This Origami is better, let's delete the other one
Date a Live
Yes, I prefer my wife being pervert though.
Fuck off no
Fuck this white shit
imaging having taste this bad
>takes origami to a love hotel
Shido is cooler than I remember!
Date a Live? More like Date a KURUMI amiright?
shidou is a better girl than clock
I love Nepgear.
boys (girls) make better girls (boys)
thirsty origami is best origami
but she's always thirsty
Oh yeah now that you mention it. Damn that totally caught me off guard just now.
i want you to touch me user
>this episode
>Origami's body is moving on it's own
Ah Japan where hips and body move on their own.
It truly nice to see Origami got her kiss
[x] Touch Tohka's tohkas
[x] Touch Origami's origamis
Lewd short haired girls are always better.
It sucks when they don't move on their own.
Well either I was speedreading or they added something original to the anime, but Yoshino has bunny armor?