Beastars Chapter 121

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She really doesn't look feminine for a bunny.

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oh shit! translator-kun!

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sebun aproves, NOOOOOOOOOOOO i knew it but i didn't want to admit it

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>so the female he was walking with was his neighbour
>what the heck
>looks like im a fucking retard why did i assume this without talking with legosi? kek

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This fucking wolf.

his autism is kicking in!

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ew, that face kek
Translator-kun! what fonts are you using?!
Also i love you!
Thanks for translating!

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i still hate haru, wtf?

i like that not everyone is looking at them like wtf is this a couple? gross, people just keep on walking and don't care

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if legosi doesn't answer with
"No way, bitch. you're a fucking rabbit"
im dropping the series right now

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This bunny's gone crazy.

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Thank you as always.

Thank you translator-kun!
We love you~

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Autism wolf is the best MC of all time and it's official now

Looks like his autism is contagious

Holy shit Paru, you can't show that in a christian manga.

you can tell he's autistic because he actually told her what she did, everyone does shit like this, but you don't say it!

>everyone does shit like this, but you don't say it!
no they dont you autist

s-shut up!

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Why characters keep making these completely ridiculous decisions? Does Paru feel the need to surprise with something every chapter?

is Haru into legosi because she never tried carnivore dick and wants to find out how it feels like?

Best time of the week.


Probably, I don't see why any regular thot would still date him after the "he treats me like a person :O" novelty wears off.

Autism from concentrate.

Haru thot confirmed
They know he is a virgin kek

>This stain reminds me of you
Sick covert burn.

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I love Haru

The answer better be
>Not a chance
>Also, I just realized, you're gonna get killed if you hang out with me
>We're done
>Just send me noodz

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glad to see he's still full autism

thanks translator-kun

Hoo boy, this is gonna be interesting
Thanks TL

10/10 translator, love your work

Legosi can't deny Haru if she asks something like that with such a serious expression. Best he can do is autistically try to sneak her in unnoticed.

>Legosi's face
Is he envisioning how many ways this could go wrong?

Cursed image.

Jesus christ, will Haru finally bee freed of her weird vore obsession, probably not
Steve Buscemi for live action Gosha

god damn she's a keeper, and whoever disagree clearly has never been in an actual relationship
aaaand shit got real

Haru probably wants to see how he reacts to being there. She knows that Legosi's eaten meat, but it's in that kind of abstract mental space where she has a hard time visualizing and so sees it as a necessary part of accepting the reality of Legosi as a meat-eating carnivore and this part of his world.


I can already see Gouhin finding the two together and saying something like the two are idiots
Thanks translator

i're not wrong...but she's so hateable...
also everyone wants him to fuck the suicidal sheep

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you know the first few chapters of beastars kind of look like ass now. paru has definetely improved, thankfully.

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i hope, Gouhin is, based the character

Where does the meat from the back-alley market come from again?
Do they kill innocent people?

old and sick people, as well as hervibores willingly selling parts of their bodies.

i agree, the characters are much more expressive and look way better overwall!

>old and sick people
those are willing people, right?

what said
but also, sometimes a herbifag needs money for some reason, just seel a couple fingers if you're desperate, but yes they kidnap a couple of people from time to time

Mostly dead people from morgues and shit

A lot of them are already dead, they have deals with morgues or something. They talked about it at some point

Dead animals, kidnapping victims, enslaved herbivores, and animals who sell their own parts. Remember that Louis was literally a feral child who couldn't speak or read because he'd been raised solely as carnivore fodder. And there's the guy in the parts market who got his dick chopped off without anesthesia.

Carnivores get eaten and sell their own parts too, though it seems much less common and more for the perceived TCM benefits animals receive from it.

Don't some sell their parts out of desperation because of debts?

Should grabbing his tail considered rape? Groping at minimum

You don't fondle your bf's tail in public?

so she wanted him to lie to her? but his autsim prevented him from doing so? wtf that wouldn't have been a healthy relationship anyway

Based, precious autismo

God Haru is ugly. She has goblin-like proportion, short legs, and is stocky like a dwarf. You can tell the author doesn't understand lolis at all.

talking about caniablism is really fun to do when eating, i promise you. doesn't ruin your appetite at all.

Nah she wanted him to find a better moment to say that to not fuck up the mood.

College aged bunnies are not lolies, don't use a word if you don't understand it's meaning.

She wanted him to tell her at a better time. She wanted to celebrate his birthday with him like a normal girlfriend and he immediately goes, "I'm so glad you're here to celebrate my birthday, by the way, I ate your ex's foot."

The author said she is meant to evoke the feeling of a lolita in the Beastars world. But besides being small she does a piss poor job of it.

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I just want to feel the fluff

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it's the exact contrary user
She wants to be part of Legosi's life, but his cripplying autism stope any healthy developement of the relationship
"i will not be part of your selfdistructive impluses" means "you are using the louise thing to run away from our relationship because it's easier to be *le big damned carnivor that could endanger the bunny* and pretend it's better this way than face me, tell me you fucked up and deal with it, Fuck you you autist and let me be part of your life".
That's peak romance buddy

>wide shoulders
>short legs
>large man-hands
>fat cheeks
>weird eyes

Is Haru supposed to be ugly in-universe?

I can't believe she lost the Legosi-bowl. Huge mistake.

It's okay, she has Jack now.

>lolita =/= loli
Those are very different things retards.

she forfeit it

Is she fucking retarded?

He doesn't even have real teeth to defend her.

>acts like an old lady

He didn't offer to let Haru ride around on his shoulders. Why is Legosi such a bad boyfriend?

Who needs teeth when you can just cast "fist" over and over for free?


Haru can redeem her slutness with death

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>Carnivores get eaten and sell their own parts too, though it seems much less common and more for the perceived TCM benefits animals receive from it.
IRL don't carnivores taste like shit

she's in college and is literally a dwarf rabbit

Not all Carnivores, mostly just Apex Carnivores and not even all of them.

The absolute worse way this could go, is some weird type of canabilistic NTR where she is eaten right in front of him instead of raped. Or better both.

Reminder this bunny is sluttier

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there are also likely people who could possibly pay back their debts so were just simply kidnapped entirely

i wonder if legosi told her about the teeth AND meeting the beastar, that shit is pretty amazing in universe, i doubt he told him about the gay horse

ok I guess that's fine if the relatives agree to it, but I assume you're probably talking about dead folks that aren't claimed by anyone in weeks

found the dumbfuck retard

...oh oh

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As long as that slut Haru dies I'm happy.

Holy shit just 33lbs. Even a regular human could fucking snap her in half. child dolls pedos use probably weigh more.

that'd be pretty hot

She is naive and idealistic but has old lady hobies like caring for flowers.


sheepfags in absolute ruins

Picked up.

sheepfags btfo
louisfags btfo
people who hate haru BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

oh they'll break up
haru in the morgue after being exhumed post-consumption

haru will die tragically in black market, so the dream isn't dead yet.

Also Sebun lives next door so can simply take his virginity first and have his kids while he is asleep. And thats all that matters in the first.

Nah, it'll be okay, they just gotta dress her up as a ferret or a carnivore. Just plop her in a fursuit.

They eat children, and kidnap victims, and the elderly and the sick and strippers.

>"Local bunny too slutty to live"

>Tfw your black qt wants to hang out at the KKK rally.

What would you do lads?

Is Louis gay?

Not as gay as Riz, but yes

Haru why are you trying to die. Stop it, get some help. Also the Autism wolf is a great MC

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Louis twink confirmed, made for carnivore cock

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Reminds me of this:

Fuck why is my dick hard

This reminded me of Kaiji and now i want a gambling arc for no fucking reason.

It says here that Legosi told Haru "everything" but it doesn't feel like everything.
>I found the killer
>we had a duel
>I ate Louis' foot
>and now I live alone and work in a restaurant
It sounds like he didn't talk at all about fighting gangsters, meeting the beastar and losing his teeth.

Probably going to happen when they get to the meat market since their date is still going on.

I'm predicting:
>go there
>Haru sees the Yafya graffiti
>asks about him
>Legosi spaghettis everything to her

>wolf skin is hard so we don't feel anithing unless you press really hard
sebun rapes legosi in his sleep confirmed

That's a good reaction image

Near his crotch "very very hard" this can happen (someone had the translated version)

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she was actually happy, does haru have resting bitch face?

I assumes she thinks he eats meat normally?

Or maybe she's testing him?

Given her talk about "accepting" the other side of life, and what she saw recently with one of her classmates, it's likely she thinks that she won't understand Legosi unless she sees him eat meat. Considering that eating meat is viewed as almost a rite of passage, and is only done away from herbivores generally, she probably thinks that she needs to see it happen so that she can actually comprehend why Legosi acts the way he does.
Too bad he's just an autismo fetishist.

Thank you!


The beastars! The beastars!

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Anime's in October(?)

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that legosi's fur looks more detailed than the model for the pv...

well...yeah, it's a poster even if the anime was 2d it would be the same the very least, haru has the perfect suck dicking height

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>you hrought a female to your room before
Haru has no right to complain about that

Tell her that I appreciate that she's doing her best to get along with my friends

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>she's a keeper
She'll cheat on you with multiple dudes when she starts to get bored. Sure, if you are not bothered by that.

Yeah, the most iconic chapters don't have Haru in it. It's all being carried by based autismo wolf.

Thanks, translator-kun. WnS until monday, right?

Poor choice of words haru...

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I don't know user, I think that I dislike her a little more after this.

wait, i forgot. did riz imagine his whole situation with tem or not?


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But she doesn't love you, for she is a slut. A sluuuuuuuut!

It's pretty unclear when his delusion started but I assume it's after Tem called him a monster.

Thank you Translator

You think the horse will appear during the black market date?

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>nigga this bitch wack af

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Is this normal behavior?

>Philosophical wolf
Can so done translate it from Greek?

>Take me to love hotel.
Was I naive?

I'm kinda sad we will never get the school SOL drama anymore. I'm also feel annoyed with the author decision to skipped the whole part of Drama Club reacted to the Riz and Legosi duel.

This is literally the fangirl version of pic related. The author really likes her husbando.

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Honestly at this point I think not even Paru knows where the plot is going anymore

If you're publishing a 20 page manga weekly I can't imagine you have much time to plan things out

God i want that bitch to die so bad.

She is cute when she's angry.

Look, I'm new to the whole manga thing, (beastars being the first I've read) and did not fucking know that she made twenty pages weekly. Fuuuuck that. I've been working on my comic, and sometimes cant do more than two or three a week. Them manga artists must go insane.

>haru chapter
And beastars was so good lately too.

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Paru probably has a decent number of assistants to help, but you do see a lot of weekly published series burn out pretty quickly.

I seem to recall that one of the volume end extras had a page that said she only had two assistants.

I legit almost forgot she used to be in love with Louis

compliment* bro

I make this mistake a lot

I hate that rabbit so much

That's just dangerous.

Girl, you've technically already been there. Don't.

As always, so nice to see haruhaters seethe and squeel.

That is the shounen way, so maybe


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Yes, he admitted he knows it was delusion too. The real events that occurred are the opening scene, chapter 1, in which Tem is horribly racist.

You post this every time you don't like the chapter, and then the next comes and proves you wrong again.

I love her

You're not alone.

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>I'm also feel annoyed with the author decision to skipped the whole part of Drama Club reacted to the Riz and Legosi duel.
They don't know about that, the official story is that Louis caught the murderer and lost his leg in the process. Legosi dropping out is a completely separate thing in their eyes.

>rabbit caught winds of the autismo being gay for his senpai
>does something equally retarded as the deer did in hopes to cure his gayness

30lb burrito

Could be. He obviously has some issues with his buddy marrying, and with a wolf at that.
Who knows how would he react if he sees Legosi dating a rabbit.

Thanks Translator

i believe that, but i kinda like it, it's just like real life you don't know where it's going you might think it's going the beastars arc route with yafya training him for beastar or something,
but oh wait, actually this character remembered it was this one's birthday so now it's a romance comedy, o nvm next chapter we're going to the black market where they sell my girlfriends race kek, to be honest i like this i know it's weird but it's fun

I love you

>romantic interest actually talking and clearing up there misunderstandings.
I feel like in any other manga this shit would of been stretched out much longer.

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It will remind him of when interspecial love ruined his gay dream and took away his future husbando and will get extremely triggered.

A small correction.

His biceps and abs are listed as かため.

め is a vulgar modifier.

かたい is hard/stiff so かため would be something like "fucking hard/stiff" or "damn hard/stiff".

But I miss Bill, Juno and Pina..

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How is Haru's suicide trip going to work? From what we've seen, the back alley marketgoers are basically normal, but there's bound to be a few crazies or criminals that will go for her. Maybe everyone will just be shocked enough that they won't question it, but wouldn't Legosi get into big trouble if he's trying to take a rabbit into the market?

Oh, thankyou very much. I wasn't sure why I had two of what the dictionary defined as "stiff", so that makes sense. I'm a beginner so maybe I should look over adjectives again.

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This stupid cunt should've been written out of the story. Literally shaking over here.

Shitty slutbunny should just die. Legosi should be with Sebun.

Haru was really ugly this chapter, university was a mistake

Go read a different story if you want different characters.

Thank you

Oh my god you sheepfags are seriously seething right now. Autism wolf wants to fuck the bunny, deal with it.

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Take a chill pill dude

Sheep is love, sheep is life. Haru probably has a cocktail of STDs.

Surely Komodo genes will provide resistance to them

The town bike doesn't deserve to be with our autistic future beastar.

What is this furrybait?

The "It's all fun and games until someone's arm gets ripped off" kind of furrybait

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The game

>Netflix only
welp, i'm done

>I legit almost forgot she used to be in love with Louis
I legit forgot about it. I guess this is the greatest moved on in history.

>Implying Wolfo fucking the slut will make Sheep any less best girl.

>Implying Lobo Autismo will ever fuck

Both of you are correct

just watch it online on a random website who cares about netflix

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Page in question is why she is best girl.

>legosi still hasn't called the electric company

> whoever disagree clearly has never been in an actual relationship

Thanks for proving my point

Haru should know, she has seen more people than the entire of Yea Forums together.

guys... look at what Paru has liked on twitter

She is planning a fuck scene

The nanananananana, so sexual.

his autism level keeps increasing
>Valentine's day themed artwork
>Bill and Aoba are sitting together
What did they mean by this?

Big if true

Cmon guys you are not understanding Haru, she is supposed to be just like Legosi, and Legosi also had his ''I want to go to the Black market'' ''I want to understand the black market'' moments.

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Sunday or Monday.

Honestly sheeptards are worse than Junofags were.

Haru's cuteness varies wildly.

That's usually how it goes.

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>Our memories together were radiant, sad, and irreplaceable
>Haru I just made Louis a cripple for life
Patu pls.

Herbivores do work in the back alley market, like the herbivore strippers Louis met, and they do willingly go there to sell parts, so it's not as if it's unheard of. Worst case is that a meat crazed carni takes a snap at her.

There was more than one?

Don't forgot Legosi's toxic lizard jizz. Haru might be more in danger than he is.

Single bros consoling each other in their singleness.





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Paru is wildly inconsistent

Daddy Warbucks put him in timeout for his back alley shenanigans. It's the Haru and Yafya show for now.




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I wish legosi wasn't such a drama queen sometimes. Like, you need those teeth boi.

Here's the image she liked in case you fucks don't have a twitter account like me

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On a scale of Bargain Bin Isekai to SamFlam, Beastars is about 75% of the way to SamFlam when it comes to arc predictability.

15-20 pages is the standard for weekly comics. Monthly series are usually closer to 30. It's actually better now than it was in the 60s when there were mangaka cranking out two or three weekly series at a time.


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Drunk OL sex? I can live with that.

>Watches hulu while she draws
>Asks her assistants to help write the story

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Not really, the only trait that Legosi inhereted from his grandpa was being inmune to poison.

So is Legosi finally going to vore Haru in a drunken sex scene?

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He's literally an angsty teen.

She doesn't seem to be asking them to help with the story, rather she seems to be trying to start a conversation so it isn't just everyone sitting in silence.

Drawing is tedious and time consuming and to stay on schedule, you're going to be drawing for hour and hours on end. Most modern artists and illustrators are avid consumers of TV and podcasts since it gives them something to listen to while they work. And she's not asking them to write the story, she's making small talk about their personal love lives.

He'll probably grow his teeth back due to his reptile heritage, so no need for alarm.

He hates her!

i still don't understand that scene.
are herbivores secretly suicidal or what's going on with haru here

Legosi will probably stay virgin for the rest of the manga and sex will only be implied in the epilogue when we see his half sheep children

I want this to happen so god damned badly, it'll generate so much butthurt that I'll be amused for weeks.

I hate her

Herbivores want to be eaten.

Just wait for the anime to roll out. Yea Forums is gonna shit up worse then when Goblin Slayer aired.

hey user, artist here, i make my living with commisions and other works like that
here's the thing, drawing makes you want to kill yourselft after a couple years, sure, when you see your final product you're so proud and happy but when you're doing the work it's SO FUCKING BORING
im honestly at the point where i can't touch a piece of paper without havin a podcast/tv show/talking with friends on discord
>inb4 discord trannys
so yeah, she's just making conversation don't worry about it

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Frick off, Uggo

I don't think that's all true, his hands/claws/feet are implied to be a bit outside the norm of a grey wolf and people seem to think legosi is odd physical as well as mentally.

That was just a shit post

>>inb4 discord trannys
pls keep that meme in Yea Forums

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>people seem to think legosi is odd physical as well as mentally.
>inb4 it's revealed he cannonically has autism
how would you react?

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Can you even fucking imagine the reaction?

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He is implied to be bigger than the average Grey Wolf because of his reptilian heritage.

I wonder what Juno would think if she found out Legosi's not pure grey wolf.

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>non-consensual hand-holding
too far

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it's ok user, we didn't know
but we still just wanted to let you know from the bottom of our heart. nobody is mad at you

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this was some top tier autism
>invite girl to eat lunch
>excuse me can i see the inside of your mouth?
>w-what? n-no..
>please i need to see it
>looks inside for a solid minute
>everyone looks at them
>Ok thank you
> here's the money for my drink
>bye bye

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Did he really though Juno could manhandle him?

If she'd been eating meat to activate Kaio-claw x10 maybe.

>[The Komodo dragon] is the largest living species of lizard, growing to a maximum length of 3 metres (10 ft) in rare cases and weighing up to approximately 70 kilograms (150 lb). The largest verified wild specimen was 3.13 m (10.3 ft) long and weighed 166 kg (366 lb), including undigested food.
>Komodo dragons make no attempt to deliberately allow the prey to escape with fatal injuries, but try to kill prey outright using a combination of lacerating damage and blood loss. They have been recorded as killing wild pigs within seconds.
>For smaller prey up to the size of a goat, their loosely articulated jaws, flexible skulls, and expandable stomachs allow them to swallow prey whole. Copious amounts of red saliva the Komodo dragons produce help to lubricate the food, but swallowing is still a long process (15–20 minutes to swallow a goat). A Komodo dragon may attempt to speed up the process by ramming the carcass against a tree to force it down its throat, sometimes ramming so forcefully, the tree is knocked down.

So Legosi can swallow other animals whole?

>Swallow a goat whole
>Slamming prey against a tree so hard it breaks
Sounds about right. This is why I'm going into biology

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Hypothetically maybe.

He hates her


This manga needs more female carnivores and more assertives ones especially

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Beastars is the only manga that makes me dread the fanservice.

>Not wanting to fuck Juno
Oh who am I kidding, it's all very unsexy


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Are you not served? Is this not why you came?

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Please don't

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God it's like they're wearing each others skin

Enjoy your ban.

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Based vorefag


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>Juno tries to win Legosi by pandering to his fetish by waring a bunny suit and ears

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Isn't he just 1.85m? That doesn't sound that tall.
Hell, even I'm 1.86m.

And I'm 1.88m BOOYAH

Well, I mean, that's probably because we are human. For the animal world, that's pretty big. The implication is that if humans existed in this world, we would wreck shit up.

He wasn't suspecting her, he just wanted to check how different male and female carnivore teeth are.



If humans existed in that world, they'd be the equivalent of grey aliens in ours

>Physically weak
>hyper intelligent
>very little hair

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This is ugly. All the females in Beastar are ugly. Louis x Legosi all the way.

>already vore art by furfags

Only 1.81cm here, am i still cool like you guys?
or have i entetered manlet territory?

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Yeah, and we also have the advantage of not "giving in to instinct". We don't feel any particular compulsion towards meat or vegetables or to run the instant we see a carnivore. Rather, our instinct is to dominate. We want to be at the top of the food chain.

Anything bellow 185cm is manlet territory.


>The implication is that if humans existed in this world, we would wreck shit up.
Carnivores' strenght is very obviously much higher than any human's. Most people can't break the floor with a punch or rip their friend's arm by accident.

You are ok as long you aren't below 1.80m

Most animals can't either.

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Yeah, I think I agree with both of you in that we aren't strong (without any physical training), our strength lies in our self-control and intelligence.

that's like 6'0 that's almost perfect height, not quite there but you're definitely not a manlet

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Thank you anons, good to know that's the absolute truth

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Originally I though they would have ben limited in endurance since fur and shit.
In real life huamns can outrun almost anything on the long run, but it seems in Beastars that wasn't realy a thing that they only have very little area to cool their bodies.

Maybe humans would get max charisma instead.
If carnivores meat insticts only ever trigger at herbivores then there might also be a triger of how awesome human headpats are.

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>Physically weak
Fucking lmao. Humans out-muscle every animal in our weight class except other primates. We only look weak compared to other animals because we stand on two legs, making us appear much larger. You average 165lb wolf has the arm and leg strength of a fucking child, it's only their teeth that make them dangerous.

Actually, wolves don't even get that big, so compare to a dog instead.

Humans are built for endurance, not strength.
Animals with comparable bodymass usually have significantly higher muscle power, but quickly overheat and pass out if they have to maintain the effort for an extended period of time.
Healthy human, meanwhile, can keep running or working for hours on end without overexerting himself.

So basically, humans are more physically fit than any other animal and smarter than any other animal. This is why we dominate the animal kingdom.

>Humans are built for endurance, not strength
>Animals with comparable bodymass usually have significantly higher muscle power
Pure unadulterated bullshit. Humans are very very strong for our size. Just because a basedboy can't even curl 20lbs, doesn't mean a human who's actually in shape is weak. The only fucking animals that actually out-strength us limb-wise by weight are other primates, who are the juggernauts of the animal kingdom when it comes to fucking shit up with their arms.

A human representative that's taking other species into account rather than a normal human, then?

where were you when you realized you're the strongest animal type?

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Big predators would shit on him completely, but smaller ones would be far weaker. Something like a lion could crush him because they'd be twice his size at least (in terms of mass), but for skinnier things like wolves and stuff he's have more raw strength. Problem is that he doesn't have fur or claws or fangs, but that's why we invented spears and knives.

One of the strongest *for our size*
Imagine a human who was at least 400lbs of raw muscle. That's what the people who are saying humans are weak are comparing us to. Shit like lions and bears. We're not even close to their size, we just look bigger because we stand up. If you compare us to animals around our size we come out very favorably.

Collab with tobou zoo

>So basically, humans are more physically fit than any other animal
I vaguely remember anthropologists having an argument over whether humans really did run down animals over long distances as an active hunting method, or if just being able to travel long distances efficiently was in itself enough of an advantage

Even then, we can probably also outsmart a bear pretty easily.

I've heard theories than the evolution of sweat glands and the adaptation of endurance running as one of the reasons. Studies mostly focus on one group of Native Mexicans though

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Well, yeah, the thing is that in our world animals are pretty dumb. If they were all at human-level intellect we'd be royally fucked unless we popped out of the womb with a .50BMG rifle in hand.

Yeah, so scale that up along with all the other animals in the Beastar. If the equivalent of a stupid animal over here is average intelligence over in the Beastar universe, then that probably means humans get smarter and stronger in some way also.

are you still translating watashi no shounen?

We'd be pretty mary-sue level overpowered then. Decent size and strength, but no nails or teeth. Instead, so smart we can make nuclear bombs and energy weapons in our spare time. In a CAVE! With a box of SCRAPS!

Fuck are you me? I was literally just reading Dr. Stone this morning.

And yeah, that's probably the reason why humans don't exist in this universe.

>Dr. Stone
Oh god the tech nerd in my simultaneously gets a boner from that manga but hates it at the same time. It's so fucking silly.
I was referencing Iron Man from like 2008 though

Zoom Zoom.

Humans existing in this world would be a mistake no matter how strong or smart they were, seeing that the story runs on the tension between herbivore and carnivore primal instincts which every single person has to have. Maybe a cameo as a movie monster, or a fossil that has a horrible shrink wrapped interpretation of it like early dinosaurs, but even that much might take the reader out of it.

i'm not super into tech, so i mostly enoy it at take for granted most of the science explanations, although lately it feels more bullshitty
Why do you hate it?

>fossil that has a horrible shrink wrapped interpretation of it like early dinosaurs
If the author ever decides to even reference us, I hope it's this. Maybe even something like a cro-magnon man, with the reveal that they all died out in a disaster or something. I imagine Beastars as being in a world where humans never actually existed.

I don't hate it, I really like it, but it's silly as fuck. The level of handwaving required to make some of the shit work in the time they make it in is a bit nuts, not to mention that processing some of the chemicals they process by hand would be ludicrously dangerous.
It's a fun manga in the sense that it's for a young audience and isn't supposed to be taken as realistic, but the knowledge I have about some things they do and how they actually work IRL makes me cringe a bit.

Where the implication is that if we did exist, then no other animal would be as evolved now because humans would just dominate everything.

That would be just a pretty cool "Did you Know" fact thrown in.

Yeah, like the fact that the human mind can't go three days without some form of entertainment.

3000 years would be literally impossible for anyone without going mad in some way.

You could even just toss it in the background easily, like maybe they go to a museum and in the "ancient primates" section there's fucking Lucy with a little plaque saying this species was a unique one located in one small area of the world that got devastated by a volcano and they all died. Then maybe a gorilla guy makes some offhand comment about it or something. Would be decent background noise that fleshes out the world.

Since Haru is at university, there could be some crackpot professor always talking about his "Hairless Great Ape that would have taken over the world" theory

>We're not even close to their size
We are. Heavyweight fighters (300lb+) are on par with smaller lions.
Yet you don't see them performing feats of strength routinely done by lions. No vertical jumps for 3 meters or things like that.
Now remember that we are talking about athletes who trained for their whole life, learned how to utilize their body strength in a most efficient way, maintained a steady and healthy diet and were observed and treated by highly qualified medical personnel to reach the best possible performance a human body can reach.
And we are comparing them to an especially skinny malnourished animal who lives in the wild, riddled with parasites and suffering from a multitude of poorly-healed injuries it got in it's lifetime, and which is acting on pure instinct.
Athletes still lose.

Way to miss the fucking point retard. How about you complain that you never see a lion bench press 600lbs? Different animals are built for different things, big cats in particular are made to jump and pounce. Plus, no cat that size can make a 3 meter vertical leap, that's pure bullshit. You're comparing apples to bricks at this point, and willfully ignoring real science.'s_high_jump_world_record_progression
Hmm, pretty good for an animal made for running I'd say.

I can't help but self insert myself as a human when I read these furry manga

same, but the weird thing is i don't even want to have sex with them.
i just want to pet them i want to hug the suicidal sheep

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With leaping skills like that, I wonder just how far a lion from the Serengeti could throw a frisbee!?!?!?

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>How about you complain that you never see a lion bench press 600lbs?
How about you don't move the goalposts. We are talking about limb strength:
>The only fucking animals that actually out-strength us limb-wise by weight are other primates
The only comparable limb-related tasks humans and big cats both perform are leaps and swipes.
I haven't found any easily-processable data about swipe strength, only anecdotal evidence like "broken a buffalo's spine in a single hit", "crushed a bull's skull" or "sent a hunter flying for a few meters", but it's clear that big cats absolutely buttfuck humans in regards to jumps.
Therefore, it is reasonable to assume big cats have higher peak limb strength.
>Plus, no cat that size can make a 3 meter vertical leap, that's pure bullshit.
>The vertical leap record for a tiger is more than 12 feet, and the lion is just a few inches less.
Also, a better example would have been not a lion, but a puma, who has roughly the same body mass as a lean adult human but displays absurd leap strength:
>The puma is, however, the best jumper of all the mammals. Pumas, or mountain lions, can leap more than 20 feet straight up without a running start

Yes, that's pretty impressive actually. Still, these are world-class athletes in perfect conditions, who implement complex jumping techniques and have a running start.

Paru misteriously dissapered and now it's up to (you) to write an ending for Beastars. What do you come up with?


>How about you don't move the goalposts
That's rich coming from the guy complaining that a heavyweight fighter isn't a champion at high jump, and that the furthest outliers of two species being almost equal mass means it's fair to compare them on the grounds of something one species is evolved to do better than the other one.


>Demanding to talk about limb strength is moving the goalposts
No, saying that leaping distance is a limb strength competition is moving the goalposts. Leaping is a whole-body action that involves tons of core muscles and is greatly affected by skeletal structure. Once again, your retarded argument would be like comparing humans to cats on the basis of bench press, or better yet overhead press. You're fucking retarded if you think that's objective.


>Kaio-claw x10


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you don't want to fuck a introverted chicken girl? what are you gay?

>humans are strongest
>no, here's an animal which shows higher strength at this task
>well that's because the animal is evolved for this task, that doesn't count
No shit, different animals are evolved for different tasks.
Humans are weaker than canids in terms of jaw strength.
Humans are weaker than big cats in terms of leaping power.
Humans have weaker torso muscles than constrictor snakes.
For any kind of physical activity you will find an animal which can do it better, because that's what evolution does - it makes specialists.
That's my point exactly: comparing vastly different animals is a fool's errand, they simply don't have common measures.

More reasonable approach would be to look for a general evolutionary concept of an animal, the main defining feature it is optimized to do best, and see how it corresponds to their strength.
And if you look at it like that, you compare humans to other primates. And, if you do that, it's easy to see that humans are overpowered by many others to a huge degree. That suggests that humans are relatively weak even at physical tasks that they can do best, meaning that we are not optimized for strength at all. Strength was not a deciding evolutionary factor for humans, or we would have evolved to be more like gorillas. Endurance and brain capacity were.
Human body is much weaker than an average for anthropomorphic creatures that actually exist. So, it is reasonable to assume that, if we magically make every animal anthropomorphic while maintaining their distinctive features, humans will be among the wimpy ones - as many of animal species evolved for their strength, and we did not, it's clear that we will be weaker than most furries.
Smart and resilient, maybe, but not strong.

I love Haru AND Sebun!

Can you read english? I don't think you can faggot, because you're not quoting anything I said.
>implying I said anything about jaw strength
>implying leaping power is any kind of accurate measure of limb strength
>implying I said anything about core strength
Why don't you put the fursuit away and actually read what I fucking said you illiterate monkey? Humans have stronger limbs than nearly every other animal around our weight. In a limb-based grappling contest or a contest of limb strength we will win against most other animals of equal weight. You're sitting here going on about all kinds of totally unrelated bullshit attacking strawmen that nobody is even talking about but you.
Learn to read at a 5th grade level or fuck off.

>Humans have been known to be extinct for a while, if they lived then they would dominate all the other species
>Legosi goes one day to deliver food to the sea
>Finds human baby in basket
>Legosi decides to raise the baby
>As baby grows up, Legosi learns that the baby has an instinctive drive to dominate everything else. Also, it is extremely smart and physically fit
>Legosi has to teach it to overcome its instinct

rate my fanfic

3/10 too predictable and ruins the setting

Lions also don't have opposable thumbs, either. So, uh. What are we arguing again? Grip strength?

Oh hey, do you know what else? Dolphins have WAY more tail strength than humans! Oh yeah, you better believe it.

>In a limb-based grappling contest or a contest of limb strength
Because no animal but primates (maybe octopodes and such, but that's a stretch) is specialized in limb-based grappling.
You are intentionally selecting a criteria which favors humans and fucks over everyone else, then claim it means humans are the strongest.

Of course, human would be stronger at grappling than, say, a regular dog, because dog has no need, ability or proficiency for grappling with it's limbs.
Nobody argues that.

But in the Beastars world, a dog is an anthropomorphic creature too. It has limbs actually designed for grappling. It grabs and holds things. It evolved to be good at limb strength, because that's what anthropomorphic creatures do.
It's immensely better than a regular dog at limb contest.
The question is, will it be better or worse than a human?

I believe that, yes, it will be, because among all real world humanoids human is relatively shit at strength by any metric.
So if every animal is a humanoid in Beastars, it stands to reason human still will be relatively shit among them too.

>Human body is much weaker than an average for anthropomorphic creatures that actually exist.
user. No, it's not. Humans are strong as fuck. And you're acting like a human couldn't smash skulls, break bones or otherwise pummel a beast into oblivion.

>Can't knock down a tree!!!
Depends on the tree! And, we invented axes for that.

humans would be the passive aggressive hippie dude in the back of the class with incredible stamina and nimble fingers

You realize that, when you're speaking about manga design, Legosi is skinny as all Hell. Like, seriously thin.

You're reading fiction and trying to apply irl physics to it. Stop it.

I just was imagining a situation in which the human was getting bullied or seeing his friend getting bullied (at a very young age) and so he decided to lure the animals to an abandoned house in the the middle of the forest and set it on fire, and then try to hide his scent to keep Legosi from figuring out.

This seems like a Zootopia ripoff, but the art is nice. Reminds me a bit of Blacksad.

I've never seen Zootopia, but I enjoy how Beastars rapidly swaps from the mundane to absurd and back again. Really good characters, as well.

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man of taste

would humans last longer in bed than most of these anthro animals?

That does sound like fun. Will have to pick it from the start.

Do it user

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Have fun. Remember that Louis is best boy, Legosi is autistic, and Haru doesn't deserve Legosi.

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>Yafya invites Legosi to join him taking down an underground cabal of world leaders who are framing carnivores as evil and intentionally supplying meat and blood to carnivores to discredit them
>Legosi involves Gouhin, Louis and his grandpa in the conspiracy and the five of them go on the run to take down the group
>they infiltrate a meeting between the group and Legosi faces their leader
>The leader monologues about how they're just maintaining the natural balance and how herbivores fearing carnivores is a good thing
>Legosi retorts with what he has learned about rising above his base instincts (his friendship with louis, his relationship with haru and his swearing off meat
>they fight and legosi is losing and has the choice to eat meat again to have the advantage of the leader but refuses
> cue
>Legosi beats the leader physically and ideologically
>Yafya wants pass the mantle of the Beastar to Legosi but he refuses and takes no credit for what he did
>Louis gets the credit and becomes the Beastar while Legosi works in the shadows unknown to the public.

I also feel like Paru would be into the tragic love story trope so maybe Haru gets killed somewhere along the way for being involved.
Pls rate my fan-fiction

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>Haru dies somewhere and Legosi marries Sebun


It's Zootopia except the author cares more about the world stemming from the concept than just singlemindedly fo using on the concept.

The little oddities with Zootopia that come from them being animals exist to be jokes, and they otherwise act like humans. In Beastars, that's how the world is. The entire crux of the overarching story could never exist in our world, because it's based on problems that only exist in its own.

Going through the editing process. Will release either tomorrow or the next day.

Legosi and Yafya will probably be enemies forever desu, i think it's unlikely they will team up.


I think Legosi ripping out his teeth changed how Yafya sees him and his view on carnivores will change

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Beastars but it's a battle royale to choose the next Bestar and theone with the sharpest fangs wins

Unless Yafya asks Legosi to arrange a whole day date with his grandpa

Juno is dead.

No! Paru didn’t forget about her! r-right?

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She is Louis's future wife, so when we see more of Louis we will probably see more of Juno.

>and Haru doesn't deserve Legosi.
She does now, she's literally the one putting all the effort in having their relationship work because Legosi is an autismal fucktard.

>tries to strengthen relationship by basically committing suicide

Oh yeah, she TOTALLY wants to build this relationship and doesn't want out of it.

Because the people of Beastars have a non-human aspect that interferes with their human nature, A human would qualify as the Übermensch of their world.
If all the animals of Beastars could build a better world but only if they all agreed on what that world would be, It would be the human world that we all live in.
So it doesn't matter if a lone human in the Beastars world would be weak and vulnerable, In a battle between societies humans would completely dominate.

Just finished 5th chapter. It's good, specially the art. Lugosi really is autistic. And why is the deer giving me gay vibes?

I can already see what you mean. Very interesting.

she's better than Haru

>Niggas freaking out about this
Have you guys missed all the shit about how most people in the back alley market are just normal people selling or buying cadavers and the real fucked up shit is kept out of sight and the real fucked up guys are the outliers. We've seen herbivores in the back alley before and they didn't all immediately get kidnapped and chopped up, and that's when they weren't escorted by a wolf that's mastered way of the limb.

>got beastars recommended by a friend
>like it so much i read all of it in one sitting
>comment it to friends jokingly saying legosi is literally me
>visit this board for the first time
>hes literally being called autism wolf
god fucking damnit

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user, I...

It's alright user. Embrace your autism.

He's just one of those "so fancy" characters. He isn't gay but he just seems like it (fuck I wish he was so he could have a relationship with Legosi).

Maybe twas but a fleshwound?

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More like violence inherent in the system.

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>hot chocolate
>not hot coffee
Thanks for the chap.

Thanks. What happened to your website?


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There's always fanart and fanfiction user.

According to Translator user, the site's webhost got hit with multiple DMCAs, none of which had to do with the Hot Chocolate Scans website itself.
It sucks and hope there can be a replacement soon.

Legosi will always be gay in my mind.
Hes just too fucking retarded with women
or with anyone really. asexual fits best

Please post any gay art you have of Legosi and Louis. Please. I need this.

Holy shit, Juno's mom is hot!

no pls

>Why is the deer giving me gay vibes?

You haven't seen ANYTHING yet.

Gracias, señor.

Ah fuck it then, just post Louis.

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>You've been there before, right? I'll accept every part of you.
>I heard they sell photo souvenirs
>Let's have a date at the Klan rally

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user... no....

jesus that's fucked up

Terrible analogy

Me too.

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I think it is safe to assume Legosi will end up with Sebun.

Any thoughts about the anime outside of how bad the CG and the threads will be?


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cuts out just before the glare, unfortunate

Fuck I hope so.

its gonna be 12 eps right?

that's some high fps for under 2 mb

How far do we think they will get manga-wise? Just enough until they get to the play?

I'm not used to 60-ish fps, this is making me feel weird

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I'm in trouble
>5 minutes ago
>talk to a female weeb friend about beastars
>she doesn't like it and she says
>user, why do you like this furry stuff

Attached: OOF.jpg (685x486, 23K)

>women not only hate each other, but also art by other women
How the fuck

>but also art by other women
Who's the creator?
Never cared, but I want to check

If she watched Zootopia laugh at her and call her a furry.

Then punch that bitch in the face and leave.

Tell her to take a fucking hike if she can't tell how good beastars is. Be a chad

Look at the associated replies, etc.

A woman named Paru Itagaki. Wears a chicken mask for pictures apparently.

>caring about what women think
time to grow up and man up, user.

Paru Itagaki, the daughter of Keisuke Itagaki, the author of Baki the Grappler.

>talking to female
Are you sure you belong on this website?

Are you implying Yea Forums posters aren't beta orbiters? It's almost certain most are.

>implying that Yea Forums posters have the balls to orbit within talking distance


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Why does Haru remind of Rui from that Domestic bullshit manga? I haven't read Beaststars completely yet, are they alike?

Wait, Legosi still hasn't fucked Haru even though she slept with the whole school? What's with this female wish fulfillment bullshit?

Yes, she is also best girl and the only viable option for the mc.

>I'm not going to interfere with your sexual friendship with Louis
based Haru

thank you for this blessed image user

They tried, remember? Haru just ended up shoving herself in Legosi's mouth and they had to call it off because they decided it was too dangerous.

what were you fucking expecting, what were you really fucking expecting

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Ask her about Zootopia. If she likes Zootopia, punch her in face.

The only and biggest flaw with Legosi is his bellow average taste on girls.

Legosi is fine with being a virgin his whole life.

>even though she slept with the whole school?
It wasn't the whole school. She didn't sleep with the carnivores, at least.

What is that quote from?

They tried but it got weird, but it's ok, paru liked a couple of sex drawings in twitter, she's planning to give haru the carni-dick pretty soon

Carnivores are minority, anyway. She slept with 90% of the school, likely teachers as well. Not counting also random strangers in the street. And she did it for free!

Sort of wish Haru and Louis got some kind of interactions. They could be pretty good friends but it's probably awkward since they're Exes.

As of this chapter, it seems Haru forgot about him already.

That's not trouble and is easy to explain. Also stop your blogshit

>They could be pretty good friends
COULD they?

Their relationship was sex and light conversation

also they're not exes, they were never in a serious relationship

i hope louis fucks haru while legosi watches

Legosi drinks the entire pitcher of magical animal blood in the council chamber and becomes the Thing, he then absorbs the entire world, reasoning that if all is One, there can be no more distinction between predator and prey, finally reaching peace.

>Carnivores are minority
Are they? Somehow I thought there was a roughly equal split between the carnivore and herbivore populations in the beastars world.

this should totally happen
autist breakdown ensured

Please. That'd be the equivalent of two girls making out for his pleasure, what with his herbivore fetish.

Bloody peasant

yeah i don't think they ever said they were a minority, that's zootopia...but i guess it would make sense

Beastars is the second most read manga (in it's magazine) by men, women can't understand legosi's struggle

Never reveal your power level, especially if it's a female, baka.

Ready to be an underpaid pipet monkey?
Or would you rather go into the highly profitable and sought-after bioinformatics/computational biology career?

Really? Do we even now if Keisuke had children?

> gorillas are pure STR builds
> chimps are mixed STR/DEX builds
> humans are DEX/INT builds

>board is 50% fujos

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What's pure DEX then?!


Probably saving Haru from the market.

New world monkeys.

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She slept with other people because she had a hole in her heart they could put a band-aid on, since sex was the only time she could feel like she wasn't being looked down on.

She likes Legosi because he's so wholesome that he fills that hole and makes her feel loved.

And Legosi is too autistic to try sexing her anymore.

You should rape her.

It would make sense, since in our world predators always exist in lower numbers than prey as a matter of balance. If they were equal in number, the prey would all be eaten, and the predators would starve.

Though food alternatives like fake meats and bugs that predators seem to live off of would allow for population growth up until a new cap was reached.

Its half and half, but it is said that herbivores are the ones who dominate society in terms of business prowess.

So you saying hes gonna cum next panel after that?

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You could say she was having sex because she was unhappy, but with Legosi she isn't unhappy so she doesn't have sex.

in that sense, she wasn't feeding herself to him out of instinct, it was guilt, she felt so ashamed of what she thought about him and people in general and all the stuff she did because of it that she wanted to escape reality permanently

i think it's from a bertstrip

Correct, although I can't for the life of me find it

Here it is
pls no bannu

Attached: 687.jpg (680x651, 46K)

thanks user

Is Legosi circumcised?

He's gonna get so horny that he's gonna vore them.

How does Gosha make money? Cherryton seems like a very expensive school but he lives in a small shitty apartment.

Yo thanks a million-and-one. Read a lot of the scans online. I don't even read manga often but Beastars is really special.

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Legosi sent him money. Also, he probably takes odd jobs, and has a fund stashed away.

Paru actually created the Beastars world back when she was in middle school 10+ years ago. One day she started drawing an anthropomorphic wolf and bunny and then built things up from there. IIRC, people tried to stop her from watching Zootopia when it came out due to the similarities and the worry that her setting being so much like it would discourage her.

Yeah he's mentioned her before in interviews
Has Paru being his daughter ever actually been confirmed though or is it just speculation? If so then why is this whole family so fucking weird

Same. Pina's really interesting. Pretty upfront with his desires and uses wit and guile to troll carnivores well. Ram Kaworu.

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*He's mentioned having a wife and kids before in interviews, I mean

Shit same here.

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Bless your autism, Legosi

>consensually ate his leg
This still sounds funny as all hell



That's a good summary of this chapter

No, but he has a big dick

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Here's the translation (spanish to english, we still need the japenese one)

Also they dont have weird animal dicks, thanks heavens

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Is Legosi uncircumcised?

>"For small herbivores - you are a beast too!"

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I honestly didn't expect how well Beastars would go into the whole 'struggle for tolerance' theme, but it totally goes over it at both a societal and individual level.
Characters like Pina must have a half-chub at all times, knowing his sassiness is in the face of potential vore-death.

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So how much would Legosi have to spend on condoms his size

About tree fiddy

>Legosi needing condoms
Haru is/was enough of a slut to take pills, so no biggie.

I doubt it, since Paru is japanese and the majority is non-religious or buddhist (like the seal)

I can't even believe I'm typing this shit out, God forgive me for the words I am going to write.
Due to how a dog/wolf's dick works, you can't really circumcise them. Their entire dick is pretty much inside them until it pops our when they want to fuck. Cutting off the layers of skin surrounding it would be many times more traumatic than doing the equivalent operation to a human, likely leading to severe problems with urination, reproduction, and just general function. Yeah I know that for humans it's not a picnic either, but for dogs and wolves it would be all but impossible.
t. Sister is a vet and I helped her study a lot
P.S. Yiff in hell furfag

>You can't circumcise dogs
No shit

Legosi is an anthro, don't talk about real life dog cocks.

Don't let reality get in the way of your disgusting fantasy I guess.

>problems that cant exist in our world

Oh you sweet summer child. The harsh reality of your world has been hidden from you so your fragile little mind wouldn't go to dark places. People still actively practice cannibalism in africa, and certain races are actively targeted to be eaten. Specifically, the group of people known as pygmies.

>People still actively practice cannibalism in africa

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