New chapter is out.
Kanojo, Okarishimasu
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Whorezuru is so boring
I do like the set up this chapter provides, but unfortunately knowing this manga enough we can assume there probably won't be an appropriate payoff later on.
>The bride that will inherit the Kinoshita household
please tell me that she will put Chorizo in her will instead of this fucker and that's how this will end:
With him not getting Chorizo nor inheriting the family business
> Wait is this girl actually crazy, not that can't be she is so cute
>Ruka vs Nagomi
She took care of Mami, so granny won't be that hard right? Last time she withdrawn, but it looks like she's going all out this time.
Now we only need Mami sending on twitter a cute never seen by granny photo of Mizuhara under a link going to the Diamond agency website.
>"I-I'm Kazuya's actual girlfriend, I did rental girlfriend as practice for my job for an actress."
Boom. Mami gets btfo
At that point it would be easier to come clean.
Looking forward to the kiss.
>I'm just doing this to pay for school!
Come on now, that's the most tired stripper cliche there is
she's flexible
Inb4 Kazuya isn't involved in the kiss or it's a part of her new role
This is definitely the hottest shot of Chizuru.
why do i hate this yet i keep reading it?
Last time she defeated Mami because Kazuya suded with her.
Reluctantly dropped it after the Christmas chapter. But somehow I keep coming back for the new chapters still.
She didn't defeat Mami because Mami called her a cuck.
And she endured it and Mami left.
I'm just checking in from time to time for the inevitable spaghetti drop
I hope Ruka disrupts it all and the fish gets out of the bag. Again.
I just want to be there when it crashes and burns.
I hope Mami is there too.
Is it just me or do Chizuru's tits look MUCH MUCH bigger in this shot?
Can this bitch please fuck off already?
It's gravity. Her tits were always big.
>7 positions that will blow his mind and destroy his penis
She and Mami are the only funny characters in this manga.
>She took care of Mami
>This is what delusional Rukakeks believe
Glasseszuru a best
i dont read that many romcoms so maybe its mroe common than i think, but goddamn if ruka isn't one of the saddest characters ive seen
They were big but never as big as in that shot.
Not that I'm complaining, the bigger the better.
Ruka is trash, don't compare her to Mami.
Both are great.
It's my guilty pleasure to be honest
>M-muh Chizuru
This is really annoying.
And she always has her I'm too good for this faggot face
the whole conceit of the manga is that he fell in love with his rental girlfriend
t. rukashitter
I'm re-reading the beach arc..
Lads, I miss early Kanokari, I miss pre-Ruka Kanokari. It feels like Miyajima has been phoning it in for a while now.
Man, it used to be so KINO.
Lately it's just dull.
But the manga has only gotten more popular. It went from 1.2 million to 1.6 million printed with the latest volume release, which is the biggest jump yet. It's not like he's actively destroyed anyone's character either, the worst he's done is stalling.
What happened?
Do you think he's stalling with seriously moving their relationship forward because he's afraid of not knowing what to do/where to go with it after that, or just because he doesnt give a shit?
I'm not talking about sales/popularity.
I'm talking about the quality of the series itself. It just has gotten boring for a long while now.
I dunno, I think he's just out of ideas lately to be honest.
I guess that's why he resorted to bringing grandma back from the dead after all this time.
Meh, probably more srealized he doesn't need to do anything for a while without losing profits. Perhaps I'm being a little cynical though
It went to shit after the new years dinner
Btw did Miyajima ever release a high res version of this chapter?
Would love to see an HQ version of this page.
Considering Chizuru is about to quit and the title will soon be obsolete, he's not clearly not actually scared of progress.
Surviving in WSM isn't that hard so he never really needed to worry about that.
Kanokari has always been inconsistent but it feels like the last epic chapter was that confrontation between Mami and Chizuru and also some of the chapters where it seemed like Kazuya's character was developing with him telling Chizuru point-blank that she's his dream girl but it's like Kazuya reverted back to the status quo since then.
Even this recent arc with Kazuya and Chizuru going on a date felt so lifeless.
While this 'perfect date' arc was definitely a snooze fest, in my opinion the chizuru's birthday/drunk aftermath arc was the best the manga's been in quite a while. i'm a little disgruntled that it ended up being kind of anticlimactic, but overall i still really enjoyed it
Yet it doesn't feel like it's progressing at all.
Chizuru is way too accepting of Kazuya's bullshit now, something's off.
Like it lacks that "BANG" factor it used to have.
>the chizuru's birthday/drunk aftermath arc was the best the manga's been in quite a while
That had some of Kanokari's early cringe factor in it(especially the part where Kazuya throws up in the toilet and Chizuru is consoling him). But that feels like a long time ago now.
I just think the high school date arc was bleh and after several weeks you lose sight of how exciting it is. Mami vs Ruka was insanely fun and that was just in January. The current arc looks like it'll be a blast especially since it's been foreshadowed all four girls will wind up together.
I liked Chizuru's birthday and Ruka's sleepover the most.
It needs more chapters like the baseball chapter where they go on a date that doesn't involve money.
>Mami vs Ruka was insanely fun and that was just in January.
I didn't really care for that, the best part of that chapter for me was Mami recognizing Chizuru's bag being the same as the bag she saw in Kazu's apartment and her following Grandma on Twitter.
I hope this upcoming arc doesn't disappoint but I feel with Ruka putting her nose in it that it might focus too much on her.
Ruka a shit. Mami is a villain, acceptable. Friend who's name I don't know but is super shy is good only because she's cute. Main girl being a conservative bookworm type that went to beauty herself up to make money for sick grandma stops me from how I hated her in the beginning. MC deserved to be dumped cause he has no ambitions and is a blatant pervert. Repeatedly bringing attention to the fact he's a slacker piece of shit that avoids interacting with his family while spending their money on whores isn't good, beyond his generic romcom traits he's actually an awkward wierdo.
>Friend who's name I don't know but is super shy is good only because she's cute.
As for Chizuru she's always been way too good from the beginning.
Now that is hot.
Can girls break their hymens doing the splits?
The manga's pretty entertaining. I dunno, the plot's pretty nice, the girls are all cute and likable, and relatable.
Mami is still a bitch though.
mami's going to end up ebing the hero in the end... you'll se.. you'll all se...
Mami will be redeemed towards the end and she will push the two together.
That would be lame.
Shut up faggot.
Come on, we all know that Chorizo is not virgin.
>The current arc looks like it'll be a blast
That's exactly why it won't be, the setup will be wasted again
>especially since it's been foreshadowed all four girls will wind up together.
We have Ruka and Chorizo from this chapter and possibly Sumi, though I still don't know how would that happen she shouldn't know where Kazuya lives and especially his parents,
Mami is a looming threat and can act whenever she wishes and doing it in to of Granny vs Ruka would be fun, but I don't believe that was foreshadowed.
But that was a great arc.
>Ruka literally decided she's in love with Kazuya because a fucking smartphone app told her so
Why is she such a zoomer bitch and why is she worst girl?
That's not true.
It is though.
She literally decided she loved him because of her smartphone.
She decided to love him because her heart started to pound faster, the smartphone just showed it.
Yeah and your heart can pound from a lot of things not just love.
It's shallow as fuck for her to be so sure of her feelings just because of what the app told her. She doesn't even question anything and goes all gung-ho for him.
Ruka is just immature and shallow like a little brat, she's annoying.
>Ruka actually enjoyed playing the fucking Wii U
Why is she so shit?
Sumi > Ruka > Chorizo >>> Mami
Chizuru > Mami > Sumi > Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ruka
>grew up playing the wiiu
Ruka > Chizuru > Sumi >>>>>>> Mami
Ruka > Mami > Sumi >>>> Chorizo
>with this, I can fit in all seven dragon dildos now
I'm gonna be mad if the anime adaptation doesn't license this song for this scene
Glasses Chizuru is just as beautiful as rental Chizuru.
Meganezuru is fake.
Rentalzuru is the real one.
The manga could have ended right here.
It feels like yesterday when this chapter came out.
The manga should end when ruka confessing.
Ruka is a bitch, fuck off.
But he is right, he wanted a girlfriend and he got one.
Fuck off whore.
No, he never wanted just a girlfriend, he wanted Chizuru.
The point where he wanted just a girlfriend so he can stop being a burden to Chizuru(back when he was still trying to get back with Mami) has long passed.
You Rukashitters are pathetic, Kazuya doesn't give a shit about your irrelevant psycho bitch and he only "goes out" with her because she blackmailed him.
Cry more bitch.
Ruka is the worst thing to happen to the manga.
Crazy manipulative psycho stalker lying bitch.
> lying bitch.
Are you talking about Chorizo?
Ugh, I just can't take this manga
I tried, but I can't
Nope I'm talking about your shitty waifu Ruka.
He's happy about any girl liking him, that doesn't mean he likes her.
Kazuya can't stand her but he still pities her. That's all.
But Chorizo lies way more than Ruka, hell she lies to her own friends and grandmother.
If grandma doens't know a shit about chizuru, kinozhita already give up on her and fuck ruka.
In the same chapter he said that she doesn't bother him.
Chizuru is lying for Kazuya's sake, Ruka is just a selfish bitch that can't even honor her part of the deal.
She even changes shit around like her lying out of her ass saying that Kazuya promised that he would make her his girlfriend when he never said such thing and that it was just a trial.
There's a huge difference.
Chizuru is an angel, Ruka is trash and a nuisance.
Ruka is not even in that list you delusional fuck.
He would rather fuck Sumi than that fat ugly bitch.
He lied to her out of pity.
His behavior shows the complete opposite.
He constantly tries to avoid her like a plague.
>Chizuru is lying for Kazuya's sake
Sure that's why she has a completely different persona in school, she never said that Kazuya would make her his girfriend, she said that he would treat her like hia real girlfriend during the trial.
There isn't a person Chizuru doesn't lie to.
Yup, she even lies to her grandma.
>she never said that Kazuya would make her his girfriend
She literally did, pic related.
She also didn't keep part of her deal by putting her nose in affairs it didn't belong(such as her trying to cause drama with his gradma)
I really hope this cunt gets a heart-attack and dies.
Did she ever lie to Kazuya? Like Ruka constantly does? No?
Checkmate bitch.
>tfw no cute girl will even go with you to meet your family
Why even live?
How can anyone enjoy such blatant haremshit?
>Chizuru is lying for Kazuya's sake
Yes she is pretending to be Kazuya's girlfriend in fron of her own grandma for Kazuya's sake totally.
She probably is hiding her rental job from her grandma for Kazuya's sake as well.
Even when she presumably lies for Kazuya's sake, she always specifies to him that it's only for his grandma.
I don't remember chizuru being his 'girlfriend'
What was it again?
All of these are acceptable lies to not hurt her family.
Ruka on the other hand is a malicious bitch who only cares about herself. She lies for her gain and nobody else's, she doesn't care about Kazuya's feeling, she only cares about herself.
Deal with it.
In one of the first chapters she agrees to act the role of his girlfriend to his grandma. He then books a blank date and puts the money in her postbox.
At first it was every Wednesday to visit his grandma until his grandma won't leave the hospital, but after they were suppose to break up things happened and then she was about to do this until he finds a girlfriend.
In theory he has a girlfriend now, but Ruka doesn't exactly count, so they're still doing it.
She constantly said that she's his "girlfriend" wink wing nudge nudge.
She's referring to her commitment as his rental girlfriend.
waking him up from his Chorizo delusion is a noble goal though.
The only delusion here is the delusion of Rukafags in here thinking that Ruka is a relevant character.
Rukabros finally raised up
Ruka is ugly fat shit.
I'm reading it because I expect a bad end for the cunt MC that is one of the worst shits I've ever seen.
If he doesn't get the absolute worst ending, I'll be extremely upset.
This, Ruka was literally introduced only as a shitty plot device to create tension and nothing else. She could've easily been replaced by Kazuya's dad when the dad caught kazuya giving chizuru money around the same time, but the author had to make that anticlimatic and then made Ruka to fill the void he left. I have never seen a more ass-pull reason for some girl magically liking MC than Ruka. Hurr durr I have this super rare condition where my heart beats slow and this boy makes my heart beat fast!
nobody likes Kazuya
no its not, he should confess to Chorizo at this point in time if not for dragging plot around like a retard. He said several times "MUH MAMI FEELINGS" in front of Chorizo, so she thinks what he feels for her isn't love and she keeps throwing him away, trying to help him find his "gf".
This manga is lame as fuck, but 80% of people reading won't drop to see what the fuck is the end.
>inB4 Chorizo goes full Hollywood and MC finds a gf other than her
What a condescending old bag.
He really should be more assertive and give that whimsical granny a piece of his mind
And here we go again. Geez...
Not again...
How annoying. This bitch and Mami needs to get BTFO for good.
college manga is pretty rare
Seal looks pissed off in the third pic.
>granny is gonna call him an amorous man for bringing TWO gfs over
>dad rubs a single manly tear away at how his son is a winner
>mami is there and fans the shitstorm even harder
>no mami
I sleep.
have mami and kazuya's grandma ever appeared in the same place at the same time?
>tfw your whore steals your future from you
That would be hilarious and well-deserved.
They are C-cup at best (western C, of course).
Ruka should just let go. Poor girl.
Kazuya is the one who should tell her that he loves Chorizo.
Cheers OP.
>inB4 Chorizo goes full Hollywood and MC finds a gf other than her
Hollywood is a stretch, but I would prefer a ending when they don't get together:
Let's say he actually confesses, gets rejected on the spot then (after some moping) moves on with his live, grows up to someone that could actually get a girlfriend/ start a family. Then from that perspective looks at it as a very important memory that helped him, the kind of story Chorizo likes.
she's right though. As he is now he would never found a girlfriend, not even as pretty as Chorizo, but a girlfriend at all.
except both his parents and granny know Ruka already and his lie that she is an compulsive liar still wasn't cleared up. She can tell them the truth this time though, she looked pissed enough to just do it.
She knows, moreover it's the love that he has for Chorizo that drove her in the first place. Ruka thought he will just change his objection of affection to her and that will be it. She clearly has something wrong with her head.
>turning him into her manwhore
She knows but he has to tell her and end the trial.
He still has the excuse of her being able to fuck over Chorizo and him, because she knows their arrangement.
If he doesn't do that after Chorizo retires/Mami fuks them over beforehand then he will have no excuse and will be just a dick.
Still better than Nisekoi
Only true answer itt.
He knows he is unfair.
I'm in the same boat, it's absolutely a guilty pleasure for me though. Also, Ruka is cute.
Just want the MC to get destroyed without a chance to recover. If he wasn't able to grow up up to this point, he isn't capable of doing so.
So Sumi end.
What's the point of Sumi other than being cute.
I still have no idea why she still is in the story ( other then that she's cute and the mangaka likes to draw her)
becoming kazuya's wife after the process of fucking it up with every other girl in the story finally teaches him his lesson and he matures
>Kazuya fucking girls
Fake news
>Ruka remembering the dumbaas birthday
further proof that she's best girl
even Sumi put in her smartphone calendar, how naive can You be
She called it the first second of his birthday.
Ruka is best.
I wonder what will be her present.
Real rental girlfriends buying the manga.
I'd rent the one on the left
I wonder if they're how Chizuru irl would look like.