H-how the hell can a spin-off be so much better than the main series?
My Hero Academia: Vigilantes
because the writing isn't as retared
because this spin off does a better job of copying the western comic books that the main series fails to do. You have a character with a not ridiculous power who learns and grows to use it in different ways while slowly ramping up the challenges he has to face. Also you have better use of supporting cast who are not so vast as to lack real development.
It's structured like actual cape comics, for one.
I know right, not to mention each character feels like they have a pretty decent arc, Captain Celebrity went from being one the most hated characters to pop up to being one of the most likeable.
The protagonist's not a crying bitch ass nigga.
The mentor is not overpowered to solve every threat.
The love interest is not fat.
There is no Sasuke.
The stakes are lower so more can be done with the setting and the antagonists.
My favorite part is how he has a natural progression to his quirk, instead of being given the strongest quirk in all of Japan which on top of which has 7 quirks on top of that. That and the fact that unlike Deku who was being a bitch Koichi actually tried to do good for his community, he didn't NEED to be the #1 hero like Deku, he just wanted to help others any way he can.
MC isn't a little bitch
no bakugou
cast isn't massively bloated
characters feel like real people instead of complete fucking autismos from another planet
lower stakes but somehow far more tense
not to mention that his waifu-to-be is cuter
Unlike the main series there is actually stakes.
I like her more than Ochunko but I also dislike how she keeps impeding my boy's progression. I mean I know she's clingy but let the man breathe
>does a better job of copying the western comic books
This si the big thing for me. Academia is, at the end of the day, a shounen set in a school with superhero flavoring. Vigilantes feels like actual superhero comics
I suppose, but it is at least in character
Captain Celebrity will be fine, r-right?
feels like superhero comics but without the main downsides, i.e. more text than art, shitty art and muh dibersity kikery
>main downsides
Tracing falls under shitty art.
Koichi's quirk is solid and a lot better than it's made out to be from the start, but every development has made sense and it's not so powerful that Koichi just instantly wins at life by virtue of having it.
it's also a great bit of worldbuilding, showing how even the most innocuous of quirks can actually be hero quality if trained and used creatively, and how some people can go years without realising the true nature of their quirk
i will never understand this. These artist clearly have the basics down and can do any kind of perspective, anatomy and expressions in other panels, so why bother searching for hours on google for an image that may somehow work with the character, setting and expression they want to convey? Wouldn't it be much much easier to just draw it on their own?
>Wouldn't it be much much easier to just draw it on their own?
Those are all done by the same guy. Greg Land.
He used to be a decent artist, but I don't think he knows how to draw anymore after decades of tracing.
Yup is does world building far better than the main series due to the fact that its not restricted to a school setting and thus could touch on a wider array of topics.
You think thats bad you should see the shitty CG stuff they use for backgrounds in their comics, its so god awful...
>the government will give me free specialist housing?
mutants are just niggers, aren't they
Deku isn't the MC.
Believe it or not this guy isn't a mutie
nah I know he wasn't one to begin with
but as soon as he became one, he started acting like a groid
Well he was always a shit person beforehand, now he can just get minority points. Even his bro call him out on his BS.
That just shows she really cares man, if she wouldn't give a fuck about him she'd just let him go around becoming a Knuckleduster 2.0 and that's probably not the best model to follow
But it's really easier.
Rough sketch/stickman is easier than googling for the "right" composition and expression for your manga, panel per panel- once you get to a certain level.
I can at least understand CG backgrounds.
If you're making a product, sometimes corners have to be cut, and casual readers aren't as likely to pay attention to the backgrounds.
Tracing celebrities and porn stars for character art is just ridiculous because it's so obvious. Especially when you use different people for the same character and your character ends up not even being recognizable from page to page.
Crawler is actually relatable as a character and we see him doing "hero stuff" often, even if it isn't too flashy.
There's less characters overall so it's easier to keep up with everyone and their arcs.
Plot threads don't just get forgotten, and there's a better feeling of continuity.
to be fair I'd be pissed off if I had to move to housing at the edge of town because I was kidnapped
They want finished pieces not sketches, the point of this is not getting the composition but rather to do the drawing for him
>Crawler is actually relatable as a character and we see him doing "hero stuff" often, even if it isn't too flashy.
This page cemented Koichi as being the better MC of the two series for me. Unlike Deku who just HAD to be the #1 hero or else would spend his life whining Koichi decided to do whatever he could to good for others, even if others would look down on him for doing so...
Also, Koichi missed the entrance exam to save Pop from drowning. He made an actual sacrifice to help someone in a situation where he could do something and actually suffered for it, since he has to be a vigilante instead of a pro hero now.
Deku saw Kacchan being attacked by the sludge villain and ran in there like an idiot and didn't help at all, other than encouraging All Might to get off his ass and do something. Then he was rewarded with the best power in the world for endangering himself.
Oh shit
I think we all know the real reason
I don't think Deku's ever made such a great personal sacrifice for the sake of others. Koichi literally sacrificed his future just to save a drowning stranger. Wvery time Deku's is potentially faced with an irrevocable sacrifice (his Mom not wanting him to go to UA any more, or the fact that his arms should be paste after his fight with Muscular), the story always finds a way to back him out of it(his mother conceding to his wishes or somehow being healed from abusing 100% and just getting scars but losing full use of an arm). Deku hasn't really experienced any real loss.
CG seems like it should be a useful tool. Mock up in CG, then use it to print out ready-made sketchlines for you to draw on top of. You get clean and consistent drawing, and save time on storyboarding to boot.
Doesn't have to worry about messing up.
Weekly series sacrifice quality for quantity.
BNHA would benefit greatly from being a bimonthly series with less bloat.
but wallcrawler is a worse mc than deku
>best hero is the one without powers
Some things just stay constant.
It’s not 7 Quirks, faglord.
His """"hero"""" stuff is just being a decent human being not disconnected from society from the daily grind as a distraction thinking everyone is in only for themselves.
Ibuprofen is his power.
>Black whip
>3rd holder's quirk
>4th holder's quirk
>5th holder's quirk
>6th holder's quirk
>Nana's quirk
Seems like 7 to me.
Plus Deku's (stolen?) quirk.
Technically it’s all the same Quirk. He just has access to weaker, more dumbed-down versions of the previous owner’s Quirks.
The Black Whip owner actually said that the stored quicks have grown in power because of OfA. So that would be exactly the opposite of dumbed-down versions.
>weaker, more dumbed-down versions
See pic related
>the stored quicks have grown in power because of OfA. So that would be exactly the opposite of dumbed-down versions.
Yes but this isn’t really the case for Izuku, at least for now.
if you somehow were autistic enough to read Fairy Tail 100 year quest like me. There is a panel exactly like this where Natsu get a free fire power up from his enemy no less.
Can we consider Vigilantes the canon series and bnha the spinoff?
There are different tones to different stories. When Bakugo was being attacked in chapter one, all the heroes, not just All Might, were hanging back because they didn't feel they could do something. When Deku spoke to his idol and was told he shouldn't try, he was going to resolve himself to accepting it. In the moment someone was in need of help, that pretense disappeared. People that complain Deku should have been bodybuilding since he was a toddler so he could be a REAL hero are stupid. He was a timid nerd that had no reason to think that becoming physically fit would accomplish anything before meeting All Might. The real problem was that Deku's personality of analyzing everything about heroes didn't matter when he could just super punch anything that he faced. 7 quirks is trying to fix it by allowing him to do a variety of things, but it's a shit fix. Deku could have used Eraserhead's capture cloth instead of getting shadow whips, should have kept mei's jetpack he used during the game of horse in the tourney. Bakugo is able to take an 8% punch to the face just fine. Lots of problems with the series. Deku not being a steroid chugging brainlet is not a problem.
I feel like the tape guy's quirk would be a good fit for a main character. It's not overpowered, but with good writing it could be entertaining. Same thing with mineta's quirk.
nah, he gets stronger and even better version's of the old wielder's quirks. We have 5 deus ex asspulls to go plus another asspull where Deku reveals his quirk he always had but didnt know.
I want a crossover arc so they are both canon series
Knuckle Duster vs Queen Bee was the best fight in the book and completely shits on every fight form the main series
>H-how the hell can a spin-off be so much better than the main series?
It has the same problem? Moto Takagi has, it takes the OG series and actually does something different and interesting while keeping the same basic ingredients from the original
It doesn't make sense to me that the only way (it seems) to become a hero is go to a few specific high schools. There's no hero college? There are no volunteers who use their quirk (with limitations, of course) for stuff other than hero shit? There's no specialized quirk-users in the police? I feel like this is either a really big oversight or intentional. With the new arc in the original maybe we'll get answers.
The problem is that you're putting more thought into the worldbuilding than the writer did
What do you mean? Deku is still getting more quirks for no reason and those other quirks are stronger than their originals. Honestly I just can't wait to see how explosions is somehow on the same level or close to OFA+
The weirder part is that it seems like you need to be a pro hero to use your quirk legally.
What if I want to help people using my powers, but I don't want to dress up like an idiot, call myself some asinine name, and put myself in danger every day?
Like what if my quirk is an instant healing touch? I'd have no way to get into hero school or pass the license exams, which means I either have to not use my quirk at all and let people die, or risk going to prison for using my quirk without a license.
>I just can't wait to see how explosions is somehow on the same level or close to OFA+
I know its mundane but the fact that no small good is beneath him always gets to me.
You can also get a quirk license, like Ochako was planning to do.before her parents said she should follow her hero dream.
desu, with more training he could easily pass the license exam. but yeah, that was a real sacrifice he made in the short term.
OfA isn't a separate quirk you fucking dumbass
Then what do you call the super strength?
Super Strength isn't derived from OfA its stocked through the users. OfA is a power stocking quirk its not super strength.
Then you admit that OfA is its own quirk, which stockpiles power.
No dumbass OfA isn't a seperate quirk from those listed hence why the 7 quirk shitpost doesn't even make sense since does powers are manifesting from within the core of OfA so technically they're all the same quirk.
You do realize just admit that Deku doesn't have 7 quirks right?
nah, it's gotta be spiderman
Yeah, no.
>the love interest is not fat
I mean, part of her is.
Literally flat assed
Nigga what
Her ass is non existent
She has an ass like this at what, 14?
Oh God that's horrible, thanks I'm taking this picture.
Hey so I dropped Vigilantes after Knuckleduster left and we had like 5 chapters focused on Pop Step singing at a festival. Is it worth picking up?
Knuckleduster comes back.
Because the writing doesn't believe in clean happy endings
Is Knuckleduster best dad?
Because it's a street-level hero story rather than a nation-level chosen one story. That's basically it. When Crawler has to take on terrorists, it's a big, scary, arc-defining event. He has to dig deep to find a small advantage over them, and he has to legitimately work together with those around him not just to beat the baddies, but to SAVE THE DAY, save the concert, save the event, whatever. When Deku has to take on terrorists, they have to have obscene overpowered shit just to justify why they can even take one of his punches, and then he gets a bunch more powers and a magic loli so he can beat them, and then they go have a school festival because we're supposed to believe this kid is a normal high schooler when they obviously dropped that premise years ago.
Not even worth a (You)
i like deku
Isn't it said that this is just Japan's way of doing things?
Deku beating Gentle was probably one of the most retarded parts. Not only Gentle had a shitton of experience over him and was able to deal with groups of professional heroes beforehand but his quirk is also a counter to brute strength.
He is definitely a good character. Especially since everyone sees that he is not very right in the head and he has a lot of reasons for that.
It's arguably a top tier speedster quirk but that's it.
Ida is better in CQC, but it's so fucking boring all Hori comes up with is "run harder/oh my blown out engines!".
It just ends up being way more interesting because the power ups make sense based on what is first established by the original "bicycle fast" quirk.
>establish frictionless propulsion quirk
>reader asks questions like "Why would it have such a low top speed?", "Why would it not repel air itself?", "Why not have omni-directional movement?"
>questions are slowly answered in reasonable ways, such as the a mental apprehension to going so fast that he dies on impact in a crash, especially when he couldn't break/reverse very well
It's not the only way. Iida explained it to Koichi, sometimes prospecting heroes are recruited and trained as sidekicks for actual heroes, and then once they've built up enough experience and accomplishments they can apply for the license and become a proper hero themselves. That was his original offer to Koichi, to train him as one of Ingenium's sidekicks because his quirk suited that hero group and they're friends.
to me the worst part of Deku vs Gentle was how forced their encounter was. Deku just happened to be the one to notice a villain approaching the school because of several stupid coincidences piled together.
>I don't think Deku's ever made such a great personal sacrifice for the sake of others.
Well, there is the Muscular fight and the aftermatch chase but yeah.
Vigilantes is what a 12 year old thinks a mature story looks like.
No one said it was incredible or crazily mature, but it's just nice and a good read with endearing characters and good/surprising moments. I get why people say it's better than the original.
Its not. Its just that most contrarians has latched in to it recently trying to push it but its backfired on them badly since the series ain't catching on for the simple fact that its boring and unengaging. Plus what they did to Stain pretty much cemented that it'll always be non-cannon garbage.
No. It's garbage.
Honestly you guys are making vigilantefags look really bad
Deku just wanted to be A hero
He never said it was number 1 or nothing
That pressure came with OfA
Its like you have to lie about the main manga to make vigilantes look better.
When I think that isn't necessary.
Great page
retarded comment
>I don't think Deku's ever made such a great personal sacrifice for the sake of others.
>The entire basis of the fucking series is exactly this.
Kouchi's reason for missing his exams was also incredibly retarded.
You want a mature read. Don't read capeshit, nor manga in general.
It isn't, it's just less popular and thus receives less shitposting, making you think that it's better.
The moment this spin-off manages to gather enough attention is the moment it will be targeted by the shitposters and you will either not voice out your opinion or conform it to what the majority (or vocal minority) finds acceptable.
I have seen this phenomenon happens with many MANY fanbases.on this board.
Your reading comprehension is fucking abysmal, no wonder you think only Yea Forums is for literate people.
>Knuckleduster knows exactly when to hit Stain if he approached
>Stain charges in anyway, despite him showing this
>gets annihilated
Justice served
They're both shit
chapter 1, Deku to Allmight:
>I want to be the strongest Hero, just like you
And when Allmight told Deku he can help others like becoming a polieman(obviously he can't say he should become a vigilante), Deku looked like he was about to cry
Cool horseshit bro
Yes he wants to be like all might and save people like all might
If you think that means he has to be the number 1 you completely missed the fucking point
Koichi looks up to all might for the same fucking reason
There is a reason he only wanted the All Might hoodie and not the captain celebrity hoodie
By your logic Koichi only cares about fame now and wouldn't be happy with just helping people and being on the level of Captain celebrity
God I actually really like vigilantes but it seems to attract the worst hipster faggots.
Unironically kill yourself
so you completely disregard the QUOTE from the manga i wrote? Coolshit
I disregard your interpretation of that quote
Which is why I said you missed the point
what interpretation? It's as literal as it can get. "I want to be the strongest" it's right there
like all might
for fucks sake. Everything about Deku's characterization has been nothing but selfless but you take this one thing out of context to present Vigilantes in a better light
Do you honestly believe Koichi wouldn't be happy being a Hero like CC?
Even so I don't see how him aiming for excellence is a bad thing.
It's the reason he got to where he is now. Let Crawler be superjanitor all he wants.
Has the new chapter dropped yet?
I never this small bit of foreshadowing in the early chapters
Congratulations user! You've finally realised in you 'extensive' time here how a normalfag behaves! Well Done! Gold Star!
Now hopefully you should understand why we don't care about the opinions of normalfags!
Does anyone see where hori is going with the story? I just can't tell anymore.
Same as most shonen: In circles until it is axed and he has to rush a shitty ending.
Vigilantes has the benefit of not taking itself as seriously as the main series does. For instance remember that when Deku/Todo saved Iida from Stain they all got sat down by the cops and told they could have faced major consequences were the credit not pushed onto another hero? In Vigilantes Koichi is given a pass by pretty much everyone despite breaking the law in a transparent way.
But what Vigilantes does better than the main series is work a smaller cast the reader can get intimate with. CC, Crawler, Pop Step, Knuckleduster we get to know these people and over the 40+ chapters we've gotten it's never strayed far past these guys. And the villains are likewise consistent threats through the series and the main conflict. Main series shuffles villains every other arc or so only to then return to the VA. Getting a more mundane look at a world with super powers also helps, the street level focus was a good choice.
That being said Vigilantes is unashamedly fanservice, all these heroes from the main series show up for gigs and cameos when we know that's likely not how it would play out in the main series. And it plays fast and loose with the legal side of things to benefit it's own premise in the lighthearted way it does, otherwise Koichi would have wound up like Gentle and accidentally killed someone in the act of saving them.
I'm fine with that if we get more Ochako arcs.
Now why would you ever want that
So, did time-slowing quirk originally belong to Knuckle Duster?
imagine the smell
Don't tell anyone user, but I am actually ochakofag
You wish, what I said applies regardless of being a normalfag or not.
I'm only a couple volumes in supporting the official english release old man and pop step are pretty autismo
I miss minanon and toganon.
No user, I'm sure your fresh newfag brain has been conditioned by leddit to think that a normalfag is Mr Joe Shmoe who works a 9-5, has a wife, kids and pet while doing everything as normal as possible; but the reality is much more
You see, to be normal, the definition needs to apply to the lionshare of a group. A Normalfag is just that. In reality, a normalfag isn't just Joe Schmoe who works his 9-5, it's everybody who exhibits the same patterns that Joe Schmoe exhibits. They make uninfromed decisions based on emotion. They do things unquestioned like sleep at night 'because thats just what you're supposed to do'. Theey stick it to 'the man and corporations' while voting and owning a modern phone. They who have hobbies, but use them as an excuse to do something with their normal lives (not for pushing the boundry or and real other reason than 'they want to get into it'). They think their life might matter in the greater scheme of things if they do soemthing big. They consume something (media, product etc) not because they wanted to consume it, but becasue everyone else is consuming it so they should at least understand what it is as not to come off as abnormal. They have really strong opinions on something, but doesn't express them because people might think it's weird. They like things 'but only ironically haha' so they don't come across as weird. They filter themselves of what they know to new people as not to appear too obsesive/weird over a topic. They feel lonely when they're alone.
Are these blanket terms? No .They are basic descriptors of normalfags which make up the lionshare of society-the exact same way the descriptor 'Red' isn't a blanket term, but applies to 90% of a bag filled with 9 Red and 1 Blue
They are drones. You newfags have a great term for it, 'NPC' (it means the *exact* same thing, but you think it means something else because of your inherant newfaggotry). A normalfag isn't the most normal man in society, it's society as a whole
yeah, it did
the face scar as well is important in this
>The protagonist's not a crying bitch ass nigga.
Kouichi is more beta than Deku.
Why is Zoom always so retarded?
Good joke.
Come back for Captain Celebrity.
I swear the High-Schoolers in this world can go suck on a fat one but all the adult male heroes are some of the best characters around.
You also forgot
1. Shitty action scenes
2. Shitty pacing
3. Masturbating over tell don't show
4. EXTREME 'my character is stronger than yours' pileup
5. Its working towards an ending, and it will get there if its not axed. So progression on characters stays on characters, despite it being a longer medium
Sure there exists good stuff like INVINCIBLE, but thats the exception.