Kemono Friends 2

Episode 11 synopsis and screenshots are up.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Bat-eared fox

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Google translate with slight changes:
>Kyururu who fell into the sea with a sketchbook and has lost consciousness. However, she was saved by the friends who were in the sea and saved her life. However, Serval and Caracal, who are engaged, are informed that a new situation is approaching. Kyururu feels responsible for having one end of the cause. Under such circumstances, following Cerulean, Ryoukobuto disappears...

120 episodes please.

>Serval and Caracal, who are engaged
lots of things happened offscreen eh

Serval/Caracal hybrids are an actual thing

>Serval and Caracal, who are engaged
Nooooo it was supposed to be my turn

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Imagine 120 Tatsuki episodes.

>Serval and Caracal, who are engaged

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Passenger Pigeon.

Pretty hard to imagine since he never did anything longer than shorts and half-court series.

KF1 and Kemurikusa have VERY similar structure and pacing (10 episodes of adventure with small amount of world building + 2 episodes of climax, both series also share similar ideas). So yeah, I wonder how will he handle a story that needs more than 12 episodes to fit in and that is different enough from KF and KK.

>Serval and Caracal, who are engaged
Fucking Kadokawa

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Man Serval really gets around

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I just realized that S2-Kaban has the role that Kako had in the original game and the manga. It's as if someone want to have Kako but know that a third human character won't be accepted by the audience.

They also both have an initial goal which is completed half way through and then a second goal for the rest of the series. Although episode 11 is pretty structurally different in both series with the only big thing in common is ending on a cliffhanger.

>no kaban death squad
Guess they're saving it for the finale.

Kaban finally decides to save us from season 2.

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Literally who

The thing that I hate the most about S2 is how low-key nasty everyone is. Real Kaban would call Kyururu by name, not "that human kid."

The scientist who researched Cerulean and was heavily implied to have died during the war where humanity deployed their nuclear bombers (wrecks seen in S01E11) to stop the Ceruleans.

Boring, probably males will be added because of he can only write typical harem plot.
Thank goodness for mine stopping it and putting girls only.

These are not friends, these are not friends at all

Go away Mine

It's been decades since KF1 Kaban not being the same is normal.

Anybody who still calls Kemurikusa a harem never watched the last two episodes.

>humanity deployed their nuclear bombers
Is this information from side material books?

Why did KF1 introduce the stupid water vulnerability then...

But at the same time, the anime ceruleans can be killed by tiny catgirls with one single punch practically. Nothing makes any sense.

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All her friends have died and forgotten her. All her victories and accomplishments have been erased by the sands of time. Considering that park sank, she has probably watched generations of friends die and forget her to the point where friendship is just too painful to deal with.
Kaban is just a lonely bitter park guardian at this point.

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>S1 ceruleans have weak spot
>S2 ceruleans yes, that is our Kimura

>that is our Kimura
No one cares about your tatsuki bootlicking.

All anime ceruleans are weak as hell.
And S1 ceruleans get melted by fucking WATER.

>All anime ceruleans are weak as hell
The only weaker cerulean on s1 was the small one on episode 1
Big one on episode 1 took Kaban's planning, Hippo's tanking and Serval's hitting on it's weak spot to beat it without repercussions (besides aardwolf being rip)
Ep 4 and 10 they ran away from them
Serval couldn't do anything against the big ball cerulean on episode 11, this one is taken down by an experienced cerulean hunter
Big dog took every relevant s1 character to recover Kaban and no attacks were really effective on taking it down

>And S1 ceruleans get melted by fucking WATER.
they don't get melted, they harden and only big dog was shown to have that feature since it was a cerulean formed by crazy amounts of volcanic rock/dust (sandstar low)

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S1 only had the intial one at the bridge, the bigdog which were defeated.
Then there were the ones in fatsnek underground and the bathouse that got avoided, cuz too numerous.
Any I'm forgetting?
anyway, ceruleans in s1 didn't feel as trivial a deal.
>And S1 ceruleans get melted by fucking WATER.
As do pic related, initially

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>Ep 4 and 10 they ran away from them
episode 4 and 9*

I think it was pretty notable that Serval's big hero moment from the final episode is using what she learned from Kaban to create a detraction as opposed to actual fighting.

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>they don't get melted
I mean, they are vulnerable to water.
The anime doesn't say if it only applies to the big dog or not. I makes sense to think that all ceruleans are like that. Mirai & co faced a similar situation with a big cerulean like that too and they had to abandon the island.
>crazy amounts of volcanic rock/dust (sandstar low)
Makes no sense either. Dust doesn't turn to rock just like that.

Also, another thing that bothered me about big dog is how sometimes it's solid (you can hit it) but sometimes it's "liquid" (Kaban literally dives into it to save Serval, or Kaban gets stomped but is actually absorbed).

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That was pretty much the one and only important moment of the series. Serval not only had to overcome her low intelligence but also her fear of fire to make the plane and light it up.

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specially since it's shown twice that she's afraid of fire so it's pretty much implied she had to overcome that fear to light that paper airplane on fire (probably helped by her wild release)

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I’ll have two Japari Buns, a large Japari Bun, Japari Bread with extra dip, a bag of Japari Chips, two Japari Sticks, one with Japari Cheese, and a large Japari Soda

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Does anyone have that FotNS edit with Ieinu?

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>The anime doesn't say if it only applies to the big dog or not
Yep, I specified big dog because it was the only one shown to have the feature and I just implied it to be the certain case of it happening since it's the cerulean who absorved the most matter from the volcano, every cerulean should have some sandstar (volcanic matter) but I wouldn't know if they also would be weak to water because I'm not against the idea of a cerulean made of a bunch of water mixed with sandstar

>Makes no sense either. Dust doesn't turn to rock just like that.
Blame Tsuchi for the theory, you dork owl

>Also, another thing that bothered me about big dog is how sometimes it's solid but sometimes it's "liquid"
(´д` )
Must be it's nature, wouldn't be able to eat fire torches and absorb more sandstar if it was unpenetrable

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You get to see the ruins of a plane in S1 E11, many anons looked at it and eventually determined it to be shaped like that of a B 2 stealth bomber.

We don't know if it was but if it was it definitely wouldn't have been carrying nukes on broad. That's not how nukes are delivered anymore, it was likely going to carpet bomb the shit out of the volcano to stop Ceruleans from being born.

Problem is if there was a war we would have seen more wreckage by the volcano, so it was likely either a token defense made by the officials of Japari Park or it was an evac vessel.

Also back before S2, Ceruleans were a notable threat. Hardly any attacks did any damage to them if it wasn't directed at their core. In S2 it seems just about any competent Friend could murder them with ease so their threat level dropped to annoyance at best. The only Cerulean that seems like a threat is the massive underwater one.

IIRC didn't the Ceruleans in the labyrinth squeeze through wooden fences like they were slimes?

>sometimes it's solid (you can hit it) but sometimes it's "liquid"

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If all ceruleans were vulnerable to water, then one good rain would save the park.

What's to stop them from taking shelter or more spawning from the sandstar?

>she survives

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>it stills hurts

>melted by fucking WATER.
Their turn to stone with salt water.

They never said it was salt water.
Still water though.

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They never melted, and water was only effective vs the final big one. Nothing suggests they are all vulnerable to water. Not to mention they had to sink it in the ocean to kill it. That won't really help much in a war with them. Tank would also get fucked if you throw it into the sea.

>Nothing suggests they are all vulnerable to water.
Nothing suggests they aren't. Small ones aren't a big deal anyway. For the big ones, Mirai said that theirs was afraid of water too.

A literal firefighing truck can kill them.

>entire stone
>They found that the Romans made concrete by mixing lime and volcanic rock to form a mortar.
>The seawater then triggered a chemical reaction, through which water molecules hydrated the lime and reacted with the ash to cement everything together.

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I think it stuns more then killing them.

Mirai's message refers to the black ceruleans in specific

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>water molecules hydrated the lime and reacted with the ash to cement everything together.
Not really the same thing. It's not a spontaneous solidification.

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Which friend would you spoil?

THE black cerulean they had issues with, yeah.

Sandstar is an airborne substance that can create ceruleans on contact with inorganic objects, and the effects of it have likely spread beyond the island of Japari Park. Even if they were defeated by water that would still be a massive potential threat, but it's only ever suggested that a recent offshoot of sandstar creates ceruleans which can't handle water. Otherwise friends would surely have suggested using waterways to get away from ceruleans in the past. They aren't that retarded to never notice such an obvious weakness.

>You get to see the ruins of a plane in S1 E11, many anons looked at it and eventually determined it to be shaped like that of a B 2 stealth bomber.
The over-analysis of virtually every frame for some hidden meaning to support or fuel deranged fan theories is a huge problem, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, none of that stuff was ever confirmed

>but it's only ever suggested that a recent offshoot of sandstar creates ceruleans which can't handle water
It's not really related I think.
And back in Mirai's day, big black ceruleans was weak agaisnt water too.
The whole outburst or sandstar thing in S1 was just an exposition device: they went to the mountain to pretty much just to learn that big dog doesn't like water and likes to follow the sun.

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and a stealth bomber is a stealth bomber
that's literally what the model was

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Big Dog was absorbing sandstar low/raw from the air and using it to regenerate and grow bigger, they had no chance to beat it unless they fixed the filter.

It does look like a bomber but yeah, the rest is indeed over analysing.

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The sign in the picture says something like 'half-way point' which led people to speculate that half the mountain blew up.

Which reminds me where the fuck is the mountain in KF2?

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I know. I'm just saying the Sandstar Raw outburst was a minor thing and that episode used the standard formula of KF1 where trouble happens -> Kaban & Friends have to fix it.

Never said I agreed with them, I personally think it was just an evac plane that got damaged.

>Nothing suggests they aren't

Snow did nothing to them. Only big dog was vulnerable to water.

the small ones die in one hit anyway

maybe it's only ceruleans with a stone that are vulnerable to water

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If the amusement park is submerged a good chance so is the mountain.


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Too much curry.

God, i hate the new designs

If the amusement park is really the park from S1, then 90% of the island should be submerged. I seriously wish they didn't try to link this with S1.

it's user's headcanon. there's a crashed military plane seen in S1, but no real details are given about it. user was headcanoning humanity being extinct back in S1, too. just ignore him.

>sandstar low
we've been over this, retard. there is no such thing as "sandstar low". boss said "rho", in reference to airborne particulate concentration. it's a standardized scientific thing, not a factor specific to kemofre.

Crunchy updated their subs to raw, if that means anything.

you mean directly quoting tsuchinoko?

>Serval and Caracal, who are engaged
They really get around

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Doesn’t seem like much of a finale setup, sequel it is then.
Also serval va is shit and a bitch, fire her.

>Also serval va is shit and a bitch, fire her.

It's a retarded meme he keeps pushing to try to keep these threads dumpster fires the way he likes them.

Man making OC with a mouse is hard

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Last ditch effort to save the series by pandering to /u/fags.

I like the idea but you probably didn't need to draw her looking like Rutger Hauer

I was lazy to trace the entire face

She was disrespectful to the older seiyuus and doesn’t even like anime or the industry since she only took up her job because her brother was nagging her to work.

Again, this is garbage nonsense gossip created by 5ch blogshitters and shouldn't be given any credence.

>source: dude trust me

>hate the voice actor
>not KDKW or Mine

>hate kdkw and mine
>not tatsuki and yaoyo

Owls are fluffy though.

New owls are pretty nice very fluffy looking

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>some user is drawing the post I made a few days ago
Based, thanks.

Did any of you fags buy this, back when it was the only merchandise?

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i only saw them for sale on ebay once, and they were 60$ for both of them. i didn't have the funds. it's the holy grail of kemono merch.

Smug owl

ching chong?


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I love these dumb brats

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okke my bad
sandstar row


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Why do they lump Akainu in this? Whats the lore?

cosplay friends

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Are we the bronies of anime?

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I don't know what else I was expecting when I clicked the image

no, KF isn't as big as pony
we're like the homestuck of anime or something

i don't understand any of what they're saying but it cracks me up seeing the screen covered in red moon runes for some reason

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some user said on an earlier thread that they were joking not even Akainu would treat doggy like that
there was this popular video made prior to episode 9 as well

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>no, KF isn't as big as pony

MLP was big in the west, but not in Japan.
KF was pretty much that for Japan and only for Japan.

>bubo bubo

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I was wondering why there was no KF threads, I hope we have a shit episode so the shitposting get good.

Fucking hell, still piss me off.

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classic /kfg/

Ironically at this point doing Ok is far more damaging then fucking it up. It's better to go down in infamy then be forgotten in mediocrity. They already got silver in worst show may as get the gold as well while they are here.

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And get some dank memes in the process, btw no new nip videos? is nip rage already gone?.

>120 episodes of background porn

Embracing the Nature of Kemono Friends

Backgrounds in KF1 are considered background porn now? Could it be that Tatsuki is the new Makoto Shinkai?

People complaion about "shounenshit" but KF seems to be the true low entry barrier anime for tourist nowadays.

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I know I'm going to get yelled at for mentioning Kemurikusa in the KF thread and vice versa, but I can't help but compare the two. Especially how both tried to introduce a bunch of stuff late in the series only Kemurikusa actually pulled it off well due to proper foreshadowing and setup.

Sugoi! (You) must be a friend who's good at baiting!

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My feels exactly.
But KF wasn't really an original story but more of a mix and match of different ideas from different sources.

I want to see the episode 11 of KF as well, let's compare and contrast both shows

>I want to see the episode 11 of KF as well
But KF1 already has an episode 11.... oh wait, I get it!
>tatsuki show good
>not tatsuki show bad

Truth is, KF1 introduced more messy and undeveloped ideas than KF2.

List them! List them all! We can wait!

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You sound extremely unsettled.

More like good show is good and bad show is bad

>background porn
Backgrounds in KF are either completely blurry because of close-up shots (DoF) or like in pic related (standard cheap technique of quickly paintbrushing, often over real life photos, in photoshop).

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I mean isn't that why people were so excited for the second season in the first place? How does a second season failing to expand on ideas retroactively become the first season's fault for introducing them?

Why is mental illness so prevalent among Tatsuki cultists?
What causes such insane amounts of cognitive bias.

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You know most people who started watching KF1 had no idea who made it, they liked it because it was good.

Yes I know I need to stop giving them (You)s, I'm just in a bad mood today

The article didn't specifically state it but I'm assuming it's an Humboldt since that's what the other penguins look like.

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I was excited about S2 too, hoping it'll expand on S1 and explain more about the world.
But then I realised it just couldn't have happened. I don't think even Mine knows how to explain KF and the series is better as a simple CGDCT anime in my opinion.

Though S1 did introduce some questionable stuff on top of an already questionable world:
- humans are "extinct", not just that the park is abandoned
- water harming ceruleans
- crashed warplane on top of the mountain, implying some kind of conflict
- ceruleum is supposed to give life to inanimate material, yet ceruleans are just blobs of... something
- sending Kaban off the island even though the series, in practice, can't happen outside of Japari Park

People should compare KF1 to Kemurikusa instead and see how KK does things differently even though the two series are very similarly structured.

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>You know most people who started watching KF1 had no idea who made it, they liked it because it was good.
See the bias here?
Somehow you read "KF1 is bad!" even though no one even implied that.
Literally constructing your own reality. Inventing and imagining things is very typical of Tatsuki cultists.

YYZ was told there was going to be a S2 before S1 even ended. It could very well be that Tatsuki held off explaining a few things in S1 because he thought he could go into them with more detail in the second season.

>YYZ was told there was going to be a S2 before S1 even ended.
Source on that?

Also, I doubt they can rewrite the script too much while the anime is already airing.
Kaban and Serval were supposed to leave Japari Park anyway. What kind of S2 would that be if none of the previous cast was there.

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>- sending Kaban off the island even though the series, in practice, can't happen outside of Japari Park
Japari Park is multiple islands, they were going to a different part of the park, Lucky even mentions this.

>Fukuhara states that the decision to go ahead with a 2nd term for Kemono Friends was made in March of 2017
March is like when the 4 last episodes aired (#9 was March 7, Last episode was March 28).
Not much you can change or alter in the script at that point.

Not what he is saying at all, it's more like the production team is a difficult thing to get excited about compared to the show. I remember people posting more about the VAs.

African, it's the only one they have.

>Lucky even mentions this.
I don't really remember Boss saying that but the issue of abandoning the old cast still remains.

I don't really see how the first is a questionable idea, the Friends aren't as smart humans and would easily assume that they were killed off by the Ceruleans. And we know that they're not because of Kaban, though we don't know what kind of state humanity is in.
I will give you the water thing, though it is their core has to be drenched in it. Not that you could defeat them by splashing them, still odd though. We don't know if that is a warplane, that's just speculation. Ceruleum was introduced in S2 not S1, so it falls to S2 to explain why they took the shape of blobs. You even see a blob Cerulean on PPP's stage right before it is killed in S2. As it has been explained several times before Japari Park is a series of islands, Kaban and co were sailing to another island. They would die of starvation if they tried for Japan.
Japari Park is a series of islands, Kaban and Serval were more likely traveling to another region in the park because otherwise would mean suicide. Also just because they were going to a different part of the park doesn't mean that they would be abandoned for a new cast.

Reminds me of this

>They would die of starvation if they tried for Japan.
It's probably not canon now but in the Keroro event in the nexon game they mentioned that the Keroro characters would turn back to their old selves if they left the park and the influence of the sandstar. I don't like the idea of Serval turning back into an animal and Kaban turning back into a hair if the strayed to far from the park.

By me.

>The owl has a rather notable defense mechanism. When faced with a similar-sized predator (like another owl slightly larger than it) the bird flares its wings to appear larger. When faced with something much larger than itself (such as an eagle), it pulls its feathers inwards, elongates its body, and narrows its eyes to thin slits.

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I haven't seen a scan myself, but according to the Japanese wikis, there's a bit in Guidebook 6 where it says that the Friends consume Sandstar to continue existing and if they run out of Sandstar they turn back into their original form. That's usually not an issue in the park due to all the micro fragments of Sandstar spread around, but if leaving it they will soon run out. There was a Sandstar holder made to allow Friends to leave the park without turning back into animals though.


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What about vaping sandstar?

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