User, my people have been wiped out by an alien species known as VIRM...

user, my people have been wiped out by an alien species known as VIRM. I need you to mate with me so that we can prolong the klaxosaur race.

Attached: 1529049878907.jpg (1000x1414, 310K)

Other urls found in this thread:!qpR1ySTa!3iJ07nx_KHXR4QiVdVHPMA

What a waste of a god tier design.

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Manga chapter 42 in 16 hours and 30 minutes!

I hope we will see our princess again

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so the black is clothes and not pigment? otherwise does she not have a twink?

No way fag

Attached: No way fag.jpg (310x310, 28K)

fucking right
God DitF was a wild ride

Um... HOW, exactly?

With pleasure.

Attached: 1525773994017.jpg (1090x802, 292K)

Should read the manga then, she's actually doing shit this time

If we get Hime SOL and Klaxosaur breeding ending I'll pick it up.

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maybe if you weren't from garbage anime

I'm not sure I want my genes in aliens, that's asking for disaster.

What about Hime BTFOing the nines?

>not wanting your genes in everything
are you sure you're a man?

Can you even call yourself a man if trying to breed with an attractive alien isn't your first instinct?

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She's pretty awesome in it

I hope we get to see her nipples again

Attached: n14.png (822x1200, 877K)

Does she rape Delta?

Attached: Subarashii.png (1440x810, 682K)

>rapes Delta so hard she gets brain damage
What an absolute chad

I think some of it is clothes and some is skin.

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I am pretty confident volatile cocktail of retardation and autism of my offspring would cut even my meager earthly years short, if I would procreate with aliens.

Based Yabuki

Can't wait for tomorrow

Is Yabuki single-handedly saving this series?

Attached: 1527367734647.png (675x675, 476K)

As long as she doesn't mate like a mantis sure

Here's what's happening with the nines right now
>All of the nines except for Delta and Alpha
Possibly a potato
Likely lost an eye, may potentially become Punished "Venom" Alpha in the near future

Technically not an alien since IIRC klaxosapiens are native to Earth, different species but not an ayy

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Unironically yes

I hope the final fight will be Hime inside her Model Klaxxo vs. Hir02 inside Strelitzia Roja

Attached: n9.png (822x1200, 766K)

Yes, I'd dare say that it's great now

Attached: Myth_of_Consensual_Sex.png (1495x1000, 729K)

I hope tomorrow's chapter will confirm Delta comatose, so I can finally drop this

>Klaxohime injects you with aphrodisiacs to produce the healthiest and most potent sperm
>she will make you impregnate her for likely years and years, until she has rebuilt her entire civilization

Those doujins are pretty goat.

Attached: klaxxohimehiromouthrape.webm (950x534, 2.9M)

Holy shit I forgot how hot that scene actually was

Let's not fool ourselves, tomorrow's chapter will be a Mitsukoko-focused one

Wait, what?

If you mean the nipples thing, see I want to see them in an actual chapter though, and more clearly than in that pic


Wtf is with those MOVEMENTS?!

Imagine her while suck the Dick!

Attached: Best Elfa.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

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>No way

I think has a question.


Attached: spidycam.jpg (496x381, 37K)

Or like a Black Widow.

lick the tentacles


Why not?

Whatever you say hon.

Thank god. Those cuties are the only reason I still care about franxx

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Attached: wqervwervasadf.jpg (500x500, 25K)

There's no reason to.

Why is that guy wearing a skirt?

Kokoro isn't a guy

How can I become the little klaxohime?

How poetic, so close to the one-year anniversary of the legendary episode 11.
This but unironically.

How about we just clone you?

>so close to the one-year anniversary of the legendary episode 11
Oh shit, you're right. Mitsukoko chapter confirmed

It's on the same fucking day, actually. March 24 (in Japan)

>tying Alpha to a chair and forcing him to watch MitsuKoko and Hiro02's passionate lovemaking until he's a mindbroken wreck

Attached: 1528079948457.jpg (1000x666, 88K)

It's pretty obvious Alpha will fuck Delta. Yabuki loves him (according to an interview) and wants him to have a cute waifu

I'm not worthy, but I'll try my best.

I'm referring to the guy on the right.

get Cucked

Attached: 1553276245629.jpg (1000x820, 104K)


The best kind of ntr.

Attached: 1553182847805.gif (367x265, 565K)

>the only good kind of ntr


>13 seconds too long for ezgif to convert at a decent framerate


>you will never fuck a dinosaur
Why even live?

The lack of Hime NTRing 02 doujins disturbs me.

fuck is this

Yes, that about summarizes it.

What to expect in today's chapter?


Klaxxohime being cute, ningens getting killed

Alls well.

What chapter is that from?

>Is Yabuki single-handedly saving this series?
He still needs to change Ikuno to be straight for fatso ending.
Yabuki clearly dislikes yuri seeing his other works where the "yuri" he adds is only genderbender fetish where the guy is into girl naturaly I expect him to finish Ikuno off.

No. The manga is overall worse than the anime by a wide margin. While hopefully the second half is more thought out and interesting (i.e. what's going on right now) but the damage is already done.

You're reading this in the context of the characters from the anime, you're getting excited because Hime finally gets to do something, but if you had just read this by itself and never known about the anime can you really say you'd even be invested?

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Fatoshi and Ikuno both need to be killed off. Such worthless characters
>manga is worse
Don't believe this guy, he says the same thing in every thread. Current happenings already make it better than the show ever was.
>if you had just read this by itself and never known about the anime can you really say you'd even be invested?
The only reason the show got as big as it did was because of Trigger, not because it looked interesting. It looks generic as fuck from the synopsis and the promo art. If not for Trigger most people would've skipped it.
It's not from a chapter. Yabuki draws special lewd illustrations between chapters

Fuck off and die.

Attached: Punished fuck you faggot.jpg (1920x1080, 291K)

>It's not from a chapter. Yabuki draws special lewd illustrations between chapters
If it's not from a chapter where did post it I can't find the source?

I'd like to remind y'all that racemixing is a crime against all that is good and holy in this world.

Chapter raws and special illustrations can both be found on on Sunday midnight (Japan time). For us gaijins, it would be on Saturday. 2 hours and 15 minutes from now

>crime against all that is good and holy in this world.
Then why does it feel good?

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But the Dino-genes must flow

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Yabuki's personal self insert.

Attached: dead delta.jpg (1080x1350, 805K)

Fuck off Jew.

There's no cure for gayness I'm afraid.

Attached: 1526152302633.png (953x598, 511K)

Oh, and here's a Mega archive with everything released so far (raw). Special illustrations are labelled as [chapter number].5!qpR1ySTa!3iJ07nx_KHXR4QiVdVHPMA

Have a happy fap, user

>The thing that made the anime good was Hir02
>Manga does not deliver the Hir02

It's trash

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>anime version Alpha wants to be fucked by Hiro and is a fag
>manga version of Alpha is him caring for Delta girl and be straight
Poor Ikuno if Yabuki will be keeping to change characters sexualities like that.

>cure my gayness
Why would ever want to that?

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That is probably true honestly. What a strange choice to self-insert as, but hey to each their own

The best Hir02 scenes in the anime were all from episode 13 onwards and the manga is not at that point yet, retard

>strange choice
Step aside pleb.

Attached: nines a best.jpg (850x928, 87K)

Ikuno is still gay in the manga

Attached: IchiKuno by Yabuki.png (822x1200, 869K)

I said he's a strange choice, not a bad choice. Most people would go for the bland faggots like Hiro.

Cool, show me your cloaca.

Trips must say the truth.

Attached: Trips comfirm.jpg (950x962, 111K)

Time for partner switch and 1st anniversary of Mitsukoko (it's been excatly one year since partner switch)
>Nah, just kidding! Todays chapter will be Hachi-Nana flashback chapter

Attached: Best pair.jpg (1000x751, 157K)

If we get Nana tits it's all forgiven

It's something Yabuki could actually do

Tbqh senpai all of the side characters that shouldnt have been in the story in the first place should be killed. Milkman, fatoshi, kokoro, glasses chick do fuck all for the overall narrative of the story and hold back the character development of Ichigo goro 02 and hiro. Fuck i can only imagine how much better DiTF would have been without those shit tier side characters.

Attached: 1525354361755.webm (1280x720, 1.19M)

Remember when we thought Ichigo died?

That was a funny thread

hey I still remember this show

>not Nana ass

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*steps in like KGB agents*

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Tadaima. Papa.

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Thanks. I noticed some of the sketches got a colored version any chance pic related will get one?

Attached: 234567854a.png (1372x1946, 3.2M)

The colored versions come with the physical volumes. Maybe volume 6 will have a colored Hime pin-up

Is someone making a thread?

Figure out yourself


I got this from a few threads back. No idea where it came from tho prob fan colored.

Attached: 1549755320837.png (691x979, 760K)

>You're reading this in the context of the characters from the anime, you're getting excited because Hime finally gets to do something, but if you had just read this by itself and never known about the anime can you really say you'd even be invested?
I'm only reading the manga having not watched the anime at all (I hardly watch anime period these days and just stick to manga for the most part) and I'm finding it enjoyable enough.

New chapter
It's fucking happening, holy shit

this fucking anime was such a waste of time

What happend.


>Manga has not reached ep 13
How long will this run? I hope it doesn't get axed.

Post klaxo feet

Attached: 1526286495755.jpg (5360x2384, 3.88M)

Alright, for science.

That doujin was just HNNNNNNNGH!

Yep, consetacles and done well on top, is a rare treat. And they both got pretty into it by the end.

Even better that the female wears the pants.

Why not upload it to a gallery like imgur or something that can be viewed online?

Because it's archive you dumbass