
New Episode

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Other urls found in this thread:


>45 and 46

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The episodes stops before the fireworks day occurs, just before she was told to not go. I wished they removed Ramen to adapt all of Part 1 just to ensure the cliffhanger will be hype as shit. But I'll take it.

Fuck off.

>season 1 ending on fireworks
>no season 2 announcement
It's fucking nozaki kun all over again

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I see doomposters are at it again.

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>no season 2 announcement

>ramen chapter
what were they thinking?

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Didn't saw much of this episode since it was laggy
Did it reached the part where they canceled her fireworks?

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I was one of them, but they did OK. I just Ramen was just removed so that they just adapt fucking Part 1 in its entirety to contain the hype cliffhanger (if that was their initial intention). Now it's gonna be a mismash of despair, incredible and just plain silly in the final episode.

I thought the episode had enough drama buildup to make the fireworks have a good impact. They'll just have to deliver a good finale next week

Not yet

>everyone expected and even wanted that at first
>now, after further speculation, it's considered bad
Just kill yourself..

No. I think it was the page before that, where she said she'll endure everything just for the events with her friends. I understand why they did that, to send a feeling of foreboding or a false sense of security, but it'll probably just become more of a mood whiplash

So they only adapted the first half of 44 and next ep will be the rest of 44 and then 45 and 46?

So they just adapted first half of part 1
Good to know

>everyone wanted that
Go back

Yes, and a final scene of Miko announcing the S2

Can anyone confirm or unconfirm a possible 2nd season?

How well is the series doing in sales?

The anime? Average. The franchise as a whole? Very well.

I remember seeing it doing pretty well, I don't think a 2nd season is impossible


Fairly well
Slime shit got a second season so nothing is imposible

Sales don't mean it'll get a new season 100%. However, it's doing fairly well as far as i'm aware, it boosted manga sales a ton, a lot of new readers jumped in with the anime, and there's merch all over.
Not sure about BD sales themselves though. I think it was at a "decent" enough amount, but these days, BD sales are shit even at top spots, unless you throw in a gimmick like VA tickets.

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It's underperforming. S2 is unlikely.

Kaguya-sama is not in the same league of popularity

Rate this episode
Hard Mode:Without shitting on Ramen chapter

I thought it was great. The pacing didn't seem awkward despite having 4 chapters, and they chose a good place to end it.

作画監督 石崎夏海、石川洋一、川﨑玲奈、佐藤好、ぐんそう、針場裕子、Park Ae-Lee、Shim Min-hyeon

wait, Next week has 8 fucking animation directors

i hope this means they will all out for fireworks animations for the last episode.

> doomposters are ishitgamifags
as expected

Slimeshit sells better than Titanshit though. Isekaisfags keep buying the manga for some reason

Hayasaka part is 10/10
Despite my hatred of the Ramen Chapter it was 6/10 atleast, offset by removing the Ishigami part
Wants to Meet is also 10/10
Fireworks Part 1 Part 1 was great, but I don't know how'll they end it, whether it was a great idea or a terrible one

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It's hard to not shit on the ramen chapter adaptation when they skipped the best part of it and what makes it satisfying in the first place. It feels like they missed the point of the chapter by not including it. It's not even a time constraint issue because they could have just skipped the beginning with the Fujiwara sisters.
Otherwise the episode was good though.


I just wonder why the fuck they decided to include the ramen chapter when its so inconsequential to the overral plot of the summer break.



>They actually made ramen chapter even more pointless by skipping Prez and Ishigami meeting with Fuji

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Because Aka is retarded and demanded it. The fucker actually thinks anyone else besides him enjoyed it.

Because Fujiwara is the most popular character in the franchise



nips hate it - mnaga will be cancelled too

I liked it

oh no no please save us toubunbros

They hated it so much that it trended in Twitter, right?

Fuck off Aka

I am not Aka and I liked it

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It's fucking happening boys.

Has the anime skipped any chapters?

We are konosuba now

Around 10 maybe, and there was a wild jump somewhere for Ishigami's Tutor episode, but most of the chapters were adapted up to 46.

Where's the "I miss you" part, I remember being so depressed after that


You can thank ramen chapter for that.

Chapters skipped:
3, (Movie)
4, (Riddles)
10, (Prank)
13, (Indirect Kiss)
15, (Cockroach)
22, (Shojo Manga)
30, (Hayasaka Intro)
32, (Acting Cold)
36. (Singing)

There was one. It's like a whisper, just like in the manga.

And only 36 is a must adapt next season.

Wow they skipped the cockroach when it was pure lewd

It sets up the tone well for the fireworks then, the end was the call for Kaguya right? That she cannot go?


You forgot chapter 2.

They got the tone perfectly, with the first half of the Fireworks Part 1 continuing the sombre atmosphere from Wants to Meet. I think that's what the director was going for.

>All this chapters died
>Ramen remains

I agree it works well, with Kaguya still being optimistic about having time to spend with her friends only to be shit on even more by her dad.

Most of these are massively superior to ramen, especially without the breath mints



>I'm sorry, I completely forgot that this is a dick rider thread
You finally realised that? Where were you when last chapter came up

Thank you, this will help.

up your butt

>Everyone else is just a dick rider
>Only my perception is correct, everyone else is wrong
That's how you sound right now.

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It's up in HS

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Wow,Hayasaka tits are actually perfect

>dick rider thread
You're going to want to head to Yea Forums for that.

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My best friend Maki is so cute!

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Of course, she's best girl after all.

Her body is perfect all around

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I feel goofy for missing Kaguya's signal in the last chapter and just thinking 'put your hands in your pocket'

Prez stop shitposting and do something.

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sup Shirogane



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Shabadaba da di-yaa

Prez I know Maki is your friend but you don't need to start shitposting too.

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>tfw too nervous about next chapter of the manga that I don't care about the anime


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It's okay...

If only you know how bad things really were.


Emergency! I need you to break Prez's bike chain so he can ride home with me! Post haste girl!


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>P-please remove your stockings next... very slowly

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bloody hell

>Consider the following

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I know, she's perfect.

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Guys, I don't think my heart can take much more of this.

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Gotta send my regards to this BASED director.

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Hayasaka? Don't leave me hanging please...

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Absolutely based

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Between this and the accent on ep 9 i can forgive the director for skipping chapter 30

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>Moeha fell asleep in the middle of the street and her sisters didn't give a shit

Chika Fujiwara, total badass.

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>protected account
>somehow Hayasaka can see Shirogane's tweets
She can easily steal him from Kaguya, what the fuck.

Pity, and also sadness.

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>not just asking to use Hayasaka's account to see it if she's following him

baka Aka

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Ramen was a mistake

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Dammit, I watch this show to lift my spirit.

I'm depressed enough as it is.

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He accepts Shuciin's students iirc

I'm gonna be crying this time next week.

I think that scene is even funnier if you imagine she's typing out www slowly hitting the same key

i hope you have a short slife

Totally agree. They cut Prez\Ishigami BroTP.

She literally said he accepts anyone from the same school speed watcher

mom says it's my turn to be in the anime

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what's the deal with the ramen chapter?

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>Having contact with her mother

Fake news

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There was a lot of angst in the livestream thread about skipping Ishi in the ramen story and how Fireworks 1 was cut in half, but after watching the subs it was really well done in general and set up the final episode almost perfectly.

her mom's just really busy, she hasn't abandoned her. same with her dad

Nothing it's great and the adaptation is great
People are just mad because of the placement

Fucking doomposters bamboozled me.
I'm not ready to get FIREWORKED again

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I wanna fucking die but I wanna see next ep and the further chapters

Why is hayasaka so sexy,explain it to me anons?

muh dick

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Animeonly here. What was the point of the ramen segment?

Blonde slim well shaped cold but caring maid.

It's shit and fucks the pacing of the episode.
the anime also removed the only worthwile aspect of it.

They are some nice torpedoes.

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None. It's a joke chapter that only made it in because the author begged them.

I want to listen to her LIES

Posting the full version

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I watched the livestream and was worried about the 4 chapters in one ep, but the doomposting was dumb. Only thing they really skipped was Ishi and the rest of Fireworks p1 will be in the next episode.
Ending with airplanes seems like a bizzare choice though - I'm guessing they'll alter it slightly?

Besides introducing some recurring background characters? Nothing at all, it doesn't help how the anime skipped the punchline.

jesus christ i remember the excitement riddled with depression when this chapter dropped

I thought "Fuck him" was pretty strong, but this is alright. What did the original manga panel say?


Irrefutable proof that Chika is /ourgirl/

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The music made this even better.

>tfw Hayasaka will die alone
Such an unjust world.

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i'd say this was just as unnecessary as the ramen episode

>not I broke the internet
shit subs strike again

you would be right, but at the same time wrong

Now that i think about it some more, ending it with 46 would be great
I've been thinking too much about how perfect the ending would be with the whole ED playing over title drop and shit
But honestly ending it just like that, with them still in the taxi and stuff would feel to empty

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Why doesn't Hayasaka just quit her job?

Not a chance, someone as beautiful in body and mind as her will find someone someday. And god I wish it were me

Kinda, but the anime already skipped her first chapter.

Stock-Home syndrome. She can't stop looking at her 401k skyrocket and keeps wanting a bigger mansion to soothe her pain.

Why is everyone shitting on the ramen chapter/segment? It was hilarious and silly.

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1034th time's the charm

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She makes crazy money.

Is she /my people/?


needs more money

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Because she gets paid a ton, and she doesn't really have a choice, considering she's part of a family of servants and that would result in her getting disowned. Not worth it.

This scene reminded me of Ootsuki/hanchou but it lacked the good direction. good scene though

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She was literally born and raised to be a servant. Plus if she quit it would cause waves that could hurt her parent's job as the shinomiya group manager. She does plan on quitting but not until after high school

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Are they Kaguya's brothers ? They look young enough and there is three of them.

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She cares for Kaguya even though she is a dumbass


>fujiwara has an ara ara onee-san

BD sales should crack 5k, might reach low 8k.

strong but not spectacular. way under what it should be hitting (12k or so), but then digital sales are starting to affect dvd in japan like they do in the west too (finally). So we might not see many anime crack 10k anymore.

The end of that chapter is a really weak place to end your season though. I think there's a good chance they'll alter something, next ep will need to have some padding out anyway.
>I've been thinking too much about how perfect the ending would be with the whole ED playing over title drop and shit
Same, but I don't think the actual ED would fit that scene at all (despite the ED sequence being based around it) I wonder if they'll have a new insert song. Instrumental ED playing at the end of this ep was a better use of that.

she loves the president and always has

can somebody post the manga version of this

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>ywn be that person

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Can't wait for /el hermano de Maki/

because they wanted to establish Chika coming back to japan (remember, in the prior episode it was claimed she'd be in spain for the festival) they used the ramen chapter to establish she's not in spain so she can show up at the festival without continuity issues.

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Her entire family's purpose is to attend to the Shimomiyas, and Hayasaka herself was literally raised to be Kaguya's maid. Quitting would not only bring grave consequences upon herself but also shame her entire family.

I just want to let you know that Hayasaka is my wife. Stop daydreaming about her. Thank you.


She was acepted because she is a Shuchiin student dear speedreader


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Excuse me laddie but Hayasaka chan belongs to us Irish folk

For me, it reminds me of the terrible episodes of Tonegawa.

Once bought, she stays bought.

The soul is in the manga shading.


>mfw 13hrs until end of shift to see this

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Go eat some potatoes and get drunk, Paddy.

Ah, a fellow Tonegawa bro. I agree, all of the food scenes in that were top notch. Still thought the ramen part of today's episode was pretty great.
Haha, what. Half the anime was food episodes, though. Are you saying you didn't enjoy half the show? Strange opinion and even stranger actions.

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what a weird way of phrasing that

You know what's more depressing no season 2 announcement

Mom says you're eating too much pudding.

erection for days

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>It's fine
>Everything is fine

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I've never minded it, but it's one of the (perhaps THE) most commonly disliked manga chapters and they cut out the page that redeemed it for some.
Yeah, anime tend to not translate that rougher style well.

Some announcements come at the end of the final episode or a week or so after, user. Don't give up hope.

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>The way the legs go subtly thicker at the bottom as she removes the pantyhose
I have no reaction image good enough for this.

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Fucked up before

all I need to shitpost for another week

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How does this semenest of demons not have a bf?

Every Hayasaka episode is a good episode :D

Yeah it's rather weak but perfect for s2 announcement
Also i think Sentimental Crisis hits the spot just right between being cheery and melancholic, perfect for when they're driving out of the tunnel

With that watermark, it's the perfect shitpost material.

She doesn't have time for boys due to her work
Prez is literally her only male friend

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Being Kaguya is suffering

Is she 1/4 Finnish too? that's harsh.

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Why does Japan always need to put so much drama in their comedies

I may not be rich, but at least my parents love me!

The ramen gag is the best part of Kaguya and anyone who disagrees should kill themselves

It's effective because it's so contrasting. Drama in Kaguya has always been very well done.

they take inspiration from latin american telenovellas

"Female otter mating sound.ogg"

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Is this why they like Kaguya-sama?

>Ramen chapter without breath mints

creo que si

>Wake up, see this

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No lo creo, en esas telenovelas no hay tanto drama, además el manga es un seinen no un shoujo.

I wish I had a good friend like Hayasaka

I wish I had a good wife/maid like Hayasaka

> but at least my parents love me!
About that...

preferably she would be both.

Yeah, just ending it on the "I can't hear the fireworks" title drop would feel incredibly abrupt.. Like someone in one of the previous threads said, it'd be like having a season end on the last punch of the final fight with literally nothing afterwards. You need SOMETHING there to tie it all together. Admittedly airplanes maybe isn't the most satisfying way to do that, but hopefully they can make it work.

There is a certain attraction to that, yes...

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ending titles during the drive home

Because there are other more entertaining chapters that got skipped in favour of it.

Yeah, whaty a pity.

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I meant friend and wife but I guess maid and wife is good, too.

she's a big girl

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It was good. Unexpectedly, Fireworks part 1 worked better as a prologue of sorts rather than a full chapter. Hayasaka was godly, which only makes me mad that her chapter got shafted by one of the Fuji ones. And they did nail it with the want to meet chapter as well.
Please don't let them fuck the ending. The momentum is good.

when did it become "hip" to shit on the ramen chapter? I remember reading it with Yea Forums and it was loved here (heck, I remember it sending my sides into orbit reading it). Is this the influence of reddit, or has Yea Forums been overrun by contrarian children off school for spring break?

For you.

God I wish those were me


this episode was pretty fucking good

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only people with good taste can appreciate the ramen chapter

Nah it'll be the new servant. El Hermano will be a cuck like his sister.

The tone of the entire anime so far is almost entirely comedy
Ending it with another comedy would be fine

I liked it, but there are better ones.

only shipperfags, secondaries, and dramafags hate it. They only care about animating said shit above

Really? I was in the thread at the time and I remember the reception being rather lukewarm. I actually like the chapter, but I never had the impression that it was popular at any point.

you'll get your pity end card appearance and you'll like it

dude this chapter was fucking hilarious. the internal monologue from the ramen guy is just top notch throughout.

>Not using Aero Glass

What do they mean by this?

Attached: aero.png (931x595, 550K)

That was pretty good. Not as hype as ending on President seeing Kaguya's tweet, but okay nonetheless. Maybe even better - instead of hype we'll get the full emotional rollercoaster next week.
They won't be putting in anything but fireworks now, right?

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aero looks tacky as shit
get with the times grandpa

>ramed guys

>not liking casual buttsex

what are you fucking gay?

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Shuki shuki shuki

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It's good for a normal chapter. The thing is, that if asked in a poll, nobody here would choose specifically that chapter to animate over the ones that got skipped. It's an okay chapter, but inconsequential in the end, and there are far better ones that we didn't get to see.
That's why it got shat on.

Where is the ribbon

Chika is so best girl it's not even funny

>fireworks next week.

I'm not ready. Reading the manga version with Yea Forums has already put my expectations for it way too high.

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>they skipped the best part of it
What was it? Getting BTFO by Ishigami?

>First daughter has no ribbon
>Second daughter has one ribbon
>Third daughter has two ribbons

That's Chika's older sister, she doesn't wear the ribbon.

>going for the big titted politician daughter

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Fireworks + wind down chapter.

>its been 2 years since you've last read this with Yea Forums
>there are anons who've died waiting for this

It's worse than every single chapter that was skipped and its place in the timeline only fucks with the pacing and buildup for the climax coming next episode.


I want to marry Kei and make a baseball team of shiroganes.

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Her headband is stupid

>>there are anons who've died waiting for this
>it wasn't me

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If I pull that off, will she die?

You are stupid and she is cute. CUTE.

hn ghgggggd

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>People who don't like the ramen chapter

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>I remember reading it with Yea Forums and it was loved here
I also remember reading with Yea Forums and everyone was saying it was one of the weakest and its redeeming quality was the last page (which the anime skipped anyway)

It's sort of like what ending a third season on 142 would be, isn't it?

>2 years
>but that was nearly least year

>All those anons who will die before the manga ends

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>tfw you died

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>exceptional Hayasaka episode
>thread lacks said images
I demand more we've waited years for this

>30, (Hayasaka Intro)
That is a shame. There's too little Hayasaka in the manga to skip one of his chapters.

she's the equivalent of Ms. Pauling. only 1 day-break/year... only to be ruin by someone/something.

Not me.

The Yea Forums roster for the upcoming Spring Babby Cup is under way and both Subject F and How Cute/O Kawaii could potentially join the team.
You can vote for them in the link below along with any other players you want to join the team, or even come up with your own ideas in the write-in section

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>the entire character development

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You will

also didn't seem to have anyone she's interested in

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I would only vote if the character model was in How Cute mode at all times.

Post "that" image.


How do i get a girl like hayasaka irl

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You don't.

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>animates ramen chaptet
>skipping the punchline where Ishigami destroys Fuji once again because of the garlic smell
Who directed this shitty episode?

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Women like her are rare

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It will be extremely painful

Chances are she'll transform into Kei Alter- who's obsessed with his brother.

You don't

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they don't exist

Season 2 has been confirmed and you are in charge of picking what chapters go in it! Which ones do you choose?

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To be fair, her only reference regarding confessions is Shirogane of all things. After the balloon thing, her standards for confession are incredibly high, and unlike Kaguya, she doesn't lack self confidence regarding her figure.
She'll probably only fall for someone after a big display of affection. But if Tsubame can't get anything more than a 'Hey, wanna go out?' it's safe to believe that Hayasaka, who is trying not to stand out, won't get anything from the beta male students at Shuchi'in.

pic not related

What song was Hayasaka listening to?


They might announce it on the last episode like Goblin Slayer did

I would end at the group pic around chapter 100.
Or actually, make it 2 cour and end with confession. 25 eps and they'd only have to cut about 15 chapters.

So next saturday is the final episode, right?

Attached: 1551302905922.jpg (480x433, 25K)

Needs to have a (You) shopped over the key.

>shirogane dad has excellent taste

Attached: nys.jpg (726x696, 413K)

Attached: asthma.gif (538x302, 2.55M)


>cleavage shown in episode and in picture


Based and daddypilled.

>Beautiful body
>Kinda nerdish
>Cold but a really nice person
>Amazing physical abilities
>Look more for others than herself
You don't

Attached: 1553353415785.jpg (1240x1754, 300K)

My d cannot be any harder

right in the kokoro

Attached: 1508951808423.gif (420x428, 2.36M)

Episode 11 its chapter 101, and the final episode is anime original ending

>Chika's roastie twitter
I'm liking Chika less and less

>all that doomposting about 4 chapters in one ep
It was completely fine, the "wants to meet" chapter didn't need a full third of the episode anyway.
Wonder how the fuck they end the season with airplanes, thoughI trust Omata who's directing the ep.

I'm Aka and I liked it

>but a really nice person
I'll also be satisfied with just that.

Attached: 9623.png (847x461, 956K)

They hate it so much everyone that heard about it made sure to buy every manga volume of it just so they could burn them.

When she laid her head on the table, wasn't it? That scene was beautiful

RararaRamen Daisuki Koizumi san~

Attached: Two Girls Eating Spicy Ramen.webm (800x450, 2.84M)

The direction was incredible this episode, especially those last two segments. I can't wait for next week.

Papa Shinomiya is fucking based. Leave the female in the den while you speak to your actual successors

Attached: imcia.jpg (207x171, 8K)

>built her own mini itx build

We need a whole episode of Hayasaka slowly taking her stockings off

Hayasaka needs a boyfriend, any volunteers?


Taxi Driver and Ramen Kings for the school festival.

Imotou has great potential

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [720p].00:22:21.258.jpg (1280x720, 171K)


Was 30 the one where Hayasaka was flirting with Prez?


That's 58. 30 is Hayasaka guarding the door while Kaguya is sperging out from under a sleeping Prez.

This is a strange case of the anime being less censored than the source material

Attached: Hayasaka.jpg (1660x2081, 783K)

I can't for her and pres to fuck

I knew something about the house visit seemed lacking.

Thats 58
30 is her guarding the door and where she helps Fuji to find her ribbon

Attached: p2.png (834x1250, 322K)

Though in this instance it is sorely lacking the expresiveness of the manga.

Aka can't draw lewds so the anime team had to take creative liberties, like how they enhanced Kaguya's flat chest


say what?

This was worth the wait

I bet that Pokemon Go being a plot point of the chapter is why we didn't see secret agent Hayasaka animated

Attached: dickbutt.jpg (1280x720, 187K)

So is the manga on another break this week? When the korean raws for the most recent chapter was posted, someone mentioned something like that.

they are going to have a nasty shit afterwards

Tsukihime remake fucking when?

>yfw its the perfect size

Yes. I will kill the other two if necessary.

You're already dead.

If they do the ch. 45 good, the anime has a clear way to the AOTY.

That is also an acceptable outcome.

fujimom > her three daughters

Attached: fujimom.jpg (365x240, 86K)

I'll just be her friend. That way when she rejects the random creeps who asked her out I can swoop in.

Attached: r19.png (775x1200, 355K)

I'd put Shirogane's birthday arc and SC farewell in OVAs, so we can start with Elections arc.
Haysaca seduction (this is important)
SC + Miko fluff.
Singing training
Maki intro
If we get 2 cours then Sports festival, dance training and Hayasaka's arc.
Finale with Kaguya's phone.

I'd give her three more

If she actually liked a guy, she would probably just confess instead of playing stupid mind games
atleast from the way she talks and how she bully Kaguya for not expressing her feelings to Prez

>shorthaired tomboy
Never expected this. Time to read the manga

Should have been pic related

Attached: Poop_throwing_guy.jpg (600x469, 55K)

>it introduces the twitter aspect, and how Shirogane found about kaguya escape

Fuck you.

Wrong Ramen was great.

>implying she won't be like sister, pussy-footing around before confessing
>Kaguya, after resolving all her shit and is dating Shirogane with her new profound knowledge on love, smugly advises her on such matters

Aka please do it

She cares very much for her little sister.

Cute Sawako

>PES18 """aesthetics"""
I'm hoping for a certain Bakaguya riding Fujiwara.

Attached: 1539038784991.gif (268x268, 13K)

She's so absorbed in being Kaguya's assistant that her type will probably be someone who spares her from all the war of love and brains stuff. She can't willingly approach anyone without her mask, and that's why she can't really fall for anyone. Unlike Kaguya, Hayasaka has to be confessed to.
Plus Hayasaka is too redpilled for the love at fist sight crap to work on her.

He probably is talking about Hayasaka fanservice
Not complaining about it since she is my favorite girl

>had to snort
maybe I'm not as jaded and dead inside as I thought
or maybe I'm just mentally 6

Isn't the first one similar to the ex-president?

marone... gabagool...

Don't care about inheritance but if you call your cute daughter from afar just to shower in your indifference, then you deserve to be shat on.
Also Kaguya's dad is fucking old. Did he rape her mother or what?

They're usually married pretty young to somebody equally great, so no hope for us failures on Yea Forums.

>He doesn't know

t. DFCfag

>All this Hayasaka love
Bless this thread and episode

Attached: 030.png (1280x720, 531K)


Where do you think you are?

No, there should be a chapter this week

He could have an injury or disability that requires the aid of a walking stick.

>Also Kaguya's dad is fucking old. Did he rape her mother or what?
he's loaded/has a high social standing.

If there was such thing in this world, she would be taken, i'm 100% sure of it

>I also remember reading with Yea Forums and everyone was saying it was one of the weakest and its redeeming quality was the last page (which the anime skipped anyway)
>itt; things that never happened.

I'd appreciate her more if you know what I mean.

>Where do you think you are?
The place where only like traps, and DFC too but unironically.

He's right you know
It's not everyone, but many people didn't like this chapter.

Whoa you make a fake thread on a shady website bravo EVERYONE LOVED IT FUCK OFF ANIMEONLY!

>ramen episode
Koizumi san would be proud

Attached: 1521720647589.jpg (1280x720, 386K)

literally only 6 posts openly disliked it
fuck off

>It's ramen arc

Attached: 1550995605070.jpg (1920x1080, 189K)

Ramen chapter is the best part.

Kaguya's grandfather is Maki's great great grandfather. He's old as fuck. 65 at the very least.

>Literally translates to "Drop down in hell, shitty father"


Attached: __shinomiya_kaguya_kaguya_sama_wa_kokurasetai_tensai_tachi_no_renai_zunousen_drawn_by_cyicheng__810d (828x1169, 503K)

>Kaguya twitter changed their profile pic



Attached: D2WhZyJUkAAggMA.jpg (1140x1200, 177K)

how the fuck did prez contain himself while lying next to her?

Easily 10/10 episode for Hayasaka telling Gaman to fuck off alone. Kagudad is the worst, I hope he won't get off as easily as Fumino's dad.

Attached: D2WpeyEU8AEbo-5.png (400x400, 141K)

>its a defeat the elite four chapter

Attached: big4.jpg (388x407, 179K)

What is this supposed to be?

>Take me far away from here, Feelbird

A birdman flying on a bird.

anime only here, what's wrong with the ramen chapter? It was weird putting it in the middle of those other more important chapters, but I thought it was hilarious

I don't have any reaction image that shows the girl laughing but also being sad so just imagine it.

Only monster virgins can do that.

Man I'm an anime only but I can tell that this will be drawn out as fuck, have they even confessed in the manga yet?

>I'm not a monster virgin
Phew, at least something.

She's actually typing out くさはえる.

>Falling for the psychopath
user don't

Attached: Corruption.jpg (637x529, 96K)

She's certainly head-over-heel for (me).

Attached: 1552279082376.png (805x1200, 497K)

Unlike other romcoms, this manga has more going for it than just the romance taking off or not.


Attached: 1548628475206.jpg (850x1190, 152K)

That's the point, Absurd comedy based on internal monologue between heavy drama chapters so as to not feel like it lost the com of a Romcom.

>Shirogane-kun, what do you think of my new look?

Attached: HeyaSucka.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Kaguya don't fucking deserve based Hayasaka. What a fucking bro.

Cursed image

Attached: D2Wy4y4U0AAFk4-.jpg (881x655, 85K)

It's this.

Attached: p26.png (809x623, 139K)

Well, if you really want to know.

Attached: k21.png (1608x1200, 1.9M)

You guys wouldn't really go to the festival without me guys. Right?

Attached: maxresdefault (26).jpg (1280x720, 102K)

Nobody tell her.

Attached: Oh no.jpg (158x261, 23K)

who are you.

Attached: Here+you+go+_8b21d39920da49830d2745a83711440e.jpg (324x288, 33K)

Delete this shit right now

Attached: 1552102369138.png (470x393, 133K)

>ywn get to feel happiness like that

Attached: 1544209246828.jpg (750x496, 41K)

Nah, Kaguya goes full ice cero absoluto and cockblocks prez.

I'm not Aka and I didn't like it


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deepest lore

This episode really prepared for fireworks arc.
I just got the feel to cry right now.

Kei thinks user is gross and should die!

Just IMAGINE the influx of Hayasaka x Prez ntr doujin if the fake confession chapter got adapted

Attached: 1504400356079.png (116x192, 28K)

58 is crucial to later chapters and sets up the mixer and rap chapters, it has to be adapted.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [720p]_snapshot_00.03.40.512_[2019.03.23_21.02.29]_su (1280x720, 93K)

This is why Pres should marry Chika instead.

That way, he has 2 more Chikas.

Marrying Kaguya only gives you Hayasaka on the other hand.

Thank you, this is EXACTLY why I am here.

>he lacks the knowledge

>Hayasaka OL-wear

>Marrying Kaguya only gives you Hayasaka on the other hand.

>only Hayasaka
I ought to slap you.

I fucking love legs.

Attached: [Doki] Toradora! - NCOP 1 (1280x720 Hi10P BD FLAC) [BFB95CCB].webm (1280x720, 423K)

Only if we get a season 2

>those speakers
Yeah, and Hayasaka is nice too.

We can help with that user

Attached: __grail_kun_kyubey_mayu_and_shinju_yuuki_yuuna_wa_yuusha_de_aru_and_etc_drawn_by_akatoro_nightlord__ (625x773, 104K)

>Wanting a turbo slut with AIDS and a sadist

It makes you care

What a coincidence, I also think she's gross and should fuck off.

> uses a Macbook instead

Not based.

I need a webm of that cute Maki walk.

>If you marry Kaguya you get the big prize
Sounds like a deal

This adaptation has been so good lads, Aka deserved it. I haven't looked forward to downloading each weeks episodes this much in a while.

>I love fucking legs

that's Kaguya's macbook and she only borrows it

Nothing a bit of chloroform can't fix

What is he thinking?

Attached: Shirogane.gif (540x287, 1.51M)

Hair is a bit fucked.

It's pretty common in Yea Forums and Yea Forums too. People are more vulnerable to feels after laughing.

you anons are alright. please don't come to hands threads tomorrow.


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [1080p]-[00.25.984-00.31.698].webm (196x362, 297K)

Probably something like this, but with Hayasaka.

Attached: 1546300086986.jpg (1366x768, 221K)

ep 1
chapter 48 - the student council isn't alpha
chapter 47 - kaguya wants to choose
chapter 30 - ai Hayasaka wants to defend

ep 2
chapter 52 - kaguya wants to ask
chapter 56 - miyuki shirogane wants to stargaze
chapter 36 - miyuki shirogane wants to sing

ep 3
chapter 57 - kaguya wants to marry
chapter 58 - ai hayasaka wants to seduce
chapter 51 - kaguya wants to celebrate

ep 4
chapter 53 - kaguya wants to give
chapter 54 - chika fujiwara wants to confirm
chapter 59 - The 67th Student Council (end)

ep 5
chapter 60 - Kaguya Doesn't Want to Call
chapter 63 - miyuki shirogane wants to be popular
chapter 64 - Nagisa Kashiwagi Wants to Console

ep 6
chapter 61 - kaguya wants a confession
chapter 65 - miko iino wants to correct
chapter 66 - kaguya wants to eliminate

ep 7
chapter 67 - miko iino can't be laughed at
chapter 68 - i want to make miko iino smile
chapter 69 - kaguya hasn't been called

ep 8
chapter 72 - Miko Iino wants to restrain
chapter 78 - kaguya isn't frightened
chapter 79 - kaguya wants to be examined

ep 9
chapter 80 - kaguya wants to touch
chapter 80 - thus Yu ishigami closed his eyes, part2
chapter 82 - kaguya won't refuse

ep 10
chapter 83 - kei shirogane won't talk
chapter 85 - kobachi osaragi wants to supervise
chapter 84 - miyuki shirogane wants to dance

ep 11
chapter 86 - mr. shirogane wants to pry
chapter 87 - shuchiin sports festival
chapter 88 - and thus, yu ishigami closed his eyes, part 3

ep 12
chapter 89 - miyuki shirogane and yu ishigami
chapter 90 - ootomo kyouko doesn't notice
chapter 91 - chika fujiwara wants to make it swell

I had to cut the chika session teaching shirogane about cutting fish, plus the shoujo manga stuff, and I think 2 of the consultation chapters, rearranged them a little bit to keep certain storylines somewhat consistent.

this episode was way better than the usual, we got the 2 best girls. kaguya x prez fucking around isnt really that fun.
also fuji's VA is a miracle of the universe

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.53_[2019.03.24_03.39.36].jpg (1280x720, 393K)

What archetype is Kaguya supposed to be?
I'd say tsundere but she isn't bitchy like the great majority of them.

what the deal with this bitch anyways

Hayasaka is not flat

I want to make Hayasaka happy / 10


>Cutting out the shoujo manga part
How dare you. You know they would go crazy animating that stuff to look cheesy as hell

i dont get the garlic thing.
why does she put the garlic after she ate the noodles?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai - 11 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.28_[2019.03.24_03.42.48].jpg (1280x720, 392K)

>1/4 irish
>3/4 japanese
Literally any japanese woman maybe one with even smaller butt that's your irl hayasaka

Kyubey and Grail-kun are obvious, but how would the others corrupt your wish?

only the first part was good

it was either cut the shoujo manga stuff or cut out hayasaka's

I chose hayasaka. mostly because the shoujo manga stuff can be added back into a season 3 without messing with anything (other then miko not being in it, nothing is really "timeline sensitive" about those chapters_

The game of life chapter is probably my favourite comedy chapter but it's not exactly one with much importance to the plot. In a season with far fewer "skippable" chapters than S1 had I think it'd be much better saved for an OVA or something.

I'm certain that chapter is meant to foreshadow later developments so I wouldn't count on it being skipped.

best part of episode

Attached: 4_kings.png (848x480, 663K)

>that somber rendition of the ED
Fuck Aka, fuck animators, and fuck animated """"people""""

Attached: gulpu.jpg (800x800, 121K)

She got cucked.

Do you really think Kaguya is getting a season 2 after Aka's comments on how he wanted to start a race war?

She really liked that boy.

Attached: Maki wants to kill.jpg (501x577, 140K)


How did the Irish and ass meme become corrupted to "Irish people have flat asses"?

Aka "Ben Garrison is my senpai" Akasaka?


elaborate. are these real or just the faces are referenced

I don't think so, how would they adapt Kaguya wants to shoot up a mosque

Watch Wixoss, you have no idea what you're in for.

Attached: 1412313874175.gif (640x360, 383K)

Yeah all the shit about Prez being a pure aryan who deserves better than a bunch of Jap sluts was a bit much.

well she is also related to Kaguya, it runs in the family

But love is literally a race war. It's your genes vs. everyone else.

Good, good. Thanks.

> Maki's twitter name is M-hime

She loves the suffering, though.

outrageous tits

Holy shit what a fucking fatty

Attached: fat.jpg (98x183, 11K)

Those torpedo tits really look uncanny.

sounds about right, maybe some minor chapters could be switched for others, but in terms of story progression this is how it should go
god i want to see Ishigami's arc animated so bad

Would still pound.

yes. Maki-hime
>She loves the suffering
and, no, she is not a maso

what a goddess

one or two ethnicities are a price I am willing to pay for season 2.

>he counted

>not how cute
Missed opportunity.


Attached: 1531830553854.png (828x1250, 314K)

3rd degree burns will develop in 5 minutes at 49c

tfw no fujiwara harem

Why does it matter wether or not the ramen chapter was liked when it first came out?

When viewed with the context of later chapters it just looks like a distraction from the other ones building up to the fireworks chapters, so of course people will dislike it when it steals time from other ones building up to the anime's climax..

>Skipping panties and shoujo manga
Also chapter 80 doesn't work if you skip everytime Miko comes up at the wrong timing in volume 8