>part 1
>hamon, mask, vampires
>part 2
>part 3
>hamon almost entirely abandoned, not a single user except for the joseph
>masks completely forgotten despite being found in bulk in part 2
>vampires completely forgotten except for dio and literally 2 more enemies
>never explained where they're from
>for some reason dio was the source of the stand for holly
>for some reason there's now plenty of stand users outside of the joestar&dio bloodlines and circles
>part 4
>stands everywhere
>stands are now way more complicated for no reason
>part 5
>stands are now so prevalent in combat that nobody even ever goes for the user, which would be a non-issue in part 3 since they used to just oneshot the user
Why is this such a well received series? The plot development is atrocious. The author literally throws away previous toys in favor of new ones without any explanation.
Part 1
Because it's fun
It's entertaining enough for gay jojofags with no standards to slurp it up
I like hearing my friends laugh when something funny happens, or when they say "Dude that is so cool!" when Star Platinum catches the bullet or some shit. Just nice to watch and bond over, especially when you have moments where we all go "OHHHHH" and shit like that. The hype is fun.
>stands are now so prevalent in combat that nobody even ever goes for the user, which would be a non-issue in part 3 since they used to just oneshot the user
I'm not listing all of them, but in these fights all of them are resolved by going after the user instead of the stand
fuck off retard
>for some reason dio was the source of the stand for holly
Lad, did you forget that Dio was occupying Jonathan's body? Therefore, every Jostar genetically linked back to Jonathan had a connection to Dio.
Who cares fag. Fun things are fun.
>watching anime with friends
Do people actually do this?
Watching anime with my friends is what led to my watching more anime on my own.
The problem is that Jojo does not take itself seriously at all. If you want a deep plot and story go watch something else.
lots of non NEETs do this lmao
im being smug so it might sound like im lying to make you feel bad but really, youve never watched with some buds even ironically?
I dont have any friends. And i dont tell anyone that i watch anime
You don't /have/ anyone to tell you watch anime.
I have a family
>masks completely forgotten despite being found in bulk in part 2
>vampires completely forgotten except for dio and literally 2 more enemies
Kars created the masks and since Joseph killed him masks could no longer be created and they destroyed all the ones that remained.
Maybe if you actually paid attention for at least a full minute you would answers for 99% of your question instead of sounding like a retard.
Hijacking this thread to say if that ain't Joseph, I'll eat my god damned hat.
I have, and it was a horrible experience that led to me never wanting to do it again even when they ask
Watching anime with others is horrible, you either sit there in awkward silence or you force reactions that you wouldn't do otherwise to break the silence
Please put Jojo in your thread so your shit gets filtered. Thanks.
Unironically this.
>wide brimmed hat
>scarf has the same pattern as Joseph's hat in part 4
>age matches up
>running away