What a redpilled manga. Men BTFO.
What a redpilled manga. Men BTFO
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what did she mean by this?
She really hates batman and would rather hang out with her friend and a tranny instead?
What is this?
probably some yuri shit given the retarded op, back to /u/ mentally ill faggot
why date someone who likes things you don’t like, largely has hobbies you don’t like, and you not liking them at all but then also generalize that this is the fault of everyone else
boys have stupid movie tastes
>Harry Potter
>Hunger Games
I thought the list said women not 13 year old girls
>boyfriend wants to share his interests with you
>instead of communicating your opinion like an adult, "yeah" and "uh-huh" him and waste three hours of your life for no reason
I hope this guy finds himself a girl who truly loves him and isn't a dumb dyke.
Shoulda gone with The Dark Knight Rises, that's proper Kino.
>Brokeback Mountain
What are the ranks and "delta" based on?
Men really do need to pay more attention to what people want instead of just assuming what they like is universally appealing.
This thread will be interesting for finding out which Yea Forums hates more, women or capeshit.
Girls will never understand Bane, because they can't understand a man's desire to be a big guy.
Boys' taste in kino may be stupid, but at least unlike women they know better than to be fascinated by one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody - just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it's certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King
Manga is Toukyou Tarareba Musume a Josei manga
women rise up
She's just upset that the guy hasn't dicked her yet.
Wait too long and she'll begin thinking you don't find her attractive.
To be fair. Batman is indeed very retarded. The amount of convenient rules that keep the joker alive are nothing short of stupid
>Supposedly city is so corrupt they keep the criminals in an asylum so they can gain something out of it, and they can escape death penalty
>Except the jokers murders everyone indiscriminately even politicians all the time, and they have more to lose than to gain by keeping him alive
>Batman is willing to kill others that aren't his enemies just to protect them in case someone has had enough
>If you kill your enemies they win
>assuming what they like is universally appealing
The assumption is more that someone will speak up if they don't want to watch something.
Movies women cannot understand
Why do men shoot people before throwing them out of planes?
Says someone who has never been in this situation before. Not allowing them to play what they want is domineering behaviour. Relationships survive on mutual empathy. She's showing it by tolerating something she hates. He's not, by not considering if she might not enjoy it.
>If you kill your enemies they win
But in the case of Batman is true
The rating comes from IMDb and the delta is the difference between rating. For example if women marked a movie as number 1 favorite (the exact method is unclear to me) and if men voted the same movie as 100th favorite, the delta (difference) is 99. The chart originally appears in this reddit thread (bear with me)
it claims the data comes from this article.
Only because he's a mentally unstable fuck who for some reason thinks that killing one psychopath means he's going to start killing everyone that pisses him off. And even then, won't let anyone else do the dirty work because he doesn't want anyone taking his toys away.
>probably some yuri
What are you talking? This is how Josei manga always goes
>he wants to show his girlfriend his favorite movie
>she wants to watch her favorite show again without him
Nah, she's a cunt.
Imagine the threads if someone did a story time
men love self-inserting themselves into fantasy scenarios
She's not, but he definitely wouldn't be interested in the show she wants to watch.
>Fight Club ranks higher among women
That's a bit of a surprise.
le ebic based and redpilled "No!"-posting envelope-marking user, please eat out my ass and proceed to fuck off!
>She's showing it by tolerating something she hates
That's neither mutual nor empathy. She's sitting there simmering and expecting him to read her mind.
Fuck this dumb bitch I like this movie. Moreover why don't you just tell him if it's not your thing? It's not that hard. Don't bitch about men and your evening being ruined if you can't even speak up for yourself, retard. Grill btw, xd.
Wouldn't the logical compromise be to find something that they both enjoy instead of silently taking turns torturing each other?
She's not interested either, and if she just said something, they might actually find a movie they both want to watch.
Shows men like:
>deal with deep philosophical issues, such as the nature of heroism
Shows women like:
>deals with sucking dick and rampant materialism
Why did we start listening to women again?
The only reason she isn't shutting him down and telling him his movie is shit is empathy to save his precious manfeelings.
And of course its not mutual, didn't you read my post? He's not showing any back.
That would require communication, and no one wants that.
Women will NEVER understand kinography.
Brad Pitt's physique in that movie is often described as ideal to appeal to women. It might have something to do with it.
Women don't?
Just like how some men can't understand the autism behind Baneposting
Sometimes being in a relationship means doing something you don't really want. Whether sit through an uninteresting movie, accompany them on a shopping date, or maybe go to an event your partner wants to go through. It's just a small sacrifice. This isn't limited to romantic relationships either. How many times have some of us done something with our parents that we weren't interested in just to see them smile and have a good time? I've watched plenty of movies with them that weren't my cup of tea, but I didn't really mind.
>deal with deep philosophical issues, such as the nature of heroism
They also like Batman.
>Implying this thing isn't rigged
Silently tolerating something you hate isn't empathy, it's avoiding conflict. Trivial conflict which any adult should be able to talk about.
The guy is trying to show her something he thinks is really good. How would you feel if you went out of your way to show someone you like something you think is good and instead they shut you down and say 'how about something we can both enjoy'.
You'd be livid, because you were just trying to share something about yourself. 'What's wrong with them?' you'd think, 'Why don't they want to learn more about me?' THAT'S why she isn't saying anything. This guy is dense as hell and his interests are boring and cliche, but she tolerates it because he deserves the same respect she would want if she was the one putting herself out there like this.
He is at least making an attempt to do something with her instead of her going out and doing stuff with her friends.
>Sometimes being in a relationship means doing something you don't really want
That's about compromise, not silently giving in and resenting the other person for it. The guy has no idea she's bored and annoyed because she's not saying anything.
nice projecting
He could do something like taking her shopping rather than showing her another capeshit movie.
And this mentality is responsible for the stereotype of women never saying what they mean and expecting you to know what they think. Because of people like you who perpetuate and encourage it.
Anyone that puts "Atlas Shrugged" in high tier needs to neck themselves because they're irredeemable.
Who says he doesn't do that? You can't just go shopping all the time, you will be broke if you do that every day.
I'd say "Oh, okay then, I guess you're not into this" and move on, because I'm not a spoiled child. I don't need her to be the hero Gotham needs and heroically sit on her ass for two hours while playing with her phone so she can brag about how empathetic she is.
>You'd be livid
No, because I'm not eight. I'd probably be put out if they were a cunt about it, but if they're sane enough to just say they don't really like that kind of movie then I'll ask them what they do like and find something we will both enjoy.
Sitting through it isn't respecting him at all, it's treating him like a child who can't deal with her not liking what he likes. Exactly like you're doing.
>wah women should change because I can't bother to try and understand what they think
Yea Forums has the emotional intelligence of a hamster.
Stop posting Quentin's shit opinion.
>The many people defending lack of communication and expecting others to just read minds and know the other person isn't enjoying it very much
This is why divorce rates are on the rise. Everyone feels too self important to actually talk to their partner, and expects them to just know shit.
Stop acting like life is freaking fiction.
How would he know she enjoys that when she won't tell him what she likes?
I would be a bit sad but I would get on with my life and try to watch something else. The issue would be if he proposed a movie and she said sure despite not wanting to watch it or not liking it.
OP is literally that with the sexes reversed.
And should I also try and understand whose post you're trying to reply to?
>You'd be livid, because you were just trying to share something about yourself
No I wouldn't be, because I'm not a retard who ties my self worth or my idenitity to the things I like. I want them to have a good time so I'll ask what they don't like about it, bully them a little or hardsell the show I wanted them to watch if it's a stupid reason, and then offer to watch something else that might suit their taste this time.
mind reading, because god forbid you actually try to communicate with your partner
>He's not showing any back
He isn't fucking psychic. The girl is there watching something she hates to appease the guy when he thinks they're both enjoying the film. This is how misunderstandings are made. If you want to show empathy in secret fine but don't be assblasted no one is praising you for your effort.
>He's showing her something he likes
>She isn't giving any kind of negative feedback
>Is pretending to enjoy it
>He has no way to know she isn't enjoying it
I hope she got the old pump'n dump, because she deserves it
Story Time?
Oh and you wouldn't think any less of a person who couldn't just sit through something you like for you, huh. I bet your calm stable adult selves would just be satisfied never watching anything you enjoy in their presence again.
Don't forget to make her eat all the eggs.
Why are males feminists and trannies such fucking retards?
Why do women like shopping?
Did you get dumped by someone by someone for trying to be "sympathetic", and always doing what they wanted without ever saying anything and getting mad he never became aware of it despite lying about enjoying it or something? Cause you're not making any sense.
Jesus nigger if she doesn't like it then we don't watch it, what the fuck is this projection?
That's a recipe for disaster. She's taking the moral high ground because she's assuming that tolerate what she hates for his sake without saying anything is the proper thing to do. I agree that sharing interests is important but so is being honest about what both of you like (especially is you intend to spend a long period of your life with said person).
People in this thread is already giving shit to the poor guy just because he doesn't realize something the girl doesn't even bother telling him about.
She isn't tolerating shit. She's basically silently insulting him, instead of trying to find out why he likes the movie.
I might think less of them if they aren't even willing to try anything I like, sure. But why the fuck would I need someone to sit through something they don't like for me? Unless they demand I never watch it on my own, what fucking issue is there?
Isn't this manga about 30 ish women who can't get a man? It's easy to see why that would be.
This. What an entitled child she is.
>women hate men's hobbies and liked
>Never say anything
Gee I wonder why divorce rates are so high...
>Actually, I don't think I'm much of a fan of this stuff, can we check something else to watch
>Check around to see if there's something both sides agree to watch
>Make room in the future to watch something either side isn't that big on, so they can check if they'll change their minds about it, and allow their partner to watch something they like
It's so freaking easy. Stop acting like mindgames are required for relationships to work. Lack of communication is what causes 90% of the problems.
Spend more time with people. It's super easy to tell when someone's faking enjoyment.
Her not liking 1 thing is fine, her not liking literally anything I like at all would be a dump.
Fucking kek. Everything makes sense now, what a self-important bitch.
Why is it so hard to understand? You're not making anyone any favors by pretending to enjoy something you don't, because hopefully the other person just wants you to have a good time.
Because both sides are terrible at communication?
>just learn to read minds
Just fucking speak up.
>sex and the city
Lost the right to criticize anyone.
No all the time. Especially not when said person is doing everything in their power to be nice against their nature (which is retarded).
The only one keeping quiet and not talking about their problems in this scenario is the woman though.
It doesn't have anything to do with gender, Dark Knight is gay homo shit and so are all the other super hero films.
True but you would at least voice your opinion instead of just sitting through it silently.
So, shitty women being shitty and being surprised they can't get hitched.
And the one not asking the other about how they feel is the man.
Seriously, she's being monosyllabic and barely paying attention. I don't know how more obvious you can get without being rude. He'd probably notice if he wasn't engrossed in a film he enjoys.
She should be honest about it. A man can enjoy his hobbies even if his gf isn't into them. Taking time away from said hobbies to attend her needs is what counts. But it's important bot allow the other to express their preferences.
You sound like a self centered cunt. I doubt you would do the same for someone else.
Usually when you want to have a good time with someone you agree to do something that you would potentially both enjoy. It's not just about you.
I would have estranged myself from my family long ago if I behaved like you did. "waaaah, you never even watched a single mango with meeee". True, it's shitty and close minded of them, but making a big deal of it is just as retarded. Instead I ajust my willingness to be accomodating with their shit accordingly. "I know you like it but I hate that show, mind if I switch the channel?", "no i don't want to talk about the weather". And so on.
>always thought the mind reading demands were because women couldn't coherently express their feelings to someone who didn't already know what they're talking about
>turns out they're constantly patting themselves on the back for avoiding conflict then getting pissy the guy doesn't notice the conflict avoidance and help pat her on the back for it
god they're worse than i thought
Women should all just die
But then you gotta have this stupid conversation:
>What, you don't like the movie?
>I do, you know how much I love capeshit
>So you don't? Want me to turn it off?
>It's fine!
stop projecting
>Hey, let's watch this thing, it's one of my favorites, alright?
>Yeah sure, let's do it
>Wow, i'm enjoying this so much!
Please. She's also pretending to enjoy it, giving him no indication there's a problem. Speak the hell up and don't pretend.
This. Literally all women do this if they get caught hating shit men like.
This manga is doing a good job of ruining Abe's campaign to improve birth rates with it's too close to home scenario.
He's right tho
Stop using words you don't understand.
"No u!"
>>Except the jokers murders everyone indiscriminately even politicians all the time, and they have more to lose than to gain by keeping him alive
Why should I be the politician to fight the Joker when he is disposing of my competition?
I'm a man and I do this with friends that like capeshit. They turn into a bunch of autistic babies if you criticize them. Its not productive.
First panel on the second page is her going "Wow really?" pretending to care about the movie and what he's saying.
>Hey we are going to watch this
>But you didn't ask me if I wanted to watch it
>To late we are watching it
Please ask someone else if they want to watch or at least what kind of movie they prefer
And yet women think Harry Potter is the greatest movie of all time.
What would realistically happen at the inverse, the guy was able to read her mind and started catering to her instead of himself?
I'm pretty sure they'll act different to a girlfriend, even to a mere female friend. When a girl criticizes my hobbies I try to explain why I like those and if possible avoid bothering her. When a faggit talks shit about my fav movies then it is on.
Do men like capeshit because its a world where you can just punch problems away instead of having to work to understand people?
Who let the womyn outta the fucking kitchen.
Shove em back in I say.
The first step of courtship is all about what the girl wants. If she judge you as a potential partner, then you can start talking about yourself.
tl;dr: the girl doesn't give a shit about you until she is invested in you
Have you watched Civil War? Everything went to shit precisely because they tried to punch their problems away.
If we could read mind, men would hate women even more than they do now.
>being in a relationship with a woman
le epin based repubtle, absolutely epic, simply epic
posting in an epic thread!!!!!11111!!!!!1
le pettankobear blessans hit this shit tasting thread
>Hey we are going to watch this
>You want to watch Batman on a movie date?
>Okay, we're going to watch something else
What, is he going to strap her the fuck down if she refuses?
All i'm seeing here is some posters trying to protect their free wees. Here's how the mindset works:
>He should know that i'm not going to enjoy this thing, and be considerate of me and put something else on
>But, I am such a benevolent creature, i'll put up with it, and allow him to enjoy it without saying I dislike it, because, again, I am so much more above him
>Say i'm not enjoying it? No way, do you want me to destroy his mind, be revealing that me as his partner do not adhere to every single thing he likes unconditionally? If he did that to me I would break, and go cry to my friends
The mentality is that people are way too self conscious, and think the other person is going to throw a fit, or hate them for it. It's basically imagining the worse possible scenario happening, while making no effort to try and explain your side, because, oh no, he might just hate me for it, and I don't want to ruin his image of me, so they build up lies instead to maintain an image, even at the cost of their own entertainment. My mother does the same shit in relation to my father wanting to travel all over the place, even though she likes to stay at home relaxing, and watching movies together, she told me that, but is too afraid to speak up to him about it because she thinks the worst scenario will happen no matter what.
I don't think that's what Civil War was about
When the fuck does this ever happen?
>tl;dr'ing one sentence
nigga wtf is you on ?
She'll dump or cheat on you with an abusive chad because you're too bland and complacent. Occidental women don't know what the fuck they want.
Accounting for zoomers with no attention span.
No, in fact a good superhero movie like BvS would show the exact opposite, that you can't just punch your problems away.
Capeshit as a concept isn't hopeless. It's just that they are THE normalfag genre right now, have been for years, so all of them are shit. TDK is actually pretty good, so you know who I side with on this one.
no man has ever thrown a fit because the girl he was courting didnt like his taste in movies
Literally ribbit, I think that's where the stupid practice of using tl;dr as anything other that a smug reply comes from in the first place.
Be polite and find a middle ground
In the OP?
based and redpilled
I don't disagree, but she's not trying to find shit. Just because someone doesn't ask for your opinion doesn't mean they won't consider it.
This pisses me off. I even know some guys who are like this. Get off your fucking high horse and be frank with me. I can handle people not liking what I like.
>Men are able to appreciate older movies because they can look past shallow shit
>Women just like films with hot guys (by the present-day preferences) and "womyn stronk" shit, so almost all of them are 2000s films
>Be polite
Are you fucking blind or something? He asked a question when he proposed they watch the dark knight together, as if asking for her approval on it. Instead of saying she might want to watch something else for a date, she just puts up with it like it's for work or something.
Just say you might want to watch something else. There's nothing remotely rude about voicing your opinion, especially WHEN HE STARTED WITH A QUESTION FOR APPROVAL.
It's not a false accusation to point out that zoomers have really poor attention-spans on average, it's something they need to work on. Zoomers have such shit attention span that they immediately pull out their phones if the characters in a movie have a conversation that lasts more than a paragraph.
Its like you've never met a man.
He didn't ask if she wanted to watch the dark knight, he just asked "Why don't we watch this movie". He didn't even show her the case for the movie, he just put on the movie without her input.
Remember that you're reading a translation, if I had to guess, it would have been a little more firm in the original. Still definitely more of a suggestion than an order though, because it's Japanese after all.
>why don't we go with this masterpiece ?
he is literally asking her if she wants to see this or not. Anyone that doesn't have the mental capacity of a toddler could simply reply with "nah i dont like comic books movies"
So those threads about "movies/anime/games women will never understand"....
They will right all along. It was not a meme. I thought the subject matter of those threads was wrong because it sounded sexist so I often reported them. I'm so sorry lads
Her criticisms are dumb, that's my only issue. I don't really like superhero movies either.
>to do something
That's actually the only thing he does. Just changing the movie every time.
>calls it a masterpiece
>didn't ask for input
>but yeah sure she should just say its garbage and see how that goes
>guy asks you if you are okay with watching one his favorite movies
>even though you hate capeshit and can decline his offer and watch another movie, you say yes
>you passively agressively give him shit and take the moral highground because you are enduring something that you could have easily avoided with a "no"
why are women like this
im not sure what feminist propaganda have you been guzzling but this is not true at all and normal men are not incels.
what a way to prove us that you dont have any dating experience, you dumb feminist incel.
>This thread will be interesting for finding out which Yea Forums hates more, women or capeshit
Capeshit is just fantasy, women are sadly real
You could be missing 99% of peoples signals, and think that just because you noticed one person faking enjoyment that you can sense it every time.
it seems you neither did
>he is literally asking her if she wants to see this or not
Do you have trouble with rhetorical questions user?
Same as women, its just a different type of self insert
Not the one vouching against this shit but, that's the extreme side of what they're implying.
The idea is that "he made the call, and put it on, therefore, I have no say on the matter" or "I don't want to force him to switch back when he seems so excited about it".
It's basically fear of not being seen as considerate by saying they don't want to watch it.
stop trying to "netflix and chill" with 20 something brats grandpa
This was pretty satisfying. He was your dream guy until he started pushing his movie bs and being a creep in general.
>Do you have trouble with rhetorical questions user?
Hey, now, that's dirty.
It's from a feminists mangaka, so no wonder.
>Hurr you can't have opinions when asking women questions!
Stick around roastie, you basically show everyone here the problem with women
>Why don't we go with this masterpiece?
>Actually I'm not a fan of cape movies
>Oh, sorry, lemme check out what do I have
She literally just has to say "no". Fuck me if you can't be bothered to tell someone you don't want to watch a movie, you deserve what's coming.
>Hey user want to watch this movie
>What movie?
>You know, this movie.
>What movie? What's the name of it? Who directed it? Who's the main star? Can I at least see the case
>To late I already put the disc in
That's more or less what happened, he gave her no info on what they where going to watch and before she had a chance to ask any question the disc was already in the player.
>liking capeshit makes you a creep
Artificial wombs can't come soon enough.
if shes unable to say no, the fault is entirely with her and not the guy
dman, female hypoagency is real
>Why don't we watch this movie?
>*sees title*
>I don't want to watch that movie
wow, so difficult
Post the rest of the pages for context.
What do you people fail to understand, he put the disc in before she was able to say anything. If she asked him to switch movie when it already started then things are just going to get awkward
Worth it just for you.
>saying its garbage instead of saying "nah im good" or "not my cup of tea"
>just expressing your opinion on a positive and nice way could have made everyone happy
if you actually think he's going to enter into a rage fit because some quick bang didn't want to see his favorite movie then i don't know what kind of manhating articles and twitter post you''ve been reading
And as we all know, once it's in the player, there is literally nothing you can do to stop a DVD from playing.
She already knew the movie and it isn't like it's a major pain to just change the DVD. You know it's even more uncomfortable to be watching something you like with someone who doesn't and falls asleep or make faces without admitting it.
Fight Club is fucking shit, and nobody can convince me otherwise. The only logical explanation of the film is that the entire thing is a hallucination (which is just lazy as fuck), because no WAY could anyone convince so many people to be so dedicated to a club where all you do is commit crimes (but never get caught) and beat the shit out of each other. There literally aren't enough mentally disabled people out there to sustain such a club without getting shut down before you're out of the first basement, let alone spread across the entire fucking country.
Jesus I hate that film.
So what? It's not like as soon as he puts the DVD in there's no comeback and they are forced to watch the movie. She could tell him she doesn't want to watch it whenever.
Yeah, they can rope along with anyone who takes that image seriously.
>logical explanation of the film
You already failed your interpretation.
>If she asked him to switch movie when it already started then things are just going to get awkward
I can't believe women really think like this. Holy shit my buddies call me on my shit tastes all the fucking time and I love em.
>say its garbage
Why would you even be that rude? Just say you're not a fan, and would like to watch something else.
If you had actually read the manga you would know that the creepy part was pushing the girlfriend to change her hairstyle to match his movie crush.
Also pushing movies down her throat instead of his member.
I provided an alternative to that, dipshit, which is "muh all fake, all a hallucination" which is as equally fucking garbage as taking that bullshit straight.
Fuck Women and Fuck Western Movies
I actually got mad. Take the (you)
>t. dyke autist
I remember this. This list kinda made me think "Maybe they shouldn't have got the vote". Really inner crisis.
I thought that was your logical explanation, double dipshit?
>All these asspained incels
Holy mother of yikes...
That sounds like an individual problem then. There are plenty of spergs out there, doesn't mean most people will act like dipshits about the smallest shit.
>things are just going to get awkward
>because you have different tastes in movies
Can you only talk to people by avoiding any topics you don't agree on? Holy fuck user. I have no qualms with saying I find a good friend's taste in films, TV, books, games, whatever, shit.
Is this the author?
This. There's very little context in OP's images.
>sitting around watching a movie you hate for 2 hours is somehow less painfull than just saying "can we watch something else"
now thats some retarded shit if ive ever seen one
I don't like capeshit but like 90% of women have shit fucking taste
When I wasnt a neet and had a girlfriend I tried to get her to watch the sopranos and she couldn't get through one episode without getting all antsy
It's so fucking bizzare to me and I don't get it at all
They find shit like that boring but than spend hours listening to the most inane conversations about daily lives that have no bearing or substance on fucking anything
It's like they fucking hate thinking
It's honestly not a good movie though.
>if I choose not to exercise my agency as a human being, that's someone else's fault
female logic, everyone.
I think a major part of the issue that the people that do pretend to go along with stuff, is that they overestimate how they'll be perceived for speaking up.
If you know the person is a wacko who goes mad over stupid shit, then avoid them.
Is this manga supposed to be educational? Telling men what to do and not to do?
and women want to be taken seriously
>30 year old hag that cant get no man
>not being rude and disrespectful while still maintaining that "im better than you attitude"
wow its like women like this are alone for a very specific reason !!
I thought that was just manga in general?
Teaching male how to find female and keep her?
Yeah, like how they tell you to always aim for the tits when you're falling over.
Full chapter for context
Actually the manga is aimed at women. The kind that don't need no man.
It can be.
It can also be retarded but keep some premises that are sane, that end up with the Joker being dead after killing a crowd of people and a bunch of mobsters before that.
And as to why they don't just mob the Joker, well, they TRIED that, at least twice in the Dark Knight. They had squad cars on him...
He ran away. I think in a Squad Car.
When they cornered him he was going to ambush them and kill them with disguised guys/bombs/something.
He's pretty smart. Even if his last plan is "whoops, I guess I can't really get out of this, time to blow up the entire building" he'd do that. He IS insane. He wouldn't be taken alive.
Right? Why don't women understand masterpieces like Goblin Slayer? I just want to see women being raped and put in their place. What could be bad about that?
The problem is women think about how they would react personally and map it onto every situation. A lot of times, like in this situation, the woman thinks "If I showed him The Notebook and he said it was boring and hated it I would instantly freak out and cry and we would have a fight" when in fact most guys, if a girl said they hated The Dark Knight, or they didn't want to watch this, would just say "Oh okay I'll put a different movie on" and literally not care at all. We don't expect women to like The Dark Knight. We don't lose our shit if someone we are dating doesn't like a movie we like. If we took women's opinion of what we enjoy in media and art that seriously it would make dating even more difficult than it already is.
It should be, but as usual permavirgins think good advice is an attack on them and that the world should change instead.
ah yes i too go for comic books written by pathetic virgins that have never touched women for romantic advices
>aim for the tits when you're falling over
What does this mean?
How new are you?
Fuck off with your false dichtomoy
Do you honestly think any women in the world has ever watched the entirety of LOGH?
The answer is no
Here's movie night, literally retard proof
>Hey babe what do you wanna watch?
>Infinity war is on Netflix, let's watch that!
>Ehh, I wasn't really into the whole avengers thing, how about water for elephants?
>Let's check what's on that we both like, that movie isn't my thing
>How about a comedy?
>Yeah I'm down for that! Have you seen (I can't think of a recent comedy but whatever)
>No, let's watch it!
It almost like being an adult and actually communicating with your partner is important. That being said, the girl in the OP is a cunt, my wife does shit I think is stupid all the time (anything to do with horses) but I go out and support her when she rides and even learned some things to help her around the barn. If you actually care about someone, spending time with them is enough to assuage the boredom of doing shit you don't like
capeshitters are even more stupid and desperate for validation than women.
shoujo/josei are superior to shonen and equivalent to seinen, so what reason is there to not read and enjoy it, even if is manbrodude?
That's not really exclusive to women though. There are guys out there who can only assume how others will react based off their own perceptions. It all depends on the person.
Based social competent human being
You're obviously new. Women love LOGH. They love shipping the characters.
>good advice
Pat your gf on the head and thank her at the end of each date for going through the pain of dealing with your boring self without saying anything?
>uses the manga that basically turned into a soft harem with generic fantasy shit for the " epic falseflag"
Yeah, great advice if you're dating a literal doormat
Damn it! What an awesome comment.
Uh, please tell me you don't actually think that...? Wow
Good for you, but OP's image shows you exactly why it isn't retard proof: a retard won't admit they don't want to watch it, and sit there blaming you for not knowing.
I think it's more "the christmas cake thing was not a joke".
There's a reason why they try to force their retarded manchild taste on everyone instead of keeping it to themselves
Okay, I'll be sure to try that if I get the chance.
without irony
>wahhhhh i have a vagina and its not getting its proper dicking
>equivalent to seinen
i shiggy diggy
Have you never watched Spider-Man 2?
nah but watching capetards get btfo is cool
It's true, don't try to deny it.
It's better than shonenshit but
If women aren't watching LoGH who's writing all those BL doujins for it?
>that image
>that filename
>that post
I see what you did there.
You're right, apparently.
Do not date men who proudly claim shit like superhero movies, Breaking Bad, Fight Club, Berserk and Infinite Jest are their favorites. They are massive red flags for garbage human beings.
What about men who will judge a person solely by their taste in entertainment?
>no argument
Agreed. However it is vastly more common in women. The difference is generally most men don't expect women to like what they like in media or art. I would never expect a woman to like The Dark Knight. I would never put it on as a date movie early in the relationship because it potentially creates a scenario like this where she would pretend not to hate it and just sit there bored for two hours. The guy and girl in this manga scenario are both making mistakes, he should not have expected her to like a superhero movie, she shouldn't be pretending to like it. He needs to be more aware, she needs to be more honest.
The difference, and again this is just a generalization, is that if a girl told me she hates a movie I like I would not be mad at all and would actually probably like her a little more if anything. But in a lot of cases if a man tells a woman he hates a movie she likes she takes it as a personal attack as well as an attack upon the ideal fantasy scenario she was already creating in her head where her boyfriend loves all the same media she does.
Those fags are literally replying to a question posed by another (bigger) fag. Good job grasping at straws though.
>S&tC instead of batman
Both are shit and that's like pouring kerosene onto yourself and lighting up your left foot instead of the right one.
Why Berserk among those?
True, but the point is here don't date men who railroad things they like without seeking input in a shared setting.
All the people here saying she should have just said no are ignoring the fact that he never asked for her opinion at all. The discussion should've happened first, not interjected in the middle.
Am I supposed to sympathize with the girl? Cause she just seems like a cunt
Of course I am, the superhero fantasy is all about having society putting you on a pedestal. No talent insecure cucks love that shit.
I hate capeshit as well.
The only capeshit movies I liked was The Spiderman Movies featuring Tobey MacGuire.
Watchmen was okay but only because Dr Manhattan was done pretty well.
I find Marvel movies really bad.
What scene is he talking about there?
That explains an amount.
Women like Fight Club more though. Pay attention.
Point went over your head, shouldn't you go post on a more suitable site for your retardation one where you don't have to read context
Kek, why do Japs draw Whites as ugly looking goons? Fugging kek
Well, I mean, if your girlfriend made you watch some Hallmark movie for two hours you would be super super bored but would probably do what she is doing and just pretend to like it while thinking about all the other fun things you could be doing instead. So she's actually kind of taking what is traditionally a male role in this scenario, so you could sympathize with that part I guess.
>no argument
When you see something like this, you really start to wonder if women ever mature past teenagers.
What did she actually do, though? We've talked all about what he did and should have done, but what did she actually contribute? How would their meeting go if he hadn't shown initiative?
You shouldn't need an explicit invitation to have a discussion. "Lets watch this," is a prompt for you to voice an objection if you have one.
What are you going on about?
No I'd tell I'm not interested in that movie and choose a movie we both would like. It isn't that hard. The second page also shows what a cunt she is
>no u
Wow great argument.
Do not date women
>if your girlfriend made you
How is my (hypothetical) girlfriend going to "make me" watch it? Tie me up? If she convinces me I might enjoy watching it with her then sure.
Sitting there feeling like a martyr because you're watching a movie you don't like because you're so afraid of conflict you can't speak up about it is not a traditionally male role.
Japs make themselves look unrealistically beautiful while Whites have bulbous noses and warts all over their faces, also heavy brows
Breaking Bad is incredibly overrated and only has a great first season and a great ending arc. The entire middle sags like a fat old mans gut. Also, a lot of women like Breaking Bad.
Fight Club is slightly better than the book, but the book isn't great either. Again this is widely liked by women as well as men. (The movie not the book, female Palahniuk fans are pretty rare)
Infinite Jest is incredibly overrated. I wouldn't like or respect any woman OR man who said it was their favorite book.
Don't talk shit about Berserk you dumb nigger.
Date women!
why are people here acting like if women didn't consume capeshit? I literally only watched The Avengers 1 and 2 because my ex wanted to, to this day I haven't even watched their individual movies
I know I probably shouldn't even respond to such a retard but how the fuck is that a "no u"?
And you'd be out a girlfriend in a hurry. Sorry.
>woh i hate this shit instead of watching it and trying to enjoy it with the person i like and find out why he likes it, im thinking about how much better it would be if i was watching my things which are way better because I like them. of course.
There's no way women think like this cunt, when my gf shows me a show or a movie i try to get into it so we can both enjoy it, and if she sees me enjoying it she'll be happier, obviously there's some things you just won't like but wtf
My mom can't stop watching them constantly, it's really annoying
For me its kino punch
Wow you sound like a garbage human
That's cool. I don't date gay men.
>no u
thanks npc
That's some solid shit taste
>male fanbase love rape jokes
>Griffith did nothing wrong
>possible lolicon
>dude Guts is just like me
>"you triggered" jokes from people with Guts/Griffith avatars
>the type of manchild to equate sexual violence with maturity
>those mangabros who insist that it is the best manga ever and will shove it down your throat
Here's your (You).
There are a fucking ton of women who like capeshit.
A shit ton of em love Captain America.
What is this thread even. Just a thinly veiled excuse to talk about 3D w*men?
You seem to have no experience in real life or you suck at picking good partners.
This is how a normal relationship would go
>Hey honey , wanna watch iron man tonight, it's pretty good?
>No, I don't really like super hero stuff, anything else?
>How about this Jim Carrey movie?
>Sure let's go with that
Ok roastie
They say cartoons show how people really see things from the real world, so that makes sense knowing the Japanese sense of pride and entitlement in their own culture and land. It's like how Dr. Shekelstein is drawn in those /pol/ reaction pics, in comparison to the guy they claimed he's drawn after, who just looks like a stereotypical Israeli rabbi. It's how they perceive him. If you took the people who preach "3DPD evil, 2D pure" and had the draw a memage comparing 2D to 3D, they'd draw 2D as they see it, and 3D as they perceive it. 2D would probably be a regular animu grill, 3D would probably be a hunched over old woman with flies circling above her, pointing her finger with an expression of frustration.
I would call you tumblr but even tumblr landwhales love Berserk
You go over to her house and she says "Oh, I'll put on my favorite movie! It's called The Notebook!" and right then you have like a one second window to make a choice and that to either instantly cut her off and say you don't want to watch it which is guaranteed to, at the minimum, not go over well, or to just sit there and let this nightmare engulf you as you suffer in silence.
I think the problem with people on this board (I make no judgement I'm just saying) is that they are not used to being in the scenario where you are in the early stages of trying to convince a women to have sex so you put up with various insane and stupid bullshit while nodding and smiling. A lot of people here are like "I would just tell her I think her shit is stupid and shut it off!" yeah well, you are not getting laid then and you probably just started a big fucking fight.
who do you think watches movies
Horses and barns are neat. You did good.
its a thinly veiled woman hate thread
>be betamax
>go out of your way and spend time with someone
>he smugly recs you the masterpiece known as Naruto
>can't have a internal monologue belittling his taste without undergoing genetic mutation since the internet know identifies you as a roastie
Man fuck those rayciss ass jap niggas. They ain’t neva seen a White man befor?
They just like the movies because of the actors and nerdegurrrrlxdxdxd, they don't like the story or anything outside having approval from others.
Sounds better than being with a fucking bitch who can't handle a partner that doesn't share their taste in everything.
>but then you'll be single for ever
I read this months ago and I am still digesting the insanity of it.
I think they mainly like it cause it's popular so they get social benefits by fitting in. If capeshit was seen as uncool like before most of them wouldn't even touch it with a 3 feet pole.
What a cunt. Not surprising since it's joseishit
Wait, are you >implying they're all just doing what the woman from the OP is doing? Is it all just a bubble of fake empathy?
You don't need to watch a 2 hour film to get laid with a girl, dudes. That's what tinder is for. If she's being this 'self-sacrificing' at the start of a serious relationship then this shit ain't going far.
>you have like a one second window
In what fucking world does conversation work like a quicktime event?
>yeah well, you are not getting laid
Why the fuck are you willing to humiliate yourself putting up with a crazy bitch just to stick your dick in her?
>Hey, do you want to watch [Serious movie x]?
>Nah, I'd rather watch [Serious movie y].
>Okay, as a compromise, let's watch [Comedy movie z] because that way both of us have an excuse to pay almost no attention to the film itself since it's so unengaging and braindead anway
>Alright, sounds good since since I have no desire to actually try and get to know you better by experiencing your idea of quality entertainment and discussing it with you earnestly
Every time. Even in this thread, everyone talking about "compromise" films brings up comedy.
What's wrong with just wanting to watch a serious film which is slightly outside of your normal range, but taking it seriously and making an effort to pay attention so that you might enjoy it?
Why would I want to fuck that kind of woman? I don't have shit taste
If you're putting up with shit just so you can get laid then you have no one to blame but yourself. If you actually want something more than a fuckhole, then it's in your best interest to speak up and risk "big fucking fights" happening if you don't want resentment to start building up. As an aside, if your girl wants to pursue a "big fucking fight" over something as trivial as the movie you two are going to watch that day, then she's probably not a good match for you to begin with.
>im just not feeling super heroes today,
>can we watch something more comfy?
>sure, here,lets see what we got. do you like any of these?
>find movie together if no movie go rent one or netflix depending on time period
is this an american thing? women being THIS retarded? i had that same conversation with my gf like 4 months ago why is it so fucking hard (except we watched a movie online instead of netflix)
>What's wrong with just wanting to watch a serious film which is slightly outside of your normal range, but taking it seriously and making an effort to pay attention so that you might enjoy it?
Absolutely nothing, that's how you expand your horizons. But it's not what's happening here, and the movies in question aren't that "serious" in the first place.
Actually user what you said is the best option but the girl in the OP clearly has no intention to do that. So the other option is to compromise.
>implying anyone on Yea Forums (or Yea Forums for that matter) has read Infinite Jest
>implying (you) have ever read IJ
Daily reminder Vegeta was a Virgin incel for 40 years of his life
Comedies and the like benefit from being watched with other people. More serious movies usually don't. If I want to focus on the movie I don't want other people around to disrupt my autistic concentration. I certainly don't want to watch it with someone that already knows it's their favourite movie, as that usually means they will talk about it while watching it (as in the manga above), and fuck that shit.
My post gives no indication of which speaker is of which sex, nor does it portray either of them more negatively than the other.
>Wait, are you >implying they're all just doing what the woman from the OP is doing?
No, more like anons here do, watch anime only because "girl X", women do the same with movies only because "actor X" is playing "role Y" and just watch the movie but dont really care about sorce material or if the story is really interesting. Or because of the approval from a group of friends, "hey I'm really nerd, I watched all "hero X" movies that were released".
>Atlas shrugged in God Tier
Opinion dismissed
All relationship problems would just be solved if everyone just autistically spouted whatever they were thinking all the time!
What a concept.
Hardly fair, no one on Yea Forums reads anything longer than a tweet.
Yeesh, I guess people are right about weebs
>As an aside, if your girl wants to pursue a "big fucking fight" over something as trivial as the movie you two are going to watch that day, then she's probably not a good match for you to begin with.
I don't want to marry her! I don't want to spend the rest of my life with her! I just want to have sex with her. And she's HAF so if I have to pretend to watch The Notebook to cross the finish line then goddamn you you better believe I will watch The Notebook.
>You have to be spouting EVERYTHING you're thinking about in order to communicate with someone
Are you mentally challenged?
I think they made a Kino episode about that.
It's like people here have such little relationship experience that they are incapable of understanding that 90% of the foundations of all relationships is held together by pure lies. It's literally the grease that allows the gears of the relationship to continue turning without grinding and heating up until the fucking engine explodes.
but i want something GENUINE
Oh fuck you're right.
It's even easier to not expend time with anyone though.
>learn to read minds
>i'll do whatever a woman wants to appease her so she will let me stick my dick in her
Got un-virgins are so fucking pathetic.
> Berserk
as long as I like Berserk, it´s true it is far from being the best manga ever since it went dowhill with the boat and most berserkfags are insecure idiots.
Uh ok teen, go right ahead. Keep suffering in silence while the nightmare engulfs you, as you put it.
I know this is bait but what scares me is that this is legitimately how 3DPD approach relationships.
Fucking terrifying
Holy shit literally Kino
If you just want to have sex pay a hooker. If you're dating someone that you don't feel comfortable saying something so banal stop being retarded and break up.
who the fuck let /soc/ in
It's not that much about the lie but about pretty much giving up and saying 'yep this is how it is to date men/women'. It's a pretty dumb way of looking at things because it renders any chance of possibly enjoying something your partner likes moot.
Ah yes, another excellent thread of anime and manga.
>why she didn't say anything
sound of music is kino.
Both sides put up with stuff they don't like. That's part of a relationship.
also a manlet, and still is. which explains why he was a virgin for 40 years
What movies is she talking about?
Well I do like it when an idiot saves the president
He could’ve have raped any woman he chose but he’s too beta
I kinda wanna watch Boats, sounds comfy.
Master and Commander
Any pirate movie and most action movies have a fucking boat scene for some reason
Did the attention whore write a Girlfriend Wants to Watch version? Didn't think so, the whore.
Part of the relationship is finding out what things you both enjoy and steering the boat towards them so that you can both be happy and enjoy them together.
Having said that, if you immediately screech out "I HATE THIS!" during the early stages of dating like a lot of people in this thread are advising in the name of "Honesty" then the boat is going to sink way, way before you ever get to that point. That boat is going down like the fucking Titanic*.
*a movie that women like
Master and Commander.
I've never met a woman who didn't hate it.
The Terror is another one. There's no way women could ever enjoy that movie.
>that profile pic
*TV series
It's true we like movies where people fight, idk about boats tho
>Minority leaves his country to find a better life in america!
>Man sacrifices everything in his life maybe even life itself to be with woman 4! how romantic~
>Women comedy where the jokes are how much money they have and how they can do whatever they want while still getting the man at the end!
>let's resolve this problem with our feeling
and everyone's favorite
>all men are evil except for hot man who i also hate, but love at the end of movie
Top movies your Girlfriend wants to watch:
>Being respected in the workplace 4
>Money v. Relationships: Dawn of Menopause
>Ugly Girl gets hot guy because of her personality 2
>Kiss Kiss Fight Kiss
>It's hip to be irresponsible
>implying any of these 3 is bad
Wow mate, careful not to cut your self on that edge
Forgot minority has bad life and you should feel bad """"""BASED ON A REAL STORY""""""
God Yea Forums makes some quality bait images, that one still gets tons of (you)s to this day
BASED ON A REAL STORY?! damn now i HAVE t watch it!
What about Fight Club, Clockwork Orange and The Godfather? I really love Godfather so I don't complain but god dammit the former two suck balls and not in a good way.
Superior chapter about superhero movies.
>For A Few Dollars More
The biggest argument I can have with anyone is over which Dollars movie is the best.
It's The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Don't even bother to try and dispute this. All three are amazing but that is next level.
>if you immediately screech out "I HATE THIS!" during the early stages of dating like a lot of people in this thread are advising
No one has suggested screeching like a retard, just politely suggesting that you'd rather watch something else instead of suffering in silence.
This thread was extremely enjoyable and I would like to thank the mods for leaving it up. Yea Forums and Yea Forums mods have been insufferably hair trigger this week on deleting stuff so it's nice to see a fun thread stay up even if it's slightly OT.
You guys forgot the one divorcees like
>Women get together to take revenge on men for X reason
You forgot
>interchangable generic young adult novel of the year
What the FUCK
>Grill btw, xd.
Kill yourself.
Why would you even go to Yea Forumsmblr these days.
>Comedies and the like benefit from being watched with other people.
are you the fucker that keeps making them put laugh tracks in everything?
t. woman and/or 13 year old girl
1/20 is pathetic for quality to shit. I'd bump it to 1/10 since Edward Scissorhands is good
>silent hero journey boy
Is this bitch dissing on based Goose?
Hunger Games is genuinely bad and Jennifer Lawrence can't act for shit
Yeah, that's honestly a direct shot at the Gooseman.
Actual movies adult women watch (a list not made by incels):
Amelie Poulain;
Bridget Jones' diary;
The Devil wears Prada;
Jane Austen movie adaptations;
Mean Girls.
Here, a proper list.
Based, incels fuck off back to /pol/ and /r9k/
Unless you mean he wanted to fuck Goku after meeting him, you don't know what that word means.
No, a laugh track is in no way similar to actually laughing with people who are physically with you. Laughter is a social cue, so if you're trying to socialise more than trying to watch a movie that's a good thing.
Also comedies usually don't require very fixed attention so it's much easier to talk over them a bit. Again, this assumes everyone in the room wants to do that rather than being the one retard making "witty" comments about a film other people are trying to actually watch.
>Sex and the City
I thought nip females only cared about media featuring androgynous men?
Thats like reading through crystal.cafe
Then do that. If all you want is to get your dick wet, then do it.
But don't pat yourself on the back for putting up with a movie you don't like, or blame the other person. It's a transaction; you make them happy, however superficially, and you get sex. Either that's worth it for you, or it isn't. Either way, you don't get to bitch, even internally.
Anyone who wants to have sex but can't get it is an incel. That's most people.
yikes what a problematic thread no wonder you guys can't get laid
Where are those women? The few women that I got to talk about my hobbies with didn't have any problem in tell me they hated it to my face.
Ok let me find other proper buzzwords: /r9k/tards or /pol/tards.
>proper buzzwords
That's an oxymoron.
Crystal Cafe is a beautiful place for beautiful women/girls.
Those are great, specially if they are mature, nihilistic and have a wicked sense of humor.
What board am I on?
>the man is right
>no the woman is right
You're no fun at parties
Thank you.
Its a depressing cesspit that what it, I still havent figured out who are girls, larpers or girls larping guys larping girls
>possible lolicon
Such connoisseurs would never date a filthy 3DPD, you can take them off the list.
Is that because you didn't have anything to analyze?
I've done things that I don't enjoy with my girlfriend, but I never even thought the insults she's thinking.
Anyone that can afford a whore is able to have sex if they want. That's almost everyone.
You don't have to watch something to ship characters.
I mean....
This must be a elaborate rp Im missing out on
I really wanna watch Boats now.
maybe women's suffrage was a bit hasty
The woman is actually taking the role traditionally played by the male in Western societies, maybe it's slightly inverted in Japan, it wouldn't surprise me. The women give the men valentine gifts there after all.
Usually what happens is there is a power imbalance where one person wants to have sex more than the other person does. Traditionally, as males are the one in pursuit, the female is usually more openly dismissive if you attempt to force her to do something she doesn't want to do like go to Wrestlemania or watch The Dark Knight.
The only time a girl would just accept it and pretend to not hate it, like a guy does, would be if there is some sort of unusual power reversal where she actually wants to bag the guy more rather than the other way around, like if he's super rich or hot or famous. For example if a girl was dating Chris Hemsworth, and it's one of the first few dates, yeah, she won't say a word when he puts on TKD.
Incels are homeless and too physically disabled to rape.
I love Disney too
>still trying to justify being shit at communicating
Even after all these user's replies jack hammering your brain trying to make you reason you still do this. I know this is Yea Forums and should have a small percentage of femanons (excluding all of us who are little girls) but your logic makes me wonder what boards like /cgl/ are, God help me remain ignorant of such Lovecraftian abominations.
I had a female friends end who is very open about not liking trading card games but likes to watch us play YGO because she says she enjoys the banter. She's a bit weird.
They are all biological, natural-born females until proven otherwise. God, going on that website and reading what they have to say gives me such butterflies in my stomach, it's so cute, it feels like listening in on an all-girls sleepover, an experience I missed out on as a schoolboy. Crystal.cafe is cute CUTE
LOGH's first manga version was released in a magazine for little girls. You're delusional if you think they don't watch and spend money with it.
I honestly don't know which fanbase is worst: Jojo, LOGH, Gundam or HxH. For some reason fans of these series think girls are actually not invested on it, meanwhile in Japan they're throwing buckets of money for the merch.
this is like a female version of the old Yea Forums ronery threads
Also would a 30 years old female virgin be considered a witch?
No. A Christmas Cake.
They're incredibly rare and not posting here then.
Not if prostitution is illegal.
Women can only think on extremes, you either tank everything they throw at you, or you autistically bitch at everything that ever happens and may happen to you.
Is that a legitimate reason to report a thread?
Report and ignore, but then again this thread has been awhile for too long, give your proper thanks to the OP and the mods.
>>turns out they're constantly patting themselves on the back for avoiding conflict then getting pissy the guy doesn't notice the conflict avoidance and help pat her on the back for it
try not being autistic and you'd notice their feelings for once
Because only someone from those shitty boards would enjoy such a shitty thread with someone who you could argue was a troll or a real braindead person.
>going to parties
3D can't be something so pure, I suggest the term old hag.
>All those Harry Potters, but Goblet of Fire is not no 1
>Hunger Games
>Despicable Me
>Frozen and Tangled
>For a Few Dollars More 1
>Raging Bull 4
>The Thing 10
>Rocky 12
>Seven Samurai 16
>Lawrence of Arabia 17
>Blade Runner 2049 19
Movies in my own top 50- Absolutely fucking based
Das Boot
and people say gender is a social construct
I honestly can't fathom such a difference in taste, it almost seems rigged which makes it more credible since no one is stupid enough to put literal shit on one side and a lot of masterpieces on the other.
"Why?" is an interrogative, you foul cunt.
The same said that doc who changed the sex of an infant making him kill himself latter when he found out, further demonstrating the opposite.
>he put the disc
Had a permanent scowl on my face reading through that thread. Thanks a lot.
It's interesting as well how diverse the films are for men in terms of genre and period, compared to the women's list which is predominantly comprised of 21st century blockbusters
Scenes that women will never understand
Funny thing is that women do literally the same shit everytime, with the movies too. Only difference is that they will not even try to show you what is so interesting in something they like, but try to insist that you are an idiot because you not liking it.
You see the Dark Knight movies were good. Sadly women fucking aren't. And besides women don't have Bane,unlike the Dark Knight movies.
Some men are women. Some men don't understand men's true romance either. Some men are subhuman.
>this entire thread
Different people like different things.
I've had this done to me,and I just end up trying to get them to tell me why they don't like it and start an artistic discussion over it. Also I guess I'd try and ask what they like. And besides I really hate dating close-minded fucks,who won't give something someone they care for a chance and try and find its' good sides. Those people deserve to be euthanized.
>wah men should change,because I am unable to grasp their thought patterns
/cgl/ has the empathic ability of a clam.
You shouldn't have to learn someone's tells for feigning enjoyment when you're fucking friends with them,you fucking abomination of the flesh.
Both men and women are dumb. Only I am not.
Nah,normalfags like it for that reason. And besides in the Dark Knight movies Batman only fucks shit up by trying to punch it away,instead of working on a more complex solution that involves the populus of Gotham.
That's why director was a wo"man".
Daily reminder that women are actually proven NOT to be more sexually attracted to men then to their own gender.
I'm actually most interested in the highest-ranked, lowest Delta movies. What has universal appeal?
It's also kind of interesting that almost all the women's movies are from post-2000 - there are three exceptions, two of which are from the 90s. Yet there are only three men's movies from the post-2000s, and only two from the 90s. The women's movies trend toward the younger demographics, too - Despicable Me, Harry Potter, Frozen, Wonder Woman, Tangled, and Beauty and the Beast. It makes me think there's some kind of issue with how they're getting the data; there's no way a properly unbiased polling group is giving up these results. You really think the women who voted in six Harry Potter movies are from the same generation as the men who ranked Paths Of Glory, For A Few Dollars More, and Rashomon?
I am surpised you can actually post a blank post,without even an image. The possibilites for flooding are vast. Please do teach me how to do that.
That's still a few ladder rungs above a woman.
Notice how there is no capeshit on the men's list but capeshit on the women's.
Really makes me think.
So being a normalfag is actually good advice? Not communicating with your partner and simply attempting to one-sidedly please them,because that's what a ''grown man'' does? No fucking thank you. This isn't good advice. If anything good advice,would be to realize most women aren't worth it,and to learn to work together with the few that are.
It's completely plausible the same generation of boys had the most positive difference in opinion about those movies compared to the girls. Also ratings are presumably averages, not a survey with people putting the 1000 best movies in order.
It's from IMDB. Women are less inclined to be really into movies and make accounts on imdb or something so the pool for men is a bigger is this rank.
>You really think the women who voted in six Harry Potter movies are from the same generation as the men who ranked Paths Of Glory, For A Few Dollars More, and Rashomon?
Yes. My mother is almost 60 and that list could very well be hers. She loves shit like Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Frozen, Despicable Me, etc. And I'm 26 and I love shit like The Dollars Trilogy, Kurosawa films, David Lean, etc.
I don't think it has anything to do with generations, and I don't see why IMDB would have any disparity in its userbase that would cause that anyway. Women care more about whether something is popular than men, whereas men care more about how highly regarded something is. Women tend to treat their hobbies as an avenue to socialization, whereas for men, it's a more introspective venture.
Imagine a lot of people in here don't find enjoyment in a fuck and don't really seek it,and instead want a meaningful relationship with someone,and as they pursue that,they find this whole scenario really unpleasant and also illogical from the point of view. But your point still stands within the paradigm you set up.
How is that bait? It's 1000% true and not surprising in the least.
But what if you actually know this but resent it? Ever thought about that angle you cocksucking normalfaggot?
Silent Hero Journey Boy is fucking kino and I will fight you on the beaches,fight you on the landing grounds and fight you in the fields and streets and never surrender.
>those filmbros with generic taste who think they are special
I am still wondering how all these people are making blank posts,where they get away with not even posting images. This is some fourplusfourchannel-tier experimental feature right here.
Because it was bait user
Pray where doth thee think thee art? Be ceased and gone!
No one's forcing you to be in a relationship. How about you back off people actually making it work though? You can't claim to know better while admitting you're screaming from the bottom a well of ignorance.
For whining about no one in this thread having dating experience, this hypothetical scenario you've concocted seems pretty outrageous, especially for one of the first few dates. I don't think I've ever had a woman jump me with a movie like that, if they're the one that brings it up, they usually ask for your input. And even if they did, it's not like there's no way out. You just have to suggest something else without being childish about it. I also think most women have the self-awareness to not suggest something like The Notebook.
I think that's the problem with OP. Maybe it's a cultural divide, and it's different in Japan, but most women don't really have a problem with capeshit, and in some cases are even more excitable about it than men are.
It'd be cool if they all fucking throw themselves off supercomputers tbqh.
Is she a lesbian?
seems like retard SJW shit, tumblr landwhales/resetera niggers would eat up
The biggest crime is that Prisoner of Azkaban, the best movie, is nowhere on the girls' list
>a well of ignorance
The projection is strong,but let me oblige you and go on and let you know that just because I resent basing your relationship on lies,just to ''make it work'',doesn't mean I haven't used this strategy myself. Only because I actually have,can I condemn it.
>posting this when it's linked to your profile and your garbage taste is on full display
When are you seeing Ms Marvel bro? You've seen every other Marvel flick.
manchildrens, capeshitters and soifags BTFO
> clifford for president
The pornhub data has limited interpretation because we don't know the % of lesbians involved. It is possible that more lesbians watch porn. For example if (IF) lesbians are more sexually active and consume ten times more porn, or are ten times more likely to go to a porn site, then the lesbian category in that pornhub data will be 10 times bigger than it should be. Another example: if 100% of heterosexual men in a group do not watch porn but one gay guy does, the porn tendency will say "100% of men watch gay porn". Interpreting incomplete data is dangerous.
They asked a bunch of teenagers for the women's part, right?
Women's taste does not get better as they get older bro.
What is a Silent Hero Journey Boy movie? I can't think of any archetypical example. I can think of some movies that follow a man from boyhood to adulthood (ex: Forest Gump) but these movies rarely have a silent character.
>sex in the city
KEK, didn’t even read after that. Asspained mangaka with terrible taste
I opened that image and it made me laugh then I opened the thread and the second image made me angry. How hard it is to just fucking you know, talk?
Yea Forums's favourites such as Drive and Blade Runner '49.
Roasties eternally BTFO
I don't know what they get out of shows like Sex in the City besides vicariously living through the gals and wishing they were rich and pretty enough to fuck around in Manhattan
What's the manga?
I want to get BTFO. Whats the sauce???
Just over 25 posts until autosage sends this thread to the abyss.
Implying 3D pig disgusting aside, does anyone actually find the main cast from Sex in the City attractive?
It's like shitty isekai harem shows but for women
So Yea Forums was right, women can't understand Nolan's masterpiece.
Really big missed chance not drawing CIA there
I have an older female colleague (like a few years past 30) and she literally only watches "funny" and "beautiful" 3D animation movies.
Women just don’t get it.
Men watch fiction to GET AWAY from reality. That’s why we like shit about werewolves and ninjas and gladiators and commandos and shit. It’s escapism that appeals to our nature as hunters & warriors.
Women consume fiction to ENHANCE their idea of reality.
>Feeling sad?
>Watch movie about sad girl
>Feel in love?
>Watch movie about girl in love
>Feel happy?
>Watch movie about happy girl
>Feel baby crazy?
>Watch movie about anything cute & babylike
Stuff like that appeals to female nature as socializers drowned in a sea of emotions.
You only looked at the left graph and not the right one, or the one under them.
Read Berserk and you'll be cured of your desires.
Because it's typically not done with their own money.
Jesus Christ. I’m surprised they didn’t tick off all the goofy shit girlfriends do when you try to watch a movie.
>”Soooo, who was that guy?”
>”Aww shit, what’d I miss? Are they dead now?”
>”Hehe, he looks silly”
>”user do you think she’s pretty? Be honest it’s okay”
>*bad impression of a side character*
>”How long is this again?”
>Touching you and trying to play when you just wanna watch the damn movie
>”So uh...why did he let himself die for that other guy?”
At least you're right about IJ.
The same could be said for any person who likes any of the big three pretentious authors on Yea Forums.
Who are the big three? You better not include Tolstoy.
>You better not include Tolstoy
You're just being a contrarian.
Joyce, DFW, and Pynchon.
>girlfriend says she has to go to the bathroom
>do you want me to pause the movie?
>oh no don't worry
>5 minutes later
>this movie is boring I don't understand what is happening
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth is great. How is liking Tolstoy being contrarian?
Fuck, I just missed the "not" there. Tolstoy is great. He's one of my favourites.
Why would a girl ruin her position with a man by telling him shit he doesn’t wanna hear?
Or you could just like, y'know, not fake enjoyment and actually communicate with others.
>The guy is trying to show her something he thinks is really good. How would you feel if you went out of your way to show someone you like something you think is good and instead they shut you down and say 'how about something we can both enjoy'.
>You'd be livid,
No I wouldn't. I would try something else. Netflix, amazon, hulu, w/e, has a ton of series and movies neither of us has seen or she has seen and liked. People getting that hung up on a movie is insane, for men or women. Being that demanding about what flashes on the idiot box for a few hours is why so many 40-50yo women are still trying to doll themselves up to have that Sex and the City girls night out while desperately trying to find their Mr. Big.
From the two panels in the first posts I get the impression that neither of them is really all that interested in the other.
Someone should tell women that men want to hear thought out opinions
>all those Harry Potter movies
>none of them are Prisoner of Azkaban
Even within their shit taste they have shit taste.
prisoner of azkaban is the best HP movie and the half-blood prince is the best HP book
Actually that one makes sense, since it's measuring the delta. It means men ranked Prisoner of Azkaban the highest out of them