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Other urls found in this thread:

>image search

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picked up

said no one ever

They look a little too girly for Western Style.

Isn't this about some gay dude cutting off his dick and committing suicide because he can't be lesbian lovers with his childhood friend?

I hate shit shit like this, I read manga to escape reality, not to be confronted with it.


It's about a bunch of traps in a trap cafe. And then one who isn't sure about himself. So no, and relax.

Gender crisis is such a retarded theme


Trans ppl exist in Japan too OP

Gender crisis' are the result of societies neglecting to follow one of the most ancient paradigms of Yea Forums: If you think it's cute, fuck it. The end.

If people just openly followed that shamelessly as god intended, all these cognitive dissonances and mental gymnastics could be avoided

Attached: IWasWaitingForAPervertLikeYou.jpg (761x1100, 228K)

No homo though.

Attached: 1536683401865.png (850x1200, 291K)

Real shit. I'll fuck anything if it gets my dick hard. Makes for such simple living.

>A piece of art explores a facet of reality
How could they do this to me. The sjw have done it again. They have ruined another forum of human expression by allowing more expression in that art form
We NEED to stop this RIGHT NOW!
Whats that you say about loli? No thats fine, its just a drawing!

You dumbasses need to stop, go back to /pol or /v.
Most Japs don't even see gay people and other ethnicities as anything other then a joke, who fucking cares if some of them want to poorly explore gender expression?
Grow the fuck up and just don't read shit with gay people in it if you hate them so fucking much. Like I said early its not like the fucking japs are going to fucking start respecting gays in Mass.

People are free to express their views on shitty views like the ones illustrated in this work.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy
It's probably one of the reasons trannies irl are so sad/angry - they will never look like that.

source plox?

His doujin were pretty cute, especially the first.

lol gay

kill yourself

Attached: 1546701176967.jpg (1024x482, 100K)

gay fags in a maid shop

Gender is a fake concept that was first created by a "doctor" who created weird rape experiments with a kid who's dick he accidentally cut off during birth when cutting the umbilical cord. They made the kid into a test subject to see if they could get him to identify as a female, using various methods. The kid later killed himself, for some reason they called it a success and released this concept to the public as a scientific truth that caught on over time, despite the initial tests being such a joke.

There's no gender, there's just biological sex. People that want to be a different sex are usually hung up on gender norms as if it was drilled into them growing up that there's a wrong and a right way to be a girl or boy, since they were told they were a failure, they thought that they must be the other one, they could only feel comfortable if they were the other one and they'd feel more natural. Oddly they become the most obsessed with gender concepts than anyone. They don't know what its actually like to be the other gender, no one does. You aren't a failure as a man or a women, there's no actual correct way to be a man or a women. Those are just concepts that people created along the way that don't mean much. Don't put so much pressure on the right or wrong way to be a sex. However your biological sex won't change regardless.

>you guys

"Yeah man, traps are hot."
>all trap porn is a flat chested girl with a tiny peen

This is why sexual confusion only leads to ruin.

Attached: IMG_5940.jpg (544x768, 95K)

If there's one place where I wouldn't mind it it's about traps. Manga makes gender confusion too much of a taboo, even if nonsense nogender bs is obviously dumb. Too many sad manga where some character genuinely doesn't wanna masculinize but hrt isn't acknowledged as an option

Attached: 1553301296472.gif (395x540, 2.9M)

Traps are crossdressers, not trans. Which is why whenever I see a trans on twitter going "That's basically the N word to us" its just fucking dumb. They appropriated that word, and then decided it was evil and that no one else was allowed to say it, even though it was never their word in the first place.

Not Colin

No it's incredibly kino.
That's not gender crisis you moron, thats sexuality crisis. Gender crisis would be about being afraid that you want to be a girl, you're talking about being afraid of fucking a trap

Attached: Hōrō_Musuko_manga_volume_1_cover.jpg (266x373, 19K)

No, numales and social studies cis girls appropriated the word

Who are you quoting?





>western inspired
They aren't fat or brown though.

It's literally the reason nazi's burned books.

This is what the western yurifags wanted, let them have it. Same with carole and tuesday with a nigger from the hood VA for a nigger. Anime is slowing dying due to western influence, finally I'll be free to explore my backlog forever.


If hourou musuko came out today, Yea Forums would explode.

Yeah, it'd explode with a bunch of "Who?"

Homosexuality is a sin.

based and straightpilled

>me bitching about shit that doesn't effect me on a basket weaving forum is just as impotent and valuable as people trying to convey a story deeply related to there personal experience through a artist medium
Keep telling yourself that faggot, it will definitely make you feel better about your life

>taking this long to make an impotent rage reply to a 2 hour post
yikes janny pure yikes!

When people said what they mean is that they want anime directors look inspiration not just from anime.

>Anime is slowing dying due to western influence
You do know that anime has always had some kinda western influence.

Anime was bootleg disney.

which is funny because anime as a whole was created and sustained for decades by twisting western ideas

I have no real problem with queer shit, I have every problem with pretending it's all normal or it's somehow a good thing to be accepting of it.

I mean, I'm not saying hate is justified but nobody has any obligation to like anybody else, ESPECIALLY for the decisions they make.

absolute based

Trannies, trapfags and futaniggers need to off themselves. Civilization doesn't need degenerates.

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The only good homosex is the one that makes the penis the big penis. When the homosex tries to take itself seriously, then it should be rightfully mocked and laughed at. Also, stuff about free expression and free speech against mentally ill stuff n' shit.

Attached: truth.jpg (1273x713, 140K)

>Age 10 "I hate girls"
did any one of you ever think like this?
That says a lot about the original author

>he got the cooties
no wonder you're such a faggot

>did any one of you ever think like this?
Yes. Everyone did

I was jerking off to my dad's penthouse mags at that age.

Think I found out about poju too a little later.

Maybe go to twitter if you want to feel important.

Decided to pick my gymbro up early one day
Showed up early to his apartment and hear something going on in the bathroom
He was always weak as hell thin and kind of malnourshied looking. Dude looked like a dyke with a pubestache.
I rushed to the bathroom thinking he was having another seizure
Only to find him bouncing on a dildo, his back to me wasn't going into "his" asshole
It was going into HER pussy.
i hear him whisper my name and bouncing on it harder before shuddering and creaming.
I hadn't had sex in almost a year and gave up masturbation as well as started taking certain things. All for GAINZ
I..sort of raped my gymbro...gymsis...friend.
Picked her up, pushed her onto the sink, the tiny pussy juice dildo(well tiny compared to my nearly 10 inches)fell out of her grasping pussy with a loud wet shlorp
She saw me in the mirror, her face flushed a look of fear and shock. Our eyes met and she froze like a deer in a headlight.
I fished out my cock and rubbed the large apple sized head against the tight opening of her pussy and ass,
She tried to moveaway moving her ass
I dug my fingers into her hip and drove the head in,
A loud uuun escaped her lips
That took the fight right out of her.
Long story short I fucked "his" brains out for the better part of the afternoon. It was just...balls deep rape.

I was scared of them but never really hated them.


anime is so fucking self inspired that it is getting painfully samey.
Western inspiration is only improving it, i don't care about your /pol/-ass feelings being hurt.

>anime is so fucking self inspired that it is getting painfully samey.
That is the real problem

>That says a lot about the original author
The kid is supposed to be a tranny.

>Spending all day on Yea Forums so you can respond to shitpost in a timely manner
I can see why you take such pride in your internet bitching now, you really do have nothing else going on in your life do you?
>yikes janny pure yikes!

Attached: reddit gold.jpg (480x640, 42K)

>a facet of reality
Now fuck off.


Isn't the fujo art community ahead of its time, but based Japan keeps their subculture suppressed because it does oppose traditional family values and codes.

oh wow, someone who isn't a alt-right mouthpiece

>trannys don't exist
nigga what?

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Imagine fucking a dilating wound

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Greeks and romans were gay.

it's constantly said by Bebopfags, nostalgiafags, Toonamifags, and shounen kiddies ad nasuem

you can't just pretend that argument doesn't exist when it's made every other thread

Well, yes. Nobody can change their sex so "transsexuals" don't exist by definition, just lunatics chopping off genitals and crossdressing.
But what I meant is that "non binary gender" problems don't exist either, for obvious reasons. Talking about those in a setting where they're treated as real just means that world isn't meant to be realistic, or that the author is as delusional as someone believing that isekai demihuman girls could actually appear at his door and join his harem in the real world.
So tell me, is this character's arc about him realizing he's been and will always be a male (and also that his made up problems are nonexistant)? Or maybe, the OP picture is simply misleading and he doesn't actually believe in "gray areas" between males and females?
If the answer to either one is yes, then I was wrong.
If the answer is no then this is not exploring "a facet of reality", but just pure tranny fantasy (whether the author knew it or not).


their men fucked men

and that's gay

>A great manga
>That is not an anime
>And is not Western-inspired in the least

Don't just click a random image. Put some effort into your troll OPs.

>Nobody can change their sex so "transsexuals" don't exist by definition, just lunatics chopping off genitals and crossdressing.
>Transsexual people experience a gender identity that is inconsistent with, or not culturally associated with, their assigned sex, and desire to permanently transition to the gender with which they identify
that's that a tranny is, it has nothing to do with cutting your dick off and changing your sex. It everything to do with how you feel about yourself
Even if tranny's didn't exist (which they fucking do) people who think they exist do still exist
so writing a story about someone who feels nonbinary would still be a reflection of reality

>what I meant is that "non binary gender" problems don't exist either
Non birary just mean someone doesn't fit into anyone sides gendernorms
Are you saying there aren't androgynous humans with problem unique to them because of there androgyny?
Do you think everyone is the same person and has the same problems?

>and also that his made up problems are nonexistant
How can you say his problems are nonexistant?
There problem exist, they are chemical. We have proven this to be true. I have never hear anyone who knows what they are talking about say that trannys don't exist, even people who are nazi who hate the jews and the gays say they are real.
You really have no fucking idea what your talking about. Stop getting your talking points from /pol memes like the cocksucking nigger you are and do some reading on academic work

>that's that a tranny is, it has nothing to do with cutting your dick off and changing your sex
Stopped reading there. You're a confirmed retard

Japan had this shit before the west went insane with it. I remember and more importantly pepperidge farm remembers.
cool, way to prove that basic google searching and reading are to hard for you

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>redditors, redditors, redditors and redditors
go back

Literally no one says that.

true, they don't.

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nuke fags and trannies

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Finally a sane post.

white people want anime about stupid shit like game of thrones or whatever the current favorite show is. We even get threads about white wanting white anime on Yea Forums every once in a while.

and look how that turned out for them.

>the state of /aeddit/

>they will never look like that.
Just wait 100 years

What is the third gender? Seriously. I don’t fucking get it. If you’re being generous, you can be one, both, or neither. And that’s already pushing it. These weirdos have yet to define a single one of their special snowflake genders in a way that isn’t some mixture of male and female. I seriously want to understand.

why do you care?

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Why do you care?

>he said this while posting on Yea Forums

Because retarded use shitty pol memes to make arguments that convince retarders to vote against my best interest, directly causing me harm and my country
Does some red headed collage bitch saying she is a special gender harm you in any meaningful way?

>they will never look like that
/r/TransTimeLine would like to have a word with you.

Dude draws wonderfull trap porn


It will when calling a fat guy with a wig and a stubble"sir" becomes a crime.

You're right. We should continue the trend of harem protagonists who do nothing with the women god throws at them for 100+ chapters because that's what the normal Japanese boy would do. I'm sure us westerners who want nothing more than to fuck a hot snake chick, himecut chick or whatever chick can relate to Cuhckuhiro Betada who gets scared by the thought of seeing a breasts

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I read that in his voice.

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>hate both sides of this argument

why did 2019 have to be like this?

I meant it in the literal sense, go check the etymology of transsexual.
"Trans-" means to go beyond, to cross, to mutate. You don't change sex.
Then again if you want to chose a different definition than yes, there are people that believe they belong to a different gender than the real one. Of course I know that (althought what I meant was perfectly clear, I'm surprised you didn't undestand that), but that doesn't mean they're sane.
>"waaah, if I'm not a boy it doesn't mean I'm a girl!!!"
That's what the OP pic depicts. Now think really hard about what I meant about "" gender binary problems"". They don't exist not as in "these people don't have problems at all" or "they feel good with themselves" (or these retards wouldn't be automutilating), but as in their main problems don't actually come from the vewy mean society "forcing the wrong gender" on them (because you don't switch gender, so acting like you can is not normal) or again from society "refusing to recognize that you're neither male nor female" (because it isn't possible).
Therefore (to put it in a way you will hopefully understand) IF in that manga the message is "uguu~ there are more than two genders! Also you might be trapped in the wrong body! uwu", then it's just tranny fantasy.
If the manga instead realizes this is not real, then it's not tranny fantasy. Easy.
That's what I meant in that "arc" part of the previous post. Next time read slowly before screeching.
>Stop getting your talking points from /pol/
Never did, and also I never posted on that board in my life. Now everyone who thinks autoproclamed "transsexuals" aren't normal and that there are only two genders comes from /pol/, nice.

>slippery slop
the president of the united states has done irreparable damage to our foreign relationship, our supreme court, and the public reception (both foreign and domestic) and your scared of some dystopian future that will literary never happen

Attached: 4chan.png (617x461, 212K)

Just like how gay people are just like everyone else.

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But am I wrong tho?

Hailed as the most advanced past civilizations?

>Does some red headed collage bitch saying she is a special gender harm you in any meaningful way?
They harm society by forcing their stupid self-destructive and contradictory mentality.

At their peaks maybe, but their civilizations collapsed dumbass

>They harm society by forcing their stupid self-destructive and contradictory mentality

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>but their civilizations collapsed
Not because of their sexual orientations.

>I meant it in the literal sense, go check the etymology of transsexual.
Why would you ever be talking about the etymology of a fucking word in the context of modern history?
Do you think that faggot still just means a bundle of sticks?
words change, if your going to talk about the words fucking origin, say that you are

As for the rest of your post, you seem to saying that a society can't change
>because you don't switch gender, so acting like you can is not normal
>because it isn't possible
why can't you switch genders?
thats literally the center point of our argument and you just keep saying you can't with out a reason why
Gender and sex are not the same this.
sex is biological and gender is societal so if you have a society with that allows for someone to change gender, why could they not

>Now everyone who thinks autoproclamed "transsexuals" aren't normal and that there are only two genders comes from /pol/, nice.
Saying you got your talking points from /pol is meant to help you
If you got it from anywhere else you are ironically to fucking stupid to even be talking about this kinda stuff, because the only way someone can be this wrong about something and not be mentally challenged is if they were fed a whole bunch of misinformation by a bad actor

There were multiple factors but im sure that didn't help

Well what's your idea tough guy

>No homo though.

Pffft, sorry, he's taken

Boy these janniea sure do love threads about themselves huh

>They harm society by forcing their stupid self-destructive and contradictory mentality.
forcing there self-destructive and contradictory mentality on what?
People? Society? Government? Educational institutions?
also what does that even fucking mean? did you just type buzzwords into a reply and hit post?

just because no one likes them doesn't mean they're redditors

I mean they were saying that shit before reddit was a thing


The disgusting orgies didn't help with public perception or morality, I assure you that

>links to one pedophile
fuck dude, if one news story on one person is enough in say a whole group of people are bad then i guess we are also all pedophiles
I didn't know data work that way but damn Forums-user-gets-busted-fbi

One pedophile who used his special snowflake status to get near children.

One pedophile who used his special anonymous status to get child porn

One of them was lauded by society.

lmao this nigga trying to call out Yea Forums users for moral shit
get out of here you tranny enabler


Does a/ even have mods at this point.

no, this nigga is showing how this niggas logic does't fucking work retarded
>it Yea Forums, we don't have morals. we all are edge 14 year olds who come here to be edging

It isn't whattaboutism you flaming fudge packing homosexual.
Do you really think I think everyone who uses Yea Forums is a pedophile? Are you that fucking stupid?
My point was that data doesn't work the way he tried to use it. I did this by posting an analogous situation to illustrator how is logic would implicate all Yea Forums users as pedophiles

>complaining about a thread
>still bumping it
your the reason this place has gone to shit, dumbass

>cocksucking nigger
I dont think your tranny friends would approve of this language


>this person is not a slobbering inbred retard like me
>he must have tranny friends!
nice one
To bad I actually form my opinion based on facts and not feelings.

>he responed to my shitpost
>he must be mad!
even better
Go back to Yea Forums 2.0 faggot, if you even know what that is

>Why would you ever be talking about the etymology of a fucking word in the context of modern history?
It was literally obvious from context.
Moving on and getting to the point (since this is getting very stupid and boring), gender and sex are the same. Just because you're mentally ill and perceive your gender differently this doesn't change. Why don't you feel male? You have a male body, a male brain. What can you possibly know about being and "feeling" female? You just have your idealized idea of what being "female" is, and you start playing the part. But if you assume this is logical, then why do you need to think you're female? Why would you have to link what you feel to something biological, despite the fact that you could never experience it? Under the exact same logic, you couldn't argue if someone felt like his gender was something entirely different althogether. You literally can't, except by saying "it's not the same thing!!11!". I meant, you're still nothing you're pretenting to be from a biological standpoint, so anything goes. Hence, the "non-binary" retardation.
In conclusion, this "gender" mental illness serves no good purpose, so if the society starts to allow something as illogical as this, then it's just an ominous sign.
>all that bulshit in the last part
Yeah sure, reasoning like normal human beings always meant being stupid and mentally challenged, I guess.
Go fuck off somewhere else if you want to have fun with your new retarded nonsensical hip ideology.
>one pedophile
It's the fact that this is slowly being accepted, idiot. More and more people are going nuts at how "tolerant" and "progressive" stuff like this giant poster of a "drag queen" child in the picture is, for example. It's in Time Square. Whoever put up that advertisement/rented that space thought that was a normal thing to do.

Attached: child drag queen.jpg (539x960, 69K)

Yeah, but they were fucking resolved in going forward and being faggots. Trannies and the like are 95% so ill-bred and flimsy with their ideals that most of the time their gender issues are more of a result of deeper problems than a fully realized ambition.

Attached: 1545328731185.jpg (674x678, 198K)

>hype & influence
More like brainwashing.

Overthrow the mods

>gender and sex are the same
science disagrees
You talk about how trannys are delusion but you don't even know the scientific consensus of the topic your talking about
like I said before, Go read nigga. I know its hard to because your a little slow and big words scare you but im sure if you try hard enough you can make it though, I believe in you buddy even though no one else does (mostly because they shouldn't)

This. why caring about people who will kill themselves anyway? On the other hand, the people who argue with them are the same who let their children be mutilated by shitty reasons. And more importantly. What does all this retarded discussion have to be with anime?

Try it

Yea Forums is just Yea Forums if it was babysat 24/7 by jannies and mods

>we get pic related
yeah no thanks

Attached: hm.jpg (1364x764, 141K)

>linking to reddit
>a tranny one at that

Attached: 1432210630631.jpg (365x316, 37K)

Same here, I just don't care anymore, Suzu's way too adorable.

I'm glad the dyke got BTFO'd

Attached: [Hachimitsu_Scans]_Fukaboku_c10_02.png (850x1200, 479K)

not even real women look like that

This is cute. Thanks OP for being a faggot but providing a cute image.

I want that dyke to look at me in disgust.

>yfw some fag comes and steals your trap

The first image in my folder that contains this joke's formula is from 2007.

>it's literally based on made up definitions
>its motivations to enforce a "gender permissive" society are still completely ideological
Why did I waste my time with this?

Attached: political.png (641x46, 16K)

I don't think i ever hated them because i did have two friends that were girls.

Well to be honest, it could also be just reference to V for Vendetta you know the source where it comes from.

I watched the series and it isn't, they directly reference anonymose. That whole anime is a disaster.


>it's constantly said by Bebopfags, nostalgiafags, Toonamifags, and shounen kiddies ad nasuem
Those people are faggots but i do think that anime directors and animators should look outside of anime for inspiration or influence and not just western but japan as well.

Oh, well that is just embarrassing.

Attached: 1529621490802.jpg (1920x1080, 116K)

>it's literally based on made up definitions
Do you think god made up the definition you use or something?
what the fuck are you talking about?
all definitions are made up
>its motivations to enforce a "gender permissive" society are still completely ideological
What other reason would you do something other then ideological? Do you save lives because god wills it? Should we not try and cure cancer?

Here's my last question mate, I hope you take it to heart and really think about it.
What do you want the world to be?
Because judging by our talk here it seems you hate trannys for no real reason and are only trying to find reasons to shit on them.
Your standing against all of science just to shit on people you dont know and people who have no effect on you

>some shit "scientific" study
>the science have spoken
why does this keep happening?

>what is Yea Forums circa 2019

He's saying gender crisis is a result of people not being free sexually. If you see gender crisis as a result of people putting too much importance on gender, to the point where they start making more and more new and specific combinations of sexual interest and identity, then yes, he's right.

And by the way, you really come off as a self-important ass.

The first website i linked is to WHO's , the world health organization's, website. The people who are literally the authority on metal conditions.
I only linked one study cause i figured if you were going to shrug off the WHO then no amount of studies were going to make you change your mine

>he thinks anyone cares about some literally who

a bunch of dumbasses that have no effect in the anime industry

I don't hate them, they simply make me sad: If you have many behaviors that are mostly prevalent in the other gender, you still don't need to pretend that you belong to it by dressing up and harming your body. All of these actions are finalized to modify your physical aspect in order to try and trick other people into believing that your sex is different.
It literally makes no sense. It doesn't if you don't believe in sex-gender distinction, but neither it does if you do: if you assume that gender and sex aren't the same, then there would be no reason to make sex match your "perceived gender", because such link wouldn't actually exist. So, trannies are still mentally ill one way or the other.
Enabling this kind of mentality you'll also encourage those disgusting uses of HRT on chiildren for example, that in most of the cases end up regetting it by adulthood. Too bad by then their bodies would simply be a half-developed mess.
This harms society.
Also, weird of you to mention cancer, because wrong hormonal leves (mentioned in the link as a cause of some "gendered behaviors") actually increase risks of cancer (even for mothers in pregnancy).

Fuck western cancer. Fuck Yea Forumsniggers, fuck Disney and fuck ugly western cartoons.


>they simply make me sad
It really shouldn't, you no nothing about them
Thats fucking fine, to know nothing about something that doesn't effect you but don't just make shit up about them
it is an illness but the treatment as prescribed by people far smarter then you and I is to go though gender reassignment surgery
Children don't take HRT they take hormones blockers which just delays puberty with no measurable negative impact so that when they are more developed they can choice if they want to go though with the transition

>i don’t fit any gender norms
>that’s why I need HRT to preserve my androgyny
Besides, sex is so much simpler than the complex interwoven spaghetti bullshit both the left and right have been fighting over.

>First image of this manga I saw was
>Thought it was going to be a cute vanilla serialization of that couple, fuck yeah
>it's just a bunch of mentally ill retards screeching at each other


>sex is so much simpler than the complex interwoven spaghetti bullshit both the left and right have been fighting over
You can't call things you never done before simple. you have no experience with it user.

jesus, i knew weebs were freaks

Biological sex you idiot, not the act, the act can be made quite complex. The actual act of having gonads and therefore a sex is really, really simple though.

>Biological sex you idiot
I know you fucking faggot, the post you replied to wasn't even about sex, it was about gender
But since it is so simple please, do explain it.

Gender is a spook, sex is what gametes you produce. Gender as we currently define it has ironically become meaningless and entirely divorced from the easy to define sex. Anyone who screechingly attaches themselves to the concept of their gender is hilarious.

Hey, Venture Bros is good.

There is nothing wrong with anime or manga that has some western inspired stuff. Anime doesn't need to be just harem or CGDCT.

>sex is what gametes you produce
surprised you weren't fucking retarded and know what you were talking about user
good job, heres your free (You)

Attached: Uragaan.gif (332x332, 2.69M)

Can't we just have a nice thread where we share our lust for boys that look like girls? No need to ruin it with talk of mental delusions.

Attached: 1550839359945.jpg (460x604, 52K)

Yea so is Ben 10, castlevania etc.. BUT 99.99% of western shit is ugly aesthetically bankrupt cancer though.

That’s a cool gif there

Well OP clearly wanted this thread be more than traps.

So what is your opinion on Simpsons?

Art wise it's disgusting cancer, it does nothing stylish or to push the boundaries. Comedy wise i used to love it back when I watched it. Westerners need to do more realistic and aesthetic stuff like attached image.

Attached: Anime Aesthetic 1.jpg (1280x720, 281K)

It used to be stylish, before syndication.

>balloon tits

>he's never left his basement to go see real girls
stop trolling

>he's never left his basement to go see real girls
Mm hm, that's the people that think massive anime tits are "realistic".

Do the girls in my basement not count?

>newfag thinks these are big

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>Thinly veiled off-topic thread about identity politics stays up for 18 hours
Just merge Yea Forums and Yea Forums already so I can finally kill myself

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You know girls can have much bigger breasts in real life, right?

Reminder that the dyke brought this upon herself by waiting like every other childhood friend, expecting no one else to come and be a rival

>self-important ass
>on Yea Forums
no fucking way

She literally couldn't love him.

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Yea Forums is just Yea Forums if Yea Forums had any moderation

So casuals who don't actually like anime and who will move on to another hobby within a year
Thread ended right here

This thread stayed alive before getting archived for 15 hours yesterday despite getting reported more than a few times while mods deleted a bunch other things: There's no hope left when it feels like the mods are the ones who want to kill Yea Forums the most.

This is a pretty good discussion.

>sex is simple, at birth you can tell whether someone’s man or woman!!!
Clearly you fucks have never heard of the guevedoce

Ookami Shounen was the best anime about gender dysphoria without it ever actually being about it or an anime.

Nothing sadder than the faggots who fall for that shit. If you're a guy and not a hairless twink, you will never be cute and you will never pass. If testosterone has ever surged through your body at a normal level, you'll never pass.

hopefully soon

Ookami Shounen was NOTHING about gender dysphoria. The MC just wanted to dress as a girl to fuck the main heroine.

this thread

Attached: Traps Aren'y Gay.webm (460x258, 877K)

Yeah, she deserves it for being such a bitch.

>Genuinely enjoy this manga
>Will never, ever, EVER be able to have proper threads for it because of all the cancer and shitposting these threads attract
Pic related is best girl (male) by the way.

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Good taste dude.

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When is Mei getting a spinoff like Suzu did?

When Mei gets a boyfriend.

I'm betting anything Mei ends up with the gay girl.


>white people
Shut up nigger

Now that you mention it, I can see that happening because Mei's the most feminine of the bunch, I expect Mei to be dominated by that dyke on the spinoff.

>They are classified as girls when they are born but, around the age of 12, they start developing male genitalia.

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Just start it as a trap lover thread. You’ll get some discussion.

Not just that, but Mei was the only one in the cafe Kotone seemed totally fine with.

If you can afford extensive hormone therapy you can look like that.

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I can see them going on dates to buy cute clothes and then fuck inside a store.

I hate that this is what it takes for people to discuss this manga.

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Here's the true genderpill, everyone is born as a girl in the womb but then turn into boys as the testosterone and other things effect you and your breast becomes a chest, your pussy becomes a dick and balls, you have more muscle and less estrogen etc..

The important thing here is that Mei has to be the bottom.

>guy so desperate to get some pussy he dresses as a girl to seduce a lesbian
>he realizes she kinda sucks and goes out with her friend instead
>never dresses as a girl again
>instead realizes he needs to be more of a man for his amazing new girlfriend
>gender dysphoria

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Sure, if you started the said hormone therapy before puberty.

Even more reason to make threads about it desu

Of course, Mei's a princess after all, I doubt we're gonna get anything but Mei being the bottom.

Giving it a read, on chapter 3, and there have been MANY moments a SJW would find extremely problematic.

Eh. I’ve seen a couple people who are able to pass after 5 years of therapy.

I mean, an accurate portrayal of the terrible situation of gender dysphoria would be depressing and would curtail a different audience. I like this manga because it's light and fun with an interesting story.

but japan already liked faggots, it's just that faggots or pretending you have 300 genders aren't used an excuse to be massive assholes

FunFact: Here in Brazil, Netflix made an animation about three superhero dragqueens and SJW where hyping it, but in the end it flopped because it was actually redpilled and SJW's hated that.

Because Traps are western thing, ok

Tetsu's gay crisis was pretty good.

>Not a manga about a guy with a trap harem

Faggots in denial can't handle a real crossdresser.

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MC's loyal to his trapfu.

Fuck off. It's cute when everyone gets their own love interest instead of mindlessly sucking off one dick. It kills characters.

Eeh, I think Koto will probably won't get a love interest. Next chapter will probably have her coming to terms with her sexuality (prolly with lots of angst) after Mogu talks to her.

This, there's enough haremshit as it is.

Maki did it better.

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I could see it going either way. Either she gets no one and the author sidelines her, or the author tries to make Mei and her a thing.

Yeah it makes no sense that people conflate "outside of anime" w/ Western when Japan has their own kinema scenes and movements and shit

Maybe she could end up with Mei, but the latest chapter ending with her wishing to be normal seems like a perfect hook for the others to reassure her that it's okay for her to be herself. Her going out with a trap after that would be kinda dumb, considering that her drama with Mogu was because she couldn't love him. The manga is also too far in to just introduce a love interest for her, which is why I think she'll probably end up alone.

There is no trap harem

I was seeing it as a lead in to character development for Mei to be treated like a "real girl" and for Kotone to not consider it settling for a boy.

someone from tumblr is really shilling this lgbt fanfic manga.

nobody like tumblr tier faggotry on Yea Forums except /u/ and /lgbt/ and Yea Forums

yes, because i was a stupid little kid who didn't know anything at 10 years old. prepubescent kids have no business making decisions about gender or sexuality and adults who put that on them are irresponsible.

Well, as long as she is happy by the end I'll be happy too

>nu/a/ going all in on the b8 thread.
for all the hate Yea Forums and Yea Forums gets you dumbasses sure fall for the same tricks as they do.

What makes you think its not the same people from Yea Forums making these posts?

Not in that shape if it ain’t the work of some gross unnatural-looking plastic surgery. They look like literal balloons. natural boobs can look similar when severely squeezed and pushed upwards, but these aren’t.

they don't have the commitment to shitpost a series for a week, short attention spans.

They live here, user. They see a bait thread, they click on it, they shitpost it. Its not being deliberately targeted any more than any other bait thread.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

I love this!

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>They live here
doubt, replace Yea Forums with Yea Forums and /h/ and you'd be right.

the dick makes it better

no wonder their civilizations died off

why it is so hard to admit that this board is barely better and has its own set of shitposters? I hate how some users here always blame some external boogeyman for the lack of quality

Because this site has been homogeneous for 5+ years, its not some crazy conspiracy theory like you seem to think.

yeah man this place totally doesn't have people trying to start shit, its all that other board fault.

End it
Just cancel anime