what am I looking at? fanart?
Is Neverland good?
watch it retard
Cute famliy.
Big 3
They made Emma look like a girl for once
What are you trying to accomplish with this thread?
Nice fanart though
why is that mary sue holding on the best boy?
its mediocre since no one of relevance will ever die or be in danger whatsoever
why could they make her haijis love interst
the homo shippers are annoying
It's a misdirection. She really does love Haiji and not the twins. The thing she loves about the twins is how much they believe in and support Haiji. At least that's what I wish.
>no one of relevance will die
Was Yugo not relevant?
Anime is shit first arc or two in manga is fine then goes to the shitter
Family photo.
>eager to begin, quick to finish
in other words started good, gets more retarted as it continues.
>Shounen Jump
What did you expect??
Not really
Fuck no. The anime is garbage. Read the manga.
seasonal normie starter pack
none of the goldy pond characters are relevant
The 3 best girls of the season
>best girl
go away norman
nobody like that shitty mary sue
its crap