Show me your favorite Komis

Show me your favorite Komis

Attached: 1521578086856.jpg (800x450, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

shaking komis are my fav

Attached: 1532866745590.gif (721x263, 3.02M)

Attached: 1.jpg (836x1200, 157K)

Attached: 1553088464284.png (836x1200, 899K)

cool silent stare komi best komi

Attached: 21_.png (700x980, 180K)

>rape manga

this gif made me feel dizzy what the fuck

do not open

Attached: 1536373561088.gif (300x350, 100K)

You are like little baby,

Don't open this

Attached: Dbhzn_nV4AA0Laq.png (800x1200, 1.61M)

>autism genes so strong both of your children share the same personality traits as you.
Komi-dad best Komi.

Attached: q001-1.jpg (727x471, 146K)

Like, you know the one, man.

Attached: 1542931878790.png (695x862, 156K)


The only good Komi is oneshot Komi.

Lewd Komi is the best.

Attached: 1550177226021.jpg (1095x1080, 438K)

Attached: be rougher.jpg (781x416, 258K)

Attached: ghaah.gif (497x750, 988K)

Attached: eyes.png (479x248, 34K)

Attached: DXic2MI.gif (701x518, 679K)

Attached: iimg008.jpg (836x1200, 186K)

This is a very rare 40k Komi.

Attached: Sister Komi.jpg (590x850, 52K)

Attached: 296.jpg (196x492, 59K)


now do one where she has the big eyes and no mouth

Attached: 1537658532388.jpg (737x265, 45K)

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Attached: 70257814_p2.png (737x723, 144K)

Attached: kwel beauty.jpg (636x744, 207K)

Attached: I don't know who you are, but I will find you and I will befriend you.jpg (334x223, 34K)

Attached: kommissar.jpg (1200x1424, 131K)

Attached: ntr1.jpg (552x686, 38K)




Attached: beyond.gif (702x1050, 1.4M)

Attached: oh_gosh.png (740x328, 24K)


Attached: wtf_poe.jpg (526x300, 31K)

Attached: Game.jpg (1946x2048, 259K)

Attached: 1551909902785.jpg (701x900, 105K)

But anons, there can be only one best Moomin-san

Attached: 1542113295530.jpg (672x792, 127K)

>Komi's selective mutism is considered cute
>Mine is considered creepy

Anything that a cute person does is cute and anything a creepy looking person does is creepy. It's not complicated.

The important distinction is;
Are you a girl?
Are you very pretty?

If the answer to both is yes, then you must smell very bad.

I like the rapist Komi

Attached: komi-san.jpg (836x1200, 214K)

excuse me but this is a blue board. Please delete this filth

Not very pretty but I like to imagine I can't be worse than slightly below average

Well we found your problem then. Slightly below average is not good enough to be cool and popular. You little loser you.

>good looking people have it easier in life
Woah, stop the presses, this user stumbled upon a discovery!

she cant keep getting away with it

Attached: 1527252975147.png (703x533, 323K)

But she's getting away with it

Attached: x19.png (836x1200, 645K)

Attached: tumblr_p94hexi6Uf1qbx12bo2_r1_540.gif (540x350, 185K)

its a good thing everyone that draws lewd komi are terrible fucking artists like this

Attached: 1550640298785.jpg (1230x1437, 167K)

Attached: 81C0DEFA-829F-43CA-9D74-DCC3BE18FF8D.jpg (640x1035, 310K)

c-cool beauty?!

Attached: komirape.png (720x2904, 2.93M)

But that's not a lewd komi you hyperbaka.

Attached: DlIuUcGU8AAtzyf.jpg (481x680, 49K)

>being a cutelet

Attached: Pnmeogy.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

komi-san is pure and cute!!

Attached: Komi San alternative.jpg (711x275, 58K)


Its a gif

Attached: 1547002520410.gif (701x518, 679K)


Attached: 4yte280.png (782x537, 210K)

Attached: komi cat.png (1154x1448, 120K)

I was gonna post that at first but I thought I'd cut right to the chase

Attached: 1546131730199.png (730x773, 105K)

Attached: 5c7b9d4d93eaa9637a77c149f7ee98afdc6d05ed.png (2000x3000, 2.01M)

It's all about delivery. I don't talk much in person myself because I'm just lazy and try to use as little energy as possible. But when I do speak, I try to get my message across without room for interpretation. So I think people would think there are lots of thoughts going on in my head, but most of them just aren't being said. So they are comfortable with me even when I don't say much.

To be fair Komi doesn't think about her delivery, it just comes out as amazing either way. So unless someone does what you do naturally without any thought whatsoever behind it, it's still, as user said, unfair.

yfw you will never be pushed down by this rapist

Attached: 1428769781608.jpg (456x320, 31K)

It's more so just about doing the bare minimum to make people understand you. Everyone may had loved Komi from the start, but they didn't understand her and none of them even approached her, which cause problems early on. But things got easier after everyone was on the same page. It may be a pain in the ass at first, but it helps in the long run.

Attached: ch26pg14.jpg (1018x1600, 473K)

What emotion is this

Attached: Komiface.png (602x594, 359K)

How/why is she so perfect?

Attached: KomiSpin.gif (600x600, 678K)

Has to take a dump real bad.

Attached: KomiPlasticLove.png (2500x2500, 2.74M)

>I'm gonna hug you inside this blanket and I won't let you go until we're warm and you didn't got sick
Truly a pervert girl

Attached: 1542866890019.png (1000x1153, 290K)

Post the cute continuation

Imagine the smell.

Attached: 1535254073525.jpg (627x886, 72K)

she's a clean girl

>Grab a towel. This might hurt.

You never had such bad anxiety that cleaning your private areas made you feel awkward?

NO, I like NTR

I really wish this artist did more Komi-mom stuff he is the apex Komi fanartist.

Attached: arGeXOX_700b.jpg (660x612, 78K)

how can you be the best if you won't even go on a diet, fattie?

What happened to the "It was"? And the ellipsis denoting the pause before the end of the statement?


Attached: reaction_moaiguy.jpg (432x288, 12K)

this is now a Najimi thread

Attached: SmartSelect_20181128-152432_Manga Rock.jpg (877x870, 651K)

I want fuck her(male)

Do you think they'd be down for oyakodon

Attached: webm.webm (960x540, 2.7M)


Ok here's some Najimi
Can only hope.

Attached: Najimni tease.png (1054x1199, 706K)

Iknorite? Especially given the rising popularity in milfs and even just cakes
a man can dream

Attached: 1550596974456.jpg (616x908, 57K)

Attached: 15418030748590.jpg (655x650, 77K)

I usually don't go for off-model stuff and Komi-mom is super skinny compared to this, but hey, still like it.

Original content I hope this catches on because I love otters and Komis.

Attached: otterkomi.jpg (468x854, 254K)

>You don't wanna mess with me, man, 'cause if you make me nervous, *I* just *might* throw *uuup*!

Attached: 1546340730978.jpg (1030x1500, 379K)

>that crossed out "please be"

Attached: 1520026261193.png (321x326, 102K)

Quoth the shark: "NO!"

Hey, just because I want to smell a girl's butt doesn't mean I want to smell farts. That's crazy talk.

What a classic.

I love /k/omi-san too.

Lewd komi pic

Attached: 1551774234648.jpg (365x300, 31K)

Attached: Wants.jpg (698x333, 96K)

Context check.


Unattainably attractive, but autistic enough to be deeply relatable.

Her communication disorder also grants her old-school, can't function properly without (You) moe appeal.



Attached: 0076-017.jpg (699x312, 85K)

When are we getting the reveal that Najimi actually is a girl and liked Tadano from the start?

Attached: 72466209_p0.png (3819x2785, 1006K)

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Attached: SHAGGED.jpg (680x950, 251K)

I feel bad for those poor Mexicans, I've gotten used to Reddit running our memes to the ground, but those beans did not deserve that.

Attached: ZOINKS.jpg (848x1200, 795K)

Post the third one you Coward.

Attached: Komi.png (1200x660, 378K)


Attached: M4A1-san has a communication module disorder.png (1500x1605, 1.06M)

Attached: why.jpg (476x476, 16K)

They're all kind of the same

>No one has posted it yet

How, it's a classic.

Attached: Invading Tadanoland.png (961x771, 176K)

Wrong thread, Bocchi

I didn't know there was one, but by all means, if you have it please post it

I don't get the reference

I love Komisan.

I like therapist Tadano

Attached: komi-san_peanuts.png (750x800, 141K)

I came in the thread just to see this posted.

Attached: 1545663941156.png (680x537, 649K)

Attached: 1549401038136.jpg (508x720, 108K)

I want to see this the other way around with cat-Komi behind the booth

the trilogy is complete

Underrated posts

Pretty much this. Summed up to a science

really lewd Komi!

Attached: 1546960366341.png (1479x1769, 2.63M)

oh no

more lewd komi!
the rest are too lewd to post unfortunately

Attached: 1546961676289.jpg (1280x1847, 236K)

Attached: 341681321681235.jpg (279x63, 22K)

Attached: 1551225161221.gif (276x232, 1.38M)

It's time to post some Komis

Attached: 1546915315980.jpg (960x950, 102K)

Attached: 1547164954632.gif (547x387, 3.67M)

Attached: 1548260837700.gif (129x183, 16K)

Attached: 1547659803629.jpg (385x229, 56K)

Do you think Komi and Bocchi would get along well?

Attached: 000_1547759257-1.png (1156x948, 279K)

Nah, it's Komis in jeans that are supreme

Attached: oh good heavens.png (836x1200, 440K)

Attached: 1548813043643.png (423x251, 211K)

You don't want to see my favorite Komi. She's too lewd for this board.

Attached: 1526631555516.png (836x1200, 498K)

Can't be worse than those retarded r*ddit tier shaggy memes.

the urge to rape rising emotion

Those piss me off almost as much as the intentionally calling things that arent anime "anime" meme, god that got so stale in a matter of days and even now it still plagues YT comment sections

Attached: 1549017502092.png (411x412, 296K)

how tall is komi

168cm as of Chapter 20, but that's more than a year out of date.

man I forgot japan was nation of midgets

Bocchi would be scared of Komi at first but then they'd hit it on.

Just imagit the awkward silence when there's no one else around.

That's one of my favorite anime.

Where's her mouth

you never should eat eggs raw

Can Shaggy be the new NTRuto?

this shit never gets old, kek

>he doesn't know about superior nippon eggs

kys redd*t fag

Attached: 10736131_756653361095831_1391832771_n.jpg (579x329, 56K)

enjoy your parasites, user

t. seething moefag

I don't even know what that means.

>I like the rapist Komi


Spoken like a true third world american with inferior health regulations on their poultry.

Imagine being this much of a fag

yeah user, raw eggs are healthy for you, kek.

You're only confirming how inferior your country is.


Translation check.

Or the 40k memes.

>hit it on

Attached: udunfdup.jpg (282x300, 17K)

At least those can be funny. Shagshit was never funny and will never be no matter how many times they post it.

>forcing a defenseless sleeping boy to have a baby with you

>At least those can be funny.

No, they can't.



if the chickens aren't diseased and the eggs handled hygienically, yes, they are perfectly fine you fucking mongrel

post komis pls

Attached: 1545884708044.png (685x286, 191K)

>too poor and too technological retarded that need to eat raw eggs


lol no, do you even biology? there is a reason why we cook our food, dumb user

shut up about eggs you fucking dorks

Attached: 1545859308736.jpg (515x281, 66K)

>making successful charisma based roll

im gonna fertilize manbagi's eggs

Attached: 1550321869099.gif (300x300, 3.34M)

Attached: D1NEG4uU0AAmGfY.png (394x720, 175K)

Attached: 1528912563934.gif (400x252, 2.69M)

What's that green gas around her? Is Komi a braphog?

Attached: 1538869666288.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

Komi Rider

Does the Japanese still romanize it as Comi? Kind of wish it stuck with English speaking audiences.

Attached: EvenIfThereIsNoGodOrBuddah.png (669x246, 124K)

hrnnng Tadano, I'm trying to communicate but I'm dummy thick and the clap from my ass cheeks keeps alerting Najimi

komi is built to fertilize

You're saying she should be a farmer?

Attached: 1525976682610.png (367x288, 130K)

komi is made for ____

Attached: 1546973991027.png (540x462, 52K)


oh fug is this a doujin or from the source


Attached: 1409785479427.gif (336x200, 758K)

It's an edit of the latest chapter: panels are reversed in order and heart-pupils added.

This is called bokeh


Post Komis that you drew

Attached: _20181028_030200.jpg (1890x2435, 890K)

>no one posted fat Komi yet

Attached: himg009.jpg (836x1200, 243K)



Attached: ov98scIjFx1sajctjo1_1280.jpg (665x369, 105K)


Attached: Spoiler Image.jpg (665x369, 208K)


Wtf is arb?

Comi Can't Communicate?

Cool jammies.




At last, a fellow denimfriend! I thought they were all extinct here.
And yes, tight jeans are God's gift to beautiful girls. And to Komi-san in particular.

Attached: 005.png (836x1200, 295K)

he thinks Najimi is coming to take care of him but Najimi sent Komi instead
also he's stuffed up

Neck yourself.

Is that you Shousuke?

Attached: Ds2dcDyVYAAN-KF.jpg (706x1200, 107K)

God, I wish I were that saddle.

Attached: 018.png (836x1200, 224K)

Not quite; he was trying to call Najimi but accidentally dialed the Yamato Nadeshiko Home Delivery Service (Komi's number) and didn't realize that service didn't allow cancellations. He called Najimi afterwards and Najimi arrived just in time to barge in on the handholding.

Vote for your favourite players to represent Yea Forums in the upcoming 2019 Spring Babby Cup

This is still a thing?

What is this thing anyway

Komi looks like Tomie

Look at this tummy.

She's fat


Attached: 1551520973778.png (836x1200, 431K)

Post more.

Attached: strong bocchi 2.jpg (767x627, 155K)



Should be the others saying it to her instead.

How weird are Manabi's friends that they were dressing up in fur suits for a simple bowling thing?

Bocchi goes beyond just bullying.
She's a bad girl. A bad, bad girl.

Attached: bocchi evil.jpg (496x367, 66K)

It's a Gal thing.

When will Komifags finally face the fact that Komi is just a watered down, over hyped Sakaki-san?

Attached: Sakaki smile.jpg (1440x1080, 551K)

Fur suits are weird and cringy. The kigurumi that they're wearing are quirky and trendy.

get that old shit out of here to their own thread


All sources I can find say it started in 2011, therefore it is the new thing and your demand I know about something like this is onerous and annoying.

I mean if you're out of the loop for something that has been encompassing most boards on Yea Forums since 2011 it does sound like you're kind of a newfag.

>8+ years on Yea Forums and never ever heard of the Cup or seen one of the webms

She's not fat, she's bountiful with offerings from her devotees.

Attached: 6.png (1597x3023, 680K)

Oh okay cool.

god these threads are so garbage

This is not an Elf-San thread



Attached: 1522008276123.png (562x660, 92K)

Attached: 1527190762099.png (1512x2052, 66K)

Cute Onahole. I wanna have a sex with an Otter.

Attached: ea9.jpg (582x600, 39K)

komi a cute

Why is Tadano so based? Every chapter he's in improves 1000%

>This is bait

Attached: manabagi is happier that you opened her image.png (302x179, 58K)

Attached: 80538d5205e5fc8227302aa2a66d826446659ed6.gif (649x556, 624K)


He's pure, that's why.

Attached: 1538529824071.jpg (1199x969, 132K)

>von neumann-tier emotional IQ
>lawful good
>can do just about everything, even if at an okay level
>perfect height

Does Komi-san like Tadano because he is based
or is Tadano based because Komi-san likes him

Attached: 1531159306284.jpg (640x775, 67K)



>>von neumann-tier emotional IQ
I know who Neumann is but what do you actually mean by that?

I don't know who von Neumann is but I understood it in context

Just means he's really empathetic

/sci/ shitposting in a nutshell

Attached: suckdicks.jpg (832x773, 93K)

Oh Komi, we all know that feeling...

If you don't know who he is, are you sure it means what you think it means?

Attached: Delet.png (680x667, 97K)




>also he's stuffed up

In that case it's should be DAJI-!

Can I post Nakanaka instead?

Attached: 1631047175.jpg (836x1200, 303K)

Only if I can post Naruse-kun

Attached: 1552376688770.png (836x1200, 374K)

Yes, she’s the best and the cutest

Attached: Bang.jpg (836x1200, 221K)

What's her story?

Nakanaka's such a fucking dork, I love her.

She’s a chunni

Attached: 16620492013.png (724x620, 415K)

>Nakanaka-san is a 2nd year of junior high sickness

Awkward composition.

Should they have omitted the article?


This is so fucking retarded.

that's what the report button is for

Fuck you, they're cute.

Doesn't work. Mods like shitty memes I guess.

Why the fuck did Shaggy ever become a meme anyways?
I don't like memes for the most part but that one especially is just fucking dumb.

No, they're not.

It's called a forced meme.

Threadly reminder that Sakaki-san is now in her mid-thirties and living with 30 cats


lmao fanboy

Reminder that Manbagi is destined for nothing but pain and suffering

Attached: 1548813222745.png (715x580, 773K)

>Tadano acts like a chad towards a girl he only sees as a friend
>Gets flustered and soft over the girl he actually likes

Manbagi doesn't deserve the heartbreak she's about to get

What happened there?

For you

Pick one

Attached: D2Wax1ZU4AMz659?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (1684x1034, 187K)

The only right answer, none.

Just kidding, middle obviously.

I miss Rei

Attached: D2RDn14UgAANs__?format=jpg&name=orig.jpg (1200x1600, 94K)

I wonder what Ase's sweat smells like haha.

Why are western fans of this so fucking embarrassing?
>Le do not lewd!!!1111
>Le goddess!11

komi kant kommunicate

i really hope this is when he was 18, and not that he is 18

The latter would make no sense.



Attached: 32e8dae803b7aa698fa035864a621607.png (352x324, 112K)


Attached: 1522409370035.jpg (517x656, 56K)

rare komi

Attached: Komi.jpg (1042x1058, 330K)