Do you like Sakura or Rin? There is only one correct answer to this, Yea Forums

Do you like Sakura or Rin? There is only one correct answer to this, Yea Forums

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You're right, the only answer is Saber.

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the one that didn't had her virginity ravaged by an old man made of worms.

I like both of them desu. But if i can only choose one, then Sakura

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Obviously Sakura,

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Deen Stay Night character art is the best, there I said it.


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Sakura, of course.



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sakura with medUSELESS at close second

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user we don't talk about that

Sakura, because she's at least heterosexual.


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That's GO GO part is definitely one of my most favorite scenes in HF II. It was truly amazing.

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>no foursome doujin with main 3 girls

Quite a Cultured opinion!

Don't talk about Rider that way.

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The one who isn't a raging dyke.

You know what's louder than Saber bandwagonhawks? These.

Sakura is the only choice for me. My whole life was...UNLIMITED LEWD WORKS!

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Rin is unironically the best girl in the franchise and the best girl for Shirou.

>these two fucking loli's ARA ARA at your rider and call her fat
what do Yea Forums?

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she's really not

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Tell them they did a great job following orders and only rape them a little.

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post tohsakas

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My pleasure.

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Servants are better.

Sakura servants are trash.

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how do I tell which one is which

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I love this funny vamp

The correct answer is Yes

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Rin, but I like them all. All main Fate girls are flawed characters, but that makes them more interesting.

They're so cute as sisters. I wish they get to be like this by the end of HF.

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I like Rin more, but Sakura comes with the best extra, and purple's a pretty good color.

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Done with my little spam.

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For me it's Saber.
Between the two sisters? Rin
Sakura is great though, she's the most human of the three.

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Thanks fella. This made my day at work easier.


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you change your opinion every single time when it comes to the sisters. in one thread, you go for sakura. in another, you for rin.

>on Yea Forums at work
>on Yea Forums at work

FPBP. Even speculation about worms and true desires and possession and virginity and all that autistic shit aside, Sakura has an incredibly unappealing multi-faceted personality. Rin is cute, easy to understand and live with, and has an amazing ass and thighs.

You're welcome.

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You don't know me!

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>easy to understand
Shirou didn't like the true personality of Rin once he got past her school idol facade.

every morning I wake up I am consumed by a deep and primal lust to cuddle her

Shirou’s a traditional kind of man

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Shirou is a massive faggot that's practically impossible to empathize with unless you have a mental disorder. I personally don't care much for the subdued household life he finds enjoyable, and his ideals on all fronts are far removed from anything I'd ever pursue.

>Sakura has an incredibly unappealing multi-faceted personality. Rin is cute, easy to understand
Such a cute little brainlet. Want some milk to go with your boom bang kapow ghost cartoon?

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Euryale is the one who likes anal

>weak against molesters
What is that even supposed to mean?
>alarm clocks are degenerate
Same question.

What the hell was Nasu thinking when he wrote Shirou, for a guy who likes cooking so much he says some really dumb stuff
>I think alarm clocks are degenerate
This one is funny though

how do you find out which one likes anal?

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best landlord!

You'll often see her prepping the bull.

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It pissed me off that they gave him an alarm clock in HF2 movie

>all she does is say his name
>wow they're in love
Euryale belongs to gudako

My man

Scariest anime scene of all time was that one banned episode of Pokemon that had all the flashing lights that were causing seizues. I got a bootleg when I was a kid from a school friends older brother. I was one of the unlucky little fat shits who responded badly to it and had to be sent to hospital from frothing at the mouth and passing out. When I woke up in hospital it was my uncle at my bedside who made me pee on him while he was in the shower at our families thanksgiving and he asked if I'd told anyone our secret and gave me a long hug for being good.

Cute and comfy.

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Sakura is cute and comfy
Saber is cute but not comfy
Rin is neither

>not loving your pet

Don't be mean!

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Did you even play FGO ?

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literally no chemistry other than him dying

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They have a lot of stuff in FGO but LB1 is the most recent. Have you read it ?


So you play NA version right ? Then just wait for it and you'll understand why people like Asterios x Euryale that much.
(pic related has LB1 spoiler about Asterios, don't open it if you don't want to be spoiled)

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>dark sakura ending and sex scene never

I have no idea what's going on in that pic, despite Kotomine always being a dick, I'm working my way through London Singularity currently

I know that feeling, user ;__;

FGO JP version is currently in part 2 and many things happened after EoR though. It will come to NA this December anyway.
>Kotomine always being a dick
Yes that's right, even in FGO

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Translate this fags

So cute. Pretty sure it was inspired by this fanwork.

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> competing for second place

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Rin. And Saber.

what a hero
you're okay too

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best imouto

You are good people.

I find sakura hotter but rin has the superior waifu

My wife got super awkward when the sex scenes happened. Teasing her about it was fun.

Why do you think God invented mobile posting? There are days I only leave Yea Forums to sleep and drive.

Notice much of it comes from Fate route. Fate was particularly bad about Shirou pointing out Saber is a girl and such, because Nasu essentially rewrote the story about the novice magette summoning a dashing hero to switch genders because Takuechi rewrote the timestream after reaching the Root to esnure that his waifu would live, so Nasu kept hammering 'Saber's a girl and Shirou's a boy" to distract the audience from the fact that 90% of their personality fits better as their original genders.

Fuck you, I thought it was cute.

euryale actually belongs to me

Stop posting, Blackbeard

I've been waiting SO long to post this

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since I'm already this low I might as well post the others

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why are Sakura and Rider giving each other bedroom eyes?

hardcore yuri handholding

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what do the moon roons say here?

Ufo's character design is dogshit. DEEN fucked in the CG department, but their art direction was top tier.

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Lest we forget.

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Sakura, I think.

Rin's alright.

oh wait i posted the wrong Sion pic ;__;

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sion pls no bulli

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>Have you awoken—Master?

>Wow... That black dress looks great on you too, Saber! (so cool!)


>I feel wonderful, Saber.
>Try to be more careful next time.

that's kinda cute actually

So Tamamo bulli is okay i guess

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can't bulli a fox with no shame

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I only like the ones who stayed together in that alternative universe, Sakura with black hair looked amazing, it's such a shame Zouken ruined her even more that universe's shirou is a lucky man getting femdom'd by those two bitches all the time

It can be argued that alarm clocks are degenerate because they offer a quick and easy way out of bad sleeping habits. Since the clock will wake you up even if you slept late unless you're me there is no pressure or incentive to have a disciplined sleeping schedule. Alarm clocks that can keep ringing until you hit a button (electricity) didn't exist until relatively recently in history after all.

can't say a lie with no shame

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Wind-up alarm clocks existed well before electricity use was widespread.

how could you say such things about ameratsu's avatar

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Is Shirou the greatest protagonist of all time?
There's none like him. He is weirdly charming.

>Do you like Sakura or Rin?
>There is only one correct answer to this, Yea Forums
My answer is "yes".

I told the truth, user.
Also speaking of Amaterasu, she will probably be relevant to LB4 due to those Beast hints about Vicchi. Amaterasu did said that she was an "Evil of Humanity" in CCC and we have the Evil Spirit info in Casko GO mats too. The "divine punishment" thing was also mentioned again in New Year event, which was written by Nasu.
Tamamo doesn't love Gudao/Gudako though, user

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Remember, Sakura knew he was two timing the whole time in that bottom scene, watch the episode again and you can see her stalking him.

Probably the one Sakura-related joke in CP that was actually funny and not just the director forcing his delusional butthurt onto everyone.

kek, she was watching in the background right? girls fucking stone cold killer material
oh wait...

Not that user but i definitely remember that. And this pic too

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And if you pay attention to the scene where the two timers are confronted by everyone else, she is the only one smiling, like she knew it would come to this and was just waiting to see Shirou fail.

In her defense how stupid do you have to be to bring multiple girls to the same dating spots in the same week in the same small ass town where everybody goes to the same fucking school and some of them know each other? Dude was asking for it. Through the Gandar statues and crest worms for breakfast may have been a bit much compared to the Tsukhime guy's punishment of getting locked out his house. You'd think he'd suffer far worse considering his girls are a shitton more crazier

I imagine sakura furthered the punishment with consecutive mana replenishment rituals with rider as a tag out

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Do you think they should have looked more alike for the sake of the twist? Or would that have spoiled it too quickly?

>episode 1-5: ZERO Sakura other than a Dark Sakura eyecatch poking fun at that very fact
>episode 6: director butchers the source chapter completely for the sole purpose of filling it with anti-Sakura bullshit, such as Sakura saying she wants to be abused by Shinji, hitting Rider for trying to help her, and references to polls that were already outdated as fuck even then
The director even openly stated that he dislikes Sakura in an interview.

The answer is yes.

>dark sakura eyecatch
Where? Post it

Damn, that''s mean. Especially to Sakura's VA.

Glad I’m not bothering with CP, japanese humor is so painfully unfunny

>such as Sakura saying she wants to be abused by Shinji, hitting Rider for trying to help her
What the hell?

Will anyone notice a difference?

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Imagine not wanting to be fucked silly by Sakura.

Neither, filthy dumb Tohsaka scum. Luvia is better.

it's an unfortunate reality in the anime and mango community, some of us are clearly mentally ill, we just have to bear with them

Mah nigga

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It's not entirely clear what the entire message is, as Sakura and the others are blocking a lot of the text, but there's something around the lines of "Eh? The fifth grail war (likely referring to episode 1 of CP)? Nobody told me about that, though? Am I being left out of the loop? Those who bought this DVD and noticed that I'm not even in it..." written behind them.

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They had her voice Holy Grail-kun instead for the most part.

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If it was HF True Sakura, probably not.

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Can sakura actually get pregnant?

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If she can you know she will be in the final movie.

Yes, the idea that she wouldn't be able to is a really bizarre headcanon that comes from a lack of knowledge about female anatomy and wrongly conflating an infodump about what the worms can do to women in general with Sakura's actual situation. Pretty much everything about Sakura screams fertility.

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She was originally supposed to bear children to continue the Matou line so obviously that function would be kept intact. Zouken just decided to make her into a holy grail instead rather than win it normally.

Dark Sakura

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my sides

Rin is mai waifu

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The cutest!

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The Tohsaka family are just inferior replicas of Aozakis anyways.

Rin is better than Sakura.

Aoko is better than Touko.

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>Do you like Sakura or Rin
If I like sakura, the statement it's true.
If I like Rin, idem.
If I like Sakura and Rin, idem.
I don't like niether of them, it's false.

Well, niether since they're shit desu senpai.
Where my illya bros at?

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>Aoko is better than Touko.
But that's wrong