Buyfag thread

Did you get yours yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:



Never, deal with the outcome of your poor choices.

Should I be worried? The USPS site said that today was the expected delivery. The last update was this morning when it left my city's post office. Who knows what's going to happen by Monday.

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Calm down

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Put the tracking number to USPS's tracking search.
The local post office is supposed to hold international mail for at least 30 days.

It is, according to the tracking site. If not tomorrow, I'll check if it's delivered on Monday.

What's the source for this pic?

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bunny rifle pls

Sure did, OP. Pardon the potato quality.

Attached: 20190322_113112.jpg (4032x3024, 3.06M)

xenoblade chronicles 2

>potato quality.
Resize your shit and it doesn't matter.

Yeah I know, I meant who took the photo since I haven't seen that posted on here or on 2chan.

Ai gets a swimsuit version and bunny. Poor ginko

I am extremely envious. Can only pray for a rerelease of both.

Did anyone else order it from plamoya? I still haven't gotten an mail that it was been shipped.


Think I'm done for 2019. Hopefully.

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What are the chances we might get a T-elos to go along with KOS-MOS? Long shot?

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You're not

Well I think he is done.
What now?

Can a daki be too lewd/grotesque?

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Yes those ones with fat girls with pubes and other gross stuff

Well, I didn't sound very convincing as I'm not convinced, myself. One can hope.

Worst Aegis Sister.

In all fairness, all I had to do was ensure I had the cash for both by their individual releases. For certain figures, there's the simple act of self-management. I nearly paid $400 for NEXT Purple though, which was a shaky move, but damn is that figure gorgeous. Tempted to get NEXT Black too to balance out the robo-girl collection I have, but I'm unsure.

For you user, I hope they do a re-release of Pyra and Mythra. God speed to you for when that time arrives.

I say there's a decent chance for T-elos Re:. No guarantees though.


My dick
Post the full pic!

>just stopped myself from ordering several sonico figures

Thank god for fapping.


Since it is a Xenoblade figure we are more likely to get Nia or Poppi before we get T-Elos.

>before we get T-Elos.
But she's in XB2.

oh god I just realized its the fat girl
I take it back

her design in XB2 is incredible, i would lose it if she got a matching one with KOS-MOS

Yeah wtf I thought it was that thicckie from dragon maid.
Time to close the tree !


Attached: soon.png (706x642, 13K)

Hopefully next month. :(

fuck off

>fuck off
Fuck on.

you're no better than him

Is there any reliable place where i can still get one?

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What the fuck are you even talking about newfag

>burger hours

I don't think there is an amiami for ants.


Hehehe smiley :DDD

Attached: dont force yourself.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

She deserves more than a basic, transparent base.

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Found this while reading manga. Had to share with all my fellow buyfags.

Attached: Literally me.png (338x319, 81K)

Perhaps, but I still prefer those to opaque flat bases with some bullshit screenprinted on it.

Next month fags!

Attached: Kaneel1527743208.jpg (550x800, 112K)

Try KappaHobby on eBay. They're a real brick-and-mortar store, at least, which helps to avoid the possibility of bootleg. I ordered from them before and the figure was legit. There are also a few other non-eBay USA based stores that still offer her if you look around.

Attached: Josine1533231503.jpg (640x640, 109K)

>tfw no march order

Attached: 1495201662244.png (808x800, 359K)

Nice meme.

Very Cool Image !
It's Very relatable !
Please provide the name of the manga from which you sourced this image !
Thanks for sharing your image fellow buyfriend !

I want the real wedding porkchop.

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Is it brain damage?

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>brown sugar glazed ham

yes please

Attached: 83y2q4.jpg (500x284, 21K)

Horimiya is the manga!
It's about a boy and a girl love story!
I'm glad you liked it fellow user!
Be sure and like, upvote, and subscribe! cunt :^)

Attached: Agon1536822601.jpg (600x900, 83K)

>No march amico card

Attached: DyDJNrpV4AEiYH3.jpg orig.jpg (600x600, 45K)

Where can I do the who what buy now?

Yes twice the exact information now available

Pochaco is not for consumption.
Pochaco is only for breeding.

Am i out of the loop?
What the fuck is this

Double sales best otaku sharing when shown

Haha, exactly! Sometimes the deal isn't worth the custom of shipping to fulfillment

Am I having a stroke?

I feel like coming to Yea Forums is one endless minor seizure

I told myself 3 nesos to complete my Aqours set and now I'm 20 nesos in and down $400 before shipping

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I'm in the same boat for June.

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Can I have some nesos? I'll compensate you with Mari's own crypto (shinies).

>1/5 scale

too big

Are you new? Companies almost always display the prototype on a clear base for events and sales photos.

How much do you guys think this will cost to ship to mexico?

about 2500-3000 yen

Pantyhose version when?

It's DIY. Use this.

Attached: sharpie.jpg (704x528, 22K)

is she not wearing any panties???


How is the akiba soul packaging? Do they use obnoxious boxes like TOM?

Has anyone bought Nesoberi from Mandarake?

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Pic of your nesos, I want to see that comfy collection

Hello I have questions

Anyone gave any knowledge of /k/ related figma? I have a friend who's big into the stuff and I'd like to get him a battle waifu. No homo.

I've of course seen the little armory and arms note (and strike witches) stuff, but surely there must be more out there.

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Date a Live? More like Date a Slut amirite?

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No, not a single person has ever bought a very popular kind of merchandise form a very popular online store.

What do you want to know?

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yeah the box was way larger than it needed to be but it was packaged fine

Mostly, if they come sealed in a bag or something. Also, how do you wash them. I found one that i like and i want to buy her

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I ordered 4 nesoberi from Mandarake and sent them to a forwarder. I haven't seen them physically yet but Mandarake definitely adds some sort of packaging. Nesos normally weigh 400g and the package that showed up at my forwarder weighed 1000g.

a (You) for your (You)s

Ask the /toy/ figma thread. They're much more knowledgeable about figma compared to the user here.

>Freeing is making persona swimsuits

Attached: Persona 4 the ANIMATION - 19 - Large 31.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Still hasn't, Tenso has been very slow this days.

Her hat is really cute, which is why I bought 3 hat nesos

Why would she have that?

Can you say it was a poor choice if you didn't have a choice in the matter?

What's some cool digimon buyfag stuff?

no bully for the bad quality please.

now all thats left is a Pneuma Figure

Attached: ss (2019-03-24 at 04.59.29).jpg (1277x835, 261K)

What's the one on the left? That's fucking awesome

>What's the one on the left?
incomplete Siren

>even has Siren
You better panel line and top coat that shit motherfucker. I'd love to buy one myself once I finish the kits in my closet.

>Didn't do the finishing while building
user, you're a super baka.

ive been busy, ok.

Does anyone know of proxies/scanlators in Taiwan? Because a doujin I want is out of stock barring some store in Taiwan.

Letsgobuy-tw comes up when I've taken a look at them before. Expensive as fuck but it's slim pickings.


Bully for no mention of KOS-MOS Re:

oh noes, half pussy on my christian board!

She has such perfect spherical breasts

Are they ever going to get more stock in?

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What the fuck freeing you can't lewd Meguca?

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I can't wait to have them both side-by-side. Though I guess I'm fucked to put them together in a Detolf.

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>became a buyfag just in time to pre-order Mythra
>became a buyfag too late to get Pyra
After market prices for Pyra is insane. Re-release when?

What's with all these sword girls and coming in pairs

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As far as I know, Nintendo scales never get re-releases. You're fucked. Pray for a Pneuma or Nia announcement, maybe they would announce a reissue while they're at it.

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I would’ve received mine a while ago if I didn’t combine her with Mefmera who was delayed again by Flare at the last minute. Should be shipping out tomorrow. Still happy I managed to snipe both Homura and Hikari after they briefly came back in-stock post-release.

>Still happy I managed to snipe both Homura and Hikari after they briefly came back in-stock post-release.

I'm and only played XC2 recently; I checked this thread to work out how screwed I was in terms of getting Mythra, and am a savvy enough buyfag to know that by missing her post-release/cancellation restock on Amiami it means I've well and truly missed the boat.
I can't afford the 500 bucks she's going to cost on the aftermarket, so you're right - all I can do is pray for a rerelease.


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so many dupe nesos

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Just got this Magnificent Mikuzukin from Mandrake. Pretty expensive but so worth it. She's perfect.

On a side note, the figure set on a METAL peg on the base. That is very much appreciated. Those plastic pegs are prone to breakage too easily.

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I love Haman!

>Tfw never ever because too poor.

I could never justify spending that much money on Pyra and Mythra. Maybe I'd do it for Pneuma and Malos.

Why can't they just make an RD of this. I can't be fucked to build and paint this shit

Very cute !
How much did you pay


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i want to cum on this cute little underage child so bad

It was "used", meaning basically new. She was 8500JPY but the EMS shipping alone was 4000JPY. At least she came with something else so I can say she was 10500JPY total.

I prefer to buy my figure off Mandrake because it's cheaper than Ebay for official figures and I avoid all the Chinese bootlegs.

Also, check out this video review. Pretty suave and classy. No unboxing bullshit.

I wrote a while back about trying to get Homura post-release. The experience can be essentially summarised as a constant hell of refreshing her AmiAmi product page between a certain timeframe (5PM - 9PM JST) for every day after her release date. There were at least 5 times when it happened and I only managed to get her on the third try which was a week after the release date.

As far as I'm aware with Hikari, she has only come back in-stock once so far which was on the following day of her release date at roughly 1:30PM JST. She also seems to be more popular so your chances of getting her are slimmer than Homura. All I can say is to keep being vigilant and hope there are people dumb enough (or poor enough) to get their preorder cancelled for her to come back in-stock again. If she doesn't come home in two weeks time, then you can say you fucked up.

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who is this darling daughter

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Attached: Little Armory - Rikka Shiina.png (1675x1550, 2.71M)

I fucked up and said I received Homura a week after her release date. What I meant to say is that her product page came back up on AmiAmi about a month after her initial release date and I managed to get her one week afterwards. But I’d imagine what I said about the two-week window to still be true. Good luck.


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Yuu by Henreader.

What's a GST?


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Do you guys have to pay customs everytime or is it random ? Doesnt seem random to me

As I Canadian, I pay customs 50% of the time when I buy from ebay. 100% from the regular Japanese stores such as HLJ, Amiami, or Hobby Search.

But there must be some sort of magic blessing on Mandrake. 0% for them! Hell, even my freaking Dolfie Dream Kagamine Rin was customs free!

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It’s an exclusive fee just for Australians because the government wants retailers to collect it on their behalf. Easily avoidable with the right retailer, not so much if you’re trying to get Homura or Hikari for a non-rape price.

Yeah, was kinda wondering since the first scale i got from amiami was customs free and since then i keep having to pay for it

Post more Doll Pics !

These days pretty much every time. In the past few years they really tightened up the customs control so that the only way to get past without paying taxes is to have the contents be below the taxation limit or undervaluing.

Are you sure about that?

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why do you have 60y/o hands

remind me of the asuka fuckdoll made of paper

I got hit with customs everytime until I switched to NY

How do I get something scanned/ripped in good quality by someone in Japan? I don't care about owning the physical thing and I don't want to pay for shipping, hell they can even keep the disc or book afterwards or resell it

Those are hard worker's hands, you kid.

>Nepgear and Uni bunny

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Linda, right?

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>March 23, 11:16PM
X City Distribution Center
Now it’s going backwards to another distribution center. Guess I really should be worried.

Then you must be fapping a LOT!

I, too, want a nice Compa scale.

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Attached: Agon1535102834 (1).jpg (480x720, 130K)

With what shipping method?

Fuck, I was searching for a fig of Mythra when I was in Japan and couldn't find anything

eppik story m8

Order the physical copy and do it yourself.

Well, its true.
I was searching for a 2B and a Mythra fig.
I only get a Emilia fig and a Ram and Rem nendo.

scanning is difficult without destroying the book

My 12 year old dick nostalgia makes this a insta po

Mouth ruins the whole thing.

You're wrong


>inb4 banned 4 lyfe

who is this? i can't unsee ryoko from tenchi

I'm never wrong, kid.

huh you got me there

That's what we've all been going with.

Attached: file.png (600x600, 142K)

Wow! I'll buy this for my gf's birthda- wait a minute

I'll wear it for you user ~

Bought mine from plamoya, they havent even sent me the link for the tracking. I'll wait four more days then im sending them an email asking them politely what the fuck.

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are you cute?

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Let's hope it's not a bootleg.

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Someone sniped saint snow nesos

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.66M)

I don't want to pay for internationa shipping and I don't live in Japan

Mythra’s face looks great. Pyra looks off model.

Should I be concerned about the location of my Mythra?

Attached: [x] concern.png (687x580, 30K)

Cuter than you~

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>saw a daki I wanted well below the after market price for auction
>place a bid on it within the last thirty minutes for 13.5k
>get outbid which I expected to happen
>check back 30 minutes
>auction ended at 50k

I never liked the poses. Why is Mythra doing a ninja handsign and why is Pyra depicted as if she was half a second away from smashing into the pavement?


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He just said he doesn't care about the physical copy.
Might as well pay for SAL because that's likely comparable to whatever a scanalation service fee might run.

Pyra is off model when viewed at front view, plus shit lightning, yet somehow is on model when on side view. It's amazing how much influence angle and lightning have, see

What are you talking about? Both look great. The Mythra fig looks better though.

Well I found this out about myself
Buying pre-owned figures
> Non-lewd figure: I'll gladly take a B as long as it doesn't have scratches or obvious damage. Think of the savings!
> Lewd o R18 figure: MOTHERFUCKER BETTER BE RANK A OR S, I don't even want the box damaged because they could have snuck the figure out!

It's perfectly rational but I just bought 2 figures and spent twice as much as I should have for a lewd Selvaria figure.

I personally hotglued every figure on that store.

I never buy opened shit
Youre just asking for a hotglue

Wow user, what daki?

Attached: i-img1133x1200-1535044381qnlw53636742.jpg (1133x1200, 151K)

Do daki even get rerelease ? Im looking for a daki that has been released some years ago and i dont remember seeing a rerelease of a daki ever
Well good luck finding yours tho

Some do

Sometimes they do.

Why is this nigga girl so expensive?, almost all items from her skyrocket like that
>that native figure about 60000 jpy

Attached: Screenshot_20190324-131614_Chrome.jpg (1052x955, 290K)


Is she supposed to be an alien or something?

Is Amiami always right when they say unopened?

Scroll down on a PO item and look at the ratings

I can chargeback with paypal, right? Anyway it doesnt seem to be the case but the fact that they havent updated me on the figure's availability is worrying me. I paid +600 dollaridoos for this fig, HLJ keeps me posted about every little thing so i expected this site to be as competent.

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Plamoya is a 0 stock reseller, you are literally paying them to buy the figure from other site, often amazon/market and then inflating the price to sell it to you.

Meaning you are absolutely retarded if you actually use them.

i want to display some nesoberi in my car but i live in an area that has lots of people who steal stuff. Is there any way I can declare my nesos in my car insurance so I can reimbursed if my car is ever broken into?

Jamal doesnt care about your sissy bitch ass plushies


They'll probably suggest not leaving anything in your car.
Might as well take it in with you when you get where you're going.

>Getting plushes insured by fucking car insurance
that'll be the day

God damn I'd like to be the insurance employee receiving such a demand, so I can laugh. And you can be sure I'd pass it on the entire floor.

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OK let's say I have an expensive dashcam in my car. If my car is broken into and the dashcam is stolen surely there is some sort of insurance that would reimburse that shit right? sorry if my question is stupid I basically have no worldly experience

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Take your dashcam in too.
You wouldn't leave your purse in your car in a high risk area would you?

>take your dashcam in too

Attached: 1552499250562.gif (480x270, 856K)

No one is going to steal a damn plushy.

What figure fits the description of "built to be blacked" to you? It's an unironic question because I'm a degenerate. Also not looking for an argument from this or the usual "cuck" or whatever, it isnt new. Just let a weirdo user buy what he wants.

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Don't premium dashcams have a thing to record break-ins? It might deter Tyrone if anything.

I need to rewatch archer

That question is too broad, it depends on the insurance you have (which can vary to include the contents of the car or just the car itself), however if someone were to break into your car your insurance would require you to file a police report with the estimated value of everything lost. They may choose to reimburse you for the loss, although it would be a partial repayment since the full value of the Nesos was never assessed it would likely fall under the Toy evaluation of products.
However you need to go over your policy and contact your insurance company to find out.
But to be certain you would have to file for property insurance and specifically insure them. Most auto insurance companies also do property insurance and the amount can be easily rolled in with your auto insurance. Assuming that the neso don't exceed a value of $100 per and the total amount in your car wouldn't exceed 10 it might be as low as $3 a month to insure them to their full value.

When Nia?

Never, she lost the rew-b-owl

Hopefully next WonFes. It would be a crime for such hips to not be crafted in PVC form with love and care.

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What hips?


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MFW China man version is like 30 usd ...

fucking bootlegs senpai

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Summer WonFes we get a painted Kos-Mos and a Nia announcement placard. The hype alone would be insane.

I'm gonna try and get a sub $5 one with free shipping JUST to see how bad it could be...

I can't get enough of this design, I remember staring at her posing and walking for 30min once I got her.

watch this hit 200k yen

Attached: morebunny.jpg (318x450, 88K)

every figure of your waifu

nsfl warning

Attached: image3.jpg (794x787, 97K)

They're making a daki out of that?

Im looking for old doujin cds, specifcally IOSYS - Are you "IOSYS"?, alices emotion redalice trois rouge, iosys electric girl (the one with marisa on the cover), touhou games, and cool and create touhou strike
Most of those are on mandarake but they charge minimum 1080 yen for shipping. Those are also on but they dont ship to canada
what should I do?

Attached: troisrouge.png (1894x811, 835K)

My state is a no loli allowed place so I wonder if I could import Henreader's non-h manga.

This was a lie.

Dumb burger, it doesn't matter. It's federally legal, just use USPS.

Tell that to the retards running my state Florida.

I wonder, has anyone gotten bootlegs, broken figures or just figures in poor condition in general from Plamoya? I've heard multiple stories of people getting fucked over by Solaris but never one for Plamoya.


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curse you mossad

Huh? It's literally written in the brazilian law that drawn loli, etc. is legal. Fuck off and let me beat my meat in peace!

Is it fine to fap to photos of your scales? I took some of my collection today and it made me kinda horny.

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Thats fucking stupid, the state doesn't handle your package and customs doesn't even inspect or open them.

I've never been so tempted to hot glue something in my life.

Attached: FIGURE-047415.jpg (600x600, 115K)

Go ahead


I autistically personify my figures so I feel bad if I fap to them.

Customs does on occasion open them. I've had like 2 open, but they just sealed them right back up without inspecting much.

If anything was made for hotglue, it's this

I still haven't received any payment email from AmiAmi for the pre-order (figure releasing this month).
It's only one week left till April which, I'm guessing that this particular figure is delayed? If so, can I combine this figure with the April's pre-order?

Were they purchased from individuals? I've never had anything opened that was sent by a store

I've had customs open loli tomes and doujins you dumb fuck. They are looking for weapons and drugs, not cartoon art of anime girls. Unless you have actual 3DPD you are fine.

You said yourself march isn't over yet. So just be patient.

>tfw hotglued figgies for the first time last week

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Did you mean your reply for ? Because I was pretty much agreeing with you.

He probably assumes you're the same guy worried about his loli figure getting him in trouble.

I'm just hoping that they'll delay it to next month so that I don't have to pay double shipping fees.

That exactly. My bad bb. Enjoy the lines on paper fellow man of culture.

Attached: i-img900x1200-15528297857snzv3544513.jpg (900x1200, 86K)

I see. Yeah, I personally don't worry about any loli stuff.

Nice, I didn't get that Toranoana exclusive, but I did get the Melonbooks desk mat.

I am highly interested, please tell me more.

I'm not into loli, but I love how soft this artist's work looks.

That's glorious. I'll try 5o get it next time.

That's the reason I got into loli, interestingly enough. That and Amezawa Koma.

I think it's still available on Melonbooks!

I think the cross-section of people who know Nesos value, people who live near you, and people who would break into your car is pretty fuckin small user
Its obviously your call, I wouldn't leave them in there, but no one is going to see them in there and think of how much they're worth


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I had to stop myself ordering these a few times in a row because I like their designs and outfits but I don't like the show that much

im still waiting. arriving next month

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Vote for your favorite FAG to get a figure

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Definitely not worth the cleanup if that's fabric

>Tamashi Nations

Vote for Best FAG Architect

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No brainer

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I actually spent $50 on a hat. I still have to pay for shipping. What have I become?

Enough already. Are you the same guy talking relentlessly about his 20 nesos, or his 8 prize figures arriving in separate boxes? Go outside or something

my fellow brothers

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At least if he took some pictures of them in various places instead of asking desperately for someone to acknowledge his purchases

Cute autist. I would have voted for Baihu over her if she was a choice though.

My niggas of refined culture

Attached: Man of Culture.jpg (1084x856, 208K)

She deserves it

Attached: architect.jpg (1620x1080, 199K)

I voted for her, but of the sketches shown I'm most likely to buy the Baselard.

There is only one choice

Attached: Dxw7sBaXQAEZQw4.jpg (720x1020, 151K)

Good taste

TbH, all the sketches looks nice as scales, the Materia ones looks sexy as a couple

Anyone else collecting posters?
got a few I want to frame after im done with my apartment

Attached: posters.png (2265x1445, 1.9M)

>user lives in a computer simulation
what's it like?

I did searching and discovered, much to my disappointment, that these do not actually exist.

Its pretty nice but I do miss tasting stuff

Attached: 1540413163220.gif (506x516, 443K)

I did and then they got mad at me because I said non opposable figures were fine too


I kinda have to wait till Tuesday for ordering stuff.
I'm traveling and currently in Cali, not even on the parts where I can buy stuff.

/toy/ hates statues. You messed up.

figma is not the japasese word for figure

I wish I had 20 nesos.

>not living digitally

Attached: Namnlös.png (1817x1133, 1.66M)

heres mine

Attached: suikaibuki2.jpg (1500x2689, 2.12M)

>lives digitally
>choice of monitor is an AOC

Attached: 1536211918093.jpg (500x500, 54K)

>can freely manipulate the space around them
>still has brand logos and suboptimal positioning of peripherals

Attached: 1539596914240.jpg (1156x1080, 353K)

I know that. But they don't know that I know that.


If your friend wants to go full /k/, then you're going to build him a FAG and give her an embarrassing amount of materiel

Attached: file.png (667x1000, 1.08M)

Then just ask here what's the most /k/ you can shove onto a figure and someone will tell you to build your own for them.

Attached: file.png (667x1000, 827K)

>I said non opposable figures
>opposable figures
Yeah, your a retard, no wonder they got mad

these arent full /k/, full /k/ would be a nice rifle, nice pistol and realistic operator clothes

Not him but I didn't know they were selling Henreader's books with included promo. I absolutely love the art on these but it's a shame this manga is so bad. The artwork is great, I would actually buy the manga just to get Melonbook's deskmat.

Attached: resize_image.php?image=211000086064g.jpg (600x424, 124K)

Gourai Type 10 comes with a JSDF-inspired tacticool color scheme and a LittleArmory assault rifle.

Attached: fagirl_gourai10shiki+%252814%2529[1].jpg (1131x1600, 397K)

Oh that's kinda neat, moving in the right direction

>package was expected to be delivered yesterday
>understand that the local USPS holds packages for 15-30 days
>tracking system shows it going backwards
Is the tracking system screwed up or are they attempting a redelivery tomorrow? I'm calling the post office first thing tomorrow.

What is a good monitor? I have a shitty Asus from 6 years ago and I'm looking to upgrade.

Boring homosexual Lan Wangji got painted.

Attached: D2auoy4U4AkRpYq.jpg (799x1200, 106K)

What program are you using?

I dunno, I'm of the opinion that more gun = better

Attached: file.png (583x564, 534K)

Dunno, I kinda want to buy the doujins but if like that user said I should use someone aside USPS then I need to look for someone who uses another UPS or Fedex.
I'll think about it since like I said I'm stuck in a hell hole and spend my week on the auctions and finally won dakis from mai waifu by Nakajima Yuka.

T-elos will surely get a figure too, right guys?

Attached: 6623.jpg (900x1200, 726K)

I'm the guy with the 20 nesos. Does anyone have any experience with EMS/USPS and extremely large packages?

You can use the USPS website to request redelivery or pick it up at the post office

EMS got my amiami size 200 box to my house just fine, shipping was like 10k though.

Do you know if they're fine with R18 doujins and shit?

I should've said from her XB2 appearance.

Attached: 4536897.jpg (1011x946, 179K)

FAG/MD KOS-MOS and T-elos when.

Is Taiwan a good place for buyfagging? I have family in Taiwan and go every year. I remember going to an animate in Taiwan but half of their stuff was localized in Chinese

I never finished Xenosaga 3 due to 80% of my collection going up in flames.

I have literally no idea, I'm just asking because it's out of stock everywhere else.

I think they're fine with adult stuff. Are you ordering bear hand doujinshis?

No, just futa on futa shit.


Attached: __tokisaki_kurumi_date_a_live_drawn_by_tsubasaki__20e9859a2153cfa95b3bcdb4b48e7fee.jpg (1400x1600, 1.95M)

we can only hope my brother

Bought a new hard drive so I can download more anime

Attached: B0073356-156E-4170-B3DD-BED48F656699.jpg (257x196, 7K)

What size?

What brand?

What color?




Any recommendations? Two blurays alone take up 350GB so I need to eventually buy a new HDD

>Two blurays alone take up 350GB
Impressive, considering the largest BD specification provides for 100gb disks maximum

Setup an NAS instead

I mean two releases. Each one has multiple disks

Attached: file.png (867x542, 103K)

Is a NAS really worth the money? They seem expensive for the performance level they offer. Personally, I think I'm just going to build my own file server.

How popular is architect outside of Yea Forums?

Well, at least Japan still understands what people want to see from a CC figure.
Nice fucking ass.

Attached: Agon1553218040.jpg (1200x1200, 330K)

Attached: Agon1553218033.jpg (1200x1200, 341K)

Attached: Agon1553218030.jpg (1200x1200, 369K)

Attached: Agon1553218018.jpg (1200x1200, 355K)

/k/ enough for you?

Attached: fag_gourai_01.jpg (1105x1600, 268K)

Made for hotglue.

NAS are more user friendly and compact than a file server, plus a lot of the stuff you'd want to do like streaming or whatever will already have apps made.

I spent a small fortune assembling my 26TB NAS though, but it beats having 4 HDDs in my PC

What's the actual hotglue site now?
ぶっかけ板.net seems to be dead.

Depends on the money you want to spend. Real big boy NASes offer a lot of good features and built in redundancy if you decide to RAID the drives. That said you can do similar work manually with another computer, or get really cheap with a Pi or other Single board computer. I'm using an old Pi2 for mine. Works well enough but SMB speeds are atrocious on it, and it doesn't save me from a dying HDD.

You had me excited and surprised for a moment because I saved that art off pixiv years ago and couldn't believe that they got figures.

Attached: DQIGWeSVwAIe7g2.jpg (904x1366, 188K)

I found that more often than not a UPS package always goes to Anchorage as the final step before coming back home where it should be. Really strange. You should be fine.

The thing that turned me off from buying a NAS was seeing the specs on the processors and the amounts of RAM. I want to build a home server anyway, so it just makes sense for me to put some RAIDed drives in that instead of buying a NAS and making a separate home server.

Are there any good ways to get rid of a fig? I accidentally got two of the same figure from Mandarake

burn them

Give it to me for free. Alternatively, sell it.

bin them

Hotglue it

How could I do that to Selvaria

Attached: FIGURE-035455_01.jpg (600x800, 65K)

Think of it as a compliment to her

She's dead, so I don't think she'll care one way or another.

sell to me, post your myfiggiespage

What about the specs bothered you? Too high/low for the price?

Oh that's not bad, cute Mecha thighhighs

>ぶっかけ板.net seems to be dead.

Attached: g.png (200x193, 30K)

The external WD Elements are about the cheapest you can get per terabyte, you can just extract the drive from the plastic case.
I buy them for my RAID server. About one in ten had a few reallocated sectors on the first overwrite.

There's homu.
If you want to bleed money you can always customize a doll Or if figures are fine too there are plenty of those too, e.g. Sinon.

But ultimately little armory is about as /k/ as cute posable girls will get. If you want manly men there's metal gear for example.

Attached: hIE1378096067.jpg (450x582, 222K)

It works but nobody uploads their stuff anymore.

What happened?


That's what I'm asking about - people probably moved somewhere else, I doubt that fetishists who hotglued their figs suddenly stopped doing that in Japan.

Attached: Lovett1480522318.jpg (1024x819, 48K)

Attached: murialita1489959371.jpg (4000x2250, 1.51M)

Attached: joeeye1523339798.jpg (1000x1500, 208K)

all selvaria figure are made for hotglue

Bruh this is so bad holy shit

Attached: Agon1553268502r1553269316.png (533x800, 506K) didn't have a section on this but anything I should watch out for if I'm buying clothes? Specifically, I want to get Nero's DMC5 jacket off Ebay. I know it's a bootleg considering the official one only comes with the $6000 special edition and the seller is based in China.
I don't regularly purchase these kinds of things so I just want to make sure I'm making an informed decision.

Well you already know you're getting a bootleg, so expect lower quality materials and goods.

One of my friends admitted he hotglued the Selvaria figure I bought him 2 months ago and I was honestly surprised it took him that long.

Short version: Twitter search for #フィギュアぶっかけ

Long version: ぶっかけ板.net and the booru users moved to Tumblr, twitter and 2 JP social media sites because it allowed the hosting of small webms. Tumblr went on the anti-porn crusade so most people wound up on Twitter.
JP social media sites changed their authentication so I can't get in anymroe.
Plebbit also has one of the most active English speaking communities. But forum superstar antics turned it from hotglue to dick picks pretty easily.
Xvideos and a bunch of porn sites have some stuff hosted but the fact that they mark it as gay makes finding more videos annoying.
The Yea Forums gif thread is okay, but not really a consistent community.


Well I dick buyed too fast and ive hotglued all my figures.
Would anyone here be interested in the Pochacos for free?

Attached: collection2019.jpg (728x343, 120K)

Are you that desperate for (You)s?

You sure know a lot about the social network of people cumming on plastic dolls.

Is it true that keeping figures sealed in their box gives them some kind of residue? I have some statues from a few years ago that I never opened yet because I don't have a display setup and am horrified of dust.

Attached: nervous bill clinton.jpg (587x628, 32K)

Everyone's gotta have a hobby bro

football and choco pochaco for me please

Yes, plasticizer leakage is a thing. Enjoy sticky figs.

Yes. That happened to a used scale i bought. It was released like 7 years ago.

I might have had the game been better.

Different guy but I've got a few that are still sitting in their boxes from a few months ago. Don't have a place to store them right now though. Am I fucked?

So what can I do to avoid both it and dust before I get a display case set up, open it, keep it out of the shrinkwrap and hard plastic packaging, but keep it in the box?

Just take out to air from time to time, get air through the box, same as anything you don't want boxed for a long time

Try /cgl/.

Just take them out of the blister packs for a few minutes every 8 months and it will be fine.

>he doesn't know

Attached: 1543786645065.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

fitting for her then

recent figure dont have this problem as often as old one but you should let them breath next time you have some time on your hand

Attached: 552.jpg (485x800, 82K)

It's my fetish, everyone's got one and I don't mind helping people out who want to know more.
Also doll stuff is different. Some of them are on twitter, most are on porn sites but you have to dig and I was never that interested in it.

Why is pantyhose so fucking LEWD?

Barely. The ones that don't get rereleased skyrockets like the 60k one.
Collecting dakis is way worse than PVC.

how come you never see black dudes cumming on figs?
its always pasty white guys and japs who never shave their pubes or cut their nails.

Attached: eh56.jpg (546x678, 83K)

Black people don't watch anime besides DBZ. The ones that do are too poor to buy figures.

If you go on /gif/ and visit the hot glue thread you'll find at least one black guy doing it.

same reason as skintight being lewd

same reason most people on top of a social hierarchy tend to be more depraved than people at the bottom
boredom and excess of resources

My brethren of finest taste

Attached: 1544059175639.png (2048x1799, 2.36M)

Attached: fetish.jpg (574x642, 96K)

My February goodies arrived last week. All the figures in the order were delayed. Green text story time:
>Mar 7: Order placed/payment accepted at NY (EMS)
>Mar 9: Payment request from Amico
>Mar 10: Shipping notification from Amico (RSAL Small packet)
>Mar 20 Processing order notification from NY
>Mar 20 Amico order arrives
>Mar 24 still waiting for NY shipping notification
Jesus Christ, this is jokes.

Attached: Feb-Amico.jpg (1086x702, 128K)

Black guy here
Is there any way I can capitalize on this niche?

Because you're looking at the wrong sites.
If you check the gif thread right now I believe the first 5 non-OP posts are black dudes. Plus 6 of the regular plebbit posters are black, and you'll always see a random black dude if you check the threads.
I never really thought about the race of people who hotglue too much though because it's like the dudes in porn: You are there because you are a mechanical necessity not because I want to see you.

That is truth my friend.

Is there any precedent for a re-release of a limited WonFes nendoroid?

Thanks, I voted for best girl Gourai obv

No. What were you looking for?

Color change versions but for the most part if you missed it, you missed it.
Pay the ridiculous 2nd hand prices for your mistake!

Mate I had Nippon Yassan order from December ship in late february and arrive last week. They suck slightly more than hobby link Japan.

Thanks, user. I just ordered my first nesoberi

fuck I need this
should I?

Attached: 7810.jpg (318x450, 57K)

When's Wonfes


Jeez, Hres is absolutely STACKED.

How long until this is released? It was announced a year ago. Why do they make us suffer for so long?

Attached: images (5).jpg (465x659, 41K)

>hot gluing

Attached: 1406792801127.jpg (555x639, 32K)

Hamburger is really underrated

yea come to think of it ive never seen a pochaco figure be hotglued.

We didn't get to see her human form until now so Architect's architects took the spotlight.

I don't think you've looked very hard then. There was an easily found one where a black guy did it.

i wish pochi would do more cute non lewd stuff

Oh, that's a shame. I was looking at pic related, but I'm not keen on paying over $100 for her. I'll just hope FGO stays popular long enough for there to be another decent version of her.

Attached: Gudako.jpg (600x800, 115K)

wtf link me
>black guy
yea yuck never mind

Lucky for you FGO prints money

Attached: architect_poche05a.jpg (1600x1375, 333K)

I got her last year for about 7k + shipping. That was kinda pricey.

Only because you posted about FGO
> This morning grinding for a bit and think "There are too many cute rule 63s in FGO there should be more dudes"
> Twitter pops up with Rule 63 Geronimo

Attached: D2WxKmDVYAE9J7Y[1].jpg (849x1199, 145K)

I'm still salty I missed out on this

Attached: 4e4826145c1f87ccc87cc3c35ed7b8f2.jpg (620x800, 103K)

Cute autist

>Feb-Amico image
>no amico card in the pic
Your doing it wrong fella

Why does this child have a gun?

Attached: FIGURE-047406_01.jpg (600x800, 67K)

I believe it would have the March card, because it was shipped in March, but you're right, I never thought of that before.

I ordered something from amiami's Amazon shop. Will I get an card?

Her dad gave it to her for self defense.

>The Yea Forums gif thread is okay, but not really a consistent community.
Yea Forums /gif/ is reposting the same webms that I've made 1 or 2 years ago mostly.

I did with Amico's eBay store.

You really are that retarded? You claim with the filaname that is a order from amico, yet you don't include the card in the pic

I don't get how not caring about the card makes me retarded, or even matters at all. Do you want me to take a picture of the AmiAmi box for you too?

In general, people want to see the artwork of the new amico card each month

fuck off

Is there any way to search for figgies based on the season their show aired in?

Why? Why not just search for the character or series?

oh FUCK i own this figure wow

Because there are a lot of characters and series' in a season.

So I traveled out of state due to family matters and the shithole I'm gave me tons of free time to go to the auctions and I ended up buying dakis of my waifu as well as other things I wanted.

Attached: IMG_20190324_195108.jpg (2048x1179, 973K)

The artwork is on their twitter.
People either just screwing around saying he didn't put the card in the pic, think he's lieing because he didn't put the card in the pic, or think the shipping information he's posting is the February order but he's actually talking about 2 separate orders.

Collecting those cards are just a little gimmick either way. They look nice but I stopped caring a while ago because sometimes I just find stuff cheaper elsewhere and I'm not gonna fill up an order for the month on amiami just for the card when I could get things cheaper elsewhere.

Cute !
Which is your waifu Ruri or Holo !

Why does Yea Forums x keep resetting my (You)'s ??

Nitocris is up for PO. Her body looks great, but the face ruins it.

Attached: hj20190501-N4gC-01.jpg (480x720, 352K)

Human Hres will be in the movie.

Attached: hj20190501-N4gC-11.jpg (480x720, 285K)

Just needs a tiny paper bag with ear holes.

Face immediately made me think of pic related.

Attached: DSCN9531[1].jpg (1600x1200, 129K)

Where is that?

A face made for bullying

Attached: bully magnet.png (1469x403, 550K)

There's going to be an adorable Nitocris scale with an interesting sculpt. This aint it

Now with milk.

Attached: 017.jpg (480x720, 218K)

its not that bad, depending on how much it is?
whats the price, its FGO shit so i assume its overpriced

Even the gk is better. They're churning them out as fast as they can while fgo is still hot.

Attached: 803877.jpg (600x800, 99K)


yeah...figured, not worth that price, looks like it'd be 10-12kmax normally but its FGO so...

Just ordered my first figurine it's an astolfo one

Son, I am disappoint

I'm sorry it was either that or I was going to try to order jean d' alter

Ruri. I had been trying my best to find the Nakajima dakis the longest but I didn't want to pay 300+ for them, I got them at regular price plus 20 bucks.

I also bought a daki of Ruri just last week I cant wait for her to come

I actually prefer this design way more because it doesn't seem like the artist completely fucking gave up on designing Mythra once they got past her upper body. Seriously, this shit just looks retarded when you actually look at it and the leggings actually seems to match her shoulder-high gloves well.

Attached: Mythra_core_crystal_Artwork.png (604x910, 569K)

>package just sitting in Tokyo for 2 weeks

I'm done with SAL

Shit taste, XC2 is great. Flawed, but great.

I have xenoblade 2, I do love mythra but the game takes forever to beat. The mythra scenes where she wonders on Rex's bed, when she is in the hot tub make me smile but there are so few. Mythra trumps Pyra. She is a very likable tsundere, her entrance was badass.

Nice, Looking forward to your post when it arrives. I also should order the core but I'm not sure which to get.

Fucking NY just shipped my order after 17 days

Glass of cum

Attached: 1545579262233-1.jpg (493x1002, 250K)

buy several doujins at once to justify the shipping- that's what I do. turns out relatively cheap. just make sure they're all from the same store.

Are you joking? This is still easily attainable. There are 2 sealed ones on Manda for 5.5k.
The longer you wait after Wonfes though, the higher the price is going to rise.

Go with manda if you can find them all at the same branch. Otherwise go with amazon and use a proxy/forwarder.

Who the third one with the flower?

Does anyone have a recommendation for a small "neutral design" backpack that I can stick safety pin badges on?


Just go to Kohl's or something. All backpacks can be pinned. Very small sizes are meant for girls however, so if you are one then you may want something see-through to make an itabag. Go to /cgl/ for that.

Attached: kaiba ita.jpg (236x295, 19K)

I'm a guy and I was thinking about making an Aqours themed backpack for my Japan/Asia trips

Guys can make itabags too, but you'll look pathetic if you use it for any non-anime events/areas.

Attached: 1430234121326.jpg (636x477, 73K)

Attached: 1374796030634.png (444x440, 117K)

google sketchup

Worth getting?

Attached: 1541575639781.jpg (1452x1162, 400K)

worth dulux

I would only get them if you're planning on getting the kettenkrad as well. Without it, I feel like they are too simple. I normally only like Nendos that have a lot of accessories. Ultimately I'm going with no since for the price of 3 nendos I would want more than what I feel like they offer. Maybe it's different if you really love the characters, I found the show pleasant but only got a few episodes in.

Attached: Agon1548127381.jpg (800x600, 137K)

fuck no user

I think that they are worth to get and I agree that the Kettenkrad is a must, afterall I want them for headswap with the GuP nendos

Attached: fluff miho krad2.jpg (855x1200, 137K)

or you can recreate pic related with the Kino nendo

Attached: __chito_hermes_kino_and_yuuri_shoujo_shuumatsu_ryokou_and_etc_drawn_by_chaki_teasets__2a9592ecd9c6a4 (1575x1344, 450K)

>tfw went to /cgl/ and got good advice
Some of their ita bag "rules" seem dumb to me, but as long as your not doing meet ups or something it shouldnt matter.

That Kino nendo is great by the way.

Attached: Kaneel1518059587.jpg (600x800, 99K)

I like pink

Attached: kokuchi_alicia.jpg (700x1011, 829K)

it's not Mamako

hotglue is best when you don't see the dudes dick.


idk man i have to agree when it's a black dick i get uncomfortable but a cute white dick with a nice light pink head is very nice to see


Looks like a decent butt.

Sounds gay.

i'm not gay though???

I require a boogiepop figgie!

Attached: 1553258509179.jpg (596x330, 38K)

let's leave the hotglue shit in this thread

It's a integral part of the modern buyfriends reportei, leaving it thus from the threads is like leaving part of one's own self behind. That is the power and beauty of semen coated figurines, arte'.
>no homo

>Twitter pops up with Rule 63 Geronimo
Where have you been? He's been doing it for awhile now.

And others.

Attached: 775.jpg (1022x1200, 136K)

like, what's the point? there's already Sheba and Sharazad.