make a stab if yo uare trained with spear.
The way is predict and bait, so it all comes down to experience, with the spear use having the advantage since slashing weapons are way slower.
A shit spear man will kill a sword master in enough tries, and history shows that getting enough shit spear men is not a problem.
Don't even get me started on fucking formation fighting. The comparison isn't even close.
Not that guy but you can't really dodge a spear from horseback.
Aiming for your head then sure, but he's definitely aiming for your center of mass.
Anime is about cool shit, the katana looks cool (And is also japanese, so of course the japanese would love it)
Also, the use of a sword requires technique and mastery.
A gun is a gun. It's apiece of machinery that shoots and that's it. You pull the trigger while pointing it and people die. It may have a cool design but there isn't much cool shit you can do with a gun unless you can curve projectiles like you're fucking James McAvoy in Wanted
>Not that guy
Prove it.
>dodge a spear from horseback
No one said you could. Try reading.
Idk man, it clearly says on horseback here
>muh spear
>muh sword
Imagine being as retarded as you are.
there's nothing wrong with this webm
Dude, there's like a million 1v1 sparring sword vs spear videos on youtube. It doesn't take a genius to know that you don't just """""dodge""""" a spear.
Do you honestly think actually skilled and knowledgeable people are making youtube videos?
I bet you read YouTube comments as well.
Yeah, good theoretical discussion we're having right now.
It doesn't hurt to go outside a little bit, you know.
Seems like somebody hasn't read Grisaia. Fag.
But what if the gun uses bullets?
guns past like muskets are gay honestly
Gunshields too
Kamikaze is the ultimate chad move though, dying to protect your homeland instead of hiding and going down with a wimper
the ultimate chad move is performing a kamikaze attack and surviving.
now that I think of it, that would make for a great manga premise.
Its not about effectiveness in war. Swords were personal arms and also indicated social rank. They are actually most useful outside of battle as personal defence arms.
The same logic applied to pistols given to officers.
>kills your katana user in two seconds
Didn't china visit the first time, noted how japan doesn'T even have writing yet, came back 200-300 years later and they STILL didn't have writing?
China's writing was stolen by Japan and Korea anyway
Why do amerilards jerk off to guns so much? Cultural subversion and media brainwashing are drastically better.
and korea and china were the bad guys during ww2 and should all be gassed, sure akihito.
more like they offered it to them because japan was too stupid and isolated on their little island.
I don't think that user was speaking good of Japan.
Yep guns arent that good at near range.
From medium big range they are godly but if someone atacks you from 10m with a knife its real hard to hit them.
why not tactical nuke vest with deadman switch?
that's the mjolnir though.
Pretty much any above average anime swordsman can shoot sword beams, to be fair.
Every single time a katana is mentioned
Yes, we know.
how cute
That's actually p clever. I wonder why it didn't work
Childhood is idolizing the katana. Adulthood is realizing that western swords are way cooler.
Kriegsmesser > all
>He doesn't know about John Woo and gun kata.
For me it's the iberian falcata
completely wrong, it didn't stop the momentum at all.Cutting something does not imply stopping its momentum.
what the hell is this?
Good reproductions are few and far between.
And customs cost plenty.
>tfw no Falcata blessed by the river-god Asopus
would take amnesia head wound for it desu
>>practical martial art
>implying it's not the most practical martial art
>requires basically no training
>Why does anime jerk off the katana so much
National culture
>Guns are drastically better
You're comparing ships to aircrafts.
There's a better chance that Johnny Peasant has prior experience using a spear since you can use spears for stuff other than fighting.
Eh. "Western" swords have their own appeal, but they can be beat out in many regards. I'd easily argue that childhood is focusing on the "Strongest" weapon while adulthood is appreciating your favorite niche.
Spears are not only easier to mass-produce, but are significantly more effective to train a bunch of nobody peasants with than swords. If nothing else, you only need to teach them how to stand still and pike an advancing horse, and at most, you just teach them to thrust, retract, back up, thrust, repeat in the most basic of line formations, and they could easily kill their equivalent number of peasant swordsmen with a fraction of the combat training. This has been the case in almost every civilization on earth throughout history.
Why does nobody jerk off fighting knives? I mean, not the rambo shit, but the historical fighting knives of Europe, like spanish or italian.
what if you combined a spear and a sword
>basically no training at all
Spotted the retard.
Requires more training to properly shoot a firearm than it does to swing a sharp metal stick around.
Isn't that like a naginata?
Don't even go there. Certainly firearms require a level of skill in order to use effectively but the whole reason they became so proficient in the first place is because they can turn any schmuck into a legitimate threat in a fraction of the time it takes to train someone on virtually any other weapon. Guns are fucking easy mode, it's the very reason the title of the Great Equalizer sticks so well, and why a bunch of untrained fucktards can go against fully trained military forces and still inflict casualties in any ground engagement not immediately resolved by armor or air support.
>hours later
>swordfags still triggered their weapon is a meme compare to spears
>You don't need to watch youtubers, you can watch some actual professionals instead.
If you have even a basic understanding of Newtonian physics and the human body you'll quickly realise why "dodging" a spear is so difficult.
Videogame style quick side-steps aren't really possible. This is why in a sport like boxing you'll see a lot of weaving and some ducking but in general you don't see the centre of mass moving that much.
Inertia is a real bitch.
For swords, you need to put your whole body into a slash, a cut or thrust done with only the arms is going to have no power behind it. As you might imagine, shifting your whole body weight to deliver maximum force means you can't quickly abort the action and even if you do your stance will be massively compromised. "dodging" a spear and then counterattacking before the spear user can pull it back with only his hands isn't really possible. You need to deflect it away from your body and then grab it. Once you've grabbed their weapon you've basically won but this is a lot harder than it sounds.
Also consider that every time you take a step forwards your stance is compromised for a split second while your body weight is supported by one leg. This makes a lunge or any fast movement extremely risky against a weapon with a reach advantage. You could very easily end up just running straight into their spear.
An untrained spear user going straight for a killing blow at the abdomen could get fucked by a deflection and grab. Anyone slightly more experienced would start poking at your legs first. Even if you manage to deflect the blow your chances of grabbing their weapon are almost nonexistant and they'll always pull it back before you can rush in. And if they ever successfully hit your legs you're basically dead.
>This doesn't apply to spears and peasant armies.
Guns and spears were used together for a while. Guns mainly replaced archers even though bows could be way more accurate with a trained bowman.
Guns just require less training and much less physical strength than a warbow.
There was this one WN where katana were the best piercing weapons.
It was so cringy for me I had to drop it. Katana aren't even that good at piercing, especially compared to arming sword (which I assume were the "regular" swords).
Guns are what made plate armor obsolete. Any dipshit with a musket (which is probably common in most armies by that point if rich assholes are doing dumb things with them) could punch a hole right through it. If that shield was thick enough to stop any bullet going towards it, it would break your arm off, or at least be too heavy to lift.
Swords are timeless weapons that will be used even as more advanced guns are made.
The apex of swords/katana has yet top be reached as no one is combining modern tech to them like giving them electric power and super coating to stop bullets which would greatly benefit the bigger swords.
Also spear fags are too slow and need mass formation to even be a threat which is why the naginata was made for solo spear fags by making it more like a sword.
It's also usually more interesting to watch
Is this a meme as joke? I think you mean make fun of Japanese culture
I'm no expert, but I would figure its easier to kill discreetly with a sword than with an axe or blunt weapon, and you have more reach than a knife.
>giving them electric power and super coating to stop bullets
Sword cut bullet meme.
When bullet-resistant shields are a thing.
When bullet-resistant body armour is a thing.
When trying to not get shot at is the name of the game.
>more advanced guns are made.
This is the real issue. You will never have folks suggesting we make guns and munitions that can't just penetrate swords.
Yet all those fancy armor still gets you killed by a big rock falling on you so much for that.
Swords will get sharper and harder and the armor goes both ways, the extra power makes you swing the sword harder.
Sacred Blacksmith
Don't watch it though, it's total garbage.
>Rapiers are pretty much the most advanced type of sword you'll find.
Don't let George Silver hear.
Rapiers have their own issues and while they would probably do well in a civilian environment where it is socially acceptable to carry huge swords around, whether they're a good choice for battlefield conditions where plate armour is around it's a different question. While it is true that rapiers were also used on battlefields, the types of rapiers used on battlefields were quite a bit sturdier and often shorter than those used in civilian life.
Because melee combat is more drawn out and personal, katanas are cool looking, and anime is usually about what's cool and dramatic rather than being practical or realitic.
Yes but the battlefield was dominated by spears, bows, and heavy blunt weapons to counter armour.
If you're making an argument from a battlefield perspective the best pre-gun weapon would have to be the spear.
Swords have a definitive place on battlefields. Late rapiers were great for civilian conditions because they were huge, giving them a lot of reach and therefore making them very threatening to targets not wearing armour. On battlefields there are different demands however. A sword is a side-arm there, so you have to be able to get it out quickly. It also cannot interfere with your main weapon, e.g. when you're using a pole-arm. In a civilian environment you can afford carrying a huge rapier by your side because it's your main weapon, on a battlefield it may become cumbersome. When the enemy is wearing heavy armour, a sturdier, shorter sword, or a similarly long but two-handed sword, might do a better job.
Why does normie jerk off to guns so much ? H2 combat is drastically better.
Pretty much this. Shorter swords or rapiers were also used as a sidearm for the longbow since carrying around a two-hander or polearm along with a warbow would be very impractical.
Yeah about a day's worth of training.
Seiken no Blacksmith/The Sacred Blacksmith
The anime is a bad adaptation though, read the manga instead.
who would you play ?
meant to reply to
Dante. Sekiro is bland and boring.
guns are a point and shoot interface. with a simpler theory for lethality, reliability, or what have you. there is no faith when someone has a gun. There are few judgments to actions you can make if someone already points a gun at you, make a move and die. with a sword or any melee weapon, there are too many tells and bad habits to form to show you are not dangerous. You can never have good enough information with your sword drawn since you are still practically in grappling range. Once again, with a gun, move and die.
I wouldn't go as far as to call the anime "total garbage" but it was definitely mediocre due to the fact that it was a poor adaptation (way too many changes and added filler scenes), was too short, and had an ending that didn't resolve anything mainly it only went 2 LN volumes deep.
It had some good aspects, but the print versions were far superior in general.
stab > cut
because anime are from japan, you dumbfuck
That's a Taichi though.
Is the whole "swords are always just sidearms" meme truly just a meme? Once we get to the early modern period, the primary weapon of cavalry tended to be sabres. There were lancer cavalry, and dragoons if you want to count that as cavalry. But light and heavy cavalry used swords generally.
Oh no, the aztecboos have arrived. These guys make katanafags look sane by comparison.
>One requires training the other is just swinging a stick around
But user you just made yourself look just as retarded if not not even more so than other guy.
are you somehow confused about the origin of anime?
Firstly you guys love Katana.
Saiko and Shujin discovered it, and many artists use Katana in their manga.
So Katana become to appear in Anime.
It's a meme. How would any two handed sword be a sidearm, or why would sidearm also have a shield? Rapiers also existed and I wouldn't call them sidearms just because civilians used them, rather civilians used them as the perfect weapon for stabbing other unarmored civilians.
>Conquistadors were scared shitless of Aztec weapons
>gets BTFO by 500 retards led by a pig farmer
now I really want to watch another anime with good sword action.
>Spotted the retard
That's an interesting way of announcing yourself into the thread.
That's a fantasy sword. It goes too thin towards the pommel for a two handed sword, and the texture on the handle would eat the fuck out of your hands.It could be missing it's wrap, but any wrap would constantly slip because of the fucked up shape of the handle.
SHUT UP FAGGOT Katanas are great!
>fighting knives
Those two on the left are dinner knives user. I assume it's because swords are weapons of war. Knives were more something carried by the every-man. A knife isn't the best weapon when in battle. Short blades need more precision to be fatal. If you go with a longer knife that can easily strike organs, then you may as well go with a sword which could do it even better. Pretty much a sword allows more room for error which can happen in the chaos of battle. If you're going to kill someone with a knife, it's most likely going to be a sneak attack, or someone you can already overpower even without a knife.
>samurai and warrior monks loved the fuck out of guns
>Media portrays them as disdainful of them
But what about Han vs Romans?
Because for the same price you can make five guns and actually outfit whomever you levied.
Remember that professional armies didn't even really exist until the later half of the 19th century. Even Sparta's military were all conscripts ordered to show up when they were needed, rather than people kept on the clock 24/7.
Krav Magaw was invented with the express purpose of being pure practicality. Dick kicks are a fundamental part of its moveset.
You get a big spear that is worse at its job.
sure, but not as stylish and cool
sour grapes
That really annoyed me about The Last Samurai
why make something for one-time use, when you can make it be reusable over and over again.
wait, that the thai sword isn't it?
same reason 40k obcesses over monofilliment chain sword.
cecily is so cute
the manga is better, cecily is fucking adorable.
The serious answer is because of a combination of its relevance in Japanese history and how Asian philosophy works. Weapons are typically thought of as an extension of the person wielding them; not something disposable to toss away. Western philosophy attaches less significance to them in that fashion; firearms are more recognized by their design than by any single individual one becoming special; (Plato's theory of forms etc.)
This is especially true because swords require extensive hand-crafting whereas modern firearms are mass-produced by assembly line.
This doesn't mean you can't apply the same philosophy to a firearm, esp. one that the owner has extensively refitted, tweaked and improved upon. In fact the asian mindset makes them prone to appreciating the technical artistry of firearms design. It's just not as commonly done due to the prominence of swords in Japanese cultural history.
I want to marry Cecily.