The Great Debate

Which shonen MC has the cutest smile?

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Deku. He can smile so cute it makes Baku have a mental breakdown.

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This makes me uneasy for some reason

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Luffy smiling when he sees his future wife makes me happy

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Luffy, Deku has a vaccant cuck smile

Lufy and Naruto look like faggots so one of the above.

Deku>Narto>Luffy>God in smiles
Opposite in being a good character

I'm so fucking disappointed that this shit gets more than 10 serious replies.

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Gon easily. Notice how out of the four of them, only Gon has his eyes and mouth wide open, implying that his smile is truly genuine and he's not afraid to look forward, while the others have their eyes and mouth closed implying that they're afraid to look at what's in front of them and they're actually grinding their teeth in despair deep inside. This is why Togashi is my favorite artist in the modern age as he truly understands the human psyche.

Here we go again

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Can't you huntards just fuck off

high IQ post

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Based hunterchad

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Smiling with your eyes fully open is a sign of psychopathy.

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I purposefully chose that image of Gon just to see this post. You didn't let me down, hunterchad

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He isn't mc.

Based Togashi uses his vast knowledge of mental disorders to superbly construct his characters.

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Feels good to be a hunterchad

Step aside

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I prefer this one

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Naruto. Gon isn't honest and Luffy and Midoriya are ugly

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There's no other option.

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Gon is a psychopath.

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For me, it's Yoh.

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this guy.

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holy... BASED


Gon's is pretty soul less. Like I know he's a goku copy but still

Corazon has the best smile.

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I feel like Gon fake smiles.

When killua smiles its genuine because he's smiling thanks to Gon.

not MC but best smile ever

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My man Takumi of course, literally won over the Ice queen with it

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If his priority was only to save people like the narrative tries to claim, then he could have tried to become a doctor, but no being a doctor isn't KEWL.

>B-but muh notes!!
Why do MHAtards pretend that keeping track of your hobby is hard work? I've seen kids make higher quality scouting reports for the nba draft

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Gon is such a stupid fuck

the fuck is with his stupid ass fucking hair?

I know most anime hair is pretty fucking dumb but Gon's takes the cake.

Why are hxh fans so fucking delusional? shit as fucking anime with a down syndrome looking fucking MC.

kill yourselfs

a. Bog standard "Open mouth is a smile right?" face, missing lower teeth. Try it, open your mouth and hide you bottom teeth. It's dooable, but awkwardly unnatural. Also tongue is swollen seek medical attention.

b. Meek but reasonable. I can see all his teeth and his mouth looks proper, but the eyebrows and blush conflict the meaning behind the smile out of context.

c. Is that a smile, or a barring of teeth? I legitimately cannot tell. Eyebrows make it even more misleading, especially since Naruto squints all the damn time. And no mouth curve to give any hints.

d. Anime eyes, meet anime mouth, teeth are bigger than his eyes. But his mouth is pointed in the right direction with his eyes and eyebrows convey a happy smile. The lower ears give the impression of a head tilt which adds to the effect.

Final results; d > b > c > a

PS, unintended to make Luffy "D"

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luffy is the worst, oda still can't draw faces, same with luffy face when ace died

Lots of faggot MCs here

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Thread is over

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kill yourself

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