>She will never whip you into being her obedient slave
why even live?
She will never whip you into being her obedient slave
God, the things she could do with that tounge
>not wanting to subdue her and make her your little pet that genuinelly loves you instead
>Not making her your slave
Shit taste, user. Shit fucking taste.
I am disgusted by you people
that's a big yikes for me
>Wanting monster pussy
The only thing any of you people SHOULD want is to see all monsters suffer slow, agonizing deaths
Beta males
>pretending to be a chad on Yea Forums and Yea Forums of all places
>Not switching roles ever other week
Would be interesting if Amai Mask turned out to end up fucking her.
I can't believe she's FUCKING D E A D
Post mortem?
Based and I dare say Redpilled
Oh really? I didn't notice. Must be very subtle.
>being insecure
>man dominating woman
>pretty much the least kinky fetish there is
So what is it like to be a boring normalfag?
Necrophilia isnt a problem
I'm more bothered that her speech is normal despite that abnormally long tongue.
Next One Hurricane when??
>why even live?
Because all monsters deserve to die.
I'd rather be normal than a basedboi
Why is viz behind anyway? Is there a contract that they have to stay several chapters behind or are they playing catchup?
>it's the best of both worlds
>she'll never slither her tongue up your butthole to tickle your prostate while simultaneously giving you a reach around
is the one where she visits saitama without panties translated yet?
Absolutely patrician
That's a Tamandua.
A woman's place is on her knees and begging.
pretending to be a chad ≠ hating femdom
I just noticed you can unzip her panties
Always prepared.
I concur
>being a pussy
These, this is what she really wants. ONE and Murata trigger the betas with the truth.
>ONE and Murata trigger the betas with the truth
This. She wasn't the only woman on her knees multiple times, just remember Fubs.
Puri is best girl anyway.
>gee I hope there's a new chapter soon
>it's the same chapter again redrawn
>the differences are inconsequential
Thank God, I fucking hate filler.
She deserved it along with her EVIL henchmen. (And two women)
I hope Puri defets the cat Dragon monster. He's too good and doesn't deserve to be a jobber like Top Tank.
I'd let her rinse my colon
post all double spreads
I mean, I'd choose that out of sheer convenience. She'd literally kill you without a second thought if she was the Dom.