There is something better Than cutes lolis playing Shogi?

There is something better Than cutes lolis playing Shogi?

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sexual acts with lolis


Thats verboten

Blue Ai a best
Red Ai a second best
Ginko a shit

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You are Fast

Yes blue Ai

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Cute JC idols being cute

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Cute lolis who cause the apocalypse to get ayylmao senpai to notice them

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Ginko and Red Ai are the top 2 girls.

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Yes. A violent, abusive tsundere who beats the shit out of the MC because he needs to be reminded that he's her toy.

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> [...] cutes lolis playing Shogi?
naked cute lolis playing Shogi?

>THK is still a shitter and using characters he pretends to like in order to sate his sperg quota
End yourself.

>her toy
God I wish that were me.

Yes, and it is this cute girl

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I Wish That Ryuuou would have the same level of fanservice than tenshi,it would be a whole lot better.

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Tsunlolis are best.

cute lolis being funny

Imagine Ai like this.

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Sadly only the shitty old hag Stinko got fanservice.

I want to do this to loli

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You are making me sad.

Cheer up.

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I'm so fucking horny


and funny.

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