Who's excited for the anime adaptation?
You have any hopes that it will be good?
How far will they adapt the first season?
the anime will ruin the threads, hopefully not though
Fucking retard
not anymore, apparently beastars is too problematic, if people like him carry on with this narrative then beastars threads will remain free of normalfags
they really do want to see things that aren't there. is just a high school drama written by a woman, where is this whole gay thing coming from? also there are male herbivores and female carnivores, what is he talking about?
Is it impossible for people to enjoy a fucking comic/manga/anime/movie whatever, without thinking about politics?
i always thought this was just some gay furry shit. but looking at this makes me want to give it a chance. looks like it pissed off the right people. is it, dare i say, based and redpilled?
I aint reading all the furfaggotry.
these faggots are like the ghosts from 6th sense, they see what they want to see, they feel what they want to feel, and they don't know they're fucking dead inside
beastars is anti gay propaganda and pro racism, poor though out zootopia ripoff and an analogy of the struggle of being queer in a heteronormative society, if you are lgbt, don't read it.
they struggle so hard to be progressive i think deep down they do enjoy things from decades ago but don't want to admit is funny because it will go against their newly progressive image. i do wonder what thing do they find funny nowadays
I tried to read it for the first few chapters and I quickly dropped it after the scene of male deer seducing the male wolf
Not only this manga is furryshit but GAY as well!
it has some sublte gay shit but im guessing it has to do more because is a woman who works on this so i can't really blame her enjoying some fujobait. so is amusing how this faggot found the anti gay shit and racism when the manga focuses on the interspecies dilemma, the gay shit is really unnecessary to even add to it and wouldn't improve the story in anyway
Mr. Twitter furfag is a retard, but Beastars is a very political manga, pretending those aspects don't exist when discussing it is silly.
>the struggle of being queer in a heteronormative society, if you are lgbt, don't read it.
kek you guys really do see thing when they aren't there
paru confirmed in an interview, that it's about men and women, how men are so much more stronger than women and how they have they always have this instinct inside of them to act out but need to keep all that energy bottled up since it's no good for society. they have to repress those feelings and be careful or they might hurt someone (see legosi, and the panther that ripped the arm off)
while women, are much more weaker than men because of the difference in power, how they're expected to protect themselves against such stronger foes, and how they aren't taken as seriously in the work force (see sebun)
im paraphrasing of course but she gave a couple more examples, so basically it has nothing to do with LGBT kek
thanks for posting that, i made an improves version of it
more like gaystars amirite
really? didn't the author confirm it was about men vs woman and they're pros,cons? something like that? i remember reading the interview, i guess that's political too, but not LGBT levels
but she made male herbivores and female carnivores, wouldn't that go against her narrative?
I had almost the same exact thoughts about everything this person said apart from the queer thing, and many other people will be able to point these things out. I mention that in every beastars thread.
And they are completely justified in doing so. When you write a story that tackles these topics then you need to make sure to do them right.
I applaud the japanese author to talk about these things in the first place, but it also shows their ignorance on these things.
I still loved reading the manga tho.
call me a retard if you like but i like reading beastars and never saw the subtle message. I only saw the realistic depiction about carnivores and herbivores and the obvious issue they face for trying to coexist and how some grew to be almost desensitize when it happens. Maybe im not too fond of reading between lines and just want to enjoy something on a superficial aspect while at the same time enjoy when a character is being developed
thank you user, you're doing god's work
It's the way they are coded. Herbs play the female role and carnis are male. The stereotypes put on them are similar to how men and women are stereotyped.
You can enjoy problematic things. Just be aware of it and don't deny it.
This is what I get out of it as well.
...I love you
that makes sense, even tho, there are male and female herbs/canines, it's pretty obvious that it's just what the represent
so is paru saying men shouldn't be repressed and, let's assume we can throw also, having a fragile side (in legosi's case) because that's fucking based considering the people who whine about men being toxic are the ones repressing men's nature and mocking them about their fragile masculinity. holy shit paru is fucking based
who knows how many years till we see the best sheep
I could not read this thing without making the obvious white/black and male/female comparisons. It's pretty clear what type of imagery the author wanted to invoke.
>sebun secretly wants to be eaten by a carnivore
>a woman secretly admits to like men being men
am i getting this right?
maybe im just too annoyed that everyone wants to find everything problematic for many years i just don't bother anymore about the subliminal messages, there is hardly any form of escapism nowadays without someone trying to claim that it has "problematic" connotations.
So she is saying that men are fundamentally different from women not only in strength but behaviour too and that it's genetic? That will cause problems.
Because textbook overthinking is dangerous when paired up with an agenda. You see it all the time in the "anime community" for some reason with people constantly seeing things that clearly were not there and over-analyzing something.
the threads have been shit for a while now
it can always get worse, of course
ahhh...i can already see it...
BEASTARS is a problematic anime and here's why:
do female hyenas still have penises in this universe ?
The thing is it being problematic shouldn't hinder you from enjoying it. How many feminists enjoy listening to hiphop despite all the sexist shit that is being said in there? You don't have to hate these things.
Why do people always think that this manga is trying to send a message or talking about real life? It's about carnivores and herbivores not race or gender, there may be some parallels but in the end it's not something that really can be put in a human context
Fucking brainlet, all stories carry a meaning that's rooted in real life politics or phone philosophy
god i hope so
perhaps i have a distaste for the word problematic for how its been used these past years that everytime i read it i can already expect what they gonna criticize about.
>Why do people always think that this manga is trying to send a message or talking about real life?
Because god forbid something isn't allegory or metaphor. It's almost like people cannot take shit at face value for what it is.
>tfw textbook biology is problematic in america
what happened? what shitty timeline have i fallen into?(im not american btw) when i was younger america was something to admire, to hope for, to wish to be good enough, so that one day you could live there too!
after years of studying and working i finally have my visa and all the stuff i need to go live there for some time...
but now...for the first time in my life im doubting living in america with all the shit that's happening over there with feminism and LGBT,
PLEASE Americabros tell me it's not as bad as it looks!
Not that user and forgive me if I offend you, I have no intentions of that sort, but what exactly is problematic about it? The fact that some biological dynamic's going between herbivores and carnvores that most of them can't control which is compared to a male-female dynamic? Or am I getting it wrong?
where you live? california?
Are you baiting or have you been brainwashed? Because there is no way this is how an actual person thinks
dont go to california or any state with black pop of >10%.
the latter, not surprised though, this is the standard nowadays
But it's obvious that the author is trying to take a stance or elaborate on a social issue. Why act as if that's not the case?
Jack is CUTE! CUTE!
paru needs to put jack back
There are many ways I could see people have issues with Beastars. There are two major metaphors that would be obvious to most people. Race and Gender. The way these things are depicted in Beastars and how these implications translate into real life are the problematic parts.
Like how racism or specism(the way its called in the manga) is basically justified due to the very real and very dangerous differences between herbs and carnis.
So basically, Japanese woman proves to be much better in creating stories that deal with gender and gender conflict than the entirety of the Western world.Though I highly doubt it's only that, I'm pretty sure she's got a genuine curiosity and fascination with imagining a society with intelligent animals and the various complexities, struggles and differences between herbivores and carnivores. You can clearly tell in her previous manga which centered around a male llama and a female canine where the predator and herbivore relationship outright turns fetishistic with the llama guy letting the wolf eat his fingers.
It's partly why I like the series, I always dig shit where you make up non-human societies and explore how the values and all sorts of things would be like in such societies.
Every piece of art is political. It's created by a person with their own political leanings and opinions, therefore it is too.
The act or idea of trying to create something apolitical is a political act in and of itself.
maybe people are just projecting their non existential issues
im from South america, Argentina
wow, both of you said california, gues im avoiding it,is that place really that bad?!
Also, wanna hear something you guys won't believe?
yes, i live in Argentina, but i've seen a black person like twice in my whole life, there's literally no blacks here, like wtf right? everyone thinks it's a niggerzone kek
So am I getting it right, you're saying that Beastars got a problem, because they portrait a social system where different standards for different "people" is justified which also justifies real life sexism/racism?
just like in the manga, in real life we still try to deny people's way of thinking aka, muslism are cool! when they're beheading people left and right
Aaaaaaaaaand it's over, Beastars Thread will officially be shit from now on, you're all a bunch of carniggers
kek for real? i guess argentina is (unironically) white then, but about california, is a nice place to visit, to live not so much because is too expensive and if you want to live there you have to live in the worse parts of it which are filled with hobos, niggers, spics and some gooks
Would a little bit of politness kill you?
and here i was afraid the threads will be ruined because of the furfags but instead we got sjw wanting everyone to accept beastars is political and racist
> eats grass
lmao at your life
So what you are saying is that you can't separate politics from other things in life? So yeah the former.
Is this an american thing?
Yiff in hell furries.
you can thank anita sarkeesian for her quote, now the progressives are finding every piece of media as problematic
"Personal is political" is a slogan from the 60's, user
Yes, because it's trying to depict different races as fundamentally different in terms of behaviour. She likens Carnis to black people and herbs to white people.
She uses the framework of real world systematic racism to show that the way carnis are treated in society is bad.
But that beautiful message of diversity she wants to convey falls apart due to the fact that in her analogy black people/carnis are inherently different and therefore deserve to be treated differently. People deserve to be wary and suspicious of them. And that's the part that is racist and will most likely be called out by most people.
The only saving grace is that her intentions were noble so people might not be that harsh.
what is it with americans and the obsession to turn everything about black people and white people? you don't own slaves, you had a black president, what else do you need to stop seeing everything as racial portrayals?
Man you americans are fucking nuts
No it's men vs women
Society has to cater to herbs because carns will devour them
But the carns that don't devour shouldn't be prosecuted
>imitation 3dcg
user, now that I sort of understand your position, I want to tell you that I see a huge fucking gap in it. You call it a metaphor for racism, but it's actually not. It's just a model of a society with an additional set of features that decide a persons position in society. In this case carnivore/herbivore and the species. You can't call this a metaphor for racism if you deny any reasonable biological difference between races. And if you think that there are some meaningful ones, you can't call Beatars problematic, 'cause the social structure it portraits actually makes a ton of sense.
>She likens Carnis to black people and herbs to white people.
Oh, so you were just baiting. Here's your (you), you rascal.
>Yes, because it's trying to depict different races as fundamentally different in terms of behaviour
This is not a story about humans, the characters are fundamentally different from each others. Why are you trying to apply real life racism to a setting in which there are hundreds of races that are clearly very different?
holy shit what a fucking faggot
I am not american but if segregation between two races doesn't ring any bells for you then I worry for your history education.
>male deer seducing the male wolf
that sounds hot, picked the fuck up
That's another part that is problematic it feels like male apologia that will likely not be recieved that well either.
In the overall story carnis are the victims, strenghtened by the fact that they live in the ghettos and that the MC is one too.
Due to male supremacy it's not a good look to switch roles to make them the absolute victim.
maybe im not obsessed in finding everything problematic specially in a manga about a wolf with herbs fetishes
>Two races
Nigga what are you smoking? Are saying carnivore is a race? This is why I say that politics just make people dumber.
Of course it makes sense in-universe. But we are talking about the subtext and meaning behind the things the author includes into the story. And it very strongly wants to create this race conflict.
Yes, an analogy for race and gender.
I'm not really sure if Beastars and other comics of this allegorical type are supposed to be interpreted in the sense that whatever the comic is about is "really" about something in the real world and we're supposed to transpose all the stuff in the comic to its equivalents (ie carnivore->black/male, urge to eat->urge to rape, etc). I don't think this is at all what Beastars wants to come across as. One of the problems with it is that everything that seems to fit into one framework (carnivores/herbivores) but not into the "real life" counterpart has to get forced into the allegory because we assumed the allegory before actually interpreting the story.
Another way to look at it is that the story deals literally with the carnivore/herbivore distinction made within its setting, without necessarily making it an allegory nor necessarily trying to paint a picture completely based on real life biology; but that the dynamics that end up playing out, the feelings the characters have about trying to fit in and the way they deal with them, THOSE are all things that can be seen in light of real life struggles of people whose problems are different. So it's not about trying to see what "carnivore" is code for, but rather the logic/dynamics behind how the characters relate to the fictional world they're in.
It seems blatantly disingenuous to say that Beastars presents "segregation as rational", too. The whole carnivore urge to eat is constantly made the subject of a struggle and problematized in its personal, interpersonal and social implications. Just because we see tragic results or social imbalances that come out of it does not mean the manga is pushing for some sort of segregationist agenda or fueling into "a male panic" or whatever. That's the kind of forced reading that would come from forcing the allegory in the first place.
I mean I don't look into these things when the story doesn't make such a big effort to make me notice them. Paru already confirmed that it's about diversity and female/male relations. I just have issues with the way she tries to depict these things in her story.
At this point I an convinced that it's someone baiting let's not respond and talk about something else.
If Man with a Misson doesn't do the op it's going to be the biggest mistake of the year
>It's pretty clear what type of imagery the author wanted to invoke
Yeah, and that imagery is about animals and what kind of society they'd have if they were given human sensibilities, but still retained many of their animal characteristics.
It's an allegory for human nature and racism/tribalism in that context, but it's not explicitly
>Hurr durr Carnivores are blacks Herbivores are whites
That's a retarded and reductive way to view the story, marred by personal political beliefs.
Beast Stars may be inspired by real world racism and other issues, but it is not a 1:1 analog.
maybe don't think too much about it? she clearly pull it off her ass just to sound good with people or was suggested to say that. whichever the reason she said that is not something to take it to heart when reading beastars. come on, this isn't some intellectual story with very deep intellectual messages only high iq people can understand.
>Twitter screencap
Come on now lads.
It doesn't, user. It's just the closest analogy you can come up with, but it's not working when you actually think about it. There's no race conflict in Beastars, there's a completely different social segregation model. It's simmilar to racism only on a super general level where both discriminate because of some feauture a person in that society got. I can use the same logic to say it's a metaphor for a class struggle. It would be just as valid as your racism idea and equally wrong.
This came out today. Are you this person???
Wait, are we even going to get weekly subs?
>Man with a Misson
I vote for Cö Shu Nie, she has cute voice
no, i stumbled it because i follow him
It doesn't have to be an intellectual story for "intellectual" things to be said about it. More interesting sociology and analysis is written about low-tier culture than the particular creations of individual "high-brow artists". Unless you think art can exist completely divorced of the context of its creation (it can't) then this is basic stuff.
>Following a furfag
Jesus Christ, this is what Beastars threads will contain, normalfags and ironic furfags
no chance.
unless herkz wants to do it.
I don't think anyone in the current dead fansubbing scene is good enough to translate this.
and we'll never know the true romanized name of ăƒ¬ă‚´ă‚· and ăƒ«ă‚¤
I will enjoy it. Arguing with normalfags is way more interesting than dealing with people even more crazy and fucked up than you are.
>when I was younger
That's the thing user, when you were younger you didn't realize just how shit the world is.
None of us did.
But also note that the media basically only portrays New York, San Francisco, and LA.
Everywhere else in the U.S. is somewhat different, given the fact the country's almost as large as Europe, the U.S. has many different cultures in its borders, although it's not quite as diverse as Europe, given the lack of time historically speaking.
But it's definitely not a place to "wish to be good enough" for, not unless you live in a 3rd world shithole.
I bet you enjoy the various other Shonen threads here as well
What a retard. The one thing I agree with him though is that this manga needs more female pred on male herb
Same. I grew up idolizing Europe and Britain, but after I lived there for 4 years (University), I realized how shitty the western worlds are. The only thing they have is their strong currency power.
God I hope you're trolling. Art is art faggot, it doesn't have to conform to your ideals. In fact, that ideal I just expressed used to BE one of the ideals of people like you, until art stopped being what you liked.
I do, but I wouldn't call shounen-retards normalfags. More like a complete oposite. They are both retarded, angry and really weird. And I just want my comfy HeroAka discussion. You know, I'd be happy to listen to some normie telling me how horrible Endeavor is for abusing his wife instead of shitposting about everyone being a jobber.
i tend to follow furfags because of the idiocy they share, is hilarious to see them losing their shit over a manga im sure they recently caught on because they were sold on because of the furrybait
you probably reading beastars a little too much than what is about
i rather discuss with animeonly fags about the series than people who wants to claim beastars is a nazi propaganda
Stop screencapping twitter bullshit just to bait replies.
Instead, talk about how much of an autist Legosi is.
Of course people can create whatever art they want and I allowed to call them out for things I don't like about it.
Not sure if a troll or a liberal arts student somehow found this thread.
>there may be some parallels but in the end it's not something that really can be put in a human context
Pretty much. Just like how animals don't exist to have their behavior act as commentary on human experience, real life human politics don't seamlessly weave themselves into this society of fictional animal people. And that's one of the points that I really enjoy about Beastars; the problems of this world aren't just dressing up real world issues in animal costumes, but are actual problems that come about as a result of the characters being animal people that can't truly be experienced by us, even if there are points of intersection.
With Yea Forums's track record, those two groups will be one and the same
That's really dumb reasoning, but you do you
The issue is that people like you present their opinions as objective fact, then try to character assassinate people who disagree. The very notion that something *is* "problematic" implies factuality.
> Paru Itagaki : Il faut savoir que je ne dessine pas des animaux pour représenter notre société humaine. Je les dessine tels qu'ils sont justement parce que je suis humaine. C'est cette réaction chimique qui a donné un tel design dans mon histoire.
TL: You must know that I do not draw animals to represent our human society. I draw them as they are precisely because I am human. It is this chemical reaction that has given such a design in my story.
I dunno what the supposed interview where she says "carn:male herb:female" is but I'd bet it's a mistranslation or misinterpretation, if not straight up fake news.
i think pulling his fangs out was the most retared shit he ever done, i know he is autistic and wants to be appreciated by herbs but this is going way too far
I don't care what it's "about", I'm talking about its objective content. And even if we took the author's intention in mind, the long post I made still generally abides by what I think the story actually thinks itself to be doing. Maybe I'm wrong, but I haven't seen anything to indicate it.
It's very American regardless.
no defense here as well, what the fuck did he think pulling off shits like that? Now he will forever be in need of dentures and still can never shake off the fact that he's a carnivore species.
In some kind manga volume there was another interview.
i swear, if paru does this, everyone itt calling beastars as a political reflection about society deserves a giant slap on the face for how deeply invested they are with it.
>male panic
Sebun wanted to get eaten because in this universe, getting eaten is the easiest way to sudoku without having to take on the heavy emotional burden associated with having to tie the noose or swallow the pills yourself. It'd be like she got into solo bouldering ultra-dangerous routes. She's tempting fate.
As an herbivore, Sebun is frustrated by the patronizing, fake polite way her carnivore coworkers treat her, angry that the only way she can receive their respect is by them mistaking Legosi for her boyfriend. From what we've seen, Sebun is basically paid to look pretty and to pamper their carnivore clients like in the wool petting scene, not to provide a genuine input into the products they're designing, despite that being the reason she joined the company. She's a token minority that makes the company look better in the evolving social climate. A diversity hire, if you will. As sheep are herd animals, you could argue that she feels the isolation more acutely than other herbivores in her position might, leading to further stress and misery and intensifying the urge to take the easy way out.
>inb4 but why doesn't she just quit
A multi-layer bean dip of Japanese psychology. "The problem isn't with my environment, it's with me, I need to make myself fit my environment and not make a problem with others" and "Once you get into a company you work there forever and quitting will make potential future employers question if you're capable of doing the work". Plus if she quits then she'll have the social disgrace of being seen as not being able to cut it. Being weak, like a typical herbivore. If she gets eaten, then she's relieved of the burden of quitting and instead becomes a victim of unfortunate circumstances rather than a failure.
Quitting is losing. Dying is, in a certain way, winning. She held out as long as she could, and at that point, that's all she could ask for.
TL;DR Bad work environment = depressed sheep.
>I'm talking about its objective content
No you're not, you're talking about an interpretation of it to try to contextualize it as a message about our current society. What it's about is animal people living in a society.
It was very stupid but at least the manga acknowledged how dumb it was and had Gouhin scolding him.
>to try to contextualize it as a message about our current society
That was precisely what my first post was arguing against in the first place.
Yet you're still doing it. Interesting.
i want to hug sebun
>I'm not really sure if Beastars and other comics of this allegorical type are supposed to be interpreted in the sense that whatever the comic is about is "really" about something in the real world and we're supposed to transpose all the stuff in the comic to its equivalents (ie carnivore->black/male, urge to eat->urge to rape, etc). I don't think this is at all what Beastars wants to come across as
Look I know it's written pretty poorly but I think the point can be understood here
>Legosi is going to kill her with his autism alone
Ah, I see, I misread some broken English and flipped the intent of what whole post chain. Whoops.
I'm usually all up for deep readings on media but Beastars is obviously just a fun "what if animals lived in a human like society but still had their instincts".
Also, this is not a Burger media, so everything is not a metaphor for racism, or "queerness" whatever that means.
But Paru said it's about exploring human relationships. If it was the sort of irreverent shit you're presenting it as we wouldn't get the weird point about Carnivores in political positions taking their fangs out, or Juno talking about segregation, or the whole Sebun thing etc. it would just be about Legosi fighting mafia Lions.
So was Zootopia, doesn't mean people did not automatically make the racism connection.
Zootopia is burger mass-appeal media, so obviously it's about race or some other bullshit. Nip media rarely touches on race as much as it does on issues like social isolation, depression, and trying to fit in.
I don't know about the interview you are referencing but I disagree on the story content if it's not a mirror to human society.
If we as an audience agree to believe that this sentient animal only society exists and it is a story with a lot of world building I think it's natural it will explore more "what if"s regarding the relationship and politics between the animals. Just because it's an intricate story doesn't mean it's an allegory , and even if it started as an allegory the idea was pretty much thrown out chapters ago considering how much the manga relies on animal instinct in a way it's not possible to link to human behavior.
>Nip media rarely touches on race as much as it does on issues like social isolation, depression, and trying to fit in.
Beastars is way more about finding your iibasho than race relations.
Just because it's not about American social issues doesn't mean it's not about social issues at all. I agree that it's not about race but to say that there is nothing in the story that goes beyond being some fun what if is too much.
i feel bad that juno and legosi did not end up together, it sucks paru no longer is involving all the school friends except for haru. i was really hoping juno, luis and legosi were competing for becoming beastars, their ideals do clash with each other
>temporally blocked for creating a manga series discussion thread in the anime & manga board
i can't imagine netflix deliberately doing changes in subtitles to accommodate burger politics
is because they are animals, they want to live under a sociey but struggles with instincts, i still carries that "what if" argument, is an interesting topic to explore, something zootopia didn't explore further because they focus on pandering to furry fetishes
So then from what I understand Legosi is is a Nigger with a white fetish?
No! He's a man with a woman fetis- hmm
no wait, is a man with effeminate feti- no wait, there must be a good allegory there
Where did I say it didn't talk about social issues exactly?
>beyond being some fun
No one said that. It can look seriously in the relation between the species without really being about humans. Sure there will always be parallels but duh that's because it's being written by a human, and if the author is indeed referencing real life issues I'm pretty sure it's actual nips that had the same education and context than her that will be able to catch the themes better, not imageboard weebs like us.
don't worry once the beastar arc with legosi starts, they'll be competing and interacting once again
where do all these faggots came from? when did the muh political allegory meme became a thing in beastars thread?
Well, the original post of the chain is saying Beastars is just "a fun what if" and please stop trying to give "readings" of it. I don't know who is who here, just following the chain
It's literally all uni-educated burgers applying their political hammer to anything that looks like a nail.
t. Burger
It's an allegory for a trannie lesbian
>takes out fangs === cuts off dick
He's a self-loathing carnivore with an herbivore fetish, plain and simple.
It's a Netflix exclusive, the usual suspects won't start shitposting until it's officially released.
he put them back tho..,
in how many chapters can we expect legosi to kill himself now that he's trans lol
Legosi is a good boy with a 'protecting the meek and weak' fetish aka a hero complex
no, it's about politics and racism and transexuals and gays, iit's most definitely not just animals living with human sensibilities as a society kek
but hervibores have teeth also
Legosi himself debunked that notion when he talked with Louis last.
as females have clits
>repressing sexual urges and hormones lead to degeneracy
imagine my shock
Probably not, unless Netflix decides to simulcast it.
>Lumping Bill together with a yakuza boss and a murderer
Well fuck you too Legosi.
We just had an entire arc with Riz that dealt with this. That lion yakuza guy who died "for" Louis also applies. They're carnivores who want to be trusted by herbivores despite how dangerous they are.
He still can't fully come to terms with being a carnivore, so he keeps finding ways to deny those parts of himself, despite Gouhin repeatedly telling him he can't do that. He accepts his strength and stature, but those are the easiest parts of himself to deal with. There are plenty of strong herbivore species out there like gorillas or elephants alongside individual herbivores that have strong physical capabilities, like Yafya. Fangs are (in general) a uniquely carnivore trait. Rejecting his fangs is his way of proving he's dedicated to his ideology, idiotic as an act it may be. People do stupid things when trying to figure out how they should define themselves.
Legosi's name is based off Bela Lugosi, so even though the Japs romanize it as Legoshi, Legosi is closer to Paru's intent. ăƒ«ă‚¤ is translated as Louis 99% of the time, so there's no real controversy.
same principles, different ideas
>legosi was almost a /fa/g
What do you mean?
Stop posting about politics no one cares about, post about the gay (repressed) horse
>Legosi's face is inspired by pic related
Damn, he had it harder than I thought.
maybe i ordered it wrong but riz, the lion and legosi all have similar goals but they apply differently.
Riz appreciates that Tem liked him despite being a carnivore but his instincts lead him to kill him and he took this as a way to be thankful for that friendship.
the lion wanted everyone to see the mafia in a positive light by having a herbivore with them and even died to defend that ideal.
Legosi wants not to be feared, specially with his twisted genes so he wants tobe treated equally as someone regular by herbivores and carnivores.
all three want to belong in a neutral position for both sides but circumstances lead them to take their own choices on how to do it
Ah, I thought you were disagreeing with something I said.
sorry, my bad if you took it that way
Horse may be a faggot but lizard is a 100% pure wholesome grandpa, don't lewd him.
yafya is just mad because grandpa chose to be a normalfag and have a family instead of being an autistic beastar
I'd really like to see a gorilla fuck up a carnivore.
Hey Joe, who's next on the podcast?
>louis let legosi eat his foot
>louis now throws banter at legosi because legosi can't deny he is truly a carnivore for eating meat regardless the reasons he did so.
this is like when you know your friend's secret and mock him for it, is just friendly banter. don't tell me you never did that to your friends
ikr, i love that meme tho, don't tell anyone or niggers might try to get into the country kek
But for realt his is some great information, i had no idea, thank you user!
kek mods deleted the carnigger pic damn, i knew i should've saved it when i had the chance
(spoilered image actually used for spoiler)
I was reading through the first 56 chapters within a couple of days. But then the shishigumi-arc happened and >pic related.
It kinda killed my motivation to keep reading.
Will this be a permanent part of the story? Will this drag on for much longer?
They make it pretty clear that they're just using him at first, and for Louis it's basically attempted suicide. It's handled pretty well IMO.
Spoiler for actual spoiler
Thank you.
This, Japan is spreading an agenda to the US
I don't think Legosi likes bill all that much
nah, only for a little bit, i didn't like that either
>All these people projecting their political bullshit and faggotry on Beastars meanwhile I'm just enjoying a love story.
Okay, that's good. I'll go on then.
Beastars when its about gay shit > Beastars when its about literally anything else
>Legosi is Mathieu Amalric
i can't unsee or unhear now
>All these people projecting their political bullshit and faggotry on
Welcome to Yea Forums...
I miss him.
Sheep girl >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> rabbit slut
Yes and no, it goes interesting places then ends abruptly because the editor of the thing reminded the mangaka that they introduced this whole "beastar" concept and what the fuck was happening with that?
Then Legosi eats Louisto gain his power
Water is wet
Has translator-san forsaken us?
No threads about Ch.121 , i miss him, you guys
You missed him last thread, he said 121 was coming Sunday more or less.
thank you user~
Raws are out lhscan.net
It boggles my mind that someone could force this metaphor that clearly doesn't work and isn't there, and then have the gall, the fucking HUBRIS, to go "man this metaphor is a troubling mess"
Live action when.
I see the resemblance...
There's gonna ba a delay probably because he's working on WnS. There'll be a new chapter sunday.
>Haru will actually win the Legosibowl
It's okay, first kiss wasn't Haru's and cherry popping won't be either.
>i live in Argentina, but i've seen a black person like twice in my whole life, there's literally no blacks here
Sure user and pigs fly
Is this Planet of the apes?
No, it's not.
If you're going for a love story, Beastars is one of the worst I've read in my life. The main couple has 0 chemistry.
Sebun > Haru
Sebun is the best. Sad that she comes in that late. But isn't she kinda old? I don't think the author intends to create such a relationship.
Yeah she's like 30, way too old for wolfboi.
That’s so creepy
Like most couples.
Paru drew Louis mostly naked, he is a twink
She also drew Gouhin as a housewife.
I would post it but 4channel just won't let me.
I've never seen a love story where people didn't complain that the couple had 0 chemistry.
I can never see furries as twinks, because they're covered in fur.
So what was the point of introducing Luna the other wolf besides her and Louis fucking in the future also Fuck Haru shes a slut, Sheep should win
Haru is a
She might have had casual sex with dudes she didn't really give a shit about before she met Legosi but since they've gotten serious she became loyal. I'm not sure I'd call that a thot
does haru not breathe or something?
Man I thought Haru wasn't really a slut and it was just gossip, pretty surprised she was actually a turboslut
based author saying men and women are genetically different