She has to be the most overrated character in OPM

She has to be the most overrated character in OPM.

Attached: 1509807590965.jpg (500x800, 49K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Reading OPM
Jesus Christ, user.

>Most overrated character in OPM.
>Not Saitama.
Kill yourself.

>has fans just because she's hot
>is weak
>has a infinitely superior and stronger sister
>her followers thought she was doing prostitution as if that was a normal thing for her
She's overrated.

Based Tatsfriends

Attached: yourenotseriousareyou.gif (540x491, 1.7M)

Fubuki > Tatsumaki

This. Generic face and design too.

Even Saitama think's Fubuki is shit, and acquaintance zones her.

Attached: 1482152944247.jpg (1224x848, 342K)


Attached: fubuk2.jpg (655x1080, 62K)

She's the Dimple of OPM.

get fucked

>Mostly great artstyle
>Nipples are chewing on the dress from the inside
Why do people have to ruin nice things?

That's not Mumen Jobber

Where's the porn

because it makes my penis hard

Saitama is a boring bald faggot with only one thing going for him.

Fag. Inverted nipples>regular nipples

Attached: 1540887033817.jpg (3507x2480, 3.86M)


The fuck

>choosing cum slut Fubuki over the fit Olympian waifu, Mizuki

Attached: 2arzlb61s307p6o1_400.png (400x556, 77K)

enjoy your literal who character


Attached: baby fubuki.png (158x199, 22K)


she is best girl besides the demon slut that faggy idol guy killed