Are they really going to cram 1 volume into 1 episode?
Date A Live
It's a filler volume so who cares
Hopefully a filler comedy episode.
That is what volume 12 mostly was during the first 4 chapters.
Nice, DAL comedy is comfy.
Maybe we'll get to see Shidou doing cool shit with the angels.
It's not the fun kind of comedy, it's just fanservice and considering they only have 23 minutes they will have to rush everything.
Considering the name of the title, it sounds like they will jump straight to the dates and skip all the scenes with Shidou using his powers.
But I want to see Shidou doing cool shit with the angels, user!
Too bad
No! If they're gonna do it, then at least animate the cool stuff!
That is why they will be animating the dates, the girls are the main reason animeonlys are watching this season.
Why can't we get the thing that we like for once? Surely you also agree the best part of the volume was seeing Shidou do cool shit right?
I didn't really like volume 12. It felt like I was reading some fanfic from and the only part I was excited for turned out to be a disappointment, which is Shidou going berserk.
I wonder how assblasted anons will be if there is a season 4 teaser at the end
That doesn't seem to be a possibility at this if they are actually planning to adapt volume 12 next episode.
Well, I'll have mixed feelings about it, mainly becuase some episodes turned out to be good and other were just bad.
I'm glad this outfit made a reappearance. Long hair Origami is a miracle of the universe.
srs bsns
Only episode 2 and maybe ep 10 are episodes I can say were good. The rest ranked from above average to really bad.
Somehow Kurumi's head is bigger than Shidou despite being shorter than him.
Outsourcing at work, user.
Still a shit, though.
What's with that bulge?
Yeah but that's becuase JC Staff is shit and can't plan schedules. If they had less projects it would be better.
cursed image do not open!
Calm down, Origami.
Even if the art would be better I still don't trust them to make a good adaptation that captures the essence of the novel. Just in this episode we had a lot of errors such as not giving Shidou golden eyes which was a vital part that made possible Origami's sealing. It's like he never used any of his powers in the anime.
Her cutting her hair and going back to the personality of the original world origami is single most garbage piece of writing I've even seen in my life.
t. Tsunako.
Nah, not anymore.
>Golden eyes.
I've always liked that about his powers, it was cool. But in the novel he didn't exactly use any angel to free Origami user.
We must be reading different novels then.
>poofs into a cutie with bridal music
>0 hesitation by Shido to kiss her
I wish there was more budget but I enjoyed the episode. Watching NeoOrigami on the date with OGOrigami slipping into her personality was great.
Except he used Miku's angel to make his voice reach Origami conciousness.
I am a bit confused about the timeline, did the guy go back to the time he came from or what?
That piece of music was so ridiculous. It almost made the scene comical.
Tell me about the books Yea Forums is it worth getting into as a Yuzuru-fan?
I heard what happened to Yoshino though, that was pretty brutal.
No, that timeline was rewritten.
I forgot anons, okay.
The twins don't get that much screentime but Yuzuru's date in volume 8 is considered one of the best. Not sure what mean by what happened to Yoshino when nothing happened to her.
All fans are welcome we even have one autistic Kaguya fan
Yuzu has some nice moments in the books
I saw the spoilers for the newest book in the last thread. Yoshino gets directly rejected by Shido after dropping Yoshinon to confess directly. It’s going to be a Tohka end
That was false.
That's not true
She wasn't rejected, Shidou didn't even have time to answer because he wasn't even aware of what the girls were doing plut it was a bad time for any girl to confess since the world was beginning to collapse.
All the girls gets a few scenes here and there but only the girls the author likes gets more scenes than usual, sadly the twins are not one of those girls. Yuzuru is still a good girl.
Well those spoilers did some damage becuase niw anons think that's true.
Meh, at least your fake spoilers aren’t as grandious and still believable as the raildex ones.
Lemme guess, you’re a clonefag too aren’t you?
Those weren't fake spoilers, just a mere interpretation of what the guy posting them gathered from a quick read.
Shidou doing cool shit next week anons!
I want my own floor Kurumi!
Gee user, how’d you guess?
They are only animating the dates assuming they adapt volume 12. There is not enough time to add anything else.
Date a Live? More like Date a slut amirite?
I want to play with this clock even if she isn't digital.
Can someone tell me where i can read the light novel ?? I can't find a good page
I remember season one where she follows some thugs into a dark alley for free fun.
Check the Facebook group or the archive for the MEGA link.
But user, a lot transpired in that volume, first Shidou getting sick and going full drunk on spirit power and then the girls trying to come up with a plan to revert him back to how he was etc. It's a lot.
It was the opposite actually.
But what does that have to do with next episode? The title itself implies they will have to date Shidou which is what happens in volume 12 after the whole thing with Shidou using the spirit powers.
But the gang was banged
It wasn't even a gang, she just invited two dudes into following her just to kill them.
spitroast is OK too!
I'm just trying to figure out why you think only dates will be animated when the reason for that is Shidou himself. If they don't explain what's happening to Shidou then what are they planning?
since when is Origami funny?
Pass the link please i don't know the facebook page
That user also said you could check the archive for the MEGA link. All the novels except the last one are there.
Maybe because the title says it? They can start the episode with Shidou acting weird and then Reine tells Kotori and the others they need to date Shidou.
Ok thanks user
What a great way to end the season and according to the pattern we're getting the good team for next week's episode. user, they have to show something more than just some dates.
Here is the link, you will have to check the Facebook group for volume 19.
>long haired cutegami is gone
>now we're back to short haired shitigami
I hate it
But the series is called Date A Live. What did previous filler episodes had? Shidou, Reine and three spirits going to hotspring with the AST being retarded in S1 and Tohka going full retard because she watched a TV show in S2. Having an episode that actually focused on dates would make a lot more of sense given the name of the series.
Agreed. Why even bother having a worst girl arc if there's nothing to show for it in the end?
I want to marry rooftop Kurumi and protect her from true Kurumi!
She's not completely gone but unfortunately, the dominant personality is the stalker Origami.
t. Tsunako.
Then why not do a filler episode then instead of taking something canon?
Don't worry She changes a lot after her arc, she's no longer worst girl in the LN.
Because is a single volume arc with no real plot relevance unlike the rest of the volumes in the series, even JC can tell volume 12 is mostly filler.
Thanks Anons
Shes Debiru now.
Please tell me this is drunkgami.
seeing straightlaced girls get drunk and act childish is my fetish
but Miku's arc happened in season 2.
It is, should be in the next episode if they are adapting volume 12.
Why is no one talking about Yoshinos badass bunny armor?
What? Origami is the funniest DAL girl. She's not your typical rei-clone.
Not enough screentime.
Will Shiori show up?
She was also entertaining in the OVA which is where the dog/fox outfit came from.
I miss the times of daily clock posting.
Next episodes are only dates, Tsunako.
I miss this game. It's been a while.
Chad Shidou.
It was worth watching this season for parts of episode 4.
But it was present in the previous arc too.
>Episode 12 adapts all volume 12.
>Anons are happy becuase volume 12 is butchered.
>Season 4 is announced.
>Anons are not happy.
link of facebook page ? thx by the way
12 episodes for 3 volumes sounds more than enough to adapt everything, they can even add two filler episodes and it wouldn't affect the pacing.
You will have the search the group on your own unless anyone here uses Facebook. Just search for "Date A live translation group"
Before that she was laughing and moaning while thinkgen about Shido. Shit was hot as fuck.
ok thx
Have in mind you need Facebook account since it's a closed group and you need to join the group if you want to read the translations but they accept anyone.
It's a close group right ?
All Natsumis are good Natsumis.
Pre-sealing Natsumi was pretty bad though.
Even post-sealing Natsumi took several volumes to get better.
So that was a bridal theme after all. I thought I imagining things because it felt so out of place.
I can bet you 3 volumes would be done in 10 episodes like they did with season 2.
3 episodes per volume it's the usual but 4 episodes for a single volume could work if they adapted everything with details. Just take this episode as example, even with 23 minutes they had to rush the pacing a bit near the end.
9 episodes since the first episode was filler.
Makuro a shit
Suprinsingly, next episode isn't filler, user!
But it adapts a filler volume so that makes it canon filler.
You can stop this meme now user, nobody knows who it is you're talking about.
Did the staff in charge even read the novel? I can understand a few errors here and there but Shidou's eyes never changed throughout the entire episode. Did they just forget he was supposed to be using Gabriel during the entire sequence?
They drew some spirits in full power mode, it's obvious they had to finish this episode in time but didn't have enough or maybe didn't bother to correct animation errors.
The ones that do the good episodes did and the ones that do the bad episodes didn't.
I think they did the Origami arc pretty well. Some moments of quality but overall pretty damn good. Also inverse Origami's theme is fucking incredible, OST fucking when
>volume 12 is probably getting the worst butchering possible next week
Now that is something worth watching.
Half of the episodes were butchered and even the decent ones could have been handled better. I would say it's an above average adaptation but nowhere near close to be good.
I wonder why I love DAL so much. There has to be a limit to how much I can love a series.
The art was too inconsistent between each episode for me to enjoy. They ruined Rinne's scene and this episode also looked weird at times and felt rushed towards the end. It was okay but it deserved a lot better.
Sounds too good to be true.
I think it's the first the first time I've seen you anons genuinily happy.
Origami's breasts are too big in episode. They should be smaller.
They used to be even bigger during season 1.
but what do you dislike about it?
It was the worst volume in the series, of course I would be happy if they butchered it.
>Origami and Shido on a cute date
What is this feeling? Is this healing? It feels so warm.
>cute date
They went to places the old Origami would go if she was in a date with Shidou. The last part with both of them watching the sunset was pretty normal though.
The cute date with Kurumi was better
Shido is pretty cool man
I self inserted into Origami this episode
t. Origami
He isn't even at his best yet. His real character development starts in volume 14.
He never had a cute date with the original Kurumi, hell all of the dates with Kurumi in the novel were with clones.
That only something Origami would say, especially when it's revealed she writes her fanfiction with both of them.
So let me get this straight, all hope of a harem end is gone?
Nobody has been rejected so far and Shidou is not the kind of person that would choose a single girl after everything he has done. Of course, that doesn't rule out the alternative of the author not giving a shit about his character and just make him to choose Tohka since she is the main heroine next volume.
So what was the Yoshino rejection about in the last thread?
It's still either a Tohka end as main choice or a harem ending as secondary.
I still think it will be some sort of harem end but obviously Tohka is tha main girl so she will have main spot.
I've been a hardcore Origamifag since episode 1, season 1 though. This episode....oh....I'm on cloud nine. So nice.
People will be mad if he stay with one girl i think
Shameless Origami > Shameful Origami
Only an unaccurate spoiler. Most of the first spoilers we got are what the original reader gathered from a quick read and the wording might not reflect what actually happened in the novel.
but Tohka has always been the obvious choice since the beginning and nips love Tohka so not a lot of them would care.
So old Origami is better?
I just don't want the other girls to be left heartbroken since I've grown to like them, especially my boo boo
Tohka still shows up for fights and stuff, so I wouldn't say her arc was entirely pointless.
I feel bad for the rest of the girls
I would have said so before this episode, but a blushing Origami is a treasure that the world does not deserve. Truly, we have all been blessed.
He was clearly talking about Miku's arc.
I dislike its flaws but I like the series as a whole.
and what are those flaws if you could be more specific?
But both Origami blushed this episode and even old Origami has had some slight blushing moments pre-vol 10.
The OVA was my favorite part of the series.
I got off my chair and clapped for a solid minute like CFC in Citizen Kane when this happened. Been waiting too long for this.
This is the current Origami but with no revenge shit, I'm still sad Tachibana just forgot about her other personality seeing her trying to control her desires made for fun interactions.
Gang of lolis.
It could have been better but they had to rush the the episode to end it in time. Not sure why they didn't just skip the OP if time was an issue.
I see a mini retard.
I'm not exactly sure, I'm an animeonly and from what I've seen so far, it's been a really good ride. It's the best harem I've watched. I guess the first part of Miku's arc was unnecesary, so I suppose that's the biggest flaw in this show so far
[x] Touch Tohka's tohkas
You've been doing this a while, eh?
Episode 12 will be broadcasted on march 31. That means sunday anons.
>animeonly and from what I've seen so far, it's been a really good ride. It's the best harem I've watched
Oh boy, if you think this series is that good then you will have your mind blown once if you stop watching harem series.
What, why?
So no new episode next Friday?
It's hard to believe Shidou would choose a single girl when he was willing to change time just to save Origami even if that meant he would never see her again but now she feels genuine love for him, it's ridiculous to think Shidou would leave her alone especially when he said he would support Origami.
What? I already specified that it is the best HAREM I've watched, not the best series. I'm completely aware there are better series out there.
That wasn't what I meant. There are series that are not necessarily harems but do have harem elements. Those series often handle harem antics better.
No idea, it's delayed until sunday. The reason is pretty obvious I guess.
>Choosing a girl
Death end is the only end.
I'm dumb as tohka. What would be the reason.
I'm rewatching the episode and wow, I can't believe how many errors this episode had, not necessarily bad animation but just erros like inverse Origami suddenly not having white pupils even though she was unsealed at the moment.
So was the only reason they bothered with all of this time travel bullshit so they could switch things up a bit from the usual formula? You could have just pasted the last half of this episode onto the first part of episode 9 after Shido learns what happened and cut out a full 2 episodes' worth of fluff.
If you're talking about the other harem airing this season then I'll have to disagree. The harem element might be handled better, but what makes me like this series more is that it has a good plot. I started watching this series for the girls and ended up sticking for the story.
>Insulting yourself.
I suppose they need a bit more time since the schedule is just bad.
No. Didn't you pau attention to the episode? Shidou wouldn't have been able to do the same in the original timeline because Origami had nothing to live for other than her revenge but after meeting with her new self both of their memories passed onto each other and even started to merge which allowed Shidou's voice to reach Origami and since NeOrigami's personality was connected to Origami's personality at the time that made the sealing possible.
>I suppose they need a bit more time since the schedule is just bad
What? Why would they care about that all of sudden? They aired episode 5 in such an embarrassing state but now they care about quality in what could be a filler episode?
Here's the current 5ch S3 thread
user, you can go check it yourself:
I wasn't talking about any series in particular but like you just said, if you are watching this series for the plot then just imagine how much better it could have been if DAL wasn't mainly a harem series but a series with harem elements. The harem antics would be handled better and the plot would have priority like it should.
The general season wrapped up today so scheduling is out of wack.
I'm not questioning the airing date but I doubt they are doing it becacuse they care about the quality. That would be ridiculous considering they already adapted the source material.
2 years
I "paud" perfect attention and I have no idea what you're talking about. Unless there was an ENORMOUS amount of content that was cut from the LNs, you could cut the episodes as I proposed and it still would have fit. The status quo remains unchanged, the character dynamics are the same, and Chekhov still has one in the chamber.
She even had white pupils just a few seconds ago.
Fuck yeah us Tohkabros wins in the end!
Tohka 4 lyfe!
Tohka 4 ever!
Doesn't that make it even better then? You're praising the series yourself without realising it user. The fact that DAL is the existing proof of a harem that has a plot. Many harem shows don't have that.
God damn it, I finally broke down and downloaded the OP/ED, guess I can't fault the singers for a shitty season
Ask yourself what was the point of this arc? The status quo isn't the same. Origami is no longer a revenge obsessed girl who wants to kill the spirits just to fuel her hatred for no reason. Her antics every day antics may remain the same but her role in the story changed. You are unable to see how much the dynamic would change if Origami was still trying to kill the spirit 10 volumes later.
Exactly, and that is what I'm trying to say. If you think this is the best harem series you have watched then you are likely to find even better ones that doesn't really label themselves as harem but has some of elements of one.
>The status quo remains unchanged, the character dynamics are the same
Except Origami is in friendly terms with the spirits, especially Tohka, she is not trying to kill them anymore, she joined Shidou's side and is even trying to convince her former team to change of sides.
Yeah, and I'm telling you that's why I consider it a harem. Becuase it's a harem and will always be a harem but man does it do a good job at making you feel invested in the story. Since when does one watch a harem for the plot?
>Since when does one watch a harem for the plot?
That is why you watch series with harem elements. I think Tachibana would have liked to change the genre of the series a bit after the series was extended.
What I mean is that it's still progressing along the formula the series has been following from the start. A new girl who was formerly antagonistic is now part of the harem, but is otherwise exactly the same other than the fact that she's no longer antagonistic. In Origami's case there's even less of a difference since she was already a classmate, so she's not even inserting herself into his life, she's just falling back into the old routine.
>Except Origami is in friendly terms with the spirits, especially Tohka, she is not trying to kill them anymore
So basically how things were before her arc started
meant to quote from
That user seems to be the kind who thinks character development didn't happen if the general personality remains the same. But like you said, Origami's motivations, emotions, and her entire internal world have shifted.
The persona of old Origami seems more dominant - which makes sense both because it's a forceful personality and because it's unique and likable to watch - but the internal thoughts and feelings of the new personality are obviously present.
Be careful Tohkabro, this is not the end.
But now you're moving the goalposts user. Your original premise wasn't just that the formula was followed - you suggested the results we saw could have been achieved without the changes to Origami's character, which is demonstrably false.
It might have to do with the fact that it barely feels like a harem despite being one. I don't know what it is but I get a different vibe from this series compared to others.
>So basically how things were before her arc started
What? You are aware that she was punished after the shit she pulled out back in volume 4 where she attacked a crowded place with experimental equipment she stole and as such she was forbidden to use any kind of gear and the only reason she was able to fight during Miku's arc was because she asked as favor to some of the people who still considered her an ally. However, once her fight with Ellen ended she immediately rushed to attack the spirits but then she was stripped of this gear as well at the end of the arc. Sorry, but you are just someone who is not paying attention to the series and are jumping to conclusions. If you don't believe, just see what happened once Ellen offered a chance to fight spirit, she didn't even hesistate and joined the very organization that tried to kill her and Shidou just two arcs before all because her hatred for spirits was stronger. Again, this is something you would know if you paid attention to the series.
Then why do you think they're delaying it?
Who knows but I doubt it's for quality testing or something like that. If they wanted to do that then they should have done it during these last 11 episodes.
I honestly think it feels more like a harem - not less. The domestic stuff and how they get along like a little dysfunctional family is a big part of the appeal for me. Most harems, in contrast, don't have as much of a group dynamic, and they spend more time reminding you in turn that the characters are individually attracted to the MC. In turn they spend more time on the "harem antics" without accomplishing as much in terms of establishing said harem.
>looks like Nepgear
>sounds like Nepgear
>is retarded like Nepgear
Is it Nepgear?
>looks like Nepgear
She doesn't look that much like Nepgear in the anime. The artstyle doesn't even come close to the LN or even S1 art.
People will be mad no matter what ending happens, they should just pick one and run with it.
What can they accomplish with just 2 days?
I'm not, and I disagree
With this final episode who knows, with previous 11 episodes maybe fix some inconsistent art even fix minor errors like not drawing pupils in spirits. This should be the most basic since it's part of their design.
A decent amount, I'd say. Remember, food and sleep are for lazy gaijin pigs. Honorable workers do not need such frivolous things.
I could give you so much more meaning. Would you join me?
Maybe draw a few more frames? Episode 5 was an episode in serious need of a delay.
>Tohka/Tenka takes Mio's Sephira.
>Basically sets the world and Tohka/Tenka to disappear. Also turns the girls back to being human.
This is the world you guys wanted instead of Da'at Shiori's world, interesting and weird taste you guys have. At least in Shiori's world the harem still exists. You miss Shidou/Shiori having Mio's Sephira yet?
Reminder to ignore this autistic ASfag, don't reply to him no matter what.
And the good looking episode is tomorrow. Can we at least expect some action with Ellen anons?
My finger is on the trigger.
Excuse me, may I have a word?
Wasn't it supposed to air Sunday, next week?
I meant next week.
Today I will remind them.
I was about to post this. You can't seriously think they are delaying the last episode because they care about the quality when shit like this exists within the same season.
I doubt they'd even be able to move broadcast to a different day. Do you really think the station would mess up their schedule because some shitty late-night customer (on par with telemarketers) demanded so? Obviously the timeslot was always planned like this.
Tomorrow is a very different time from next week, user.
Date a budget
>they're charging 19,000 yen/32,400 yen for THIS
Sasuga JC staff and kadokawa
Wouldn't it better to just air the episode like every other episode in the season? Chaging the airing date for a single episode sounds weird unless there are cheaper timeslots.
There has to be a reason they're delaying it user, I don't think they would delay it just becuase they feel like it.
I wonder if they really believed the fanbase would be retarded enough to buy another bad looking season again just because S2 managed to be a success.
Post predictions as for what's going to get cut next episode
Like the other user already said, they probably planned it beforehand. They already adapted what the fans wanted to watch and everything is left is just a filler episode so maybe moving it to a timeslot where not that many people are watching TV would be cheaper. Who knows, I'm not sure how this works.
>I wonder if they really believed the fanbase would be retarded enough
I don't know, let's ask the Sonic, Star Trek, Dr. Who, MLP, Naruto, One Piece, Pokemon, and MHA fanbases what they think
They knew the season would look like this so that is why they decided to pull off this shit, probably to kill the series for good.
This seems much more likely. If they have production problems, they need to air a replacement (usually recap) and air the proper episode a week later, or if it's at the end of the season, put it on BD only. I've never heard of an episode being aired 1 or 2 days later because of production problems. Streamers can do this. TV broadcast schedules are rigid, except for those fucking sport events.
All those fanbases have huge followings and I don't even know if shonen anime sells at all. From what I understand most of the money comes from merchandise which is why they produced this season to begin with. Still, the DAL fanbase isn't that big and now no one gives a shit about the series anymore because a good art was needed to make the girls look cute which is the main reason most nips watched this series.
Hey that's fine, enjoy your empty world where best and worst girls don't exist. More for me in my own head canon and it's a harem ending without the beta MC. Including all the girls from the games and any girls from filler. You must love being depressed and not having nice things.
But if this is case that only shows how little faith they had for this season.
Yes, and she is stickless too!
DAL's fanbase isn't big enough to have enough autists willing to buy everything related to the series.
>Itsuka parents cut
O-oh okay...
Seriously, what were they thinking with this shit? It doesn't take a genius to know there is not animation.
That could have worked better as episode 12.
So if they are trying to be cheap with the last episode then it should look really bad. There is not reason to make it look good even if the A team is in charge.
Kadokawa and JC being retarded as usual.
You should know by now no one in Japan considers DAL to be anything more than just a harem series with Tsunako as its designer.
When will JC Staff pay for their crimes against anime?
Just imagine the backslash if OPM had an episode that looked like this. The PV already looked better than most DAL episodes yet people are hating it.
We got some decent scenes too but yeah, it's too inconsistent.
should've posted THIS
Next season actually. They're doing OPM. Their horrendous quality is gonna piss off alot of normalfags.
they will fix this in bd right?
I'm ready looking forward to nips and normalfags reactions once it airs, looking decent isn't enough for a series like OPM.
>that obvious CGI blood effect and Origami falling "animation"
Still funny.
Natsumi a cute.
There is not fixing that. They will have to redraw the entire episode.
I kinda want OPM getting at least one QUALITY episode so that normalfags get to know the pain that is having your favorite LN or manga butchered.
God S3 feels like vomiting after waking up from a fever dream.
Maybe S4 will be better. Monkey paw can't fuck you over twice in a row, right?
Sorry but Shiori-user has a better ending for this train wreck of a novel than what just happened. Honestly if I knew what Tenka was going to do with Mio's Sephira I would've started a online petition. Besides Tohka was a shit heroine anyway and didn't deserve the character spotlight and power upgrades she gotten, should've just did more with the Shiori character and gave it all to her. And I mean Shidou as Shiori!
There is not way they can "fix" that shit. This is one of those scenes that are so bad that they are forced to redraw everything, not to mention the rest of the episode was filled with QUALITY.
This season already bombed pretty hard. There won't be another season and with next episode probably adapting volume 12. The chances will literally become zero.
Tempting fate there user
There are also good animated episode such as epiaode 6, 8 and 10. The fight with Phantom was pretty decent.
It looks so bad, is S3 the Super of DAL's anime seasons?
Thanks to Kadokawa and JC faggots. It was doing well in its first weeks until the abobination known as episode 5 came.
S2 had worse QUALITY during most episodes, the difference is that S2 was consistent in how bad it was unlike S3.
yeah but keep in mind, it's still not as bad as QUALITY imouto and marchen madchen which the nips hated, but shit is still shit
It wasn't doing very well before either. Episode 1 was terrible but thanks to ep 2 being such an improvement people still thought there was hope but then the quality dropped again next episode. I don't think the anime even managed to even reach top 400.
S2 just got gradually worse while S3 zig-zagged from below average to above average contantly. I don't know what's worse.
Why would you even want another season by the same studio if you know this season looks bad? This isn't monkey paw, you are deliberately torturing yourself.
Sometimes being in constant pain is better since a person eventually develops some tollerance to it.
>episode 6
>good animation
There wasn't any flow into it, it was just constant jumps between scenes to simulate fast pacing during the action.
Fuck yeah, at least someone in here has common sense.
Don't we all have developed tolerance to this pain user? We've seen our favorite scenes get butchered seince season 2, it literally can't get any worse than this.
The used the opposite technique with Origami.
I got used to the inconsitent art every two episodes but since there was a zig-zag in the quality it was difficult to enjoy Origami's arc. I think if the entire arc looked bad I would have developed some tolerance.
I don't remember Kotori's parents showing up during Origami's arc.
>by the same studio
Whoa now, I didn't say by the same studio. I just want another season. Fuck JC Staff. Being stuck with them is the monkeys paw. You'd sooner see me wishing for Deen. At least their flavor of bad is like a cheap off brand drink you'd still buy because the taste is somewhat similar to name brand drinks.
Do you think you could bear to see Mukuro's arc being this inconsistent?
I think he is talking about volume 11.5 but I'm not sure it would be a good idea considering it would be butchered.
Fuck off
I wouldn't like that in either way.
Lets put it like this. Would you rather a consistent ride through fire where you get used to the smell of your burning flesh or a ride through fire where you're told the sprinklers will turn on but they never actually come on when you want them to?
>You'd sooner see me wishing for Deen
Wouldn't that be the same as IMS or JC Staff? Bad art is still bad.
What monkey paw, just getting another season is something a retard would wish for after how bad S2 was.
I've grown tolerant of DEEN over the years. JC Staff just pisses me regardless of what they pump out. Its been 8 years since Yumekui Merry and I'm still mad. I will never let that go. Ever. Fuck them.
You are only saying that because you haven't seen DEEN butchering a season of DAL yet.
But with sprinklers there's actually a chance of receiving less fatal injuries while if you keep burning you'd just end up in more pain.
not him but if keep burning then that part of your body eventually stops feeling pain because the skin, nerves and other stuff would be dead after a while. I think this is why some the suicide rates are so high in Japan.
How is JC Staff getting the rights to all these series anyway? Even them should have realized they were eating more than they could chew.
I want another season by a studio that isn't fulll with other projects.
>less than 2 weeks for OPM to air
I'm really excited to see Japan's reaction, hell all the normalfags in the west are likely to react even worse.
The slideshow looks worse, this is just ridiculous.
people still wants for opm? that show is shit and it isn't even funny
I really want OPM to have some just 20% of the QUALITY that DAL had just to see what normalfaggots have to say and so that they can feel the pain that we have to go through. In fact the retards are already shitting on it.
Regardless of what you think about OPM, these next three months should be entertaining if JC Staff butchers the animation.
Yeah, we've always been the ones that have been in pain, other people had to eventually fall victims and share our burden.
You don't even need to go that low, even if the anime had no QUALITY if the art is just decent at best, it should be enough reason for people to hate it.
i might just comeback here just to see that trash fire
I don't see it that way. I don't really wish the same fate to others series. I only want to see people shitting on the ones responsable for being okay with shit like this.
Better ending than what we just got.
Remember DAL fans, if you want a fourth season to cover Nia's and Mukuro's arcs, be sure to tweet to the official Date A Live twitter account @date_a_info about it. Nia and Mukuro really need to be in animation with good voice actresses too!
Doesn't the same argument applies to the nep games? The gameplay is far from being good and the humor isn't very funny either.
Yeah I too want to see how they butcher Mukuro's arc.
Why would you even want that? This is not different than wanting shit for the sake of it regardless of the quality. This is exactly why season 3 is mediocre at best.
There is going to be shitstorm even if JC Staff does an above average job. The fact JC is in charge makes it an easy target for shitposting.
Yeah and they'll look back at DAL and ask themselves how the litle fanbase that it has felt when the adaptation was shit in comparision to OPM.
M-maybe another studio would kindly animate S4 with a dedicated spirit?
I doubt the same people who watch OPM would watch DAL. There should be that many comparison, if anything I'm expecting comparisons with Index. There is also another JC series airing the same season I think.
That would mean the third time the series changes of studio but unlike IMS, JC is not going to die any soon so the series is stuck with them.
This guy hasn't drawn anything new since this season started. I wonder if he dropped the series after how mediocre the anime turned out to be.
They are probably going to announce a new movie at the end of the final episode and that will be the end of the anime.
>new movie
That doesn't sound like a good idea. The first movie didn't do particularly amazing but was released in a time where the series still had a decent following. That is not the case now, the anime bombed hard and nips no longer care about it, releasing a movie now would be a waste of money.
>Season 4 is announced
Wait, what? Is that really confirmed?
He did draw this.
No, that was just a joke.
No. He is just predicting how people would react if that happened next week.
It's been more than a month since then.
He's still drawing.
Whatever happened to the game.
It's supposed to be released around June I think.
They teased the game last year and showed some CG in January. I don't remember the other games taking this long to be released after they were announced.
What could even be the plot about this time? Now that Mio is dead anything regarding Rinne or this new girl seems pointless
So now that is confirmed the novel is ending next volume this means JC Staff rushed the anime for no good reason at all.
It's just a non-canon game.
Yes, how do you feel about that? Becuase I don't feel so good. Unless they have planned a fucking movie or something
It was either DAL or OPM considering it's airing next season and we all know which series is far more popular.
I thought the latest one 20? was supposed to be the end. There's another one?
There is that one isekai series with the mother getting isekai'd along with her son. They could swapped DAL for that series.
Volume 20 was released just a few days ago and no it wasn't the ending considering it ended in a cliffhanger.
This should have been the case but Tachibana wanted to have a pointless battle royal for no good reason instead.
So is there any definitive evidence the next will be the last one or am I wrong to expect there will probably be more? I'm still catching up so I wouldn't know
This episode sure looks worse the more you rewatch it.
Yeah, the fact there is not arc that lasts longer than 2 volumes no to mention the author already put a lot of cheap drama and filler this volume. It's obvious he doesn't have enough ideas to make a three volumes long arc.
Not only the faces are totally different even though they are supposed to be the same person but NeOrigami looks like a giant compared to old Origami.
all girls are terrible when untamed
but Natsumi didn't change that much even after being sealed, it took several volumes for her to finally calm down and all this was possible because she and Shidou never interact with each other outside fighting scenarios.
Miku is terrible in any way.
>Natsumi didn't change that much even after being sealed
that's because shidou hasn't fucked her yet
>that strange close up on Oirgami after Shido rescued her
The fuck was with that? It was even more jarring when they said fuck it, lets no close up on Shido to balance this stupid out.
Why do you like Shidou so much? Sure he's not that bad but he isn't as great as you claim.
This isn't really a problem with the other girls, only Miku and Natsumi seem to be like that but Natsumi at least got better even if took longer than the rest.
He's basic but at least he's willing to do what he must to get results even if that meant running into a storm of knives and electricity to save a girl.
Good development, has matured since the series started, actually competent character whose naive world views have changed the more he learns. It helps his character remains consistent while Tohka keeps getting ridiculous and nonsensical asspulls not only in power but also narratively speaking.
Which scene in specific are you talking about?
You mean the scene where she was confessing she never loved him? Just a directing choice.
The one when Origami is confessing to Shidou she didn't love him. The camera strangely begins zooming in.
>a directing choice
A strange one. There was no need to zoom in. Its fucking weird.
>Reine nowhere to be seen during this scene
I've seen a bit of progress in the three seasons of the anime but from what I've read in these threads, he starts getting even better after this season. But I can't see how he could progress further than this.
I guess they wanted to focus on Origami's expression but the weird thing is that she was't particularly well drawn in that scene. They even forgot she was supposed to have white pupils.
>But I can't see how he could progress further than this
How so? The more a story progresses so can the characters unless you lack the imagination. Shidou finds himself in much worse scenarios, and the more he learns about his past the more he also comes to accept the true about who he is considering this personality is not even natural but a mere response to how he used to be in the past.
They either forgot she was supposed to be on-board, it's a mere coincidence or maybe there is actually something else to it.
I didn't find that to be so weird until you mentioned it. What I found weird is the fact she had no white pupils when just a few seconds ago she had them. It's this what happens when you have several people working on the same thing without communicating with each other?
The better storyline that we needed. Tohka was a huge mistake.
>that whole scene with Origami almost falling
Holy shit, what kind of wood they used for those weak ass fences?
>blue hair
>nice school uniform
>his voice
>very kind
>wants to help others
>cries for the other girls
>willing to give his life for others
>he kisses a lot
Only bad thing is that he is not much of a pervert.
This episode sure had a lot of art changes. I think they got more people than usual to work in the episode, making the end result look more bizarre.
>Only bad thing is that he is not much of a pervert.
Those last two things are awful though.
>his voice
Not sure how you can like his voice, it's the only big issue I have with him in the anime. I know he has the talent considering his other roles but whenever he voices Shidou it sounds like his voice cracks a lot, especially when screaming.
Yeah compare this to the difference in too much to believe it was done by the same people.
I'm sad they skipped the scene where Shidou comments Reine would make a good mother. I wanted to see her reaction.
Really? I find his voice being soft, it fits with his personality.
So why was Natsumi in full power form again?
JC being retarded as usual.
I don't think it fits him current self at all, maybe at the beginning of the series where he was supposed to represent the average VN protagonist but in later volumes he behaves far more mature. Even in this arc I thought the VA would go for a slightly deeper tone but I actually found it be even worse than in previous seasons or even the movie.
Probaly an animation mistake, but I'm not sure how you can draw her entire adult design and not realize she wasn't supposed to be in full power but then again this is the same episode where the zoomed in Origami's face while she was in spirit mode without realizing she didn't have white pupils. It's like they wanted the audience to notice the fact they made a mistake.
I would make Reine into a mother.
Spirits can't get pregnant, Shidou.
I actually think his performance in the movie was better than in the anime.
He did mention that since it had been a while since he voiced Shidou, he had a bit of trouble finding his "voice" again.
Eh, maybe they just wanted to give her VA the chance to voice her adult form again.
When did he mention that? Last year during the anime/game announcement?
Watch me try and succeed.
In one of the interviews that were posted a few months ago.
But she is dead.
>he had a bit of trouble
He sounds a lot worse now or at least his Shidou's voice has gotten worse.
Maybe they should have changed of VA.
>fucking the annoying brat instead of the cute loli
At least it's not that bad as Tohka during S2 and the second OVA. I found her voice to be incredibly high-pitched.
But she gave birth to Shidou.
Miku is worst girl.
Only because she literally created him with her powers and the corpse of the original person he was supposed to be.
Next episode must look terrible if they didn't even show a person in the preview.
After this episode I'm a Shidoufag! No homo though, just appreaciate the guy.
The fact they changed the day it airs tells me it should look even cheaper than usual, that would be quite an achievement considering ep 1 and 5 exist.
Go to sleep, Origami.
Better pray they are adpating volume 12. It's the only volume I'd say it deserves to be butchered.
Origami is listed on the bottom right, that must be Tohka's surname, Yatogami.
I was expecting a beach episode as final episode but if this means giving volume 12 the treatment it deserves then I don't mind.
>battle royal but no one dies
This wouldn't be so bad if they weren't fighting for a simple chance at confessing, something they can do whenever they want.
T. LNfag.
The novel did the scene best.
>Shido didn't ask Origiami to seal her
>He just went and did it because he wanted to kiss her
Shido is a grade A chad.
Shidou is the chades chad to ever chad.
>"instead" instead of both at the same time
Detachable paper nipples.
>fucking shidou chose retard over that
>or this?
[x] Protected
as much I like origami, I hope they fix that one as well.
[x] Touch Origami's origamis
You fucked up
You are several spoilers late m8.
I love Kaguya!
Natsumi is too annoying and stressful to deal with. Yoshino is considered an Oasis for the mind by Shidou.
Worse than that, while Shido has all his memories of old Tobiichi, and now she has some hybridized memories before and after, the rest of the cast knows fuck all about her, yet there's Tohka acting like she's been rivals with Origami for months. Pretty damn shit way of weaseling out of a time travel plot.
I came here to scream silently because origami went back to her normal shitty self. Long hair paper a best.
really in the books, they merged and staler personality only appears around shido
Rude, New Origami is a good girl.
Tsunako, please.
God, I wish I was Tsunako.
Not him but I don't remember that being the case ar all. When the girls were making chocolate Origami was in her old personality, whenever she speaks with her former AST team mates she has her old personality, when ste fights too. During Mukuro's arc she also was in old persinality mode. This is just another white Kotori case where she is supposed to be in white mode most of the time yet we only see black Kotori in the novels but with Origami instead.
That is one of the things people didn't like back then and it wasn't only Tohka who got her memories back somehow, it was all of them. This was the author wanting the a similar status quo to the old one rather than write new interactions and dynamics between the girls and Origami. Even in a good arc like Origami's you can still find some of Tachibana's questionable "touch".
Fix what exactly?
Wait Tsunako wants Shidou in drag as the one true mc?
dont the two personalities fight each other constantly? or am i thinking of another book?
That was the case in volume 12 but not so much in volume 13 then from Mukuro's arc onwards I don't remember reading NeOrigami personality showing up again.
Too bad Shidou using Mio's powers turned out to be nothing special considering he use those powers against a mere illusion or empty shell only to lose the powers immediately after.
>went back to short hair and autism
its not fair bros
What's the name of that track that plays during the Next Episode previews? The one that sounds like a march. Is it in the OST?
Nepgear clones are boring.
Check S1 OST.
I checked
Actually he keeps everything.
>all those deleted videos
I wonder why. The theme is called D.A.K. Pancake but this season uses a different version.
>keeps the powers but somehow Tohka still disappears
>when this wasn't a problem when Mio had them
Doesn't compute.
But she was just an older Yoshino.
If she was her normal self she would be trying to kill spirits for no good reason.
Have a link? I can't find it on YouTube.
Fuck you mysterious steam.
Just google "Date A Live S1 OST". It's quicker.
Her ass is flat, not sure why you are complaining.
Cute little jap butts are nice to look at.
>make swoon
Might as well look at children's butts if you like small butts that much.
I think I'm in love.
HS "subs"
With that face and nose?
Don't mind me if I do.
Yeah, tell that to the cops.
Tell me about DAL: why did they cast Kotono Mitsuishi only for the opening narrations instead of giving her a proper role? What's the point?
But they have the best butts.
The same reason they hired a literal who to voice two main roles in the same season. To reduce costs.
She does have a cute butt.
That looks like a stick.
Yes, I want to stick it in.
Be careful with those splinters.
A more accurate transltion would be "let's date Shidou" or something like that
Thanks for the warning.
Who is the girl on the right?
Keep that stay stick away from the loli though.
Just like Miku, she had different personality for maybe two volumes before going back to the original one. Tachibana seems like one of those authors who doesn't like change.
I thought they would use CGI for the ice armor but it looked good enough. I wonder it would have been different if volume 20 was released after the episode aired.
Maybe they were the first one to see the design of the ice armor before the volume was released. I don't see these guys changing the design of the armor this late into the season.
Did they animate this last segment the day before they aired the episode? It looks so bad, especially Origami.
What? You don't like Jewrigami?
Reminds me of Kaiji/Akagi.
Not sure why they decided to give Origami a nose all of sudden. It doesn't go well with Tsunako designs.
Realistic noses and cute designs don't mix well regardless of the artist.
>Origami flashes her panties
>Turns evil a few moments later
What did J.C.Staff mean by this?
Also, kind of surprised that it took until this episode for the season to get a pantyshot, and even then it's low resolution.
Also, why is it always Origami who gets the pantyshots, instead of say Kotori or Tohka?
What? Kotori got a lot of scenes like that back in season 1, one of the early scenes in the first episode was Kotori showing her panties.
Well she stopped showing her pantsu after that episode, most of the pantyshots in the series afterwards were of Origami, with only one or two from Tohka.
Not really, there was anoter pantyshot in episode 2 or 3 where Shidou was on the floor and he saw Kotori's panties.
That was the last one. I don't think she even had a pantyshot in S2 or S3. I remember that scene because it was the one after Shidou walked in on Tohka on the toilet.
When does the "The real love starts now" scene happen with Shido and Origami? I always thought that was one of the cutest scenes in this franchise.
Seriously underrated post.
Wasn't there literally an imitation of Kotori's stepping on Shidou scene from S1 in this season?
You mean when she says the line?
Like in the last 30 seconds but they ruined the scene by making Origami look like this
Damn, look at that nose.
They also forgot she is supposed to have white pupils now.
Tsunako prefers to draw girls so Shidou as Shiori is a acception.
You don't compute apparently.
Miku is worst girl.
What does that have to do with Origami?
>yep, let's proudly slap our logo on this cut
JC confirmed for jews.
I like the name for this new Origami.