>watching anime in the dark and close to the screen
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
Watching anime in the dark and close to the screen
Of course not; I read manga.
I'm reading this thread in the dark and close to the screen.
>reading manga in the dark
Bitch I watch on bed in the dark.
The only way I can drift away user
I have my blinds up 24/7 and never use my overhead light so the amount of light I have is just how bright it is outside.
I pity your neighbors.
He didn't say he played loud music all day,.
Whats worse this, or watching anime in public?
They have to look at him all day.
Not if he never leaves his house.
watching anime in public won't ruin your eyes
user, do you understand how windows work?
Learn to read.
This is a window. It is transparent, so things on one side can see what's on the other side. The wooden strips in front of it are called blinds. When the blinds are down, they obscure the view from both sides, as they are opaque. user has his blinds up, so they do not do this, so the window will not be obscured.
"blinds up" refers to covering the window.
came from the front page to call you a fucking ESL faggot
an hero, ESL faggot
Let's say that's the case. So, you believe that, because user has his window covered at all times, the amount of light he has is dependent on how bright it is outside?
Yeah, I do the same. Light still comes through.
Original user here, is this a regional dialect thing or what? Where I live, blinds up/down refers to whether the blinds are gathered at the top of the window or allowed to drape over the window down to the sill, respectively. Blinds open/closed refers to how the slats are oriented, whether parallel with the sill so light comes in, or parallel with the window so they properly cover the window, respectively. Then you can either close the blinds upward or downward, which refers to which side of the slats are facing inward. So to me, "blinds up" means they are gathered completely at the top of the window, meaning slat position is irrelevant. I've never moved to a different state and this is how everyone uses it here.
That is how most people use it. I guess is from a region where up is down.
I know.
I watch anime out in the woods, at night.
No it's not a regional dialect.
ESL scum just try to pretend they understand things when they don't.
What? No. I'm not blinds-dude, and am a native english speaker. I've always heard 'blinds up' refer to whether the blinds are 'active' at a diagonal or left parallel.
No it doesn't you retarded faggot, unless you have some gravity-defying blinds that come from the bottom, when they're up they're drawn shut.
"drawn shut" and "covering the window" are the same thing
ITT: People who don't know how to use blinds. You don't _draw_ your blinds up unless you're cleaning the window behind it. You use the tilt wand to rotate the slats.
God I miss this show. I'm gonna have to rewatch one of these days
> Grand sponsor no longer tokyo days your bangumi on Christmas
Why even live?