What matters more to you, visuals or story?

What matters more to you, visuals or story?

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Visual storytelling


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Both sides complementing each other.

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Second half of TTGL was kind of a mess, script wise, at least until the very end.

visualfags & storyfag: what?

I don't need to pick a side. I can enjoy multiple pieces of entertainment for different reasons.

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The story exists in the visuals, you moron.

Please don't post pointlessly shitty images here.

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I just want to look at letters.

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Visuals + soundtracks

>having a good plot

how kino it is


Aesthetic IS narrative

Fuck plotfags

there's no such thing wtf, you can only choose one

more like last third.

cute girls

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Generally speaking, story. But visuals are inseparable from tone. A poor visual is a detriment to a story that relies on visuals.

Visuals. Anime can’t exist without visuals. If you can’t make quality animation or unique visuals then you should have just written a book.


Both can carry a show, but i'd never want to completely sacrifice one or the other.

low tier

Based. TTGL is the epitome of anime storytelling and anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian faggot.

reason why VEG is literal dogshit

Visuals tell stories in a visual medium.

Sound is half the reason I prefer anime to manga. The animation itself is important, but without music and sound effects, manga fights are the most boring thing ever.

I remember years back, there was this thing on youtube where people would literally post manga chapters, and then put them to music and sound effects. Showing individual panels, with a little bit of motion in them. Why isn't that done more often? That's an absolutely fucking great idea.

TTGL does this really well

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Hard to say since I watch so much trash anime.
EoE's visuals and designs are 90% of why it's remained so relevant and I feel they're more important to me than the story. But most anime I watch is cheap high school stuff with occasionally decent characters like Kokoro Connect. And then there are shows like ImoImo and Deen/Stay Night where the shit visuals enhance the experience. Also Angel's Egg is kino.

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