My friday evenings are lonely without them, anons

Tonari no kyuuketsuki-san thread.

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These threads keep happening, but the translations don't. This needs to be fixed.

Then fix it.


Post an untranslated page and we will translate it.
A panel at time.

Being a CGDCT connoisseur is suffering.

Season 2 soon right?

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Stupid sexy gaypire.


Reminder: Ellie is a canon slut

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She's a proper vampire who wants to feed on all cute girls.

Why is she attracted to boys too?

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Why was the last thread deleted?

Probably deleted by that guy who always deletes Gochiusa thread.

Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

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Mods in Yea Forums have been doing a terrible job since we became 4channel.
A third do one thing, a third do the oppose thing of the first third, and the last third does completely random things if they bother at all.

I don't mind that, though.

Board sterilization in order to better accommodate newfag redditors and harvest that traffic. It's been going on for a while.

Watching it now. The twintail slap as cute.

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I'm glad I can still come here and see some kyuutie anons

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I don't get it though. Reddit is a completely different kind of place. To say nothing more that would warrant user-friendliness, of course.

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I mean, user-unfriendliness, if that's a word.


Reddit is a moderator police state and Yea Forums's "wild" nature is probably off putting. Normalfag and semi-normalfag newfags who come here would be turned away by for example prisma illya threads and even gochiusa threads that don't follow a certain established narrative regarding lolis in this case. There's also a ton of different thread types and topics that deviate from their narratives and thus seem "weird" and sometimes even disgusting to your average redditor.

That's what I meant by "completely different". Why do they even bother? I'm not regged but Reddit is sometimes useful for certain IRL topics related co computing and some media related stuff but that's all.

>almost nipslip
what a semen demon

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san - 11 [720p]-0013.jpg (1280x720, 112K)


A very cute and sexy slut.

This will never get old.

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Didn't thought they would include that.

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Now I'm sad about Claudia.

Because Hiro wants money
And the mods go along with it because most of them are redditor faggots themselves

Also this show sucked.

This show's level of eroticism was amazing.

slutpires made for sexual