There is something better Than cutes lolis playing Shogi?
There is something better Than cutes lolis playing Shogi?
sexual acts with lolis
Thats verboten
Blue Ai a best
Red Ai a second best
Ginko a shit
You are Fast
Yes blue Ai
Cute JC idols being cute
Cute lolis who cause the apocalypse to get ayylmao senpai to notice them
Ginko and Red Ai are the top 2 girls.
Yes. A violent, abusive tsundere who beats the shit out of the MC because he needs to be reminded that he's her toy.
> [...] cutes lolis playing Shogi?
naked cute lolis playing Shogi?
>THK is still a shitter and using characters he pretends to like in order to sate his sperg quota
End yourself.
>her toy
God I wish that were me.
Yes, and it is this cute girl
I Wish That Ryuuou would have the same level of fanservice than tenshi,it would be a whole lot better.
Tsunlolis are best.
cute lolis being funny
Imagine Ai like this.
Sadly only the shitty old hag Stinko got fanservice.
I want to do this to loli
You are making me sad.
Cheer up.
I'm so fucking horny
and funny.