What the fuck

What the fuck.

Attached: she's fucking 12.jpg (1920x1080, 396K)

>she's fucking 12
No, HE's fucking 12.

She's fucking 12 inches.

Worst ending to the worst show ever, why didn't my boi get his harem

Based Japan


Wasn't this how the medievil ages done it? Can't we say this is a historical white tradition already?

Pure love doesn't have any age restrictions.

living the dream

>waiting because of the laws of Japan, and not the laws of the residing country.

He's a fag.

When in Rome, do as the Romans do, or something

well too bad she's a girl then

It's a historical tradition everywhere.

Living the fucking dream.

Attached: 1529082817312.jpg (1920x1080, 134K)

I want this.

He knows what he's doing and should be in jail

Attached: [HorribleSubs] GATE - 21 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.38_[2016.03.04_18.45.55].jpg (1920x1080, 220K)

Par for the course when it comes to isekai anything.

Attached: x32.jpg (836x1200, 399K)

Of all the retarded things in GATE to pander to otakus and weebs, this was the one thing that actually made sense in context.


I envy him

Girls are ready to be breed at 12-13, not sure when the laws antiloli started but back in the day 13 was already prime married material.

Church records put the typical marriage age 18-23, with a surprising amount of pregnant brides


Attached: 1455386777541.jpg (1280x720, 247K)

I thought Norie was gay for Maon?

Attached: tamayura_norie_7261.png (206x408, 62K)

>Smart young girl securing a future for her family amidst political upheaval
I see nothing wrong, girls should lay claim to their husbands quickly and decisively before any potential competition can.

Attached: Zashiki_v03_208.png (1096x1600, 905K)

He should absolutely rush marriage, so she can claim reparations for her families holdings, and he can claim a noble title.

Young marriages are the arranged sort, made by intelligent and responsible parents. So typically only the wealthier classes, as the peasants procrastinate and make dumb decisions.

She only has eyes for Kou-chan.

Right, she's gay for Kou-tan, I forgot.

>middle ages
>those backward savages lol

try 20th century. Age of consent being 18+ was started by feminists/suffragettes in the 1900s, most likely because old women were tired of their rich husbands fucking their 16 year old factory workers and office maids. These same women also helped outlawed drinking and prostitution. They actually wanted age of consent to be 21-22 but that only ever happened in a handful of places and was quickly repealed. Fun fact: it was legal to fug 12 year olds in many western countries all the way up to 1965. If you ever wondered why hippy-era to the 1980s music and movie stars got away with fucking teenagers all day long it was because they were born into a generation where it was perfectly legal and mostly socially acceptable. Now extrapolate these ideas a step further. Our generation is literally the first generation in all of humanity that has been denied and out right discouraged from having sexual relationships while teenagers. Your parents could read cp in magazines and buy it from stores. Your grandparents could marry preteens. Your great great grandparents could go fuck 10 year old hookers.

And what is the result of this? So many social problems. So many people who fail to 'become adults'. So many twisted perversions and outright degeneracy has replaced the once normal and healthy sexual experience all young people use to have the legal right to. There weren't 'incels' in the 1900s. There were no furgags in the 1800s. People didn't go around encouraging kids to chop their dicks off 100 years ago and pretend that they were 'real' women.

I already knew that normies were the cause of all my problems though.

one day...