After ten years, we end the shitflinging and determine conclusively who is best girl. Only characters who have appeared in the anime adaptations thus far.

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At the beginning i thought nadeko was just 'lol i am your sister friend xdd' but her second arc saved me.

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I don't care for any of them on a waifu level, but snek and cat are the best written ones.

>snakenigger is also a mikoshitter

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Hanekawa user, it's always going to be Hanekawa

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My answer to this question literally changes more often than the date. An hour ago I'm confident I would have said Bat, but here I am stuck between Monkey and Bee.

Where are my fellow snailbros?

Hanekawa's thiccness from Kizu is the only canon Hanekawa that I can accept.

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True best girl.

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The movies made me like Hanekawa so much more than I did beforehand, but I'll take the Bee.

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[staple stable playing in the background]

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I can only look at tits that big as comical - they're not attractive in the least. It's a good thing most of her fanservice scenes in Kizu were set up to be humorous anyway.

>they're not attractive in the least
spotted the homo

rendezvous made me like her a lot more

If you say so. But do you honestly not find them the least bit silly?

not really, I thought they well represented how Hanekawa is supposed to be seen as a voluptuous beauty in the story.

t. lowkey FAGGET

her best fanservice scenes (and where she looked hottest) were in Tsubasa Tiger by far

I get so torn between like 4-5 girls it's way too hard.

Math deserved so much better

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I agree 100%. She really looked good there.

oh god i fucking forgot her

redoing tomorrow

With Shinobu you can have a loli, a teenager, and a busty cake, she is the best.

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easy question

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Where's the "none of them" option because they're all trash?

Wow. You did it. You officially have the worst taste.

the one with big udders

>Missing Higasa
shit poll

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Crab before cutting her hair
Monkey after growing her hair
But best overall performance goes to Snail

But she wouldn't be an interesting character if she got better.

not tired of winning yet

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I haven't watched the show but voted for snek because she's the cutest

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You shouldn't even be voting if you haven't watched the entire anime. You don't deserve an opinion.

>no Kaiki
trash poll, faggot OP

>DAE le kaiki best grill?!?!?
This shit stopped being funny 5 years ago. Stop.

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its clearly a reliable litmus test for the poll if kaiki has high numbers poll is unreliable or all other girls are shit

>poll is in western name order
why are we tolerate this cuck shit?

I'll take the birb

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Tsukihi is an underrated girl.

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Monogatari has a girl for almost every type of taste a man can have.
Are there any types of girl missing?

Considering that Shinobu can shapeshift, assumingly she alone could be any woman you want.

I mean, I don't think we've ever seen a vampire turn into another person, but it shouldn't be any more extreme than turning into a plant or fog.

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Its always between Shinobu and Hanekawa for me honestly, I can't choose between them

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She could, but making that request seems fairly insulting.

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She IS supposed to be the most beautiful woman alive, so I guess you shouldn't even feel the need to make that request in the first place.

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what are Yea Forums's thoughts on Kagenui?

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Asking her to act like someone else would also be a loss.

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It's sad that one of monogatari's most consistently well written and funny characters is so consistently not appropriately in the top.

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>no math
C'mon son.

I like her, but strictly speaking she has zero best girl potential. Only people she can appeal to are types that like older teacher women who look down on them.

Genuinely lost interest in the series after she was "killed" until I heard what happens further into the series, just don't enjoy any of the other character interactions as I do Araragi & Hachikuji's

This isnt really about taste. Snail is objectively the best girl. She is so cute and small and huggable. No sane man could resist.

>Shinobu has more than twice as many votes as best girl Crab
Shit taste.

Kanbaru is the best.
But I had to give my vote to Karen.

I know, it's always ood to see someone blessed with such good taste

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Superior taste

Hanekawa because she is destined to have the most excellent adventures, but Nisio always teases us with them, I will never forgive the guy who just skipped over the weeks she was a super saiyan catvamp in her search for Oshino where she and Drama helped people around the planet. You can't just skip over that shit.

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>260 votes
>0 for Numachi
and stay there

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>posts the same link 3 times
Why do people do this? For a second there I thought we'd get 3 polls

I'd say I'm disappointed but that would imply I expected better from Yea Forums

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>almost 300 now
>still 0
What went wrong?

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It’ll always be spook

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>Yea Forums has shit tastes
colour me surprise

I can't vote if there is no Math

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math is weird, there are no supernatural shit surrounding her unlike the other waifus, just her life sucking all kinds of asses.

The supernatural part for her story was on Araragi side (Ougi). And in monogatari you must experience or believe in the supernatural for it to have any effect on you, Math as the most down to earth character wouldn't really care about those stories, unlike Cat who was actively seeking it during Kizu.

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yes, which why I said she is different from all the other girls in the series.

Right here my fellow Patrician.

Yotsugi bros rise up

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Doll>Bat>Monkey>Snek>Crab power gap Bee>Cat>Spooky>Snail>Math>Birb

chartfags BTFO

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>No math
>only one type of poll
Having a poll where you can select more than 1 girl and a poll where you can rank the girls you like, giving partial points or something, gives more data. It moves away from “Yea Forums is filled with xfags” or “xfags botted the poll” and gives extra data about most liked characters.

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Obviously bat,my first ever crush

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