Should anime experiment more often with 13 minute episodes?

Should anime experiment more often with 13 minute episodes?

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The opposite.

The breakdown of the media establishment has shows that audiences crave longform everything

Fuck no, the only bad thing about the series is the run time

Not really. I find that it manages to feel just as full as a 24 minute episode with half it's time. But maybe that's because it's premise doesn't really need any more than that.

AOTS has 13 minute episodes.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Ueno-san wa Bukiyou - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.40_[2019.02.03_18.02.09].png (347x486, 192K)

I want to see more non comedy anime do 13 minute episodes then.

Well, Manaria Friends is boring shit so maybe not.

I want to fuck that dragon!

She has a bad case of the gae sorry.

Yes? That's just her, not me.

All women are gay since liking penis = gay

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You going to have a bad case of the dead, once her absurdly overpowered girl friend notices that you're in her way. Transformed into a Mayfly would be my bet.

(You)sexual is stronger than gay tho so I'll just roll for her in Granblue and make her my bitch.

She's not like that, if anything she'd be happy for her and would give us her blessings.

Odds are Grea doesn't want you, what with her having a bad case of the gae. So no, Anne won't be happy, she'll be out for the blood of the person bothering Grea. You'll get what that golem got, at a minimum.

She's still gay there. She's a lesbian in Rage of Bahamut and her canon lover is Anne. She got ported and still kept this.

You don't need to defend your "yuri" characters so much, user. Don't be autistic. If you get bothered by people saying they want to have sex with Grea you'll spend most of your day hunting these posts instead of enjoying your ship.

I'm defending nothing, I just like tweaking the noses of anons who have delusions of adequacy.

>I'm defending nothing
You clearly did since the first post. You see "I wanna fuck Grea!" and inmediately jump on the poster who is probably not even in the thread anymore. Just let it be, user.

>Just let it be, user.
Why? It's entertaining to see them flail about trying to convince themselves that they can win against the author's plans.

Oh god you're just an autist, no wonder there's a huge stigma around you guys.

Gae bolg?

Shave off ten from that number. Short anime are the shit.

>Three minutes
Nothing but the OP and ED each week? Don't they call those music videos?

I honestly feel like the 20-30 minute mark is still a really good sweet spot. This mostly applies to western shit but I'm tired of trying to get into a show and every fucking episode is an hour long. Anime and some TV can pull off the 20-minute mark great and it's perfectly bite sized.

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