
Season 2 PV is out. youtube.com/watch?v=v2gZpf4lroU&feature=youtu.be

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>more best Olympian

>new Bestia hairstyle
Why? Twintails were better.
I bet she'll barely be in it when she's the only reason most people have heard of this shit.

Wargames and pleasure quarter arcs were pretty good, so there's something to look forward to.
That looked like it might have just been her right after she got up or something.

Fuck yes I had no idea. I'm ready to jack off to more Hestits and onahole backpacker.

can't wait for the shistorm on the pleasure quarter arc with Haruhime being a virgin after months of living as a prostitute shit is dumb

We'll get Ishtar shenanigans right?

I honestly really like the LNs, but I have to wonder what the fuck is behind certain decisions like that, or a lot of the supporting casts ages, and some minor stuff like that. I don't know if the editor or the writer just crams weird pandering moments in at the last minute or what
That would most likely make up like half of the season. The first season was like 5 volumes, but iirc the next few were a bit longer so they'll either be really rushed or probably only go up to 8 at the most.

Why do people call Hestia an oppai loli? She looks like a typical busty high schooler you’d see in a romcom.

They can't just cut Ishtar or not adapt pleasure quarter so yes, also, it will be great to see her freak out when Freiya confronts her/spoiler] and one more thing, Aisha looked gorgeous in this pv.

She's a very small girl.

Because she was called a loli kyonyuu in the show itself.

Sex with Hestia when?

i think this one was the one that bothered me the most because it added nothing to the story, hell i think it detracts from both bell and haruhime inner conflicts. and i think it's the editor Fujino is a weirdo just read the volume 12 afterword making a prostitute heroine sounds like something he would do

Here's the promotional image for season 2.

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Lili seems too tall. Dropped.
>Hestia standing on a rock to appear taller
Ok, undropped.

what's the point in adding so many cute girls when Bell is only going to chase vanilla Ais anyway?

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It's actually left up to interpretation. That's just what Aisha thinks but it's very much handwaved over with a "Who knows if I'm telling the truth". There's a chance that she isn't and it was Aisha just bullshitting but the important part was that Haruhime believed herself to be filthy.

Honestly, I'd prefer if they cut out that part as it ruined the pacing of the fight.

Vanilla is the best ice cream flavor, but you should still at least taste the others once.

Also the latest arc added yet another xeno girl. Why? fuck if I know.

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Are you fucking sure? Because it would be deserving of a season 2.

Wait, this is the season 2 of the spinoff isn't it.

If you've finished 13 you'd know why. I doubt we'll see her again after this arc aside from maybe a reference to passing by once or twice

>Lili can transform into Prum men
>Can transform into monsters
>As long as they are the same size as her
Lili is literally the embodiment of IMAGINE.

Aiz isn't awful. At least she has her own motivations outside of Bell.

Nice. Looking forward to seeing volume 7 adapted.

nah main series the PV shows stuff from the main novel
yeah maybe i was too harsh with my words, i just didn't like the way it happened really

Loved this show, and a S2 will finally fix its only flaw, being 12 episodes only.

That's S2 of the main story. I don't even know if they'll do S2 of the spin-off when the next parts are mostly original places so they can't reuse animation anymore.

I don't think the SO anime was all that successful, but if they did do that it would probably be in chronological order with them alternating seasons
The real question is how will those limitations chance if she ever fucking levels up

Me too user, especially pic related.

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True endgame is Lefiya anyway.

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Maybe we'll finally have more than about three non-Hestia doujins in existence.

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You know it. One of my favorite fights in the series.

Well a chunk of the season will take place in brothel town. If that doesn't do it, nothing will.

>Aiz has started to get intersted in Bell
>Second heroine is not as handy as she thought
>Gets cucked out of her rival role by a literal Black Bull (Rhino).
The latest english chapter has her admiring Bell shirtless, at least which wasn't in the LN.

>Apollo starts a wargame because he wants to rape Bell
>Aisha starts a riot in the pleasure quarter because she wants to rape Bell
>Phryne beats everyone up because she wants to rape Bell
>Ishtar gets murdered by Freya because she tried to rape Bell
This next season is going to have a lot of attempted rape of Bell. That's pretty Greco-Roman of them, I suppose.

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Latest English chapter of what, the Oratoria manga?

Lefiya was always only Bell's rival in her head in the first place. I really have no idea what he plans to do with the character at this point though, but maybe that's just because we don't really have any actual backstory from her aside from a vague description of her hometown and her brief time in learning magic and shit before joining the Loki Familia. At least that's the case for translated shit I'm aware of anyway

As long as she only appears in Oratoria and is completely missing from the main series, any relationship with Bell will only ever be developed in a half-assed manner anyway.

>this ugly ass PV
I thought it was just one punch. Why do their PV's reach this level of trash?

Do you guys think Asanagi will do another Danmachi book?

That's why I kind of reserve judgement on the character. As is all she could really be is a mediocre addition to Bell's harem, but she's barely even in his books in the first place. There's plenty of room to elaborate on what motivates her aside from wanting to be Aiz's bottom bitch, but at the moment she's just kind of shit.
My biggest fear for this series is that the Loki Familia will collapse and characters like her will just be dumped into the main story when Bell becomes level 5 or 6, but that's probably just me imagining the worst case scenario.
I doubt it, but mostly just because it's so rare when they put a new Victim Girls out now

>season 2
wait what
all I heard about was the movie.

Fuck the pleasure quarters arc.

Author is just a fucking hack because he doesn't want prostitution in his story and forever destroyed it.

Lefiya doesn't pop up in the main story. So SO.

Latest volume has Viridis die in front of her with only an arm remaning and ends with ehr being locked up with PTSD So the author will probably do something with this.

>Not liking Freya being an absolute Stacy and puttin Ishtar in her place
The prostiturion idea was actually not a bad one but it was executed pretty awfully, I'll admit.

>Volume has amazons everywhere getting btfo
>Dat Mikoto fight which goes full Ryona

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I enjoyed pleasure quarter arc. And who knows, maybe Omori actually wanted to make Haruhime be a non virgin, but since she is a part of Bell's familia and basically one of the main girls of his harem from volume 7 onwards, that would probably get a strong negative response since nips are purity fags.

Remember when we thought all hope was lost when Sword Oratoria came and went?

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To be fair, Aisha discofirms it then immediately goes back. It's kinda annoying but, like Bell, you're allowed to believe what you want.

>SO only gets good at Welf's volume when people
I want a Xenos season but at the same time don't need another volume of SO which they'll probably have to do before it.

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Lastest chapter of what? SO manga or novel? Do you have a pic?

This series has too many best girls

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SO. Haven't caught up to the raws yet though.

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I really wonder how Xenos would be animated. The first parts of that arc were really shit, but it completely turned around at the end with the Loki familia and Asterios bit.

This is hot, why doesn’t Memoria Freese have any shirtless Bell ):

You mean the volumes? That's tough as I'd want this season to only be on Volume 6 and 7.

They'll need 2 cour for it to end up being anything but a mess and cutting out a lot of character moments. 8 to 11 would be ideal as the next volumes are interconnected as well.

If I remember volume 8 correctly it really doesn't need a whole lot of episodes to cover everything. The volume itself felt like an OVA or something.

since freya is non-virgin does that mean she can never win the bowl?

It doesn't since it's an anthology of stories. They can forego all of it besides Syr's if they decide to not care about character development and getting the Hestia familia to know one another better.

>Mikoto: Gets a new sword
>Lily: Meets Finn which can be ignored
>Welf: Kinda important for his character but nothing contributing to the plot
>Syr: Establishes another entrace.
>Hestia: It's nice if you need more Aiz

It's basically a series of short stories. I wouldn't mind it being an OVA only sort of thing since I really didn't like that volume.
One of the points volume 7 tried to make was that Bell was fine with a heroine being a non-virgin.


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implying Bell"All okay"Cranel has a problem with used goods

She hasn't been in the spotlight much lately, but barring a sudden death (which is extremely unlikely given she's the main character of a different series), I just don't see it being anyone other than Aiz. The harem aspects of danmachi are sort of just a lie to let it randomly feature cute girls
The Ares stuff was kind of neat for just showing a bit more of the world outside of a single city, but yeah it was all pretty overall unimportant

No, you guys don't understand my post

I hate the author for removing the only red light district in town.

The Rated 18 section of town was permanently erased from the story.

>bell watching aiz's anime

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It's not like there was ever going to be a story about Bell going to the cat house and fully penetrating someone. Besides, Danmachi's timeline is only like a few months or something. It takes time to rebuild all that sleeze

I wish more anime had mobage that funded more seasons rather than stupid spin-offs.

There are still some who stayed but its not as big anymore. We still see some of them "work" in volume 8.

I really wish that nickname stuck. Rabbit's Foot isn't even as catchy as Little Rookie. Where the fuck does the idea that Bell is like a rabbit come from. It's literally only because his hair is white which still isn't enough.

Truly the biggest loss in the series. On par with Aisha disappearing from the story for a few volumes instead of hanging around with Bell's group. I'm glad she returned back to the story.

He was disappointed in himself because he felt like she was being more heroic than him.

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White hair and red eyes, skittish, fast, wants to fuck everything, though honestly Bell's kind of innocent. Admittedly that would also describe a lab rat.

>white hair and red eyes
>small and cute
>good at running
>Hermes lab rat
Rabbit's Foot are amulets that bring good luck so maybe because other adventures consider him lucky too ?

Its just the virgins-for-virgin softcore harem standard. In SO Bert's new gf came from the same backgroud and author didn't deny she's experienced at all.

>cv. KENN

Oh SHIT son

I can't wait for Animenewsnetwork's hottest takes on the problematic gender politics of the main villain of part 1 being a bisexual rapist.

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If they do I'll only know about it because some tourist fag decides to post about it here

Aisha disappears because she was helping out the other Barbara from being assasinated in Welf's SO volume.

THere's zero chance Hestia would have allowed Aisha to join the familia though.

>Not the whole "I'm a prostitute so I don't deserve to be saved"
>Will probably ignore how Phyne was really close to drugging then raping Bell
Aisha and Phyne being strong prostiitutes will also be ignored and they'll all concentrate on Haruhime's weird purity fetish.

Might have to re-read SO then since I don't really remember much aboout it.

To be fair, he's also a non-vigin even though his two waifus had died.

Lena's actually in the PV.

why the fuck does this show even have characters in it that aren't hestia

>hestia will never win
She is best girl why cant best girls win

She said she'd chase Bell after his death. Same goes for Freya. Mortal girls can't compete.

Why does she dress like that? Isn't it a little too provocative?

Why is this shit getting another season? And holy shit, that PV was terrible. Really bad. The green ninja elf is cool thought.

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Haruhime doesn't look like she's 16

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For you.

I still prefer Yasuda's design.
Hestia looks cuter there too.

I spend like $10 a month on this game. Did I help make s2 real? Or did Crunchyroll just steal it to fund bad /pol/ complaints?

It’s a little weird because I know Lefiya so well since she’s a major character in the game but barely there in the anime. Which sucks because she is e n d g a m e right here, bros.

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>sjw ln
no thanks

Aside from that event with the legendary costumes and the beach event, I have not seen another event where that pairing get's teased, the author probably did it for shits and giggles.

the author is retarded with his ''gods cant go into the dungeon'' rule

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Nah. Bell and Lefiya's relationship was always something the author wanted to work more on. One of the original ideas for SO 10 was to have Lefiya betray the Loki Familia in order to help Bell during the Xeno arc. It was supposed to lead to an eventual stand-off between her and Riveria. In the end, it was scrapped so the volume could focus more on Finn. The source is the afterword for the volume.

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Fucking fantastic. I, for one, look forward to the influx of new lewds, particularly for Ryuu Lion. That elf was so damn hot.

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Bell's pretty free right now he could go fuck her out of depression in the next main volume and introduce her along with the Enyo plot as it looks to be about to begin. I doubt they're going to just brush past that.

>Inb4 next volume has them go out of Orario to look for Astrea so Ryu could join Hestia familia and so they miss out on Enyo's shit.

Even though I like that ship, I understand how that'd clash with what was happening. The best would have been Tiona, if he needed a betrayal as she's already pretty kind plus into Bell. Lefiya hadn't been established to be that sympathetic to monsters.

Hestia is so perfect, does she have ANY chance at winning?

Zero to the point of annoyance. Bell's slightly getting over his "Much Aiz" as he's getting closer to her but I honestly doubt either of them is going to survive till the end.

But why, it literally makes no sense to make such a best girl just to have her on the sidelines.

I would like to say that I'm looking forward for the Ryuu and Aisha lewds but we're going to probably have a big ass influx of Hestia lewds again, which is still great but I would prefer more lewds of other girls Shakti, Naaza, Daphne and Cassandra being some of these examples.

And even if the author had done that, he can't make it have any real lasting or meaningful impact on Bell for fear of confusing flagship readers who don't read Oratoria.

Probably no.
The last few books barely has any hestia in it.
The LN is turning into a haremshit, there is the vouire dragongirl and then in the newest book there is a mermaid girl that saved his ass. Hestia barely has a line/single page in appearance.

more bell and hestia kino


i can't fucking wait for madman bell arc

>war games arc
>rooftop boss run
>Bell punished arc
fucking yeah

>tfw probably no s3 where the good shit starts

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>more blonde elf chick

my pp hard

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Who's singing the OP and ED this time?

But Hestia NTR doujinshi are the best.

LN readers what is up with Syr? I remember watching this scene and thinking “is she actually a manipulative malicious Goddess?”

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still looks like crap
although war game is one of the better arcs

so excited for the wargame arc
shit was great, i hope they do it justice

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>pleasure quarter
we get suicide bomber mikoto

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It's not exactly clear yet what her deal is, but she's definitely got something to do with Freya since there's a Freya Familia adventurer guarding her safety around town (pic related) and Mama Mia is also a captain of Freya Familia. And in the casino game she seems to have the same seeing power as Freya.

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Go read Ryu spinoff.
It pretty much confirmed that Syr = Freya. Their tavern is also supported by freya familia and run by an ex freya's member.

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Then how have they been in two different places at the same time? Plus there's

Oh? I thought the LN would have already revealed who she was exactly. That's surprising but yeah in that event Allen and Ottarl popped up when Syr got into trouble so I assumed she was must be extremely important to the Freya Famila but I see pic related confirms that she appears to have a high-rank adventurer constantly keeping watch over her.

I haven't' seen Ryu's spinoff yet. I'll give it a read later.

>no more animated Lefiya

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>He doesn't know.
Lefiya gets some screentime in the movie.

Have you read sekai maou?

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God speed Lefiyafag.

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Welp, time to hunt that torrent down.

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>yfw more Minotaur doujinshis

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The girl on the right is already a furry so it's fine I guess.

It's really really weird. The thing is that Allen who is so into Freya is tsun to her. I kinda wonder if she's a daughter or some weird human clone.

You can also play the game as it has all of it there even if that chapter is rather high level to finish. Date A Live collab soon.

>tfw zero (0) Lefiya lewds in existence
>not just doujinshis, even her pixiv art is nearly nonexistent
I just want to lewd my own self insert character so why doesn't anyone else

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wasn';t it also confirmed in the danmemo christmas event?

Didn't play the game, what happened there?

No, nothing was confirmed in the Christmas event. The biggest hint you get is this as well as Allen and Ottarl saving Syr when she went into the dungeon.

>Akeno Watanabe as Aisha Belka
>Wakana Kowaka as Daphne Lauros
>Ayumi Mano as Cassandra Illion
>KENN as Hyakinthos Clio
>Ryota Ohsaka as Apollo
>Haruka Chisuga as Sanjōno Haruhime

I only know Akeno Watanabe and KENN.

the dub is good

Ok bros who is that fox girl

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If Hestia doesn't win the MC bowl I will send a bomb to the author.

A prostitute that is still a virgin

A virgin whore.


Lefiya is not Bell haremette, but maybe after killing that elf girl of hers off the writer decided to shit her up fully to become suddenly interest in Bell too in next novel volume as some revenge how poor sales anime spin-off season got.

Approximately, when are the next volumes for sword oratoria and the main series?

You could have a decent fantasy anime and make different pairings to lead story in some directions, no lets introduce more and more girls so our shitty male MC Bell can get more (hell lets even change some existing ones to be interested in him for no reason) and he will end with Aiz anyway.
Who the fuck writes this shit?
Why people even like harems than actual romance?

>different pairings
That's for teenage girls

Was the samurai girl in the anime series?

Was the Samurai girl in the first series? I don't remember her

Yes, she was in the group that lead a train of mobs into bell party

Yes, she was part of the group that lead the monsters to Bell's group to escape.

Animated Lefiya was the worst one though.

No, she was good.
Only problem with her spin-off was just it seems author really didn't know what to do with it.
Railgun is one example how it should be handled where it ebcame more popular than it's main story Index.
There was too much Lefiya and too little Ainz focus, it's like someone would make an anime about Kuroko and her drolling all the time over Mikoto and at the end of it she would get a cute cool gf to be with than Mikoto, nice and ok, but who from the franchise would ever watch and buy it?

Around the same time as the S2 airs.

>shitty male MC Bell
Stopped reading here.

If bother yourself to at least read the SO manga you will see that we get more than enough Ais. The anime was the one who fucked up that.

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Wait so is Lefiya actually part of Bell's harem or not? I can't really tell what they're trying to do with this pairing

What does Papa Bones have to do with any of this?

Based Lefiyabro

She's not. She appointed him her rival and that's it. They have cute moments though

Bell only has three people into him. Hestia, Lily, and Haruhime. After the latest volume, Ryu is at crush level.

Freya is Freya too. It's less love and more of an obsession. I can't put Syr into this as who knows whatever that is related to Freya or not

Wei e

>Wait so is Lefiya actually part of Bell's harem or not?
No. They never interacted in the main novel (Lefiya is censored whenever she appears) but there are some interactions and shipping tease in SO and the game.

>Ryu is at crush level.
She's in love with him.

Is there a preferred order of reading the main LN and Oratoria volumes?

author doesnt seem to know how to integrate hestia into the plot, she is stuck as the level up girl at the bonfire

Loli Kyonyuu applies to IMAGINE tier shortstack girls in Japan. Chiho from Hataraku Maou-sama kickstarted the mainstream trend.

Loli Manyuu is pretty much all 8 year Olds with watermelons strapped to their chests

Post Hestia feet

God damnit.

Double cancer between this and Retard:Zero IQ

Doesn't Eina start to develop a crush on Bell after his fight with Asterios?

Surprice abortion?

Cassandra might even qualify as well

Marie is the xenos mermaid right? I still need to read volume 12 but my friend already spoiled me about her.

and every amazoness wants his babies.

god i wish that was me

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That's not love though.

you can't make this shit up

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You can't have a haremette who isn't a virgin.
What are you, crazy?

But he did, well, that was the only downside of volume 7, everything else was pretty damn good.

>you can't make this shit up
Well what if she only does anal or blowjobs/handjobs.
Technically she still remains a virgin by the definition.

>pay for a prostitute
>gets to the room
>she gets nervous and faint
>you leave

>finally see Haruhime animated.

She's a virgin! SCREENCAP THIS!!

>leaving after she fainted instead of enjoying your sleeping sex with a flesh onahole
Fucking casuals.

If there was an option to reject that slut I'd do it in a heartbeat

More like she always had a crush/liking for him since Vol 1 but it became more pronouned when she used him to wave off two people, a full elf and a dwarf, who were trying to ask her to marry them by saying she was already going out with Bell since he “confessed” to her in vol 1

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Comment section of youtube is forever retarded.
17 hours ago
TokoDailyAnime its funny how dumbass weebs like yall say "i cant wait/i have been wait for xxyears " when you guys are the ones causing the wait. You guys are delaying anime production because you cant pay for your shit. Dumbass weebs will pirate (steal) from the industry and not only will u kill the industry but the anime culture itself. Its very sad how self minded dumbass weebs in the west are. Truly retarded and pathetic."

Don't like the 3dcg skies, but fuck what can you do these days.

JC staff can blend in CG really well so it's a minor annoyance at best

Well, he's not wrong
It's not gonna stop me from pirating though
Until these retards figure out how to give me a service a la Steam for anime ironically enough there's anime on Steam, but its just a mirror for Crunchyroll and still streamed, where I can actually download what I buy to my HDD and watch whenever I want instead of having to stream it, I'm not gonna pay for anime (except buying BDs/merch for series that I really like)

Anime contributes zero to the mangaka the way western streaming services work. If you want to support a series buy the manga/ln. Guy also just started spamming this shit outta the blue. BD are a fucking scam.


I am only reading the main novels, what am I missing for not reading oratoria?

Because Japan uses that term differently than Yea Forums does.


Check your eyes.
Bell is 14 years old (middle school tier).
Hestia is one head shorter than Bell.

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Some Aiz stuff. If you only care about Bell the only other worth reading is volume 5 where he's at Under Resort.

The others don't really matter if you don't give a shit about Loki family. I would recommend reading Bete's novel though as it's pretty dark.

She fully fell for him after seeing him battle Asterios.

So will JC pour the level of animation and pacing of season 1 into this? Or will we get another Sword Oratoria? The lack of Xenos in the preview is promising at least.

From what I hear, the editor is behind
>the title of the series being LN-ified instead of just being "Familia Myth"
>Haruhime being a virgin despite the entire point of the volume being that you don't need to be pure to deserve to be saved
>Bell not being reverse raped by Aisha
>Bell not getting it on with Eina (though the author admits that scene wasn't really in his plans and may not have been included anyway)
>Bete's stalker coming back to life and turning him into a generic tsundere who just wants to protect his nakama
Dude's a huge faggot who just wants to play it safe and pander to LN otaku.

I didn't mind Lena coming back to life. At least give Bete something after losing two waifus.

Besides, the ending where she finds the flowers on her grave is really sweet.

Only the LN title and Haruhime stuff really bothers me out of those. The title in particular has probably hurt the series a lot.

I wouldn't mind it if he just saved her, but making a big deal about it and having him go nuts only to laugh and pull a gotcha on the readers was bullshit. Either let him save someone for once or have Aiz show him that she actually did come to understand his heart after seeing him go berserk. Either one would have been a more satisfying end for him than having an elf put him through the emotional ringer.

The main thing for me was that his whole blushing breakdown at the end kind of ruined his character. He had the right mix of acting like an asshole and showing concern for an antagonistic ally before. You can infer why he did things while still understanding why other people treat him like he's a dick even though he's constantly saving their lives.

So the xeno arc is just designed to make readers hate Loki Familia, right?

We still don't really know just what running the Zeus and Hera familia out of Orario entailed, and it seems like Finn did at least a couple sketchy things when dealing with Evils, but honestly not taking chances with intelligent monsters isn't really something I would hold against them. Particularly since they were wrapped up in the man made labyrinth stuff, and they'd lost people from that

Freya > Loki

No, it was designed to pander to monstergirl fags by allowing sexy girl monsters in a setting where monsters are supposed to be innately repulsive to humans. Also, to create conflict between Bell and Loki familia instead of just painting them as the big saviors who can pull him out of a pinch. Loki familia did nothing wrong based on the information they had, especially when you consider they've been getting their shit kicked in by creatures, who are also a type of intelligent monster, and aren't taking any chances with those assholes getting monsters on the surface. Uranus is just a bleeding heart.

what would the sex be like

Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 08 [BD][1080p-FLAC][26D4994F]-0133. (1920x1080, 219K)

it's easy to hate them because we knew stuff that they didn't

Good enough to unify either the strongest or second strongest collection of adventurers in the setting at the very least. The only person in the setting I could imagine rivaling her in that respect would be Ishtar, but there's some flaws with that route

Would you like to be stepped on by this loli?

Attached: Riverialoli.jpg (960x960, 157K)

Jesus I though they we're hanging out in the middle of hell from the picture.

He's got a point. Kind of at least.

There are a few reasons to hate on the Loki Familia. Like being hyper possessive of Ais or literally leaving the entire Dionysus Familia for dead in the latest novel without even an attempt to save any of them.

I buy the LN's, but honestly even if I didn't despise CR I'm not all that sure any sort of streaming service would actually put money back into the creator's pocket. Hell I wonder that about the physical LN translation too, but I just prefer that to reading an ebook. I'm never going to buy blurays either way

Shortstack is back on the menu boys

Attached: papi_think.png (238x304, 53K)

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Ais is the red herring.
But seriously whatever in going on in Danmemo is crazy.

Attached: yeawhatever.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

I mean as long as you contribute to the sales in some fashion.

>Bell is wearing Zeus's outfit
>Lefiya is wearing Hera's outfit
Bell x Lefiya confirmed endgame

Rabbit Foot just sounds too...god is the word I'm looking for actually esoteric? Like the nicknames the gods give Adventurers are just supposed to be goofy in jokes but Rabbit Foot just sounds off.

Attached: My lady.png (1920x1080, 2.71M)

So this is how it goes.
You read the main Danmachi light novel.
You read the Sword Oratoria and Familia Chronicle manga. Honest to god SO's manga is so much better than the anime was.

What happened to the main novel release schedule? Even the English version will have caught up by august.

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The sins never die

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>So will JC pour the level of animation and pacing of season 1 into this? Or will we get another Sword Oratoria?
Sword Oratoria could have been great.

Attached: somanga.png (841x1200, 357K)

Not really. I mean the only one who was really a Xenophonic was Ais (and that one elf slut who was saved by the harpy) and that's been established from the beginning.

The Xenos weren't really Loki's main goal. They were using them to lure out Evilus into Knossos as well. The didn't really hate them per se but they had to go against them to get Evilus. Hell the first time they saw them Finn ordered them to be captured not killed.

This too.

SO's manga is legit even better than the LN even. It adds more character to Aiz. The whole Minotaur fight is amazing in the manga when it's really bland in the LN. Seeing Bell as a white flame/pure compared to her own dark one wasn't there.

Finally the season we deserve and not that retarded annoying elf girl season they gave us before.

>SO's manga is legit even better than the LN even
I don't know how much inbetween goes on between the mangaka and author of Danmachi but the manga for SO really does add a ton.
Like this scene for example.

Attached: thiswholething.png (985x1400, 567K)

I still can't believe how fucking bad it was.

Your face when the huge flop that was Oratario made the author realize that nobody gives a flying fuck about the spinoff and people don't really like Aiz and her familia that much.

He must have thought he could pull an Index Railgun success but Ainz and her familia are nowhere near Mikoto, Saten, Accelator popularity.

So if hypotetically they managed to live a million of years, she would be okay, seriously she should hurry up and decide if she wants to be part of his harem or not, it might be too late considering the amount of girls on the wait list.

The point you're trying to make doesn't work. The anime is so different from the light novel and manga it's shocking.

I think most of the other characters were fine. It was just that annoying elf girl hogging up a bunch of screen time ruining everything. If she hadn't been in it or had a much MUCH smaller role then it might have been okay.

They seem to be keeping the Monster Hunter elements for the music, so I'm looking forward to the OPs and EDs again.

the adaptation was bad but Oratario as a series is pretty good have you tried the manga ?

Attached: ais.png (547x427, 142K)

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Aiz is worst girl.

I wonder which oppai loli is behind this post?

Join my familia.

Attached: Hestia7.jpg (750x938, 322K)

Not with that credit rating

You don't need to be an oppai loli to know the truth.

Are you sure

Attached: Hestia9.jpg (1000x1412, 376K)

Hestia saved Danmachi.

Attached: 1428732352341.jpg (1911x2154, 267K)


Lefiya is a cutie

I hope we get more doujins. Sword Oratoria was a big disappointment in this regard.

Attached: 1461088950112.jpg (1200x900, 352K)

She's kind of a stand-in for the other lower level Loki familia members and how their relationship with the top dogs works. We've been getting a bit more focus on the other second-strings like Raul and Anakitty, which is nice and may give the author room to develop them all into their own people a bit more.

I feel like endgame will be Bell defeating Loki familia in some manner in order to get them to work with him to take down the black dragon or something. They and Freya are the only ones really situated to be his final human obstacle and Loki familia just fits better thematically as the other group that's obsessed with getting stronger and the whole thing with Bell stepping out of his savior's shadow and becoming his own kind of hero.

I can kind of see how them breaking up could work as a way to let Bell pick up some stronger guys to fill out his party. He certainly needs a new one now that he's pretty much stronger than the entire rest of his party put together at this point.

>more hestia paizuri art
I'm happy, couldn't care less about the show

I'm still kind of upset that Hestia decided to not make Aisha a part of her familia, thus missing the opportunity to have another strong adventurer. Yes, I get that she was jealous and afraid that Aisha may try to take Bell's virginity but at least she would be able to keep an eye on her and whenever Aisha would decide to go out with Bell she could always send Welf, Haruhime, Mikoto or Lily together in case she tries any funny business, but since antianera is with Hermes now, Hestia can't prevent any kind of sexual act Aisha may try to pull on Bell. Things like that scene in volume 9 where she meets Bell, Ryuu and the others would be likely to happen, and in some cases Bell would definitely be alone, making things pretty easy for her.

I think the joke is that the adventurers think it's a cool relation to an animal based on his appearance and abilities while the gods just think he's a lucky charm for whoever possesses him. Hestia did mention that she got him a good name that time too.

It's insane how something that was literally a sidenote of "well, but not all of the unnamed ally NPCs survived" into one of the central points of the arc, a pivotal development point for Lefiya and, to a lesser extent, Aiz, and the first taste of the true tragedies of the dungeon that we witness first-hand.

>more brown sluts
big hitto!

Attached: Sanjouno_Haruhime.png (387x1015, 913K)

this is also better animated than opm s2

opm fans on suicide watch

>Season 2 PV is out. youtube.com/watch?v=v2gZpf4lroU&feature=youtu.be
WTF is this shit? Where is Ais Wallenstein???

Attached: 1528182414685.jpg (225x350, 37K)

Fucking hell, its been what, 5 years?
The fuck took so long.

>Danmachi S2 PV is out
>thread is mostly about the girls
Where's your sense of A D V E N T U R E, Yea Forums?

Attached: local kenki not so smug after being rejected.jpg (525x552, 29K)

Do you even know have a sense of adventure?

index took 8 years, and it looks like shit

be happy

But user they didnt spend 8 years animating.
They took their time with something else, thats the problem.

It still exists


It kind of sucks how rare Aiz moments become the longer the LN goes, particularly since a lot of them are really fun. Her watching Bell in volume 11 was great

The only adventuring I recognize is hot-blooded, pulse-pounding, GAR adventuring. Miss me with that gay adventuring, user.

Attached: [BlurayDesuYo] DanMachi - 13.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Keaks was the man.

Literally takes Weine to mutilate herself in front of Ais to make a point
Fuck Ais, Bell can do better.

what do you mean?

Attached: Lefiya hardcore.jpg (1200x688, 192K)

Lefiya is scary.

Attached: Lefiya77.jpg (468x719, 43K)

Kill yourself, you filthy mobile plebbit shit. Never post on Yea Forums again.

And bulliable.

Attached: 1522916677943.jpg (896x1080, 133K)

>Lefiya is scary.
Lesbians always are.

Name one good reason to watch this show other than jerking it to the girls and because Bell is an entertaining character.

>than jerking it to the girls
Valid one.
>because Bell is an entertaining character
Good joke. I laughed. He is a shitty male MC cutout who gets girls right and left without any effort from him cause he is special.

I found Bell is a rather boring self-insert character for the most part, that just acquires a harem, with girls falling for him constantly. He gets good however when he's going all heroic and adventure, like with the minotaur fight.

I mean he's at least more happy-go-lucky than, say, Kirito or Shiroe. At least Bell makes me feel optimistic and happy.

Wrong, it was said that even if they did know they wouldnt do anything different.

When I was reading LNs I was wondering what kind of threads danmachi would have. Turns out its of the worst type, with endless faggotry, drooling and avatars like that lefiya faggot.

Underrated anime. Mistaken for SAO copycat. Deserves more love.

Lefiya a shit.

Ironic that the best doujin has nothing to do with Hestia at all. You know what I'm on about, you know exactly what I'm on about-the minotaur one

Bell's journey to become the argonaut

Lefiya is probably the most molestable characters I've ever seen

Attached: bell accidentally molests lefiya.jpg (558x921, 219K)

Lefiya is for tentacular molestation in the city square

Attached: Lefiya.jpg (600x800, 434K)

Big Bell cock in little elf cunt

Bell has a small cute penis


Quality bump.


>Ryu getting prominantly featured

Great news

Attached: yesperfect.png (327x173, 10K)

>Reminder that best elf beat vanilla for the top spot of the fan polls

>a fanbase that actually has Kino taste
Hotddamn this is rare

It's not good to make a harem Bell. One day you may just find your self being forced to take responsibility

Attached: Screenshot_20181122-123438.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

this series has too many good girls

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Ryu is perfection but Ais is still good though

I want to live between these creamy elf thighs

Attached: Ryu17.jpg (600x750, 43K)

You're speaking shit out of your ass. Ais is more popular than Hestia among the LNfags.

if hestia is not an oppai loli what about lili? she is even smaller than hestia

Attached: 1434476582369.jpg (850x850, 480K)

Ais is boring and lame and probably loves minotaurs

Attached: Ryu9.jpg (850x843, 76K)

It's not just aiz, hestia doesn't even crack the top 5 and for good reason. She is legitimately trash

Lili is also acceptable

Attached: Lili7.jpg (850x1160, 169K)

ais backless outfit is top tier

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top-tier minotaur breeding sow

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Attached: Eina4.jpg (1118x1980, 1.54M)

There was a movie for this right? Do I need to watch that before s2?

Uh, I'm completely new to this...


Okay, here's a guide: best girl = Lefiya. Enjoy.
Waifuwars will be fun

Attached: Lefiya199.jpg (1280x720, 211K)

that were only the fujoshi

Attached: cover ryu v03.jpg (900x1280, 238K)

no, the movie follows a self-contained story while the anime will follow the light novel series. But I suppose that they will insert references to the movie in the next season.

Ais a shit

I wonder if they will add something from their backstory.

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Not enough dumb cats itt

Attached: Anya2.jpg (765x923, 103K)

Attached: Anya.png (666x1000, 415K)

Do not open

Attached: Anya5.png (915x907, 154K)

>return to sender

Don't bully this dumb cat

Attached: Anya8.png (720x720, 64K)

Hestia is made for sex only

She's a goddess of hearth, but I'm pretty sure virginity is also part of her portfolio. Hestia is basically made for cucking

If it is just 1 cour covering 6 and 7 then I hope to god they adapt Episode Ryuu between 6 and 7. Because it features the 3 best girls, Ryuu, Mord and Syr.

Since gods are unchanging in this setting, would her hymen just grow back over and over again?

Attached: Hestia.jpg (905x1280, 352K)

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Hestia is part of the Greek pantheon and they're all thots

she's one of the three virgin goddesses: Hestia, Artemis (pic related), and Athena.

Attached: f0d5cb2ce60fcd680acc8e5c9739fa74.jpg.pagespeed.ce.1XkVgUlmsh.jpg (712x397, 30K)

Astrea too (poor Ryu).
>virgin goddess of justice, innocence, purity and precision

On the other hand, I don't know if Athena is in Danmachi at all.

Don't worry, Ryu knows how to stay pure.

Attached: Ryu13.png (460x412, 186K)

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Xenos arc wasn't the greatest, but holy shit if that fight and the reveal at the end wasn't.

Round 2 is over, bitch, you lose. Get ready for round 3.

and lets hope that works out, i'm rooting for her

naaza wont get shit
which is a goddamned crime




lowkey ship bell/riveria after this event
there's a dead fic out there that has riveria saving him instead of aiz, and what little of it exists is actually pretty cute

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heres what the refrance

Attached: japan wants ryuu to win the bell bowl.jpg (752x597, 225K)

Attached: danmachi likes its back anatomy.jpg (1440x810, 86K)

Polls like that generally tend to just ending up favoring whoever was featured most recently anyway, so I wouldn't put too much stock in it since that was closer to when that familia chronicle and vol 14 came out. The only true measure is doujin count

ganesha is /ourguy/

Attached: A11.png (986x1402, 389K)

>tfw no receptionist gf

Attached: Memoria Freese_2018-07-31-07-17-42.png (1920x1080, 1.88M)

god thats sexy

>This came out alongside volume 10 not 14

Yeah... no. ryuu wasn't featured heavily in that volume and familia chronicle came out almost a year after that. And if we go by your logic hestia would be the most popular based on doujin count and we both know thats not true.

hestia is a body service gift we didn't deserve at all

Attached: soggy hestia.jpg (3164x2000, 2.05M)

hestia wasn't an option for the poll i don't think

>that belly button
hhhoooOOOO boy...

Attached: 315.png (433x455, 295K)

Is it possible to rape a goddess?

Attached: 1478890083746.jpg (480x532, 54K)


Yes she was, hestia got 4th and was nowhere near the top 2

welp, color me wrong and impressed
thank you, user.

Attached: ryuu smile.png (918x634, 185K)

Where can you read the manga online?

I like the arcs where Bell has to actually have to fight shit out

Attached: DanMachi_Volume_13_253.png (1434x2048, 369K)

Which part of the game is this scene from?


Attached: k24.png (1782x1280, 804K)

Why is Bestia so expensive?
Cant afford her during my trip to Akiba

Attached: hestia6.jpg (1200x1600, 511K)

a reminder that volume 13 is out

I love that third panel.

But will she get NEARLY as much porn as season 1?
Thats the important question.

Attached: 1534853276723.png (2220x1080, 2.36M)

For all the talk so much of the "Hestia porn" was just random characters in her outfit. The series honestly doesn't have that much of it at least in relative terms

Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 01 [BD][1080p-FLAC][8B5184BF]-0041. (1920x1080, 167K)

shes so cute

Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 02 [BD][1080p-FLAC][C0FA60F0]-0066. (1920x1080, 184K)

Oh no! This little supporter has fallen on her back, and cannot get up. What do you do?

Attached: Lili3.jpg (700x625, 170K)

That bitch not being anywhere to be seen is the best thing about the pv.

since there's freya and ishtar are there any other slut goddesses?

Take out a loan and splurge for true best girl, you pleb

Attached: Ryu7.jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

Yeah Hephaestus is super cute

Attached: 16.jpg (844x1200, 195K)

>Looking at the navel instead of the foot

Heph is best goddess

Attached: Hephaestus.png (1280x720, 461K)

Post the perflat one.

Attached: kyouka.jpg (1280x1261, 120K)


That show was fucking great

Why did Artemis die?

reminder that without the garbage sword otario we could have s3 by now


Attached: 995d7f86f8e49a170.jpg (1000x562, 44K)

Oratoria is pretty good, a shame they fucked up the anime adaptation so horribly.

Because she is perfection and there would be no point for Hestia.

Bell shines when he's actually in the dungeon adventuring. He's a huge faggot pretty much any time he's on the surface, and especially when he does haremshit. Honestly, that describes the series as a whole pretty well, but it's even more true for Bell.

The start of it is still a pretty weak point in the books even with a so-so adaption. It's kind of mediocre until it expands on more members of the Loki familia

Like I said last year. All Ais wants is for Bell and Lefiya to have sex with her while they dress up like her parents

I don't get the impression Aiz thinks about Lefiya as really anything other than a magical turret

Holy shit finally. Didn't this air like 4 years ago? Why the fuck did this shit take so long?

What are the differences between the manga and the novels? Is the SO manga canon?

Crappy spin off anime happened.

She looks like she's seriously contemplating raping that bunnyboy right there in the storage room.

Aizu 1 second apareance FTW!

If you mean S2, there is round 2 also with Tiona.

Attached: 1443058678800.jpg (2834x4234, 2.71M)

So LN fags, what ever happened wit Bell losing his arm? Did it stick, or did he get better?

and this...

Attached: cover v06 (en).jpg (1734x2600, 629K)

He gets better really quickly because mermaid tears have super healing powers and conveniently he just met a xeno mermaid the previous volume

Huh, that's really lame.

Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 07 [BD][1080p-FLAC][253DF892]-0129. (1920x1080, 179K)

I quite enjoy the franchise but goddam his armor looks like trash

it's just artstyle of the light novel artist, everyone has only minimal partial armor (well, except the amazons and pure mages).

Pic related, Mikoto only wears 10% of a samurai armor.

Attached: 28783070_196415514282644_131654785677632330_n.png (540x960, 327K)

and Chigusa needs to protect only her hips.

Attached: 28795064_196413434282852_7475328830189879624_n.png (540x960, 255K)

>Everyone ITT complaining about Haruhime being a virgin
>I'm actually happy she is, because at least she didn't suffer anymore, even if she thinks she did

Attached: 1521111497765.png (676x505, 271K)

it's not about quantity of armor, his is just plain ugly

Bell's pretty okay, and he's actually growing and changing in the most recent volumes which really appeals to me.

I got into this series for the harem antics, but it's very clear that's just editor's additions, it's much, much better when it focuses on being an adventure story and a coming of age story.

Read the LNs then the Oratoria ones, there's not much point trying to weave them.

Why do whales read stuff intended for a male audience and complain about it? Do you see us complain about why shoujo whores with the brain of a pigeon having Prince male orbitors?

>Risking that shit when
>A) There's a whole pile of amazon's who're more than happy to fuck you
>B) If you hurt her, or they find you doing anything to her when she's asleep, they'll gut you like a fish

You probably have no idea what Ais's deal is, how she qualifies as the Heroine despite having such a minimal role in the plot and why she's so into Bell.

All that's explained in SO. That's about all you're missing though.

>All those brown girls
AOTY desu.

there's an entire novel arc with just brown girls and a brown goddess, you best prepare your dick

>tfw no wiene unless we somehow get s3
it hurts

Attached: lili and wiene.png (1900x1200, 2.1M)

Anyone else ready for the collab?

The only worthwhile one for me really is Bete's volume.Knossos stuff overall is pretty damn boring. It's sorta interesting but ehh. Next up is Kid Aiz' volume so I'll be happy to see more Gareth at least.

The SO manga has a ton of added crap that makes it much better than the novels. Read the novels for the story if you're interested.

Attached: nPdlgZ2.jpg (1740x1376, 764K)

Is Kurumi a welfare unit? I'm still saving orbs for the anniversary in 3 months, not sure I really want to roll for any of these jokers.

Does Bell ever actually try to pick up girls in a dungeon? He seems the quiet and respectful type

The gag is he gets picked up in the dungeon.

Girls end up falling for him while he's still autistically devoted to a single girl (that he doesn't get to have any romantic relationship with)

I hope not, that shit's already on the front page of too many tags in nh

I think the Kotori/Hestia is the welfare although I'm not really following the news desu.

this series is trash but hestia is the hottest anime character ever

Hestia is Bestia

Attached: [FFF] Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka - 01 [BD][1080p-FLAC][8B5184BF]-0025. (1920x1080, 205K)

so fucking hot

More hestia breasts?

Attached: 1492876104926.jpg (1920x1535, 884K)

Me on the left.

Attached: Hestia.jpg (1600x1570, 414K)

Yes, also, more delicious brown girls too.

Blood, not tears. It was just reattached though, it's not like it was grown back or something


I hope this has Hephastus' butt in it.

Oh yeah, it exists.
I think it was somehow overshadowed with that one minotaur doujin.

that and hestia pics are the ony reason/a/ remember this, maybe expect the 5 anons that read the books

It's almost like you didn't watch the first season where Hestia did exactly that. You don't think it was the last time, do you?

Not him, but I don't remember any of them doing that after that point. I never really had much issue with "no gods in the dungeon" in the first place, and it's not like Hestia is really hurting for screen time. All that a god in the dungeon effectively means is that it's less stable and prone to having more irregulars and whatnot though

It's just that the Dungeon(or whatever controls it) hates gods or something. I'm pretty certain that angle will be explored soon.

Uranus (or however fucked up way they always spell it) is constantly praying to suppress the dungeon. When a god enters the dungeon it just cuts that off. There's a lot about the nature of the dungeon itself that we really don't know though

It kind of happens few times in SO in Knossos though and will likely happen everytime Bell gets lost in a dungeon. There's also action happening on the surface where gods participate, like in war with Rakia.

>Ur anus

>tfw realise it's the bareback sweater design from before the bareback sweater
>This originated the boobribbon
Yasuda is an oracle or something.

Attached: 1540751135251.png (381x571, 180K)

Time for anime's best foot animator/artist to make me diamonds

Fine, he's everybody's anus

Thanks for this.

wow now these are nice