Hataraku Saibou 2nd Season!

Who's ready for more cute clumsy hijinks and biology trivia?

There's also a PV but you need a JP proxy to watch it.

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I know I am but I sure hope the budget is bigger this time around

I got pretty bored with S1. I probably won't watch it.


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That's the problem with manga adaptations.
Whatever works in the source material, doesn't necessaarily have to work in anime form.

And having the studio rush out the later episodes to make it for JoJo's release didn't help matters, either.

>not a black adaptation
Disappointed but happy

Didn't season 1 flop hard though? How did this happen?

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BD sales barely matter anymore. It was doing great in streaming and other areas.


Don't you remember all those crosspormotions with blood clinics, schools and what-not?
The show didn't exactly do great with the otaku (i.e. ridiculously overpriced episode DVDs/BRs), but it was absolutely successfull in other fields not living on autism.


I don't even remember the story since it was a long time ago. Brief me pls

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Here's the script.

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Don't cut your wrists, otherwise your platelets will suffer.

Worst cell

>2nd season of overrated memeshit
Who cares?

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But will they adapt the Good Bacteria arc?

>Season 1
It was one of the best-selling shows of its season.

Any sources on the promotions? Never knew about it until now

I love this show. I want Kirra Zeru san to bully me

Here's the Australian one. They also did this all around SE Asia and Japan, obviously.

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And we dont want that to happen

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Is the manga out of hiatus yet?

Yay for more Platelet porn

What the fuck? I give blood on the regular and I never knew about this crossover.

>normalfags start forcing their don't lewd meme before anyone even had many lewd thoughts about the platelets
>this ends up bringing attention to them because they spammed pixiv with that kind of shit
>Japs notice how lewd those simple designs can be and start producing a ton of lewd art
Remembering that development always brings a smile to my face.

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yeah I got pretty fucking excited for a second

Did you have remember to eat peanuts to boost your platelet count today, anons?

Your loli platelets love you, even if you don't love yourself!

Don't ask me, ask Aussies.

>Get to watch pre-screenings if you donate blood.
For real, though. Red Cross should do more stuff like this.

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I just took some aspirin to bully them

Never forget

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I am an Aussie, that's why I'm confused I didn't know about it.

For what? It's not like it was big budget show in first place.

You stalkershitters are completely out of touch with your saleshit. This season has 2 shows that flopped in terms of physical sales. Stop thinking your bait has any relevance anymore.

>stop liking things I don't
Go suck dick somewhere else you faggot

Sometimes a show being a total flop that nobody watched or bought is not enough to contain its power and stop it from getting a second season.

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I love how Hand Shakers out of all things got a second season.

>implying Japan gives a shit about dumb gaijins
Yeah, I'm sure they brought attention to it. How could anyone notice otherwise?

Just check some of the oldest platelets images on pixiv, I doubt they're the only reason but given how quick they were to start that shit and the amount of western anti-lewd images in there it kind of gives that feeling.


Lets celebrate bros

Does this have a different studio? The one doing S1 was fucking incompetent and completely ruined the show by making it like JoJo.

The platelets were definitely the best thing about this show.

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my penis is ready for more ARA ARA

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My favorite was the dumb RBC maincharacter. It's a damn shame there's still no good doujinshi with her.

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Just go watch 9/10 shows with that voice actor, she does the same performance and delivery for every role she's in.

Is there even enough material? They'll probably cover from where S1 and the OVA ended until the good bacteria arc but I'm not sure if that's enough for a full cour

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Okay, can I get my Red Blood Cell nendoroid now? Though if I remember right, she’s barely in the chapters that season 2 will adapt.

>no BLACK adaptation
Damn it, maybe next time.

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We'll get that OVA one day

It's a fine show I gave it a 6.

>Hanakana anime gets shilled ad nauseum
more news at 10


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>BLACK gets licensed
>scanlators very likely to drop it
Every time. "CODE BLACK" is a pretty decent localization for the title at least.

Never realized it got licensed, that's cool

Based cunts

I don’t see a problem.

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Post plateletified RBC-chan and RBC-ified Platelet-chan.

Top Dork!

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Platelet-chan has digivolved!

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Part 6 better be adapted perfectly.

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It was actually one of the better selling shows of its season and got a pretty good manga boost.

What the fuck did they do to my loli platelet?!

Hanakana is old and busted.

Improvement. Covered eyes are cute.

And barely any relevant these days. I don't understand why people still have an issue with her.

>Old and busted
>barely relevant

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>its not black
its shit

I mean, back during her popular days people hated her because she was everywhere. That's no longer the case.

You have to be lower than a secondary/speedwatcher to see HS as a memeshit.

Careful with that edge, son.


Imagine RBC-chan touching blood vessel walls and pushing them.
>Platelets and RBC/WBCs are in an unfamiliar environment, clueless about where in the body are they
>Platelets are soon working hard to coagulate blood, WBCs are fighting against bacteria, RBCs are in panic, trying to run away from them
>Suddenly, massive boulders of a scorched foreign substance descend like meteors, something unlike anything they've seen before
>As RBCs are terrified at the sight of these charred boulders, the earthquake caused by their landing impact, and the desperate cries of the cells that were contaminated by them, a rain of even more of these foreign objects start pouring

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