But how big is too big?
But how big is too big?
Other urls found in this thread:
How many of the exact same shitty fetish thread is too many?
it's never too many when it comes to big tits unless you're a faggot
Wish we could have just as much loli threads as this one
Her tits were never this big
Its like her tits were bigger and then they become way smaller because inconsistency.
The common explanation is that Rrrrr is an unreliable narrator and since the story is told from his perspective her tits are bigger than usual because that's how he remembers them.
I rewatched kizumonogatari two weeks ago and iirc they visibly grew in this scene.
I fail to see a problem.
Someone needs to milk that cat
does the show explain why her tits are so big
Some girls are just big.
Did I say there was?
Cat desperately wants Araragi to fuck her and is doing everything in her power to pierce the shield of stupidity he has around him.
so it's another case of retarded mc?
He's right you know
anything bigger than B cup
>pictures you can hear
Retarded and horrible self-esteem issues. Though here it caused him to dodge a massive bullet so I guess it worked out.
I will take them all. There are no too big or too small in this image.
Hm? But she rejected him until he got a gf.
>Another beta MC
Nice job outing yourself as someone who has never read or watched monogatari
I wonder if its the same guy starting these threds
>too big
No such thing.
Minimum: C
Maximum: H
If the fact that the vast majority of people in this board wants to have sex with hot fictional girls makes you feel uncomfortable, then you should have never left that R place.
Kizumonogatari, differently from the rest of the monogatari series, is good.
fuck I love torpedo tits
My dick.
>that wild bouncing afterwards
Oh boy
Kyon please stay
what the fuck
He doesn't even know what a fetish is, I doubt he's old enough to be posting here.
This kind of shit is unironically why I can't watch monogatari. The constant fanservice and the cringey self-referencing (hurr what song are we going to dance to in the ed) completely destroys it. Anons jack off to Bake as the superior version of the same basic story told in Bunny Girl, but I honestly think it's the other way around.
When it becomes an unsustainable biological model.
This. This is too big. Yeah, she had big boobs in the series but they were not that big.
Kaiki spelled it out when he was the narrator, it's no different for Araragi.
It's not the second coming of Christ but it's a decent watch.
Lucoa's Lucoas!
Thats not lucoa, it is from the same author though
"B" for "best"
Cannost say, have yet to witness that.
same author?
Fuck, you're right.
Fag post.
The pleb filter is working.
Level 5 is THE ideal. The absolute perfect size.
What do you think about this?
I think backboob is the second best boob.
Reminder that for some reason Loli belongs to Yea Forums
Why remove the short scene at the end where she pulls her shirt a bit?
That shit always makes my dick twitch.
No. Both Cat and RRG are profoundly broken people who put the other on a pedestal. RRG suppresses because Cat is basically a god to him. Cat suppresses because horniness is naughty and RRG is the only person she's really got.
My negroid compatriot.
I managed to watch all of Monogatari by constantly jacking off to it. Literally not a single minute with the hands off my dick. It's the only way really.
>for some reason
For a good reason.
Hanekawa is just adequate, I doubt she can win many guys with her body alone, anything below might as well be a boy.
I 100% agree with
Never fails to make me diamonds.
And fuck, trying to find that one page by shuz made me realize that I need to go for another fapathon of his works.
The minimum size in here is perfect.
Wrong. Only loli PORNOGRAPHY belongs on Yea Forums, and that's clear as fuck in both the rules and the report form for anyone who has a working brain.
I dunno, level 6 looks pretty comfy, user.
Nice one.
Vic Sage pls go
until I it's alright
until about Lv2
Reminder loli threads on Yea Forums are fucking garbage
>trying to find that one page by shuz
Best shuz doujin by far imo. Shame there's no sex.
I like the subject matter of an older brother trying to resist his oppai loli imouto and then his imouto finding out and teasing him, it's really hot and unfortunately really rare in hentai.
just noticed but isn't Lv 0 imploding? Wouldn't that be LV -1
It's level zero because there's nothing. A flat chest would be level 0.01
Sorry user, but 5 is *just* inside the realistic range, and hits the berserker boner trigger of "Bigger than her head, just barely can't wrap her arms around them"
Realism is overrated. Imagine how soft a boob bed must be.
True, true. 2D girls don't have to worry about realism, though.
That said, anything head-sized or larger is still very nice.
makes sense
Would need a truck to move around though. Like those fat people you see on Guinness
I hope someone went full Peewee Herman and fapped to this in a theater.
Let me post the objective truth.
No you fucking mongo, because the host threatened to destroy the site in the long, long ago.
You people can have your threads, you just can't do it anywhere you'd like. Grow up.
again, bring realism into it and yes it loses its magical appeal. just imagine she floats everywhere or something or her boob fat is made of angel fluff idk
>taking the glasses off
For what purpose.
imagine seeing this in a giant theater screen with around 100 people in the same room. Truly a post modern experience
Not only was that not the case at all, but since lolicon PORNOGRAPHY still happens on Yea Forums that means it still happens on Yea Forums. I don't see the site being gone right now.
Please learn the difference between porn and not porn.
Minimum: DFC
Maximum: F
Ideal Strike Range: A-C
Flat is nice for it's own reasons, but in general I prefer a little heft. After C it slowly dips down, depending on elasticity/sag. Anything past F though is either gross or comical.
>tfw no tiddymonster gf to sandwich your head between her breasts and thighs
ok now am watching this series
Post the designated tittymonster of one of the series you watch.
It would probably be Nonna, but there's plenty of other busty guppies.
Max D, ideal A-C. Not a big fan of DFC, but it's better than E+. Small and perky breasts are best.
>tfw no huge tiddy nerd gf
That's from a movie
Why are these twitter waifus so good?
Imagine burying your face in this while she pats your head and says "Ara Ara."
That's why.
But who is the best?
Mommy coming through.
Nursing handjobs
It's gotta be between Twrlare's OC and Beryl. I do like that nerdy girl although I haven't seen her before. Who's the artist?
Made for the softest femdom possible
I have come to the realization that I need to make a separate folder for Saya
Same here.
Pic mostly unrelated.
There's this saying.
Any respectable woman enters a room breast first.
I don't know why but I need her specific cup size.
I guess I'm a sizeking
To make us suffer
>wears glasses, takes them off
>has thighhighs, removes them
>has a ponytail, lets hair fall loose
Any Flat-sinners who wish to repent step forward and let the good sister hear your confession
Yes, and extreme inferiority complex from Araragi
I wanna fuck the penguin.
Boobs + Abs is the perfect combination
Fight me!
They're ok.
And then you turn it into a baby-bump
Wait wtf that wasn't hat I posted.
Top-heavy girls need lots of core strength to avoid back problems! Fact!!
>tfw she never gets this big in the anime
about that big
What's the best way to bully flatties?
Press them together.
Also boob suffocation.
Flatties should be the ones bullying, though.
"full tap" shape is fucking god tier.
Because Yea Forums is the board where ads don't happen, you fucking mong. Literally the only thing banned on Yea Forums is shit that's illegal anywhere in the USA, and loli doesn't qualify. But loli is banned everywhere else. Get fucked.
Oh boy don't tell me you fell for "oh no think of the advertisers!" meme. Good job getting triggered by a 4 hours old post by the way
>Stacked girl feeling breast envy over EVEN MORE STACKED girl
I like this
This is so fake.
Do japs really need a guide on how to not hold pens like a retard?
Big tits and thin waist is a real boner killer
Big tits in a healthy/chubby (nothing over the top) is the peak performance for any kind of girl
its how to not draw people holding pens like a retard, retard
Like this?
How so?
Min: A
Max: infinity
Ideal: D to H
Okay, but people literally never hold pens like that and anyone who thinks they do and needed a visual guide to tell them otherwise has brain damage.
Boob monster!
She's clealy stuffing or has some water balloons in her bra.
>designated tittymonster
easier to post the disqualified ones, desu
>Big tits and thin waist is a real boner killer
For you.
I'm glad to tell you you're wrong.
use them as a headrest for the better-endowed women's endowments
This is why Megumin went aggressively for Kazuma; to get back at Darkness for boobhatting her all the time.
That's incredibly petty, so it would be in character.
Galko's Galkos!
Best girl's best girls. Good taste, user.
Man in that scenes they grew up like three times the actual size.
They say that Hanekawa's hanekawas grew three sizes that day.
Cat was pretty down my list before the movie, but damn if she and my husbando Araragi dont look 10/10 in that fucking movie.
But what about Bat?
Flatties are NOT for bullying. All boobs are good boobs, flatties and fatties unite.
Look at this faggot being reasonable and inclusive.
Shinobu is actually my all time anime waifu.
I just like saying Araragi is my husbando cuz he is my favorite anime protagonist.
DFC is still too big.
I can respect this anons choice though.
>DFC too big
Do you like them with pectus excavatum or what?
35D is the perfect size
how to kill myself by masturbation?
one simple trick, and doctors can't stop you!
The only thing i hate about these fetishy threads is that all of it is new digital anime, did hand drawn not have big tiddies? I'm sure late 80s had some
Is there a better drawn version of this pic?
I could use it for when I'm drawing waifus.
Look up the definition of fetish, user.
1.a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.
2.an excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing.
I dont see how tits this big aren't a fetish. they aren't appealing to normal people.
What, are you trying to say it's an orientation and you're cowtit-sexual or something? It's a fetish. Go look up the definition yourself.
Best Idol.
The OP pic is a rare size, but not so big as to be freakish. Liking big tits isn't abnormal either.
>are you trying to say it's an orientation
No, you mong.
>It's a fetish
If liking large breasts is a fetish then I guess I have a fetish for vaginas
They're similar.
>not so big as to be freakish
Anime has rotted your brain.
If anything, porn has. I liked tits all sizes even before getting into hentai, and live porn has many women with movie Hanekawa sized boobs.
Small breasts are a blessing.
Is this Hitomi?
Some twitter girl.
She's doing it on purpose.
they are not "too big" they are simply Off Model
But that's from official material, it is by definition on-model.
if there is inconsistence between different animations of the same character, the one that differs more from the original concept is off model.
And movie hanekawa tits are way larger than any previous iterations of hanewaka tits.
Thus, they are off model.
Funny you mention off model right after this
cowtits and cowenabler holocaust when?
Know your place, inferior flat creature.
i love mommy boobies i wanna go to sleep in them
what could it mean?
only niggers are attracted to ridiculous looking sacks of lard, do you think big tits look as good as they do in your chinese cartoons? your dick would go flaccid at the sight of the pancake sized areolas and nipples boobs that big have.
Jesus Christ didn't they exaggerate a little bit in Kizu?
You flatfaggots always bring up 3D into it like it has any effect on what we find attractive in 2D.
so you're a subhuman pleb, good to know
Fat cow sonico
>still yammering on about 3D
You don't belong here.
>I judge 2D entirely by 3D standards
you're an idiot
black niggas likes asses
my last post wasn't even mentioning 3DPD you shitskins, if you like cowtits there's a 100% chance you are a subhuman
Seems like you didn't understand my post, so let me spell it out for you, retard: I don't like oversized tits in real life, only in 2D.
there are nicely shaped asses and then there are the celulite ridden baboon asses that groids like
Spoken like a true mongoliod with no knowledge of human evolution.
You don't belong here.
what does human evolution have to do with 2D? and if you're going to bring 3DPD back into discussion, cowtits are rare IRL unless on a landwhale, and the few skinny cows that there are, the majority have big disgusting pancake areolas and nipples.
You're the one that brought 3D up to begin with you hopeless braindead faggot. There's a reason human females are the only creatures to develop large breasts, so calling others subhumans for liking big tits only proves how much of an ignorant shitstain you are. Do yourself a favor and go fuck an ape, those won't grow big tits.
the majority of females do not grow big breasts, the average is around a C cup or smaller, the only zoophiles in this thread are the trash that like udders.
Ok, looks like you don't have anything with any semblance of intelligence to say. You're actually being so retarded I'm convinced this is bait. What a pathetic excuse of a human to have nothing better to do but shitpost this hard on a thread about things you don't like.
Autists like you are what gives DFC-lovers a bad name
This. I like small breasts too and this gigafaggot keeps shitting himself all over and making flat lovers look bad.
I wouldn't be here if cowfags and cownenablers wouldn't shit our threads up with their pigs
>wah i have to get back at them by doing the thing the exact thing they do
What a manchild. An embarrassment to us all.
>I am embarrassed for all of us fellow normal tit lovers
Nice try cowfag
>only niggers are attracted to ridiculous looking sacks of lard,
Statistically it's been proven that's the opposite. Countries with a high amount of african diaspora are the ones that prefer ass over titties.
Stop feeding that thing.
I mean we are still talking about anime women, right?
You guys are getting so offended over nothing.
I think some of you are women and the rest of you are just immature.
Just post the biggest anime tits you have seen in the anime you watch or just search "big anime tits" on google/duckduckgo and leave.
Left every single time.
>hasn't seen it already
dumb frogposter
4 years later and I am still annoyed that I missed those places in her hair.
anyone able to help me with sauce on this?
>flat being acceptable
>objectively good
pick one you faggot
face is most important feature of girl, figh me
Actual flat is ok to create contrast. "Small" or "Moderate" sizes are what's boring and pointless, which does mean that user is still wrong
>he doesn't like huge nipples
holy crap you're gay
If by looks, she's good. But her voice, background, personality, and songs are terrible.
huge nipples are ugly
Haven't read it in years so I may be wrong but it looks like The Voynich Hotel.
I like big tits, but I think there IS a limit to how big they should be.
And Lucoa's tits are a bit over that limit.
>And Lucoa's tits are a bit over that limit.
Iruru is better.
Lucoa has better tits (Which is most of what this thread cares about), but Iruru is better for lewd in spite of that.
You'd be surprised how many stupid/weird mistakes one can make while drawing.
Thumbs are hard to get right, I think there's a point for that guide to exist.
The show doesn't explain, it just shows.
But from the books we know a few things.
>Kiss Shot's form is perfection.
>Hanekawa's tits are bigger then Kiss Shot's
Therefore to answer OP's questions. Hanekawa is too big.
>too big
Literally never.
Though my range is much larger than that, I can tell that this user is a man of good taste.
>she used to be so petite
>now she's become a BIG girl
What happened
Massive estrogen levels
best one of these charts i've seen
I don't think estrogen levels have anything to do with her shoveling food in her stomach so much. Maybe too much sex makes her too hungry, but sheesh by the time 10 years down the road from now, she'll be pretty massive.
I love this phenomenon
Pretty sure black guys prefer chubby and fat chicks cause they tend to have bigger tits, the ass thing is a meme. Also not even gonna comment on people using that dumb out-dated as fuck PornHub meme chart image which wasn't even based off a consensus when comparing ass vs tits around the world via search popularity.
Pai-chan vs Beryl vs Minori vs Saya vs Lucretia
Big enough to suffocate a man
Is it a paizuri contest?
It can be
What a cow
He's actually feeling her nipple there.
Impressive that her hips are still wider
Was such a good doujinshi until the NTR part
>tits?no im more of a face and hair guy how could you tell?
I know everyone hates what the Manyuu manga turned into but what would've been your ideal progression/ending?
if you can hear a pop, its too big
B is by far the best but some A's and C's are ok for variety. Would B be real life average?
This thread is too big!
Too big you say?
We have not gone big ENOUGH yet.
Clothed paizuri
I prefer smol
I want her to get even fatter.
very nice
Good taste.
Milk the cows
what's this called?
i love big fat tiddies.
inverted nipples and large areola make them even better.
Every time you fap to you're waifu, her breasts go up a cup size. Please, think of their backs.
how can she be so pure when her sisters such a massive sloot?
Something that didn't completely fuck over Kagefusa.
They just don't jiggle like they used to.
Something where she's big and milky.
remember to report frogposters
I wish I could find a girl with tits like this, jesus.
About this big
You mean when things finally became good?
I'm getting mixed messages here.
Fuck her ass-like tits.
There should never be a limit on how big tits can get.
Ass-like tits?
just transport yourself to the anime world bro
I wish I was an anime girl with huge tits.
You want to be turned into a breeding sow?
I also wish you were an anime girl with huge tits and that you were my paizuri slave.
I bet 99% of the anons in these kinds of threads want to be a huge tittied cowslut getting bred by other anons.
Enough of this talk about tits alone. Every tit man knows that the nipple is where it's at.
The size of the tits is important, of course, but the nipple is the greatest part of the titty. It is at the core of everything that makes a tit great, the cornerstone of the boob. With no nipple, you essentially have no titty, for what is a tit but a big pillow with fun bits to suck on and play with?
To that end, I declare this a titty AND nipple appreciation thread. Not only for the bare nipple, but for the nipple in all its wonderful expressions, from clothed and poking through to fully erect beneath a bra. At the end of all things, we will be unified through the nipple my friends.
Also perfection. Nurses make great cows.
I mean, we all like them but we can't really post them here, can we?
There's only one way to answer this question.
Who is she?
Candy > Coffee
I wonder what her soma tasted like.
qwaser was awesome but that character was criminally underused
Please don't use the Chairman to talk about tits, thank you.
>that character was criminally underused
Indeed. Pretty sure the manga killed her off too.
And then she dies in a fire in the manga
God damn I wish this was me.
is that sian?
Which meme50 is this? The one with the teacher?
There is no "too big," as long as it coincides with a proportional increase in chubbiness.
"Secret Ichika"
Has there been anyone to surpass the recent queen?
lmao wtf
imagine how veiny
the hiraiface and lack of porn/official nipples ruins it
Sweaty mechanic jugs
This is the upper limit for me. And it's not about the size alone, it's about the whole package.
nobody will surpass her ever, simply perfection
best nurse ever, anime needed more of her
Nothing wrong with Hirai's art style. It worked very well in Fafner series and same with MJP, it was just at its worst with Gundam Seed + Destiny with that really stiff overuse of digital animation and the HD remaster making it worse.
I enjoy the fact of no one said stop.
>And then she dies in a fire in the manga.
I really like huge tits when it comes to OL's in blouses or buttoned tops.
I'll let you know when we get there.
Yes sadly.
Patrician taste
Turned out she was a spy for the evil guys all along. But she had a change of heart and sacrificed herself.
That's dumb. The author is dumb. Best girl should not be killed off like that.
I know how you feel.
Especially for work place paizuris.
Stuffing/padding also she has a second shirt underneath
Passionlip is so large that even her own canonical artists can't draw her right. It's somewhat bizarre.
scroll up
I've noticed there are 3 general tiers of big breasts.
Anything below D is just small to medium.
Moderately big towards actually big, good sizes overall. The most common range of "big breasts" you'll find in anime,the default token big breasted girl's size. Often stated to be D while actually looking like F.
Noticeably bigger than the average big breasted girl,going from big to moderately huge, still a greatly balanced range for true big breasts without getting in the way that much or looking outrageously over the top. Much less common but they're gaining popularity a lot lately.
This is the true huge category. Girls at this size will stand out from everything, even average big breasted girls, there isn't a blurry line between big and huge anymore they are just huge. So big they get in the way and can't be ignored or downplayed breasts at this size are often integrated into the writing somehow. Poorly executed they can end looking off or comical but well executed they can fit well into a girl's design and feel natural. They're also getting more popular, but at a slower rate.
In the real world there's also an M,N,O,P range but I've never seen those realistically done in anime.
And there's also the completely unrealistic super giant proportions but those are just gag character things, also not realistic.
So what is "too big"?
For anime I guess it's anything past the J,K,L range for now.
90cm is minimum
120cm is probably the maximum
who's the artist for this?
>Huge tits
>wide Hips
>Huge butt
Prefer Garnet.
This looks like kakuzatou, but iqdb points to someone else. Good art either way.
oh wait, it's just his twitter handle satoutototo or something like that. wish there was more stuff available by this guy
At the very least we're getting a follow-up with the student council guy and the gyaru chick.
Swedish meatballs
Big fat soul filling Swedish meatballs.
>tfw have Xrd sitting in my steam library but have barely played it
Deep cleavage
Is the anime a different continuity? I was thinking of watching it someday but if it's faithful to the manga in this aspect it's useless to me.
As Do I but she also dies horribly in the show too right? How come best girl always ends up dead Or just shit on by the creator like Kagefusa?
Biggest in Muvruvdom
Would be nice if she got some more contenders.
Hey Kagefusa is my absolute favorite, we have similar taste. Didn't realize Garnet died too, that's typical.
Very Typical I usually end up trying to spoil myself on almost everything I want to watch because of situations like this.
In anime? Never. In Real life? When they become overly disproportionate to her body
Pham is definitely close
This isn't actually how breasts work though. A 28F is the same volume as a 36C, just the letter without the volume doesn't tell you much.
*just the letter without the bandsize I mean
An F cup with a small bandsize isn't that huge, and a C cup with a large bandsize can be massive,
>these threads got me to read FFLS
>actually enjoyed it beyond just cindy's massive tits
>but next chapter is probably going to end with cindy's death
I truly know the feeling of despair but also an erection now
Repopulate Sweden
Yeah it's suffering alright.
Repopulate the world.
that's the other way around. a c cup with a big band is a fatty and a f cup with a small band is porno tier.
GK needs to come back
Yui's hips could support the isle of Japan but not the world like Stella
Yes to both.
>Chifusa finish
Good end.
What's FFLS?
Final Fantasy Lost Stranger
Indeed I just wish I could find something where a character I'm attracted to doesn't end up suffering a horrible fate.
That's the perfect size imo.
Maybe in another of these threads we'll find one user. See you next time.
Next time make the OP something other than "how big is too big". It attracts too many shitposters.
It's a dice roll when making these threads if the mods will delete it or not. Sometimes we have threads almost back to back and sometimes we go weeks without having one.
So lolifags and DFCfags? They always try to shit up tit threads.
I think it's gotten better then it was before. Maybe one or two show up and a post a few times before realizing the futility.
I really hope S1 does her justice, loli kyonyuu in anime are always a treat. I'd post Nene from Hajimete no Gal here but >image limit and I'm sure everyone in a boob thread knows about her.
This is mostly because OP is usually a faggot and posts bait
It's sad how most people are plebeians who can't enjoy everything. Alternating your faps between DFC and huge tits makes you able to enjoy both better and better every time.
I think last one got purged because Beryl (twitter OC) was in the OP, and she isn't actually anime related.
I'm always happy to read posts like these.
That's no whale shit. Stay in a elf thread and you'll see horrors.