What's the next step in Kyoani's plan to dominate anime?
What's the next step in Kyoani's plan to dominate anime?
Hire decent writers.
Write a show with an actual plot.
When's their next masterpiece? I hate waiting.
make muv-luv trilogy. then we can talk
K-ON and Hyouka are the only good ones here
electric catalogue probably.
Get beaten by a team of 20 people and their shitty CG shit
Don't feel bad. Not even the mighty Kadokawa was able to survive messing with him
Haruhi and Hyouka*
They've really gone downhill lately.
>Tamako Love Story
>Koe no Katachi
Can we all agree that SHAFT is consistently the highest-quality studio by output?
I think not even SHAFTfags would agree.
They'll find a way.
kyoani is the best at all style no substance, and thats great
KyoAni is really a top tier studio, but they're cursed with a fucking mongoloid nigger of a boss or whoever picks their adaptions.
Their style is shit.
I really don't understand why they don't choose some actual good source material. VEG was subpar at best even though so much effort was put into it simply because of how badly written the source material was.
Create entertaining anime, change your character design, hire good scriptwriters, good directors, get creative people to develop worlds, situations and original and novel stories, sell Kyoto Animation and found a new studio ... well, I thought I would write only one thing , but if really your next step is to dominate anime you would have to do this.
You have it backwards. They’re the most inconsistent. They have tons of horribly adapted dogshit yet somehow they managed to put out the greatest work of the 21st century thus far
Can I hope for Amaburi S2?
>they managed to put out the greatest work of the 21st century thus far
So I see KyoAni is still baby's first recognized studio. It's no wonder casuals love it.
they need to pick good source material first
Gotoh is busy with the adaption of his current LN, so probably not.
A shame, it's their best show of the last 5 years.
I agree but only if you cut 2016 and 2017 out. They fucking butchered Kubikiri and Fireworks is legitimately one of the worst films I've ever seen.
I know right? I’m pretty flabbergasted by it myself. How the hell did they do it?
I know a lot of nip critics that think so, but only because they consider everything below an 8 bad, so SHAFT having like 5 shows above that automatically puts them in first place.
crashing this industry.
with no survivors
Will KyoAni win a fourth straight AOTY?
imagine the smell of the "person" who did this chart
That chart was created from official yearly polls held on Yea Forums
>the greatest work of the 21st century thus far
You better only be talking about anime.
are you referring to Madoka, Monogatari, SZS, 3gatsu, or something else?
Well Yea Forums is fucking trash so that's a shit metric.
They were consistently good until around Chuu2 or so. Prior to Chuu2 and them adapting their own novels they almost never made a bad show.
Apparently it's to allow them to have control over their IPs or something.
false, this is literally one shitposter
I was talking about anime only, but now that I think about it, it may even be the greatest from all mediums, from all regions of the world.
Get a load of this guy.
Dominate anime..or dominate drama school girl shit.
I don't understand how it's possible that KyoAni could have the single most annoying, most obnoxious, and most intolerant studio fanbase here on Yea Forums. Not even Triggerfags and SHAFTfags were ever this bad.
You know which one it is. It’s been long enough since it aired that you don’t have to be shy about it from some dumb forced hipster pride.
>I don't understand how it's possible that KyoAni could have the single most annoying, most obnoxious, and most intolerant studio fanbase here on Yea Forums.
>he says, knowing full well that image only exists because of his own false-flagging
I see what you did there.
I can't imagine a single falseflagger being responsable for all the Kyoani shitposts on Yea Forums. Not even a Discord group really. And you can tell that some of the most rabid ones are serious.
>Not even a Discord group really.
Nobody mentioned Discord, silly Discord.
And? They're notoriously the source of the most cancerous organized shitposting on the board. But the phenomenon we are talking about is so widespread that it can't be their fault exclusively, let alone the single person's who made the thread.
Hyouja was better, and KyoAni isn't a industry leader. They just draw pretty pictures and fool morons into thinking the animation quality is reflective of the plot.
It's Hidamari
To adapt Komi-san, it's the adaptation that only they could nail
Hyouka is poor man's Haruhi, always has been.
God I can smell the normalfaggotry from here
>offical figures on an anony mouse site
the fact you saved this makes you no better at all. This list is utter dogshit.
No it's REC
Kyonani has been going downhill since Clannad AF with the exception of Haruhi.
Oreki and Fukube > Tomoya and blonde fag
Why is there so much Kyoani/VEG falseflagging lately? What are they trying to achieve? Can any insider spill the beans?
Hyouka has a plot and even if it end on an absolute cockblock, it ends at character growth. Haruhi is overhyped shite which is a relic of its time, has no coherant plt and the character growth is more stale than a potato in a white roo.
Haruhi is a relic of anime the same way Toy Story is a relic of 3D animation or Sonic Adventure is a relic of gaming-influential yes, but shit by current standards. It simply doesn't stand up. >inb4 it was commentary on its time, thats no excuse when others can do the same, better and still be obvious in theri context. Most excuses for the dogshit tropes Haruhi fall into are summarisable as 'its merely pretending to be retarded, its ACTUALLY and amazingly well written show and I'm going to call you an idiot for not seeing my headcanon while ignoring all your actual disputes the narrative has'
I'm convinced the only people who like it are newfags trying to fit in, applying any critical thought to it and it disintegrates.
>inb4 contr/a/rian because you dislike the series I like
Franxxfags said that VEGtards (Anus cultis) indeed have their own discord to counter everyone who didn't like VEG back in the day.
It was the same group of people who suddenly shills Phantom World out of nowhere.
I mean, Yea Forumsnons in general were agree that PW was terrible when it was aired.
>And you can tell that some of the most rabid ones are serious
Yep. That fag who hate kadokawa & always post sales-related shit is deluded as fuck.
>muh plot
Stopped reading immediately. Lurk more.
You know, a VEGfag would say the exact same thing about Franxxfags.
Tsurune season 2
>KyoAnifag so delusioned they actually have achieve the state where they only want to watch the flashing images and hear the noises than actually think about the narrative laid out
Pathetic, thanks for conforming to the stereotype you dumb faggot.
Hyouka isn't as imaginative as Haruhi and the main couple isn't as strong, though it has a better overall cast (Mayaka and Satoshi are better than the secondary character in Haruhi).
What even is a "FranXXfag"? I think even people that liked the show at some point agree that a good chunk of it is shit. I don't see how you can compare these to the VEGfags going on how VEG "peaked anime" and other nonsense.
Is your short term memory that bad? In the first post of the chain I called half of their shows shit.
The thing is Franxxfags are at least self aware if their shit is bad. VEGtards on the other hands.
I'm not comparing anything. I'm saying neither is a reliable source of knowledge about the other, considering the goings on of winter 2018.
Imagine actually believing this
I can't imagine a single falseflagger being responsable
well then you're stupid
There was always Trigger x KyoAni posts made by people that wanted to start shit up but in FranXX case the show shat the bed so hard it was like the second coming of Geass.
VEG shitposting was just boring on repeat from the same shitpost from their last 3-4 shows, I think that says all ... it was so boring there was nothing to talk about it and that been KyoAni for a while now, there is nothing to talk about it because the story is vapid and the visuals are good. Trigger and A1 on the other hand offer shit be on inane storyline or animated in Indonesia in the 1970's visuals.
Sounds to me that your bias is no less than theirs.
Why can't I enjoy any of those? Do I need to acquire shit taste to be able to like KyoAni shows?
so which one is nintendo, which one is sony, and which is microsoft
Unfortunately they haven't created a single "influential" anime since the second season of K-On!! which was back in 2010, excepting maybe Free but that's even more niche. They used to be great, but then they pissed it all away on shows that somehow couldn't quite resonate with the viewers. They're not particularly bad, but they're not cult classic material either. There's a certain boldness or edginess that they don't have anymore.
Shit (and i cant stress this enough) post
>implying what casuals think has any affect on the quality of their work
Yes. Start with K-On and keep rewatching the first 3 episodes till it clicks.
Also read this first, it's a good primer. It'll help you appreciate how cool their artform is. blog.sakugabooru.com
>keep rewatching the first 3 episodes till it clicks
Kek, literal brainwashing.
Not really schizo kun. I hated shows like K-On and couldn't understand why they were so popular. After re watching the first 3 eps twice however it just clicked for me so that's what I recommend to other people.
Just because you changed your mind, it doesn't mean than anyone should force himself to watch the same episodes over and over until he likes them. It's not like there's anything especially difficult to get, they used to air on Disney Channel. They probably are not his taste.
Then again,you posted a link to the SJWbooru blog, so you're either an idiot, a shill or a troll, in any case not worth my time.
>Just because you changed your mind, it doesn't mean than anyone should force himself to watch the same episodes over and over until he likes them.
I was dedicated to figuring out what the appeal was and it worked for me, simple as that. That's my best advice for people.
>Then again,you posted a link to the SJWbooru blog, so you're either an idiot, a shill or a troll, in any case not worth my time.
>sakugabooru are bad because the rightfully like the studio i irrationally hate
ok brainlet. If you actually read the post you would know it's great, comprehensive and informative.
wtf i love them now
>They probably are not his taste.
>Do I need to acquire shit taste to be able to like KyoAni shows?
Follow the reply chain, KHK.
They're going to start making games.
>has no coherant plt and the character growth is more stale than a potato in a white roo
>manages to sit through Hyouka but too retarded to get the spelled-out-for-you plot of Haruhi
This is intriguing, you're undoubtedly retarded but either you're talking out of your ass, that wouldn't be surprising in the least, or you're a special breed of retard that can watch something way over his head without falling asleep.
>Gainax dead
>Shaft dead
>Trigger dead
Who is next for Kyoani to kill?
Make Hibike! yuri. It will sell like hot cakes.
Adapting Kingdom Come.
Written by Mark Waid and Alex Ross
Release something good, hopefully. Maybe then they'd have a fighting chance against Shaft
Adapt Ice Station, then we'll talk
finish with Hibike already and try to make something decent again. Violete bloomshit doesn't count btw
I have a better question. When can I talk about a KyoAni anime without it being full of Yea Forums-tier shitposts?
Make more souless shiny garbage
No, actually, in fact, we don't remember that you did that because you're an user you dumb fucking user
This is Violet Evergarden done right.
Is Free! good? I need to watch it
kill yourselves
Shaft are the only folk worse than kyoanifags. They both made some decent work but attract pompous faggots who are far too impressed by any visually embellished sentimentalism.
KyoAni is only good for the animation
KyoAni fans - Newtypes
KyoAni haters - jealous earthlings lacking mental capabilities to appreciate the medium not designed for their inferior brains
Start making shonen, no one watches or wants to watch this girly shit
t.brainlet shounentard
This is the only acceptable answer
Except Shaft also made Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Arakawa Under the Bridge, and Monogatari, three undisputable classics. Just because shaft also has a unique visual style doesn't mean that's all they have to offer. Sometimes, things are just perfect, and this is one of those instances.