Voiced by black too (singing voice)
>Carole x Tuesday
Voiced by black too (singing voice)
>Carole x Tuesday
Good. She’s not a racial stereotype like sister krone.
Is sister Krone really a stereotype, or just ugly?
Do black people even exist in Japan?
Her racist grin and she died 1st
Why is Edward Elric, Vash the stampede and Leonardo Watch all white anime mc s?
Conny died first. That would be more cliche than racist anyway. What the shit is racist about her grin though?
Ayo hol up!
Notice who love the black girl is the white girl and not Japanese girl?
Smart move, Bones.
she doesn't look black
>Finally! A black female mc in anime
Michiko, user. From Michiko and Hatchin.
Yes she does.
Dumb ass!
kill yourself
Brazil Latino/ latina
Not Black
Black user. Black people live in Brazil too. Latino isn't a race, either. You'll find white, black, asian, native american and all kinds of mixed latinos.
Tuesday ‘s english singing voice actor is half white.
Good thing I already pre-dropped it.
Chocolate & vanilla yuri
sister krone is as much of a racist stereotype with her big lips as the racist stereotype that japanese people have big front teeth
i doubt it's going to be yuri i have seen a lot of people describe their bond as a friendship whenever this anime gets mentioned in videos
Doesn't look black to me.
There are two or three black people living there in the whole country. US bases don't count.
what are you some edgy teenager that thinks racism is funny???
Fucking disgusting.
This is what an actual black woman looks like.
>not all black people are that dark skinned there are some that are and some who have more lighter dark skin.
I can't tell if you're reverse trolling or if you're genuinely this blissfully unaware of where you're posting on.
>Roy never ate her salad
The saddest moment in that series.
Like any black people actually give a fuck.
But this isn't a first.
So why people simply reply to phoneposters these days, just a year ago the first reply to this kind of posts would be "fuck off" and then nobody would have replied anymore.
lower case is cruise control for cool
>neckservice show
But she isn't. Not because she doesn't have those blackface features, but because she doesn't look like one.
>not even the first one
>giving a shit about this kind of shit
Just like Captsin Marvel was the first super heroine!!
If only I could find a gf like Claudia.
Good, anime needs more diversity
i know where i'm posting but it's kind of huge cringe when you do it outside of /pol/.
and even when you do it on pol you have to sort of be aware that racism is a serious issue that plagues our race and is holding us back.
if humans went to space and we discovered another alien race don't you think we are just going to be racist to them if we can't even get past racism in our own race? if we can't get past racism then shouldn't the human race just be wiped out?
in b4 Nadia
Literally the 99% of anime is about diversity, Umaru-chan taught us that countryside girls are smart too.
I don't know how the rest of the world will react to meeting aliens, but people on Yea Forums will call them space niggers without a doubt. That's how it's always been and that's how it will be in the future.
A white person dyed in chocolate with pink lipstick
Nadia isn't even remotely black. Brown, in the "delicious brown" sense, sure, but not African black. There are some actual cool black characters, like Dutch from Black Lagoon. I don't see why people try to claim that every dark skinned character is black. Blacks aren't the only dark skinned race.
And light yagami dose’nt Look japanese
it that's the case i hope aliens wipe our asses out of existence with their more advanced technology if we are going to end up calling them space niggers and start space racism.
i won't feel bad that the whole human race got wiped out if it means an end to racism.
Neither you, nor the space niggers will ever feel offended as long as you just don't visit the site. It's an easy solution.
Team Chocolate returns?
>tfw no cute brown space alien girl to mate with
we wuz space kangs 'n' shieeet
the white girl is cuter
>blacks in anime
Nips ruin everything.
I suppose she could have a flatter nose and bigger lips. Even so, she's probably the most respectfully designed black female character I've seen yet.
Delicious brown is pure cope by whites who can't admit they like black X. She's from Africa. She's dark skinned. Put two and two together. Most probabky East African, which are black.
>blacks have no big lips that is racist!
I wonder if it is a black guy really posting this.
>She's from Africa.
She's not. She just assumed that she was, because she had dark skin. Which is fucking hilarious, in retrospect.
North africa is not black, so you are being a fucking retard even if that were true.
I don't blame Japan that they don't give two fucks about Watanabe.
>you could learning to be a better person
>or you could simply telling people not to visit a site
with this kind of logic humanity is doomed to fail, if we can't learn to collaborate better for our own survival as a species
don't listen to them user she is one of the most respectfully designed black female characters.
people who say black characters are just white characters with dark skin are those that are not happy with any black character design that is not a racist caricature.
>s-she's North African
You faggots cope so hard with this shit
>>you could learning to be a better person
Shouldn't you be telling that to your people instead of lecturing someone that is quite tame compared to the majority of the world?
they fly in and out to shoot porn
>north african is not black
heheh what a stupid thing to say,
you do know being black is not just limited to being african american right user?
Why are you insecure about how you look? You have posted how you see yourself in this very thread and it is a big lipped, wide nosed black person. You are being very pathetic.
What does that even mean? North africa is not black, what does that have to do with african americans?
But black people do have big lips. And anime characters with buck teeth are common as hell.
A black person who is not mixed.
All blac !
And Japanese people have big coloured eyes.
Anime should look more like Disney ‘a mulan
here is a history lesson:
>white people colonised and enslaved most of the world
>white people stole resources from other countries to take back to their own
>white people stole america from the natives
>white people would bring foreign diseases with them when they went to countries and raped the women and killed the men
>white people then inslaved mainly black people and few other races as well
>white people fired the first and last nuclear bombs on the japan
black people have not done anything that could ever compare to scale of the above
No race on earth is innocent. It just so happens that whites won out in the end. It could have just as easily been someone else, with time. Perhaps it will be, in the future.
So people should be held accountable by the sins of their forefathers? By that logic you are the most accountable of them all judging by your people's actions in the recent time.
Man, imagine selling your own people to be slaves in droves.
Black people are pretty horrible.
>Don't be racist but fuck white people
Really makes you think
Is this a racist caricature?
Only because he is dumb and a rapist, not because of how he looks.
Pretty smart of him to see the opportunity to make that purchase tho. Man has some good insight.
>white people then inslaved mainly black people
They didn't. Black's enslaved each other, white people just bought them from the winner.
You say it like that wasn't also common in western civilizations at some point, plus identity by color skin is arbitrary.
true i agree, but i'm hoping for a future when we all win and we just work together in unity as humans first and foremost instead of any individual race. like white supremacists hate the idea of us just forgetting about race and working together.
(not trying to sound like a hippy but it would be nice if this could happen if it can't i think the human race should be wiped out)
no they shouldn't but the past shouldn't be forgotten even if whites have done all of the most bad stuff they should not be hated and instead embraced and loved so that we can move past this all together.
that was not the point i was making it was to get people to reflect on the actions of the past before they accuse another race of being the worst which is often the case for black people.
what are you delusional. that's not how it happened pick up a history book
>i'm hoping for a future when we all win and we just work together in unity as humans first and foremost instead of any individual race
I agree, user. It is a bit sappy, but I agree.
>the idea of us just forgetting about race
You are making a thread about shilling a "black character" you stupid idiot.
>if whites have done all of the most bad stuff
They have also made most of the good stuff but I don't you see you pointing that out as eager as you are pointing the other things, hypocrite piece of trash.
Man, imagine not ending slavery in the civilized world.
Black people are pretty horrible.
Brits are based.
Lynch yourself.
r u forgeting the queen?
>Brits are based
They created this situation by bringing them in the first place, dumbass.
>Simon from Durarara
>Avdol from JoJo
>Kaname from Bleach (maybe)
Dude, there have been multiple actual black characters in anime, and that's just off the top of my head. Considering the actual percentage of Blacks in Japan, it's pretty generous. Also who gives a shit? I'm born and raised in East Africa and I don't choose my anime by diversity, points, I choose it by how many lolis there are.
That literally happened. Not exlusively though.
As expected of Africa
>Avdol from JoJo
>that was not the point i was making
Oh really? Because putting the blame for every wrongdoing on one race and saying no one else compares to it doesn't sound like "Be nice to each other".
I get what you wanna do, but be smart with how you do it.
Seriously though, what the fuck was this about?
Sorry op but she look more Mexican/Indian that black.
Imagine creating this situation by starting to sell your own people into slavery.
Black people are pretty horrible.
>implying white countries haven't been selling out their white citizens for decades
that's fair i see where you're coming from i will reflect on this because i genuinely want to make the world a nicer place for us all (at least in any way i can)
i will learn to be smarter about how i get my message across i can see how it does sound like i'm blaming white people for everything now that i have reflected on it a little. i'll be smarter and better moving forward.
My nigga
yeah i do believe there was a few case were that did happen but on the whole black people were just captured and enslaved so they would not have to pay anyone anything an treated like animals.
Sorry to break it to you, but early enslavement was pretty much exclusively Africans selling Africans. The later exploitation that followed with deep colonization of the continent THAT was most certainly Europeans kicking the door in and pissing on everyone. But keep in mind that the slavetrade was prospering long before the Europeans actually decided to get their hands dirty and send in the manpower needed to enslave people.
Donovan is an upstanding citizen who paid good money for that boypussy. Don't compare him to some lowlife rapist.
yeah most early civilizations had some form of slave trade even the japanese were exclusively selling japanese slaves to one another. doesn't make it any more right to go in and exploit something like that.
Fucking hell, you guys should get yourself a room or go to the pol or whatever. This is Yea Forums, if you forgot
I don't know why these faggots keep making this same fucking thread.
It's fine though Watanabe doesn't care about them either.
Yes, that's bad. But the whole argument "White people were evil" falls apart when you look at these points, and it all boils down to "People were evil". Hell I don't walk around hating Mongols and they mercilessly slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people. That's just what people did. Hell, it's what people still do.
>I don't walk around hating Mongols and they mercilessly slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people
Not the guy you're responding to, but that's a pretty good point. I'll remember that one.
you make a good point, you have convinced me "people are evil" so we should work towards removing all the evil people in all the races so we are just left with only good people.
>Hell I don't walk around hating Mongols and they mercilessly slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people. That's just what people did.
But are Mongols still running around slaughtering hundreds of thousands of people? You can't go "but that happened in the paaaast" if it's still going on to this day.
Are Europeans still running a rampant slave trade?
Google "white slavery" and human trafficking, and how then google how European countries (and the US) are benefiting from it.
I never get to post this.
>show hasn't even aired yet and it's already attracting /pol/ shitposting
I'll be looking forward to these threads when it airs a little over 2 weeks from now.
now you are just stupid, how can you say that's the first black mc when pic related was definitely a MC
alright, gentlemen
will anyone care? How come African Americans don't fund more animations for BET?
what anime is this?
Is this racist, or is it a monkey? Honest question.
>actually looks like superior Mexican
No one cared about when Michiko to Hatchin aired. It's almost like no one cares unless it's blatantly shoved up their nose.
she is Arabic. i know,Nadia is arab-girl's name
you are correct
>she is Arabic
Why isn't she covering her hair and face as Allah intended?
>you are what you eat
>brazilians eat sopa do macaco
>implying brazilians don't eat so much macaco they eventually turn into macacos
There are some fairly known black entertainers and TV personalities there
she a cute what version of gundam i want to watch it for her
but the mech looks meheecan
because she is actually black
the one where the gundam has the most epic pornstache ever
She's not Sub-Saharan African. She's not Arabian. She's Atlantean. Period. She's also a mega bitch, so I don't see why any race would want to claim her.
It's almost as if Arabs aren't exclusively muslims.
how many blacks work in the Japanese anime industry? The Japanese anime industry, that country, Japan.
hey the same could be said for asuka but people love her
Asuka is a cunt too.
That one guy playing as a military officer in that comedy game show.
Guy Jin
That's a hell of a tongue.
but a cunt everyone wants to sleep with
Sure. I'd fuck Nadia too. Doesn't mean she isn't a piece of shit.
user she isnt a piece of shit it just means she is perfect for femdoming you
I also said she looked Mexican in an old thread and was called a racist for thinking she didn't look black
doesn't matter what you think she looks like she is black it's canon
I have not seen a single Mexican that looks like that.
Who gives a shit? If I wanted to listen to and see blacks doing shit blacks do I obviously wouldn't be watching anime.
Are you sure you have ever seen a Mexican before?
Yes, that's why I'm telling you I've never seen one that looks like that, retard.
I guess you haven't see Mitchiko to Hatchin which has the best portrayals of black people in anime. Physically I mean. No black woman in a caricature with exaggerated features and black men aren't this hyper sexualized ultra violent monkey ass looking niggas.
Well Afro Mexicans exist though.
Yes. The hyper sexualized ultra violent boogyman black guy that all nips fear that are stealing their women.
>nigger female
call it properly. not all dark skin are niggers
I don't care whether they're black, white, or even green. I don't appreciate this much gaijin role in my chinese cartoon.
>anime is about the relationship between a black and a white
I guess our mutual hatred and distrust is too easy a target to exploit, even for Japs.
I don't know what it is about blacks that all they could muster up was fucking each other up until every single race came to dominate them. No don't link me those dumbass studies on race and IQ relations.
But like, even Aztecs conquered their neighbors, Egypt fucking rekt Africa too, even the fucking Mongols conquered a bunch of shit. Other brown races and non-whites did a bunch of reprehensible shit and all Africa and Abos could do was fuck each other up.
Why do people think this is going to be yuri?
Weren’t the groups you mentioned fucking each up for the most part? I’m not sure what your point is.
>brown tallflat
Point is I absolutely loathe this current whitey-is-bad leftist dogma. They're not the only people to have ever colonized and conquered and wiped other races/nations. And I mean does "white people" include different kinds of folks like Romans, Scandinavians, Rus, and Britons all in one or is specifying which ethnicity you dislike too much a hassle?
It’s envy. Also I guess whites did it better or at least within recent memory. I’m not saying the hate is justified, but it seems to be the logic.
Doesn't the show take place in mars or something?
>Gayfine black gentlemen from outerspace
I hear 歌舞伎町 has a lot of Nigerians for some reason.
There are a lot, actually. Especially in places like Tokyo and Osaka, and interestingly enough, Kobe.
Also yes, not counting U.S. bases.
Not black enough
What will happen when part 6 gets to this point?
How black is "black enough"?
Where, hollywood movies?
She looks brown. There are a lot of brown people in latin america
People tend to be brown in the tropics
nice falseflag and /pol/ shit thread faggots
kill yourselves
Yaasss queen is what I say to that bit of news. Maybe anime will stop being so problematic and objectifying women now.
Honestly, does anyone here that isn't black actually like black people? I always wonder why people like them. They have an innate desire to be loud, annoying and threatening. Do you really want to spend your time with someone like that?
No-one remembers Hachiko to Miko?
Or whatever the fuck it was called
1. She's an alien. She was just born in Africa.
2. Nadia is a Slavic name.
She's a very realistic portrayal of a teenage girl.
But he does.
Every year...
>Inb4 3dpd
That's Quess, not Nadia
>entered a thread about black anime characters.
>expecting black anime characters.
>see more than 50% of it being a safe space for libtards whining about white oppression.
>Sugoi Yea Forums!
Both are bratty little shits that deserve a few backhands across the face.
libtards don't whine about white oppression you retard, they claim there is no anti white "agenda" in the media or in colleges
Still it would be nice to see the transformation of such character throughout the series.
But she did transform.
>libtards don't whine about white oppression
That is all they do.
one can only wonder
Everywhere has a lot of Nigerians
It's at the level of a damn anthropological phenomena
>Why do people think this is going to be yuri?
Like usual, two girls as MCs make everything yuri related initially for yuri fans who are starved compared to normalfags who get countless anime each season with male MC and girls content.
But then people said the same thing about the Egao and we all know how that ended.
But I don't expect this to be yuri, Netflix isn't much into this genre for some reason.
Damn, seems like I would have to watch Nadia anyway.
>Dat brown body
I want a gf that would look like one of those brown girls from retro anime.
Stills makes me mad...
>ignoring Arab slave trade
But I bet you suppose they were white too, faggot
I think it's an error in how you worded it, they whine about whites being oppressors. 'White oppression' implies whites being oppressed
Who are you quoting, newcunt?
Whites being oppressed is all /pol/ whines about while at the same time trying to pretend like whites are the superior race. If they were really so superior, how come they get oppressed by blacks just existing?
>/u/shit but with nigger x white progressive romance
Anyone who unironically likes this should be kicked out of Yea Forums
I also advocate the banning of people who like things I do not.
If resetera can have that, why can't we?
They don't claim it's blacks oppressing them, if that is the conclusion you've come to you have misinterpreted their arguments. Lurk more faggot
You need to look at how pathetic your arguments are. There's no such thing as "white genocide" and in no way are whites being oppressed.
You just want to feel like a victim so you whinge and whine and bitch and moan and still trumpet impotently on the internet that you're the superior race.
Shinzo abe is weakening. Japan invasion of black and brown people immigrants 2025 confirmed
Nice dodge, the least you can do is preset their arguments correctly otherwise you're just attacking straw
Considering their arguments are nothing more than houses of cards on a foundation of limburger and smell just as pleasant, no.
If they had any sort of validity and weren't pathetic piles of insecurity, they wouldn't have to show up in anime threads to bitch about black people existing in chinese cartoons.
Can't we just talk about cute brown girls?
But /pol/ bait is fun to bite.
Yes as long as white people profit from it they will suffer the consequences.
Imagine thinking blacks in america didn't profit from the prosperity
You faggots have better lives than 90 fucking % of the world, people would kill to be in the position of your average nig nog in america.
Mexican is not even remotely a race. She looks black or mixed with black.
Considering you misunderstanding their arguments and not realizing that is more than one opinion on /pol/ you should lurk more. I wouldn't call whites oppressed, I would say that racism against whites is significantly more accepted. Which is pretty much demonstrably true
This is what happens when people don't just report and ignore off-topic race shitting.
Why would they when they are already so rich by exploiting all other countries. Nowadays they make whole countries their economic slaves which is why they hate china meddling in africa so much as that was exclusively their territory to exploit.
Most genocides directed against "whites" were based on religion e.g. ottoman conquerors killing european christians and vice versa. Africans also genocide each other based on tribe affiliation; the Rwandan genocide is probably the most recent mass genocide in modern history. Racial genocides are an american phenomenon influenced by Nazi ideology and colonial revanchism.
Yes but not a lot. Stop asking this every time a black person shows up in anime. powerrangers.fandom.com
It's not like this thread was good to begin with.
Literally brown shikamaru with lipstick.
>Imagine thinking blacks in america didn't profit from the prosperity
Nope. Situation began to change only after the 60s emancipation, and even so, black people have troubles escaping poverty. Mainly, beceause government does nothing about it or because a good share of government officials sabotages every attempt of improving the situatuion
Haha, how would they have profited from it? Till the 60s they weren't even considered fully human by the law and treated like trash.
That is your grandmas generation. So your father grew up with racist as fuck views and those views then get passed down to you, which is how things like /pol/ come to be.
Trolling, retarded or simply so sheltered that you've never seen the rest of the world? Look at what you just wrote. C'mon. You can do better than that.
>Haha, how would they have profited from it?
by not living in Africa
>All anime characters look white!
>Any character with blonde hair and blue eyes is automatically white regardless of context!
>But for an anime character to be black they have to be a 1:1 representation or a racist caricature.
>Said nobody ever except in the demented and feverish delusions of my own mind!
>Tee hee, you're all the stupids!
Are you faggots seriously implying your average american nig has a worse life than some random fuck in africa or india? You faggots are completely delusional and that is why you are in the state you are in.
>>Said nobody ever except in the demented and feverish delusions of my own mind!
It literally happens every time this comes up. We have people in this very thread saying she doesn't look black enough because they didn't give her big lips and a wide nose.
Apply yourself.
>implying your average american nig has a worse life than some random fuck in africa or india
You sound like the guys that say "I may work on a shitty job, but at least I have a job". It's as if you have no dignity.
Yeah, batshit insane level of delusion.
redpilled anons thank you
You're so desperate for stirring shit up that you wrote this:
>Any character with blonde hair and blue eyes is automatically white regardless of context!
Nobody, but you, has claimed this. Explain yourself.
>being unable to color inside the lines
This image is triggering my OCD so fucking hard.
Anime characters generally look like kpop stars with coloured hair and eyes. If the characters were to be white they would have way bigger and longer noses and jaws.
Which is how the japanese depict characters they want to be understood as white.
It's almost as if he's saying that life in america is better than life in africa or india. Which would be saying that they benefited from prosperity, which was his original claim that you now admit is correct.
not the same user but japanese people can't have blonde hair or blue eyes biologically
Oh so because there is a shittier way to live they deserve to be treated like trash anyway? Brilliant logic.
You seriously don't get it, you are so deep seated on your delusions you cannot see and yet you dare criticize people like >demand a better life
Why should you deserve such a thing? Did you work to get that life? You are so entitled it disgusts me.
That's due to their own hardwork, despite americans trying to deny them everything. No profit trickled down to them.
So? He's claiming that people on Yea Forums are saying that blond haired blue eyed characters are white. When they're white they invariably have big noses to differentiate them from "japanese". Plus it's a convention that japanese characters have multicoloured hair to differentiate themselves from each other even though within the story they all have black or at best bleached brown hair.
I object to the guy trying to latch onto this fact to create a strawman claiming that people watching anime believe that japan is filled with white people and not japanese people, to which he then mocks the strawman he's created. I'm calling him out on this. Mostly because of how retarded of a concept he's clinging and shows how limited his intelligence is.
Yes as male idoru
They deserve to live a life without being hated and disliked for the color of their skin. Offered the same opportunities and rights as white people. That's not the case yet, so they will demand more till it is.
Yes you have to work to earn a living and generally people aren't 'trying to keep them down'. This isn't the 70's anymore, someone's succes is vastly more dependent on their competence and hard work hence why Asians in the US do so well.
>That's not the case yet
What specific opportunities and rights do you believe they lack that whites have?
>Offered the same opportunities and rights as white people. That's not the case yet, so they will demand more till it is.
Which rights don't they have? Some opportunities is a vague request, why do you mean by this? Give them better parents that will teach them to be better humans?
>Why should you deserve such a thing? Did you work to get that life?
Because I'm a human being, I work hard enough that I barely have time for personal life and barely have money to spend on something more than just satisfying my basic needs, while the employer takes the surplus value I've created and lives off just fine.
>someone's success is vastly more dependent on their competence and hard work.
>He genuinely believes this when a vast majority of new major businesses popping up are owned and operated by people born into money.
t. Boot licker that defends tax cuts for the rich because he thinks he's gonna be a billionaire one day.
>White people between the ages of 18 and 25 use marijuana at a higher rate than their black peers yet police in California's biggest cities arrest blacks for possession at four, five and even 13 times the rate of whites
>while the employer takes the surplus
How is that in any way related to white supremacy? You gigantic faggot, you don't even know what you are saying, you are just saying shit at random
They have the same rights only on paper. The way they are implemented and enforced creates a situation of severe inequality.
>someone's success is vastly more dependent on their competence and hard work.
>He genuinely greentexts this as if this isn't demonstrably true
t. Dunning-Kruger personified
And it's a big deal because?
what about naruto then he doesn't make sense as he has natural blue eyes and blonde hair but is some how a japanese ninja. but when a black character has different coloured hair or has design elements that are not racist caricature features people claim they don't look black enough but don't think say anything when anime characters don't look japanese enough.
All of this retardation just because they decided to make a black main character.
All these people come from middle class homes or at least managed to stay away from the worst places and neighbourhoods. Look into generational wealth and tell my why it looks the way it does.
I wonder if this could be related to the rate at which they commit the many other crimes they commit
>look at me i am black this is black anime please praise me give me praise
>surprised when told to fuck off
So you're saying the every increasing diverse police in the US is disproportionately cracking down on blacks? I think it's vastly more reasonable that they on average are engaged with criminal activity and retards like you enforce their faux outrage which leads to them getting shot due to not complying with simple instructions and demoralized because 'the system is rigged against me anyway Nam sayin'
>How is that in any way related to white supremacy
White supremacy is one of the ways to divide the labor movement.
If you lack the basic thinking skills, let alone the width of intellectual horizon necessary to analyse the world around you, then I feel sorry for you and sorry for bringing up this topic. May God have mercy on your soul.
I'm not some american liberal who whines incessantly about race. Sorry, you'll have to rant at someone else.
>Look into generational wealth and tell my why it looks the way it doe
IQ/competence and hard work, are you just going to glance over the fact that Asians are doing better than whites despite coming from a lower middle class initially?
>Finally! A black female mc in anime
Hrmm, wonder why people find you insufferable.
>White supremacy is one of the ways to divide the labor movement.
You are literally pulling bullshit out of your ass to justify you being a mediocre piece of shit and being unable to succeed, give me some sources for your retarded claims or shut the fuck off.
okay just keep that in mind is all about anime and how it's mainly racially ambiguous
Not that, user, but police are specifically more likely to target law income areas, where blacks are more likely to live. And certain laws like "stop and frisk" disproportionately showed bias towards blacks.
You mean they'll target areas where there's a lot of drug activity/sales of drugs? Gee, I wonder why they would do that
The fact that not following instructions leads to public executions is quite telling.
It happens to everyone, just because the media likes to make an spectacle of blacks in particular doesn't mean it isn't like that.
Yea because the police doesn't hear stories about colleagues being shot by suspicious acting people that are refusing to show their hands and not comply. It's hilarious how you are defending them ignoring simple instructions
And the fact that not following instructions also leads to torture, like how people who ignore the "do not open" signs on high voltage transformers.
There's a lot of drug activity in high income areas, and white collar crime, but those are generally overlooked or ignored. Drugs are heavily abused among middle and upper class whites, more so than among blacks, but it's overlooked by law enforcement.
On another note, poverty generally means more crime and this also applies to low income areas that are mostly composed of whites. But these areas are typically ignored by law enforcement too.
>hurr I can't see beyond my nose
>durr I'm older than 18 y.o. yet I have to be educated on the history of labor movement and basic functions of capitalist society
I'm amazed. I'm not american, but even our local yokels are not as dumb.
It's funny that the "hands up don't shoot" guy turned out to be attacking the cop that shot him, which is why it was quickly dropped from the media. Love it that you guys latch onto a lie long after it's been disproven.
And where do you think this current asian population comes from? Do you think it's just random group of people that come to america? No, it's already a self selected, rich and educated population from china, india, korea that have a way higher standard of living than your average person.
Combined with an obsessive focus on education and it's no suprise they are doing well. Look into how asians from poorer south east asian countries are doing and you will notice the difference.
And I just told that that's not always the case yet they get targeted more often.
It's been tried.
Those type of crimes are harder to catch and are typically done by different agencies. Crime rates among poor whites is not nearly equivalent to the black crime rate, in fact it's substantially lower than the average black crime rate. People selling drugs are always going to be a much higher priority than users
> they get targeted more often.
>and I base that on absolutely nothing and I can't accept that they just commit vastly more crimes
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute!
it's about black anime characters.
Of course not, Yea Forums and /pol/ are here.
There are multiple studies already. Whites commit more crime but aren't searched as often.
no it's not
black americans have committed a few crimes in recent times but it doesn't compare to what whites have done through out history.
you aren't looking hard enough through the thread
Whites outnumber blacks 6 to 1, and again, the police is going prioritize drug dealers over drug users
>they don't know about enka nigga
Actually it's because blacks are the lowest hanging fruit.
They have almost no hope of defending themselves in a court of law, have no connections, or have the ability to use media to sway things in their favor for help or positive reforms to help them.
This is compounded by the fact that the most popular and influential members of the black community music stars push destructive negative attitudes that destroy blacks overall.
Meth and painkiller addictions are an epidemic in white neighborhoods but you'll only hear about blacks being sent to jail for dealing weed or being adjacent to large amounts of crime.
All the studies say whites commit proportionally less crime. You're trying to argue that "since there are more whites than blacks, and the total of all whites commit more crimes than the total of all blacks then each individual white should be searched more" it doesn't work that way.
>blacks enslaved blacks and sold them to people from around the world
>blacks are still enslaving blacks
>bantu empire
>implying blacks wouldn't have done similar things if they had the technological and intellectual capacity
And that is only scratching the surface of what is going on in Africa, you should read up on what exactly goes on there
>white people colonised and enslaved most of the world
>white people stole resources from other countries to take back to their own
not a crime and literally everyone else did the same, just on a smaller scale
>white people stole america from the natives
not a crime, see above
>white people would bring foreign diseases with them when they went to countries and raped the women and killed the men
literally everyone else did the same but on a bigger scale because whites have a moral system
>white people then inslaved mainly black people and few other races as well
like everybody else
>white people fired the first and last nuclear bombs on the japan
it was a war
meanwhile niggers are low-IQ and criminal
Nigerian mafia is a thing in the entertainment districts.
Looks like a typical brown anime girl. Do you even know what female niggers look like? They are horrendous.
>or have the ability to use media to sway things in their favor for help or positive reforms to help them
The media loves a black victim story, what are you talking about? Black idols being the way they are is mostly driven by the black community itself as they comprise the vast majority of fans especially initially. And obviously selling drugs is going to dealt with way more harshly than using, that shouldn't be surprising
It's not about absolute numbers, it's about rates.
there is literally no country on earth where whites have a higher crime rate than niggers and sandniggers
and no russians are not white
Which is exactly what I meant, if you look at FBI crime statistics even though absolute numbers may be higher for certain crimes among whites the ratio (6 to 1) suggests that blacks commit crime at a vastly higher rate
>blacks enslaved blacks and sold them to people from around the world
yeah they inslaved each other but so did many other races, whites used to run their country on slave child labour during the industrial revolution. and the whole selling other blacks to other countries rarely happened it was mostly whites kidnapping blacks
>blacks are still enslaving blacks
so are white people to each other as well
>implying blacks wouldn't have done similar things if they had the technological and intellectual capacity
stop assuming the worst in blacks just because white people did the worst doesn't mean blacks would
>slave child
>it was mostly whites kidnapping blacks
now I know you are just trolling
>yeah they inslaved each other but so did many other races, whites used to run their country on slave child labour during the industrial revolution. and the whole selling other blacks to other countries rarely happened it was mostly whites kidnapping blacks
No, blacks were sold by black slavers in intertribal conquest to South America, US, Middle East and to places like Portugal as well. Slaves were also not that financially beneficial as they have a lot of upkeep.
>so are white people to each other as well
Sure but lets not pretend it's even remotely close in comparison
>stop assuming the worst in blacks just because white people did the worst doesn't mean blacks would
Haha, imagine thinking they wouldn't have. Nations/tribes across the world did conquests that their technology allowed, whites were just more successful because their technology allowed them to. You should probably read up on the bantu empire
>glossing over the fact that whites were the first to abolish slavery
>selling other blacks to other countries rarely happened it was mostly whites kidnapping blacks
Nah. At this point you're either completely uneducated and simply aping talking points you've heard or you're trolling trying to get people to think liberals are so stupid they can't even read up on the subjects they purportedly care about.
>using cringe to depute an argument
what are you a 13 yearr old girl that uses tik tok and instagram
>now i know you are trolling
i'm not trolling and you are just in denial that your race kidnapped in masses another race to use as slaves, next you are going to deny the holocaust never happened let me guess
>The media loves a black victim story
Only certain kinds and oft when it's used as a bargaining chip
>what are you talking about?
Your understanding of these things comes from seeing only stilted media.
>Black idols being the way they are is mostly driven by the black community itself
The black music community and who is CHOSEN as popular is pushed by a handful of well off individuals. Black popstars like the scumbags who're pushed as good now were seen as scumbags and called as such in what little black owned media that was around back then.
>as they comprise the vast majority of fans especially initially.
Gospel and rhythm and blues music is more popular with american blacks then modern hiphop user.
>And obviously selling drugs is going to dealt with way more harshly than using, that shouldn't be surprising
Drug dealers in black neighborhoods user. Who are the biggest victims of black drug dealers and the drug war.
White drug dealers? They are ignored or get slaps on the wrist or multibillion dollar biopics and awards in media. Shit, the Kennedy dynasty was started by fucking bootlegging mobsters.
Eastern europeans are violent dicks. And you don't get to say who is and isn't white when it spits in the face of your convenient masturbation fantasy you brainwashed lunatic.
It was for the first 50 posts or so. It turned to pure shit after that though.
delusionals that can't be saved. keep telling yourself whatever helps you sleep at night but most of the world knows the truth about the actions of whites even other whites.
>Eastern europeans
no they aren't, with the exception of russians and serbs/bosnians
>And you don't get to say who is and isn't white when it spits in the face of your convenient masturbation fantasy you brainwashed lunatic.
culturally they have pretty much nothing in common with western white europeans you uneducated cuck
>Only certain kinds and oft when it's used as a bargaining chip
yes to show how 'oppressed' they are by the evil white supremacy system
>Your understanding of these things comes from seeing only stilted media.
>he black music community and who is CHOSEN as popular is pushed by a handful of well off individuals
yes because they bring in money from mostly black fans
>Gospel and rhythm and blues music is more popular with american blacks then modern hiphop user.
maybe, but lets not pretend that if they are
Yes, bringing civilization to the world. Funny how well put together people can take the building blocks and create a great society like Japan.
yikes black people are so fragile
yes everybody knows the truth about blacks even if only subconsciously
whites didn't bring civilization get out your own asshole there was already civilization in a lot of places before whites invaded like the fire nation on every ones as.
people that whites nuked twice.
Name ONE successful black country.
I'm talking about modern civilization you mental midget. Virtually every luxery you enjoy today is in a big way related to a white person inventing it. Yet here you are bitching about evil whitey, get a grip you whiney pussy
Niggers get out.
>yes to show how 'oppressed' they are by the evil white supremacy system
Yeah. But only in ways to manipulate people to fall in line behind other systems that don't help blacks or whites either.
It's a tactic to manipulate the feelings that are created in reality and change it to something ultimatley useless and a political bargaining chip.
>>Your understanding of these things comes from seeing only stilted media.
No irony. Just fact.
>>he black music community and who is CHOSEN as popular is pushed by a handful of well off individuals
>yes because they bring in money from mostly black fans
No you retard.
Anyone can be made into a megahit.
It's beyond simple.
The problem is that who's being made into megahits are the biggest scumbags on the earth and they are pushed as something to emulate and looked up too.
>>Gospel and rhythm and blues music is more popular with american blacks then modern hiphop user.
>maybe, but lets not pretend that if they are
>a white person inventing it.
The legend of the magical polymath.
There are no single great men inventing great things user.
Only a society allowing men to create things based on small things created by others.
egypt in the past
zimbabwe a while ago was the bread basket of africa before stupid corrupt politics stuff happened over the uk not compensating the war vets like promised and saying the compensation was a deal of the last government forcing the leader of the country to have to allow the war vets to take back land from white africans as if no they would come for him. and from there it spiralled deeper into corruption but the uk doesn't want to take responsibility for that. but it looks like china are based have recently started investing into african countries and businesses
Rwanda, the upcoming singapore. Lower homicide rate than white americans.
not black
>zimbabwe a while ago
Mark E. Dean
Mark E. Dean (born March 2, 1957) is a Black American inventor and computer engineer. He was part of the team that developed the ISA bus, and he led a design team for making a one-gigahertz computer processor chip. He holds three of nine PC patents for being the co-creator of the IBM personal computer released in 1981.
>trusting government statistics from third world shitholes
I bet you also believe that rape doesn't happen in muslim countries.
>egypt not black
next you are going to tell me mongolians or indians are not asain kek
>not black
uhh...back to /pol/ kiddo
we wuz the makur of ever thing lol not like any other race made any big technology nope just us whites yall
keep coping cuck
no u
you are using a board that only exists because of another race and if you can't respect other races why are you here?
Even more in his favor, because creating the kind of civilization where science and technology can thrive is a much bigger achievement than winning the genetic lottery and getting a few gifted individuals.
says the one having a break down over finding out blacks played a huge part in the invention of modern computers.
I can, except blacks.
Bones is the second most pozzed anime studio right behind Trigger, so I can't say I'm surprised by this.
>will be streamed exclusively on Netflix
>except blacks
even asains are not this dumb and blindly racist
for all the the mistakes they some times make portraying blacks in anime you can tell it never comes out of hatred.
because of your post i think i'm going to give the promised neverland a watch today ihave been skipping out because of krone.
but seeing hatred like this towards blacks makes me find comfort in japans attempts to at least even care for blacks in their media
you do you cuck
okay racist edge lord i will
For fuck's sake, we've got to suffer through two cours of shit like this
Have you ever stopped and thought that maybe the widespread "hatred" of blacks actually has something to do with blacks themselves and their general behavior? Is it so unfathomable to you that anything they do might be threatening or annoying to other cultures and people?
It's also completely unfair and wrong of you to blame whites for the general attitudes towards blacks. You should read some of what the Muslim scholars had to say about them. Those guys encountered them long before European whites colonized most of Africa.
"[inhabitants of sub-Saharan African countries] are people distant from the standards of humanity" "Their nature is that of wild animals..."[4]
Hudud al-`alam, 982 AD
"As for the Zanj, they are people of black color, flat noses, kinky hair, and little understanding or intelligence."[4]
Al-Muqaddasi (fl. 966), Kitab al-Bad' wah-tarikh, vol.4
[The Zanj (African) differ from animals only in that] their two hands are lifted above the ground,... Many have observed that the ape is more teachable and more intelligent than the Zanj.[5]
And it just goes on like that. These guys were more ruthless than /pol/ in their description of blacks.
She better not die 1st
What is cherrypicking?
at one point or another all humans acted like animals your point is?
it doesn't have anything to do with blacks themselves, blacks have been given one bad hand after the other through out out history.
all people do stuff that are threatening and annoying to other cultures. and it's not unfair to blame whites when they have control of almost all of media thus have control of public perception and have been using it for years to fuel unwanted and undeserved hatred towards blacks all over the world.
this world is a white mans world.
>it's not unfair to blame whites when they have control of almost all of media thus have control of public perception and have been using it for years to fuel unwanted and undeserved hatred towards blacks all over the world.
That's antisemitism.
i used to think what sjws said was all nonsense but i think i can agree with them on the whole white male thing and giving them a hard time. of course not everything is the fault of a white male like a lot make it out to be. but white males sure do have it the easyest in life and they don't even know it and then they go on to be racist towards others and make it harder for them. /pol/ doesn't even know how easy they have it