Rezero second season!

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Other urls found in this thread:

[who's Rem?]

Now that was some quality bait right there OP. You sure got me good.

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Joke's on you, I can read moon.



>it’s actually real

OP was actually telling the truth!


This is the second one, right? Did the first one get a BD release yet?

Great. Can't wait to see Subaru suffer some more.

Will s2 flop?

Holy moly I didn't think they would do it


Why? It made a good amount of money and the merchandise sells well too.

How does it feel to suck dick so hard??

Normally I'd be excited but after the shitfest that was LN arc 4 I'm not excited. Just read the WN

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Echidna hype!

Well, the author had to shit as many novels as possible to have enough material to adapt, he's almost catched up with the WN

It was more of adapting the later arcs into the second season which could be impossible unless they speedrun some stuff, but we'll see what is actually converted to the anime.

Wait it's real this time

>Just read the WN
I really dislike every single one of you in any thread for anything that has a WN. You guys are more insufferable than the anime only crowd.

We don't say this because we're mean faggots out to harm you. Unless you love dumbed down writing and magic teleporting rocks taking Subaru to plot convenient locations, sure by all means go and consume the anime and LN

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I don't know, you tell me, OP.

Can't wait for more kino.

>We don't say this because we're mean faggots
You do say it because of your faggotry though. And you say it in every fucking thread possible, who gives a shit if you liked something better in the WN? You can keep you rough draft while I enjoy my watered down bullshit in the anime and light novels. I know you won't stop posting in this and the 5 other threads you love to post in about the 'Superior WN version', so I'll leave you do your duty of making sure we all know that a certain character doesn't exist and that the series was better for it.

Thanks Travis.

If it's not the Rem if it's not worth in the slightest to watch this shit.

Thank God. finally a second season to an anime that deserves it.

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>The worst anime I have ever seen, returns for a second outing.
I will avoid this like the plague. Ain't no way I will get meme'd into suffering through another 8 hours of this absolute shit. I thought LN anime only get like 1-2 seasons before they stop and tell people to read the novels. Here's to hoping that this is where they will stop.

Man, can't believe there are people THIS retarded

Where's that felix cocksucker now?


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I would only say that towards something like No Game No Life.

I don't even particularly like this show, I just came here to laugh at the haters who have grown to unbearable levels of cancer, even more so than part of its fanbase.

Post the rarest Donas while they aren't hit mainstream yet

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Dunno if I should be happy or scared. They're not gonna have a butchered shitfest like last time right? RIGHT?!

We did it reddit! yay!!

Fuck I hope the anime does her service. Literally the hottest witch anyone would ever meet.

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just IMAGINE the influx of fanart

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You had me till the last sentence. Almost didn't detect the scent of waifufag, almost.

>Ain't no way I will get meme'd into suffering through another 8 hours of this absolute shit.
You being in this thread already proves you wrong.

>inb4 they completely cut out ley, gaaf and coma scenes
Man at this point I just hope they do the sanctuary arc service

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eat shit faggot

I'm liking this new direction they're going by having Mitsubishi reincarnate in Windows XP land

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Fuck off back to your konosuba generals.

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No it doesn't. I'm just reaching to the bad news.


Yeah right, see you in the next rezero thread, faggot.

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>worst anime I have ever seen

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>Rem fags get to suffer even more.
Actually surprised this one got an S2.

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Rem gets nothing. He's mine.

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Hyped to see best brotto!

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>implying we arent gonna enjoy the fuck out of it because of best witch
The Rem coma scenes are only a bonus my dude.

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Oh god dammit.

>The Rem coma scenes are only a bonus my dude.
they're gone.

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Here we go again...

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If you notice in the PV, you can see Garfield and Frederica corpses (together with Ram)

Witch of lust is too important of a plot point to remove

I don't like the arc for second season in anime format.
Literally re:zero endless eight.

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here we gooooooo
but will it be a masterpiece?

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I love Emilia.

>the curse of being a bookfag

>Ywn find an anonymous poster that talks in long walls about her greed in Yea Forums

If it covers arc 5, Regulus (aka /ourguy/) will be a superior villain to TREMBLING BRAIN
Why is Greed associated with the finest things in life?

Echidna and Regulus will save you


>It's real

i hated the betelgeuse arc in the 2nd half of the show, i preferred the 1st half where it focused on subaru

There's no focus on archbishops this season, lucky you.

Crazy Kirito/Soma was the best part about the anime.

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No. I ain't watching it.
How else should I describe a show that pissed me off, made it cringe and offered me nothing good at all?

Sorry if Subaru didn't act like a Chinese wuxia protagonist in regards to his own death. There are two IF's which show what happens when Subaru abandons his humanity, and one of them involved with the whole country being set on fire

>How else should I describe a show that pissed me off, made it cringe and offered me nothing good at all?
better than 70% of seasonal anime?

Do you have to post your blog in every thread?

You gotta admit. That was a wild fucking ride, all the live reading and sauronposting that happened that day was amazing.

We already have a thread on this

Speaking of which, we're almost due for another one. Which sin will it be?
I'll repost the IF route and their related sins
Envy: Main story
Pride: Ayamatsu
Greed: Kasane (did I spell it right?)
Wrath: Most recent IF story, forgot its name but I'll call it Syndicate lord Subaru route
Lust: Harem IF. It's debatable if this one will be replaced as it was deleted.
Sloth: Rem IF
Gluttony route is unknown.

Gluttony route is the MU. Bet on it.

>[Rem: Say “I love you”…]
>Rem spilled these words out with a faint, frail voice while looking up at Subaru.
>In her vision which had become blurred by the swell of tears that gushed up, she saw Subaru shake his head. After that, Subaru brought his face close to her and said,
>[Subaru: I love you(suki da)]
>[Subaru: I love you(daisuki da). Isn’t that obvious…If you aren’t with me, I can’t live on…]
>It was his true feelings. If you were to say that this was when he spilled everything out, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration and would be an accurate statement. If it wasn’t for her, he wouldn’t come this far. >If she were to disappear, he would not be able to live on.
>[Rem: Ahhh…I’m happy…]
>Accepting Subaru’s confession, Rem felt a tear alongside her closed eyes. Taking in Subaru’s words happily, her face quickly blushed. Soon after, it now really did seem that all power within her body had departed.
>[Subaru: Wait…]
>[Rem: I love you(aishiteimasu), Subaru-kun]
>[Subaru:Don’t fuck with me, stay by my side. You’re going to leave me with regrets again!?]
>Subaru could not bear to live in a near future where Rem would cease to exist. Along with knowing this fact since long ago, her existence still has become sooo much more important to him, compared to long ago. So,
>[Subaru: In the future where I talk while smiling, I need you…I don’t want this]
>[Rem: In that future, is it okay if I stay by your side?]
>[Subaru: ….Isn’t the answer obvious? I won’t let you go to anyone else’s side.]
>Wiping off her tears that were suspended on her eyelids, Subaru looked straight at Rem and said:
>[Subaru: You are mine. I won’t let anyone have you.]
>[Rem: Proposal accepted!]
>[Subaru: Heh?]
Raw Version
WN Eng Version
LN Yen Press Version

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That was actually a really good pv holy shit. No words nothing. The intensity was great. Hyped af.

Do I have to explain to you why you're retarded or can you figure it out yourself?

>Windows XP logon theme plays every time Subaru returns by death

Re:zero more like Re:zzzero amirite fellas

oh fuck its actually happening



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Someone add the paperclip helper

>Oregairu season 3
>Re:Zero season 2
>Senko anime
This is fucking great all we need is Spice and Wolf season 3 and I can die happily.


More Ferris and Crusch is the only reason to be excited.

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Was wondering this myself considering the first OVA was released on Oct 6, 2018

Oh there you are get pandora'd

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>S1 ends
>Remfags are as obsessed as ever due to their mental instability
>most people just move on waiting for S2
>slowly drive everyone else that's left out of threads since they wreck the thread at any mention of Emilia or other girls they see as a threat
>results in an extreme echo-chamber safe-space where just posting "Emilia" leads to a meltdown with SEVERAL posts consisting of walls of text dripping with anger
>somehow these mentally unstable autists keep this up for YEARS following an LN where Rem is just a potato and doesn't do shit
>now normal people will return due to S2
>these autists will see their safe space invaded by people who don't share a tenth of their deranged obsession
>they'll be angry, bitter, cornered rats that lash out at anyone and anything
God I can't wait to see the Remfags absolutely seething, screeching in every thread telling people to stop enjoying the show.

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whens it coming out? 2022? should i even wait that long before finishing arc 4 im like half way through the wn anyway

>I can't wait
No need to wait, they're starting already .

man your life must suck

>trying to pull some sort of popularity or real life success argument on people
>on Yea Forums
>as someone who has desperately stuck to a franchise for years for a character that is just a potato and the author hates

stop projecting your garbage life style on others

I saw this online.
Holy shit I am excited.

I mean you're the one crying about people enjoying something you don't like and now you act like you are something better? you're just one of those pathetic shitmiliamongs who think they have anything to say here, all you do is try to provoke others and then cry when they punch you back

Case in point.

I love them so much.

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it's pretty obvious that you're one of them. You're complaining about remfags when the biggest cancer here are the shitmiliamongs who start shit and then cry once they get proven wrong. Just look at esl fag and spfag.

Not really, I'll give a shit about Emilia when she gets some character development, but I can tell when I'm looking at deranged mentally ill waifufags. Your rants about the evil Emiliafag boogeymen just proves your delusions, you're acting like this is some sort of war with infiltrators and big stakes when it's a fucking isekai and some shitflinging between waifufags.

Tell me this: if it's the Emiliafags that are the problem, how come it's never the Cruschfags, Witchfags, or whatever-fags that pop a gasket and wreck the thread when Emilia is mentioned?

Why would Cruschfags care about Emilia or wreck the threads?

They wouldn't, only Remfags do that, and that's my point.

because emiliafags are the ones that directly attack rem/remfags? It's not new news that emiliafags rather trashtalk rem than talk about Emilia. these threads are to 90% about rem because remfags like to talk about rem and emiliafags like to (shit)talk about rem. The thing is just that Emiliafags are delusional about Emilia so they can't talk about her.

S2 peaks in the first or second episode. This is the best scene and it happens right at the beginning.

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2019 is a pretty good year

What's up with the corpses?

Will greed and gluten appear in the first episode of season 2?

le ebin metaphor for roswaal wanting subaru to sacrifice everybody else to reach his goal

>Tfw more Ferris and Crusch

Attached: Crusch-sama and Felix 170.jpg (1024x768, 168K)

>no more gori rin scenes
best news

>paperclip helper
>Windows XP
I want my teen years back.

Please answer

Is Re: Zero the most overrated trash in the last few years?

Genuinely trying to think of something just as pathetic, pandering and mediocre that gets people so excited about their "deep" show.

>they'll probably adapt the LN version of Arc 4
>which is butchered
FUcking ripperoni

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>better than 70% of seasonal anime?
First of all, Re zero is the textbook example of a generic seasonal isekai. It is the overhyped trash of it's season, that becomes irrelevant the second a new isekai pops up.
>Sorry if Subaru didn't act like a Chinese wuxia protagonist in regards to his own death.
That wasn't my main issue with Subaru. I hated how utterly inconsistent his character was. And he was so unlikeable. I know that's the point, but you can create a character who is unlikeable in story, but relatable to the viewers. Subaru meanwhile is unlikeable through and through, and gives me absolutely no reason to care for his adventure. I'd rather watch an entire show about that king bradley clone who killed the whale. At least he doesn't make me want to puke by just looking at his face or hearing his voice.

why trash like this always gets a continuation
stop eating this shit, coprophiliacs

It's another one in a long line of edgy shows that plebs declare a masterpiece. Put some suffering and gore in a typical show and suddenly it is a masterpiece.

fucking finally

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I know right? So many shows that should get a sequel, yet re:shit gets one instead.

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>Seven Deadly Sins
>calls Re:Zero shit
Is this bait?

The BGM sounds similar to the song from THAT episode

Re zero is worse than both of them.

we won bros.... we fucking did it.....

>tfw translation chicken will never finish arc 4 in time
>have to stay out from internet for 13 weeks

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Unironically ___kino trailer

I love Emilia.


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I leave this place for 6 years and now there's normie reaction images, pleb taste and nurutu threads, what the fuck?

Nice try, normalfag.

The plot when Subaru meets his parents in the dream world will be something else. That shit was just tragic.

Now that the anime will get a S2, how will they make up for the lack of Rem? Lots of flashbacks?

Prepare for Rem's comeback this season!

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what is the WN?

I recently finished the show yesterday and it happens that news of a new season is coming after a long ass time span. I'll consider myself lucky I waited to watch

It's the superior version (and ironically also the rough draft) of the story that Tappei uploads for free in moon to his page. It's the original story which was later sent to an editor and cleaned up until it became the light novel which the anime is based upon.

The light novel made several questionable changes compared to the web novel. For example, in the original Subaru is more of an edgelord and a jerkass to everyone, also more of a pervert. Rem was less of a doormat like the anime and you could tell easily that she was unhinged and yandere since her introduction. Emilia had more character and was more spoiled and childish.

Also some battles were skipped in the LN compared to the original along with adding a convenient teleport rock that didn't exist in the WN to allow the author to skip scenes (it also created a plothole as teleport magic was previously stated to be extremely difficult, not something you could do with just a rock).

HOLY SHIT. When is the date most likely?

Will we ever get best girl Shaula?

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I want to see this semen demon in action!

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Are the people here trolling or will rem not get alot of screentime through the whole thing? (I'm fine if its just like a couple of episodes towards the end)

If you have your characters cry hard enough about how SAD!! they are you can manipulate retards into having "feelz"

The WN is shit though; you're retarded if you think anyone wants to spend 100 chapters or the whole season on Sanctuary.

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She'll be very comfy every time you see her. So comfy in fact, she won't even move.

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I think she will get flashbacks to compensate for the lack of screen time. Maybe even pointing to previous comedic scenes to ease up the suffering.

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The LN downplays a bunch of shit, and makes others way too convenient and makes them worse though. WN is long, but at least it builds up a lot of shit properly.

user, I...

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Will Ram get more screentime this season?

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potatoes gonna potate

A lot. Before Arc 4 I hated her guts but ended up liking her after that

Good, she will make it entertaining enough along with the clown.

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I want to rape Priscilla and break her haughty facade until she's a drooling mess on the floor.

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I want to try to rape Priscilla only to have her break me until I'm a drooling mess on the floor.

He means the sweet subdued scene where Subaru goes visit coma Rem got cut in the LN.

She'll do some extreme sleeping this season.

Fuck me that was cut?

Yeah, it's bullshit.
But you love Emilia more now, right?! Forget about Rem, Emilia is where it's at!

Thank God, less Rem wasting screentime.

What a hack.

Man I can already tell everyone will hate Roswaal for being a literal wifebeater

What scenes weren't cut? If Satella getting rejected and Lust is still in we should be ok.

I like that hate. Some characters are just made to be hated and to enjoy the schadenfraude when they inevitably fail and suffer.

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>mfw no perfect incubator to cultivate my semen in

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iirc, Lust's scene also got heavily edited to downplay Rem's importance to Subaru.

oh no

Is there a confirmation on how many episodes it's going to be?

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Who's Rei?

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Didn't she kiss Roswaal in their weird backstory thing?

NO. This is a Subaru strip, not Ros. Ros is too beta for Echidna.

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And Lewes. Everyone from arc 4 is there except the villains who are represented by Elsa's knife at the start. Also somewhat inexplicably Crusch, because fucking up Crusch is Tappei's hobby.

>his waifu got CLOWNED

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Everyone is assuming 24 so I guess its 24

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Inevitable winner.

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Will ram get more screentime? I like her better

I thought it was the same. It just feels weirder in the LN because all the scenes before it are cut/altered to downplay Rem's importance to Subaru so the first time it feels like Subaru actually likes Rem in the LN is that moment.

>this quality

A-are you insulting me?

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yo are we finally get those daily threads re0 threads again

>>Will ram get more screentime? I like her better
Of course!

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Sort of towards the end, except her big moment in the LN got largely hijacked by Puck so they could have a stupid dick wizard fight.

iirc correctly the director of season 1 said he would give arc 4 24 episodes to do it properly, and it looks like hes working on this.

God I hope the witches get some doujins

What type of doujins is she going to get?

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>reverse rape

>director of season 1 said he would give arc 4 24 episodes to do it properly, and it looks like hes working on this.
Oh boy I can't wait to see all of Emilia's new dresses!

>Piss drinking

Man, watching the flashbacks is gonna be heart wrenching.

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My hype cannot be controlled

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>subaru confessed to rem in both the ln and wn and this arc makes multiple mentions of how he is in love with rem.
>anime skipped the confession
How the fuck will they even fix this

Simple. LN Arc 4 cut out 90% of them.


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So why did it take them like half a decade to put out S2 of the most successful Isekai? By now it's half forgotten already.

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I told you guys since 2017 that season 2 already got the greenlit. It just didn't start production then.

I don't understand why no one wanted to believe me when I said that. Is it because the merchandise kept selling over and over again? You fuckers just kept saying it won't happen.

>dona's spergs are going to get skipped as well
Fuck the light novel, fuck the anime and fuck tappei

You will watch it anyway, True Number One.

Only retards thought there wasn't going to be an S2. It printed fucking money of course there was going to be a second season. Even had some autist sperg tell me "that's not how the anime industry works" when I said that high sales mean second seasons.

>You realize it'll take 5 years or more for them to animate Shaula
Fuck, well at least we'll get Echidna and Satella

Imagine if echidna is NOT voiced by maaya sakamoto

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>I said that high sales mean second seasons.
That's not explicitly true. You need to look at what the production company is doing with the IP. And in this case they were continuing to promote the series in anime form, making tons of merch every year, making fully animated fucking cup noodle commercials that were mini-skits, and the OVAs. That shows they want to keep the franchise around and relevant and are building it up to something.

I can already see all the femdom doujins as we speak

>season 2 got the greenlit.
That is why they skipped subaru confessing to rem, every mention of echidna, aldebaran saying he comes from the human world and the entire epilogue of arc 3?

I know Arc 4 was long as all fuck in the WN, but they really did just go full on chainsaw with it for the LN.

Can't wait to see what the anime will shave off next.

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If I don't get a boner from her voice, they failed

So, uh, if we get vanilla doujins between Subaru and Echidna because of this season, will they have to be labelled NTR? Or I guess technically Netori?

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>aldebaran saying he comes from the human world
This one hasn't even come up in the WN as relevant yet. Maybe if they adapt arc... 7 or 8. Which I highly doubt any series will get to. The epilogue was cut because they wanted to gauge the reaction to people seeing in the LN without the anime turning people off by killing Rem at the last second. It's a fairly cowardly move, but somewhat understandable from a risk-adverse production company. After it went over okay in the LN with little to no drop in sales they're willing to push towards a s2.

It'd be both since everyone is getting fucking cucked.

>Also, a few instances of Subaru telling Emilia that he loves Rem have been cut or altered in other parts of the story (e.g. the dragon carriage conversations at the beginning of Arc 4).
LMAO the absolute state of Tappei
>At the final section right after Subaru recollects his suicide attempt, Puck never shows up, so everything in that scene with him and Subaru is cut.Instead, there’s a new scene between Emilia and Subaru right before Subaru makes his oath to save Rem. (Basically Emilia telling Subaru that she wants to help him, just like he helped her, and that he doesn’t have to worry (about Rem) all alone).
Did they really cut puck trashtalking subaru for a scene of emilia waifubaiting? Honestly these changes sound pathetic

>So, uh, if we get vanilla doujins between Subaru and Echidna because of this season, will they have to be labelled NTR? Or I guess technically Netori?
Cucked, probably. Echidna is crazy about Subaru, whether it's just about RBD or because she legitimately frond of him is up for debate, probably both.
I love how despite Subaru choice regarding her contract, she was literally happy either way. Even more so when she realized that Subaru's choice was laced with greed, that probably made her even wetter.

To be fair while they cut most of that the scenes the scene of subaru telling emilia that he loves rem wasn't cut off in the ln. So yeah, I really wonder how the fuck they are going to fix that.

>rem and crusch-fag animeonlys

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They will add an anime only scene to make up for it. It was quintessential driving force for Subaru's character in WN Arc 4 but with the butchered LNs. I'm not so sure anymore.

I wish I could be a quarter as hopeful as you
Well, wait for the anime to skip that scene


Only in IF chapters where Rem isn't ruining it.

i don't care about this shitty ironic weeb anime but you have good taste in doujins

The fun part is awesome non Rem scenes got cut but Emiliafagging made it. This is definitely Infinite Startos all over again. I can't believe this shit. Something tells me Tappei just pushes the LN for Emilia but kept the WN for Rem since the tone never changed. Could be his editors are also chiming in saying they need to make Emilia more likable.

Is there any other type of Remfag?

cropped porn poster pls

Probably when everyone realizes that Subaru is going to try and save Satella. Oh boy, that's definitely gonna cause some reactions.

You guys are honestly trying too hard. Just let people discuss the series in peace please.

>Emiliafagging made it.
Jesus Christ..... Why the fuck?

>Less loligranny
>Less interesting Ram and Garfiel scenes
>More useless Emilia wobbling
LNs were a mistake


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Imagine the doujins

Yeah, the problem is that not only rem but many other character's actually cool scenes (like the puck one I mentioned and many others I saw in the doc later) were cut off for useless emilia waifubaiting to try and make her popular. Its straight up pathetic

Are you going to post the fucken sauce or not

>wearing the chastity belt of never being able to have sex
why no both

At least we got the echidna scnenes

I'm the first guy and I like Rem. But Rem's role in the story is to center and balance Subaru, he can't go super crazy if he knows her and she's around. The closest he gets is becoming psychopathic in the Echidna IF where she's still a potato, but he never goes full dark lord like Ayamatsu or Oboeru where he never met her/was terrified of her respectively.

more like the year of sequels

It got greenlit AFTER the show ended. Not during the season. Whitefox ended it that way because they didn't know if it was going to get a second season or not. As per White Fox's interview. WF and the author started the pre-production by addressing on how they will end it. That was the first thing they did before actually making the anime.

What WF did with Re:Zero S1 is one of the biggest gambles in recent history and they are fucking lucky it paid off big time. That kind of care does not come by easily.

I think Echidna and Betty are mostly untouched, which is about the only saving grace of the changes. I guess if you really like memes dick-wizard tap-dancing Roswaal is a positive change.

>implying rem isn't by far the most popular character for WN/LN readers
cute how delusional you are

April 1st is coming up, Gluttony IF SOON™?

Echidna wall of text got skipped

I wonder if the AU where he chooses to take Echidna up on her offer has any chance of getting an OVA? I feel like that sort of scenario is perfect for an after season bonus.


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And the hints of puck having ties to her got skipped as well.
>Most cut scenes were insignificant, with the main ‘important’ ones being the meeting with Minerva/Typhon/Sekhmet (the first two appear in the 2nd tea party at Vol 11 instead), as well as some exposition/world building stuff when Subaru talks to Echidna in WN Chapter 12 (most notably, Echidna’s relation to Puck, which isn’t mentioned or alluded to here)

I want them to animate ayamatsu for the after-season just to fuck with people

Wait, it did? You're talking about the one where she goes on a whole spiel on why she wants Subaru and how she wants to make use of RBD right?

Cause you're ripping out my heart user if that's actually true.

but i want them to have fun with everyone
why wont ngnl have a season 2 ;_;

Why does reddit like this trash so much?

Attached: this should have gotten a s2 instead.gif (500x315, 376K)

No Episode 18 20 minute rant from Echidna so Subaru can go 'No way fag'? The fuck is wrong with them? Put that shit back in.

Finally best girl will have her time to shine

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Bullshit user show me proof

>When entering Sanctuary, the pyroxene teleports Subaru to outside Echidna’s grave (for reasons yet unknown). This leads to some events being rearranged (Subaru talks to Echidna before meeting Garf and Roswaal). The pacing of this section is much faster.
>8) Most cut scenes were insignificant, with the main ‘important’ ones being the meeting with Minerva/Typhon/Sekhmet (the first two appear in the 2nd tea party at Vol 11 instead), as well as some exposition/world building stuff when Subaru talks to Echidna in WN Chapter 12 (most notably, Echidna’s relation to Puck, which isn’t mentioned or alluded to here)
>Subaru’s meeting with Typhon/Minerva/Sekhment is cut. In the LN, after Echidna intimidates Subaru, she talks about the body fluids helping his witch factor settle in, which gets his attention. Afterwards, she mentions the “sanctuary”, which prompts Subaru to snap out of it and ask her about it (grabbing Echidna’s shoulders as he does so). >After asking her if the Sanctuary is outside of here, he asks to be let out (which disappoints Echidna since she wants him to ask questions, like in the WN). Because of this, almost everything else Echidna/Subaru talked about in Chapter 12 was cut: including the existence of other witches (Echidna doesn’t mention she has their souls), stuff about Reid, that Echidna was kept around by Volcanica as a deterrent, the mention of Daphne’s 3 demon beasts, the original Roswaal, resemblance of Echidna and Puck. Also, they don’t talk about the trials (LN Subaru doesn’t know about them yet).

>****CH6 – The Witch’s Tea Party****
>Echidna’s contract speech is shortened by about ⅓ (guessing). It’s still 4 pages long.
>At Garf’s trial, Echidna doesn’t show up to talk to him, so all the dialogue with her is cut, the contents of his trial are otherwise the same as the WN.

From her ridiculously huge forehead?

Daughterfu scenes better be there or someone is gonna get stabbed

reverse image search is giving me nothing here

Its ok 66% is still there we're in the clear

>Echidna’s contract speech is shortened by about ⅓ (guessing). It’s still 4 pages long.
Ok, well that's acceptable.

Reminder that the anime will also cut content from the ln, so we will probably be left with 33% of it

Her scenes and semendemonwitch are literally the only saving grace of Arc4

but why would you want it now that we know it had a bad ending?

Episode 18 20 minute autism rant or bust!

>Reminder that the anime will also cut content from the ln, so we will probably be left with 33% of it
I don't know though, that entire speech is actually important. It's a significant moment, so I really hope they fucking keep it in and display it in all it's glory

sauce, no image searcher can find it

none maybe stop being delusional
why would the waste money for non canon garbage?

user there is still hope

At least we will get more fanart, the fanart really slowed down these past few months.

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except ep 18 was important the cringe rant not

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>none maybe stop being delusional
>not getting doujins with the anime
Imagine being this delusional

Subaru confessing to rem or al dialogue with subaru about rem/ram and revealing he also comes from subaru's world were also important shit.
Look at what happened to them.
I hope I am wrong, I am just an echidna fag that doesn't want to get his hopes too high after what they did to rem and rem x subaru in season 1

Hajimete no Netorare Maso-ka Choukyou 3 ~Bed no Shita Hen~

Well as long as the voice they get for her is decent, then I'm fine with *some* cuts to it. As long as they make it clear that she spends a long as fuck time talking if they do cut it down.

It's really that moment that cements her as absolutely nuts in Subaru's mind anyhow. So they really need to sell it well.

Why would they waste money on an episode about mayonnaise?

Also, you should be careful user, your lack of basic capitalization is giving your absolute shit taste away.

>Well as long as the voice they get for her is decent, then I'm fine with *some* cuts to it.
I always though maaya sakamoto is the obligatory voice actor for dona.

>Why would they waste money on an episode about mayonnaise?
important characterization through SoL

The user you're replying to isn't very bright. As seen here: He's talking about an episode that hasn't happened yet in the past tense after-all. Not to mention calling Echidna's anything "cringe"


Fuck Rem she tried to kill Subaru based on nothing.

Seeing Roswaal going "muh gospel" and being mindbroken will be worth it.

not sure what you excepted reminder that we started spicposting before DBSFags

She did kill him. Brutally murdered him in cold blood.

>smells like the witch
>acted very suspicious, knows things about the mansion that no ever told him
>has no background, no one to vouch for him
>pic related

also the time in the hall where she killed him was a mercy kill as he was already doomed to die, but she hesitated and ripped off his arm by mistake (that's the excuse she gave Emilia, she might have just wanted to watch him squirm like a bug when you rip off their legs).

Attached: doing nothing 2.jpg (1118x1420, 262K)

>based on nothing
this is what remhater believe

Huh, it's kind of funny seeing all the animeonlies going off thinking that Echidna is Satella due to the PV.

Pretty sure she would go haywire if she someone compared the two to her face.

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She's not a good liar, even Emilia calls her out on just killing him painfully out of frustration/anger. But yeah, he was already dying at that point, she just splattered him in a fairly unnecessary way.

>Huh, it's kind of funny seeing all the animeonlies going off thinking that Echidna is Satella due to the PV.
I was wondering if anyone would think that.

>Pretty sure she would go haywire if she someone compared the two to her face.
Is that why she hates Satella? Because Satella is the upstart that won't stay in her lane and was jacking her style?

Kek that scene got cut buddy

It was an accident. Do you really think this cute oni would be capable of such violence?

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There was plenty to be suspicious about, but Rem is a low IQ retard anyway.

>emilia front and center
As expected of the main heroine and winner.

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>as aspected of the poster girl
she's nothing but eye candy

There is something about that blue oni...

Whatever helps you sleep better at night. I, for one, can't wait for the final volume threads.

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>implying anyone will care in 10 years

>LNfags think they’re superior
Sorry but the only reason your series is reddit-tier popular is because it’s animated

>I was wondering if anyone would think that.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure White Fox is using the PV to bait people into thinking that. Looking at all the usual places where there aren't any WN/LNfags and most people are like "is that the Witch/Satella?" and the like.

The piles of corpses and Subaru's face probably helped sell that idea quite a bit.

I think this is legit the only time I've ever said I hope we're getting NTR doujins. Because holy fuck would seeing the clown getting cucked in them be satisfying.

People will definitely care. Though I'm sure you're hoping for the series to be forgotten by then so that you aren't laughed off Yea Forums for thinking Rem was actually going to win.

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I want Subaru to all One flew over the Cuckoo's nest on Rem

Anyways, I wonder how their going to handle Satella at the teaparty. I remember reading through the Subaru's monologue and thinking to myself "how are they even going to correctly animate this and get this feeling across". Every word Satella uttered causes a extreme reaction in Subaru and he was constantly having an internal war with himself regarding his feelings.
This "internal struggle" fighting against what he's feeling toward Satella and how he "wants to feel about her was intense but I had no clue how their even going to get that across in a animation.

>thinking LNfags are superior when the WNmaster-race exist

Go back to lurking newfag, you should at least try to understand the fish in the pond before pretending to know what you're talking about.

KADOKAWA you motherfuckers, I forgive you for raping Kemono Friends for this

what's up with your mentality? I'm not deciding who the best girl is based on their chances of winning. It's so pathetic. Emilia winning is just boring and predictable to me, it's no fun especially since the author is trying to force it so hard. Just sad.

Did the PV scene happen in the WN? I don't remember Eichidna fucking with subaru with death bodies and stuff

Can’t wait for that one Great Rabbit scene to be animated

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Please tell me the Arc 4 LN kept the visions of when Subaru dies and shows what happens next? That part with Wilhelm was great.

>it's no fun especially since the author is trying to force it so hard
I don't know man, he keeps doing scenes where Rem has more impact on Subaru then any other character

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That scene is still there but Subaru’s body isn’t possessed by satella

Its called shitposting. Also you shouldn't be taking bait this obvious, you should have enough experince for this already.

>I like Emilia because I think she'll win
just wow dude, you're so damn smart. Almost Emilia level smart.

>"how are they even going to correctly animate this and get this feeling across"
Honestly? I don't think they will do it very well, if at all. They weren't even able to get across the weird compulsive need to focus on Emilia that Subaru has in the 1st season. So I doubt they can drive in the level of contradictory feelings Subaru feels the moment he is interacting with Satella.

I would glady eat my shoe if I'm wrong, but White Fox does have a mixed bag of results.

some of them are cut

>Beats a man half to death and then heals him and then beats him half to death again until the ceiling crushes both of them when she was 8
Yeah, I really do.

I'm not deciding best girl on the winning chances though. I've rooted for plenty of losing girls myself. I don't have a problem with Rem, but I just like Emilia more.


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Nope. I'm pretty sure it's just White Fox framing things to make people think Echidna is Satella or something. So they can mess with their expectations a bit.

Ok... but the fuck?
Just how much did they butcher this thing? Holy fuck.

>you should have enough experince for this already
well I know that emiliafags are actually that dumb so

I like how Satella is absent so it looks like Echidna might be Satella. Also I forgot Hector was a thing, because man is he weird and unexplained.

Really? Do they just cut if off before the possession part or something? Feels like an odd thing to cut since that really drove in the fact that the "endings" where he died had the opportunity to turn out even worse.

>hahahaha you idiots were rooting for Rem even though it was clear that Emilia will win since she's the main heroine and the author's pet
you're rooting for Emilia because you think she'll win, which is the most likely outcome but also by far the most boring one

There’s a reason WNfags hate the anime/LN

True hence why you shouldnt take the bait.Dont let them drag you down to their level user.

No it just doesn’t happen

That extension is skipped iirc.

I remember in the WN they had a description of Satella. Shit got cut out at LN arc 3( the voice) as well. Do they actually do it in WN because I am curious to see how it will transition to the anime because you can't be vague about it.

>you're rooting for Emilia because you think she'll win
But I'm not. Her inevitable win is just fun to bring up every now and then though. It happens in almost thread where there's an MCbowl.

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They sort of can. She looks vaguely like Emilia but her face being revealed can be obscured or shot looking at Subaru's face instead or whatever so they don't have to show it directly.

At this point, I feel like I might just join the WN fags. I want to see it animated though, but this will really hurt.

post the donovan edit of rabbit raping subaru


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oh good at least you admit that you're a shitposter who lies to provoke others and create wars, yeah a typical emiliafag

and nah user you root for emilia because you think that she'll win and not because you like her more or anything

>But I'm not
>The only point I've ever made is that she'll win because she'll win and she's good because she'll win
Might want to wrack your Emiliafag brain for half a second to come up with something likeable about her. I know it's really, really hard for you fags to actually talk about the girl you actually supposedly like instead of endless repeats of the meta reason for why she should win and thus why you like her, but there's a new season coming out, maybe you can finally find an actual reason then.

>episode 1 will start with this
My god it will be glorious

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>Subaru's relationship between gets downplayed
>Otto's scenes get cut
>Puck loses some pretty critical scenes to the mystery
>Visions after death got cut
>Emilia scenes were added in
I've been out of the loop in Re:Zero LNs but this infuriates me so much. To make matters worse this will carry on to the anime. Motherfucking Tappei and his Editors.

>with something likeable about her.
I like her overall character. Plus her design is very pretty to me, not that character design is the most important thing, but it certainly does play a part.

>and nah user you root for emilia because you think that she'll win and not because you like her more or anything
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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I hope we don't have to wait till arc 10/11 for puck's return

Attached: open that ass wide subaru kun.png (1920x1080, 2.32M)

Puck is a nice guy now, he helps crippled onis beat up clowns and everything. Please love Puck.

If you see the list of all the changes you’d hate the LN

That's going to be a pretty weird moment then.

Read this to see the changes

Shit like this is what makes me think that the editor might be the one to blame here and even tho' Emilia is Tappei's waifu he knows to respect his characters.

>Puck is a nice guy now, he helps crippled onis beat up clowns and everything. Please love Puck.
Please don't tell me they are doing that to puck in the LN. He is a shady motherfucker in the web novel and I love him for that.
also, wasn't puck supposed to dissapear before that ram/rooswald confrontation (I might not remember correctly tho)

This is possible thanks to the Kemono Friends sacrifice isn't it

I haven't finushed reading the comparisons yet but this is terrible. Some people are also saying that the list missed a couple more. This is really worrisome.

This year? Summer? Fall?

next year because this year is already the OVA

>Honestly? I don't think they will do it very well, if at all. They weren't even able to get across the weird compulsive need to focus on Emilia that Subaru has in the 1st season. So I doubt they can drive in the level of contradictory feelings Subaru feels the moment he is interacting with Satella.
But they kinda have to get it across, don't they? Subaru was so at war with himself at that moment, that he tries to suicide by biting his own tongue off. He tries to throw all his hate, disgust etc because he doesn't understand at all why feels the way he's feeling. It fucking terrified him
>Subaru couldn’t recall doing a single thing that Satella had whispered.
>He had no part in it, it had nothing to do with him. Whether it was meeting Satella, trading words with her, or sharing a single feeling of warmth. Everything she said had been the product of her delusions. The arrayed, empty fantasies of a woman crazed with longing. That was how it should be. And yet, “Natsuki Subaru” remembered.

>[Subaru: Why is this…… inside me, what is this? I don’t want this feeling. Don’t try to bind me… with memories that can’t exist…… you… you… I…… tk]

>“I hate you”, was all he needed to say. All he had to do was stab the girl who offered him these feelings with the fact that he didn’t have the slightest affection for her. Once he does, he would be able to see the look on the face of the one who had selfishly sought to warp his heart. Surely, it would be an expression magnificently twisted by heartbreak.

>――”But, how could you do that to her?”

Is WN still untraslated?

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Meant for

>I like her overall character
No depth or explanation to what that is, 5 words spent on what should be the most important aspect of a character
>Plus her design is very pretty to me
And now to the only reason Emiliafags ever give. Props on the quick attempted self-defense of 'b-but its not the most important thing... it's just the only thing anyone ever says about her, but I swear I'm not shallow she's got a great "overall character"'!
You guys never fail to make me laugh. I've yet to see an Emiliafag hold a single conversation about her of any substance while I could easily do so if I didn't think she was such an inexplicable dud in a sea of amazing characters.

meant for

BD for the first OVA comes out in July.

>only appears 3-4 times in arc 4

not fully but the arc the season two has been fully translated for years now

it's longer than the lord of the rings coming at 1600 pages with a 660000 word count

Does it matter? It's never getting finished user. There's some shitty Japanese - > Chinese - > English translation floating around if you're into that.

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CGI rabbits.

Since we don't really know what he's on about in the WN, it's hard to say if that's outright removed or just mostly all reference to it and hinting at it removed, but he doesn't do most of his Emilia-first douchebaggery like he does in the WN, references to his ties to the WC and Echidna mostly were removed, he just kind of stays around longer than in the WN because 'something something magic rock'

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Even if we do, it'll be a long wait. At the very least 5 years.

How censored will this be?

So does Subaru ever drop the track suit and get some real clothes?

Congratulations! You'll get 30 seconds.

Did they also skip Puck speaking english?

>It's never getting finished user.
Tappei promised us that it will. I believe in Tappei.

Also Japanese to Chinese translations are really good for the most part as the languages are similar and the Chinese fan translation teams are fucking huge compared to English ones, you'd think it's an official translation team.

He was supposed to but the LN artist was too lazy to think up of an outfit so they just gave him the tracksuit again.

Most Puck scenes are gone

Season 1? Or did you miss that he has an actual uniform? If you mean when does he stop wearing a track suit, it gets destroyed in arc 5, but they somewhat attempt to recreate a similar outfit but can't make the same exact materials or zippers or whatever.

Oh man. What have they done. The fun part about the WN was theories. Now it just seems that the LN is flat compared to the WN.

In one hand I would think puck was supposed to take a way more important role but he got written out.
Then I remember the entire plot is already planned so I don't get why the fuck are they doing that. So when whatever plot twist with puck happens in the final arcs happens. People go like "how unexpected and ebin", instead of properly building his shady personality up before that moment?
I understand deleting the rem scenes and adding moblia because they are mobiliafags, but what is even the purpose of doing that

user, don't waste your time for the idiots!

After volume 9 or so in the LN (the point where season 1 ended) tappei and his editors changed it, I suppose so it could get a second season

I mean just in general
I dislike the tracksuit and want him in a new outfit hell I would rather take the butler uniform over the tracksuit

More room for Emilia scenes, also Puck is integral to Emilia so him being a shady little shit reflects badly on her.

>that embarrassed Pandora

Reminder that the only reason Emilia is winning is because Tappei scrapped Rem scened from the WN. She didn't really become a better character. You can like her all you want but its clear as day that she's far from being a character that can carry the series. If anything, it's always Subaru carrying the show while Emilia just happens to be there.

He also has a knight uniform after being officially knighted as of arc 4, but I don't think he really wears it. I'm not exactly sure what he's wearing in arc 6 (most fanart seems to put him in some kind of raggy traveling/desert cloak, but that's just fanart) but it's probably just the tracksuit 2.0.

This. A mysterious puck would make Emilia less interesting so tappei had to remove it

>Reminder that the only reason Emilia is winning is because Tappei scrapped Rem scened from the WN

I fucking feel the power bros

explain this image

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Took them long enough.

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I don't have to reiterate myself. It's been brought up in this thread already.

>Most of the puck scenes are gone

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Magic rocks

I remember at one point there were people saying that only Remfags were butthurt with the LN. That was obviously a god damn lie.

But user at least you get the shonnen battle with Puck and Roswaal instead of just Ram!

That doesn't really help, user.

Attached: 62384253_p6_master1200.jpg (500x300, 118K)

And there's tap dancing! And Roswaal is actually at mostly full power instead of mostly crippled because instead of committing mana to make a blizzard he's just using rocks for that instead! Isn't that so dramatic!?

Why is Crusch taking a nap on top of a puddle of ketchup?

Attached: nap.png (500x421, 186K)

Only ESL and his retarded ilk said that.

>And Roswaal is actually at mostly full power instead of mostly crippled because instead of committing mana to make a blizzard he's just using rocks for that instead! Isn't that so dramatic!?
Are you serious? What the fuck

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yeah and ram and frederica vs elsa is so great, fuck creppy mansion with elsa hunting subaru

The LN only sort of affects Rem. She doesn't have many scenes to begin with on account of being a potato, and all her major ones are too core to mess with. It's irritating, but ultimately Rem already had her time to shine and any subsequent cuts or changes don't undo that. It's the other secondary characters like Otto, Lewes, Garfiel and Ram that take the heaviest hit because they're pretty much never going to get time or arcs to themselves so everything they get counts and it's frustrating to see their moments passed up.

Jesus christ

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Yeah, he's literally only pretending to be retarded instead of pretending to be injured while actually effectively being so because he's making some kind of insanely complicated magic shit happen so he can't go full nuclear clown. But magic rocks save the day yet again so he can actually just be full nuclear clown and have some kind of bookending fight between him and Puck, because that was just so important, and Ram gets to be sidelined on the most important moment of her life.

Why is he never changing his clothes?

Simpsons syndrome?

hes a dirty fucking neet who only wears clothes his mom buys him

well what should I say, your answer was very predictable and boring, I guess that's just how emiliafags are

Why is Rem so great bros?

this fucking sucks, good bye comfy WN threads

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newfag? many anime charaters don't change their clothes,

To bad Tappei hates her. How the fuck do you write a good character and hate it at the same time?

Oh my god, oh my god
Is that the witch?!

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a balanced heroine, just natural and genuine without any superficial and forced shilling

It's a witch.

I’m more curious on how he writes such a bad character like Emilia and loves her so much

because she reminds tappei how much of a hack he is and how much of a failure emilia is

There are more witches?!

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he doesn't hate her at all

he does though, in fact the WN actually brings up hygiene and shit, it's a little weird

The Emilia we see and the one in his head are different. The Emilia in his head acts way more cute and shit

Q: There’s something unusual about the name ‘Subaru Natsuki’, where either one sounds like a first name; was he named like that for a reason?
A: ‘Subaru Natsuki’ really does both sound like first names, so I was thinking of having an event where Emilia, having mixed up which one is his first and last name, finally calls him ‘Natsuki’ when they start to be better friends, and then blushes when she realizes she’s been calling him by his first name the entire time, but Emilia’s personality changed so it’s not like that, and I sort of forgot about it.

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Not according to the LN. Pretty much if they had the option to ommit here they would have.

What the fuck
They look like good people

me on the bottom right


Well pandora isn’t

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There's the one you know, Satella, but there's also Echidna (the one in the PV), Daphne, Typhon, Minerva, Sekhmet and Carmilla.

The LN has to be edited to be similar with the anime which cut Rem at every possible chance. Pre Anime LNs don't and leave in the delicious Rem.

Oh right, I forgot about Pandora and Hector.

This is gonna be great.

its my wife.

What’s her endgame?

Not true since the anime already cut a lot of the stuff before the LN even got adapted. They could have done the same for the future LN chapterd but they decided to remove scenes pertaining to Rem(Even non Rem ones) and add in some scenes for Emilia. If the anime really wanted to cut it out, they would just do it like the first season.

Puck's imouto a cute

How will emilia anime only fans react when they learn she’s 14?

>and all her major ones are too core to mess with
There's only one that is mostly unmessed with, and that's the Carmilla one. It's still messed with, though. No description of Subaru wanting to tangle tongues with Rem. Every single other Rem scene got fucked, though. None of it relevant to her character, since coma, but it's relevant to Subaru's.

On 5ch, they thought the WN did a better job of showing Subaru's mental frailty, and the Rem scenes were pretty integral to that. Rem was what emphasized his doubt, weakness, and futile rage as well as his desperation. Reducing Rem scenes reduces Subaru's character depth.

they will relate

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Legal here.

The body possession doesn't happen, and the path that shows Puck having a panic attack being unable to fight off the cultists is removed as well I Believe. I think Tappei is removing that plot point since he could fight the cultists in the LN, instead of being prohibited.


Will it compensate for all the skipped puck content?

So did Emilia ever end up unlocking and/or using her allegedly immense magical power? I recall reading that Puck pales in comparison to what she has locked away, but she has no idea about it.

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>Puck pales in comparaison
Puck is just mid-high tier
Puck human form is probably stupidly broken

I think she finds out about it in arc 4, and makes use of it. She can't fully control ounce of her power at once, but her battle prowess increases a lot thanks to it.

Sort of. After arc 4 she has to use her own magic, and it's reasonably powerful, but nothing mind-blowing so far. And she still has a bad habit of getting ganked before she can do much of anything. We see in a flashback that she can repeatedly kill the Witch of Vainglory, but the Witch isn't really fighting back, just wants to talk, and can't really die because of shenanigans so it's maybe not all that good of a measure of strength.

Full power emilia is supposedly way stronger than spirit puck, probably on full horned ram level.
True puck is probably even more powerfull

>Puck human form
Elf form

She can't die because she literally bends reality I believe. It's kind of like Kumagawa's "all fiction" from Madoka box, she can just make it so her death never happened.

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>Speaks english

I'm out of the loop. When was it confirmed he had a human/elf form aside from the whole deal about him signing up to become a spirit? Last I checked, everyone seemed to think he might have been some future Subaru or some shit.

No, that was another anime pic completely related

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HOLY mother of BASED


>probably on full horned ram level.
Probably not. She's stronger than Regulus somehow and only under Reinhardt and Satella who are both basically untouchable.

You really want those (You)s so bad huh. Too bad bitch.

It will probably be something along the lines of
Satella ?>=

That was confirmed years ago. Puck was a person and existed before his artificial spirit form. He for some reason got sealed by echidna along with his memories and made the contract with emilia.
He also knows engrish in the web novel at least so we can tell he knows about our world if not being someone from there.
I am betting on puck being a alternative dimension flugel/subaru, while satella is the alternative dimension emilia, but honestly its hard to guess

I know why she can't die, but it doesn't really matter so I wasn't bothering to explain the details of the scene.

The only one Subaru supposedly has a connection with is a sage (Flugel) from 400 years ago.

He knows gaijin language, so I doubt he is an elf

Somebody like Flugel could have taught him, Shaula knows a few english words because of Flugel.

>PV is fucking kino already
holy jesus

>There's no way Emilia isn't Satella, part of Satella, Satella's avatar, Satella's vessel, or in some way related to her (more closely than just blood relation).
Nothing is hinting at a connection between these two, apart from their looks. But I am inclined to believe that most elves share basic features like their silver hair for example. Emilia is born from an elven father her father is an elf and human mother. Emilia was born approximately 100 years ago. The only every way, I can think of these two having a connection is if Satella and Emilia are the same people, but I also highly doubt that.

Emilia is almost certainly the daughter of Minerva, Witch of Wrath, and is 100% the daughter of Fortuna's brother, who is some full-blooded elf guy. She isn't related to Satella by blood at all unless Satella is some future form of Emilia. My current speculation is that because Subaru is fucked in the head Subaru perceives Satella as more Emilia-like than Satella really is, because every other character that knows both, including Betty, Echidna, the other Witches, Roswaal, possibly Lewes, etc... says nothing about them looking the same or acting surprised when they see Emilia for the first time or anything. They're both just half-elves with silver hair.
Now, Emilia does seem to have some screwy connection to a doorway that acts as a seal to presumably Satella, but her father also seems to have helped start the Witch Cult which protects or interacts with Satella, so that might also not be unreasonable. It would be totally fucked up if Emilia's dad fucked Minerva just so her could have a half-elf witch kid like Satella though.


Why is she so based?

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>Emilia is almost certainly the daughter of Minerva, Witch of Wrath
But she was born a hundred years ago. Minerva died 400 years ago. I find it more likely for Emilia to be a clone of Satella than being Minerva's direct daughter.

Of course, being Satella's clone would explain a whole lot. Fortuna could have been Satella's Aunt too after all.

Didn't echidna consider him something simmilar to a senpai when subaru namedroped him to her?

By him I mean puck, not flugel

well they are both from the other world and coincidentally sage candidates


>implying they aren’t the same person

>I find it more likely for Emilia to be a clone of Satella than being Minerva's direct daughter
but she can't be since we already know Emilia past. She can't be a clone. We know her parents.

Puck's true form as a spirit is the giant cat. He can't get any more powerful than that, and he certainly wasn't stronger as whatever he was before. The power scaling is something like
Reinhardt = Satella >>>>>>>> Reid > Horny Ram (Hypothetical) > Regulus > Roswaal > Spirit Puck > etc... > Petra
Emilia is probably stronger than Spirit Puck when using her full Witch of Glaciation nonsense, but she's probably still weaker than some of the other more dangerous witches like Sekhmet, who I'm not sure where to place in the above list but it's probably over or near Regulus.

EMT! Also I hope the anime doesn’t do more shittery like they did last season cutting out the scene where what’s his name tells Rem he love her.

We don't know her parents. We know her aunt. Emilia never met her parents. Do you think clones are created as adults or something?

But see, if Emilia is a Satella clone, then Satella's parents are her parents.

Well i have some bad news

I’m ready for this kino scene

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Her dad is definitely Fortuna's brother and she is definitely the daughter of a witch. Minerva died doing something with the elves and she has a connection to them beyond her usual autism. Minerva did not directly want to see Emilia for some extremely personal, unknown and cowardly reason. The name Minerva is nostalgic to Emilia for a reason she cannot explain. Emilia's sin in the story, is Wrath, etc...

So does Subaru get the Gluttony powers this season?

We know her father was an elf and her mother a human. Just by these facts, she cannot be a clone. I am not even going to start on how impossible that is or how questionable it sounds. How the fuck could someone just clone Satella?

Wait has the manga been ongoing? It was behind the anime last time I checked (years ago)

Mark my fucking words: Dona will awaken a pissing fetish in lots of anons and normalfags.

>Puck's true form as a spirit is the giant cat. He can't get any more powerful than that, and he certainly wasn't stronger as whatever he was before
We literally know nothing of puck's human form besides him existing in the time when flugel and the witches were a thing. He might be as weak as subaru like you said, or fucking strong.
My wild guess is in the middle though, he was high tier, more or less like pandora.
Talking about those two. I remember reading theories about puck and pandora being related because of how simmilar their color schemes are. Is that theory just that or were there actually some hints in the actual story? Because if they were I remember none

Ha, no. He's on the Clown's Wild Ride this season.

So, how did Minerva have a baby 300 years after she died? Unless Emilia is a clone of a baby she had hundreds of years ago or the baby was put in cryostorage for 300 years.

>We know her father was an elf and her mother a human. Just by these facts, she cannot be a clone.
A clone's biological parents are the same as the person they were cloned from.
>How the fuck could someone just clone Satella?
With some creepy ass magic.

Sekhmet is weaker than Regulus but stronger than Roswaal, according to the author.

>2nd season
God, finally. Reminder that the new season will open where S1 left: by telling Emilia about having Rem as a second lover and her asking "who is Rem?".

>by telling Emilia about having Rem as a second lover
Nope. Subaru doesn't complete his sentence in the LN.

Flugel is both subaru, puck and also aldebaran, the three come from different realities
Satella is emilia from a different reality
Pandera and satella are also from the real world

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I didn't say he was weak like Subaru, so I don't know what the shit you're smoking. He's probably weaker than his spirit form because his spirit form is in the top ten for strength and you have to have some incredibly dumb shit like blessings or authorities or 400 years of magic autism eugenics to beat it.
The only thing we really know about Pandora is that Fortuna really, really hates her and blames her for whatever murderin' happened to Emilia's parents, which would be Fortuna's brother and mostly likely Minerva. She also seems to like Satella, but also has no interest in Emilia beyond Emilia's function as a key to a door. She doesn't think she looks like Satella or thinks she's Satella or have any hang ups about her being a Satella clone or anything. She treats her like she's a person.

You know what I'm talking about. I was so mad when they cut off the season right when he was about to touch the topic.

>With some creepy ass magic.
She's sealed off at the edge of the world being surrounded by miasma so thick you would suffice and you're implying someone actually succeeded in cloning her after 300 years.
What you're saying is a load of bullcrap. It's more likely their the same people and even that sounds retarded. Since that'd mean Emilia went back in time (Yin magic) met all the witches, befriended them, absorbed the genes and consumed half the world.

Not even Subaru, even once points out how alike Satella and Emilia look.

Sort of, but she still sucks she constantly does retarded things like make ice swords and try to fight with them instead of blasting a place into nuclear winter, pretty sure she's been taking queues from Subaru on what would be cool instead of practical

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>was put in cryostorage for 300 years.
Man, if only that hadn't already happened that would be a totally unreasonable thing to occur. If only there wasn't a lot of people right now on ice (metaphorically) and unaging due to a magical ability. But magical cryostasis is just out of the question, magical cloning is the only possible answer. Time travel is also definitely not a thing, gotta be a clone.

I know what you're talking about, but I'm saying that the LN makes it impossible to tell what he's talking about.

Emilia is a jobber, that's for sure.

She hit Reid after he groped her, EMT strong!


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I like how Gluttony stole that and cranked the chunni up to 11 because Subaru's head is full of stupid chunni shit.

I wish we would get the scene where he’s called the lolimancer

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That happens in arc 5 after he brought a little girl to his knighting and hangs out all the time with a little girl.

>Not even Subaru, even once points out how alike Satella and Emilia look.
Isn't it explicitly pointed out in his thoughts that she looks exactly like Emilia?
Oh, it could happen but,
>and unaging due to a magical ability.
Emilia aged while she was frozen in ice. And physical timetravel isn't a thing. We've seen consciousness travel back in time, but never objects. The issue we have is that for Emilia to be the daughter of a witch, she needs to either be Pandora's kid or have been born 300 years ago when Satella herself was still around. Or a clone.

God I love Subaru

>Isn't it explicitly pointed out in his thoughts that she looks exactly like Emilia?
It isn't, as far as I know, or I could have forgotten.


>Flugel is both subaru, puck
>and also aldebaran

But Al knows Satella.

>Emilia aged while she was frozen in ice.
>on ice (metaphorically)
So what's Rem doing right now? Or Reinhardt's mom? Why are you so fucking stupid?

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New thread

she looks exactly like emilia

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There are ways, I suppose. But that's using bullshit Sin magic for sealing away a baby to be released later. At that point, you may as well make her a clone too.

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Subaru learning lolimancy is the best thing that happened to this series and nobody can deny this.

She does not, at least not explicitly. Nothing is ever mentioned about them looking identical and none of the characters familiar with both of them ever draw a comparison beyond the common knowledge, 'they both are the same kind of thing'. It'd be like saying Capella and Felt are the same person because they're both blonde human girls.

>EMT is Satella
I think so.

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Not him, but this is Satella

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>Using bullshit sin magic would be unreasonable for the cult dedicated to worshipping a witch and keeps all the bullshit sin magic around AND they turned a little girl (maybe more) into a key to a seal for their bullshit sin magic. But such people would never use bullshit sin magic to protect their little girl key for 300 years, that would be unethical.

regulus is a retard he should be at the bottom

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Isn't she like over 100 years old?

fuck off, your shit waifubait is irrelevant

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weak bait

That's Satella according to Subaru whose body is currently having the weirdest boner. So why didn't Echidna mention it? Why doesn't she hint at or care? Why didn't Lewes, Roswaal, Betty? Why doesn't Pete? Pete considers her an affront for being the same type of thing but at no point on seeing her did he ever say she looks EXACTLY like the object of his worship, even when he was sane and still worshipped Satella. He sees little Emilia and... nothing, she's not a spitting image of the object of his affection, she's just a little girl of the same kind of creature as Satella is.

the best kind of logic

yes, but she's only been awake for 14 so muh mental maturity fags will be upset

oh boy are you in for a surprise

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The illustrator has a nasty case of sameface though.

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also why does Echidna fucking hate Emilia so much, even though she never met her before? She also hates Satella.

Physically yes, but she's literally retarded.
If only him being a retard stopped him from being an invincible juggernaut. Most of the Archbishops are whiny babies given too much power.

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>Pete considers her an affront for being the same type of thing
He doesn't. He considers her a potential vessel and is quite pleased with the resemblance.

she is 15 in arc 5. Probably Lia is 16 in arc 6 now

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>If only him being a retard stopped him from being an invincible juggernaut.
it literally did. he spent too much time sperging out and chasing subaru all while knowing that emilia was messing around with the actual source of his godmode and he died like a bitch


fuck off

She doesn't like Emilia's mom, a woman who she never could have met on account of Emilia's mom being a human born 300 years later according to you after Emilia's dad had been dead for 300 years yet still fathered her. She also hates Satella for specifically getting all the witches killed, yet her reasons for hating Emilia are different and more personal and she gives Emilia immense amounts of grief over being weak. She obviously doesn't consider them the same person or even draw any similar criticism about them.


>oh boy are you in for a surprise
i read the WN. dropping rem was the best decision tappei made

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no you didn't

Oh, don't misunderstand me. I don't buy the bullshit that Satella = Emilia. I think it's retarded since it implies that Emilia literally time-traveled, befriended the witches and consumed half the world. And honestly, I think it's cheap. Since it also appears that Flugel has a connection to Satella since he also smells like the Witch just like Shaula pointed out.
That has more to do with the "kind" of person they are. Echidna dispises Satella with a passion but I feel like that has nothing to do with the fact she's the Witch of Envy, it's more like she despises Satella personally.

According to Pandora, the fact that Puck managed to unfreeze her would indicate that he's a being of near-equal power.

He had nothing nice to say about her, and nowhere does he say she looks exactly like Satella. When he actually sees Satella he recognizes her as such, yet he has literally nothing to say about Emilia beyond his trial nonsense and that she'll do. No 'It's like Satella reborn' nothing, he has no comment on them being literally identical according to you and neither does anybody else who as ever seen both of them. So either inexplicably nobody gives a shit about that, or they don't actually look the same unless you're looney like Subaru.

?? rem is irrelevant as fuck, she stays at the mansion while subaru is in the sanctuary and he spergs out when elsa finds her. also the only time she would be animated is when camilla took her form to mess with subaru.

Dude. Even in the anime there's a scene where he's literally weeping about how close the resemblance is.

If you really think that means she is irrelevant then you can't call what you did "reading".

>Echidna dispises Satella with a passion but I feel like that has nothing to do with the fact she's the Witch of Envy, it's more like she despises Satella personally.
isn't the other way around? she hates emilia personally and calls her out for being a slut and making men fall in love in her or some shit. also let's not forget that witches separate Satella and Envy.

/based/ minerva lads

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subaru mentioning her a few times when he's struggling because 'oh she did so much for me and wants to ride my cock all day long' doesn't mean she's relevant, tappei has to write some lines about her because ramfags would sperg out otherwise

>also let's not forget that witches separate Satella and Envy.
You're forgetting about one fact. Echidna doesn't view them it that way.

>also let's not forget that witches separate Satella and Envy.
But Echidna doesn't. And we're talking about Echidna.

>her power is healing
>through hitting other people
>but it actually takes energy from the world or some shit
>so by punching some people and healing them she causes famine somewhere else and kills thousands instead

Stop embarrassing yourself

seething remfag on suicide watch

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it's been over a year since i've read arc 4, i should re-read it somewhere before season 2 comes out so i know how much they fucked up the adaptation

He's weeping about the fact that she's a half-elf user

I also don't know why does Echidna hate Emilia? you know Satella looks like Emilia. Maybe that is why she hates Emilia.

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Echidna is the only who is actually there, and isn't just some copy with memories from the originals though. That gives her viewpoint more validity.
The others forgive her and separate them because they are stuck in a mindset prior to their own deaths or something.

I would actually say that Re:Zero is the exception to the rule in this regard, though. Most WNs are trash that get refined in their corresponding LNs.
In Re:Zero's case, though, the WN is great, and the LN doesn't add anything of value. It literally only makes cuts, both to important scenes and interesting plot elements.

That would be too petty a reason for Echidna. She hates her for entirely wholesome reasons like hating Emilia's mom and Emilia being a slutty whore.

>you know Satella looks like Emilia
It's the other way around user and apart from their looks (which could be explained that elves share basic features), Satella and Emilia share no connection. One of the reasons why people think they might is because Satella implies that she and Subaru have a history together. And as far as we know, that doesn't make sense. Subaru and Satella could not have interacted before the tea party. This is one of the main reasons why people think that Satella = Emilia.

But we also know that throughout the series, Subaru has been referred to as "sage" candidate and apparently smells the same as Flugel 400 years ago according to Shaula. But that'd imply that Flugel smelled like the Witch and that he'd have a connection with her.

>the LN doesn't add anything of value

shut the fuck up faggot, just one fucking illustration by that shitty artist isn't anything of value

>literally a restart reference
holy mother of based

How did you know it was me?

You are the only person to ever say the LN added anything of value.

It's more than just one illustration though, it's an entirely new scene.

Fucking hell 583 replies never knew re zero was this big even MHA threads don't get that big usually

it's a good show/wn

>>I also don't know why does Echidna hate Emilia?
Because Emilia is a whore? It's outright stated user.

fucking based,

it was massive here when it first aired

>Satella and Emilia share no connection.
yes but i want to know what do you think the dialogue in the picture?
you must visit go toubun no hanayome threads

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