This is Shonen Jump Big 13 adventures and action shonen (no spokon, comedies or romcom included). Say something nice to them
This is Shonen Jump Big 13 adventures and action shonen (no spokon, comedies or romcom included)...
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Where's Black Clover king of shonen
MHA doesn't belong there
Assblasted clovercucks. I like this thread
Black Clover is the best shonen in last 5-years. Just look at the current Jump line up.
One Piece is shit since TS. MHA is bad from the start and only got popular because normies are into capeshit. Huntet x Hunter is as good as Black Clover but it's always in hiatus.
One Piece and Black Clover are good.
MHA and HxH are trash.
Based Goku being the one leading. 2019 and One Piece is still a very minor title compared with the legendary Dragon Ball
>i-its good cuz i say so
insecure just like hunterfags are we
>DB : 360 mil
>OP : 450 mil
Spics are fucking retarded
Unironically only a single good show there.
>posting the 2nd most popular Jojo part
wtf hunterchads
I thought hxh was a seinen....
Compare them with sales per volume and not total (DB: 42 volumes, OP: +90). Dragon Ball completely destroys One Piece and everything else
didn't the mangaka for the red one with the face scar get caught for owning real cp?
DB 42 million
OP 91 million
>Togashi has two hits
Confirmed that other WSJ mangaka are one hit wonders.
One Piece will have more by end.
Every time I have to remember that Ushio to Tora was in Weekly Shonen Sunday.
Both of those hits combined sold less than Bleach
Dragonball is also much bigger outside of the manga. Even in Japan DB games do better for example. One Piece only managed to sell games well during the very peak of the series, but beforehand and afterwards everything does badly.
what happened with dragon ball super manga chief?It was supposed to be popular.Dragon ball just got lucky with it's timing.Had it been released today it would be jackshit
>DB games do better
>Less reps in JF
>One Piece world seeker a hit
>Dragon ball just got lucky with it's timing.Had it been released today it would be jackshit
Every successful series has been lucky with its timing, the reason why Dragon Ball wouldn't be successful today it because Dragon Ball has already existed and influenced many other works, so you are right, but you are stupid because you say a simple thing that is obvious to anybody with half a brain and also means nothing.
But dragon ball is super popular according to you.Why does dragon ball super sell like shit?
HxH belongs in the big 1 soft seinen
Take herocaca out and put assassination classroom and then it is acceptable
tv anime of kiddy manga sells like trash. This is true for BNHA, HxH, OP etc as well.
Which one?
It's a Seinen, disguised as a Shonen.
The manga also sells like trash. That is not true for Bnha, hxh, op etc
>One Piece is more popular than Dragon Ball
>one piece chap tomorrow
That's wrong.
HxH 72 million as of 2018(number probably increased since then)
YYH 50 million
That's more than Bleach and in less volumes
If Togashi wasn't a lazy fuck he'd complete decimate Ble*ch.
>20 years in publication
>72 mil worldwide
>Not Mankin
Zoom Zoom
>OP has 10 times more than DBS
Because it's bad.
Really bad.
It has none of Toriyama and to a lesser extent the former decent WSJ editors fingerprints on it and it shows.
Modern Shounen fag editors suck and toyotaro is a fanfiction mangaka who's affections and what he got out of DB is not inline with the rest of the fandom.
They should have scoured the net for the best fanfiction artists/writers and mangaka to do the new DBS and then just created a bunch of small side stories about the expanded universe that would allow EoZ to happen then went beyond EoZ.
Had Toriyama and those old editors look over their stories and occasionally pop in to look in on them.
36 volumes only.
And considering how little effort Togashi puts in like half the series the sales are simply absurd.
I hate DBS but DBS is a monthly series, you can't compare it to OP.
Not to mention that it's a cash-in shitty spin-off, the fact that it's doing this well is insane.
Just imagine somebody doing a shitty sequel/spin-off of One Piece 20 years after it ends and selling it this much.
HxH only sells 1 mil a volume now.
If it's gets more volumes then it will have less per volumes than Bleach.
Don't forget that Bleach sold without any promotion from Shueisha.
>HxH only sells 1 mil a volume now.
That's a huge number(sometimes it even reaches 2 millions), Bleach couldn't pull numbers like that in its last 5-6 years consistently...and that's with Kubo releasing volumes consistently.
>Don't forget that Bleach sold without any promotion from Shueisha.
Bleach anime was huge promotion.
And HxH was a consistent million seller even when it didn't have an anime, whether that'd be the period between 1999/2003 OVAS and 2011 anime or the period we're in right now.
Togashi's selling power is scary, he could sell you shit on a stick.
Do Hokuto no Ken and Saint Seiya deserve to be in this list, anons?
Thank you for being a major reason as to why anime is popularly believed to be for retards and kids with mediocre shallow storytelling. Thank you
Now can people make actually good stuff mainstream instead of this garbage
>one pissfags trying to dicksuck superior shonen fanbase to stay relevant
Big yikes
>Black Clover is the best shonen in last 5-years.
Even Act-Age is better desu.
no comedies?
you mean gag manga?
is that SJ gachagame or card game? where can i find all the cards
do burgers deserve to talk about manga?
There's nothing big about boku no pico academia
My hero academia is fucking trash
Atleast Bleach released volumes and made more money in an year. HxH was never a part of the big 3. Bleach anime was stopped and HxH got a reboot.
>adventures and action shonen
>Death Note
It's a psychological thriller I guess, but calling it an action shonen seems incredibly off
>One Piece world seeker a hit