Fuck moot, 2hu should've stayed in Yea Forums
God I want to pettan their pettans
This. /jp/ is a dead board
We can still bruteforce 2hu threads by mentioning any of the dozens of manga it has much like how Yea Forums can do it with all the games.
Unlike Yea Forums we're reclining
>like how Yea Forums can do it with all the games.
true, the 2hu threads there are always pretty fun. But Yea Forums seems to be quite a bit more active and the mods there are essentially non-existent most of the time so it makes it more likely that a 2hu thread will reach bump limit.
Not to mention they have actual consistent 2hu games to talk about without gaining the ire of the mods. But hey, we have this thread now. Might as well make the most out of it.
Fuck Clownpiece. That is all.
2hu has the sexiest girls.
I'll make this thread Yea Forums relevant, what the fuck is gonna happen now?
Dare I post a 2hu who actually has a chest? I think so
This has never not been the case.
Wait what the fuck. What the fuck is going on there, I dropped Wild hermit for a while to let the chapters build up but apparently I gotta dive right the fuck back in.
When are the good old days coming back
>he hasn't caught up with WAHH
Reimu defeats the handjob queen.
Two touhou threads on Yea Forums!
I don't know but
>making us wait two months for part two of the same chapter
come the fuck on you cunts
I haven't caught up to anything. I keep picking up shows and manga while they're ongoing and then dropping them after I catch up whilst telling myself
>I'll come back when its finished
I honestly don't remember the last time I've finished a seasonal anime. I didn't even finish Kemono Friends or Yuru Camp which was probably AOTY.
Fuck me I miss this
>I didn't even finish Kemono Friends or Yuru Camp which was probably AOTY.
I recomend seppuku to regain your honor
Christ the last game I played seriously was the one where my wife Reisen finally got the center stage.
How many games have come out aince then? And is there any manga still worth reading that isn't the fairies one?
>just seppuku
You're too kind user. My own theory on why I feel like I've got this weird aversion to finishing anime/manga is because of the awful feeling I get after completing a really good manga/show. I just can't stand the feeling of "there's none left".
Okina will defeat oni kasen
What the fuck Kasen is an oni!?
I love Yuugi and Komachi
Sanae is here!
Its upsetting that no one ever got that Touhou anime they only played in some stores or some shit. Wasnt it made by Ufotable?
I just realised this thread might be a good place to ask. Does anyone recognise the first song in this video, that ends at about 4:05
I recognise the theme as Kid's Festival Innocent Treasures by ZUN. But I have no idea which cover it is specifically. I've been searching around for a while now but no luck.
It was a one time private screening. Nobody has seen it.
ZUN's theme song. It's from music CD, it doesn't appear on any game though.
I have some leaks, they stay and sleep at a hotel at one point. But I think ZUN went too far with it.
Would you happen to know what specific cover or rendition that, that song is? I know its a long shot to ask but I gotta try anyways.
Isnt she cold?
No, she's hot.
Read the comments, idiot.
>was the one where my wife Reisen finally got the center stage
LoLK? You're in luck then since there are only one main game since then. Two spin-off as well; a fighting game and StB-like.
>And is there any manga still worth reading that isn't the fairies one?
WaHH is entering the climax apparently. A two-parter, so might wanna wait until the second one.
What's Yea Forums's opinion on Sanae's purity?
The evidence for Sanae being a slut is that she was a normal schoolgirl from the modern era.
Well that counts for 90% of all modern anime girls too, so if she's a slut, so are they.
I support every "X is a slut" meme and post them regularly.
So yes, Sanae is a slut.
It's a dumb joke that got old a long time ago. Same goes for stuff like Sakuya pads or midget Eiki.
Tired memes never die.
Cirno is still the strongest by the way :^)
i sense a power bigger than cheeses
None purer.
Why don't non-h doujin manga get any discussion on Yea Forums?
Normalfags don't read doujinshi.
this is very cute, is there more?
Flandre is the superior scarlet sister
Why not just combine the two instead?
For most of the site that's almost an oxymoron
Just the way it should be. No reason to ever go there now. We should all stay here and never browse /jp/!
Post Japanese Goblins
Ellie is a fucking slut!
is there touhou anime worth watching?
There can be only one.
Which one?
Because retards think doujin=lewd. It's a shame since there's a lot of great fanworks.
it's called /qa/
Girls are sleeping
hifuu club activity record
thanks user, I will take a look at that
2hus are too lewd and make people horny.
*crushes your balls*
I know. It's great.
It is!
I remember the old pettanbot on Yea Forums and how enraged people used to get. What an innocent time.
Just imagine how many new pettanko there are since then.
There are three full volumes of Suwako-to
Left or right. Choose wisely Yea Forums.
Shitty asspull plot twist. It was never mentioned or referenced anywhere that Kasen was an oni. ZUN is a hack
You'll go to hell for what your dirty mind is thinking.
> favourite track
> Your fetish
Chinese tea
Leg locking
Suika is the cutest
Finally an excuse to post this
I want /jp/ to stay
I did it, a couple days ago I finally got into getting my ass kicked in the games and I can't clear normal mode!
also please post clownpiece
UFO Romance
here you go user
Nuclear Fusion
Really stupid girls
It is spring!
Why is my daughter Noa dressed up as a winged onahole?
Because they're usually embarrassingly bad and/or edgy
I really like Memories of Phantasm but it makes people so butthurt