
>a bitch
>fanbase full of redd!tors

Worst bitch of the year? Name a worst girl.

Pro-tip: It's not Nino. She is best toubun.

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Hey leave my Chika out of this. I love her. She can corrupt my soul for all I care. Make it pitch black. Filled with sore memes. So large is my love for this dear girl that I'd give my only child in a heartbeat. Also my internet history to FBI. I would even shitpost on Yea Forums or murder my parents for her.


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>Name a worst girl.
Here, and yes, fuck your spoiler.

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Yea Forums I was talking about the 'future' when I handed you that 'call me' note, and some of the more prolific, to turn a phrase, writers. I don't give a shit about specious website gangwars, I meant they're bad people, but who isn't?
>They hurt her, our....

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Oh look, it's the fuck up brigade in miniature once again.

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My bird wife did nothing wrong.

She did EVERYTHING wrong.

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yeah but what other girl has 1000 frames of rotoscoped animation for a single ED?

Chika isn't just worst girl, her fans are godawful and annoying too.

She could not have done more wrong

literally only got popular because a couple people shilled the webm on twitter, tumblr, and Yea Forums

more like forced mental rotoscoping


Bird loli is definitely worst. She's annoying, whiny and not even cute.

My sources indicate that reditors love breathing so you might want to stop breathing in order to dissociate yourself from them.

I wish I could, then I'd die and be free from redditors. but my body goes back to breathing every time. fucking reddit

There's some good tips on Reddit about how to stop breathing.

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>on Reddit
I'd rather keep breathing than go there

What upside is there to Fujiwara? Everything about her is just unappealing


Good joke OP.

Chika is the peggy hill of anime

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ribbons though.

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