Houseki No Kuni

>tfw Striborg has yet to show and translate new leaks

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Other urls found in this thread:

Any predictions on who attacked Phos?

Phos looked behind as she got destroyed and there were swords around sensei in the last panel. Was it all the gems? Or was it rutile showing up fashionably late .

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To be honest it was probably the earth gems, especially considering the visuals of the other leaked pages we got today.

Alright the first couple times were funny but for real, why are the threads being targeted for deletion? It seems like we dump the leaks and then poof

Are we not yelling about how we love phos enough?

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Yeah, you're right. I'm dumb for not noticing the fact their arms are literally in swinging positions

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you guys just relax and wait for the new chapter

Fuck off. The new chapter is here, it just needs to be translated you asshole.

It’s because people are whining about the threads being deleted in the OP post.
Also that

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tumors need to be removed


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start with yourself.

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Just finished the show. Is there a lot more to read afterwards? Season 2 when? Why do I want to fuck a rock?

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Maybe a happy chapter ya think?

>Post diamonds

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there are about 40 chapters after the manga gets to the spot the anime ended off on. Season 2 not yet confirmed

Thanks for the info my man

Everyone but Bort attacked Phos

Wake me up in two days when the full chapter is out and the threads are anything more than a thousands newfags replying to a single shitposter baiting over and over

Well, there are 8 swords being thrown in those two pages, so only a half of the gems were in the execution squad

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Rock threads actually worth a damn:

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Everyone who has an arm extended attacked Phos. Berserk!Rutile likely attacked twice.

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It looks like Rutile, Amethyst, Zirocn, Melon, Nepti and pic related, literally who? attacked him.

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hree you go user.

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What is the TL status?

Oh, I forgot about Peridot.

5 min

5 hours

Nice general retards

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What do you think about our next protagonist, Red Diamond?

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Imagine how fucking destroyed frail Fluorite got after every rape session.

Dead and not coming back.

I want someone to avenge Phos and shittalk everyone about how they mistreated her so badly.

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Hardness 10, to the point her body is taking form faster than the others. HE'S COMMING BACK.

God i want it so badly. I want the other gems to feel bad of what they made!

Fuck you. And the gem you like is the worst one for sure.

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oh man, sure is a lot of discussion going on here. if only there was something like leaks to talk about or something

What do you want to talk about?

Posting Leaks
>We should spread the fragments around before he can reach them...
>You're right
Striborg. Two Threads ago.

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i love Phos but hate LaPhos

literally garbage tier

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Would the insides of Ghost/cairngorm's mouth be black or white?

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No point in doing so until we get the full chapter.
I mean, if you want, I can talk about how these threads are pathetic and serve next to no purpose. As shown by it being up for 9 hours and we're not even at 50 posts.

Fuck off Jadeposter. We have leaks that have been untranslated.

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>I'm begging-
Striborg. Two threads ago.

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You know I'm right and this thread is proof. Even with the leaks being posted right now there will be no one talking about them. I fully expect someone to reply and do a half hearted attempt to try and prove me wrong, but it'll most likely be someone screaming about the happening or something along those lines.

No, You are the biggest fag in these threads. I hope you kill yourself. The reason why no one is talking about the leaks is because they are still untranslated. How about you stop being a fag and actually contribute instead of whining like a little bitch.

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what the fuck they were translated

Only the first set of leaks were translated.


What's wrong, do you hate HnK so much that you have to false flag as liking the series and then try to kill threads by labeling everyone as a newfag?

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Then post the translations then.

>haha I'm broken, nope cant pray www

where can i download the manga

I miss this so much. Why can't we get Ghost back

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These aren't generals you retard. These are discussion threads. We only ever get one week in a month to be a thread on here, so fuck off as you are clearly the newfag here.

In the usual places.

Cairn won't be Ghost's host body again and a synthetic one wouldn't work. But more importantly, Phos can't be allowed to have friends.

the suffering never ends does it?

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sure is a lot of discussion in this 'not general' then.
>you hurt my feelings so you must be an evil newfag!

Attached: Good Ghost.png (508x612, 241K)

Fuck off. You weren't the person I responded to.

i can only find a few chapters

How badly do you think it would backfire if Phos' moonie eye were replaced with Ghost's eye?

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Not badly at all. Phos has super inclusion which wouldn't be affected by Ghost's influence.

thanks senpai

Okay, now what if Phos was covered entirely by Ghost, or at least as much as possible?

No problem

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I think Phos' inclusions are strong enough to complete assimilate another gem regardless of the amount of Phos actually left or the amount or strength of the other inclusions.

What is the princefag saying

We don't know. We need a translation.


$5 bet that what he says is bullshit


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Striborg comes to every thread that doesn't have the leaks, get the first four pages and translated them. After that he simple vanishes (when the same was badly craving more leaks)

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Phos will be fine if someone puts him back together, although I'm not sure how that's going to happen seeing as the lunarians probably won't bother to try and rescue Phos and the Earth gems definitely don't want to reconstruct Phos

All of you asking for leaks. Have you ever considered learning japanese?

>sensei, just wanted to say sorry why shoot fucking swords at me they're not even ranged weapons
>learn to fight lol
>so craig turned to be mad pussy bitch craving for lunarian cock every hour, also alex wants to become berserk forever
>i guess we doing fine
>nice hair bortz lol
>now show me glowing hands
>*he shows glowing hands*
>fuck nigga it's too bright
>it's time for some good dicking
>do you like how my hands glow?

Absolutely based. Thank Striborg

He'll be Phos' torso. We'll get a dream sequence like the Lapis one with him.


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Who's bringing what remains of Ghost down to Phos? I'm not even sure the Earth gems won't dump Phos' frgaments in the middle of the ocean with how they've treated him

It wouldn't matter, since the eye thing is bullshit.

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It would give Phos a feeling of self preservation at least.

now THIS is the translation I was looking for.

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>>fuck nigga it's too bright

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>yeah, now im gonna sleep for years because im bad at being lighting bulb (unlike your eye)
>thanks master scholar
>now enjoy getting shoot with swords again

(Well, kinda messed up translation in )
Here what phos really says:

thats so autistic
how do gems hear huh

Oh I think I get it now, it reacted to phos's request because he's the closest thing to human since he's comprised of all three human fragments (gem body, moon eye, and shell)

Don't fucking impersonate my Striborg, or I'll fucking kil-

It doesn't matter. Artistic License, that's how.

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Vibrations in the air move tiny thin strand shaped crystalisations deep within their ear chamber.

>He'll be Phos' torso.
Fuck that, Phos will be Red Dia's torso. I want to see Aechmea getting brutally reamed

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Striborg here, these threads have become too bad for me.


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>tfw fags are still trying to impersonate Striborg

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You know eyes aren't necessary for spatial awareness right? Your cerebellum and pineal gland do that for you to an extent.

me on the left

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>the island is shaped like a penis

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All of them have their arms positioned as though they just threw something, their swords are around sensei. So they had a firing squad for Phos.

In any case the gems on the Earth and on the Moon aren't worth saving, I hope Phos becomes the bringer of the end times for them all.

Who says I'm not the real deal? Besides, whatchhu gon do bout it?

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I hope Striborg comes back to give us actual translations soon.

So they killed her off for good?

Man, at least I did it for lulz and thrust vectoring
You just being a faggot

Nah, it's just that the route to getting put back together is possibly going to be more complicated than normal. Short of getting atomized by Sensei's prayer beams, Phos isn't dying

you're both faggots. quit it


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Wow, the other gems were actually trying to defend Phos with their sword throwing. Didn't see that coming.

God I wish!

tip top kek

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>cutting long hair short
>blue/white eyes
Is this the legendary self hatred of Phosphophyllite?

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Was that confirmed? I don’t remember

Ghost hasn't been brought up once, but I think it's a reasonable assumption that Ghost doesn't function without Cairngorm beneath

I would have to imagine that if a part of Phos was to be reattached to another (unsuspecting) gem, he would forcibly take control or at least manipulate them into reassembling him.

I think it's more likely that either Sensei, Shitsha or >Benito rescue Phos from this one.

A distinct possibility, but he might be told explicitly not to
Seems to have given up entirely on Phos
Going to be too busy being Alex's minder on the moon after she goes perma red

Ichikawa is proud of you

>please pray for the lunarians
>I know you're broken
>but only you can save them
>not only for the lunarians' sake
>for the gemns and the admirabilis
>the three descendants of the humans who you loved
>for everyone's well-being
>for the first time
>I passed the authentication!
>call her over
>I have to tell her something important
>even if it's your wish, I can't do it
>something is contracting
>you are right
>I have a fatal defect

>>call her over
>>I have to tell her something important
Thank you user.

>call her over
>I have to tell her something important
Man fuck this guy

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> call her over
"call her over"? Did he really said her, not "him"?


Who is Ape?

Honestly idk. It said あの子, literally "that child".
Who could be "him"?

Cicada's lookalike

Is Ach going to try and exfiltrate Phos?

him are all gems, if he said him he could refer to Phos or Craig, any gem or any lunarian. If he said her - it can be only someone new.
But "that child" is most most likely Carag.

Phos said no to that and he seemed fine with it, so probably not.
His lack of emotion makes him hard to read, I still find it odd how disproportionate his reaction to Cairn going to pick up Phos was compared to everything else that's happened. Sensei is doing something that makes him look seconds away from praying the lunarians away and he's completely nonchalant about it?

inb4 the fatal defect for a robot is to have emotions

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He can't pray without compassion though, which is an emotion. The "fatal flaw" is him not having any compassion for lunarian scum

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that's not a bug that's a feature

>but only you can save them
>not only for the lunarians' sake
>for the gemns and the admirabilis
>the three descendants of the humans who you loved
>for everyone's well-being
That's really interesting, I didn't expect Phos to be already this conscious of his duty to all three races -not to mention that he says this in front of Sensei and the gems who definitely aren't on the same page with the bone-spirit-flesh thing


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>>for the first time
>>I passed the authentication!
Is that Sensei saying that? It seems like it's not coming from him given how the speech bubbles look

Nice to see the Euclase "literally look outside" post living on, I'm not on board with the autistic hate but that pasta was really good

If there is no human realm to be reborn into what is the point of Sensei praying away Lunarians sins? They obviously don't have any way to acquire karma.

That page and the Aechmea one come one after the other, round bubbles pointing to no one are usually spoken by someone who's out of field so there's a 99% possibility it in fact is Aechmea speaking

They don't want to be reborn into the six realms of existence (which the moons already represent), they want to pass over to what we call nirvana. Amitabha's pure land (which they are trying to make the moon into for their Amitabha -Kongo) is the paradise-like place supposed to facilitate the passing to achieving buddha-hood and nirvana because all people have the nature of buddha inside them but praying and pleading to Amitabha is supposed to facilitate your rebirth into the pure land and to nirvana from there
Ichikawa is basically saying that saying nembutsu a lot won't grant you salvation if you do evil and care for nothing and no one

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Aren't Lunarians deva and ghost tier? Everything about them seems lazy and insolent. They go through physical pleasure but lack the opportunity to improve their karma because nothing they choose has true karmic weight due to not being in the realm of the human. Ghosts always beg their progeny to pray away their karma so they can reincarnate into the cycle.

Assuming it's Karen here, what could he tell her? This still is the literal day after the wedding so it could be something that always was part of his long con
And if it's not Karen, who could it be?
>yfw it's a weaponized Yellow or Padpa

>what could he tell her?
Yeah honey I don't need you anymore

So, Aechmea knows how to get past Sensei's login screen. Now what?


The Ksitigarbha is supposed to be responsible for the instruction of all the beings in those six worlds until the rise of the Maitreya. I feel like we have two conflicting schools of thought on Phos' allegorical role. Is Phos going to become the actual Pure Land, or is Phos the Maitreya which will lead those to enlightenment?

>be Karen
>be lunarian princess eating beaming macaroons
>page suddenly pops up telling the prince wants to see me. He seens energetic!
>extra time with hubby!
>hoping for kissy time? hoping for kissy time.
>enter his office
>he's raging the fuck out
>all personel already puff'd
>what the heck? Did i made something wrong?
>look a cc monitors
>he's fucking shattered
>call Cicada
>Cicada is hidden warlord
>"it's war"
>he gets the message
>Kissy and touch-touchy time to calm hubby while armada is being organized

That's whats gonna happen. I DM'd Ichikawa. Oh, Almost forgot.

>Benito is in the armada somehow(?)
>Ame truly turns into a Space Pirate Amethyst'84

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Remember when he was white and straight? Good times.

You mean cis?

He was gay with Phos. Now she's a girl in a straight relationship with David Bowie.

I for one I think it's actually likely that moonies are genuinely trying to just disappear. The story and the moonies themselves frame it in terms of nirvana but it's honestly more akin to wanting to die for good, and we have multiple characters express this in a seemingly genuine way, only the wheel of samsara has stopped since the extinction of humanity.
On the question of their nature, that's something that used to be debated a lot a year or so ago, but the discussion died out for the lack of any significant conclusion. I wouldn't say they are too much like hungry ghosts because those have a very specific lore associated to them, especially in Japan, and there's basically nothing of that here. I think their aesthetic is an amalgamation of human with some elements of devas (especially evident in the Cicada-like warriors and their weapons and Aechmea's Yamantaka form) and hungry ghosts (they show that tail-like bottom half sometimes), technically the bunny ears could point to the animal realm (although they're probably just a reference to the Tsuki no Usagi, plus there's actual dogs around and Shiro became a weird animal-Deva amalgam)

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You say Phos is a boy?


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>not squishy goldpussy
Bad taste

>disgusting gold-leaking gemhole
>not pretty yummy gemdick
Trash taste

>him are all gems
Please refer to step five(3)
>If he said her - it can be only someone new.
He didn't say "her", he said "あの子". Don't go deducing stuff from contextless translations. I don't know who he called for, but it's probably Craig, and あの子 is usually used either for girls or really small boys.

is this amputee porn?

Now that's a good question.

What was he expecting in the first place? Let's think logically at the options of Phos asking Sensei to pray.
1. The command doesn't go through
2. Command goes through, Sensei cannot materially execute it
3. Command goes through, Sensei effectively carries to end whatever praying does

Was Aechmea expecting option 1? If the pearl eye really has the human particle, that's probably not the case.
Was he expecting option 2? What good would making sure once and for all that Sensei cannot pray do that couldn't be achieved by telling Phos "go ask him" from the get go?
Was he really expecting option 3? Is it possible that he was actually sincere for once, but had contingency plans just in case?

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You didn't get me, I don't want to argue about pronounce. But in manga use male or something neutral like this. If he would literally said "her" he couldn't refer to gems or any of lunarians we know. That's why it was it was important to ask.

>it was

>call Cicada
>Cicada is hidden warlord
>"it's war"
You didn't get the memo last time?

>Ame truly turns into a Space Pirate Amethyst'84
yes please

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The gems referred to each other as "he" because they were raised by Kongo. It makes sense to translate what Aechmea says as "call her" since he literally sissified Cairngorm and is obviously a creepy tranny chaser.

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Guys calm down these are just leaks and I don't even know Japanese all that well. Surely PAS will figure out what pronoun to use when the whole chapter comes out.

Long hair Laphos was taken away too soon (especially ponytail Laphos) and I'm disproportionally mad about that
>RIP long hair Chapter 46 - chapter 48, gone but not forgotten

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Well it's true if he is talking about Karen which I believe is a case, but we don't know for sure.

He doesn't need to know till the mission is completed...
He will be a little tired/sleepy from all the steamy lunarian x gem tantric sex. Karen just throw a bs saying she's going back to the labs and he must rest to calm down completely and think better!

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Just having something that's approximately human isn't enough, as seen with the professor facsimile. Being a genuine appeal from someone who is also definitely not a lunarian and is just human enough might be the key here.

The lunarians suspected Sensei was broken all this time, perhaps he can't specifically pray but he can be used for something else if someone has the authority to command him, which I suspect is what the lunarians were really after. That thing about the lunarians wanting to become human again would be a more roundabout way of dying, but Sensei might be able to do that, or create someone who would be able to pray the lunarians away.

>"her" he couldn't refer to gems
what the fuck, Carrie is his wife

The bowlcut is so damn fugly

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>Rutile: hair always has very few inclusions if any at all
>also Rutile: no Red Beryl you can't comb Laphos' hair because uhhh inclusions
I love that quack but that was retarded

Attached: Rutile waking up.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Crab doesn't seen to like to follow Aechmea's directions/sugestions/orders.
>told her to not go to eath
Went to earth.
>ask to live in the distant and peaceful lunar mansion
Fuck the lunar mansion, wants to be with him.
>gave old arm back wishing she could be her total original
Grinds the arm so won't have to replace it (probably in the fear of losing memories about Aech).

That's because Rutile knew that the doritos on Lapis's hair is a whole entire gem on its own and has its own inclusions?

Attached: bortz_comb.png (224x257, 71K)

>no Red Beryl you can't comb Laphos' hair because uhhh inclusions
Did that happen?

>I feel like we have two conflicting schools of thought on Phos' allegorical role.
Not necessarily. The sukhavati as a blissful place is itself a metaphor for enlightenment or at least the metaphorical place whence one could reach full enlightenment. Maitreya brings salvation for everyone but in terms of the story only the lunarians can reach nirvana in proper sense (Shiro and the boardgame), so Phos's future salvation applting to everyone would emanate from him being the pure land, that is the "place" of blessings and peace

It did
Sometimes I forget that not everyone has autistically reread the manga endless times

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Honestly, I'm with the quack on this one. Phos' body is black magic, I wouldn't want to fuck with it unless absolutely necessary.

>The lunarians suspected Sensei was broken all this time, perhaps he can't specifically pray but he can be used for something else if someone has the authority to command him, which I suspect is what the lunarians were really after.
My question was more along the lines of: assuming Aechmea already suspected that Adamant couldn't work no matter what, why go through all the complications of instigating Phos' rebellion when he could've just given him the eye and say "now that a gem is finally willing to cooperate, why don't you ask Sensei to pray for us?" with some other blackmail thing? Does the plead only work (or work better) when the one who asks is desperate?

>That thing about the lunarians wanting to become human again would be a more roundabout way of dying, but Sensei might be able to do that, or create someone who would be able to pray the lunarians away.
That's probably Phos but that would mean they need to retrieve him first

dumb question but I don't get it: what the hell did Sensei do to Bort's hair in this page?

if the non-shinshad pieces were used to reconstruct his leg, shouldn't the rest have become brittle and therefore not really suited for a whip?

Attached: V7.png (1426x2048, 629K)

dunno lad, you make thin strings of hair and make them into a rope?

Making Phos' plea to Sensei be as sincere as possible might be a part of it, since they only likely had one try with it. Sensei's not stupid or emotionless and clearly doesn't care that much for the lunarians, maybe not the to point of denying them passing on, but still.

Phos looks like the ideal candidate, but the lunarians probably want someone who's more on their side than Phos, who is torn between the lunarians, gems and admirabillis. I still think there's a lot more in store for Cairn than just being Aechmea's pretty princess.

>to an opposite colour
That's the thread lore I know and love. Should've thrown in an Obsidian reference for extra memes

Ape is "one of the prince's aides", not a "general" like Cicada so he's likely just asking him to get Karen really

Phos' body isn't even that strange yet, depending on how far things go it could get a lot freakier than just a frankenstein monster of different bodyparts.

>Aechmea told his aide to call Craig so he could say goodbye/die together with her

I've read the manga at least fifteen complete times at this point, and small sections of it many more times.
Doesn't everyone reread it once a month?

>Sensei's not stupid or emotionless and clearly doesn't care that much for the lunarians, maybe not the to point of denying them passing on, but still.
I really hope that we get a line or two from Sensei about why he didn't seem to WANT to pray, his possibility to do so notwithstanding. I mean this started long before any gem was born and he never prayed either

Attached: Land of the Lustrous - c018 (v03) - p118 [Digital-HD] [danke-Empire].jpg (2146x3056, 2.08M)

user, you're underestimating just how much fucking hair Bortz had. Remember that Ichikawa varies its length in different scenes, then use the longest length she has drawn it as and you have a massive amount of material available.
Bortz could probably make a whip for Phos and Obsidian too if he wanted, with all that hair.

>Making Phos' plea to Sensei be as sincere as possible might be a part of it, since they only likely had one try with it.
This would be a good explanation of the "it's all thanks to you" line since Karen's intervention really stripped Phos of any possible good resolution and made it so he would become desperate

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holy fuck, my sides exploded

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Look at this stupid rock in his stupid little cuck cage lmao

volume 9 when in french

If that's the real meaning behind that particular statement that's deliciously cruel, what an incredible bastard

Volume 10 cover when?

>what could he tell Karen?!
Reminder that we still haven't seen the "new technology" developed after the gems got to the moon that Aechmea randomly mentioned in chapter 69

Attached: new technology.png (1236x3142, 1.97M)

Since French can't avoid grammatical genders, are all gems male in French?

Unless another earthquake hits Hokkaido, the chapter arriving in 2 months should end volume 10 and have an ad for it

absolutely based

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They're going to have Sensei gut himself with their shiny new admin account and make it out of his diamond flesh.

I believe in-universe it is implied the gems use male pronouns to refer to one another because they were all taught language by Sensei and he looks so obviously male despite being a robot that his creators probably only ever used male pronouns when talking to him

best gem

Attached: IMG_20190321_203840.jpg (1600x1200, 106K)

>are all gems male in French?
Most are. Depends how they refer to themselves in nip.

Cant wait for her return and the entire moonie race getting raped once she learns Fluorite isnt being brought back.

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Wait, so Aleki is refered to with the female form and say Cairo with the male one? I'm happy for the Alekifag but going for a male/female split rather than the tonal shift implied by ore-boku-watashi-atashi doesn't probably do the manga a good service
Not to mention
>l'ère des cristaux

Attached: Aleki heart.jpg (2280x3080, 842K)

Where are all the Red Dia porn?

Attached: 1514146208787.png (500x505, 283K)

2 pure 4 porn

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Now that I think about it, Alex is trying with the cute nickname but they call him a he. Ye well I guess they are all male actually.
>>l'ère des cristaux
Nothing wrong with that.

And yet is considered a serial rapist.

Fun fact: since Kongo is closely associated with Amitabha Buddha imagery (as this chapter further shows), have a reminder that Amitabha Buddha's counterpart/consort in Pañcatathāgata representation is called Pandaravasini. She's colored an intense red and her name means dressed in white haha what a weird coincidence isn't it
Have some verses from her song
>I am that which fills man's mind, so that he loses awareness of nothingness
>I am the creator of civilizations, of ideas, of dreams, of martyrs
>I create the higher goals to which all men strive, and also the distractions which keep them away
really makes you think

Attached: 15.png (1114x1600, 410K)

Are you speculating that Red Dia was Sensei's lover/wife???

we are just memeing

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So do i.

>Ventricosus: moonies are trying to make a pure LAND
>Sensei: I tried to make for you a pure LAND
>the 7 treasures Phos is progressively getting are representative of the pure LAND
Everything's wrong with that

Attached: 907459.png (2039x1378, 2.24M)

Red Dia being responsible for Sensei's permissions problems would explain a lot of the weirdness around why he'd be unable to explain anything to non-humans. Not like anyone was thinking that him telling the jellyfish what happened would make a difference.

space and time are the same so it's ok
also that's a top cute Cinabre

>Not like anyone was thinking that him telling the jellyfish what happened would make a difference.
He didn't even seem to recognize slug Ventricosus as a fleshy ningen

Rohini and now Pañcatathāgata.
Only women who makes people lose their way...
Maybe Red made sensei have the wish to protect all the gems and give up of his original purpose.
Aechmea who's so composed and stoic (compared to the other moonies) gives in the human desires for Cairo.
Definely Femme Fatales.

He managed to classify the king as a rock, just like the rest of them. Obviously doesn't buy into the bone/flesh/soul story.

Attached: RulerOfShells.jpg (1000x1440, 301K)

>Moral of the story: Don't listen to women

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C'mon anons I want to see Red Dia gouge out Aechmea's asspussy

This a saying used by the indian boxers on a mean to promote abstaining from relationships. And it started because of the nakshatras (the star sign) Rohini: "The kiss of woman is more dangerous than the bite of a snake"

>once again the tantric sex position...
this was the best pic i could find
She seens pretty red for me. And is wearing white.

got confused with the names for a moment.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-23-21-33-16-1.png (480x678, 600K)

is Ichikawa playing a 4D chess?

Why did ancient indians love big numbers so much?

here’s a survey for you gembutts
tits not included

>implying you don't love big numbers too
I like genderless gems because I like humanoids being humanoids, not humans. This extends to all aspects of my life. The day someone builds a convincingly human-like sexbot is the day I build a distractingly human-like killing machine.

>can't pick multiple
All dicks are welcome, doesn't matter if it belonged to a male or female gem

Attached: bortz_gay.jpg (1200x900, 286K)

>girls want gempussy
>guys want gemdick

what have we become

Attached: D1jhctoVAAUudku.jpg (720x784, 114K)

shiiiiiit I forgot to add the kinsey scale 3 bi option
uhhh give your written vote here I suppose

You're all filthy humans who want to see yourselves reflected in the art you consume. It's perfectly natural.
Get the fuck off my planet.

Attached: face.png (921x490, 140K)

I mean I'm a guy and I want gempussy but I'm a moron and misread the thing

based alexbro

Attached: 1514130060405.jpg (816x965, 287K)

guess I’ll have to turn into a rock and break myself in half to eat my own gempussy

>this post will be just the thing to preserve the houseki community!

Attached: That's Perfect! Cute! Elegant!.png (204x184, 10K)

I'm girl who wants gempussies because i want to see gems being fucked by lunarians or admirabilis. If they have naturaly hard gemdicks, they become the most top species. I want to see they getting fucked, not fucking others.

Me too kek



Attached: when_your_gay_friend_hates_your_dog.png (1627x2018, 2.85M)

would you fuck a rock?

Attached: A7DBB5CE-C0D9-42FD-90E9-3337828935E3.jpg (225x350, 18K)

Lets just stop and think of the good times

Isn't that just all the screentime Jade has?

Attached: 3_muchachos.jpg (2048x1999, 357K)

I would like to be the rock and them be fucked by a lunarian or admirabilis but only if the admirabilis had tentacles like aculeatus

too much

not that I’m complaining about the amount of gemdick content we have but where are the gempussies we so demand. Where

Oh my...

Attached: b5d.png (601x353, 366K)

uncensored version please thanks

Please, i need this link too

you will have to wait for it, sorry anons.

God I wish that was me

Wait... did you draw that?

No, I commisioned it.
Its from the same guy that did the Jade pic, I dont have a link right now. Ill post it once its done. Just wanted to share the sketch but I dont want to be banned.

>even us are craving the mooncocks
In the end... deep inside... we are all moonsluts too.

I’m more of a gempussy fucker myself and that was the intent I had making the poll but I suppose that works too aculeatus could get it all day every day though hot damn

>I commisioned it.

Attached: death_to_moonies.png (940x920, 571K)

jade pic....?
also ty in advance for this healing gempussy

I think he meant this one

Attached: file.png (504x808, 370K)

Based gempussy lover.

Attached: fuckthis.png (1372x1544, 1.99M)

All these straightfags popped out of nowhere.

i want to see Benito being double penetraded by two moonie guards and she enjoying it

I couldn't see it properly. Who's on the table?

Im currently drawing the "alex and benito being molested by moonies" request an user did on the previous thread, but my art sucks ass.

Time to gaypost then?

Attached: yellow_gymcel.png (552x578, 304K)

Alex. There will also be another version with gemdick Red Alex.

Attached: 66135093_p1.jpg (2048x1375, 1.02M)

This is why I come to these threads, to get freshly drawn gem dick

Bless your soul user.

can you give the artist’s name? I’ll throw money at his feet if that meant me getting the ghostpussy I long for

>There will also be another version with gemdick Red Alex.
Now I'm interested.

Attached: 1526602813743.png (443x477, 113K)

>There will also be another version with gemdick Red Alex.
Bless your soul user

Attached: shinsha_european.jpg (1200x900, 521K)

You could ask Rohiniposter to draw it, since she's into LunarianxGem and i remember she likes Benito a lot.

Why won't the mods let us have some glorious gem dick like god intended

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So, how many generations of gems do you think sensei has raised?

Attached: redDiahoodie.jpg (800x1280, 404K)

At least three.

What was the art? I missed it.

Mods are homophobes baka

Attached: euclase_laps_up_lapis.jpg (1240x1680, 665K)

couldn’t it just be hosted/posted somewhere else? The celibates wouldn’t have to see it and we’d have a gemfucker haven

droppin some ghostphos

Attached: DXShVtCVMAA3sJk.png (800x1188, 485K)

It really bothers me that ecchi is posted all over this board but one gem dick and its too far

I owe you my life

Attached: DXX4yhIUMAAR3XR.png (622x1200, 420K)

Alex blindfolded tied to a table about to get fucked by feminine lunarians with big dicks.

myth_joshua on twitter, they have good taste all around

you could just go to /d/ and start a thread on HnK

Is it gay if a female Lunarian fucks a rock?

Attached: dancing.jpg (1609x2048, 269K)

Only if that rock is Alex.