What matters more to you, visuals or story?
What matters more to you, visuals or story?
Visual storytelling
Both sides complementing each other.
Second half of TTGL was kind of a mess, script wise, at least until the very end.
visualfags & storyfag: what?
I don't need to pick a side. I can enjoy multiple pieces of entertainment for different reasons.
The story exists in the visuals, you moron.
Please don't post pointlessly shitty images here.
I just want to look at letters.
Visuals + soundtracks
>having a good plot
how kino it is
Aesthetic IS narrative
Fuck plotfags
there's no such thing wtf, you can only choose one
more like last third.
cute girls
Generally speaking, story. But visuals are inseparable from tone. A poor visual is a detriment to a story that relies on visuals.
Visuals. Anime can’t exist without visuals. If you can’t make quality animation or unique visuals then you should have just written a book.
Both can carry a show, but i'd never want to completely sacrifice one or the other.
low tier
Based. TTGL is the epitome of anime storytelling and anyone who says otherwise is a contrarian faggot.
reason why VEG is literal dogshit
Visuals tell stories in a visual medium.
Sound is half the reason I prefer anime to manga. The animation itself is important, but without music and sound effects, manga fights are the most boring thing ever.
I remember years back, there was this thing on youtube where people would literally post manga chapters, and then put them to music and sound effects. Showing individual panels, with a little bit of motion in them. Why isn't that done more often? That's an absolutely fucking great idea.
TTGL does this really well
Hard to say since I watch so much trash anime.
EoE's visuals and designs are 90% of why it's remained so relevant and I feel they're more important to me than the story. But most anime I watch is cheap high school stuff with occasionally decent characters like Kokoro Connect. And then there are shows like ImoImo and Deen/Stay Night where the shit visuals enhance the experience. Also Angel's Egg is kino.